Trans-RPBCWD 5-19-17 Letter of Transmittal DATE: May 19, 2017 JOB NO.: 216-0199 TO: Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Attn: Terry Jeffery 14500 Martin Drive Suite 1500 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-607-6512 SENT BY: Mail x Hand Delivered Courier FROM: Mark Rausch / Nelson Soto RE: Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Permit Copies Date Description 1 5/19/17 Permit Application 1 5/19/17 Permit Fee 1 5/19/17 Stormwater Management Calculations and Report 1 5/19/17 West Park Preliminary Plat Plan Set-22x34 1 5/19/17 West Park Phase 1 Final Plat Plan Set-22x34 1 5/19/17 West Park Preliminary Plat Plan Set-11x17 1 5/19/17 West Park Phase 1 Final Plat Plan Set-11x17 1 Property Owner Signed City Application REMARKS: Terry, Attached are the required materials for the permit application for the West Park Development project. This documents have also been submitted (5/19/17) to the City of Chanhassen as part of their development review process. Please let us know if there is any additional information that you need. Thanks again, Mark Rausch 612-767-9339