SWPPP NotesPROJECT INFORMATION Proiect Descnntion This project vsll consist of the construction of a new dental clinic facility, vsth an approximate footprint of 5,700 square feet Bituminous -paved parking lot and driveways, and concrete sidewalk are also included. Storm water management for the project will consist of a filtration basin. Impervious Surface Tabulation (within proposed construction area) Anticipated Disturbed Area 1.27 acres Existing Impervious Area 0.09 acres Proposed Impervious Area 0.54 acres Net Impervious Area Increase 0.46 acres Permanent Site Drainage Site drainage will be routed to a filtration basin via sheeting and storm sewer to be constructed on site. The filtration basin has been designed to filter drainage from 1 .1"of runoff off new and redeveloped impervious surfaces as per Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District requirements. For larger events, the basin has been provided vslh a storm sewer outlet, which will route heated storm water off site. Some storage has been included in the basin for rate control. The basin has been designed not to q q discharge at total rates in excess of the pre -developed rates of the 2, 10, and 100 -year storm events. FILTRATION BASIN CALCULATIONS Draw Down Time (within proposed construction area) USEPA Approved TMDL Comments for Impaired Water? Adjacent Wetland Wetland Assumed underlying soils: Poorly graded sands (SP) Total proposed impervious surfacing = 23,700 SF (Filter soil media) Required wafer qualify volume=23,700 sfx 1.1 -in =2,173 cf Assumed groundwater elevation: N/A -groundwater was not May 7, 2014 encountered in any of the soil borings completed in the proposed Filtration Basin construction area Area of 966.50 contour (basin bottom) = 2,264 sf Assumed infiltration rate: 0.80 in/hr Area of 967.50 contour (basin outlet) = 3,062 sf (based on MN storm water manual) Provided filtration volume (average end area method) Maximum time of infiltration = 48 hrs, 0 min ((2,264-sf + 3,062-st) / 2) x 1 -ft = 2,663 cf Design time of infiltration = 12 in (1 -ft) / 0.80 in/hr = 15 hrs, 00 min (assuming full system to basin outlet) Receiving Surface Waters The following surface waters could receive storm water runoff from this project, and are within 1 mile of the project site: Surface Water Type of Surface Water Impaired Water? Special Water? USEPA Approved TMDL Comments for Impaired Water? Adjacent Wetland Wetland No No John Chapman Dates of Training Course May 7, 2014 Total Training Hours 5.5 SEDIMENT AND OTHER POLLUTANTS This SWPPP has been designed mainly to provide erosion and sediment control of naturally occurring soils at this site (ie: sands, foams, and clays). Although this SWPPP does address pollution prevention of other man-made materials, it is assumed that these materials will consist of debris from existing structures and pavements to be demolished, or debris and chemicals (ie: fuels, new paints, etc.) resulting from new construction. There are no known solid wastes or hazardous materials buried below grade at this site. If such wastes or hazard materials are discovered during construction, the SWPPP Coordinator (described below) vsll be responsible for notifying the Engineer. This SWPPP vsll then be revised to address he presence and disposal of these additional pollutants Iq:A31101219:4�T/gzll[e]zI1zlbm;lblIr•I;Izlwe]zII:Le]m:4mai7f 1.91:711111 SWPPP Design Engineerand Qualifications Design Engineer Brian J. Schultz, PE Training Course Design of SWPPP Recert. Training Entity University of Minnesota Instructor John Chapman Dates of Training Course May 7, 2014 Total Training Hours 5.5 SWPPP Coordinator and Qualifications ...Design of SWPPP" is a recertification course offered by the University of Minnesota. The Engineers certification for "Design of SWPPP" is current, and will expire May 31, 2017. Certification documentation is on file at the Engineers office and a copy can be provided upon request. The Contractor shall provide an individual who shall serve as the SWPPP Coordinator for this project. The SWPPP coordinator shall oversee the implementation of this SWPPP, as well as the necessary inspections (described below) of erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs. The SWPPP Coordinator shall also oversee the installation, maintenance, and repair of the BMP'sto be completed in accordance vslh this SWPPP. The SWPPP Coordinator shall be responsible for the items listed above during the period from the start ofthe project to the establishment of final stabilization. During this period, the SWPPP Coordinator, or their assigned, qualified (see below) representative shall be available for an on-site inspection within 72 hours upon request by the MPCA. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to complete the table below, which will identify the SWPPP Coordinator and that person's qualifications. This person shall acknowledge that he/she has been assigned to serve as SWPPP Coordinator and will be overseeing the items listed in this section, by providing their signature in the space below. Please note that this SWPPP will not be considered complete if the table below is not filled in. * Typically, the identify of the SWPPP Coordinator is unknown until the project is awarded. The SWPPP Coordinator may be identified at the project's Preconstruction Conference. SWPPP Coordinator Company Name Office Phone # Cell Phone # Training Course Training Entity Instructor Dates of Training Course Total Training Hours I, , hereby (Printed Name) acknowledge that I vsll be serving as SWPPP Coordinator for this project and will be responsible for overseeing the items identified in this section. (Signature) (Date) The SWPPP Coordinator may assign other personnel to supervise or perform the duties listed above. However, in completing the duties listed above at least one person shall be trained in erosion prevention and sediment control as related to that articular p p p part of the SWPPP. It the SWPPP Coordinator chooses to delegate some of the duties and responsibilities listed above to other personnel, a list of the personnel, as well as their qualifications, shall be keptvslh and shall become part of this SWPPP. The qualifications shall be documented in a manner similar to the table shown above. A copy of this list shall be provided to the Engineer. Once the project has been completed and accepted by the Owner, and Final Stabilization has been established and "Notice of Termination" submittedto the MPCA, the Owner assumes responsibility for the long term maintenance of the storm water management system. The SWPPP Coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that the Contractor properly disposes of the temporary erosion and sediments control measures within 30 days after site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed. Record Retention The SWPPP and associated records shall be stored and maintained by an employee or representative of the Owner for3 years after the submission of the Notice of Termination (NOT) Responsibility for overseeing the records will be transferred to another employee or representative should the current personnel become uninvolved with the project or Owner. These records shall include the following: 1). The final SWPPP 2). Any other stormwater related permits required for the project 3). Records of all inspection and maintenance conducted during construction 4). All permanent operation and maintenance agreements that have been implemented, including all right-of-way, contracts, covenants and other binding requirements regarding perpetual maintenance 5). All required calculations for design of the temporary and permanent Stormwater Management Systems. BMP INSPECTIONS Inspection Frequency The SWPPP Coordinator shall inspect, or designate someone else who is qualified to inspect (see above), the construction site erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs per the following time frames: 1). Once every 7 days 2). Within 24 hours of a rain event (1 /2" or greater over 24 hours) Inspections shall be conducted per the time frames listed above with the following exceptions: 1). Where parts of the construction site have permanent cover, but work remains on other parts of the site, inspections of areas vsih permanent cover may be reduced to once per month 2). Where construction sites have permanent cover on all exposed soil areas and no construction activity is occurring anywhere on the site, the site must be inspected for a period of 12 months (inspections may be suspended during frozen ground conditions). Following the 12th month of permanent covervslh no construction activity, inspections may be terminated until construction activity is once again initiated or sooner if notified in writing by the MPCA. 3). Where work has been suspended due to frozen ground conditions, the required inspections and maintenance schedule must begin within 24 hours after runoff occurs at the site or prior to resuming construction, whichever occurs first. Inspection Records The SWPPP Coordinator shall maintain inspection records during construction. These must be recorded in writing within 24 hours of the inspection and/or maintenance activity. The inspection records shall include the following: 1). Date and time of inspections 2). Name of persons) conducting inspection 3). Findings of inspections, including recommendations for corrective actions 4). Corrective actions taken (including dates, times, and party completing maintenance activities) 5). Date and amount of any rainfall events greater than 1/2" in 24 hours a). The Contractor shall install and maintain a rain gauge at the construction site in order to verify rainfall amounts. 6). If any discharge is observed to be occurring during the inspection, a record of all points of the property from which there is a discharge must be made, and the discharge shall be described (i.e., color, odor, floating, settled, or suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of pollutants) and photographed. 7). Documentation of any changes to the SWPPP made during construction a). If the SWPPP coordinator observes that a BMP fails on a regular basis and believes that it is ineffective, it shall be his/her responsibility to notify the Engineer of such deficiencies. The Engineer may then amend the SWPPP (see "Amending the SWPPP") Note: Copies of all inspection records shall be submitted to the Engineer. AMENDING THE SWPPP During the construction of this project it may become necessary to amend this SWPPP. Should the responsibility of installing, inspecting and maintaining the erosion and sediment control devices and techniques described in this SWPPP be transferred from the current Contractor to another Contractor, or from the current Contractor to the Owner, this SWPPP shall be updated accordingly. The Owner will also be required to complete an "Permit Modification Form". Should it be determined, during construction, by the SWPPP Coordinator, Engineer, or Regulatory Officials that deficiencies in this SWPPP exist, or it significant changes are made to the design/scope of this project that impact erosion prevention and sediment control, the Engineer shall be notified immediately. The Engineerwill then review potential deficiencies and/or significant changes to project design/scope, and make necessary changes to the SWPPP. After changes are made to the SWPPP, the Engineerwill issue the necessary documentation, reflecting the changes, to the owner and to the SWPPP Coordinator. The SWPPP Coordinator shall be responsible to make sure that this documentation is added to the on-site SWPPP copy and that the changes described in the documentation is implemented on-site. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS Standards and References Materials and construction methods of all BMPs included in this SWPPP shall be as per the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MND OT) Standard Specifications for Construction, latest edition. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordinator shall obtain a current copy of MNDOTs Standard Specifications for Construction and familiarize themselves with the specification sections applicable to this SWPPP, as there are several BMPs that specifically reference these sections. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordinator shall be expected to be familiar vslh the applicable MNDOT specification sections during construction. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for additionalwork due to unfamiliarity vslh these specification sections. Undisturbed Areas If shown on the plan, the Contractor shall delineate areas that are not to be disturbed on the site. This may be done with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, etc., and shall be completed prior to the start of any grading operations. Regardless of the delineation method the Contractor chooses to use, the Contractor must communicate to his/her personnel and subcontractors that these areas are not to be disturbed and construction equipment (including trucks and personal vehicles) shall not be allowed in these areas. The Contractor shall minimize compaction and reserve topsoil as much as possible at the site. In ervious ("green") areas that p p p p p Iq 1 are not essential to the construction of the project, the Contractor shall avoid construction traffic and maintain the existing condition of these areas. TemDorary and Permanent Stabilization All exposed soil areas (including stockpiles) shall be provided with temporary or permanent cover within 14 days of construction activity temporarily or permanently ceasing in that portion of the site. Temporary or permanent drainage ditches or swales, which drain off-site or to a surface water, and are within 200 lineal feet of the property line or surface water shall be provided vslh temporary or permanent cover within 24 hours of construction. Placement of temporary or permanent cover shall be initiated immediately upon suspension or completion of excavation operations. Temporary Cover If the Contractor chooses to halt grading operations in a portion of the site (or the whole site) for a period exceeding 14 days, and grading operations (rough or finish grading) in the affected areas has not yet been completed, temporary cover shall be placed. Affected areas consisting of drainage ditches or swales connected to, and vslhin, 200 lineal feet of a property line or surface watershall be provided with temporary covervslhin 24 hours of connection. Depending on the Contractors schedule, the temporary cover shall consist of one of the following BMPs: 1). Discanchored Mulch a). Discanchored mulch may be used in an area of the site (or the whole site) if the Contractor is halting grading operations for a period that is relatively short, but exceeds 14 days. b). The mulch shall be Type 3 per MNDOT Spec. 3882 c). An adequate quantity of mulch shall be evenly distributed to achieve 909 coverage of the exposed soils. d). Mulch shall be placed as per MNDOT2575.3C. e). All mulch shall be disc anchored as per MNDOT 2575.3D. Prior to the placement and discanchoring of the mulch, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2574. B. Any areas that are exposed as a result of vsnd action after the initial mulch placement shall be covered vslh additional mulch to maintain 909 coverage. 2). Temporary Seeding vsth Mulch a). Temporary seeding with mulch may be used in areas of the site (or the whole site) if the Contractor is halting grading operations fora period that is relatively long. Although mulch still needs to be applied as described above, once the temporary seeding/turf is established, the mulch will no longer need to be maintained. The temporary seeding/turf vsll require very little maintenance. b). Prior to the sowing of temporary seed, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2574. c). Contractor shall utilize Seed Mixes 21-111,21-112,or21-113 per MNDOTSpec. 3876 for temporary seeding. d). Temporary seeding shall be sown per MNDOTSpec. 2575.36. e). Once temporary seeding has been sown, mulch shall be placed over the area as described above. Permanent Cover: Upon completion of finish grading and/or placement of topsoil, initiation of the placement of permanent cover shall begin immediately overall exposed areas. This includes areas designated for impervious surfacing (ie: buildings, pavements/gravel bases, sidewalks, etc.). Where the construction schedule vsll not allow for the placement of the permanent impervious surfacing within 14 days ofthe completion of finish grading, temporary cover shall be provided in these areas, as described above, until the permanent impervious surfacing can be constructed. Affected areas consisting of drainage ditches or swales connected to, and vsihin, 200 lineal feet of a property line or surface water, shall be provided with permanent cover within 24 hours of connection. Areas designated for permanent turf establishment shall be provided vsih one or more of the following BMPs (see plan): 1). Permanent Seeding vsth Mulch a). Unless othervsse noted on the plans, all areas designated for turf establishment shall be provided with permanent seeding. b). In addition to the plan included as part of this SWPPP, the Contractor shall verify if a Landscaping Plan has been included in the plans by the Architect. If a Landscape Architect has specified higher qualify permanent cover (ie: sod, hydroseeding, etc.), the Contractor shall provide this permanent cover in lieu of the permanent seeding specified in this SWPPP. c). Prior to the sovsng of permanent seed, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2574. d). Contractor shall utilize Seed Mix25-131 per MN DOT Spec. 3876 for permanent seeding. e). Permanent seeding shall be sown per MN DOT Spec.2575.3B. B. Once permanent seeding has been sown, mulch shall be placed over the area as described above (under Temporary Cover), unless noted othervsse. 2). Erosion Control Blanket a). Erosion control blanket shall be placed in areas as shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. These areas shall still be provided vsth permanent seeding, as described above, beneath the erosion control blanket. b). Erosion control blanket shall meet the requirements indicated in MNDOT Spec. 3885. See plan for category(s) of erosion control blanket. c). Erosion control blanket shall be installed as per MN DOT Spec. 2575.3G2. d). Erosion control blanket specified in drainage ditches and swales connected to, and within 200 lineal feet, of a property line or surface water shall be installed within 24 hours of the completion of finish grading (including permanent seeding). 3). Riprap a). Riprap shall be placed in areas as shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). All riprap shall be underlain with Type 4 geotextile fabric. The fabric shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3733 and shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2511.3B2. c). Riprap materials shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3601, and shall be Class 3, unless noted othervsse on the plans. d). Riprap shall be considered "Random Riprap" and shall be placed as per MNDOT Spec. 2511. e). Although it is permitted for the riprap to be placed vsth machinery, it will be necessary for the Contractor to hand place some of the riprap in order to provide a dense, well -keyed layer of stones with the least practical quantify of void space. B. The minimum thickness of the riprap shall be 18 inches, unless othervvise noted on the plans. g). Riprap designated at the end of pipe outlets shall be placed within 24 hours of installation of the pipe outlet end section. P). Riprap specified in drainage ditches and swales connected to, and within 200 lineal feet, of a property line or surface water shall be installed within 24 hours of the completion of finish grading. Sediment Control The following sediment control BMPs shall be implemented as part of this project: 1). Silt Fence a). Silt fence shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). Silt fence shall be machine sliced and materials shall meet the requirements of MNDOTSpec. 3886. c). Silt fence shall be installed as per MNDOTSpec. 2573.3B2. d). Silt fence shall be installed prior to any upgradient grading operations, and shall remain in place and maintained adequately until upgradient areas achieve Final Stabilization (see below) e). Silt fence shall be repaired or replaced if damaged during, or after, rain events, or it accumulated sediment on the upstream side of the fence reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. Repair or replacement of silt fence shall be completed within 24 hours of discovery. B. Portions of silt fence may be removed to accommodate short-term activities, such as vehicle passage. Short-term activities shall be completed as quickly as possible, and new silt fence installed immediately after completion of the short-term activity. If rainfall is imminent or forecasted in the near future, new silt shall be installed regardless of if the short term activity b has been completed or not. The Contractor is advised to schedule short term activities during dry weather as much as practicable. No additional compensation will be paid due to additional silt fence associated with short-term activities. g). Temporary soil stockpiles shall be placed on the site in areas upgradient from silt fence. Where the Contractor chooses to place temporary soil stockpiles outside designated silt fenced areas, the stockpiles shall be surrounded by additional silt fence. Under no circumstances shall temporary soil stockpiles be placed over surface waters, curb and gutter, catch basins, culvert inlets or outlets, or ditches. 2). Catch Basin Protection a). WIMCO Road Drain protection devices, as manufactured by WIMCO, shall be used for catch basin protection on this project. WIMCO can be contacted at (952)-233-3055, and their web page is www.roaddrain.com. b). "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall be installed at all catch basin locations immediately after placement of the catch basin structures. "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall remain in place and be adequately maintained until permanent surfacing is constructed (ie: curb and gutter, pavements, and/or gravel surfacing). In areas designated for turf establishment, "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall remain in place until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas is established. c). Upon construction of the permanent surfacing, the "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall be replaced with the WIMCO product specified on the plans. The WIMCO devices shall remain in place until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas has been established. d). The contractor shall install and maintain the catch basin protection devices as per the manufacturers instructions and specifications. 3). Culvert Inlet Protection a). Culvert inlet protection shall be provided at all culvert inlet locations immediately after construction of the culvert. Seeplan included in this SWPPP for culvert inlet locations. b). Culvert inlet protection shall consist of geotextile fabric wrapped around, and completely covering the inlet end section. The geotextile fabric shall be the same fabric used in silt fence applications and meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3886. c). The culvert inlet protection shall remain in place and adequately maintained until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas has been established. d). Culvert inlet protection shall be repaired or replaced if damaged during, oraffer, rain events, or it accumulated sediment reached/2 of the diameter of the culvert pipe. Repair or replacement of culvert inlet protection shall be completed within 24 hours of discovery. C Co ydght 2015 O 4). Temporary Rock Construction Entrance IN a). Temporary rock construction entrances shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in thisSWPPP. See � detail for temporary rock entrance design. N r b). If the Contractor chooses to access the site from locations other than where temporary rock enhances are specified on the plans, additional temporary rock enhances shall be placed at these locations, as well. [-- LU c). Temporary rock enhance shall be constructed prior to the start of grading operations, and shall remain in place and be in adequately maintained until Final Stabilization has been established. Y U d). Temporary rock entrances shall be maintained in such a manner that the entrances prevent sediment tracking onto LU adjacent sheets. If a temporary rock enhance is found to be ineffective, it shall be replaced or improved vvithin 24 hours of I discovery. 0 _J e). The Contractor has the option to place Type 4 geotextile fabric beneath the temporary rock enhance. The fabric may "sinking" i extend the life of the enhance as it will reduce rock into the underlying soils. If the Contractor chooses to use fabric, it should meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3733 and shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2611.3B2. 0 B. If sediment tracking from the site is discovered on adjacent streets, the sediment shall be removed with a street sweeper or other approved method within 24 hours of discovery. This shall be done throughout construction of the project. This sediment may be returned and graded over exposed areas of the site, or disposed of off site per MPCA requirements. The City may order street sweeping to be performed at the Contractors or Owners expense if City staff find that construction activities are resulting in sediment or debris being tracked onto City streets. 5). Filter Logs a). Filter logs shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). Filter logs shall consist of Type Wood Fiber biorolls and meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3897. c). Filter logs shall be installed as per MN DOT Spec. 2673.3F. d). Filter logs shall be installed immediately after placement of erosion control blanket. e). Filter logs shall remain in place for the life of the project, and shall be allowed to degrade naturally. Dewatering If dewatering of sandy subsoils is required for this project, the pump discharge shall be heated prior to discharge off-site or into a surface water. Treatment of discharge shall be achieved with the use of a "Dandy Dewatering Bag" (or approved equivalent), as manufactured by Dandy Products,lnc. Dandy Products, Inc. can be contacted at (877) 307-0141, and theirweb page is www.dandyproducts.com. The "Dandy Dewatering Bag" shall be installed, utilized, and maintained per the manufacturers instructions and specifications. Once dewatering water has been treated, it may be discharged off-site or to a surface water. The discharge shall be visually checked to ensure that it is relatively clean and not visibly different from any receiving waters. If discharge is noticeably "dirty', the Engineer shall be contacted as additional treatment methods may be necessary. Adequate erosion control shall be provided at the point of discharge if it is located in an area with exposed soils or established turf. This erosion control may consist of temporarily placed rip rap, or other approved energy dissipation measures. The type of erosion control measure shall be at the Contractors discretion, depending on the location of the dewatering discharge and the unique site characteristics. The erosion control measures shall be effective and shall be maintained adequately such that no erosion occurs at the point of discharge. Pollution Prevention Management Solid waste accumulated during construction, including collected sediment, construction materials, floating debris, construction debris, paper, plastics, and other solid wastes shall be disposed of in accordance vslh MPCA disposal requirements: 1). Building products that have the potential to leach pollutants shall be maintained undercover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by a similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with storm water. 2). Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, treatment chemicals, and landscape materials shall be maintained undercover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by similarly effective means designed to minimize contact vslh stormwater. 3). Hazardous materials, toxic waste, (including oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, hydraulic fluids, paint solvents, petroleum-based products, wood preservatives, additives, curing compounds, and acids) shall be properly stored in sealed containers to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access storage areas shall be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste or hazardous materials shall be in compliance with Minn. R. ch. 7045 including secondary containment as applicable. 4). Solid waste shall be stored, collected and disposed of properly in compliance vslh Minn. R. ch. 7035. 5). Portable toilets shall be positioned so that they are secure and vsll not be tipped or knocked over. Sanitary waste must be disposed of properly in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7041. The Contractor shall take steps to prevent the discharge of spilled or leaked chemicals, including fuel, from any area where chemicals or fuel will be loaded or unloaded including the use of drip pans or absorbents unless infeasible. The Contractor shall conduct fueling in a contained area unless infeasible. The Contractor shall ensure adequate supplies are available at all times to clean up discharged materials and that an appropriate disposal method is available for recovered spilled materials. The Contractor shall report and clean up spills immediately as required by Minn. Star. § 115.061, using dry clean up measures where possible. If the Contractor washes the exterior of vehicles or equipment on the project site, washing shall be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff from the washing area shall be contained in a sediment basin or other similarly effective controls and waste from the washing activityshall be properly disposed of. The Contractor shall properly use and store soaps, detergents, or solvents. No engine degreasing shall be allowed on site. The Contractor shall provide effective containment for all liquid and solid wastes generated by washout operations concrete stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials) related to the construction activity. The liquid and solid washout wastes shall not contact the ground, and the containment shall be designed so that it does not result in runoff from the washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes shall be disposed of properly and in compliance vslh MPCA rules. A p q p p p It' p sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility that requires site personnel to utilize the proper facilities for disposal of concrete and other washout wastes. FINAL STABILIZATION Final Stabilization shall be considered established once the following requirements have been achieved: 1). All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils are stabilized by a uniform perennial vegetative covervslh a density of 70 percent of its expected final growth density overthe entire pervious surface area, or other equivalent means necessary to prevent soil failure under erosive conditions. 2). The permanent storm water management system is constructed, and is operating as designed. Temporary or permanent sedimentation basins that are to be used as permanent water qualify management basins have been cleaned of any accumulated sediment. All sediment has been removed from conveyance systems and ditches are stabilized with permanent cover. 3). All temporary synthetic and structural erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs have been removed from the project site. BMPs designed to decompose on site may be left in place. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The Contractor is solely responsible for the cleanup of any wetlands, rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, other waters of the State (as defined by the MPCA's General Storm Water Permit), ground or roadway surfaces or other property damaged by construction activity related to this project. Besides the NPDES permit (MPCA General Storm Water Permit), the Contractor shall also obtain all other necessary local government permits related to erosion and sediment control, if applicable lie: Watershed District, County Soil and Water Conservation District, MNDOT, etc.). This SWPPP is intended to provide a plan for addressing the erosion prevention and storm water management issues associated with this project. It is to be used in conjunction with the project plans, specifications, and the MPCA General Storm Water Permit. In addition to the SWPPP, the Owner, Contractor, and SWPPP Coordinator shall familiarize themselves with the actual requirements indicated in the MPCA General Storm Water Permit itself and are responsible for compliance vslh the permit's terms, requirements, and conditions. The Engineer can provide a copy of the permit upon request. Sjoquist Architects, Inc 2800 University Avenue SE, Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 612.379.9233 Fax 612.379.9263 http.//www.4oguist com SCHULTZ ENGINEERING _ & SITE DESIGN 18 South Riverside Avenue Suite 230 Sartell, MN 56377 Ph: (320) 339-0669 Fx. (866) 633-1830 schuitLeng@iive.com www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly licensed Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota BRIAN J. SCHULTZ, PE XX/XX/2016 43129 DATE LICENSE NO. Revisions 1621 Sjoquist Project Number 16058 Schultz Eng. Project Number TWEET PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1 ORTHODONTICS 7845 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA SWPPP - NOTES