5. Water Supply Plan 5 Water Supply Plan LOCAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN FOR MUNICIPAL PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIERS All communities that have public water supplies in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area are required to prepare water supply plans as part of their local comprehensive plan. Communities and utility boards must officially adopt the plan along with the local comprehensive plan. Communities without public water supplies do not need to prepare a water supply plan,but should include information about plans to protect private water supplies in appropriate sections of the local comprehensive plan, described in the sections on conservation and reuse, source water protection, and sub-regional collaboration. GMinimum Requirements: • If the community has a municipal community public water supply system, complete all information in the DNR&Metropolitan Council water supply plan template. Information must be submitted in the template provided and submitted through the MnDNR Permit and Reporting System (MPARS). • Include extended water demand projections for 2020, 2030, 2040 and ultimate build-out that are consistent with population forecasts in the community's system statement. WATER CONSERVATION & REUSE The Twin Cities is growing and the demand for water continues to increase. There is enough water in the short-term,but long-term projections predict potentially significant impacts to aquifers if water continues to be consumed at current rates. The water forecast does not need to be doom and gloom.Residents,businesses,water suppliers,and elected officials can work together to save water. gi Minimum Requirements: • If the community has a municipal community public water supply system, complete all information in the DNR &Metropolitan Council water supply plan template. Information must be submitted in the template provided and submitted through the MnDNR Permit and Reporting System (MPARS). ASSESSING&PROTECTING SOURCE WATER Source water protection is a community effort to prevent water pollution before it can reach our kitchen faucets and other users. By stopping groundwater pollution near a well or surface water intake, we are protecting our drinking water from contamination. Much can be done to prevent pollution, such as the wise use of land and safe disposal of chemicals. Public health is protected and the expense of treating polluted water or building new infrastructure is avoided. Page 2 of Section 5 GMinimum Requirements: • If the community has a municipal community public water supply system, complete all information in the DNR&Metropolitan Council water supply plan template. Information must be submitted in the template provided and submitted through the MnDNR Permit and Reporting System (MPARS). • If the community does not have a municipal community public water supply system, include information about water supply sources,by providing the following maps from your system statement: o Surface water features and their interaction with the regional groundwater system o The location of groundwater level monitoring and aquifer testing o The presence of any regulatory and management areas • If the community does not have a municipal community public water supply system, include information about assessing and protecting private water supplies/water sources. SUB-REGIONAL COLLABORATION Water supplies cross political boundaries and partnerships are needed to effectively manage diverse needs. Many work groups are forming across the region to share information and lessons learned. 0 Minimum Requirements: • If the community has a municipal community public water supply system, complete all information in the DNR&Metropolitan Council water supply plan template. Information must be submitted in the template provided and submitted through the MnDNR Permit and Reporting System (MPARS). 1 r- 1_ -1 1 i _ _ _;_i • Lal S.3 - m `g W V cr • I) •.,' , , :-: c ,... ff C 2 d . 0 - ' - E " -,. 3 1 1 1 '" f' ;-..' • u r, - -I u xi - -rt •--. c.) 3 .,_ .... ('D 7 cio w w z CII -,1 Fi ea ---: -:-: < IP t * .• 6 6-1 a 0 41 1 l ,?, " a c @ *-4 c * 3 rt, m c 6, -• , -5-... F cil 0 ,. CD n nj CD cj 0 Z 'T CA n:o ,•C C .-6 3 1 a I 3 r0 a a % a > - _ ii Fg 0 ,:sr g 1161 a I . ---; -.I n • NJ NJ 1---'i- .:I I II ' T 8 0 . ., -- \•X. la la 1 m41 n _____. __ _ .._ .... _ .. ___ P 1 . ) ,• ,. .../ , _ s.....,,,,,,. . ... _. _ . , ... ..... ",,,,„ i• , . ..,. 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Existing water distribution system. This entails updating the existing system map to include water mains, wells, pressure reducing stations and storage tanks added to or relocated within the system since the last comprehensive plan. A water system pressure analysis will be performed in order to update the boundaries of the pressure zones. 2. Water use projections. The City's consultant will analyze recent water system pumping and billing records to provide a basis for future water use projections based on the land use. 3. Future water system. Based on the existing topography and anticipated development patterns a guideline for the future water system will be established. 4. Overview of the 20-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Estimate. A CIP will be developed in order to implement the findings of the comprehensive plan. Attachments: 2030 Existing and Future Water Distribution Exhibits g:\eng\public\pw42Id water comp plan update(2017)\20170404 pc ws water update.docx -)- 4° I 0 1� .I,O�• Gal 1 ir 3.5 MG Mel—: Hill Lake Lake Lucy Legend -,..-r,----,----===-- r' T. er` i �I o Reservoir --TOWrI-L-Ifl Lake ' m^ __ @ m1 1Existing Well Virginia . •• _ r' • S��eN j . .." /Ktioard-Mel/4een %1Rd\„, e Existing Elevated Storage 1111 - A , I Future Elevated Storage �/ ' j - Size to be Determined �a I - th � �I Existing WTP r: • 0a�'a•0 – • c Existing Waterlines Lake I �� • 1-------11 Lotus I 2 Minnewashta pa ,' %�'ann. j / Lake ,ii /J �r' Lake f Lake Kerber Blvd j 6 l .z ,arrison _mull Lucy 5� 8 Lake i _ •i 'f St. J () e` ` ��cri-•p � o Jill �' .r\ *�. 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Lake This map is a compilation of records,information,and data gathered from various sources and is to 4 Riley be used for reference purposes ony.SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System(GIS)Data used to prepare are error free,and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data ('. -- - _ can be used for navigational,tracking,or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of 1 d stance or direction or predslon In the depiction of geographic features.If errors or discrepancies I are found please contact SEH GIS Services at 651-490-2000.lids user of this map acknowledges _ that SEH shall not be liable fo any damages which arise out of the users access or use of data provided. y PROJECT: J 3535AX:(65SCENTER 0-2150 R. ACHROJEC �.00 Existing Figure �- HONE:(L,MN 55110 Existing Distribution System Distribution PHONE:(651)490.2000 FAX:(651)490-2150 SEH WAvse00nc2ccm55 09/12 2007 Chanhassen, MinnesotaY S stem 9-1 LLp0 v.. p •• / to w C , N V 'D 'g 3 !� •+0'� w w _ D) O CCw- .' § IC • ` UY O p Z - aa3 a) ov � J _ 0H lu 9- . fY co " ••.,. 0rq li:...„ ..„,- ,_ h .7i***. ® "* O Oim oY • TJ r. ye.' J4a0 C, co E,` i0_J Ma ` • 16 AW O o d e �r�..e . ° eap ' / y a) 1 1M 0 • 0ri11P I, cc Y U C ti w °a in 4� 7 �'� = O� o O �+ co WvI o 0 �� �� J J J Q O- �p a Gee 0) 1014 \V Ton taia5" v C�'IM -° ,. • 3' •U <\ _ C A 714.'/111' 4 J ti• Y • rj ■�11_ f m m ECO '• Pei o y O f i', LL 0 10 (isN - O O U O O • . ~ZSP N 2 I- 2 i4. m o' ti; pa uoqnpny f $ U d A '.:o 3 WE a) 112 a) :O (B 0 j c C t oSA$ 1 ?^18'gv,? m %.. 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