6. Surface Water 6 Surface Water Local Water Management Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY,WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RELATED AGREEMENTS, AND AMENDMENT PROCESS Local water management plans are required to include an executive summary that summarizes the highlights of the local water management plan, a summary of the water resource management related agreements that have been entered into by the local community, and a section must define the process by which amendments may be made. GMinimum Requirements: • Provide an executive summary that includes the highlights of the local water management plan. • Describe the water resource management related agreements that have been entered into by your community. This includes joint powers agreements related to water management that the community may be a party to between itself and watershed management organization(s), adjoining communities, or private parties. • Include a section on amendment procedures that defines the process by which amendments may be made. The amendment procedure must be consistent with the amendment procedures in the watershed organization(s)plans that affect your community. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND LAND USE Local water management plans are required to include a description of the existing and proposed physical environment and land use. Knowing the existing conditions in your community helps to better address the issues that need to be addressed. G✓ Minimum Requirements: • Describe the existing physical environment and existing land use. You may be able to incorporate data by reference if allowed by the appropriate watershed organization(s) plan. You should be aware that not all watershed plans contain the level of detail needed and in those cases, you will be required to provide this information directly in your local water management plan. • Describe the proposed physical environment and future land use. • Include a map and/or description of drainage areas that includes path and flow directions of the stormwater runoff in your community. • Describe the volumes and rates of flow for those defined drainage areas. EXISTING AND POTENTIAL WATER RESOURCE-RELATED PROBLEMS Page 2 of Section 6 Part of planning for appropriate local water management is to assess the water resource-related issues in your community,both those that already exist and those that are likely to occur given changes in development or other foreseeable changes. Assessing these issues helps your community to better understand how to prevent or address those issues. Your local water management plan needs to include an assessment of both existing and potential water resource- related problems in your community Elf Minimum Requirements: • Include an assessment of the existing water resource related problems in your community. • Include an assessment of the potential water resource related problems in your community. • Include a list or map of impaired waters within your community as shown on the most current 303d impaired waters list LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN/PROGRAM Your local implementation program or plan must detail the nonstructural,programmatic and structural solutions to the problems identified in the assessment of existing or potential water resource related problems section, and prioritize those solutions. Your implementation program must be consistent with and not jeopardize achievements of any of the goals of the watershed organization(s)within which your community lies. In addition, all local official controls identified in this implementation program must be enacted within six months of approval of the local water plan by the appropriate watershed organization(s). GMinimum Requirements: • Include prioritized nonstructural,programmatic, and structural solutions to identified problems. • Describe the areas and elevations for stormwater storage adequate to meet performance standards or official controls in watershed organization(s)plan. • Define the water quality protection methods that would be adequate to meet performance standards or official controls. • Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the community from that of the WMO(s) for carrying out implementation components. • Describe the official controls and any changes needed to official controls. • Include a table briefly describing each component of the implementation program that clearly details the schedule, estimated cost, and funding sources for each component, including annual budget totals. • Include a table describing the capital improvement program that sets forth by year, details of each contemplated capital improvement that includes the schedule, estimated cost, and funding source. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • We have an agreement with the Carver County WMO to provide education and outreach materials and programming. • We have an agreement with Carver County SWCD to provide construction site inspections for erosion prevention and sediment control PHYSICAL LAND USE • This will need to be updated to reflect land development over the last decade. • The hydroCAD model was updated in 2015 but will require continuous updating. • The storm sewer system is mapped. There are some gaps that need to be addressed and this also requires continuous updating as land develops or old systems are replaced. EXISTING AND POTENTIAL WATER RESOURCE-RELATED PROBLEMS • The city has worked with the RPBCWD to develop numerous studies that can be used to assess issues such as nutrient and sediment loading to lakes and streams o Bluff Creek Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan—Identified land development and the addition of hardcover as the primary contributor to near and in stream scour which is the source of sediment. o Lake Lucy and Lake Aim Use Attainability Assessment(UAA)—looked at contributing watersheds and identified those most likely to contribute nutrient loading into the two lakes. The UAA also looked at internal loading. o Lake Susan Use Attainability Assessment(UAA)—looked at looked at contributing watersheds and identified those most likely to contribute nutrient loading into the two lakes. The UAA also looked at internal loading. o Draft Lotus Lake UAA - looked at looked at contributing watersheds and identified those most likely to contribute nutrient loading into the two lakes. The UAA also looked at internal loading. o Susan, Ann, Lucy Subwatershed Assessments (SALSA)—also looked at pollutant loading from the contributing subwatersheds. o There are several TMDL studies currently underway. The Riley Creek Chain of Lakes study and the Purgatory Creek Chain of Lakes study. o We have compiled a list of deficient infrastructure as noted in several flood events —ex. Fall of 2006, August of 2014, et al o Will need to update the Federal Clean Water Act, section 303d list of impaired waters. This will need to be regularly reviewed and updated. o Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District worked jointly with the Cities of Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, Bloomington and Minnetonka to update the 100 year flood elevations and the annual flood occurrence probability map based upon Atlas 14 climate data. LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN/PROGRAM • This will need to be developed based upon the above mentioned studies, the implementation programs for the various watershed districts, and the city's capital plan for road improvements. • A ten year CIP will need to be developed. • The city will continue to work with Ehlers or another similar entity to determine the SWMP fund revenues and tolerable expenditures. • The city will need to complete the amendment of the following code sections: o Storm water management o Wetland protection o Shoreland protection • The city will need to identify in code what responsibilities they will assume and which they will defer to the various watershed organizations. L-11-'•' . Air -- ,,-- i• lemegegmeippieRmeam____. iiiiiiiiroCr, -mom i ' --,-1 • vimpm ..,, ..,,,, ,...,,,-7,--? ' ' D i.(--t t--lc 1 , • -rk• .--,501,ii ':7,N,*;:,. .;,,;,4.:.,4., . Lake Virginia 1"--.--- .• . . _ 3 ... ' •-• +-",00 ,•,-.., , -7 .. 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Carver -N...-/— i N 0 0', 1 2 3 4 5 YYYY F Miles Karst Features (DNR) Surface water type (regional screening by Met Council) A Spring Disconnected from the regional groundwater system • Sinkhole Recharges aquifers ( Calcareous Fens Receives and discharges groundwater • Supported by upwelling groundwater Trout Streams (DNR) L_ County Boundaries �- _ .I City and Township Boundaries NCompass Street Centerlines Other Open Water Features Surface Water Resources Chanhassen, Carver and Hennepin Counties Shorewood Mary ti; '-Excelsior Minnetonka\ Min e'trlSta '�hristmas I �_ -4-,Tr rsr�x.-�./ �-" �` Minnewashta Silver / � Minnetonka torus Lucy Duck Virginia ° Tamarack • Sr.Joe ��//' Sct Victoria Ann Round ?I ste;ger -- RILEY- Chanhassen PURGATORY- MINNEHAHA ` BLUFF CREEK I Mitchell CREEK Ri _ ces 1� I 99.999,...1414164.444 / . Susan Marsh "A /, _ ._� Big Eden ' ' Woods Prairie j McKnight D ! Bavaria Riley ,•i Jonathon%/ r; HazeltinL i CARVER j Bavaria r COUNTY �— fey .._. Creek I - Chaska e Laketow,n nuc, Rice Twp. IFr 'Rice j, f 7 7, rota Riy (....,, - , MiPc -. i�— Graskae, Shakopee Dahl ren % D LOWER Memorial g 8rickyartl Pond Twp:-I a Clayhole ).__ MINNESOTA--S Firemson Shakopee RIVERClay�ou �� Srrunks l N 0 00 1 2 3 n Mlles 63 Watershed Management Organization Boundaries ji Impaired Lakes(2014 Draft MPCA 303(d)List) Watershed Management Organization Type Impaired Rivers&Streams(2014 Draft MPCA 303(d)List) County So 2014 Priority Lakes Watershed District _ Watershed Management Organization L.....; County Boundaries City and Township Boundaries Other Lakes and Major Rivers -ti---- Other Streams NCompass Street Centerlines