Appendix 5 Traffic AnalysisChanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Areawide Review 2016 Update Page 53 APPENDIX 5—TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Appendix 4 Traffic Analysis Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA UPDATED MARCH 2017 Prepared By: 1 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 REPORT PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES .............................................................................. 4 2.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................. 5 2.1 SITE LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND USE ................................................................................... 5 2.3 ANALYSIS SCENARIOS ....................................................................................................... 6 3.0 STUDY AREA ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 STUDY AREA ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 ADJACENT LAND USE ......................................................................................................... 7 3.3 SITE ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................................................... 7 3.4 SITE CIRCULATION ............................................................................................................. 7 4.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................... 9 4.1 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................................... 9 4.2 TRAFFIC VOLUMES ........................................................................................................... 11 5.0 PROJECTED TRAFFIC ...................................................................................................... 12 5.1 SITE TRAFFIC FORECAST ................................................................................................ 12 5.2 FUTURE TRAFFIC FORECASTING.................................................................................... 14 5.3 TOTAL TRAFFIC ................................................................................................................ 14 6.0 TRAFFIC AND IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 15 6.1 EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 16 6.2 YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS............................................ 17 6.3 YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ................................................... 18 6.4 YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS (WITH MITIGATION).................. 22 6.5 TURN LANE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 24 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 25 7.1 EXISITNG LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS SUMMARY ..................................................... 25 7.2 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS SUMMARY ................................................... 25 7.3 MITIGATION PLAN ............................................................................................................. 26 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 2 Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 27 TABLES TABLE 1: 2005 AUAR LAND USES……………………………………………………………..…………………5 TABLE 2: 2017 AUAR UPDATE LAND USES…………………………..……………………..…………………6 TABLE 3: TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SCENARIOS…………………………..……………………..…………………6 TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS……..……………………..……………….10 TABLE 5: EXISTING ADT VOLUMES……..……………………..………………………………………….…..11 TABLE 6: CONCEPT A TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY…….…..…………………………………………..12 TABLE 7: CONCEPT B TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY…….…..…………………………………………..13 TABLE 8: LEVEL OF SERVICE GRADING CRITERIA..…….…..……………………………………………..15 TABLE 9: EXISTING LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED)……………………………………………………..16 TABLE 10: EXISTING LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED)…………..………………………………….………..16 TABLE 11: YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED)…………………………..….17 TABLE 12: YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) ………………………….……...18 TABLE 13: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED)……………………….………..….19 TABLE 14: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) ………………………………….…...20 TABLE 15: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT MITIGATION LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED)………….………...22 TABLE 16: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT MITIGATION LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) ………....…...….…...23 3 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1: PROJECT LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT 2: EXISTING AND PROPOSED AUAR DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT 3: EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT 4: PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION EXHIBIT 5: PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT (CONCEPT A) EXHIBIT 6: PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT (CONCEPT B) EXHIBIT 7: BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT 8: BUILDOUT TRAFFIC VOLUMES (CONCEPT A) EXHIBIT 9: BUILDOUT TRAFFIC VOLUMES (CONCEPT B) EXHIBIT 10: PROPOSED MITIGATION PLAN Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report documents a traffic analysis performed as part of the Chanhassen Alternative Urban Area Review (AUAR), Section 21, for a proposed development surrounded by Lyman Boulevard, Powers Boulevard, Pioneer Trail, and Audubon Road in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 1.1 REPORT PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to address traffic and transportation impacts of the proposed development on surrounding streets and intersections. This traffic impact study was prepared based on criteria set forth by the AUAR guidelines. The following specific information, per AUAR recommended content, should be provided: ·A description and map of the existing and proposed roadway system, including state, regional, and local roads to be affected by the development of the AUAR area. This information should include existing and proposed roadway capacities and existing and projected background (i.e. without the AUAR development) traffic volumes; ·Trip generation data – trip generation rates and trip totals – for each major development scenario broken down by land use zones and/or other relevant subdivisions of the area. The projected distributions onto the roadway system must be included; ·Analysis of impacts of the traffic generated by the AUAR area on the roadway system, including: comparison of peak period total flows to capacities and analysis of Level of Service and delay times at critical points (if any); ·A discussion of structural and non-structural improvements and traffic management measures that are proposed to mitigate problems. Note: in the above analyses the geographical scope must extend outward as far as the traffic to be generated would have a significant effect on the roadway system and traffic measurements and projections should include peak days and peak hours, or other appropriate measures related to identifying congestion problems, as well as ADTs. 5 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 2.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 SITE LOCATION The AUAR development is in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. The site is bordered by Lyman Boulevard to the north, Powers Boulevard to the east, Pioneer Trail to the south, and Audubon Road to the west. The project location is shown in Exhibit 1. 2.2 EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND USE The overall development consists of a mix of residential, office, retail, and general light industrial. The total site area is on approximately 625 acres.Table 1 provides a summary of the land uses that were assumed in the 2005 AUAR analysis. TABLE 1: 2005 AUAR LAND USES TAZ LAND USE SIZE 1 (Degler Property)School 1,700 Students 2 (Town and Country)Residential – Attached 313 DU Office/Light Industrial 56,584 SF 3 (Town and Country)Residential – Attached 227 DU Office/Light Industrial 242,673 SF 4 Office/Light Industrial 153,026 SF 5 Residential – Detached 11 DU Office 271,531 SF 6 Residential – Detached 401 DU Residential – Attached 140 DU 7 Residential – Detached 207 DU 8 Residential – Detached 335 DU Since the original AUAR document in 2005, some of the project area has been developed. The school that was planned for TAZ 1 has since been constructed on the north side of Lyman Boulevard. Table 2 provides a summary of the existing land uses that have been constructed, as well as the remaining development that is unbuilt. The table provides specific information for the NE quadrant, which is the location of a proposed Planned Unit Development called Avienda. Two separate concept plans have been put together for the Avienda development; Concept A assumes the existing wetlands will be mitigated and developed, whereas Concept B assumes the wetlands would remain. In conjunction with the Avienda development, two concepts have been developed for the SE quadrant, both of which contain a mix of residential and office land uses. Concept A assumes a larger amount of residential development while Concept B assumes are larger amount of office development.Exhibit 2 provides a map with the areas that have already been developed, as well as the locations of the remaining undeveloped areas. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 6 TABLE 2: 2017 AUAR UPDATE LAND USES DEVELOPED LAND USE SIZE SW Quadrant Residential-Detached +/- 240 Units Residential-Attached +/- 415 Units UNDEVELOPED LAND USE CONCEPT A CONCEPT B NW Quadrant Light Industrial 440,100 SF 440,100 SF NE Quadrant Retail 419,500 SF 231,000 SF Office 150,000 SF 150,000 SF Residential-Attached (Apartments)407 Units 280 Units Residential-Attached (Townhomes)38 Units 80 Units Hotel 100 Rooms 150 Rooms Day Care Center 16,000 SF 6,000 SF SE Quadrant Office 240,600 SF 428,600 SF Residential-Attached (Townhomes)157 Units 34 Units As the future parcels develop, Bluff Creek Boulevard will be extended from its current terminus through the Avienda development and connect at the existing intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North). The NW Quadrant will provide an internal collector that will connect the intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North and Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive. Because of natural waterways and existing roadways, the SE quadrant is broken up into three areas. The eastern property (east of Highway 212) will be served by two cul-de-sac roadways, one connecting to Pioneer Trail and one connecting to Powers Boulevard. The western property (west of Highway 212) will be served by a cul-de-sac roadway that connects to Bluff Creek Drive, north of Pioneer Trail. The existing and proposed connections that serve the AUAR development are shown in Exhibit 1. 2.3 ANALYSIS SCENARIOS As part of the 2005 AUAR, the base year was assumed to be 2003 and the background year was assumed to be 2010. As part of the 2017 AUAR Update, the base year was assumed to be 2015 and the background year was assumed to be 2022. For the purposes of the analysis, it was assumed that all undeveloped parcels will be developed by 2022.Table 3 describes the scenarios analyzed for the 2017 AUAR Update. TABLE 3: TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SCENARIOS SCENARIO ANALYSIS PERIOD WITHOUT UNDEVELOPED AUAR PARCELS E-1 Existing Traffic; Existing Network F-1 2022 Projected Background Traffic WITH UNDEVELOPED AUAR PARCELS F-2 2022 Projected Traffic, Concept A Land Uses; includes all internal roads F-3 2022 Projected Traffic, Concept B Land Uses; includes all internal roads 7 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 3.0 STUDY AREA 3.1 STUDY AREA The study area includes the existing and future intersections that have a significant effect on the roadway system due to the AUAR development. The study area for the 2017 AUAR update is generally consistent with the 2005 AUAR. These intersections include: · Audubon Road & Lyman Boulevard · Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access · Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard/Butternut Drive · Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail · Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive · Pioneer Trail & SE Quadrant Access · Pioneer Trail & Powers Boulevard · Powers Boulevard & SE Quadrant Access · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp (South) · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp (North)/NE Quadrant Access · Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard · Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access · Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road (North)/NW Quadrant Access The projected build out of the AUAR development is anticipated to be 2022. The Avienda development is anticipated to be under construction in 2018, with the NW and SE quadrants following in development. 3.2 ADJACENT LAND USE The land uses adjacent to the AUAR development are generally residential. There is a golf course located on the south side of Pioneer Trail, to the southeast of the AUAR development. The existing high school is located on the north side of Lyman Boulevard, to the northwest of the AUAR development. There is open space on the east side of the AUAR development, across from Powers Boulevard. 3.3 SITE ACCESSIBILITY The site is accessed locally via Audubon Road, Lyman Boulevard, Pioneer Trail, and Powers Boulevard. Regional access is provided by TH 212 and by other Principal Arterials such as Trunk Highway 5, Trunk Highway 41, and Trunk Highway 101. 3.4 SITE CIRCULATION The locations of the intersections of the internal roadway system with the perimeter streets were based upon coordination with MnDOT and Carver County. Since the previous AUAR document, Bluff Creek Boulevard and Bluff Creek Drive have been constructed to serve as internal roadways. The following provides a summary of the existing and future internal roadway system: Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 8 Existing Roadways ·Bluff Creek Boulevard connects at the intersection of Audubon Road & Butternut Drive, and intersects Bluff Creek Drive at the existing roundabout. From there, Bluff Creek Drive heads to the north and east and will ultimately extend to Powers Boulevard once the Avienda development is completed. ·Bluff Creek Drive is a north-south roadway that connects to the realigned intersection of Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive, and continues north to the existing roundabout. ·River Rock Road has been constructed as a north-south roadway that intersects Bluff Creek Boulevard to the north and west of the existing roundabout. Future Roadways ·NW Quadrant: An internal roadway will be constructed to serve the northwest quadrant development. The roadway will connect to the existing intersections of Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive and Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road (North). ·NE Quadrant (Avienda Development): As previously mentioned, Bluff Creek Boulevard will be constructed as an east-west roadway through the development and connect at the existing intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North). A north-south roadway will be constructed through the northern end of the development and connect at the existing intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail. ·SE Quadrant: The SE quadrant is broken up into three areas. The eastern property (east of Highway 212) will be served by two cul-de-sac roadways, one connecting to Pioneer Trail and one connecting to Powers Boulevard. The western property (west of Highway 212) will be served by a cul-de-sac roadway that connects to Bluff Creek Drive, north of Pioneer Trail. 9 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 4.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4.1 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The existing roadway network within the study area includes Lyman Boulevard, Audubon Road, Pioneer Trail, Powers Boulevard, and Bluff Creek Drive. Several streets that compose the existing roadway network will carry trips generated by the AUAR development. Major characteristics of these roadways are summarized in Table 4. Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18)is an east-west roadway that runs along the northern boundary of the AUAR development. Since the original AUAR document was completed, Lyman Boulevard has been widened to a four-lane roadway between Audubon Road and Powers Boulevard, with full median openings at Audubon Road (North) and Sunset Trail. Audubon Road (CSAH 15),between Lyman Boulevard and Pioneer Trail, is a County road that runs north- south in the vicinity of the development area. Audubon Road has offset intersections at Lyman Boulevard, which are approximately 1,530 feet apart. The westernmost intersection is signalized and the easternmost intersection is stop-controlled in the north and south approaches. North of Lyman Boulevard, Audubon Road is a City collector road. Pioneer Trail (CSAH 14)is an east-west roadway that is adjacent to the southern border of the AUAR development. Pioneer Trail is currently a three-lane roadway with approximately 48 feet of pavement. Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17)runs north-south adjacent to the eastern border of the AUAR development. At the time of the previous AUAR document, Powers Boulevard terminated at Lyman Boulevard. Since then, the roadway has been extended to Pioneer Trail, and includes an interchange with TH 212. Bluff Creek Boulevard has been constructed as part of the AUAR development, and was a future planned roadway in the 2005 AUAR document. Currently, Bluff Creek Boulevard is a two-lane divided roadway that extends from Audubon Road east to Bluff Creek Drive, then heads to the north and west. The roadway currently terminates just east of River Road Drive. Bluff Creek Drive south of Pioneer Trail has been realigned to the east since the 2005 AUAR document. It is currently a two-lane undivided roadway south of Pioneer Trail. Bluff Creek Drive was constructed to the north of Pioneer Trail as part of the AUAR development. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 10 TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS STREET NAME STREET NUMBER FUNCITONAL CLASSIFICATION NUMBER OF LANES POSTED SPEED MEDIAN COMMENTS Lyman Boulevard CSAH 18 “A” Minor Expander (1) “A” Minor Expander (3)4 50 mph Yes Widened to four-lane divided in 2014 Audubon Road (N)--Collector (2)2 No Audubon Road (S)CSAH 15 “A” Minor Expander (1) “A” Minor Expander (3)2 50 mph No Currently has bypass lanes at “T” intersections. Curb and gutter at major intersections. Pioneer Trail CSAH 14 “A” Minor Reliever (1) “A” Minor Reliever (3)2 45 mph No Powers Boulevard CSAH 17 “A” Minor Expander (1) “A” Minor Expander (3)4 50 mph Yes There are left and right turn lanes at all street intersections. Path along both sides. Bluff Creek Boulevard --Collector (2)2 35 mph Yes Bluff Creek Drive --Collector (2)2 35 mph No It should be noted that values in this table have been updated to reflect current roadway conditions as of 2016, and may vary from what was provided in the 2005 AUAR document. (1) Metropolitan Councils’ Functional Classification Plan (2) City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Plan (3) Carver County 2030 Comprehensive Plan The following intersections exist in the AUAR development and are shown with existing traffic control. Some of these intersections differ from existing operations reported in the 2005 AUAR. · Audubon Road & Lyman Boulevard (Signalized, FYA phasing for left-turns) · Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive (EB stop-controlled) · Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard/Butternut Drive (Signalized, protected phasing N-S) · Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail (Signalized, FYA phasing for left-turns) · Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive (Signalized, FYA phasing for left-turns) · Pioneer Trail & Powers Boulevard (SB stop-controlled) · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp South (Signalized, protected phasing) · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp North (Signalized, protected phasing) · Powers Boulevard & Lyman Boulevard (Signalized, FYA phasing for left-turns) · Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail (SB stop-controlled) · Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North (NB-SB stop-controlled) 11 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 4.2 TRAFFIC VOLUMES Average daily traffic (ADT) volumes were obtained from the MnDOT’s Transportation Data and Analysis Traffic Volume Maps. Volumes for existing roadways within the study area are summarized in Table 5. TABLE 5: EXISTING ADT VOLUMES ROADWAY FROM TO ADT VOLUME 2012/2013 2014/2015 Lyman Boulevard West of Audubon Road Audubon Road 11,000 12,100 Audubon Road Audubon Road North 9,400 14,600 Audubon Road North Powers Boulevard 8,800 9,700 Powers Boulevard East of Powers Boulevard 3,900 4,900 Audubon Road North of Lyman Boulevard Lyman Boulevard 3,250 3,300 Lyman Boulevard Bluff Creek Boulevard 7,900 8,600 Bluff Creek Boulevard Pioneer Trail 7,100 8,100 Pioneer Trail South of Pioneer Trail 8,300 9,600 Pioneer Trail West of Audubon Road Audubon Road 8,800 9,200 Audubon Road Powers Boulevard 8,300 10,500 Powers Boulevard North of Lyman Boulevard Lyman Boulevard 8,300 9,800 Lyman Boulevard TH 212 8,600 13,600 TH 212 Pioneer Trail 6,500 9,600 Bluff Creek Boulevard Audubon Road East of Audubon Road 1,900 2,200 Bluff Creek Drive Pioneer Trail South of Pioneer Trail 2,950 2,950 Weekday AM and PM peak period turning movement counts were performed at the existing study area intersections during the month of April 2015, except for Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road (North), Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail, and Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive. These counts were collected in 15-minute intervals.Exhibit 3 provides a summary of the existing weekday AM and PM peak hour turning movement volumes. It should be noted that at the time of the traffic counts not all of the residential area was built-out (+/- 5% developed after the counts were taken). Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 12 5.0 PROJECTED TRAFFIC 5.1 SITE TRAFFIC FORECAST The Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE)Trip Generation, 9th Edition was used to calculate the trip generation potential for the remaining undeveloped parcels as part of the AUAR development. The manual provides peak hour trips rates/equations and inbound-outbound percentages which were then used to estimate the number of daily and peak hour trips that can be attributed to the remaining undeveloped parcels. It was assumed that the traffic generated from the developed parcels is included in the existing turning movement counts. Trip reductions were considered to account for both internal capture and pass- by traffic for the Avienda development. As previously mentioned, two future development scenarios were analyzed as part of this update to the 2005 AUAR.Table 6 provides a summary of trip generation for Concept A and Table 7 provides a summary of trip generation for Concept B. Additional information on the trip generation can be found in the Appendix. TABLE 6: CONCEPT A TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY Property Land Use Intensity Trip Generation Values Daily AM Total (In/Out)PM Total (In/Out) NE Quadrant Day Care Center 16,000 SF 1,185 195 (105/90) 195 (90/105) Retail 393,000 SF 16,780 375 (235/140)1,460 (700/760) Restaurant 26,500 SF 3,370 285 (155/130) 260 (155/105) Office 150,000 SF 1,655 235 (205/30) 225 (40/185) Residential-Attached (Apartments)407 DU 2,590 205 (40/165) 240 (155/85) Residential-Attached (Townhomes)38 DU 125 10 (0/10)10 (5/5) Hotel 100 Rooms 520 55 (30/25)60 (30/30) Total Site Generated Trips 26,225 1,360 (770/590) 2,450 (1,175/1,275) Internal Capture Reduction 6,448 295 (150/145) 660 (330/330) Total Driveway Trips 19,777 1,065 (620/445) 1,790 (845/945) Pass-By Reduction 5,512 --460 (230/230) Total Net New Trips 14,265 1,065 (620/445) 1,330 (615/715) NW Quadrant General Light Industrial 440,100 SF 3,065 405 (355/50) 425 (50/375) Total Net New Trips 3,065 405 (355/50) 425 (50/375) SE Quadrant Office 240,600 SF 2,655 375 (330/45) 360 (60/300) Residential-Attached (Apartments)157 Units 1,075 80 (15/65)105 (70/35) Total Site Generated Trips 3,730 455 (345/110) 465 (130/335) Internal Capture Reduction 54 0 (0/0)10 (5/5) Total Net New Trips 3,676 455 (345/110) 455 (125/330) 13 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 TABLE 7: CONCEPT B TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY Property Land Use Intensity Trip Generation Values Daily AM Total (In/Out)PM Total (In/Out) NE Quadrant Day Care Center 6,000 SF 445 75 (40/35)75 (35/40) Retail 224,000 SF 9,565 215 (135/80) 830 (400/430) Restaurant 7,000 SF 890 75 (40/35)70 (40/30) Office 150,000 SF 1,655 235 (205/30) 225 (40/185) Residential-Attached (Apartments)280 DU 1,820 140 (30/110) 170 (110/60) Residential-Attached (Townhomes)80 DU 265 20 (5/15)25 915/10) Hotel 150 Rooms 970 80 (45/35)90 (45/45) Total Site Generated Trips 15,610 840 (500/40)1,485 (685/800) Internal Capture Reduction 3,206 160 (80/80) 380 (190/190) Total Driveway Trips 12,404 680 (420/260)1,105 (495/6100 Pass-By Reduction 2,958 --240 (120/120) Total Net New Trips 9,446 680 (420/260) 865 (375/490) NW Quadrant General Light Industrial 440,100 SF 3,065 405 (355/50) 425 (50/375) Total Net New Trips 3,065 405 (355/50) 425 (50/375) SE Quadrant Office (West)287,600 SF 3,170 450 (395/55) 430 (75/355) Office (East)141,000 SF 1,555 220 (195/25) 210 (35/175) Residential-Attached (Townhomes)34 Units 115 10 (0/10)10 (5/5) Total Site Generated Trips 4,840 680 (590/90) 650 (115/535) Considering the proposed land uses for Concept A, the remaining AUAR development is anticipated to add an additional 1,925 AM peak hour trips and 2,210 PM peak hour trips to the surrounding roadway network. Considering the proposed land uses for Concept B, the remaining AUAR development is anticipated to add an additional 1,765 AM peak hour trips and 1,940 PM peak hour trips to the surrounding roadway network. Similar to the 2005 AUAR study, daily and weekday AM/PM peak hour project trips were distributed to the surrounding roadway network based on the Metropolitan Council’s estimate of total residential population and employment opportunities within an 11.8 miles radius of the site. This distribution was further refined based on consideration for existing traffic volumes on the surrounding roadway network and discussion with City of Chanhassen staff.Exhibit 4 provides the trip distribution for the undeveloped parcels. Project trips were then assigned to the roadway network on the basis of the trip distribution and the likely travel patterns to and from the site.Exhibit 5 provides the trip assignment for Concept A and Exhibit 6 provides the trip assignment for Concept B. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 14 5.2 FUTURE TRAFFIC FORECASTING The background traffic volumes for the buildout year of 2022 were calculated based on applying a background growth rate to the existing turning movement volumes. Consistent with the 2005 AUAR, a 1.5% annual growth rate was applied. The background turning movement volumes for the study intersections are provided in Exhibit 7 for the weekday AM and PM peak hours. 5.3 TOTAL TRAFFIC The results of the traffic assignment from Figure 4 and Figure 5 were added to the 2022 background traffic volumes shown in Exhibit 6 to produce total traffic volumes.Exhibit 8 provides the total traffic volumes for Concept A and Exhibit 9 provides the total traffic volumes for Concept B. 15 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 6.0 TRAFFIC AND IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS Traffic generated for the remaining development was assigned to the future roadway network. From this traffic assignment that included background traffic growth, potential future impacts were determined. Table 3 provides the traffic analysis scenarios for the AUAR update. Scenario E-1 was analyzed to determine existing conditions and to determine baseline conditions. Scenario F-1 was analyzed to determine if there would be any expected capacity issues at the study intersections when considering only background growth. Scenario F-2 and F-3 were analyzed to determine if any future impacts to the study area intersections can be expected with the potential buildout of Concept A and Concept B, respectively. Level of service (LOS) analysis was conducted for the AM and PM peak hours (typically an hour between 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, respectively) at each of the study intersections for the four traffic analysis scenarios described above. LOS is a quantitative measure used by traffic engineers to describe the operations of an intersection. It ranges from A to F, with A being the best and F being the worst level of operation. LOS A conditions are characterized by minimal vehicle delay and free-flow conditions, while LOS F is characterized by long vehicle delay – usually when demand exceeds available roadway capacity. Although LOS E is defined as at-capacity, LOS D is generally the minimum acceptable level of operation at an intersection. Each study intersection was analyzed based on the Highway Capacity Manual using Synchro/SimTraffic software. For unsignalzied intersections, LOS was reported for the stop-controlled movements and major street left- turn movements. Major street through and right-turn movements were not reported because they are assumed to experience zero delay and it can disproportionately skew the weighted average of all movements, which can mask important LOS deficiencies. The overall intersection LOS was reported for signalized intersections.Table 8 provides the LOS grading criteria for unsignalized and signalized intersections. TABLE 8: LEVEL OF SERVICE GRADING CRITERIA Level of Service Average Control Delay (s/veh) at: Unsignalized Intersections Signalized Intersections A 0 – 10 0 – 10 B > 10 – 15 > 10 – 20 C > 15 – 25 > 20 – 35 D > 25 – 35 > 35 – 55 E > 35 – 50 > 55 – 80 F > 50 > 80 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 16 6.1 EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The LOS for unsignalized intersections are shown in Table 9 and LOS for signalized intersections are shown in Table 10. The analysis was based on existing intersection control and lane assignments. TABLE 9: EXISTING LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED) Intersection Analysis Period NB SB EB WB L T R L T R L T R L T R Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North AM E A A -- -- -- PM B A A -- -- -- Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail AM A A A -- -- -- PM B A A -- -- -- Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail AM E A B -- -- -- PM E B A -- -- -- Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive AM A -- -- -- B A PM A -- -- -- A A (1) “--“ = Not applicable (2) Darkened boxes = movement not available TABLE 10: EXISTING LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) Intersection Analysis Period Overall Intersection Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road AM B PM B Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard AM B PM B Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North)AM B PM B Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (South)AM B PM A Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive AM B PM B Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail AM B PM B Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard AM B PM A Bluff Creek Boulevard & Bluff Creek Drive (Roundabout) AM A PM A 17 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 Based on the existing conditions analysis for unsignalized intersections, all the stop-controlled approaches at the unisgnalzied study intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service (LOS D or better) for both the AM and PM peak hours except for the following: SB left-turn movement at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North and the SB left-turn movement at the intersection of Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail. Based on the existing conditions analysis for signalized intersections, all signalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service for the weekday AM and PM peak hours. 6.2 YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The LOS for unsignalized intersections are shown in Table 11 and the LOS for signalized intersections are shown in Table 12. The analysis was based on Year 2022 background traffic volumes and existing intersection control and lane assignments. TABLE 11: YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED) Intersection Analysis Period NB SB EB WB L T R L T R L T R L T R Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North AM F - A B -- -- -- PM B - A A -- -- -- Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail AM B - A A -- -- -- PM B - A A -- -- -- Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail AM F - A B -- -- -- PM F - C B -- -- -- Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive AM A A A A B A PM A A A A B A (1) “--“ = Not applicable (2) Darkened boxes = movement not available Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 18 TABLE 12: YEAR 2022 BACKGROUND LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) Intersection Analysis Period Overall Intersection Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road AM B PM B Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard AM B PM B Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North)AM B PM B Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (South)AM B PM A Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive AM B PM B Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail AM B PM C Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard AM B PM A Bluff Creek Boulevard & Bluff Creek Drive (Roundabout) AM A PM A Based on the 2022 Background conditions analysis for unsignalized intersections, all the stop-controlled approaches are anticipated to operate like Existing conditions. The SB left-turn movements at Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North and Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail are anticipated to operate at LOS F. Based on the 2022 Background conditions analysis for signalized intersections, all the signalized intersections are anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. 6.3 YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The analysis was based on Year 2022 buildout traffic volumes and existing intersection control and lane assignments, with changes only made at the site access points. As previously discussed, two buildout scenarios were analyzed based on varying future parcel development.Table 13 provides a summary of LOS for unsignalized intersections for both development concepts, and Table 14 provides a summary of LOS for signalized intersections for both development concepts. 19 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 TABLE 13: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED) Intersection Development Concept Analysis Period NB SB EB WB L T R L T R L T R L T R Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access A AM D F A F F F B -- -- A -- -- PM C D B D D A A -- -- A -- -- B AM F C A F F F B -- -- A -- -- PM C D B C C A A -- -- A -- -- Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access A AM A -- -- A -- -- C A A C A A PM A -- -- A -- -- C A B C A A B AM A -- -- A -- -- C A A C A A PM A -- -- A -- -- C A B C A A Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access A AM C A A C A A A -- -- A -- -- PM F A F D A A A ---- B -- -- B AM C A A C A A A ---- A -- -- PM F A B D A A A ---- A -- -- Powers Boulevard & SE Quadrant Access A AM A ----A ----C A A A A A PM B ----A ----F A F A A A B AM A ----A ----C A A A A A PM A ----A ----F A F A A A Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail A AM F DB -- -- -- PM F F B -- -- -- B AM F A B -- -- -- PM F F B -- -- -- Pioneer Trail & SE Quadrant Access A AM C A A -- -- -- PM D CA -- -- -- B AM C A A -- -- -- PM D CA -- -- -- Bluff Creek Drive & SE Quadrant Access A AM -- -- A -- A A PM -- -- A -- A A B AM -- -- A -- A A PM -- -- A -- A A (1) “--“ = Not applicable (2) Darkened boxes = movement not available Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 20 TABLE 14: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) Intersection Development Scenario Analysis Period Overall Intersection Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard A AM B PM C B AM B PM D Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North) A AM C PM D B AM C PM F Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (South) A AM B PM E B AM B PM F Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive A AM C PM B B AM C PM B Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail A AM B PM C B AM B PM C Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Bluff Creek Boulevard & Bluff Creek Drive (Roundabout) A AM A PM A B AM A PM A 21 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 Unsignalized Intersection Summary Based on the 2022 Buildout condition analysis for unsignalized intersections, all stop-controlled movements are anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS except for the following: · Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North · Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access · Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail · Powers Boulevard & SE Quadrant Access Based on Existing and Background conditions analysis, the SB left-turn movement at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North is anticipated to operate at LOS F during the AM peak hour. With the addition of traffic from the NW quadrant development, the side street approach will continue to operate at LOS F during the AM peak hour. Based on warrant guidance provided in the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the side street volumes will likely meet the peak hour warrant threshold for installing a traffic signal during the AM and PM peak hours. It is recommended that this intersection continue to be monitored for a traffic signal, and a full warrant analysis be performed (including the eight-hour and four-hour warrants) as the NW quadrants begins to develop. The next section will provide a summary of intersection operations with the consideration of a traffic signal at this location. Based on Buildout conditions, the NB left-turn movement at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access is anticipated to operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour for both Concept A and Concept B. Based on warrant guidance provided in the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the side street volumes will likely meet the peak hour warrant threshold for installing a traffic signal during the PM peak hour for both Concept A and Concept B. It is recommended that a full warrant analysis be performed (including the eight-hour and four-hour warrants) to support a traffic signal at this location. The next section will provide a summary of intersection operations with the consideration of a traffic signal at this location. The stop-controlled approach at the intersection of Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail is anticipated to operate at LOS F for both Concept A and Concept B. Consistent with the mitigation plan in the 2005 AUAR document, a traffic signal is recommended at this intersection. It is recommended that a full warrant analysis be performed (including the eight-hour and four-hour warrants) to support a traffic signal at this location. With the addition of a traffic signal, it is anticipated that the queueing will be significantly reduced and therefore improving the operations at the SE Quadrant Accesss along Powers Boulevard. Signalized Intersection Summary Based on the 2022 Buildout conditions analysis for signalized intersections, all signalized intersections are anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS for the weekday AM and PM peak hours under both Concept A and Concept B, with the following exceptions: · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp (North) during the PM peak hour for Concept B · Powers Boulevard & TH 212 Ramp (South) during the PM peak hour for Concept A and Concept B Queueing from the unsignalized intersection of Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trial is spilling back through these intersections and is causing individual movements to operate at an acceptable LOS. As discussed in Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 22 the 2022 Buildout conditions section for unsignalized intersection, a traffic signal is recommended at the intersection of Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail. With the proposed signal, operations at these two intersections is expected to improve as the queueing will be significantly reduced. The next section provides an updated analysis with the inclusion of the traffic signal at Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail. 6.4 YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS (WITH MITIGATION) The analysis was based on 2022 Buildout conditions for the two development scenarios. The following mitigation measures as identified in Section 6.3 were analyzed: · Traffic signal at Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access · Traffic signal at Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access · Traffic signal at Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail Table 15 provides a summary of LOS for unsignalized intersections for both development concepts with mitigation, and Table 16 provides a summary of LOS for signalized intersections for both development concepts with mitigation. TABLE 15: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT MITIGATION LOS SUMMARY (UNSIGNALIZED) Intersection Development Concept Analysis Period NB SB EB WB L T R L T R L T R L T R Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access A AM A -- -- A -- -- C A A C A A PM A -- -- A -- -- C A B C A A B AM A -- -- A -- -- C A A C A A PM A -- -- A -- -- C A B C A A Powers Boulevard & SE Quadrant Access A AM A -- -- A -- -- C A A A A A PM A -- -- A -- --F A E A A A B AM A -- -- A -- --C A A A A A PM A -- -- A -- --F A F A A A Pioneer Trail & SE Quadrant Access A AM C A A -- -- -- PM D C A -- -- -- B AM C A A -- -- -- PM E D A -- -- -- Bluff Creek Drive & SE Quadrant Access A AM -- -- A -- A A PM -- -- A -- A A B AM -- -- A -- A A PM -- -- A -- A A (1) “--“ = Not applicable (2) Darkened boxes = movement not available 23 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 TABLE 16: YEAR 2022 BUILDOUT MITIGATION LOS SUMMARY (SIGNALIZED) Intersection Development Scenario Analysis Period Overall Intersection Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access A AM A PM B B AM A PM A Lyman Boulevard & Powers Boulevard A AM B PM C B AM B PM C Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (North) A AM C PM C B AM C PM C Powers Boulevard & TH 212 (South) A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail A AM B PM B B AM A PM B Pioneer Trail & Bluff Creek Drive A AM C PM B B AM C PM B Audubon Road & Pioneer Trail A AM B PM C B AM B PM C Audubon Road & Bluff Creek Boulevard A AM B PM B B AM B PM B Bluff Creek Boulevard & Bluff Creek Drive (Roundabout) A AM A PM A B AM A PM A Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 24 With the addition of traffic signals, the intersections of Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access, Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access, and Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail are all anticipated to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for both Concept A and Concept B. The side-street movements at the SE Quadrant Access along Powers Boulevard are anticipate to operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour for both Concept A and Concept B. At this time, traffic signalization is not recommended at this intersection due to the close proximity to the signalized intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 and that the traffic volumes would likely only meet a peak hour signal warrant. As this area begins to develop, it is recommended that additional traffic analysis be performed based on the specific land use and intensity being proposed. 6.5 TURN LANE ANALYSIS Based on the mitigation plan from the 2005 AUAR study, a number of left and right turn lanes have been constructed along Lyman Boulevard, Audubon Road, Pioneer Trail, and Powers Boulevard. Based on the current geometry, there are dedicated turn lanes constructed at all of the study intersections, except for Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access. The proposed geometry is provided in Exhibit 10. As part of the mitigation plan for the updated AUAR, it is recommended that the northbound and southbound approaches at Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access be restriped to provide a dedicated left-turn lane and shared through-right lane. The proposed geometry is provided in Exhibit 10. 25 Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Since the original 2005 AUAR study, many of the adjacent roadways have been improved, including the following: · Construction of TH 212 as a limited access facility within the study area; · Powers Boulevard was constructed as a four-lane divided roadway between Lyman Boulevard and Pioneer Trail, including interchange ramps at TH 212; · Widening of Lyman Boulevard between Audubon Road and Powers Boulevard to a four-lane divided roadway; · Bluff Creek Drive has been realigned so that it intersects Pioneer Trail west of the TH 212; and · Bluff Creek Boulevard and Bluff Creek Drive were constructed within the AUAR area, including a roundabout where the two roadways intersect. The AUAR document was updated in order to assess the impacts of development of the remaining AUAR parcels. There are three areas that currently remain undeveloped; the NW Quadrant, NE Quadrant (Avienda Development), and the SE Quadrant. Two site plan concepts for the NE Quadrant (Avienda Development) were considered in the AUAR update. Concept A considered a more intense development with building on top of existing wetlands, whereas Concept B considered a lower intensity development with the wetlands remaining. In conjunction with these two site plan alternatives, the SE Quadrant assumes a higher office land use intensity for Concept B to offset the reduction in development potential of the NE Quadrant. The NW Quadrant remained the same for both Concept A and Concept B. The following salient observations and recommendations regarding the remaining AUAR land uses to be developed were noted. 7.1 EXISITNG LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS SUMMARY This analysis was completed to determine the impact of existing traffic volumes on the existing roadway network. This includes the built-out of portions of the AUAR development. Results of the Existing analysis showed that all study intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS during the weekday AM and PM peak hours, except for Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North and Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail, where the SB left-turn movements are operating at LOS E during the weekday AM peak hour. 7.2 BUILDOUT LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS SUMMARY In addition to the Existing analysis, an analysis of Year 2022 conditions was completed. This was completed to determine the impact of future traffic volumes on the adjacent roadway network, with and without the remaining AUAR undeveloped parcels. Area traffic forecasts were computed for full development conditions. Two concepts were considered for full development; Concept A and Concept B. Results of the traffic analysis are as follows: · The interchange with TH 212 is anticipated to accommodate the future growth of the area, including the Buildout of the entire AUAR development. The interchange has already been constructed with signals and with dedicated turn lanes for all turning movements. Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 26 · At the intersection of Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive/NW Quadrant Access, the northbound and southbound approaches are recommended to be restriped to provide a dedicated left-turn lane and shared through-right lane. · It is recommended that the following intersections be periodically reviewed to determine if signal warrants are met as the area develops If signal warrants are met, signalization should be considered: o Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access o Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access o Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail . 7.3 MITIGATION PLAN Proposed improvements to accommodate the future Buildout scenario traffic includes the following. It should be noted that the same improvements are recommended based on either Buildout of Concept A or Concept B.Exhibit 10 provides the mitigation plan. · Extend Bluff Creek Boulevard from its current terminus through the Avienda development and connect to the existing signalized intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 North. · Construct an internal connector roadway through the NW Quadrant to connect the intersections of Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North and Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive. As part of this, restripe the northbound and southbound approaches at Audubon Road & Lakeview Drive to provide a dedicated left-turn lane and shared through-right lane, and the WB approach provide a dedicated left-turn lane and shared through-right lane. · With the proposed Avienda development, connections will be made to the intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 North and Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail. At the intersection of Powers Boulevard & TH 212 North, the EB approach is recommended to be three lanes; one dedicated left-turn lane, one through lane, and one dedicated right-turn lane. At the intersection of Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail the NB approach is recommended to be two lanes; one dedicated left- turn lane and one shared through-right lane. · The connections from the SE Quadrant development to Powers Boulevard and Pioneer Trail are both recommended to provide two lanes exiting; along Powers boulevard, the EB approach should provide a dedicated left-turn lane and a shared through right lane, and along Pioneer Trail, the SB approach should provide a dedicated left-turn lane and a dedicated right-turn lane. A third connection for the SE Quadrant is proposed along Bluff Creek Drive, which is recommended to be only a one lane approach. · It is recommended that the following intersections be periodically reviewed to determine if signal warrants are met as the area develops If warrants are met, signalization should be considered: o Lyman Boulevard & Audubon Road North/NW Quadrant Access o Lyman Boulevard & Sunset Trail/NE Quadrant Access o Powers Boulevard & Pioneer Trail Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: EXHIBITS APPENDIX B: TRIP GENERATION Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 Appendix A: Exhibits NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d B l u f f C r e e k D r i v e 212 Pio n e e r T r a i l Po w e r s B o u l e v a r d EXHIBIT 1 PROJECT SITE LOCATION AND STUDY AREA LEGEND Site Location Study Intersections NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d Pioneer Trail Au d u b o n R o a d Su n s e t T r a i l L a k e v i e w D r i v e Bl u f f C r e e k D r i v e 212 EXHIBIT 2 EXISTING AND FUTURE AUAR DEVELOPMENT AREAS LEGEND Undeveloped Area Developed Area Future Roadway Existing Site Access Proposed Site Access NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEGEND Existing Intersection Site Location Undeveloped Area AM (PM) Peak Hour Volumes AADT Volumes XX (XX) X,XXX 20 8 ( 5 9 9 ) 13 9 ( 2 7 3 ) 11 (5) 263 (80) 42 5 ( 1 6 6 ) 20 3 ( 1 6 7 ) 24 3 ( 5 3 2 ) 52 ( 2 1 9 ) 104 (340) 329 (259) 10 ( 9 ) 45 6 ( 2 3 8 ) 10 8 ( 6 3 ) 17 0 ( 4 2 9 ) 62 ( 7 4) 184 (156) 20 (55) 72 (60) 44 ( 2 4 ) 40 6 ( 1 6 9 ) 33 5 ( 3 0 4 ) 72 (83) 150 (249) 105 (267) 5 ( 5 ) 5 ( 5 ) 693 (383) 5 (5) 5 (5) 322 (594) 16 8 ( 4 7 2 ) 51 ( 1 3 2 ) 75 (223) 77 (64) 551 (269) 209 (120) 3 ( 1 0 ) 2 3 ( 4 8 ) 1 6 5 ( 6 6 ) 191 (5 3 8 ) 8 (27) 44 (13 0 ) 2 1 ( 2 3 ) 7 6 ( 8 7 ) 5 0 ( 2 2 ) 8 (12 ) 574 (3 0 0 ) 69 (13 7 ) 48 ( 2 1 ) 56 ( 2 3 ) 74 (72) 23 (68) 14 (41) 103 (90) 72 ( 2 0 1 ) 10 3 ( 2 9 5 ) 91 ( 1 0 9 ) 128 (304) 75 (262) 67 (69) 29 8 ( 1 2 8 ) 15 6 ( 1 2 6 ) 32 1 ( 1 1 7 ) 106 (75) 262 (212) 84 (146) 0 ( 6 ) 18 5 ( 4 8 4 ) 4 5 ( 1 2 4 ) 0 (2) 33 (19) 155 (61) 24 ( 5 0 ) 3 ( 5 ) 46 7 ( 1 8 0 ) 12 (7) 8 (0) 0 (0) 15 5 ( 2 1 6 ) 82 ( 9 3 ) 585 (233) 113 (155) 155 (41) 245 (506) 1 3 ( 0 ) 20 ( 6 ) 7 ( 2 ) 633 (217) 68 (222) 39 (10) 19 0 ( 9 0 ) 40 1 ( 1 6 6 ) 42 ( 7 ) 8 (2) 203 (455) 149 (373) 52 ( 5 2) 18 5 ( 5 4 9 ) 21 ( 2 1 ) 58 1 ( 2 1 1 ) 52 (52) 21 (21) 8, 6 0 0 8, 1 0 0 9,200 9,60 0 38,00 0 10,5 0 0 2,200 1 2 , 1 0 0 14,600 13 , 6 0 0 9, 8 0 0 9, 6 0 0 4,900 46,0 0 0 9,700 3,200 1,600 NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d Pio n e e r T r a i l 212 Su n s e t T r a i l EXHIBIT 4 FUTURE YEAR (2022) TRIP GENERATION & DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY 3% LEGEND Site Location Undeveloped Area Site Traffic Distribution Total Site Traffic (Inbound/Outbound) X% XX (XX/XX) 5% 10% 10% 10% 2% 30% 15% Option A Option B Daily 14,265 9,446 AM Peak 1,065 (620/445) 680 (420/260) PM Peak 1,330 (575/755) 865 (375/490) Option A Option B Daily 3,676 4,840 AM Peak 455 (345/110) 680 (590/90) PM Peak 455 (125/330) 650 (115/535) Option A Option B Daily 3,065 3,065 AM Peak 405 (355/50) 405 (355/50) PM Peak 425 (50/375) 425 (50/375) 5% 10% NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 5 FUTURE YEAR (2022) NET NEW SITE TRIP ASSIGNMENT - OPTION A 27 9 ( 2 2 7 ) 14 5 ( 3 2 3 ) 18 (7) 49 (34) 30 ( 9 7 ) 17 6 ( 2 2 5 ) 63 ( 6 2 ) 11 0 ( 1 6 8 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 185 (183) 102 (39) 108 (15) 5 ( 1 7 ) 14 4 ( 1 4 3 ) 76 ( 9 9 ) 45 (72) 22 (35) 212 (343) 98 ( 5 2 ) 99 ( 6 6 ) 0 ( 0 ) 32 (16) 34 (23) 0 (0) 19 ( 3 5 ) 15 9 ( 4 7 ) 51 ( 1 0 4 ) 41 (110) 13 (37) 43 (160) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 227 (54) 62 (61) 0 (0) 45 ( 7 2 ) 77 ( 1 2 3 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 52 (235) 106 (106) 17 0 ( 3 2 ) 12 7 ( 2 0 2 ) 17 ( 4 ) 18 5 ( 1 7 8 ) 21 (144) 6 (36) 82 ( 1 2 9 ) 51 ( 1 0 9 ) 28 (11) 105 (70) 97 (112) 9 (34) 10 ( 6 2 ) 8 ( 5 8 ) 59 (131) 51 (9) 92 (15) 98 (88) 2 0 ( 1 2 ) 0 ( 0 ) 4 2 ( 2 3 ) 43 (11 2 ) 16 (3 1 ) 10 (5 0 ) 2 7 ( 2 0 ) 1 1 ( 2 ) 0 ( 0 ) 5 (2 0 ) 118 ( 6 0 ) 2 (1 1) 44 ( 7 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 60 (60) 0 (0) 39 ( 9 1 ) 38 ( 9 2 ) 23 ( 3 3 ) 24 (53) 23 (52) 27 (21) 51 ( 2 9 ) 0 ( 0) 82 ( 5 1 ) 82 (51) 51 (29) 0 (0) 0 ( 0 ) 56 ( 1 4 6 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 44 (70) 0 (0) 60 ( 6 0 ) 0 ( 0) 13 1 ( 6 3 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 ( 1 ) 7 ( 1 ) 18 ( 1 3 ) 75 (129) 219 (29) 10 (19) 29 ( 2 2 7 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 1 ( 8 ) 1 (3) 111 (101) 18 (3) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 55 (111) 24 (38) 0 (0) 32 ( 3 5 ) 9 ( 3 3 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 98 (72) 36 (9) 0 ( 0 ) 42 ( 4 4 ) 18 ( 3 ) 0 (0) 14 (102) 3 (19) 93 ( 1 4 ) 0 ( 0) 38 ( 4 9 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 65 (35) 0 (0) 15 ( 7 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) LEGEND Existing Intersection Site Access Site Location Undeveloped Area AM (PM) Peak Hour VolumesXX (XX) 2, 0 0 0 3, 2 0 0 2,100 2,10 0 1,100 2,40 0 1,200 2, 1 0 0 2,400 4, 1 0 0 4, 1 0 0 5, 3 0 0 1,100 5,40 0 4,000 2,100 1,200 NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 6 FUTURE YEAR (2022) NET NEW SITE TRIP ASSIGNMENT - OPTION B 40 4 ( 1 7 7) 91 ( 2 5 5) 28 (6) 39 (22) 20 ( 1 5 9 ) 13 3 ( 2 4 4 ) 43 ( 3 8 ) 19 3 ( 1 6 5 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 126 (110) 176 (33) 107 (15) 5 ( 2 7 ) 98 ( 8 8 ) 69 ( 1 5 1 ) 26 (50) 13 (24) 126 (234) 83 ( 3 4 ) 12 0 ( 4 5 ) 0 ( 0 ) 27 (10) 61 (16) 0 (0) 11 ( 4 0 ) 15 8 ( 5 9 ) 33 ( 1 1 7 ) 27 (93) 8 (32) 58 (161) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 227 (66) 41 (37) 0 (0) 26 ( 5 0 ) 45 ( 8 4 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 67 (236) 72 (66) 21 9 ( 3 8 ) 21 3 ( 1 4 5 ) 12 ( 4 ) 12 8 ( 2 3 3 ) 25 (170) 6 (43) 18 7 ( 9 8 ) 32 ( 9 0 ) 40 (10) 80 (46) 60 (191) 8 (51) 13 ( 7 5 ) 8 ( 6 8 ) 174 (96) 53 (12) 114 (21) 60 (174) 1 2 ( 5 2 ) 0 ( 0 ) 2 3 ( 1 2 8 ) 38 (11 1 ) 11 (3 1 ) 138 ( 2 9 ) 3 0 ( 1 2 ) 1 1 ( 2 ) 0 ( 0 ) 57 ( 1 1 ) 121 ( 5 5 ) 2 (1 1) 44 ( 4 8 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 60 (36) 0 (0) 39 ( 7 5 ) 38 ( 7 4 ) 23 ( 3 3 ) 24 (66) 23 (67) 27 (32) 51 ( 2 2 ) 0 ( 0) 82 ( 3 3 ) 82 (33) 51 (22) 0 (0) 0 ( 0 ) 62 ( 1 3 4 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 24 (48) 0 (0) 40 ( 3 6 ) 0 ( 0) 12 1 ( 6 2 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 ( 1 ) 7 ( 1 ) 16 ( 1 1 ) 46 (105) 219 (29) 7 (16) 29 ( 2 2 7 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 1 ( 8 ) 1 (4) 94 (64) 18 (3) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 35 (99) 18 (26) 0 (0) 23 ( 2 4 ) 8 ( 4 3 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 (0) 90 (47) 48 (9) 0 ( 0 ) 48 ( 3 2 ) 18 ( 3 ) 0 (0) 14 (102) 3 (19) 93 ( 1 4 ) 0 ( 0) 28 ( 4 8 ) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0 ) 65 (180) 0 (0) 15 ( 4 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) LEGEND Existing Intersection Site Access Site Location Undeveloped Area AM (PM) Peak Hour VolumesXX (XX) 1, 8 0 0 2, 5 0 0 1,800 1,80 0 900 2,20 0 800 1, 8 0 0 1,800 3, 9 0 0 2, 6 0 0 5, 1 0 0 900 5,10 0 3,500 1,800 800 NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 7 OPENING YEAR BACKGROUND (2022) PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEGEND Existing Intersection Site Location AM (PM) Peak Hour Volumes AADT Volumes XX (XX) X,XXX 2 24 ( 6 4 5 ) 15 0 ( 2 94 ) 12 (6) 283 (86) 45 8 ( 1 7 8 ) 21 9 ( 1 8 0 ) 26 2 ( 5 7 3 ) 55 ( 2 3 5 ) 112 (366) 354 (279) 10 ( 1 0 ) 49 2 ( 2 5 6 ) 11 7 ( 6 8 ) 18 3 ( 4 6 2 ) 67 ( 8 0 ) 198 (167) 21 (59) 78 (64) 48 ( 2 6 ) 43 7 ( 1 8 2 ) 36 1 ( 3 2 7 ) 78 (90) 162 (268) 113 (287) 5 ( 5 ) 5 ( 5 ) 747 (412) 5 (5) 5 (5) 348 (640) 18 1 ( 5 0 8 ) 55 ( 1 4 3 ) 81 (240) 83 (69) 594 (289) 224 (129) 3 ( 1 1 ) 2 4 ( 5 2 ) 1 7 8 ( 7 1 ) 205 ( 5 7 9 ) 9 (29) 48 (14 0 ) 2 2 ( 2 4 ) 8 2 ( 9 3 ) 5 4 ( 2 3 ) 8 (13 ) 618 (3 2 3 ) 74 (14 8) 52 ( 2 2 ) 60 ( 2 4 ) 80 (78) 24 (73) 16 (44) 111 (97) 78 ( 2 1 6 ) 11 1 ( 3 1 7 ) 98 ( 1 1 8 ) 137 (327) 81 (282) 72 (74) 32 0 ( 1 3 8 ) 16 8 ( 1 3 5 ) 34 6 ( 1 2 7 ) 114 (81) 282 (228) 91 (158) 0 ( 7 ) 20 0 ( 5 2 2 ) 49 ( 1 3 3 ) 0 (2) 36 (20) 166 (65) 26 ( 5 4 ) 3 ( 6 ) 50 3 ( 1 9 4 ) 13 (8) 9 (0) 0 (0) 16 6 ( 2 3 3 ) 89 ( 1 0 0 ) 630 (251) 122 (166) 166 (44) 264 (545) 14 ( 0 ) 21 ( 7 ) 8 ( 2 ) 681 (234) 73 (239) 42 (11) 20 3 ( 9 6 ) 43 2 ( 1 79 ) 46 ( 8 ) 9 (2) 219 (491) 161 (402) 55 ( 5 5 ) 20 0 ( 5 9 3 ) 22 ( 2 2 ) 62 6 ( 2 2 8 ) 55 (55) 22 (22) 9, 5 0 0 9, 0 0 0 10,200 10,7 0 0 42,20 0 11,7 0 0 2,400 1 3 , 4 0 0 16,200 15 , 1 0 0 10 , 9 0 0 10 , 7 0 0 5,400 51,0 0 0 10,800 3,600 1,800 NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 8 FUTURE YEAR (2022) PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - OPTION A 50 3 ( 8 7 2 ) 2 95 ( 6 1 7 ) 30 (13) 332 (120) 48 8 ( 2 7 5 ) 39 5 ( 4 0 5 ) 63 ( 1 1 2 ) 37 2 ( 6 9 1 ) 58 ( 2 5 4 ) 185 (240) 214 (377) 462 (265) 15 ( 2 7 ) 14 4 ( 1 6 2 ) 56 8 ( 3 3 6 ) 45 (120) 22 (35) 212 (421) 21 5 ( 1 2 0 ) 28 2 ( 5 2 8 ) 67 ( 8 0 ) 230 (183) 55 (82) 78 (64) 67 ( 6 1 ) 59 6 ( 2 2 9 ) 41 2 ( 4 3 1 ) 119 (200) 175 (305) 156 (447) 5 ( 5 ) 0 ( 0) 5 ( 5 ) 974 (424) 62 (103) 5 (5) 45 ( 1 3 4 ) 77 ( 1 6 5 ) 0 ( 0 ) 5 (5) 400 (813) 106 (168) 17 0 ( 3 2 ) 36 3 ( 8 5 3 ) 17 ( 4 ) 86 2 ( 5 36 ) 21 (144) 6 (36) 26 3 ( 6 3 7 ) 10 6 ( 2 5 2 ) 109 (251) 188 (139) 691 (401) 233 (163) 10 ( 6 2 ) 8 ( 5 8 ) 321 (879) 51 (9) 92 (15) 916 (506) 20 5 ( 1 3 4 ) 0 ( 0 ) 65 (35) 0 (0) 15 ( 7 0 ) 11 0 ( 1 7 6 ) 2 3 ( 2 3 ) 2 4 ( 5 2 ) 2 2 3 ( 9 4 ) 248 ( 6 9 1 ) 25 (6 0 ) 58 (19 0 ) 4 9 ( 4 4 ) 9 3 ( 9 5 ) 5 4 ( 2 3 ) 13 ( 3 3 ) 736 ( 3 8 3 ) 76 (1 5 9 ) 96 ( 9 2 ) 60 ( 2 4 ) 80 (78) 24 (73) 76 (104) 111 (97) 11 7 ( 3 0 7 ) 14 9 ( 4 0 9 ) 12 1 ( 1 5 1 ) 161 (380) 104 (334) 99 (95) 37 1 ( 1 6 7 ) 16 8 ( 1 3 5 ) 42 8 ( 1 7 8 ) 196 (132) 333 (257) 91 (158) 0 ( 7 ) 2 56 ( 6 6 8 ) 49 ( 1 3 3 ) 0 (2) 80 (90) 166 (62) 86 ( 1 1 4 ) 3 ( 6 ) 63 4 ( 2 5 7 ) 13 (8) 9 (0) 0 (0) 16 7 ( 2 3 4 ) 7 ( 1 ) 10 7 ( 1 1 3 ) 705 (380) 219 (29) 132 (185) 29 ( 2 2 7 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 1 ( 8 ) 167 (47) 375 (646) 18 (3) 14 ( 0 ) 21 ( 7 ) 8 ( 2 ) 736 (345) 97 (277) 42 (11) 23 5 ( 1 3 1 ) 44 1 ( 2 1 2 ) 46 ( 8 ) 9 (2) 317 (563) 197 (411) 55 ( 5 5 ) 24 2 ( 6 3 7 ) 18 ( 3 ) 0 (0) 14 (102) 3 (19) 93 ( 1 4 ) 22 ( 2 2 ) 66 4 ( 2 7 7 ) 55 (55) 0 (0) 22 (22) LEGEND Study Intersection Site Location Undeveloped Area AM (PM) Peak Hour VolumesXX (XX) 11 , 5 0 0 12 , 2 0 0 12,300 12,8 0 0 43,30 0 14,1 0 0 3,600 1 5 , 5 0 0 18,620 19 , 2 0 0 15 , 0 0 0 16 , 0 0 0 6,500 56,5 0 0 14,800 5,700 3,000 NOT TO SCALE N Lyman Blvd Au d u b o n R o a d Po w e r s B l v d 212 Pioneer Trail EXHIBIT 9 FUTURE YEAR (2022) PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES - OPTION B 62 8 ( 8 2 2 ) 24 1 ( 5 4 9 ) 40 (12) 322 (108) 47 8 ( 3 3 7 ) 35 2 ( 4 2 4 ) 43 ( 6 4 ) 45 5 ( 7 1 2 ) 58 ( 2 5 4 ) 126 (140) 288 (384) 461 (279) 15 ( 3 7 ) 98 ( 9 8 ) 56 1 ( 3 9 7 ) 26 (75) 13 (24) 126 (275) 20 0 ( 1 0 2 ) 30 3 ( 5 07 ) 67 ( 8 0 ) 225 (177) 82 (75) 78 (64) 59 ( 6 6 ) 59 5 ( 2 4 1 ) 39 4 ( 4 4 4 ) 105 (183) 170 (300) 171 (448) 5 ( 5 ) 0 ( 0) 5 ( 5 ) 974 (456) 41 (59) 5 (5) 26 ( 8 2 ) 45 ( 1 0 6 ) 0 ( 0 ) 5 (5) 415 (844) 76 (98) 21 9 ( 3 8 ) 44 9 ( 7 9 6 ) 12 ( 4 ) 80 5 ( 5 9 1 ) 25 (170) 6 (43) 36 8 ( 60 6 ) 87 ( 2 3 3 ) 121 (250) 163 (115) 654 (480) 232 (180) 13 ( 7 5 ) 8 ( 6 8 ) 436 (844) 53 (12) 114 (21) 878 (592) 20 5 ( 1 3 4 ) 0 ( 0 ) 35 (180) 0 (0) 19 5 ( 4 0 ) 11 0 ( 1 7 6 ) 1 5 ( 6 3 ) 2 4 ( 5 2 ) 2 0 1 ( 1 9 9 ) 248 ( 6 9 0 ) 20 (6 0 ) 186 (1 6 9 ) 5 2 ( 3 6 ) 9 3 ( 9 5 ) 5 4 ( 2 3 ) 65 ( 2 4 ) 739 ( 3 7 8 ) 76 (1 5 9 ) 76 ( 7 0 ) 60 ( 2 4 ) 80 (78) 24 (73) 56 (80) 111 (97) 1 02 ( 2 9 1 ) 13 5 ( 3 9 1 ) 1 36 ( 1 5 1 ) 154 (393) 98 (349) 99 (106) 39 1 ( 1 6 0 ) 16 8 ( 1 3 5 ) 41 3 ( 1 6 0 ) 181 (114) 353 (250) 91 (158) 0 ( 7 ) 26 2 ( 6 5 6 ) 49 ( 1 3 3 ) 0 (2) 60 (68) 166 (65) 66 ( 9 0 ) 3 ( 6 ) 62 4 ( 2 5 6 ) 13 (8) 9 (0) 0 (0) 17 0 ( 2 3 4 ) 7 ( 1 ) 10 5 ( 1 1 1 ) 676 (356) 219 (29) 129 (182) 29 ( 2 2 7 ) 3 ( 1 9 ) 1 ( 8 ) 167 (48) 358 (609) 18 (3) 14 ( 0 ) 21 ( 7 ) 8 ( 2 ) 716 (333) 91 (265) 42 (11) 22 6 ( 1 2 0 ) 44 0 ( 2 2 2 ) 46 ( 8 ) 9 (2) 309 (538) 209 (411) 55 ( 5 5 ) 24 8 ( 6 2 5 ) 18 ( 3 ) 0 (0) 14 (102) 3 (19) 93 ( 1 4 ) 22 ( 2 2 ) 65 4 ( 2 7 6 ) 55 (55) 0 (0) 22 (22) LEGEND Study Intersection Site Location Undeveloped Area AM (PM) Peak Hour VolumesXX (XX) 11 , 3 0 0 11 , 5 0 0 12,000 12,5 0 0 43,10 0 13,9 0 0 3,200 1 5 , 2 0 0 18,000 19 , 0 0 0 13 , 5 0 0 15 , 8 0 0 6,300 56,2 0 0 14,300 5,400 2,600 EXHIBIT 10 FUTURE INTERSECTION CONTROL AND LANE ASSIGNMENTS NOT TO SCALE N Chanhassen 2005 AUAR Update │Appendix 4 -Traffic Analysis Updated March 2017 Appendix B: Site Trip Generation In Out Total In Out Total Day Care Center 565 16,000 Square Feet 1,185 105 90 195 90 105 195 Shopping Center 820 393,000 Square Feet 16,780 235 140 375 700 760 1,460 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 26,500 Square Feet 3,370 155 130 285 155 105 260 General Office Building 710 150,000 Square Feet 1,655 205 30 235 Chan 225 225 Apartment 220 407 Units 2,590 40 165 205 155 85 240 Residential Condominium/Townhouse 230 38 Units 125 0 10 10 5 5 10 Hotel 310 100 Rooms 520 30 25 55 30 30 60 26,225 770 590 1,360 1,135 1,315 2,450 802 45 25 70 20 45 65 2,152 30 25 55 125 135 260 2,120 70 50 120 75 70 145 1,108 5 35 40 95 65 160 266 0 10 10 15 15 30 6,448 150 145 295 330 330 660 19,777 620 445 1,065 805 985 1,790 4,974 0 0 0 205 205 410 538 0 0 0 25 25 50 5,512 0 0 0 230 230 460 14,265 620 445 1,065 575 755 1,330 In Out Total In Out Total General Office Building 710 240,600 Square Feet 2,655 330 45 375 60 300 360 Apartment 220 157 Units 1,075 15 65 80 70 35 105 3,730 345 110 455 130 335 465 27 0 0 0 0 5 5 27 0 0 0 5 0 5 54 0 0 0 5 5 10 3,676 345 110 455 125 330 455 In Out Total In Out Total General Light Industrial 110 440,100 Square Feet 3,065 355 50 405 50 375 425 3,065 355 50 405 50 375 425 TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - NE Quadrant (Option A) Trip Generation Analysis DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description ITE LUC Intensity / Units Daily TOTAL SITE GENERATED EXTERNAL TRIPS Total Internal Capture Reduction Total Pass-By Reduction TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Office Internal Capture Reduction Retail Internal Capture Reduction Restaurant Internal Capture Reduction Residential Internal Capture Reduction Hotel Internal Capture Reduction TOTAL DRIVEWAY TRIPS Shopping Center (LUC 820) Pass-By Reduction Restaurant (LUC 932) Pass-By Reduction Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - SE Quadrant (Option A) Trip Generation Analysis DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description AM Peak Hour PM Peak HourDaily TOTAL SITE GENERATED EXTERNAL TRIPS Office Internal Capture Reduction Intensity / UnitsITE LUC Residential Internal Capture Reduction Total Internal Capture Reduction TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description ITE LUC Intensity / Units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - NW Quadrant (Option A) Trip Generation Analysis TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS In Out Total In Out Total Day Care Center 565 6,000 Square Feet 445 40 35 75 35 40 75 Shopping Center 820 224,000 Square Feet 9,565 135 80 215 400 430 830 High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant 932 7,000 Square Feet 890 40 35 75 40 30 70 General Office Building 710 150,000 Square Feet 1,655 205 30 235 40 185 225 Apartment 220 280 Units 1,820 30 110 140 110 60 170 Residential Condominium/Townhouse 230 80 Units 265 5 15 20 15 10 25 Hotel 310 150 Rooms 970 45 35 80 45 45 90 15,610 500 340 840 685 800 1,485 530 30 15 45 15 35 50 1,229 20 20 40 80 85 165 601 30 20 50 20 20 40 658 0 10 10 65 40 105 188 0 15 15 10 10 20 3,206 80 80 160 190 190 380 12,404 420 260 680 495 610 1,105 2,834 0 0 0 115 115 230 124 0 0 0 5 5 10 2,958 0 0 0 120 120 240 9,446 420 260 680 375 490 865 In Out Total In Out Total General Office Building (East of 212) 710 287,600 Square Feet 3,170 395 55 450 75 355 430 General Office Building (West of 212) 710 141,000 Square Feet 1,555 195 25 220 35 175 210 Residential Condominium/Townhouse 230 34 Units 115 0 10 10 5 5 10 4,840 590 90 680 115 535 650 4,840 590 90 680 115 535 650 In Out Total In Out Total General Light Industrial 110 440,100 Square Feet 3,065 355 50 405 50 375 425 3,065 355 50 405 50 375 425 TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description ITE LUC Intensity / Units Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - NW Quadrant (Option B) Trip Generation Analysis TOTAL SITE GENERATED EXTERNAL TRIPS Intensity / UnitsITE LUC AM Peak Hour PM Peak HourDaily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Office Internal Capture Reduction Retail Internal Capture Reduction Restaurant Internal Capture Reduction Residential Internal Capture Reduction Hotel Internal Capture Reduction TOTAL DRIVEWAY TRIPS Shopping Center (LUC 820) Pass-By Reduction Restaurant (LUC 932) Pass-By Reduction Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - SE Quadrant (Option B) Trip Generation Analysis DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description TOTAL NET NEW PROJECT GENERATED TRIPS Chanhassen Bluff Creek AUAR - NE Quadrant (Option B) Trip Generation Analysis DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRIPS Land Use Description ITE LUC Intensity / Units Daily TOTAL SITE GENERATED EXTERNAL TRIPS Total Internal Capture Reduction Total Pass-By Reduction TOTAL NET NEW SITE GENERATED TRIPS