H-2. Recommendation to City Council for Award of Quote, Bandimere and Lake Susan Community Parks Entry SignsChanhassen is a 0ommunity for 1..6fe _ IProvi 6n forT day and P�Ianniingfor'rornorrow MEMORANDUM Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent A3 DATE: May 23, 2017 SUBJ: Recommendation to the City Council for Award of Quote, Bandimere Community Park and Lake Susan Community Park Entry Signs "The Park and Recreation commission recommends that the City Council award the quote for the purchase and installation of park entry signs at Bandimere Park and Lake Susan Park to Sign Source Inc. in the amount of $62,903.08." Approval requires a simple majority vote of the Park and Recreation Commission. This year's park and trail capital improvement budget contains $60,000 for the installation of park entry signs at Bandimere Park and Lake Susan Park. This budget includes the purchase, installation, concrete foundations, and required electrical work. The signs will match the entrance sign at Lake Ann Park, providing the same look and feel for all of the city's community parks. Three requests for quotes were sent out for work to be completed with two responding. Bidder Total Cost Sign Source Inc. $62,903.08 Nordquist Signs $72,734.00 DeMars Signs No Response Due to increased traffic speeds on Hwy 101, the overall size of the sign and letters were increased to allow for better visibility. The increased overall size of the Bandimere Park sign PH 952.227.1100 - .d. hi an.952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD - PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - NNESOTA 55317 resulted in the $2,903.08 budget overrun. The funding source for this project (Park Dedication Fund) has the ability to cover the increase. The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council award the quote for the purchase and installation of park entry signs at Bandimere Park and Lake Susan Park to Sign Source Inc. in the amount of $62,903.08 and amend the project budget from $60,000 to $63,000. Funds for the project are included in the 2017 Capital Improvement Program. IYOXMIMIMM 1. Quotes 2. CIP Sheet PK&T — 126 Entry Signs — Bandimere Park and Lake Susan Park 3. Site Specifications Sign Source, Inc. 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 073MIN Created Date: April 07, 2017 Prepared For. City of Chanhassen Last Modified. Apd107,2017 Proof Due Date: Salesperson: Jim Abrahamson Cordact: Todd Hoffman Email. lima@slgn-souroe.com Office Phone: (952) 227-1140 Office Phone: (952) 908- 9106 Office Fax: (952) 227-1170 Office Fax: (952)908-9146 Email: thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Entered by: Terry Heydt Address: 7700 market BW. P.O. Box 147 (P'h..h—n MN 55317 Description: C4 of Chanhassen Park entry signs -®ear Todd, Thank you for allowing us to provide you with an Estimate for this project. If you have any questions about this estimate, please feel free to call me at 952-908-9106, or you can reach me on my cell phone at 612-964-5165 Regards, Jim Abrahamson Quantity Unit Price Subtotal 1 $27,785.12 :Desrilptim: $27,785,12 Bent imere Park location - Double Faced Monument sign complete with 1 deep LED halo lit "Bandl re Park" letters and 114* thick Leaf log and CITY OF CHANHASSEN letters. 1x) 161.25 in. W 64 in. H Sign(s) Quantity Unit Price Subtotal $5,001.00 $f �2 �Dmcf �Elactrical �rsign $5'001.00 iprt�lonBandii�merePsrk Park - Electrical run light pohl,to under the sidewalk. Customer added a outdoor outlet with associated wiring. Customer also needed to add a Transfer Switch single phase 1.5KVA 240/480v to bring power down to usable voltage. Ix) Electrical Quantity Unit Price Subtotal 3 �$2 96 ��P��� �Fcd monument �sign,,,�plteWfth �-Sad -�d$ 25�647796 ti' a Desert Lake � Park location -Double S 0 1"deep LEDhalolit !mere ZW� le tiers an� 11 thick Leaf tog and CI OF CHA=S IiEN jetters. I x) 139.25 in. W x 60 In. H Sign(s) quantity Unit Price Subtotal �4 �"469.�00 �S.,an �IoWio, �-SecW�calrun $4,469.00��crlp�tl,,Lak, Park from Ilght pae oWlgn 1 Customer added a outdoor outlet with associated wiring. Customer also needed to add a Transfer Switch single phase I .5KVA 2401480v to bring power down to usable voltage. - 1x) Electrical Print Date: 417/2017 3:46:12PM Tax ID: L invoice. Sign Source will not assume responsibility for damage caused by careless handling, improper Installation techniques, misuse, vandalism, orwherel .-epairs or alterations have been attempted by others. /aNW Sign Source, Inc. 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Shipping & handling, 0 applicable, is addWonal. Ail estimated shipping & handilng amounts am for reference orilly. Actual shipping & handflng wHI be determined at Urne of shipmeaL a= W 1747-7 7tTitil M gUMPEE-4 ESTIMATE IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Jobs valued over $2,000 will be subject to a 3.5% processing fee if paid by credit card. Payment Terms: Net 30 days F] Estimate Accepted 'As le. Please proceed with Order. Other: I—] Changes required, please contact me. SIGN: Daft: I I Print Date: 417/2017 3:46:12PM Tax RD: Sign Source Limited Warranty- Sign Source, Inc. will repair or replace any product that fails due to faulty material or workmanship for one year from date of invoice. Sign Source will not assume responsibility for damage caused by careless handling, improper installation techniques, misuse, vandalism, or where repairs or alterations have been attempted by others. PROJECT CHANHASSEN 2017 PARK SIGNS C ,ER, City of Chanhassen Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Chanhassen, MN fl usilltiTT 112 t't,y'; Walker Sign Holdings Inc. dba Nordquist Sign T J 1Nlt rr;nftuuttt f sw%,lit ' T"�lld,".fi"$tlabiSe J I2S - maf, t ai l,'Pw13,1 t ytfl l ------------ Fay 612-824-8211 ama l Ste. la h�ttrl of fteilll� , n m21 . ... d.orurltWWvi .i tnveil hA, PROJECT IDE Ci'r` H"TIOV vendor shalf supply and Install all necessary work to complete the park slgns to meet the design standards identified in the plans and speclfitations Work Includes but Is not frmlted to shop drawings, permittingstaking site review, submittal of samples and colors, excavation, el al, installation, clear[ up and warantee work. The undersigned, being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Docoments, Including the Drawings and ANY Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to hicalsh all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the order and Installation in Chanhsssen Parks. Each contractor must verify or establish quantities andtheto theirfi F quote ',.'1' all fi#:.t 1'Io. x ,f 1 o ft urance, top, etc., necessary to cover the w�k 0- paymentiomeLamracuutur-0 0151144—WITKUMPIF"PWA based an the xcompletion WUl"Al"19111 III 11101W0060, WIN, 111066 w x 141cawmAn 4EWS RIGHT The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and Usted budgetary consideration; reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item. Pricing in the Quote schedule shall prowl] for eliminating or changing quam"I ofwark items from those Indicated In the Contract Documents. The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Quote Fano, wig he awarded to the lowest qualified date. Lowest quota will be determined by the TOTAL PRICE for the accepted items and quantifies chosen by owner. o. Iter" 1Lst, 9 fy 1 Bandintere Perk sign 1 $34,,023 Suirm Park sign 1 3 127 3 Electrical toBandimaresign 9 2,.1,":if;! 4 Electrimi to Lake Susan sign 1 1,834 dI4UOTU1'`fl'1AL. _......... _.._._.N_..,...,,. 1 hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor, materials, removal, overhead, profit, Insurance, and other costs required to complete the Work described In the Drawings for the following amount. Wv ?,1'1`1"I T^X _ ......... oho ,rimer pbn o lhou asnrl sc,,ven lrun dmd thirty fotri _ 1)O II,r NLS IdIJ k'�tiflfi; f1.,: fl 12,734 00 ee a e e .4 The undersigned agrees to achieve 5ubstandulcompletion ofthesigns by August 15,2017, Contractor understands the retainer is set at5.0%until satifactory completion of work. 3.20.17 1 of 2 °""b- x^ Lr �k44 b 41 &9N A P, d� F r 0 �y '�, sok :gin M, ob 0 �' � 0 ¢`0a ge rw caa 27a ¢4 " fa atR 0p,.,. a"� ua a r $may' #A3•� AB AQP °yp',pr MyYW A 'tom r 0 � kPd ol &2 fi5aut), , R,t. .i 481 1 P.'„ i6l $+" U E °;. P..wMr'k Q �p X198 eca p' 88i 4 ,G C4 IhN !;'. 6Y &i (l1 to aha ua c �: gwe. LOn8r a4Y CA s tv ,Xa a'� a ca .»k co _.a d%�.. 0) Lo B as � '47 0hag 1p F£C R4a $= 12 IXX. � D. 14" Capital Improvement Program 2017 thru 2021 City of Chanhassen, Nfl\T Project # PK&T-126 ProjectNuffic Ent.ry Signs -Bandimere Paj-k & Lake its Park Account 41 410-0000-4706 Account 42 Account 43 Account 94 Department Park & Trail Improvements Contact Todd Hoffman Type Improvement Uscru I Life Category Park Prioritv n/a Description Total Project Cost: $60,000 Inshillation of stone monument signs including illuminated letters at Bandimere and Lake Susan Co unity Parks, Justification The signs provide consistent identification for the entry ways to the City's Community Parks. Design and materials will be consistc-irt with the new sign at Lake Ann Park. Expenditures 2017 2018 201.9 2020 2021 Total Construction 60,000 60SOO Funding Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Park Dedication Fund 60,000 60,000 Total 60;000 60,000 Approximately $200.00 per year for electricit),. IM s �a ISE 4Z zyW�y 1W o 1.3 z �sW i dl w o Oh u# a�a ag p i w hF yy N a z 1 1.® ^gg N 3 ii'' iF 88_ t Z 3pp± u .mm. u u t� t. ME �u W t Ma *q" oz g di, H pr' #� a1 Ms hF yy N a z 1 1.® ^gg N 3 ii'' iF 88_ t a i« d t t� t. t le hF yy N a z 1 ���pryryryR WZ#W 6g Z_W ^gg N 3 ii'' iF 88_ c ���pryryryR WZ#W 6g Z_W ^gg N 3 ii'' iF 88_ 2 N 'z V F - Z a w a U Pa CE Z ®� w Vi rai � tLm = s n i cWa52 a C3b�� T §j ps, R T §j ps,