5.1 MIDS Calculator ResultsProject Information Calculator Version:Version 2: June 2014 Project Name:Arbor Glen User Name / Company Name: Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Date:12-22-2015 Project Description: Site Information Retention Requirement (inches): 1.1 Site's Zip Code:55391 Annual Rainfall (inches):29.9 Phosphorus EMC (mg/l):0.3 TSS EMC (mg/l):54.5 Total Site Area Land Cover A Soils (acres) B Soils (acres) C Soils (acres) D Soils (acres) Total (acres) Forest/Open Space -Undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land 0 0 0 0 0 Managed Turf -disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed 0 0 4.28 4.28 Impervious Area (acres) 1.56 Total Area (acres) 5.84 Site Areas Routed to BMPs Land Cover A Soils (acres) B Soils (acres) C Soils (acres) D Soils (acres) Total (acres) Forest/Open Space -Undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land 0 Managed Turf -disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed 4.28 4.28 Impervious Area (acres) 1.56 Total Area (acres) 5.84 Summary Information Performance Goal Requirement Performance goal volume retention requirement: 6229 ft3 Volume removed by BMPs towards performance goal: 6229 ft3 Percent volume removed towards performance goal 100 % Annual Volume and Pollutant Load Reductions Post development annual runoff volume 5.4349 acre-ft Annual runoff volume removed by BMPs: 3.1141 acre-ft Percent annual runoff volume removed: 57 % Post development annual particulate P load: 2.44 lbs Annual particulate P removed by BMPs:2.22 lbs Post development annual dissolved P load: 2 lbs Annual dissolved P removed by BMPs: 1.32 lbs Percent annual total phosphorus removed: 80 % Post development annual TSS load:806 lbs Annual TSS removed by BMPs: 731 lbs Percent annual TSS removed: 91 % BMP Summary Performance Goal Summary BMP Name BMP Volume Capacity (ft3) Volume Recieved (ft3) Volume Retained (ft3) Volume Outflow (ft3) Percent Retained (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 417 40 40 0 100 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 74 918 74 844 8 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 71 599 71 528 12 3 - Swale main channel 42 399 42 357 11 4 - Swale main channel 63 40 40 0 100 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 6621 5962 5962 0 100 1 - Constructed stormwater pond -Area 1C 0 5962 0 5962 0 Annual Volume Summary BMP Name Volume From Direct Watershed (acre-ft) Volume From Upstream BMPs (acre-ft) Volume Retained (acre-ft) Volume outflow (acre-ft) Percent Retained (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.4949 0 0.1546 0.3403 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.7071 0 0.1189 0.5882 17 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.4774 0 0.1087 0.3687 23 3 - Swale main channel 0.3709 0 0.0723 0.2986 19 4 - Swale main channel 0.0904 0 0.0522 0.0382 58 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 4.5879 2.6074 1.9805 57 1 -Constructed stormwater pond -Area 1C 3.2942 1.2937 0 4.5879 0 Particulate Phosphorus Summary BMP Name Load From Direct Watershed (lbs) Load From Upstream BMPs (lbs) Load Retained (lbs) Outflow Load (lbs) Percent Retained (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.22 0 0.07 0.15 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.32 0 0.25 0.07 78 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.21 0 0.17 0.04 79 3 - Swale main channel 0.17 0 0.13 0.04 78 4 - Swale main channel 0.04 0 0.04 0 89 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 0.16 0.09 0.07 57 1 - Constructed stormwater pond -Area 1C 1.48 0.15 1.47 0.16 90 Dissolved Phosphorus Summary BMP Name Load From Direct Watershed (lbs) Load From Upstream BMPs (lbs) Load Retained (lbs) Outflow Load (lbs) Percent Retained (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 0.18 0 0.06 0.12 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 0.26 0 0.04 0.22 17 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 0.18 0 0.04 0.14 23 3 - Swale main channel 0.14 0 0.03 0.11 19 4 - Swale main channel 0.03 0 0.02 0.01 58 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 1.3 0.74 0.56 57 1 - Constructed stormwater pond -Area 1C 1.21 0.48 0.39 1.3 23 TSS Summary BMP Name Load From Direct Watershed (lbs) Load From Upstream BMPs (lbs) Load Retained (lbs) Outflow Load (lbs) Percent Retained (%) 1 - Swale Side Slope - Area 2 73 0 23 50 31 1 - Swale main channel - Area 1A 105 0 77 28 73 2 - Swale main channel - Area 1B 71 0 53 18 75 3 - Swale main channel 55 0 41 14 74 4 - Swale main channel 13 0 11 2 86 1 - Harvest and re-use/Cistern 0 55 31 24 57 1 -Constructed stormwater pond -Area 1C 488 62 495 55 90 BMP Schematic