SWPPPSTORM SEWER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) ARBOR GLEN 1. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INFORMATION This SWPPP was prepared by personnel rangetl in the design dsunsimction SIMI Copies of csdificatims are available upon request. Pro act Name: Arbor Glen Probed Location: Address : 91 TO Great Plains Blvd City: Chanhassen State: Minnesota Zip Code: 55317 County Parcel ID Number (PID): 250242900 pro Sea Tvce: Residental Cmduencel/Industrlot Read Construction ReadentlallRoad Constructed Other C ... hitiv Mpemm. Surface b dimated! constuced. Home mtrstrucMn shall dsturb previously stabilized areas. Typically entire lots will etlmated! Practices far stomas of aesticides herbicidesinsecticidal fertilizers tremmust chemical and landscape Numberdicres to M dbluNed: as finish grading is completed Areas not to be disturbed amlypimilytlesignatetl bytheuseofsiglance. 66 famm mLemaere) P ocommuction Some of impervious surface: Topsoil shall be preserved by stockpiling with sediment control instalted amuntl the perimeter dthe stockpile. 0.0 (lentha dan acre) Pool -construction sues of impervious surface: Individual lots under Consumption shall also install vehicle tracking measures such as rack enhance berm or 2.0 (tenths don aae) Tool new impervious surface Some: other tracking control BMP to maintain clean streets. Home builders shall be responsible hrameon&sediment 2.0 (tenths of an aae) Recalving WM mS control Installation, maintenance, SWPPP inspection and record n Mr lob under Meir construction. p keeping stored in a tightly sealed Container, which re dearly nbeletl. Any asphalt substances used onsite Name of Water Body Tie Special Wawa Impaired? Watl. Lake Andy Lake NO Yes Lake Susan Lake No Yes Werlantll Wetland No No Parti Pond No No Date of Construction Construction Start Date: Spring of 2017 Estimated Completion Dare: Summer of M17 2. General Construction Project Information Personnel B Training Provide a certified erosion control supervisor in goad standing wit who is knowledgeable 8 experienced in Me application of erosion prevention & sediment control BMPs. Supervisor shall work with the prajed engineer b oversee implementation of the SWPPP & the installation, inspection & maintenance of the Moslem contd BMPs. Provide at base one bertified installer for each contractor or subcontractor Mat installs erosion control BMPs. Chain or Responsibility Owner I Developer 8 Contracts are copermitees for fee National Pollutant Dbchs,r, Elemination System (NPOES) Constructed Permit. Contractor is responsible to comply with all aspects ef the NPOES Combustion Permit at all times until Na Notice of Termination (NOT) has been filed with the MPCA or transferred In a home builder a another mnbactor. Contractor will develop a chain ofcommand with all operators on the site to ensure Met the SWPPP will be implemented & stay in effect until constructed is complete, the site has final stabilization & NOT has bean submitted to the MPCA Desuibe the construction adivty This H- 6.6 acre development will consist of the land development of 21 single family tldached homes, and NO linear bet of streets. Other soil distuding activities will include: home building, driveway conduction. and lot landscaping. This project will M mass graded and consimded in 1 phase, grading will be completed in the spring of 2017, and u6lides completed in the same spring or summer. Soil disturbing activities will include: Demolition dthe existing structures, installationdarock enranceband, clearing and grubbing, installation of ublitiedminor utilities(including private utilitiesgas,cable,electric, el the installation ofsilt fence and tree once prior b gred'mg, the Installation of silt fence around the proposed Pending areas ager Me grading is complete, grading, respreading topsoil, and grading restoration which will consist of seeding and mulching all diamond areas aubide of to sheet raw. Erosion blanket will also be installed on all 3:1 slopes or grader. Additional erosion combat may to used throughout Me site. See the Erosion& Sediment Control Plan for specific locations. 3. Temporary Erosion Prevention Practices Describe ropes of aroaion prevermon BMPs expected to be implemented Perimeter Control shall be established around the site & amuntl the base of stockpiles if the stockpile will remain longer than 30 day.. Perimeter mdmI is typically established with silt fence which also doliniatas areas net to be daaturbec, Silt Fence locations are shown on the Grading & Erosion Control plana. Where possible SOt buffers shall be maintained around Surface waters & wetland. Dual perimeter eentmla shall be installed if work is bake pacewithin 50R dsu"am w Wm & wetlands. Erosion blanket will be installed an all 3:1 slopes. DUrin eonalb ction a. Stabilization of all exposed areas must be initiated Immediately b limit sdl erasion but in no case later Nan seven (7) days after the construction activity in Nat portion of the site has samurai a permanently ceasetl. Once grading is Complete, temporary erosion BMPs, shall be Installed Immediately fine. baoaolls. erosion blanked. Much checks, etc). No laerlhon seven (7) days, the permanent Sebilizatim should be in place. b. Temporary, sediment basin requirements Merrill in Part 111 ,11.1-5 must M used for common drainage mations that some an area wife five (5) or more acres tlistuded at one rime. This project is being constructed in 1 phase. The permanent dry sediment basins shall be constructed first and all onsite drainage shall be routed b the ponds. The site does not have any concentrated sweas that will all discharge oft -site List anticipated BMP Quantum • Silt Face. (Safe. Candmi len)-3,030 LF • Silt Fence (After ConadoGicn) - 305 LF • Erosion Blanket -1,200 BY Methods of dissipatingvelocity along stamwalkr Conveyance channels? outlets • Rip -dap will be used at all fli mtland muptures • Check Dams- Implantation of check dams or other grade control pmdice to annum sheet flow and prevent rile bar slopes greater than 75 Met with a grade of3:1 or steepen Methods to be used for stabilization of ditch and Swale wettetl pernmers • Bio -rolls shall be used for stabilization of ditches and swales as Shown on the Emsaon Central Plan. Homs building BMP. 7. Pollution Prevention Management Measures Single family lots within the overall sla will be disturbed on ala by lot basis as lots am sold & Mrnes are Methods a be used b promote infiltration and setliment removal on fee site prior a discharge b dimated! constuced. Home mtrstrucMn shall dsturb previously stabilized areas. Typically entire lots will etlmated! Practices far stomas of aesticides herbicidesinsecticidal fertilizers tremmust chemical and landscape • The water quality volume that must be treated by the projects peimanem sbmwmer management system as finish grading is completed Areas not to be disturbed amlypimilytlesignatetl bytheuseofsiglance. materials mobbed in Part 111.0. shall W 1/2 inch d runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by fee ported, Topsoil shall be preserved by stockpiling with sediment control instalted amuntl the perimeter dthe stockpile. EKLO BASE OB 05/10116 WATER REUSE REVISIONS See Part III.C2 for more information on Infilhation design and Spectral site conditions. tit is determined Individual lots under Consumption shall also install vehicle tracking measures such as rack enhance berm or Petroleum Pmduds: All onsite vehicles and equipment will be monitored for leaks and receive Met site conditions are note ro rials for infiltration a lack of 3 fl. ofa rated to sessbnall s WMW FD p ( 9 spa y other tracking control BMP to maintain clean streets. Home builders shall be responsible hrameon&sediment regular reventative maintenance to reduce the chance of mala e. Poholeum inducts will he g p g p ground water, bedrock, contaminated i toils) the masons should be documented in the mwanr control Installation, maintenance, SWPPP inspection and record n Mr lob under Meir construction. p keeping stored in a tightly sealed Container, which re dearly nbeletl. Any asphalt substances used onsite noon aro up Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the project. Hydmnma Soil Group D mile. project not remsed sediment control BMPs. He will select individuals who will bo responsible for Me inspectors, maimmnance, and will be applied according a the manuacNreh recommendatiana. Clay soil reduction ben v a Cnit soils throughout the site resulted in volume retludlan being achievetl viefiltration aheMs in Nine (3) dthe Home Cot aWction BMP Phasing onsite,olds. Pratedeberm, area through use of one eraroed mehotion dmefrea wiithintft Fertilizers will be, bewmumamounts m resummendedbyto gradient BMPs shall be installed b eliminate the overloading. The inspector or summers shall not0ythe design ofsrfacwatersreruck entrance berm, sad buffers other approved method. In areas within Soft of surface waters retluntlae manufacturer. theftlilizerill et manubGurer. Once applied, the fertilizer will be wormed lino Me sail a limit Ne exposure a of BMPs Time linestobeilSilt i a controls shall eeinstalled ion Softhuger cannot be maintained. abrmwater. aonsiteforcompletingfeeana limits prerosionprevention and Machines to locate grading limit end provide down gretlientaetlimeecontral. and • Prior to Galling-rm maintenance records, any stamhwmer related permits, any permanent enretim and maintenance atimemenb, washoutoperations. Liquid and solid wastes Shall not mine In canladwite ft ground and must be Rock Entrance Bertn to be installed. to Estalishdrainage ng I maMnonorge area&Iinlet. Establish staging/material storage area 8Install Mmparary, sanitary Fadlities8supply tlumpsars Palms All containerswill batightly sealed and when net inquiredfor use . Excess paint will Silt fence will be used to provide perimeter control around alockpiles. Prevent & manage spills d stored substances system, ,but not be tametl into fee storm sewer system, but will M pmpetly disposed din accordance with • Greer Erosion blanket will be utilized on all 3:1 some. as. Blade will be used In mar yam sueleO Install Rock entrance berm, maintain clean sheen gut local regulations. Only seed mix 4250 will be spread aid rete d 1001baJaue and arlilize with 20-0-10 at t001bsJacre. Only a Home Construction phosphorus free fortilizershall be used. e & Manage 8 protect stockpiles Practices for storage and disposal of hazamoua maenals aaxic waste • Utalaty&Street Work- Inlet projection on all storm sewer catchbasms. WeeMystresiswespingbprevent maintain rack entrance berm& perimeter controls All hazardous materials like oil, gasoline and paint must be properly Garel Toproventspilleand oft -site vehicle tracking. HAveverweeklysweeping may not beadequals. Sweepingisrequired24hours trench, install& connect u0lifles oaks, secondary containment is necessary for hazardous materials. aherdecoveryofteckou, Continue vertical consWcks. • A leak proof containment facility shall ba used for Nal storage tanks to prevent any leakage from Keep streets clean at all limes & maintain inlet protection infiltrating the ground. • PermanentBMPs - Sediment bays are to be installed at fined end sections draining into dry pond and Fine grad pads, Upon completion of fine grade pads 8 home Construction soils disturbing activities, An egart will be made to store only enough products a do the squired job. infigratlon areas. R IPTap to provitle provide energy dissipation and prevent erosion. each lot shall be stabilized with sod, seed, mulch, hydremulch, hydroseed, stmw mating or combination • All majenals stored on site will tis stared in a neat am broadly manner. them of. Monitor stabilized areas until final stabilization is achieved All products will be kept in their original insanes, with fee original ibis sfill atlached, unless they Additional Erasion Control Provention Measures to be Implemented m Site Maintain clean sheets are net resealable. • Erosion Blanket- This blanket will be installed as indicated on the erosion and sediment control pion. t will Perimeter & temporary erosion& sediment controls are b remain in place unfit all up gradient areas Substances will not he mixed with one another unless recommended by Ore manufacture,. provide slope protection until feeturfis established For retaining wall construction Ne grading contractor will have been permanently stabilized. Whenever possible all of a product will be used up before deposing ofe container. install Erosion blanket on the jempomry 1:1 slopes until tin well Construdim can M mmpleed. Post Construction Manufamers' recommendations for pnopordlsposal will MiolMrwetl. • Bio -rolls - Bio-rolis will be installed in swab areas a help aloes mrsdand minimize erosion. Remove silt fence after once final vegetation stabilization is established • Seeding Restoakmn- TempomrylPemmnent Stabilization (Seeding and Mulching)- Temporary seeding and Remove inlet protection The sib Superintendent will routinely inspect the site a ensure properdisposal doll on site materials mulch must be placed on all disturbed soil within 14 days, unless actively their, worked on. All foNrbetl areas Remove all consWction materials & debris from site will be resbred with 4- to F of topsoil. The resaretion shall begin wafeln 72 houd dthe grading completion. clean all drainage structures Collection storage and disposal of solid waste in compliancewds Minn. R. tin. MIS The seed mix shall be MNDot Mix No. 250 applied at a rule of 1001talacm and arlfload with 20-0-10 at a Cote Remove all temporary erosion& sediment Control BMPs& stabilize areas left disturbed. of 100 ba. per acre. The mulch shall be Type l and applied at a cute d 2 tons Per aces, disc anchoretl(with Solid Waste- All trash and construction debris from the site will be collected and deposited in disc blades set neatly straight) immediately after placement. File NOT for individual lot dumpster. A Surname will be required breach new Mme constructed. Tha dumpstuas shall M • Small types of sodding will be done with this project The firstwili be foremsian conhd protection for emptiedasnecomary. Noconstmction majerials shall be buried oness. Nlsdideastarmetbe Me sheets, after the installation of the curb and the minor utilities Bre cont acbrwill install two rove of sod 5. Permanent Stom isater Management System disposed of in accordance with the MPCA disposal requirements (Part N.F.1) behind the cumfor a jempomryeroaion protection. The second typedsod will beMlhe yaesonm Me house construction is complete. Will the project result in one acre or homeliness Imporviahs area? -YES Management of portable bindle to prevent tipping and disposal dsanitarvwestes in accordance with 4. Temporary Sediment Control Practices Minn. R.170,10: �es • Portable on-site sanitary and septic waste shell atleeuenly be providetl and maimainetl Mroughout Methods dsnt com Contra)BMPsroteriermanet onsiteThe water quality volumeshall mustone be treaetl by the projects permaneMsb the duration dike project. • for or pennanantticuinage ditches and sediment basins Nat are designed as from trenew imporvbu Surfacrmanageby Mestere C.shmlbe screatatlby the described ince All sanitary sewer waste will be collecbtlfromihe portable unit as inquired by local regulmions, paid of teanhom pad of a treaf system allow, tanchdroch nlow, eoleast %mcg inch d the water must be lnfilimted. See Part al emust project Whore ale Condon check dome gredemnirol precticebensuin sheetflow arM Pevam rills (ter slope chhan • Inswillalengths tln she covolume on infiltration sMwndidoseas itbtldermined Nat site 01.02 far mom lnamcutipri ore and response for Nelipo and equipment or vehiGe maintenance: Spill Spill gr eat 75 Met ithar than]5 fat am not orinfiof 3appropriate (eg, lackof3N should anaseasonallyoSmteeaker coten, Coon Spill Central Fractious • Sedimentcomer Sediment pradaees on all down gradient perimeters prior bland disturbing activities. mall down gd3earsbOater Pro baropriateforminatdsoil)lack M water,npreventon soib)feereamrm documemmd Stomrmup . be lsndlMdeanetl up immediately after tliswvary,inamortlencewith iha manuncNrers • Sbrmdcuan inlet protection for all inlet. in Hydrinfee Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)for the project. Infiltculim is not mounted in Hydrologic Sol GroupD Plan(WPPP)ior the recom s. recommended Coll • gorlebackier central surmundingjempa.commstackpilea. soils nmesedime • Minimize vehicle tracking dsedimenis(e.9, sane pads. corneae or steel wash rucks, or equivalent Minimize Ke The spill area will be kepi well vemilabtl. be systema). A copy of the Stonnwaer Management Repo" is available thmi Ne avner or engineer upon request. • Spills d toxic or hazardous materials must be reported to the Minnesota Duty Oficar • Street sweeping d tracked sediment 1-800422-0798. Soil testing and water even map is included in the Slomrwajer Management Report • A log of Ne spill type, location, date, and time will M cre eetl by fire job superintondent. The spill prevention plan will be adjusted to include measures b prevent this type of spill from boxecurrirg. to be used for down gradient perimeter call S. Inspection and Maintenance Acimias Containment and It is eseldvehicle and ui men[wash water and mhibitin inetl reesin on • Silt Fences- am designed as a temporary sod imant bonier Consisting d a filter Saone atached to support Eag ?SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.INDEMNIFY SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA. MN. 55391 N24788000HANHASSEN, ep mdgpgs v`•?w - - the Wok, posts. This site has thrall applications for sit[ fence. TheseapplCatiinsaremNllOw: 1. Mei berallatign d silt Identify Individual responsible fart transiting,sepomaing reoi"nalinspecimp and maintaining eTSich EKLO BASE OB 05/10116 WATER REUSE REVISIONS fence along the grading limits to protect the wetlands tram sediment dunrg Me grading and utility construction prevention and sediment central BMPs on site MINNESOTA process, 2. the insella6on 0 silence around the created ponds and min gardens after commanded b OB 0]/19116 REVISED SHEETS • A defined and limited area of the site shall Ire used for external washing dcoratual vehicles. control the sediment haof until the turf is established and the development n completed, 3. Me installation of The owner, North Oaks Company LLC, will be responsible for to opemdon and maintenance of the erasion and Washing runoff shall be Contained and disposed of in accordance wife MPCA No ergine silt fence Surrounding temporary stompales. sediment control BMPs. He will select individuals who will bo responsible for Me inspectors, maimmnance, and degreasing allowed on-site repair activities, and forfiliing out the inspection and maintenance reports. If down gradient SNIPS are ovedoaded(owed on frequent lailum preconcive maintenance), add'Nonal up Rapp Farm HOA will operas and maintain Me Gomemorponds. Stomea and disposal of Concrete and offer washout wastes so t twasea do ndcontad the ground gradient BMPs shall be installed b eliminate the overloading. The inspector or summers shall not0ythe design The owner shall keep the SWPPP and all supporting documents for flues years alter Me Notice of Temanation engineer to establish appropiate up gretlles[ BMPs or climate any point two sources. (NOT). These documents include, but all limited b, Me SWPPP Naedive, any amendments, impectim and , A leak prod containment facility shall be used for all liquid and mild wastes generated by concrete maintenance records, any stamhwmer related permits, any permanent enretim and maintenance atimemenb, washoutoperations. Liquid and solid wastes Shall not mine In canladwite ft ground and must be Methods to be used to contain Stockpiles and calculations for temporary and permanent Ga W management systems, i iaposed of in accordance with the MPCA. Silt fence will be used to provide perimeter control around alockpiles. Methods to be sued for storm Mean inlet aoednn • Stavin Grain inlet Protection- Storm drain inlet protection is a sediment bamer placed around a sere sewer Inlet. This simcturedaps sediment before itentens the storm smusyatem. The utility Contradawill be required to metal[ inlet protection forms City's details. • Outlet Structures and Outlet Protection - There are Wetlands located within& adjacent W Me project, So result outlet structures are proposetl to transfer water from the send water treatment pond to the wetland after ireaMent. These structures will same to pmvide skimming and rate coniml, Rip -red will be plawd at the base of all aprons for provitle erosion protection by protecting the downstream soils from turbulence and high discharge velocities. Methods to minimize vehicle trackino at construction exits and atrest.we no activates Temporary Rock Combustion Entrance -A nock entrance beml is constructed of coarse clean rock installed at the proposed entrance point for all constructed vehicles. A detail dike rock entrance bemn'S shown on the final grading plan. This stone pad provdies a tire cleaning mechanism for all vehicles leavirg the sate. There is one entrance for this pmject. Please seethe Erosion & Sediment Ca l Plan for location Brock mtranm berm. • Street Sweeping- Weekly stmetsweeping shall be taken place. Howeverweeklyswaepingmayndbe adequate. Swmpingismquired24houmafterdiamverydtr kout. Methods to be used to minimize soil comoacton and preserve by Soil (unnta inh ssibb) an site Topsoil will be emptied and stockpiled. Grading operations will be performed and held down 0.6to allaxar topsoil respread. 1. Description of record-keeping requirements and ranee A malnenanceliespoction report will be made after each happened. A copy dike report will be sent b the City. 2. Frequency of Inspedtims Once every seven (7) days during active constructed and; Within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 dome in 24 hours, and within aeveni days after that 3. Areas to be Inspected • The silt fence will be Installed prior to any sib grading. • Only about one hall'of the site will be exposed at any given time. The grading contractor will be finishing lots as the tufa and fills are achieved in accordance with to approved grading plan. • All erosion control measures will be inspected every weak and allowing any slam event greater than 0.Y in a 24 hour period. • All erosion control measures will be maintained In good skaking order, maintenance and repairs will be initiated within a 24 hour period dihe report. Monitoring d all retain: will tis done. • Built up sediment will be removed from all silt force when it has reacMd ons-0agdtaance height. • Silt fence will be Inspected for depth of sediment, team, and to sin IMM fabric as securely attached blhe fence posts, and to see If the ante posts am fimdy in to ground. • The pond and iMltratiorufiltmtion area will M monitored far depth d.adament and the build up ef sediment will be removed at the end of the project, 0 necessary. • The embankment around fee ponds and inffinapriileation areas will be inspected W any breachesa erosion scare, over compaction and any repairs needed, will M pmmptly made. • The seeding and mulching will be inspected for any bare a", washouts, and for healtry growth. 7. Final Stabilization Method of Final Stabilization Upon final binding of any oiven portion of the site, final stabilization must be implemented within 14 days d mmplarl a. Stabilization of all exposed areas must be initiated immediately to limit mil erosion but In no case later than seven (7) days cher the construction activity in thin pomon ofMe site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Once grading is complete, temporary erosion BMPs shall be installed immediately (ii bio -rolls, erosion blanket, ditch checks, etc). No later Man seven (7) days, the Permanent sebiliz mshoultl be in place. b. Temporary sediment basin requirements described in Part Iil.B.15 must be used fa common drainage locations Mat serve an area wife five (5) or mom acres disturbed at one toe. This project is being constructed in one phase. The permanent dry aedament basins shall be construded Met and all on-site drainage shall be muted N the ponds. The site does rid have any mmwmaad secales chat will directly discharge off -sits Procedures for compldang final stabilization: Final stabilization includes but is not limited b: seed & mulch as described above, Erosion blanket, bio -rolls, sod, and after grading silt fence. All parameter and down gradient silt fence shall be Inspected and repaired es necessary. Measures to be used 0 Dewatering is required on site If site conditions result in a needed erosion or sediment conhol BMP that is not planned for the irepecbror Methods to bB used for enemy disaipabon at Pape outlets Dewatering shall be routed to the sedimentation ponds for treatment Mbm naming sea. See Edision Comae contractor shall contact the design engineer at Sathre-Bergquast Inc, (952,476.6000) to desmins an appropnab Rip -rap will be used at famd-end structures for anergy diesipotlon. Sea plan arquantities. Plan for direction on Dewatering methods. plan antl BMP to stabilize to affected area. DRAWING NAME NO, BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING. DISTRIBUTION, AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION)OF THI6 PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT SATHREEERGOUIST,INC.'s EKPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USEWITHOUT MIIDAUTHORIZATIONCONSTITUTESANILLEGITIMATEUSEANDSHALLTHEREBY SATHRE-BERGOUIST, ING OF ALL RE6PONSIBILITY. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. THEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT 6UPERVISION AND THATI AMADULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE�SWPPP LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. /�ppCHECKED �I, r��]�„,16o V.f`^Ay.�.IC./ �j „CiDL3 OkNr% Eag ?SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.INDEMNIFY SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA. MN. 55391 N24788000HANHASSEN, ep mdgpgs v`•?w - - CITY PROJECT NO. ARBOR GLENSATHREAERGOUIST,INC. ARBOR GLEN CHANHASSEN, LLC FILE NO. 23605%ItUW EKLO BASE OB 05/10116 WATER REUSE REVISIONS DRAWN BV 0] 0]/15116 REVISED EASEMENTS MINNESOTA 'T OB 0]/19116 REVISED SHEETS BY 09 0]Ydfi/16 WATERSHED REVISIONS t 10 I]12fi16 GRADING REVISIONS DanielSdhmldLPE. Date: 01-11-17 Lic_No. 26147 DATE 11 WATERSHEDDIs ICT REV. edme115 INA N SUBMI I I AL