Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report - Avienda - B1701407 Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 A.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 A.2. Site Conditions and History ................................................................................................. 2 A.3. Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 2 A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents .......................................................... 2 A.5. Scope of Services ................................................................................................................. 3 B. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 4 B.1. Geologic Overview .............................................................................................................. 4 B.2. Previous Geotechnical Information ..................................................................................... 4 B.3. Boring Results ...................................................................................................................... 4 B.4. Groundwater ....................................................................................................................... 5 B.5. Laboratory Test Results ....................................................................................................... 6 C. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 6 C.1. Design and Construction Discussion ................................................................................... 6 C.1.a. Foundation-Type Building Support ........................................................................ 6 C.1.b. Reuse of On-Site Soils ............................................................................................. 7 C.1.c. Groundwater .......................................................................................................... 7 C.1.d. Pavement ............................................................................................................... 7 C.1.e. Subgrade Preparation ............................................................................................ 8 C.1.f. Weather.................................................................................................................. 8 C.2. Site Grading and Subgrade Preparation .............................................................................. 8 C.2.a. Building Subgrade Excavations ............................................................................... 8 C.2.b. Excavation Oversizing ........................................................................................... 10 C.2.c. Excavated Slopes .................................................................................................. 11 C.2.d. Excavation Dewatering ......................................................................................... 12 C.2.e. Pavement and Exterior Slab Subgrade Preparation ............................................. 12 C.2.f. Pavement Subgrade Proofroll .............................................................................. 13 C.2.g. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction .......................................................... 13 C.2.h. Special Inspections of Soils ................................................................................... 14 C.3. Spread Footings ................................................................................................................. 15 C.4. Below-Grade Walls ............................................................................................................ 15 C.4.a. Drainage Control .................................................................................................. 15 C.4.b. Configuring and Resisting Lateral Loads............................................................... 17 C.4.c. Retaining Wall along South side of Site................................................................ 18 C.5. Frost Protection ................................................................................................................. 18 C.5.a. General ................................................................................................................. 18 C.5.b. Frost Heave Mitigation ......................................................................................... 18 C.6. Pavements and Exterior Slabs ........................................................................................... 20 C.6.a. Design Sections .................................................................................................... 20 C.6.b. Bituminous Pavement Materials .......................................................................... 20 C.6.c. Subgrade Drainage ............................................................................................... 20 C.6.d. Performance and Maintenance ........................................................................... 21 Table of Contents (continued) Description Page C.7. Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 21 C.7.a. Subgrade Stabilization .......................................................................................... 21 C.7.b. Corrosion Potential .............................................................................................. 21 C.8. Stormwater........................................................................................................................ 22 C.9. Additional Geotechnical Exploration and Analysis ............................................................ 22 D. Procedures...................................................................................................................................... 23 D.1. Penetration Test Borings ................................................................................................... 23 D.2. Exploration Logs ................................................................................................................ 23 D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets ............................................................................................. 23 D.2.b. Geologic Origins ................................................................................................... 23 D.3. Material Classification and Testing ................................................................................... 24 D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification .......................................................................... 24 D.3.b. Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................... 24 D.4. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................................................ 24 E. Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 24 E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................. 24 E.1.a. Material Strata ..................................................................................................... 24 E.1.b. Groundwater Levels ............................................................................................. 25 E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility .......................................................................... 25 E.2.a. Plan Review .......................................................................................................... 25 E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing ............................................................... 25 E.3. Use of Report..................................................................................................................... 26 E.4. Standard of Care ................................................................................................................ 26 Appendix Soil Boring Location Sketch Logs of Previous Borings ST-1 through ST-12 Logs of Boring Sheets ST-13 through ST-32 Descriptive Terminology of Soil A. Introduction A.1. Project Description This Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report addresses the proposed design and construction of the Avienda Mixed-Use Development, located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Development is in conceptual stages at this time; thus, only preliminary grading plans were available at the time of this report. Based on development plan drawings, the project may include the construction of single-family homes, townhomes, apartments, senior housing, hotels, parking ramp, retail and office buildings as well as associated roads and utilities. We assume some buildings may have a level of below grade parking, and above grade structures will range from one to five levels above grade. It appears the heavier structures could include a 5-story apartment building connected to a parking ramp. We assume building column loads will range from about 100 to 800 kips (100,000 to 800,000 pounds). We also understand there will be an approximately 20-foot tall retaining wall along the southern boundary of the property. This preliminary geotechnical evaluation should generally be adequate for the design of site grading, as we understand the whole site will be graded together. However, due to at least one area of deep, soft soil conditions, we recommend additional soil borings and laboratory testing be performed in this area to better estimate the depths and extent of soil corrections in this area. Once site grading is complete and final design plans are available, we request we be able to review this information as we anticipate that additional soil borings and a supplemental geotechnical evaluation and analysis will be necessary prior to final design and construction of this project. Table 1 provides assumed project details regarding pavements and site grading. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 2 Table 1. Site Aspects and Grading Description Aspect Description Pavement type(s) Mostly bituminous with the possibility of small areas of concrete near loading docks, etc. Provided/Assumed Pavement loads Light-duty: 50,000 ESALs* Medium-duty: 200,000 ESALs* Grade changes Up to 20 feet (Assumed) *Equivalent 18,000-lb single axle loads based on X-year design. A.2. Site Conditions and History Currently, the site exists as mostly an open farm field. The center of the northern half of the site contains a pond/wetland and the southwest corner of the site contains heavy tree coverage. General site topography ranges from about 880 to 956 based on the MnTOPO website provided by the Department of Natural Resources. Generally, the lowest elevations are in the southeast corner of the site and the highest elevations are in the northeast corner of the site. A house was formally located on the north side of the site along Lyman Boulevard. This house was removed in the summer of 2016. A.3. Purpose The purpose of our preliminary geotechnical evaluation was to characterize subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations and evaluate their impact on the design and construction of the proposed mixed-use development. A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents We reviewed the following information:  Development Plan provided by Landform, dated February 8, 2017.  Grading Plan provided by Landform, this plan was not dated.  Previous Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec under project number B14-07461, dated November 18, 2014.  Available public aerial photographs showing the existing site conditions.  Geologic atlas showing the general soil types present in this area. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 3 We have described our understanding of the proposed construction and site to the extent others reported it to us. Depending on the extent of available information, we may have made assumptions based on our experience with similar projects. If we have not correctly recorded or interpreted the project details, the project team should notify us. New or changed information could require additional evaluation, analyses and/or recommendations. A.5. Scope of Services We performed our scope of services for the project in accordance with our Revised Proposal for a Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, dated February 7, 2017, and authorized on February 19, 2017. The following list describes the geotechnical tasks completed in accordance with our authorized scope of services.  Staking and clearing the exploration location of underground utilities. Landform selected and we staked the new exploration locations. We acquired the surface elevations and locations with GPS technology using the State of Minnesota’s permanent GPS base station network. The Soil Boring Location Sketch included in the Appendix shows the approximate locations of the borings.  Performing 20 standard penetration test (SPT) borings, denoted as ST-13 to ST-32, to nominal depths of 20 feet below grade across the site.  Performing laboratory testing on select samples to aid in soil classification and engineering analysis.  Preparing this preliminary report containing a boring location sketch, logs of soil borings, a summary of the soils encountered, results of laboratory tests, and preliminary recommendations for structure and pavement subgrade preparation and the design of foundations, exterior slabs, utilities, stormwater improvements and pavements. Our scope of services did not include environmental services or testing, and we did not train the personnel performing this evaluation to provide environmental services or testing. We can provide these services or testing at your request. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 4 B. Results B.1. Geologic Overview The general geologic profile depicted at the boring locations across the site generally consisted of a variable layer of topsoil over glacially deposited soils to the boring termination depths. Alluvial or swamp deposited soils may also be present in swales, lower elevation or drainage areas of the site. In addition, a few borings found previously clay fills soils, likely related to past filling in low areas. The encountered soils primarily consisted of clayey soils; however, the presence of frequent interbedded sand and silt seams and layers should be anticipated. We based the geologic origins used in this report on the soil types, laboratory testing, and available common knowledge of the geological history of the site. Because of the complex depositional history, geologic origins can be difficult to ascertain. We did not perform a detailed investigation of the geologic history for the site. B.2. Previous Geotechnical Information We have previously performed soil borings at this site as part of a Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report under Braun Intertec project number B14-07461 and dated November 18, 2014. Borings ST-1 through ST-12 were completed as part of that preliminary evaluation and are included in the appendix of this report. B.3. Boring Results Table 2 provides a summary of the soil boring results, in the general order we encountered the strata. Please refer to the Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix for additional details. The Descriptive Terminology sheets in the Appendix include definitions of abbreviations used in Table 2. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 5 Table 2. Subsurface Profile Summary* Strata Soil Type - ASTM Classification Range of Penetration Resistances Commentary and Details Topsoil SM, SC, CL NA  Predominantly Lean Clay and Sandy Lean Clay.  Dark brown to black, with variable organic contents.  Thicknesses at boring locations varied from about 1 to 5 feet. Fill CL 9 to 13 BPF  Moisture condition generally moist to wet.  Thicknesses at boring locations varied from 4 to 9 feet.  Encountered in Borings ST-1, ST-2 and ST-5. Swamp deposits OL 2 to 12 BPF  Thicknesses at boring locations varied from 4 to 12 feet.  Encountered in Borings ST-1, ST-5, ST-6 and ST-7. Alluvial CL, CH, ML 1 to 14 BPF  Encountered to depths of 7 to 12 feet.  Moisture condition generally wet.  Encountered in Borings ST-1, ST-6, ST-8, ST-11 and ST-14. Glacial deposits SP, SM 4 to 40 BPF  General penetration resistance of 6 to 18 BPF.  Intermixed layers of glacial outwash and till.  Variable amounts of gravel; may contain cobbles and boulders.  Encountered to boring termination depth at each boring.  Moisture condition generally moist to wet. SC, CL 2 to 24 BPF *Abbreviations defined in the attached Descriptive Terminology sheets. For simplicity in this report, we define existing fill to mean existing, uncontrolled or undocumented fill. B.4. Groundwater Table 3 summarizes the depths where we observed groundwater; the attached Log of Boring sheets in the Appendix also include this information and additional details. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 6 Table 3. Groundwater Summary Location Surface Elevation Measured or Estimated Depth to Groundwater (ft) Corresponding Groundwater Elevation (ft) ST-14 903.6 7 897 ST-27 907.9 13 895 ST-31 919.3 14 905 1/2 The soil borings indicate a layered soil profile that is conducive for encountering perched water conditions. Soil borings not listed in Table 3 did not encounter groundwater while drilling. However, groundwater may take days or longer to reach equilibrium in the boreholes and we immediately backfilled the boreholes, in accordance with our scope of work. If the project team identifies a need for more accurate determination of groundwater depth, we can install piezometers and perform longer- term monitoring. Project planning should anticipate seasonal and annual fluctuations of groundwater. B.5. Laboratory Test Results Moisture content, sieve analysis (through a number 200 sieve), Atterberg limits and organic content tests were performed on recovered jar samples. The laboratory test results are shown on the Log of Boring Sheets included in the Appendix, across from the associated soil sample. Of note from the laboratory test results, the in-place clayey soils generally appear to be slightly to well above their estimated optimum moisture contents based on the test results. C. Recommendations C.1. Design and Construction Discussion C.1.a. Foundation-Type Building Support Based on the results of our subsurface exploration and evaluation, we anticipate that spread footing foundations bearing on the native soils can be designed for support of the proposed structures, after performing typical subgrade preparation. Typical subgrade preparation includes removing existing fill, topsoil or organic soils, structures and any loose sands or soft clays below the building pads. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 7 In some cases, relatively deep soil corrections may be needed and if fill depths exceed 10 feet, a construction delay may be necessary to allow the fill and underlying native soils to consolidate under the new weight. Construction delays can range from 3 to 12 months or longer, depending on the depth and type of fill placed, the type of structural loads and the condition of the native soils at depth. If the construction schedule is such that a construction delay cannot be tolerated, sand containing less than 12 percent of fine-grained material can be placed to within 10 feet of the bottom of footing elevation. Sand soils consolidate much quicker than clay soils, and the majority of consolidation will likely be completed during construction of the lot. However, if medium stiffness clay soils are left in place under thick deposits of new fill, laboratory consolidation tests should be performed to better predict the amount and rate of settlement. This information will be important both in building pads with deep fills and in retaining wall areas with deep fills. C.1.b. Reuse of On-Site Soils The existing, non-organic, debris-free, clays is suitable for reuse as engineered fill below the proposed building pad. We do not recommend reusing existing fill that contains debris or organic material as structural fill. However, as mentioned above, sand fill may be recommended in deep fill areas to reduce long-term settlements, and lessen or avoid construction delays. C.1.c. Groundwater We observed limited groundwater in the borings. Where we observed groundwater, it was below the anticipated excavation depths for construction. Some of the soils, such as silty sands, clayey sands and clay, will collect water from precipitation or if water drains to the site. We recommend the contractor remove any water that collects in work areas before performing further work. Excavations for this project may encounter occasional zones of groundwater. We recommend project planning anticipate temporary excavation dewatering during construction. Based upon the boring and piezometer observations, we anticipate sump pumps would be suitable for temporary dewatering. C.1.d. Pavement To improve long-term pavement performance, the project team should consider a pavement design that incorporates non-frost-susceptible sand in paved areas. Incorporation of the sand into the pavement section will reduce the impact of the frost heave and subsequent thaw-weakening of the soils beneath the pavement. The sand will also provide better drainage throughout the year. Sand will not only Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 8 increase the life of the pavement but will likely reduce reconstruction cost at the end of the pavement life. If the pavement design incorporates a sand subgrade, it could then decrease the aggregate base thickness. C.1.e. Subgrade Preparation If schedule, site constraints, or other issues prevent scarification and drying operations, the contractor may need to subcut some areas of excessively wet clays. We recommend the owner and contractor anticipate some removal and replacement of these soils with imported sand, aggregate base or crushed rock. We are including recommendations for a pavement design option that incorporates a sand subbase. The sand subbase will increase constructability over subgrade soils susceptible to disturbance and, with proper drainage, will improve pavement performance by reducing the risk of frost heave. C.1.f. Weather In our judgment, the on-site clays are suitable for reuse as engineered fill but may require drying to achieve compaction. To dry these soils, the contractor will need to perform extensive scarifying of these clays, which is easier to accomplish in the relatively drier months of June to September. If the contractor performs site grading in the spring or fall, on-site drying of these soils may not prove feasible and building pad and pavement subgrade preparation may then require importing drier soils. If time or space is not available to dry these soils, the contractor may need to import drier soils. We recommend discussing the reuse of these materials with potential contractors at the bidding stages of the project. To account for potential rainfall during construction, we recommend maintaining construction grades to intercept surface water flow into the area and drain water from the area to an appropriate collection point. After grading, the contractor should compact the soil surface with a smooth drum roller to attempt to lower infiltration. After rain events, the contractor should limit construction traffic until the surface is dry enough that traffic will not mix accumulated surface water into lower portions of the soil. C.2. Site Grading and Subgrade Preparation C.2.a. Building Subgrade Excavations We recommend removing unsuitable materials from below the proposed buildings and their oversize areas. We define unsuitable materials as existing fill, frozen materials, organic soils, existing structures, existing utilities, vegetation or soft/loose soils. We also recommend having a geotechnical engineer, or Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 9 an engineering technician working under the direction of a geotechnical engineer, (geotechnical representative) evaluate the suitability of exposed subgrade soils to support the proposed structure. Table 4 shows the preliminary estimates of anticipated soil correction excavation depths and bottom elevations for each of the borings. Please note that once actual building locations, elevations and structural loading information is better defined, that these estimated soil correction depths need to be reevaluated. Also based on the desired construction schedules of each building, it may be possible to reduce soil correction depths if a construction delay is available between the time of filling and the time of construction. Table 4. Preliminary Estimates of Building Area Soil Correction Excavation Depths Location Approximate Surface Elevation (ft) Anticipated Excavation Depth (ft) Anticipated Bottom Elevation (ft) ST-1 888.0 12 876 ST-2 940.3 9 931 ST-3 938.1 4 934 ST-4 942.5 1 1/2 941 ST-5 926.4 16-20* 910 - 906 ST-6 908.7 12 896 1/2 ST-7 904.7 8 896 1/2 ST-8 917.6 4 913 1/2 ST-9 896.5 5 891 1/2 ST-10 916.2 1 1/2 914 1/2 ST-11 887.5 2 1/2 885 ST-12 912.8 1-2 911 1/2 - 910 1/2 ST-13 934.0 1 933 ST-14 903.6 3 to 9* 900 1/2 to 894 1/2* ST-15 935.5 1/2 935 ST-16 921.9 1 921 ST-17 921.6 1 920 1/2 ST-18 895.3 1 1/2 to 4* 893 1/2 to 891* ST-19 914.4 1 913 1/2 ST-20 915.4 1 914 1/2 ST-21 880.9 2 879 ST-22 878.3 3 875 ST-23 878.2 2 876 ST-24 880.1 3 1/2 876 1/2 ST-25 890.9 1 to 9* 890 to 882* ST-26 925.6 4 921 1/2 ST-27 907.9 1/2 907 ST-28 908.5 1 1/2 907 ST-29 908.6 1 1/2 907 ST-30 924.7 2 922 1/2 Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 10 Location Approximate Surface Elevation (ft) Anticipated Excavation Depth (ft) Anticipated Bottom Elevation (ft) ST-31 919.3 1 1/2 917 1/2 ST-32 911.4 2 909 2 *At these borings, a range of subcut depths is given and the actual depth of subcut should be determined in the field based on the proposed construction in the area and the actual soil conditions at the time of excavating. Test pits could be performed prior to excavating to better estimate subcut depths. Excavation depths will vary between the borings. Portions of the excavations may also extend deeper than indicated by the borings. A geotechnical representative should observe the excavations to make the necessary field judgments regarding the suitability of the exposed soils. If fill is to be placed on slopes with a gradient steeper than a 5:1 (horizontal to vertical) grade, there is potential for instability, resulting in creep of the fill mass. In these cases, we recommend “benching” or excavating into the slopes at 5-foot vertical intervals to key the fill into the slope. We recommend each bench be a minimum of 10 feet wide. If fill depths exceed 10 feet, a construction delay may be necessary to allow the fill to consolidate under its own weight. Construction delays can range from 3 to 12 months or longer, depending on the depth and type of fill placed. We recommend placing settlement plates on lots where a construction delay is required to allow for periodic monitoring. We recommend monitoring the settlement plates once a week during the first month, once every other week for the second month, and once a month thereafter until the settlement rate has declined to within tolerable ranges. If the construction schedule is such that a construction delay cannot be tolerated, sand containing less than 12 percent of fine-grained material can be placed to within 10 feet of the bottom of footing elevation. Sand soils consolidate much quicker than clay soils, and the majority of consolidation will likely be completed during construction of the lot. C.2.b. Excavation Oversizing When removing unsuitable materials below structures or pavements, we recommend the excavation extend outward and downward at a slope of 1H:1V (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. See Figure 1 for an illustration of excavation oversizing. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 11 Figure 1. Generalized Illustration of Oversizing C.2.c. Excavated Slopes Based on the borings, we anticipate on-site soils in excavations will consist of clays. These soils are typically considered Type B Soil under OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines. OSHA guidelines indicate unsupported excavations in Type B soils should have a gradient no steeper than 1H:1V. Slopes constructed in this manner may still exhibit surface sloughing. OSHA requires an engineer to evaluate slopes or excavations over 20 feet in depth. An OSHA-approved qualified person should review the soil classification in the field. Excavations must comply with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, “Excavations and Trenches.” This document states excavation safety is the responsibility of the contractor. The project specifications should reference these OSHA requirements. 1. Engineered fill as defined in C.2 2. Excavation oversizing minimum of 1 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) slope or flatter 3. Engineered fill as required to meet pavement support or landscaping requirements as defined in C.2 4. Backslope to OSHA requirements Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 12 C.2.d. Excavation Dewatering We recommend removing groundwater from the excavations. Project planning should include temporary sumps and pumps for wet excavations in low-permeability soils, such as clays. Dewatering of high- permeability soils (e.g., sands) from within the excavation with conventional pumps has the potential to loosen the soils, due to upward flow. C.2.e. Pavement and Exterior Slab Subgrade Preparation We recommend the following steps for pavement and exterior slab subgrade preparation. Note that project planning may need to require additional subcuts to limit frost heave. 1. Strip unsuitable soils consisting of topsoil, organic soils, peat, vegetation, existing structures and pavements from the area, within 3 feet of the surface of the proposed pavement grade. 2. Have a geotechnical representative observe the excavated subgrade to evaluate if additional subgrade improvements are necessary. 3. Slope subgrade soils to areas of sand or drain tile to allow the removal of accumulating water. 4. Scarify, moisture condition and surface compact the subgrade with at least 5 passes of a large roller with a minimum drum diameter of 3 1/2 feet. 5. Place pavement engineered fill to grade and compact in accordance with Section C.2 to bottom of pavement and exterior slab section. See Section C.5 for additional considerations related to frost heave. 6. Proofroll the pavement or exterior slab subgrade as described in Section C.6. To improve long-term pavement performance, we recommend incorporating 12 to 24 inches of select granular engineered fill in paved areas, in addition to the recommendations above, as a sand subbase. Section C.6 provides recommended pavement design sections with and without the sand subbase. Note, we recommend sloping subgrade soils to promote drainage and removal of accumulated water. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 13 C.2.f. Pavement Subgrade Proofroll After preparing the subgrade as described above and prior to the placement of the aggregate base, we recommend proofrolling the subgrade soils with a fully loaded tandem-axle truck. We also recommend having a geotechnical representative observe the proofroll. Areas that fail the proofroll likely indicate soft or weak areas that will require additional soil correction work to support pavements. The contractor should correct areas that display excessive yielding or rutting during the proofroll, as determined by the geotechnical representative. Possible options for subgrade correction include moisture conditioning and recompaction, subcutting and replacement with soil or crushed aggregate, chemical stabilization and/or geotextiles. We recommend performing a second proofroll after the aggregate base material is in place, and prior to placing bituminous or concrete pavement. C.2.g. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction Table 5 below contains our recommendations for engineered fill materials. Table 5. Engineered Fill Materials* Locations To Be Used Engineered Fill Classification Possible Soil Type Descriptions Gradation Additional Requirements  Below foundations  Below interior slabs Structural fill SP, SM, SC, CL 100% passing 2-inch sieve < 2% Organic Content (OC)  Drainage layer  Non-frost-susceptible  Free-draining  Non-frost- susceptible fill SP 100% passing 1-inch sieve < 50% passing #40 sieve < 5% passing #200 sieve < 2% OC Behind below-grade walls, beyond drainage layer Retained fill SP, SP-SM, SM 100% passing 3-inch sieve < 20% passing #200 sieve < 2% OC Plasticity Index (PI) < 4% Pavements Pavement fill SP, SM, SC, CL 100% passing 3-inch sieve < 2% OC PI < 15% Below landscaped surfaces, where subsidence is not a concern Non-structural fill 100% passing 6-inch sieve < 10% OC * More select soils comprised of coarse sands with < 5% passing #200 sieve may be needed to accommodate work occurring in periods of wet or freezing weather. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 14 We recommend spreading engineered fill in loose lifts of approximately 8 inches thick. We recommend compacting engineered fill in accordance with the criteria presented below in Table 6. The project documents should specify relative compaction of engineered fill, based on the structure located above the engineered fill, and vertical proximity to that structure. Table 6. Compaction Recommendations Summary Reference Relative Compaction, percent (ASTM D698 – Standard Proctor) Moisture Content Variance from Optimum, percentage points < 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically SP, SP-SM) > 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically CL, SC, ML, SM) Below foundations and oversizing zones (*100% if more than 10 feet of fill) 98-100* ±3 -1 to +3 Below interior slabs 98 ±3 -1 to +3 Within 3 feet of pavement subgrade 100 ±3 -1 to +3 More than 3 feet below pavement subgrade 95 ±3 ±3 Below landscaped surfaces 90 ±5 ±4 Adjacent to below-grade wall 95* ±3 -1 to +3 *Increase compaction requirement to meet compaction required for structure supported by this engineered fill. The project documents should not allow the contractor to use frozen material as engineered fill or to place engineered fill on frozen material. Frost should not penetrate under foundations during construction. We recommend performing density tests in engineered fill to evaluate if the contractors are effectively compacting the soil and meeting project requirements. C.2.h. Special Inspections of Soils We recommend including the site grading and placement of engineered fill within the building pad under the requirements of Special Inspections, as provided in Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, which is part of the Minnesota State Building Code. Special Inspection requires observation of soil conditions below engineered fill or footings, evaluations to determine if excavations extend to the Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 15 anticipated soils, and if engineered fill materials meet requirements for type of engineered fill and compaction condition of engineered fill. A licensed geotechnical engineer should direct the Special Inspections of site grading and engineered fill placement. The purpose of these Special Inspections is to evaluate whether the work is in accordance with the approved Geotechnical Report for the project. Special Inspections should include evaluation of the subgrade, observing preparation of the subgrade (surface compaction or dewatering, excavation oversizing, placement procedures and materials used for engineered fill, etc.) and compaction testing of the engineered fill. C.3. Spread Footings Table 7 below contains our preliminary recommended parameters for foundation design. Final recommendations can be provided as design information becomes available and possibly additional soil borings are completed for a given structure. Table 7. Recommended Spread Footing Design Parameters Item Description Maximum net allowable bearing pressure (psf) 2,000 to 4,000 Minimum factor of safety for bearing capacity failure 3.0 Minimum width (inches) Footing – 24 Column - 36 Minimum embedment below final exterior grade for heated structures (inches) 42 Minimum embedment below final exterior grade for unheated structures or for footings not protected from freezing temperatures during construction (inches) 60 Total estimated settlement (inches) 1 Differential settlement Typically about 2/3 of total settlement* * Actual differential settlement amounts will depend on final loads and foundation layout. We can evaluate differential settlement based on final foundation plans and loadings. C.4. Below-Grade Walls C.4.a. Drainage Control We recommend installing drain tile to remove water behind the below-grade walls, at the location shown in Figure 2. The below-grade wall drainage system should also incorporate free-draining, engineered fill or a drainage board placed against the wall and connected to the drain tile. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 16 Even with the use of free-draining, engineered fill, we recommend general waterproofing of below-grade walls that surround occupied or potentially occupied areas because of the potential cost impacts related to seepage after construction is complete. Figure 2. Generalized Illustration of Wall Engineered Fill The materials listed in the sketch should meet the definitions in Section C.2. Low-permeability material is capable of directing water away from the wall, like clay, topsoil or pavement. The project documents should indicate if the contractor should brace the walls prior to filling and allowable unbalanced fill heights. As shown in Figure 2, we recommend Zone 2 consist of retained, engineered fill, and this material will control lateral pressures on the wall. However, we are also providing design parameters for using other engineered fill material. If final design uses non-sand material for engineered fill, project planning should account for the following items: 1. 2-foot wide area of Free- Draining Engineered Fill or Drainage Board 2. Retained Engineered Fill 3. 1 foot of Low-Permeability Soil or Pavement Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 17  Other engineered fill material may result in higher lateral pressure on the wall.  Other engineered fill material may be more difficult to compact.  Post-construction consolidation of other engineered fill material may result in settlement- related damage to the structures or slabs supported on the engineered fill. Post-construction settlement of other engineered fill material may also cause drainage towards the structure. The magnitude of consolidation could be up to about 3 percent of the wall fill thickness. C.4.b. Configuring and Resisting Lateral Loads Below-grade wall design can use active earth pressure conditions, if the walls can rotate slightly. If the wall design cannot tolerate rotation, then design should use at-rest earth pressure conditions. Rotation up to 0.002 times the wall height is generally required for walls supporting sand. Rotation up to 0.02 times the wall height is required when wall supports clay. Table 8 presents our recommended lateral coefficients and equivalent fluid pressures for wall design of active, at-rest and passive earth pressure conditions. The table also provides recommended wet unit weights and internal friction angles. Designs should also consider the slope of any engineered fill and dead or live loads placed behind the walls within a horizontal distance that is equal to the height of the walls. Our recommended values assume the wall design provides drainage so water cannot accumulate behind the walls. The construction documents should clearly identify what soils the contractor should use for engineered fill of walls. Table 8. Recommended Below-Grade Wall Design Parameters – Drained Conditions Retained Soil Wet Unit Weight, pcf Friction Angle, degrees Active Lateral Coefficient/ Equivalent Fluid Pressure* (pcf) At-Rest Lateral Coefficient/ Equivalent Fluid Pressure* (pcf) Passive Lateral Coefficient/ Equivalent Fluid Pressure* (pcf) CL 125 28 45 65 370 SP 120 32 35 55 430 * Based on Rankine model for soils in a region behind the wall extending at least 2 horizontal feet beyond the bottom outer edges of the wall footings and then rising up and away from the wall at an angle no steeper than 60 degrees from horizontal. Sliding resistance between the bottom of the footing and the soil can also resist lateral pressures. We recommend assuming a sliding coefficient equal to 0.35 between the concrete and soil. The values presented in this section are un-factored. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 18 C.4.c. Retaining Wall along South side of Site A relatively tall retaining wall will likely be built along the south border of the site. We recommend an experienced retaining wall professional be consulted for the design. Considerations should be given to account for global stability of the final design slope and the types of backfill soils and the potential for subsidence of backfill soils. We do not recommend the wall backfill zone be constructed within the zone of influence of any buildings. In our experience, if clay soils are used below the wall foundation, or as backfill or retained soil, there is potential for long-term consolidation and subsequent settlement of the wall itself and/or grades or pavements behind the wall. The Owner and designer should weigh the cost of sand fill and backfill versus the risks of wall and backfill movement. C.5. Frost Protection C.5.a. General Clays will underlie most of the exterior slabs, as well as pavements. We consider clay to be moderately to highly frost susceptible. Soils of this type can retain moisture and heave upon freezing. In general, this characteristic is not an issue unless these soils become saturated, due to surface runoff or infiltration, or are excessively wet in situ. Once frozen, unfavorable amounts of general and isolated heaving of the soils and the surface structures supported on them could develop. This type of heaving could affect design drainage patterns and the performance of exterior slabs and pavements, as well as any isolated exterior footings and piers. Note that general runoff and infiltration from precipitation are not the only sources of water that can saturate subgrade soils and contribute to frost heave. Roof drainage and irrigation of landscaped areas in close proximity to exterior slabs, pavements, and isolated footings and piers, contribute as well. C.5.b. Frost Heave Mitigation To address most of the heave related issues, we recommend setting general site grades and grades for exterior surface features to direct surface drainage away from buildings, across large paved areas and away from walkways. Such grading will limit the potential for saturation of the subgrade and subsequent heaving. General grades should also have enough “slope” to tolerate potential larger areas of heave, which may not fully settle after thawing. Even small amounts of frost-related differential movement at walkway joints or cracks can create tripping hazards. Project planning can explore several subgrade improvement options to address this condition. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 19 One of the more conservative subgrade improvement options to mitigate potential heave is removing any frost-susceptible soils present below the exterior slab areas down to a minimum depth of 4 feet below subgrade elevations. We recommend filling the resulting excavation with non-frost-susceptible fill. We also recommend sloping the bottom of the excavation toward one or more collection points to remove any water entering the engineered fill. This approach will not be effective in controlling frost heave without removing the water. An important geometric aspect of the excavation and replacement approach described above is sloping the banks of the excavations to create a more gradual transition between the unexcavated soils considered frost susceptible and the engineered fill in the excavated area, which is not frost susceptible. The slope allows attenuation of differential movement that may occur along the excavation boundary. We recommend slopes that are 3H:1V, or flatter, along transitions between frost-susceptible and non- frost-susceptible soils. Figure 3 shows an illustration summarizing some of the recommendations. Figure 3. Frost Protection Geometry Illustration Another option is to limit frost heave in critical areas, such as doorways and entrances, via frost-depth footings or localized excavations with sloped transitions between frost-susceptible and non-frost- susceptible soils, as described above. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 20 Over the life of slabs and pavements, cracks will develop and joints will open up, which will expose the subgrade and allow water to enter from the surface and either saturate or perch atop the subgrade soils. This water intrusion increases the potential for frost heave or moisture-related distress near the crack or joint. Therefore, we recommend implementing a detailed maintenance program to seal and/or fill any cracks and joints. The maintenance program should give special attention to areas where dissimilar materials abut one another, where construction joints occur and where shrinkage cracks develop. C.6. Pavements and Exterior Slabs C.6.a. Design Sections Our scope of services for this project did not include laboratory tests on subgrade soils to determine an R-value for pavement design. Based on our experience with similar clay soils anticipated at the pavement subgrade elevation, we recommend pavement design assume an R-value of 12. Note the contractor may need to perform limited removal of unsuitable or less suitable soils to achieve this value. Table 9 provides recommended pavement sections, based on the soils support and traffic loads. Table 9. Recommended Bituminous Pavement Sections Use Light Duty Medium Duty Light Duty with Sand Subbase Medium Duty with Sand Subbase Minimum asphalt thickness (inches) 3 1/2 4 3 1/2 4 Minimum aggregate base thickness (inches) 10 12 8 8 Minimum granular subbase NA NA 12 24 C.6.b. Bituminous Pavement Materials Appropriate mix designs are critical to the performance of flexible pavements. We can provide recommendations for pavement material selection during final pavement design. C.6.c. Subgrade Drainage We recommend installing perforated drainpipes throughout pavement areas at low points, around catch basins, and behind curb in landscaped areas. We also recommend installing drainpipes along pavement and exterior slab edges where exterior grades promote drainage toward those edge areas. The contractor should place drainpipes in small trenches, extended at least 8 inches below the granular subbase layer, or below the aggregate base material where no subbase is present. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 21 C.6.d. Performance and Maintenance We based the above pavement designs on a 20-year performance life for bituminous. This is the amount of time before we anticipate the pavement will require reconstruction. This performance life assumes routine maintenance, such as seal coating and crack sealing. The actual pavement life will vary depending on variations in weather, traffic conditions and maintenance. It is common to place the non-wear course of bituminous and then delay placement of wear course. For this situation, we recommend evaluating if the reduced pavement section will have sufficient structure to support construction traffic. Many conditions affect the overall performance of the exterior slabs and pavements. Some of these conditions include the environment, loading conditions and the level of ongoing maintenance. With regard to bituminous pavements in particular, it is common to have thermal cracking develop within the first few years of placement, and continue throughout the life of the pavement. We recommend developing a regular maintenance plan for filling cracks in exterior slabs and pavements to lessen the potential impacts for cold weather distress due to frost heave or warm weather distress due to wetting and softening of the subgrade. C.7. Utilities C.7.a. Subgrade Stabilization Earthwork activities associated with utility installations located inside the building area should adhere to the recommendations in Section C.2. For exterior utilities, we anticipate the soils at typical invert elevations will be suitable for utility support. However, if construction encounters unfavorable conditions such as soft clay, organic soils or perched water at invert grades, the unsuitable soils may require some additional subcutting and replacement with sand or crushed rock to prepare a proper subgrade for pipe support. Project design and construction should not place utilities within the 1H:1V oversizing of foundations. C.7.b. Corrosion Potential Based on our experience, the soils encountered by the borings are moderately corrosive to metallic conduits, but only marginally corrosive to concrete. We recommend specifying non-corrosive materials or providing corrosion protection, unless project planning chooses to perform additional tests to demonstrate the soils are not corrosive. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 22 C.8. Stormwater We estimated infiltration rates for some of the soils we encountered in our soil borings, as listed in Table 10. These infiltration rates represent the long-term infiltration capacity of a practice and not the capacity of the soils in their natural state. Field testing, such as with a double-ring infiltrometer (ASTM D3385), may justify the use of higher infiltration rates. However, we recommend adjusting field test rates by the appropriate correction factor, as provided for in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual or as allowed by the local watershed. We recommend consulting the Minnesota Stormwater Manual for stormwater design. Table 10. Estimated Design Infiltration Rates Based on Soil Classification Soil Type Infiltration Rate * (inches/hour) Gravels and gravelly sands 1.63 Sands with less than 12% fines, poorly graded or well graded sands 0.8 Silty sands, silty gravelly sands 0.45 Silts, very fine sands, silty or clayey fine sands 0.2 Clayey sands and clays 0.06 * From Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Rates may differ at individual sites. Fine-grained soils (silts and clays), topsoil or organic matter that mixes into, or washes onto, the soil will lower the permeability. The contractor should maintain and protect infiltration areas during construction. Furthermore, organic matter and silt washed into the system after construction can fill the soil pores and reduce permeability over time. Proper maintenance is important for long-term performance of infiltration systems. This geotechnical evaluation does not constitute a review of site suitability for stormwater infiltration or evaluate the potential impacts, if any, from infiltration of large amounts of stormwater. C.9. Additional Geotechnical Exploration and Analysis Final design plans for this site have not been established at this time. The considerations provided in this report are preliminary in nature for use in conceptual design, construction estimating and site grading of this project. We recommend a more detailed geotechnical evaluation(s) including more soil borings be performed for larger structures once final design is established. We are available to discuss the scope of Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 23 the additional geotechnical evaluation(s) with you once the project has advanced toward final design. Final recommendations for this project can be provided once the design of the proposed development has progressed and additional geotechnical evaluation(s) has been performed. D. Procedures D.1. Penetration Test Borings We drilled the penetration test borings with an off-road vehicle-mounted core and auger drill equipped with hollow-stem auger. We performed the borings in general accordance with ASTM D6151 taking penetration test samples at 2 1/2- or 5-foot intervals in general accordance to ASTM D1586. We collected thin-walled tube samples in general accordance with ASTM D1587 at selected depths. The boring logs show the actual sample intervals and corresponding depths. We also collected bulk samples of auger cuttings at selected locations for laboratory testing. D.2. Exploration Logs D.2.a. Log of Boring Sheets The Appendix includes Log of Boring sheets for our penetration test borings. The logs identify and describe the penetrated geologic materials, and present the results of penetration resistance tests performed. We inferred strata boundaries from changes in the penetration test samples and the auger cuttings. Because we did not perform continuous sampling, the strata boundary depths are only approximate. The boundary depths likely vary away from the boring locations, and the boundaries themselves may occur as gradual rather than abrupt transitions. D.2.b. Geologic Origins We assigned geologic origins to the materials shown on the logs and referenced within this report, based on: (1) a review of the background information and reference documents cited above, (2) visual classification of the various geologic material samples retrieved during the course of our subsurface exploration, (3) penetration resistance testing performed for the project, (4) laboratory test results, and Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 24 (5) available common knowledge of the geologic processes and environments that have impacted the site and surrounding area in the past. D.3. Material Classification and Testing D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification We visually and manually classified the geologic materials encountered based on ASTM D2488. When we performed laboratory classification tests, we used the results to classify the geologic materials in accordance with ASTM D2487. The Appendix includes a chart explaining the classification system we used. D.3.b. Laboratory Testing The exploration logs in the Appendix note most of the results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples. The remaining laboratory test results follow the exploration logs. We performed the tests in general accordance with ASTM procedures. D.4. Groundwater Measurements The drillers checked for groundwater while advancing the penetration test borings, and again after auger withdrawal. We then filled the boreholes as noted on the boring logs. E. Qualifications E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions E.1.a. Material Strata We developed our evaluation, analyses and recommendations from a limited amount of site and subsurface information. It is not standard engineering practice to retrieve material samples from exploration locations continuously with depth. Therefore, we must infer strata boundaries and thicknesses to some extent. Strata boundaries may also be gradual transitions, and project planning should expect the strata to vary in depth, elevation and thickness, away from the exploration locations. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 25 Variations in subsurface conditions present between exploration locations may not be revealed until performing additional exploration work, or starting construction. If future activity for this project reveals any such variations, you should notify us so that we may reevaluate our recommendations. Such variations could increase construction costs, and we recommend including a contingency to accommodate them. E.1.b. Groundwater Levels We made groundwater measurements under the conditions reported herein and shown on the exploration logs, and interpreted in the text of this report. Note that the observation periods were relatively short, and project planning can expect groundwater levels to fluctuate in response to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, seasonal freezing and thawing, surface drainage modifications and other seasonal and annual factors. E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility E.2.a. Plan Review We based this report on a limited amount of information, and we made a number of assumptions to help us develop our recommendations. We should be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the designs and specifications. This review will allow us to evaluate whether we anticipated the design correctly, if any design changes affect the validity of our recommendations, and if the design and specifications correctly interpret and implement our recommendations. E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing We recommend retaining us to perform the required observations and testing during construction as part of the ongoing geotechnical evaluation. This will allow us to correlate the subsurface conditions exposed during construction with those encountered by the borings and provide professional continuity from the design phase to the construction phase. If we do not perform observations and testing during construction, it becomes the responsibility of others to validate the assumption made during the preparation of this report and to accept the construction-related geotechnical engineer-of-record responsibilities. Launch Properties Project B1701407 April 12, 2017 Page 26 E.3. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. E.4. Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Appendix P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D LYMAN BOULEVARD H I G H W A Y 3 1 2 MILLS DRIVE B L U F F C R E E K B O U L E V A R D Sheet: of Fig: Project No: B1701407 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified: 3/20/17 Scale: F :\2 0 1 7 \B 1 7 0 1 4 0 7 .d w g ,G e o t e c h ,3 /2 0 /2 0 1 7 2 :0 2 :2 2 P M Drawing No: S O I L B O R I N G L O C A T I O N S K E T C H G E O T E C H N I C A L E V A L U A T I O N A V I E N D A S O U T H W E S T O F L Y M A N B O U L E V A R D A N D P O W E R S B O U L E V A R D C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A B1701407 1" = 300' BJB 2/22/17 EJ FAX (952) 995-2020 PH. (952) 995-2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING (PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED) 0 SCALE: 1" = 300' 300'150' N 9 12 3 4 6 8 7 14 19 FILL FILL OL CL CL FILL: Lean Clay, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil Fill) FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, brown, moist. ORGANIC CLAY, black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, rather soft. (Alluvium) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 6 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 886.8 884.0 879.0 876.0 867.0 1.2 4.0 9.0 12.0 21.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-01 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-01 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 888.0 Depth feet 0.0 12 11 13 14 14 15 23 33 FILL FILL FILL CL FILL: Silty Sand, dark brown, mmoist. (Topsoil Fill) FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, brown, wet. FILL: Lean Clay, brown and gray, wet. SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 14 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 939.9 936.3 931.3 924.3 0.4 4.0 9.0 16.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-02 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-02 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 940.3 Depth feet 0.0 13 10 12 13 13 18 OC=2%20 21 SC CL CLAYEY SAND, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 14 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 7 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 934.1 922.1 4.0 16.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-03 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-03 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 938.1 Depth feet 0.0 14 15 15 20 23 22 21 21 18 23 CL CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 941.1 921.5 1.4 21.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-04 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-04 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 942.5 Depth feet 0.0 10 9 10 7 4 4 5 6 11 18 26 FILL FILL OL CL FILL: Clayey Sand, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil Fill) FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, brown and dark brown, moist. ORGANIC CLAY, black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather soft to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 22 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 7 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 925.4 919.4 914.4 902.9 1.0 7.0 12.0 23.5 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-05 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-05 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 926.4 Depth feet 0.0 1 1 3 4 6 7 12 15 43 LL=68%50 24 OL CH CL ORGANIC CLAY, black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) FAT CLAY, gray, wet, very soft to rather soft. (Alluvium) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring immediately backfilled. 904.7 896.7 887.7 4.0 12.0 21.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-06 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-06 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota PI % MC %Symbol Elev. feet 908.7 Depth feet 0.0 3 2 4 9 7 7 11 27 21 OL CL CL ORGANIC CLAY, black and gray, wet. (Swamp Deposit) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather soft to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 6 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 896.7 892.7 883.7 8.0 12.0 21.0 10/10/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-07 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerAN L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-07 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 904.7 Depth feet 0.0 7 14 9 10 21 18 21 18 CL ML SM CL CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown and black, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY SILT, brown, wet, medium dense. (Alluvium) SILTY SAND, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 14 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 913.6 910.6 908.6 903.6 901.6 4.0 7.0 9.0 14.0 16.0 10/9/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-08 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-08 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 917.6 Depth feet 0.0 10 7 7 8 14 21 24 33 CL CL CL SC LEAN CLAY, black, moist. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) CLAYEY SAND, trace Gravel, brown, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 15 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 891.5 887.5 882.5 880.5 5.0 9.0 14.0 16.0 10/8/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-09 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerAN L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-09 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 896.5 Depth feet 0.0 10 14 19 16 21 20 * No sample recovery. 22 17 CL CL CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, rather stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 14 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 914.7 902.2 900.2 1.5 14.0 16.0 10/9/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-10 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-10 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 916.2 Depth feet 0.0 11 6 12 11 12 18 12 25 LL=44%26 19 CL CL CL CL CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet, rather stiff. (Alluvium) LEAN CLAY, brown and gray, wet, medium. (Alluvium) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 5 feet immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 885.1 883.5 880.5 875.5 866.5 2.4 4.0 7.0 12.0 21.0 10/9/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-11 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerM. Nolden L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-11 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota PI % MC %Symbol Elev. feet 887.5 Depth feet 0.0 6 11 11 19 14 20 24 P200=52% 11 16 CL CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Water not observed to cave-in depth of 1 foot immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring immediately backfilled. 911.8 891.8 1.0 21.0 10/8/14 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-12 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerAN L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-12 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB14-07461LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 4 \ 0 7 4 6 1 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 8 Braun Project B14-07461 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Proposed Mixed-Use Development Southwest of Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 912.8 Depth feet 0.0 8 12 13 11 9 8 10 22 17 TS CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to stiff. (Topsoil) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 933.2 913.0 0.8 21.0 3/6/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-13 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-13 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 934.0 Depth feet 0.0 3 5 4 7 8 8 14 OC=2% An open triangle in the water level (WL) column indicates the depth at which groundwater was observed while drilling. Groundwater levels fluctuate. 27 21 TS CL SM CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown and black, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet, rather soft. (Alluvium) SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, brown, wet, very loose. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 18 feet then gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water observed at 7 feet while drilling. Boring then backfilled. 900.6 896.6 894.6 882.6 3.0 7.0 9.0 21.0 3/6/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-14 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-14 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 903.6 Depth feet 0.0 8 13 17 15 12 13 19 18 19 TS CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 935.1 914.5 0.4 21.0 3/3/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-15 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-15 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 935.5 Depth feet 0.0 7 10 11 12 12 13 23 21 19 TS CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 921.0 900.9 0.9 21.0 3/3/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-16 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-16 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 921.9 Depth feet 0.0 8 11 10 10 11 15 13 19 20 TS CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 18 feet then gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 920.8 900.6 0.8 21.0 3/6/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-17 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-17 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 921.6 Depth feet 0.0 5 8 7 7 9 15 11 21 30 TS CL CL SILTY SAND, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, gray, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 14 feet then gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 894.0 891.3 874.3 1.3 4.0 21.0 3/3/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-18 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-18 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 895.3 Depth feet 0.0 9 11 10 11 15 13 13 20 18 TS CL LEAN CLAY, black, frozen. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 18 feet then gray, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 913.4 893.4 1.0 21.0 3/1/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-19 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-19 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 914.4 Depth feet 0.0 10 14 17 16 17 11 12 22 18 TS CL SM CL CLAYEY SAND, dark brown, frozen. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to very stiff. (Glacial Till) SILTY SAND, fine-grained, brown, moist, medium dense. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 914.6 901.4 897.4 894.4 0.8 14.0 18.0 21.0 3/1/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-20 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-20 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 915.4 Depth feet 0.0 8 8 7 15 17 40 18 23 23 FILL CL CL SM SM CL FILL: Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil Fill) LEAN CLAY, with Sand, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense. (Glacial Till) SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, with Gravel, brown, moist, dense. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 878.9 876.9 873.9 866.9 862.9 859.9 2.0 4.0 7.0 14.0 18.0 21.0 3/2/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-21 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-21 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 880.9 Depth feet 0.0 5 7 10 12 12 11 14 LL=38 PL=15 PI=23 29 18 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown and black, wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, trace Gravel, brown to 12 feet then gray, wet, medium to rather stiff. (Glacial Till) LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 875.3 864.3 857.3 3.0 14.0 21.0 3/2/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-22 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-22 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 878.3 Depth feet 0.0 7 11 14 19 16 15 13 20 18 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 876.2 866.2 857.2 2.0 12.0 21.0 3/2/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-23 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-23 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 878.2 Depth feet 0.0 7 7 7 3 9 11 10 25 20 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, dark brown to black, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, wet, soft to medium. (Glacial Till) LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 876.6 866.1 859.1 3.5 14.0 21.0 3/2/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-24 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-24 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 880.1 Depth feet 0.0 4 5 2 9 13 11 12 8628 18 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, black, frozen. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY with SAND, brown and gray, wet, soft to rather soft. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, Silty Sand lense at 10 feet, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 889.9 881.9 869.9 1.0 9.0 21.0 3/2/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-25 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-25 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota P200 % MC %Symbol Elev. feet 890.9 Depth feet 0.0 5 11 13 8 9 10 10 50 22 24 TS CL SM CL CLAYEY SAND, dark brown, frozen. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, with Sand, brown, wet, rather soft. (Glacial Till) SILTY SAND, trace Gravel, brown, moist to wet, medium dense to loose. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, rather stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 924.8 921.6 911.6 904.6 0.8 4.0 14.0 21.0 3/1/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-26 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-26 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota P200 % MC %Symbol Elev. feet 925.6 Depth feet 0.0 8 15 18 12 14 20 17 19 17 TS CL SILTY SAND, fine- to medium-grained, trace Gravel, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 14 feet then gray, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) Sand lense at 13 feet. END OF BORING. Water observed at 13 feet while drilling. Boring then backfilled. 907.7 886.9 0.2 21.0 3/1/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-27 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-27 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 907.9 Depth feet 0.0 6 8 14 13 16 15 16 22 22 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, black, wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, with Sand, trace Gravel, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 14 feet then gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 907.2 904.5 887.5 1.3 4.0 21.0 3/1/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-28 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-28 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 908.5 Depth feet 0.0 6 10 9 9 13 15 9 21 20 TS CL SILTY SAND, dark brown, moist. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 14 feet then gray, wet, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 907.4 887.6 1.2 21.0 3/3/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-29 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-29 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 908.6 Depth feet 0.0 6 12 12 14 13 12 14 31 18 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, black, wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, with Sand, brown, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, with Silty Sand lenses at 5 feet, trace Gravel, brown, wet, rather stiff to stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 922.7 920.7 903.7 2.0 4.0 21.0 3/6/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-30 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-30 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 924.7 Depth feet 0.0 8 14 15 12 13 20 19 19 19 TS CL SP CL SANDY LEAN CLAY, dark brown, wet. (Topsoil) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown, moist, medium to stiff. (Glacial Till) POORLY GRADED SAND, fine- to medium-grained, with Gravel, brown, waterbearing, medium dense. (Glacial Outwash) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, gray, wet, very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water observed at 14 feet while drilling. Boring then backfilled. 917.9 905.3 901.3 898.3 1.4 14.0 18.0 21.0 3/6/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-31 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-31 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 919.3 Depth feet 0.0 6 7 6 9 12 17 17 25 22 TS CL CL LEAN CLAY, black, wet. (Topsoil) LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown and gray, wet, medium. (Glacial Till) SANDY LEAN CLAY, trace Gravel, brown to 14 feet then gray, wet, medium to very stiff. (Glacial Till) END OF BORING. Water not observed with 19 1/2 feet of hollow-stem auger in the ground. Boring then backfilled. 909.4 907.4 890.4 2.0 4.0 21.0 3/3/17 1" = 4'DATE:SCALE:DRILLER: Tests or NotesWL ST-32 page 1 of 1 3 1/4" HSA, AutohammerJ. Vloo L O G O F B O R I N G (S e e D e s c r i p t i v e T e r m i n o l o g y s h e e t f o r e x p l a n a t i o n o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s ) LOCATION: See attached sketch. (Soil-ASTM D2488 or D2487, Rock-USACE EM1110-1-2908) Description of Materials ST-32 METHOD: BORING: BPF Braun Intertec CorporationB1701407LO G O F B O R I N G N : \ G I N T \ P R O J E C T S \ A X P R O J E C T S \ 2 0 1 7 \ 0 1 4 0 7 . G P J B R A U N _ V 8 _ C U R R E N T . G D T 4 / 1 2 / 1 7 1 1 : 0 7 Braun Project B1701407 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION Avienda Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota MC %Symbol Elev. feet 911.4 Depth feet 0.0 Rev. 9/15 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Standard D 2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) a. Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75mm) sieve. b. If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add “with cobbles or boulders or both” to group name. c. Cu = D60/D10 C c = (D30)2 D10 x D60 d. If soil contains ≥15% sand, add “with sand” to group name. e. Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW -GM well-graded gravel with silt GW -GC well-graded gravel with clay GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay f. If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM. g. If fines are organic, add “with organic fines: to group name. h. If soil contains ≥15% gravel, add “with gravel” to group name. i. Sand with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW -SM well-graded sand with silt SW -SC well-graded sand with clay SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay j. If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. k. If soil contains 10 to 29% plus No. 200, add “with sand” or “with gravel” whichever is predominant. l. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. m. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. n. PI ≥ 4 and plots on or above “A” line. o. PI < 4 or plots below “A” line. p. PI plots on or above “A” lines. q. PI plots below “A” line. Laboratory Tests DD Dry density, pcf OC Organic content, % WD Wet density, pcg S Percent of saturation, % MC Natural moisture content, % SG Specific gravity LL Liquid limit, % C Cohesion, psf PL Plastic limits, % Ø Angle of internal friction PI Plasticity index, % qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf P200 % passing 200 sieve qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf Particle Size Identification Boulders................. over 12” Cobbles ................. 3” to 12” Gravel Coarse ........... 3/4” to 3” Fine ................ No. 4 to 3/4” Sand Coarse ........... No. 4 to No. 10 Medium .......... No. 10 to No. 40 Fine ................ No. 40 to No. 200 Silt ......................... <No. 200, PI< 4 or below “A” line Clay ...................... <No. 200, PI > 4 and on or about “A” line Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very Loose ............. 0 to 4 BPF Loose ..................... 5 to 10 BPF Medium dense ....... 11 to 30 PPF Dense .................... 31 to 50 BPF Very dense ............. over 50 BPF Consistency of Cohesive Soils Very soft................. 0 to 1 BPF Soft ........................ 2 to 3 BPF Rather soft ............. 4 to 5 BPF Medium .................. 6 to 8 BPF Rather stiff ............. 9 to 12 BPF Stiff ........................ 13 to 16 BPF Very stiff ................. 17 to 30 BPF Hard ....................... over 30 BPF Drilling Notes Standard penetration test borings were advanced by 3 1/4” or 6 1/4” ID hollow-stem augers, unless noted otherwise. Jetting water was used to clean out auger prior to sampling only where indicated on logs. All samples were taken with the standard 2” OD split-tube samples, except where noted. Power auger borings were advanced by 4” or 6” diameter continuous flight, solid-stern augers. Soil classifications and strata depths were inferred from disturbed samples augered to the surface, and are therefore, somewhat approximate. Hand auger borings were advanced manually with a 1 1/2” or 3 1/4” diameter auger and were limited to the depth from which the auger could be manually withdrawn. BPF: Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in standard penetration test, also known as “N” value. The sampler was set 6” into undisturbed soil below the hollow-stem auger. Driving resistances were then counted for second and third 6” increments, and added to get BPF. Where they differed significantly, they are reported in the following form: 2/12 for the second and third 6” increments, respectively. WH: WH indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of hammer and rods alone; driving not required. WR: WR indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of rods alone; hammer weight, and driving not required. TW: TW indicates thin-walled (undisturbed) tube sample. Note: All tests were run in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards. ML or OL