CC MminutesChanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 EMT’s and to come to mass and the Father gave a nice blessing. Called them all up to the alter and gave them a nice blessing followed by a wonderful reception afterwards so I thought it was just a wonderful event that St. Hubert’s did and I really appreciate you being there and you had a lot of representation and I thought it was really important to recognize the incredible work that you all do so I commend St. Hubert’s for putting the program together but I would like to second their thanks and appreciation for the hard work that you as our local heroes do and I know Chief I believe you’re going to St. Hubert’s tomorrow with a truck and the big rig and then they’re going to be delivering notes of appreciation to City Hall to be distributed to the different fire houses as well as to Carver County so again thank you for your service and all that you do for our community. We really appreciate it. Lt. Eric Kittelson: Thank you. Councilwoman Ryan: Thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you. Any other questions or comments? Thank you Lieutenant. Lt. Eric Kittelson: Thank you sir. TWEET DENTAL, 7845 CENTURY BOULEVARD: APPROVE SITE PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 5,700 SQUARE FOOT DENTAL CLINIC ON APPROXIMATELY TWO ACRES OF PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD). APPLICANT: ROBERT CONRAD, RGR HOLDINGS, LLC. Mayor Laufenburger: I bet we have a staff report. Is that you Ms. Aanenson? Kate Aanenson: Yes we do, thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. This item th appeared before the Planning Commission on their February 7 meeting and they voted 5-0 to approve it. So this case is for a dental clinic and it’s located at 7845 Century Boulevard. The applicant is RGR Holdings and Steve Slowey. This site has a little bit of a lengthy history. There’s been a lot of uses been applied here. This is part of a PUD that we put in place under underlying industrial zoning district and the purpose of the PUD was to allow some support commercial such as a bank at the very southern end. We have the gas station there and where the Holiday Inn was it was envisioned that there could potentially be a restaurant. As it turned out there was a lot of interest in drive thru’s. Fast food or coffee shop but the turning movements really didn’t work there very well so we’re really pleased to have this project come forward which fits really well and is a good compliment to the site and that is a dental clinic. So this site is about 2 acres in size and it’s the building itself is 5,700 square feet and it does have the potential for adding on. So the architectural views here, it’s a very nice building. It meets all of the city ordinances regarding architectural detail. Regarding the 50 percent façade or excuse me, transparency on the façade and then maximum height of 21 feet on the top of the barrel. The one thing that they’ve indicated to us, which we would consider a minor change depending on how the bids come back, it might be more of a shed roof which we’re certainly comfortable with. 6 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 Again just the single story. Again a nice presentation along Highway 5 and potential for the expansion. You can see on here where the potential expansion area would be and the orientation. This site was previously graded when the Holiday Inn went in and access to the Holiday Inn would be a shared access. Just go back a slide here so this is a shared access for the Holiday Inn would also be used by Tweet Dental and this would be the turning movement coming in and that’s what we talked about before that would be a little bit tight. They’re coming off Highway 5 or some of the other uses that were anticipated there so they meet all the requirements for parking and landscaping and the like. There’s some minor changes that had to be made but those can all be accommodated with the site plan agreement. Again it was previously graded. They’re managing their storm water pond and drainage. One of the things that they also are contemplating is a continuation of the sidewalk that allows you to get from Life Time over to the trail. That one foot trail that goes around this park. So again the landscaping plan. Just a couple of minor changes that need to be made on that and with that we are recommending approval for the site plan of the 5,700 square feet subject to the conditions of the staff report and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright thank you Ms. Aanenson. In just a moment I’m going to ask the applicant to come forward but before I do that does the staff have any questions of, excuse me. Does council have any questions of staff? Just one Kate. The parking which is currently present, is the applicant using that parking in addition to their own parking to satisfy. Kate Aanenson: They can. Yeah there’s cross access between this one so they can. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay so the parking is satisfactory. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Okay. Any other? Would the applicant like to come forward, either representatives from RGR or Mr. Slowey? I just ask that you introduce yourself and your address for the record. Carl Robertson: Good morning Mayor, council. My name’s Carl Robertson, President of Sjoquist Architects for the 2800 University Avenue in Minneapolis. Mayor Laufenburger: Carl is that right? Carl Robertson: Carl. I’ve been working with the Conrad’s on the design for this. I say there’s still some tweaks to work out but we’re just you know moving on that you’ve seen pretty much where we’re going with it. I think the presentation pretty much said it all. I’m here to just answer any questions you might have. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Council any questions of the Conrads or Mr. Sjoquist? 7 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 Kate Aanenson: I was just going to add they have an existing business in town so we’re excited that they’re expanding and I think they shared with the Planning Commission so maybe they might want to tell you a little bit about their business. Mayor Laufenburger: Yeah that was noted in the Planning Commission. Mrs. Conrad if you would like to address this. Tori Conrad: Sure. Mayor Laufenburger: It was noted that you’re actually in a business setting just on the north side in that, whatever that’s called on the north side of 5 and you’ve kind of outgrown that space, is that correct? Tori Conrad: Correct, yes. Yes good evening. Thanks for having us. I’m Tori Conrad. I’m a pediatric dentist for Tweet Pediatrics and we opened the practice 5 years ago. You’re right it is part of the Century Plaza and so it’s right across the street behind the gas station. We have currently 1,900 square feet and we are outgrowing it so we look forward to being a long term part of the community and we serve a lot of the surrounding areas as well so we thank you for your time and consideration and we’re excited to be a big part of the community. Mayor Laufenburger: And you will be the west gateway to the dental community of Chanhassen is that correct? I think so. Well we’re pleased that you’ve not only chose to bring your business here. Did you say 5 years ago, is that correct? Tori Conrad: Yes correct, from South Carolina. Mayor Laufenburger: Wow. And you love the weather here is that right Tori? Tori Conrad: Yes. Mayor Laufenburger: Anyway we’re glad that you’ve decided to make your business home here in Chanhassen. Do you have any other comments you’d like to make? Mr. Conrad. Robert Conrad: No. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Alright. Alrighty. Well thank you very much. Tori Conrad: Thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright let’s bring it back to council. Any questions or comments or motion. Councilwoman Ryan: Mayor I have a question. 8 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 Mayor Laufenburger: Certainly. Councilwoman Ryan: So are there two phases of the building? Is that my understanding or you said for when you talked about expansion. Carl Robertson: At the moment just one phase is planned. Just the clinic but there is enough parking and the area is there so that if the practice continues to grow there’s talk about possibly adding an orthodontic component to it and they’ll be expanding it to the south. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay so the building or the drawings that we see here that’s. Carl Robertson: That’s all that’s on the board for now. Councilwoman Ryan: That’s okay. Todd Gerhardt: Kate could you show the expansion area on the previous slide? Kate Aanenson: Yep, so as planners and as a good architect always provides that opportunity that they have a place to expand so this would be the area to expand right in here correct. Carl Robertson: Correct. Councilwoman Ryan: I got you okay. Kate Aanenson: So that’s we’re hoping it grows well, yeah. Mayor Laufenburger: Well the building looks quite attractive so I think it will fit in very well there. Councilwoman Ryan: And one last question Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Go ahead. Councilwoman Ryan: And so now with this structure in terms of runoff, I know that there’s that big. Kate Aanenson: They’re…capacity here. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay so that’s where all the runoff will go there, okay. Okay nothing further, thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Any other questions, comments or motion? 9 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 Councilman McDonald: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. McDonald. Councilman McDonald: I would like to make the motion that the Chanhassen City Council approves the site plan for a 5,700 foot, 5,700 square foot one story office building subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact. Mayor Laufenburger: Very well. Is there a second? Councilwoman Ryan: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright we have a motion and a second. Is there any further discussion? Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Ryan seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approve the site plan for a 5,700 square foot, one-story buildings, plans prepared by Schultz Engineering and Site Design and Sjoquist Architects, Inc., dated 01/05/17, subject to the following conditions and adoption of the Findings of Fact: Building: 1. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Any retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Drainage water collected from (any portion of) the building, or mechanical equipment may not flow across a public walking surface (sidewalk). 5. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Environmental Resources: 10 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 1. The applicant will need to maintain a prairie mix of native plants in order to meet the landscaping requirements. If a transition to non-native, weedy plants occurs on the site, the owner will need to restore the prairie. 2. Incorporate one additional reliable tree species as a substitute for some of the red maple. 3. A total of 3 overstory trees will be required to be planted along the south property line along the existing parking spaces. Engineering: 1. An access agreement with the adjacent property is required for the shared driveway on the east side of the subject property. 2. A hydrant is required. The location of the fire hydrant must be approved by the Fire Chief. 3. The existing 18” reinforced concrete storm sewer in the southwest corner of the property must be removed or abandoned. Planning: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement prior to receiving a building permit. 2. A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. Water Resources: 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive a General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/Site Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit) prior to the issuance of a building permit or any earth disturbing activities. 2. The plan submittal must also include a detail of the infiltration basin consistent with the Minnesota Stormwater Manual prior to issuance of a building permit. This detail must include any soils corrections, basin protections and planting plans and schedules in addition to other necessary design elements. 3. After construction, the infiltration basin shall be tested by a third party for permeability to ensure that it is functioning per the stormwater modeling submitted by the applicant. The infiltration basin must pass the permeability testing prior to an issuance of a permanent 11 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2017 certificate of occupancy. Or if agreed to by both parties, the City may confirm rates in- house with their Modified Phillip-Dunn infiltrometer. 4. The applicant shall prepare an operations and maintenance manual specific to the infiltration feature including anticipated inspection schedule, routine maintenance and frequency of said maintenance and supply a copy to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. 6. The site plan must comply with Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, RPBCWD, rules for erosion prevention and sediment control and storm water management. 7. The applicant shall obtain permits from all appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek watershed district, and comply with their conditions of approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: Congratulations Conrads, Mr. Sjoquist. Build it and they will come because they’re coming right now. Alright thank you very kindly. Thank you Ms. Aanenson. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt, administrative presentations. Todd Gerhardt: I just want to thank the Mayor, Paul Oehme for their efforts here in lobbying on our 101 highway turn back project. Last week we met with Representative Torkelson to express our views on the need for the 101 to be turned back to Carver County and today we met with Senator Newman and expressed our concerns on the need for the turn back and both were very receptive and Mr. Newman, Senator Newman was even going to travel down 101 on his home today so I just want to thank them for their time and effort that they put forth on this project so we’re moving ahead. We met with several people and our bills have been introduced. Mayor Laufenburger: Good, thank you. Let me just make one comment before I ask for th adjournment. Next Monday on March 6 I will be addressing the City of Chanhassen in what I call the State of the City. Now in the past the mayor, not only me but even a previous mayor addressed the city at various venues, whether it was Rotary or Buy Chanhassen. I decided that it 12