6.0 Mids 2017Project Information Calculator Version: Version 2: June 2014 Project Name: Arbor Glen User Name / Company Name: Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Date: 12-22-2015 Project Description: Site Information Retention Requirement (inches): 1.1 Site's Zip Code: 55391 Annual Rainfall (inches): 29.9 Phosphorus EMC (mg/1): 0.3 TSS EMC (mg/1): 54.5 Total Site Area Land Cover A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Forest/Open Space - Undisturbed, protected 0 0 0 0 0 forest/open space or reforested land Managed Turf - disturbed, graded for yards or 0 0 4.28 4.28 other turf to be mowed/managed Impervious Area (acres) 1.56 Total Area (acres) 5.84 Site Areas Routed to BMPs Land Cover A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Forest/Open Space - Undisturbed, protected 0 forest/open space or reforested land Managed Turf - disturbed, graded for yards or 4.28 4.28 other turf to be mowed/managed Impervious Area (acres) 1.56 Total Area (acres) 5.84 Summary Information Performance Goal Requirement Performance goal volume retention requirement: 6229 ft3 Volume removed by BMPs towards performance goal: 3534 ft3 Percent volume removed towards performance goal 57 % Annual Volume and Pollutant Load Reductions Post development annual runoff volume 5.4349 acre -ft Annual runoff volume removed by BMPs: 2.9001 acre -ft Percent annual runoff volume removed: 53 % Post development annual particulate P load: 2.44 lbs Annual particulate P removed by BMPs: 2.21 lbs Post development annual dissolved P load: 2 lbs Annual dissolved P removed by BMPs: 1.26 lbs Percent annual total phosphorus removed: 78 % Post development annual TSS load: 806 lbs Annual TSS removed by BMPs: 729 lbs Percent annual TSS removed: 90 % BMP Summary Performance Goal Summary BMP Name BMP Volume Capacity (ft3) Volume Recieved (ft3) Volume Retained (ft3) Volume Outflow (ft3) Percent Retained M 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 417 40 40 0 100 1 - Swale main channel - Area lA 74 918 74 844 8 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 71 599 71 528 12 3 - Swale main channel 42 399 42 357 11 4 - Swale main channel 63 40 40 0 100 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 3267 5962 3267 1 2695 55 1 - Constructed stormwater pond - Area 11 0 5962 0 5962 0 Annual Volume Summary Particulate Phosphorus Summary Load From Volume Load From Volume Load Outflow Percent Direct From Direct From Volume Volume Percent BMP Name Upstream Retained outflow Retained Watershed Watershed BMPs (acre -ft) (acre -ft) M) (lbs) (acre -ft) (lbs) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.22 (acre -ft) 0.07 0.15 31 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.4949 0 0.1546 0.3403 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.7071 0 0.1189 0.5882 17 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.4774 0 0.1087 0.3687 23 3 - Swale main channel 0.3709 0 0.0723 0.2986 19 4 - Swale main channel 0.0904 0 0.0522 0.0382 58 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 4.5879 2.3935 2.1944 52 1 - Constructed stormwater pond - Area 111 3.2942 1.2937 0 4.5879 0 Particulate Phosphorus Summary Load From Load From Load From Load Outflow Percent Direct Upstream BMP Name BMP Name Load Retained Load Retained Watershed BMPs (lbs) (lbs) (%) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.22 0 0.07 0.15 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.32 0 0.25 0.07 78 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.21 0 0.17 0.04 79 3 - Swale main channel 0.17 0 0.13 0.04 78 4 - Swale main channel 0.04 0 0.04 0 89 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 0.16 0.08 0.08 52 1 - Constructed stormwater pond - Area 11 1.48 0.15 1.47 0.16 90 Dissolved Phosphorus Summary TSS Summary Load From Load From Direct Upstream Load Outflow Percent BMP Name Retained Load Retained Watershed BMPs (lbs) (lbs) (%) (lbs) (lbs) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.18 0 0.06 0.12 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.26 0 0.04 0.22 17 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.18 0 0.04 0.14 23 3 - Swale main channel 0.14 0 0.03 0.11 19 4 - Swale main channel 0.03 0 0.02 0.01 58 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 1 1.3 0.68 0.62 52 1 - Constructed stormwater pond - Area 111 1.21 1 0.48 0.39 1.3 23 TSS Summary BMP Schematic Load From Load From - Swale main channel Area 1A Area 10 Direct Upstream Load Outflow Percent BMP Name Retained Load Retained Watershed BMPs (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 73 0 23 50 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 105 0 77 28 73 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 71 0 53 18 75 3 - Swale main channel 55 0 41 14 74 4 - Swale main channel 13 0 11 2 86 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 55 29 26 52 1 - Constructed stormwater pond - Area 11 488 62 495 55 90 BMP Schematic 1- Swale Side Slope - Arei 3 - Swale main channel 4 - Swale main channel 1- Constructed stormwater pond - Area 1C 1- Harvest and re -use/ Cistern 1 - Swale main channel -2 - Swale main channel Area 1A Area 10 1- Swale Side Slope - Arei 3 - Swale main channel 4 - Swale main channel 1- Constructed stormwater pond - Area 1C 1- Harvest and re -use/ Cistern