PC Minutes CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2017 Acting Chair Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Undestad, Maryam Yusuf, Nancy Madsen, Steve Weick, and Mark Randall MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Aller, and John Tietz STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; MacKenzie Walters, Planner; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC PRESENT: Lisa Mekkelsen 9640 Independence Circle rd Ann Nye 1641 West 63 Street Matt Christensen 10 Pioneer Trail Bill Schubert 9610 Meadowlark Lane Tori & Robert Conrad 1680 West Farm Road, Chaska Scott Anderson 5637 Scenic Drive Richard Etshokin Elk River Elizabeth Vogel 105 Pioneer Trail th Wes Dunsmore 735 West 96 Street th John Saunders 2708 East 49 Street, Minneapolis th Teri Byrne 700 West 96 Street th Joy Gorra 1680 West 78 Street nd Gary Carlson 3891 West 62 Street Miron/Anne Marcotte 7240 Galpin Boulevard, Excelsior Judy Walstad 10071 Great Plains Boulevard PUBLIC HEARING: TWEET DENTAL – SITE PLAN REVIEW TO BUILD A 5,352 SQUARE FOOT DENTAL CLINIC (TWEET DENTAL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7845 CENTURY BOULEVARD. Generous: Thank you chairman, commissioners. Planning Case 2017-01 is Tweet Pediatric Dental. It’s a site plan review. Today’s the public hearing. This goes to City Council on th February 27. This property is located at 7845 Century Boulevard. This is at Century and Highway 5. It’s on the southwest corner. The site is zoned planned unit development. This is a business industrial park. There are some commercial type uses in there as well as office th industrial sites. The property is Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 6 Addition. This development actually began in the mid 1990’s and this site has been vacant for, since 2003. The Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 7, 2017 th site is approximately 2 acres in size. In 2003 the final plat for Arboretum Business Park 6 Addition was approved. At that time the Holiday Inn Express which is located immediately to the east of this was also approved. The two sites share one access point onto Century Boulevard. This is in an easement document that is in place for the development and that site has to, there’s an easement that lays across the property. With the Holiday Inn Express the southern parking area was installed. However no other improvements were made for that. There is a trail system that connects Century Boulevard to the Holiday Inn site and this, that will continue with this development. In 2006 a restaurant was actually approved for construction on this property but it was never developed and that site plan has since gone away. The building, the proposed building is approximately 5,700 square feet. It’s a one story. We believe it’s attractive. It sort of fits in with the building that’s south about a quarter mile away up on the hill which has a gray tone to it. Gray and black. This building is multiple shades of gray. There is some sand colored EIFS on it. The primary building material will be that gray block. Entrance again is to the building will be on the east side which is this location. It has a high roof overhang covering this. It’s a type of a canopy entrance if you will. Parking is located to the south and east of the building. There is a small play area proposed in the northeast corner of the site. The proposed layout complies with all the zoning requirements on this so it meets setback requirements. In the future they anticipate extending the building to the south from it’s current location. However at this time they’re not ready to show that so if they, when they do do that they’ll come in for a separate site plan review because it will be greater than a 10 percent expansion on the building. I should say the upper levels, these lighter colors are made of EIFS material which is an exterior insulating finishing system. It’s, you can do some good architectural things with it. It’s a little softer and so we require that that be higher on the building so people don’t poke into it as much. Again it has corner elements of stone which is, will provide additional architectural balance to the building and it also has multiple windows on all sides. As part of the grading plan they will be incorporating an infiltration basin on the west side of the building. This is based on the new watershed standards. They have to hold the first 1.1 inch of storm water on the property. Again the parking will be installed. The site was preliminary graded as part of the Holiday Inn Express so there is not a lot of new grading going on for this site except for the building location and to create the final layout for the parking lot and the storm water improvements. The landscaping plan complies with ordinance. The only thing we came up with is we want them to provide a little bit more diversity in the tree materials that they have and also to add 3 trees along the south property line. Otherwise the proposed development complies with both the zoning and Comprehensive Plan and staff is recommending approval of this subject to the conditions in our staff report. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Weick: Anyone? With no questions if the applicant would like to either make a presentation or clarify anything if they’re present. Tori Conrad: Sure. So my name is Tori Conrad. I’m a pediatric dentist. Owner of Tweet Pediatric Dentistry. I’ve been at the current location now at Century Boulevard and Highway 5 for the last 5 years. We are kind of outgrown our current space of 1,900 square feet so we want to accommodate our patients from you know the Eden Prairie area all the way out to Hutchinson 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 7, 2017 so right now our patient population stretches that far out and so we, it’s very much needed in our community so I look forward to becoming a long term you know part of the community and I do want to thank everybody for their time and consideration for us being here so thank you for your time. Weick: Thank you. Robert Conrad: I’m Robert Conrad. Dr. Conrad’s husband but the only thing I talked to Bob about this but the only thing that may change slightly is the consideration for the barrel vaulted roof. That portion, depending on how budgets come out we’re looking at maybe doing a single vaulted or a single pitch vaulted. Kind of a chalet looking type thing. Of course anything with that we would come back to the City and look for acceptance on that as well. Weick: Great. Any questions of the applicant at this time? Thank you very much. I appreciate you coming in. Robert Conrad: Thank you. Tori Conrad: Thank you. Weick: Look forward to you growing. That’s good news. At this time we can open up the public hearing portion. If anyone would like to come forward and state any comments for or against or otherwise. Seeing nobody come forward I will close the public hearing portion. Commissioners any discussion? It sounded like things were pretty straight forward. Randall: I would agree. Weick: No questions? Growing businesses in Chanhassen are a good thing so. Madsen: Beautiful building. Weick: Yeah I think either way with the roof probably I would assume would be amenable to the City. Hearing nothing I would entertain a motion. Undestad: I’ll make a motion. I recommend the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the site plan for a 5,700 square foot one story office building subject to the conditions of the staff report and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Weick: With the motion do I have a second? Yusuf: Second. Weick: We have a second. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 7, 2017 Undestad moved, Yusuf seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the site plan for a 5,700 square foot, one-story building, plans prepared by Schultz Engineering and Site Design and Sjoquist Architects, Inc., dated 01/05/17, subject to the following conditions: Building: 1.The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 2.Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3.Any retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4.Drainage water collected from (any portion of) the building, or mechanical equipment may not flow across a public walking surface (sidewalk). 5.Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6.The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Environmental Resources: 1.The applicant will need to maintain a prairie mix of native plants in order to meet the landscaping requirements. If a transition to non-native, weedy plants occurs on the site, the owner will need to restore the prairie. 2.Incorporate one additional reliable tree species as a substitute for some of the red maple. 3.A total of 3 overstory trees will be required to be planted along the south property line along the existing parking spaces Engineering: 1.An access agreement with the adjacent property is required for the shared driveway on the east side of the subject property. 2.A hydrant is required. The location of the fire hydrant must be approved by the Fire Chief. 4 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 7, 2017 3.The existing 18” reinforced concrete storm sewer in the southwest corner of the property must be removed or abandoned. Planning: 1.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement prior to receiving a building permit. 2.A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. Water Resources: 1.The applicant shall apply for and receive a General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit) prior to the issuance of a building permit or any earth disturbing activities. 2.The plan submittal must also include a detail of the infiltration basin consistent with the Minnesota Stormwater Manual prior to issuance of a building permit. This detail must include any soils corrections, basin protections and planting plans and schedules in addition to other necessary design elements. 3.After construction, the infiltration basin shall be tested by a third party for permeability to ensure that it is functioning per the stormwater modeling submitted by the applicant. The infiltration basin must pass the permeability testing prior to an issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy. Or if agreed to by both parties, the city may confirm rates in- house with their Modified Phillip-Dunn infiltrometer. 4.The applicant shall prepare an operations and maintenance manual specific to the infiltration feature including anticipated inspection schedule, routine maintenance and frequency of said maintenance and supply a copy to the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 5.All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. 6.The site plan must comply with Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, RPBCWD, rules for erosion prevention and sediment control and storm water management. 7.The applicant shall obtain permits from all appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District) and comply with their conditions of approval. 5 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 7, 2017 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CITY CODE AMENDMENTS: Weick: Kate with your permission. Aanenson: Sure, I think Chair since we did notify the stables and I think there are quite a few people here for that item, that under the code amendments I would recommend that we move that one forward first. Then you can have that public hearing and close it and move on and then I think the rest of them won’t have quite as much public comment but if that’s alright I would recommend you modifying that and taking stables in the residential as your first item. Weick: We will do that. So the first item on the agenda will be, it’s listed as B-2(h) in our packets but it’s stables in residential single family districts. H. STABLES IN RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS. Weick: At this time we open it up for staff presentations. Generous: Mr. Chairman, commissioners. This item is part of our cleaning up the code if you will. Initially we began looking at the stable ordinance in 2014. At that time we were just looking at providing housing and pasture area minimum requirements and then, but that was pushed back by City Council. They said they didn’t want to go forward. Last year we had a stable permit that was issued in a single family residential district. After that approval council directed staff to re-evaluate the ordinance and determine whether or not it was appropriate use in the single family residential district. Currently it’s an interim use in there and you can also get an interim use for a commercial stable in an RFS district. Our agrarian past led to us having stables in those areas and we used to have much larger lots. Over time we’ve had these more suburban style subdivisions and so it doesn’t seem to be as an acceptable use in our neighborhoods and so that was the instigation to bring this back again. We are proposing that that be eliminated as an interim use in our RSF district. It would still be permitted in our agricultural districts which are A-2 and RR residential districts. There’s actually 3 parts to this. One would be the adding of the definition to Chapter 1. Free choice means that the horses are able to get into their shelter without human intervention. We also added that a mini horse to define what that is. And then also a definition of what a pasture is. I should step back a second. I did prior to the hearing put some packets out in front of you. This one item was a letter from Liz Vogel with her comments on the ordinance and concerns about loss of ability to have horses there. While I haven’t completed the analysis of this I actually believe that I did one for Mr. Christensen and he was able to actually have more horses under the proposed ordinance than he does under the existing ordinance. The limiting factor tends to be the shelter size because we’re proposing that you have a minimum standard for that of 240 square feet and that was the other question. One of the property owners, and I believe you got that letter previously in the attachment had said that the Minnesota Extension Services suggested or recommended 144 6