4. Wastewater Plan 4 Wastewater Plan AREAS SERVED BY THE REGIONAL SYSTEM We review your wastewater plan to ensure conformance with our 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan and Thrive MSP 2040. Your wastewater plan must be designed to support the population, household, and employment forecasts as described in your System Statement. If your community is served by the Regional System or by a locally owned and operated treatment plant, your update needs to plan and provide for the appropriate local system capacity and address inflow and infiltration. LJ Minimum Requirements: • A table that details the households and employment forecasts in 10-year increments through 2040,based on the Council's forecasts and any subsequent negotiated modifications. This should be broken down by areas served by the Metropolitan Disposal System, locally owned and operated wastewater treatment systems, and Community and Subsurface sewage treatment systems. The forecasts used in your wastewater plan must be consistent with the forecasts used throughout your plan, including in land use, transportation, and water supply. o Your wastewater plan must be designed to support these forecasts and provide any allocation breakdowns between sewered and unsewered service for population, households, and employment. • An electronic map or maps (GIS shape files or equivalent must also be submitted)that show the following information: o Your existing sanitary sewer system identifying lift stations, existing connection points to the metropolitan disposal system, and future connection points. o Local sewer service districts by connection point. o Intercommunity connections and any proposed changes in government boundaries based on Orderly Annexation Agreements. o The location of all private and public wastewater treatment plants in your community. • Copy of any intercommunity service agreements entered into with an adjoining community after December 31, 2008; including a map of areas covered by the agreement. • A table or tables that contain the following information: o Capacity and design flows for existing trunk sewers and lift stations. o Assignment of 2040 growth forecasts by Metropolitan interceptor facility. In the absence of this information the Council will make its own assignments for the purpose of system capacity needs determination. • Define your community's goals, policies, and strategies for preventing and reducing excessive inflow and infiltration(UI) in the local municipal and private sanitary sewer systems. Page 2 of Section 4 o Include a summary of activities or programs intended to mitigate I/I from both public and private property sources. • Describe the requirements and standards in your community for minimizing inflow and infiltration. o Include a copy of the local ordinance or resolution that prohibits discharge from sump pumps, foundation drains, and/or rain leaders to the sanitary sewer system. o Include a copy of the local ordinance or resolution requiring the disconnection of existing foundation drains, sump pumps, and roof leaders from the sanitary sewer system. • Describe the sources, extent, and significance of existing inflow and infiltration in both the municipal and private sewer systems. o Include a description of the existing sources of I/I in the municipal and private sewer infrastructure. o Include a summary of the extent of the systems that contributes to I/I such as locations, quantities of piping or manholes, quantity of service laterals, or other measures. If an analysis has not been completed, include a schedule and scope of future system analysis. o Include a breakdown of residential housing stock age within the community into pre- and post- 1970 era, and what percentage of pre-1970 era private services have been evaluated for I/I susceptibility and repair. o Include the measured or estimated amount of clearwater flow generated from the public municipal and private sewer systems. o Include a cost summary for remediating the I/I sources identified in the community. If previous I/I mitigation work has occurred in the community, include a summary of flow reductions and investments completed. If costs for mitigating I/I have not been analyzed, include the anticipated wastewater service rates or other costs attributed to inflow and infiltration. • Describe the implementation plan for preventing and eliminating excessive inflow and infiltration from entering both the municipal and private sewer systems. o Include the strategy for implementing projects, activities, or programs planned to mitigate excessive I/I from entering the municipal and private sewer systems. o Include a list of priorities for I/I mitigation projects based on flow reduction, budget, schedule, or other criteria. o Include a schedule and the related financial mechanisms planned or needed to implement the I/I mitigation strategy. Page 3 of Section 4 Forecast Year Forecast Component Population Households Employment 2010 MCES Sewered 20.576 7,519 10.662 2010 Unsewered 2.376 833 243 2020 MCES Sewered 24.320 9.170 14.960 2020 Unsewered 2.380 830 240 2030 MCES Sewered 29.330 11.070 16.260 2030 Unsewered 2.370 830 240 2040 MCES Sewered 34.720 13.170 17.360 2040 Unsewered 2.380 830 240 AREAS SERVED BY LOCAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS For communities with a locally owned and operated wastewater system,we work to ensure that these systems are adequately managed and maintained around the region. This helps to ensure that local capacity is available,but also helps to prevent costly regional infrastructure investments in inadequately maintained systems. Whether your community is served by the regional system or by a locally owned and operated treatment plant, your update needs to plan for and provide the appropriate local system capacity and address inflow and infiltration. 0 Minimum Requirements: • A table that details the households and employment forecasts in 10-year increments through 2040,based on the Council's forecasts and any subsequent negotiated modifications. This should be broken down by areas served by the Metropolitan Disposal System, locally owned and operated wastewater treatment systems, and Community and Subsurface sewage treatment systems. The forecasts used in your wastewater plan must be consistent with the forecasts used throughout your plan,including in land use, transportation, and water supply. • Describe the capacity of, and existing flows to,the public and private treatment systems in your community. • Map the local wastewater service areas in your community through 2040,including a staging plan if applicable, and any proposed changes in governmental boundaries affecting the community, including any areas designated for orderly annexation. • Describe the proposed timing and financing of any expanded or new wastewater treatment facilities. • Define your community's goals,policies, and strategies for preventing and reducing excessive inflow and infiltration(I/I)in the local sewer system, including a discussion of sump pumps and drain tile connected to the local sewer system. • A copy of facility planning reports for the upgrading of your local wastewater treatment plant. • Copies of the associated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)or State Disposal System(SDS)permits. Page 4 of Section 4 COMMUNITY AND SUBSURFACE TREATMENT SYSTEMS With over 75,000 individual subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS) as well as several more private community systems serving clustered developments in use within the region, it is imperative that these systems are properly managed and maintained. Both individual and community systems largely serve portions of the region where wastewater collection and treatment is not available. These areas are primarily in more rural environments,but there are portions of our urban and suburban communities that are also served by SSTS. Minimum Requirements: • Describe your community's management program for SSTS to comply with MPCA regulations (Minn. Rules Chapters 7080-7083). • Map the locations of all existing public and private treatment systems,if any, including package treatment plants and group on-site systems. • Map the locations of all sub-surface sewage treatment systems. You should also identify the locations of known non-conforming systems or systems with known problems. • Describe the conditions under which private, community treatment systems (ex. package treatment plants, community drainfields)would be allowed. Examples of such conditions include: o allowable land uses and residential densities o installation requirements o management requirements o local government responsibilities MCES Sanitary Sewer Meter Service Areas City of Chanhassen, Carver & Hennepin Counties ^ t To Mete Wry o�� ---. -...�-- M 7017 - 1'^ _-- #M415 .—. :f'----..^ ----------1---,M, M .753{i27 `M' To Meter r To Meter #M414 ^o #M415 I � �4 /111 E�� ,� To Meter - #M414 m e� ' #yM419 44 1 I To Meter To Meter ' #M439 ragrfr& t : #M413 1 N �M WM 1--------1 8253.328 7138 �'� Chanhassen `•V 8253329 To Meter `" '�, #M409 � A r C _. j To Meter 111 .( #46 lir 1411 1111 #M443A /` i 1 iiiiA-if...,41111},' 4 ,... ,.. ,. Chaska 1 11P' 1 - c"\ ' ✓, �/ 1 - _ ~' '� To Meter .00°'~.....-1--.--.....-1--.-- � I �.�• #M402 I J, N v2:201 j D 0.5 1 2 3 w 4-r. Miles Interceptors by type Outfall IM. Meters — Gravity -- Low Head Crossing A Lift Stations •--- Forcernain Bypass — Siphon CE MCES Wastewater Treatment Plants Interceptor Meter Service Areas To Meter#100 Areas of Unmetered Flow r---;County Boundaries Park,Recreational or Preserve "/ into the Community ;— -- L..-..I City and Township Boundaries Golf Course Rural Center WWTP Service Areas Lakes and Rivers 2040 MUSA NCornpass Street Centerlines U Q) 0 i ri a) CZ v r C vi Wv "m ilirfey *A! io,.=. *,1: `..1 w--- .am .a. ♦ •�. I ilt 4.i 5 t . ". , i 100,40k..-... °2. k.d, fi ,,,.,FR' , illift • 6 f2 AO -‘Vsoi%aa..- .. ... s .tt-, ' ,... -Q = ..0 46.... i Y Niziortri . .,,, iirAiiii ...,,,.. _a MR ___. .-IP • W .\ • . .5 , :'; kis tr __IN! -.4 . ni , ..„0• ‘..,. 41 ilg 44h y _ 1 Arm& . '':: Ntt* 1. 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I�'' rte', 1\•, 1 }, VAii +tet 4 r\ • ob — MEMORANDUM TO: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Planning Director FROM: Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer DATE: April 10, 2017 SUBJ: 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update- Sanitary Sewer As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update staff will provide an update of the following: 1. Existing sanitary sewer system. This entails updating the existing system map to include sanitary sewers, lift stations and forcemains added to the system since the last comprehensive plan. 2. Deficiencies within the existing system. Using water demand data the estimated sanitary sewer flows will be calculated and compared to the capacity of the existing system. 3. Future sanitary sewer system. Based on the existing topography a guideline for the future sanitary sewer system for new developments will be established. The future system will also include potential system alignments to service areas of the city that are currently serviced by septic systems. 4. Inflow and infiltration (I/I) abatement program. Inflow is water that enters the sanitary sewer system from storm sewer, sump pump and roof drain connections as well as runoff that enters the system through manhole covers. Infiltration is clear water that enters the system through defects in the sewer pipes,joints, manhole and service laterals. I/I consumes available capacity within the wastewater collection and treatment system therefore the update will include a plan for I/I mitigation measures. 5. Overview of the 20-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Estimate. A CIP will be developed in order to implement the findings of the comprehensive plan. Attachments: DRAFT Existing and Future Sanitary Sewer Exhibit g:\eng\public\pw421c sewer comp plan update(2017)\20170404 pc ws sewer update.docx s FL el. 1 . 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