Grant Application (2)COMMUNITY GROWTH PARTNERSHIP GRANT APPLICATION Introduction. Tbis application requests information about the redevelopment plan, project, and activities. The Redevelopment Plan question portion of the application refers to the entire redevelopment area. The project and activity question portion of the application refers to the specific work to be completed in the redevelopment plan area. General Information Project Name: Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC. Chick-fil-A Applicant City: City of Chanhassen Applicant Address: 7700 Market Blvd, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen MN 55317 Application/Project Contact: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director Email Address: kaanensonOci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone Number: 952-227-1139 Authorized Official(s) for Execution of Contracts (name and title): Todd Gerhardt, City Mangeer How much funding are you requesting? $30,000 Credit for Stormwater Connection Fees (see attached letter dated September 15, 2016) I. REDEVELOPMENT PLAN QUrSTIONB 1. Describe Redevelopment Plan including the city's goals and need for the Redevelopment Area and anticipated businesses, housing units, and other proposed components. The site currently has a 10,000 square -foot one-story multi -tenant retail building, Highway 5 Centre. The property has an area of 1.32 acres. The site is being redeveloped for the construction of a one-story 4,775 square -foot building with a drive-thru for a restaurant — Chick-fil-A (see attachment #5). 2. Has an end user committed to redevelopment of site? Yes, Chick-fil-A (see attachment #6 for documentation of commitment). 3. Provide a brief history of the site including previous uses, activities, prior or existing contamination, and other attempts at redevelopment. The site was previously occupied by the Prairie House Restaurant building. The building was demolished April 3-10, 1996 to prepare the site for future development. On July 22, 1996, the City approved a 10,000 square -foot one-story multi -tenant retail building, Highway 5 Centre, on a 1.06 -acre site, SPR#96-03. On May 9, 2016, the Chanhassen City Council approved the site plan for a 4,775 square -foot one-story building with a drive-thru and a variance for hard cover for the construction of Chick-fil-A. After taking inventory of their final expenses, Chick-fil-A was in doubt about moving forward with their proposed restaurant in Chanhassen. They contacted the owner of the proposed site, Jay Scott from Solomon 7. Itemize Redevelopment Plan expenses. Itemized Use of Funds/Expenses Costs Funding # of Rental Units Proposed Rents/ Sales Prices Source Storm Water Connection Fees (see attachment #3) $39,994.28 Private Townhouse Financing Voluntary Remediation Program -Enrollment Application submitted -prepared by Brawn Intertec, seeking an approved $4,500.00 Response Action Plan (RAP) which was granted by the MPCA on Duplexes August 17, 2016 Other: Geotechnical Evaluation of soils by Brawn $5,420.00 Pre -demolition hazardous building materials inspection $7,185.00 Environmental Site Assessment -Phase I and Phase II $2,200.00 Installation of vapor barrier/venting system $23,500.00 Total: $82,799.68 8. Environmental Benefits. • Has the Redevelopment Plan area been found or suspected to be contaminated? Yes • Does your Redevelopment Plan include the cleanup of contaminated soils, hazardous waste or materials? If yes, please describe information on type of cleanup what measures have been taken to address the contamination consultant reports and/or Response Action Plan The project received an approval from the MPCA for the proposed Response Action Plan (RAP). The developer will install a vapor barrier venting system beneath the building. Describe positive environmental impacts of the redevelopment plan. • Enrolled in the Voluntary Reclamation Program through the MN Pollution Control Agency • Installation of the Vapor Barrier/Venting system - $23,500.00. • The developer has received approval from the MPCA for their Response Action Plan. 9. Housing Affordabilitv. Indicate the number of housing units planned in the Redevelopment Plan. Attach separate sheet if necessary. Total # of Units # of Owner Units # of Rental Units Proposed Rents/ Sales Prices Single Family Townhouse Apartments/Condonriniums Duplexes - - Other: Il. PROJECT AND ACTIVITY QUESTIONS Project site address(es): 445 79th Street West Chanhassen, MN 55317 Acreage of site: 1.32 acres Number of parcels: Was two, now combined into one Is the Project site publicly or privately owned? 1.06 acres privately owned and .26 acres publicly owned that was sold to the developer for a total of 1.32 acres. The cid sold 0.26 acres to the developer, below market value, in order for the development to improve a nonconforming hard surface coverage. Current Project site owner(s): Chick-fil-A, Inc. 5200 Buffington Road, Atlanta, GA Current appraised or assessed value of the site: $1,710,600 Projected appraised or assessed value of the site after Redevelopment: See attachment #7 for assessed value. After Redevelopment is complete, will the Project site be publicly or privately owned? Privately Post -redevelopment Project site owner(s): Chanhassen Shoppes LLC, Jay Scott, Solomon Real Estate Group, 11995 Single Tree Lane, Suite 240, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 When the acquisition has/will be completed? September 6, 2016 Legal description of Project site (may be separate attachment): Includes two lots: Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition. 1. Describe the Project including location map, photos, and current and projected site plans. Maps should include property boundaries, north arrow, and bar scale. The site is being redeveloped into a one-story building to be occupied by a drive-thru restaurant: Chick-fil-A (see attachments #9 and #10). 2. Describe the Activities that are part of the Project. Is demolition of slum or blighted buildings or other structures an Activity of the Project? The existing building is 20 years old and is deficient in many of the city's standards including storm water, architecture, hard -surface coverage and storm water management. City approved a 10,000 square -foot one- story multi -tenant retail building, called the Highway 5 Centre, on July 22, 1996 on a 1.06 -acre site, SPR#96-03. The site was previously occupied by the Prairie House Restaurant building. The building was demolished April 3-10, 1996 to prepare the site for future development. The existing building is deficient in surface water rate and treatment. The existing development has a hard cover of 81.9 percent. However, with the expansion of the site through the acquisition of the easterly portion of the site, it will have a weighted hard cover of 65.8 percent. The proposed development requested a variance to have a hard cover of 77.5 percent. Landscaping for the proposed development includes 3,436 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, landscape islands or peninsulas, and 13 trees for the parking lot. 3. How many residential buildings are on Project site? N/A Commercial buildings? N/A 4. How many residential buildings are vacant? N/A Commercial buildings? One Domino's Pizza — The restaurant relocated to a new location in downtown Chanhassen. The Hockey Stop — The tenant relocated to a new location in downtown Chanhassen. 9. Readiness to Proceed. Please provide detailed project timeline with all actions, phases, and anticipated dates for completion. The project has started in anticipation of receiving Community Growth Partnership Grant Funds. Demolition has begun. The building permit has been reviewed and is ready to issue. 10. Please indicate whether any of the following entitlement or due diligence actions are required or have been completed for the Project: Zoning amendments or variances: 1 Status: There is an existing hard cover variance The monosed development will reduce this nonconformitv. Comprehensive plan amendment: The site is guided commercial. Status: The request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Environmental review: Applied and completed. Status: Received Market or feasibility study: Status: N/A Project Information Describe the city's goals and need for this project. This area contained an underutilized building that was dated and did not conform to current ordinance standards. The site also had deteriorating infrastructure. This was an opportunity to introduce those needed improvements. Describe the type and scope of the planning project. The development consisted of demolishing an existing 10,000 square -foot building and building a 4,800 square -foot drive-thru restaurant. See attachment #5 for detailed information. Describe the redevelopment project, if established, for which this planning project is a component. As mentioned above, the intent was to redevelop and introduce much needed improvements to this area. The development was review by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Who will perform this planning project? Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC. Describe all other funding sources. Source of Funds Amount Committed Pending Private Financing $2,000,000 X ❑ ❑ ❑ El El Total: $2,000,000 When is the planning project expected to be completed? Expected to be completed in 2017. gAplan\economic development\community growth partner initiatives 2nd draft.docx