Signed FOFCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISON 11 "Ni'.i�l Application of Mathew Duffy on behalf of Steve Youngstedt for a sign variance to allow a 12 -foot high ground low profile sign with 80 square feet of display area serving the businesses located at 30, 40, and 50 Lake Drive E. On January 3, 2017 the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Mathew Duffy on behalf of Steve Youngstedt for a sign variance for the property located at 50 Lake Drive E and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 1, Chan Haven Plaza 4a' Addition Lot 2, Block 1, Chan Haven Plaza 4th Addition Lot 3, Block 1, Chan Haven Plaza 4s Addition 4. Sign Variance Findings: a. The City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may grant a variance from the requirement of this ordinance where it is shown that by reason of topography or other conditions, strict compliance with the requirements of this ordinance would cause a hardship; provided that a variance may be granted only if the variance does not adversely affect the spirit or intent of this ordinance. Finding: The existing ground low profile sign's size and distance from Highway 5 renders it difficult for passing motorists to easily see and read the sign's display. The relatively narrow profiles of the buildings located on 40 and 50 Lake Drive E and their substantial setback from Highway 5, combined 30 Lake Drive E's lack of Highway 5 frontage makes these businesses highly reliant on their shared monument sign to inform and attract customers. By combining their signage, the business located on 30, 40, and 50 Lake Drive E reduce the number of detached signs and amount of display area along the Highway 5 corridor and Lake Drive E. It is in line with the spirit and intent of the City's Sign Ordinance to permit business to consolidate signage in order to avoid a cluttered appearance along commercial corridors. Furthermore, the requested height and display area do not exceed the maximum amount allowed within the Highway and Business Services District. 5. The planning report, Planning Case #17-02 dated January 3, 2017, prepared by MacKenzie Walters, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance request for a 12 -foot - high monument sign with 80 square feet of sign display area. The approved sign variance is subject to the following conditions:" 2017. 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a sign permit from the City. 2. The existing landscaping around the sign must be either maintained or replaced in kind. 3. The Electronic Message Center must comply with the City's Electronic Message Center Standards. 4. The ground low profile sign must meet the City's design standards. 5. The ground low profile sign shall be located in the same position as the existing monument sign or at least 10 feet south of lots 1 and 2's common north property line. 6. The materials and color of the brick used in the supports shall be consistent with the brick and colors used on the buildings on lots 1 and 2. 7. All businesses built on lots 1, 2, and 3 shall share the monument sign facing Highway 5 and may not construct separate detached business signage. 8. Directional signage must comply with Sec. 20 -1265. -General location restrictions, and Sec. 20 -1255(2). -Directional signs. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 3itl day of January, CITY OF CHANHASSEN B - hairman 2