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Attachment 8. McComb Group Retail Trends and Shopping Centers – March 2017
RETAIL TRENDS AND SHOPPING CENTERS Prepared for Landform March 2017 DOD McCOMB GROUP,Ltd OMO R E A L E S T A T E A N D 000 R E T A I L CONSULTANTS RETAIL TRENDS AND SHOPPING CENTERS Prepared for Landform Prepared by McComb Group, Ltd. March 2017 Copyright©2017 McComb Group, Ltd. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Subject Page I RETAIL TRENDS AND SHOPPING CENTERS 1 Economic Trends 1 Generation Trends 3 Retail Sales Trends 3 Food Service 6 Department Stores 6 II SHOPPING CENTER TENANT TRENDS 7 Downtown Chanhassen 7 Eden Prairie Retail Area 8 Southdale Shopping Area 9 Ridgedale Shopping Area 10 Summary 11 III LIFESTYLE CENTERS 12 Galleria 13 Shoppes at Arbor Lakes 13 Woodbury Lakes 13 The Shops at West End 13 Central Park Commons 13 City Place 14 Summary 14 APPENDIX A-1 LIST OF TABLES Table Subject Page 1 Median Household Income and Consumer Price Index Minneapolis-St. Paul- Bloomington MSA: 2000 and 2010 Census;2016 Estimated 1 2 Seven-County Metro Area Annual Employment;2000,2008, and 2015 2 3 United States Retail Sales Selected Categories; 2000, 2007 and 2014 4 4 Chanhassen: Downtown and Highways 5 and 101 Retail and Services Store Openings and Store Closings 7 5 Eden Prairie Retail Area Retail and Services Store Openings and Store Closings 8 6 Southdale Shopping Area Retail and Services Store Openings and Store Closings 9 7 Ridgedale Shopping Area Retail and Services Store Openings and Store Closings 10 8 Summary of Metro Area Lifestyle Centers Retail Tenant Mixes 12 ii Chapter I RETAIL TRENDS AND SHOPPING CENTERS The retail industry is in the midst of an evolution driven by economic trends,generational shifts in the population, changing lifestyles, and spending patterns. Major trends and their impact on retailing are summarized below. Economic Trends Economic trends have not been favorable for retailers for many years. Household income has not kept pace with inflation,as shown in Table 1. Between 2000 and 2010,median household income increased at an annual rate of 1.44 percent compared to a 2.21 percent increase in inflation. Inflation adjusted median household income dropped from $53,969 in 2000 to$50,036 in 2010, a decline of 9.3 percent. Since 2010, inflation has moderated and median household income has grown at a faster rate, but inflation adjusted median household income of$52,852 is below that of 53,969 in 2000. Table 1 MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND CONSUMER PRICE INDEX MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL-BLOOMINGTON MSA(MINNESOTA ONLY) 2000 AND 2010 CENSUS;2016 ESTIMATED Item 2000 2010 2016 Median Household Income 53,969 $ 62,273 $ 72,738 Growth Rate 1.44 % 2.62 % Consumer Price Index 170.1 211.7 234.1 Growth Rate 2.21 % 1.69 % Inflation Adjusted Median HH Income $ 53,969 $ 50,036 $ 52,852 Source: U.S.Census,Scan/US,Inc.,and McComb Group,Ltd. Metropolitan area employment has been slow to recover from the recession,as shown in Table 2. Employment in industry categories peaked in 2007 and 2008. Total employment in 2008 was 1,612,796, an average annual rate of growth of less than one-tenth of one percent since 2000. During this boom period, seven industry categories recorded declining employment. Between 2008 and 2015, employment grew at an annual rate of slightly more than one-half of one percent. In 2015, six major industry categories—natural resources and mining; manufacturing; wholesale trade; retail trade; transportation and warehousing; and information—had not surpassed their employment in 2008. Total employment had increased to 1,675,275 in 2015, an increase of 62,479. The sluggish employment market left many working age men and women with limited employment opportunities. One of the frequent comments from employers is that they are seeking the "best and brightest of the millennial generation. Unfortunately, only a small segment of the millennial generation will qualify as"best and brightest". Those millennials that don't qualify as"best and brightest"are left with limited employment options. 1 Table 2 SEVEN-COUNTY METRO ARFA ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT;2000,2008,AND 2015 Annual Rate of Change Industry 2000 2008 2015 2000-08 2008-15 Natural Resources&Mining 3,220 3,509 3,432 1.08 % (0.32) % Construction 75,163 64,948 66,726 (1.81) 0.39 Manufacturing 217,161 178,118 168,419 (2.45) (0.80) Utilities 6,819 5,747 6,130 (2.12) 0.93 Wholesale Trade 83,643 83,139 80,511 0.08) (0.46) Retail Trade 173,328 164,327 163,457 (0.66) (0.08) Transportation&Warehousing 77,387 66,222 63,231 1.93) (0.66) Information N/A 43.692 38,764 N/A 1.70) Financial Activities 126,979 134,059 137,040 0.68 0.31 Professional&Business Services 263,779 258,808 277,617 (0.24)1.01 Education&Health Services 263,963 332,551 380,333 2.93 1.94 Leisure&Hospitality 138,716 154,999 164,784 1.40 0.88 Other Services 55,632 55,725 55,991 0.02 0.07 Public Administration N/A 66,915 68,837 N/A 0.41 Total 1,600,741 1,612,796 1,675,275 0.09 % 0.54 % Source: MN DEED and McComb Group,Ltd. There are several industry categories that employ a high proportion of workers under age 30. These industries-retail trade; administration and support; arts, entertainment and recreation; accommodations and food service; and other services-have the lowest weekly wages ranging from $358 to $703. Many millennials that graduated from college after 2007 have not been able to establish careers that will provide them with steady incomes and upward mobility. Many millennials are working in low paying service jobs referred to above. Many have two or three part-time jobs. Those workers that have not been able to establish a career job following college face an uphill battle when applying for a career job opportunity after a long period of under employment. The shortage of suitable full-time employment has led to what is referred to as the GIG economy. While much has been written about the attractiveness of the GIG economy, these are short-term engagements with no vacation, health plans, or retirement benefits. While experiencing lower incomes than previous generations, millennials face other expenditures that reduce disposable income. Millennials have the highest level of college loan debt in the history of the loan program. Debt service on these loans reduces income available for other purchases. For households that don't receive health care benefits from an employer, the Affordable Health Care Act has been anything but affordable. The monthly premiums for a high deductible($7,000 to$10,000)health care plan appear to range from about$200 to$400 or$2,400 to$4,800 annually. For those households,this is income that is not available for other purchases. 2 Generation Trends The nation is in the midst of a shift in generations. For 50 years, baby boomers have been the largest and wealthiest generation in history. Those businesses that provide goods and services focused on that group as their core customer face a challenging future. The baby boomer generation is shrinking each year and their lifestyles are also changing resulting in different purchasing habits. Millennials are the new generation with the largest population and have lifestyle characteristics that are different from baby boomers. Millennials,generally 17 to 37 years old,are just beginning their upward career trajectory, while baby boomers are at the end of their careers. The result is that, as a group, millennials will have increasing spending power and baby boomers will have reduced spending power. Baby boomers are spending less on "things"and more on services and experiences. Millennials, compared to past generations, spend less on "things" and more on electronic services and experiences,but they are spending on different things and experiences. Based on available information, the millennial generation is less affluent than the baby boomer generation at the same age. This is resulting in shifts in lifestyle. Examples include: Millennials are marrying at an older age than past generations and delaying having children. This has resulted in an increase in the number of adult millennials living at home. The result is fewer new households and reduced demand for starter housing or apartments, which results in reduced demand for home furnishings and other related goods. Lower birth rates reduces demand for children's home furnishings, clothes,and toys,to list a few categories. With a larger singles population, there is an increase in dining out, which has resulted in an increase in fast casual restaurants with a wider variety of cuisines. Millennials are the most connected generation in history. This is reflected in larger expenditures for electronics,wireless services, and content compared to other generations. With lower incomes,millennials are more frugal. This,combined with different lifestyles, causes millennials to seek out lower priced items from retailers that cater to their preferences. These are just a few of the ways in which millennials differ from past generations,but the impacts are being reflected in retail sales trends. Retail Sales Trends Retail sales trends reflect both changes in spending patterns and changes in the retail industry. These changes are reflected in sales trends of the store types contained in Table 3, which contains United States retail sales for 2000, 2007, and 2014. These years were selected because 2000 and 2007 were peaks of economic cycles and 2014 is the latest available sales information for all categories from the Census Bureau. During the 2000-07 period, total sales of retail and food services increased at an annual rate of 4.36 percent compared to a 2.43 percent growth in inflation. This indicates that retailers were experiencing unit sales growth. In the 2007-14 period, sales increased at an annual rate of 2.32 percent compared to 2.05 percent for inflation, indicating that increases in unit sales were nominal. As Table 3 demonstrates,sales changes vary widely between store categories. 3 Table 3 UNITED STATES RETAIL SALES SFLECT®CATEGORIES;2000,2007 AND 2014 In Millions of Dollars) Rate of Change Store Type 2000 2007 2014 2000-07 2007-14 Retail and Food Services 3,287,537 $4,439,733 $5,211,542 4.39 % 2.32 % General Merchandise Department Stores 100,284 $ 79,015 $ 62,743 (3.35) % (3.24)% Discount Stores 139,637 134,926 107,678 (0.49) (3.17) Warehouse Clubs&Supercenters 139,614 324,963 433,303 12.83 4.20 All Other General Merchandise 32,139 44,277 65,502 4.68 5.75 Used Merchandise Stores 9,832 10,930 16,297 1.52 5.87 Apparel&Accessories Men's Clothing Stores 9,507 8,772 8,901 (1.14) 0.21 Women's Clothing Stores 31,447 40,294 41,678 3.60 0.48 Family Clothing Stores 58,913 84,592 98.214 5.30 2.16 Other Clothing Stores 8,815 12,003 15,128 4.51 3.36 Shoe Stores 22,875 26,811 33,331 2.29 3.16 Jewelry Stores 24,821 30,820 31,625 3.14 0.37 Other Retailers Furniture&Home Furnishings 91,170 111,114 99,687 2.87 (1.54) Electronics&Appliance Stores 82,206 106,559 104,012 3.78 (0.35) Computers&Software Stores 20,645 20,487 27,966 (0.11) 4.55 Building Materials&Garden 197,649 283,847 273,466 5.31 (0.53) Food&Beverage Stores 444,746 547,837 669,902 3.02 2.92 Health&Personal Care Stores 155,234 237,164 299,891 6.24 3.41 Sporting Goods 25,308 35,804 44,631 5.08 3.20 Hobby&Games 16,947 16,344 17,355 (0.52) 0.86 Book Stores 14,879 17,171 11,320 2.07 (5.78) Electronic Shopping&Mail Order 113,790 223,681 386,135 10.14 8.11 Food Service Full-Service Restaurants 133,579 $ 195,505 $ 252,331 5.59 % 3.71 % Limited-Service Restaurants 110,485 153,812 204,704 4.84 4.17 Source: U.S.Census Bureau and McComb Group,Ltd. General merchandise represents one of the largest retail categories and contains stores with the largest changes in sales. Sales of department stores have declined steadily since 2000 at an annual rate of over 3.0 percent. These sales declines have been accompanied by store closings, which continue. Discount store sales have also declined, due primarily to conversion of Walmart and Target stores into supercenters and closing of Kmart stores. Sales at warehouse clubs and supercenters increased dramatically in the 2000-07 period(12.83 percent annually),slowing to 4.2 percent annually in the 2007-14 period. About 40 percent of the sales in this category are groceries. Dollar stores are represented by the all other general merchandise category and have increased at annual rates of 4.68 percent and 5.75 percent, respectively. Department stores are the only full price retailers in the general merchandise category. During the last 14 years, department store sales have dropped $37.5 billion; while sales of discount stores, warehouse clubs, supercenters, and dollar stores have increased by $295.0 billion. Another indication of the consumer's search for value is the rapid sales growth of used merchandise stores-5.87 percent annually since 2007. This category represents Goodwill and a growing number of consignment stores and other pre- owned merchandise stores. 4 Apparel and accessories stores have recorded stronger sales performance than department stores. This is significant in that apparel and accessories comprise 82 to 84 percent of sales at four of the major department store companies in the Twin Cities area. The six apparel, accessories, and jewelry stores are the categories that compete directly with department stores. In the 2000-07 period, men's clothing stores recorded declining sales, while all the other categories experienced increased sales. Family clothing stores and other clothing stores recorded the strongest performance,averaging annual increases of 5.30 percent and 4.51 percent, respectively. In the 2007-14 period, all apparel and accessories stores recorded increases in sales with family clothing,other clothing,and shoe stores having the highest increases in sales. Men's and women's clothing stores and jewelry stores had weaker sales performance. Slowing apparel sales are reflected in apparel purchasing trends reported by the American Apparel and Footwear Association, which monitors apparel sales. In 1991, Americans purchased an average of 40 garments per person. This increased to a peak of 69 garments in 2005. In 2013, purchases had declined to 63.7 garments, a decline of about eight percent. This reflects declining purchases of both baby boomers and millennials. This is reflected in the closing of stores such as The Limited, Gap, New York & Company, Coldwater Creek, Christopher & Banks, and others that targeted baby boomers. Stores focused on juniors, such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostle, American Apparel, Buckle, Wet Seal, Pac Sun, and others with less appeal to millennials are also closing stores. These lists are sure to increase in the future. Millennial lifestyles and fashion tastes are spawning new specialty stores that cater to their desire for individuality. These stores are opening in shopping areas patronized by millennials such as the North Loop and Uptown in Minneapolis and other low rent shopping areas. Sales of furniture and home furnishings stores have declined due to fewer household formations. This category represents 12 to 18 percent of sales at four of the department store companies operating in the Twin Cities. Sporting goods stores had strong sales in the 2000-07 period and have slowed in the 2007-14 period. In 2016, Sports Authority closed all its stores and more recently several other sporting goods stores have closed including those focused on golf. Millennials favor different recreational activities than baby boomers and this is reflected in store closings. Electronics and appliance stores and computers and software stores are showing opposite sales trends. The former recorded annual average growth in the 2000-07 period followed by a modest decline in the 2007-14 period. Computers and software store sales were weak in the earlier period and increased at an annual rate of 4.55 percent in the 2007-14 period as demonstrated by sales of iPad, tablet, and other small electronic devices sold by Apple stores and other small electronics retailers. Food and beverage store sales have been relatively consistent over time. This category is a hot bed of competition as Hy-Vee, Whole Foods, Fresh Thyme, and Trader Joe's, and deep discount grocery store Aldi expand in the Twin Cities area. Sales performance of book stores is declining as competition from internet retailers becomes more intensive. Interestingly, Amazon is testing a brick and mortar book store with a limited book selection with the option to purchase books and electronic devices online. 5 Electronic shopping and mail order sales have been increasing rapidly, but the rate of increase is decreasing. This category includes only pure play internes retailers. Internet sales of brick and mortar stores are not included and could be quite sizable since Walmart is the second largest internes retailer. More interesting is the trend for pure play internet retailers to open brick and mortar stores. Food Service The food service industry is experiencing a shift in dining habits. In the 2000-07 period, full- service restaurants experienced the faster sales growth than limited-service restaurants. The full- service category includes the traditional white table cloth restaurant, as well as the more popular casual dining restaurant. The limited-service category includes quick service (fast food) and fast casual restaurants. Limited-service restaurant sales have increased at a faster rate since 2007. Both full-service and limited-service restaurants are offering a wider variety of cuisine choices in response to millennial desires for different dining experiences. Department Stores Most department store chains have been in existence for over 100 years and have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to changing trends. The current challenges for department stores may be more difficult to overcome. Today's consumer is seeking value and there are a wide variety of retailers with merchandise sourcing and operating structure that enable them to sell merchandise at low prices. Also, the fast fashion chains (H&M, Zara, and Forever 21, to name a few) receive merchandise shipments several times a week or daily to keep their merchandise offerings new and on trend. Zara has the ability to take an apparel item from design concept to store shelves in 28 days. Department stores have sourcing cycles that range from four to six months,and an overhead structure that requires higher gross margins. These two characteristics make it impossible for department stores to maintain their previous market position of providing current fashion at competitive prices. Millennials and other shoppers with iPhones have instant awareness and access to current fashion trends. The four major department stores in the Twin Cities—Macy's, Herberger's, J.C. Penney, and Kohl's—have remarkably similar merchandise categories. Apparel and accessories for women, men,juniors, and children represent 82 to 84 percent of sales with home furnishings representing 12 to 18 percent of sales. The apparel and accessories category is being successfully challenged by the specialty apparel retailers;and home furnishings has the added challenge of fewer household formations. Shopping center owners, developers, and financial institutions have taken note of the challenges facing department stores. Since the development of Southdale in 1956, department stores have been recognized for their ability to attract customers to regional malls. Department store companies used that fact to obtain large financial contributions to the cost of their stores from shopping center developers. The department store's development budget depends on these developer contributions. In today's retail environment, it would be difficult for a developer or financial institution to justify payments to a department store company with declining same store sales and plans to close numerous stores. Department stores can no longer be counted on as the long-term traffic generators for a new shopping center. Today, shopping center owners are purchasing weak department store buildings (i.e., Sears at Eden Prairie Center) to re-tenant with stores that have a record of sales growth. 6 Chapter II SHOPPING CENTER TENANT TRENDS Changes in retail and service tenants in downtown Chanhassen and competitive shopping areas contained in our previous report in 2014 were identified by visual inspection. These shopping areas included Eden Prairie Center, Southdale Center, and Ridgedale Center and surround retail areas. The purpose of this analysis was to identify trends in tenant mix by identifying stores that have opened and those that have closed. Due to the methodology, some stores may have been omitted inadvertently. This analysis focuses on businesses that typically locate in regional shopping areas. Downtown Chanhassen Downtown Chanhassen includes the retail areas north and south of Highway 5 and the commercial area at Highways 5 and 101. This analysis indicates that 31 retail and service establishments opened and 40 closed,as shown in Table 4. Individual stores that opened and closed are contained in the appendix. The largest changes in retail tenants occurred in the food service category where two full-service restaurants and nine limited-service establishments opened. These openings were offset by the closing of one full-service restaurant and six limited-service restaurants. Chanhassen is attracting some of the newer fast casual restaurants entering the Twin Cities market. Table 4 CHANHASSEN:DOWNTOWN AND HIGHWAYS 5 AND 101 RETAR,AND SERVICES STORE OPENINGS AND STORE CLOSINGS Store Type Open Close Convenience Goods 2 3 Full-Service Restaurant 2 1 Limited-Service Restaurant 9 6 Subtotal-Food Service 11 7 Convenience/Gasoline 2 General Merchandise Apparel&Accessories I I Home Furnishings Electronics/Appliances 1 2 Other Shopping Goods 3 3 Subtotal Shopping Goods 5 6 Home Improvement Automotive Personal Services 9 10 Recreation 1 3 Automotive Services 1 3 Other Services 2 6 Subtotal Services 13 22 Total Retail and Services 31 40 Source: McComb Group,Ltd. 7 In the convenience goods category, two establishments opened including Total Wine & More, while three smaller establishments closed. In the shopping goods category,five stores opened and six closed. In personal services,nine new establishments opened and 10 establishments closed. Eden Prairie Retail Area The Eden Prairie retail area includes Eden Prairie Center and its adjacent retail areas. This area experienced 49 store openings,while 53 stores closed, as shown in Table 5. Individual stores that opened and closed are contained in the appendix. Most of the openings and closings occurred outside Eden Prairie Center. Eden Prairie Center experienced 18 closings, the most notable of which was Sears. Food service increased with the opening of Crave and the Eden Prairie Tap House, both full-service restaurants. In the shopping goods category, seven stores opened while 13 closed. Personal services experienced three openings and closings. Table 5 EDEN PRAIRIE RETAIL AREA RETAIL AND SERVICES STORE OPENINGS AND STORE CLOSINGS Eden Prairie Center Other Total Store Type Open Close Open Close Open Close Convenience Goods 4 3 4 3 Full-Service Restaurant 2 1 3 4 5 5 Limited-Service Restaurant 11 8 2 9 3 Subtotal-Food Service 3 2 11 6 14 8 Convenience/Gasoline General Merchandise 1 1 Apparel&Accessories 1 3 4 1 7 Home Furnishings 3 2 2 5 2 Electronics/Appliances 1 1 1 2 1 Other Shopping Goods 2 8 1 6 3 14 Subtotal Shopping Goods 7 13 4 12 11 25 Home Improvement 1 1 Automotive 1 1 Personal Services 3 3 8 4 11 7 Recreation 3 3 3 3 Automotive Services 1 4 1 4 Other Services 1 4 1 5 1 Subtotal Services 4 3 16 12 20 15 Total Retail and Services 14 18 35 35 49 53 Source: McComb Group,Ltd. In the rest of the shopping area,35 stores opened and 35 closed. Notable openings included Lunds Byerly's and Aldi. Eight limited-service restaurants opened while two closed. This was offset by a loss of eight shopping goods when four stores opened and 12 closed. In the services category, 16 stores opened and 12 closed, including four automotive services. 8 Southdale Shopping Area The Southdale shopping area includes the Southdale Center area and France Avenue extending south to I-494. The tabulation in Table 6 does not include The Galleria, which is discussed in the section on lifestyle centers. Store changes in this area were relatively balanced with 51 store openings and 45 store closings. Individual stores that opened and closed are contained in the appendix. Table 6 SOUFHDALE SHOPPING ARFA(EXCLUDING GALLERIA) RETAIL AND SERVICES STORE OPENINGS AND STORE CLOSINGS Southdale Center Other Total Store Type Open Close Open Close Open Close Convenience Goods 1 1 1 3 2 4 Full-Service Restaurant 2 2 1 4 1 Limited-Service Restaurant 6 2 1 72 Subtotal-Food Service 8 2 3 1 11 3 Convenience/Gasoline 1 1 General Merchandise 1 2 1 2 2 Apparel&Accessories 3 7 I 3 4 10 Home Furnishings 4 I 2 3 6 4 Electronics/Appliances 1 2 1 3 1 Other Shopping Goods 2 2 4 6 6 8 Subtotal Shopping Goods 11 12 10 13 21 25 Home Improvement Automotive Personal Services 4 9 10 13 10 Recreation 2 1 2 1 Automotive Services Other Services 1 1 1 2 1 Subtotal Services 5 0 12 12 17 12 Total Retail and Services 25 15 26 30 51 45 Source: McComb Group,Ltd. Southdale Center, which is in a remerchandising mode, experienced 25 openings compared to 15 closings. Food service increased by six establishments with the opening of two full-service restaurants including Dave&Buster's and six limited-service establishments,which was offset by the closing of two limited-service establishments. In the shopping goods category, 11 openings were offset by 12 closings. Marshalls relocated its store to a new location and was replaced by Gordmans, which recently filed bankruptcy. Four new personal services opened. Other shopping areas experienced the opening of 26 stores and closing of 30 stores for a net change of four stores. Changes in store categories were relatively modest. Food service increased by one full-service restaurant when two opened and one closed;while shopping goods stores declined by three stores including Golf Smith, Old Navy, and Christopher& Banks. Service establishments had an equal number of openings and closings. 9 Ridgedale Shopping Area The Ridgedale shopping area extends along I-394 from 1-494 to Hopkins Crossroad. This area experienced 42 store openings and 50 store closings, as shown in Table 7. Individual stores that opened or closed are contained in the appendix. Table 7 RIDGEDALE SHOPPING AREA RETAIL AND SERVICES STORE OPENINGS AND STORE CLOSINGS Ridgedale Center Other Total Store Type Open Close Open Close Open Close Convenience Goods 1 1 1 2 1 Full-Service Restaurant 2 2 3 4 3 Limited-Service Restaurant 3 2 2 3 5 5 Subtotal-Food Service 5 2 4 6 9 8 Convenience/Gasoline General Merchandise 1 1 1 1 Apparel&Accessories 9 13 1 9 14 Home Furnishings 3 3 1 4 3 Electronics/Appliances 1 5 1 1 2 6 Other Shopping Goods 9 6 3 3 12 9 Subtotal Shopping Goods 23 28 5 5 28 33 Home Improvement Automotive Personal Services 1 3 1 5 2 8 Recreation 1 1 Automotive Services Other Services Subtotal Services 1 3 2 5 3 8 Total Retail and Services 30 34 12 16 42 50 Source: McComb Group,Ltd. Ridgedale Center is in the later stages of a remerchandising of the shopping center following an expansion and opening of Nordstrom. Ridgedale increased its food services by three including two full-service restaurants and three limited-service restaurants, while two dated limited-service restaurants closed. In the general merchandise category, a dollar store closed and Nordstrom opened. The apparel and accessories category was upgraded by the closing 13 stores and opening of nine stores more attuned to Ridgedale's trade area residents. Home furnishings stores count stayed the same with three stores opening and three stores closing; and electronics declined by four stores. In the other shopping goods category, nine stores opened with popular tenants while six stores of less popular tenants closed. In the shopping goods category, the decrease in apparel and accessories stores was offset by an increase in other shopping goods stores consistent with Ridgedale's demographics. In the retail area surrounding Ridgedale, 12 stores have opened and 16 have closed. In the food service category, four establishments have opened and six have closed, a decline of two which corresponds to an increase of three food services at Ridgedale. In the shopping goods category, PGA Tour Superstore is the notable opening. Golf Smith and Sports Authority were notable 10 closings, both the result of bankruptcy. In the personal services category, one store opened and five stores closed. Summary The lists of opening and departing tenants at the three shopping centers and their associated retail areas are informative. The three regional malls have been maintaining occupancy as tenants leave and new stores replace them. In the shopping goods and food service categories,the new tenants are successful businesses with growing store count, while the departing stores are those with shrinking store count and declining comparable store sales. In the services categories,there is an increase in personal care stores—hair, nail, massage, and other related services. The number and types of exercise and wellness businesses is also expanding. The same trends are evident in the surrounding retail areas of these centers. The challenge for shopping centers is to be able to weed out the declining retailers in an orderly fashion to accommodate new tenants that cater to the emerging customer lifestyles in their trade areas. 11 Chapter III LIFESTYLE CENTERS Lifestyle shopping centers evolved as regional mall development slowed in the 199Os and early 20O0s. Retail store chains continued to expand and were seeking new store locations. During this period,a new type of store,known as a category killer,evolved focused on specific shopping goods merchandise categories. These stores represented a range of sizes from 10,000 to 50,000 square feet. The physical size of these stores were difficult to accommodate in regional malls and they paid less rent than the smaller specialty stores that they would replace. These stores became tenants in power centers and lifestyle centers. The metro area currently has six lifestyle centers. The tenant mix of these centers are contained in Table 8. The characteristics of each of these centers are discussed in this section. The tenant mix list for each center is contained in the appendix. Table 8 SUMMARY OF METRO AREA LIFESTYLE CENTERS RETAIL TENANT MIXES The Central Shoppes at Woodbury Shops at Park City Merchandise Category Galleria Arbor Lakes Lakes West End Commons Place Lifestyle Center Size(SF)417,000 391,151 318,853 348,541 434,000 170,000 CONVENIENCE GOODS Food Stores 2 1 1 1 1 Specialty Food Stores 1 Other Convenience Goods 1 1 1 Subtotal 0 2 3 2 2 1 FOOD SERVICE Full-Service 6 7 3 8 2 Limited-Service 2 2 5 6 Snacks&Beverage Places 1 1 2 Subtotal 7 IO 3 10 7 8 SHOPPING GOODS General Merchandise 1 2 Apparel&Accessories 21 26 31 10 I 1 Shoes 4 1 1 Home Furnishings I0 6 5 1 3 Home Appliances/M usic 2 1 1 2 1 Other Shopping Goods 10 9 4 3 4 3 Subtotal 45 44 42 14 11 8 OTHER STORES Home Improvement 1 Total Retail 52 56 48 26 21 17 SERVICES Personal Care 1 3 3 2 1 1 Personal Services 3 1 2 2 Rental/Leasing 1 Recreation/Entertainment 1 3 1 1 Other Services I I 1 Financial 1 1 1 1 2 Medical 2 1 Total Services 3 8 6 8 7 6 GRAND TOTAL 55 64 54 34 28 23 Source:McComb Group,Ltd. 12 Galleria The Galleria began as a small specialty center anchored by Gabberts Furniture. Over the years it expanded several times to 417,000 square feet of enclosed mall space. An expansion of 20,000 square feet is underway. The center is anchored by Gabberts and Crate&Barrel. Other significant tenants include Tiffany & Co., Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, and Williams Sonoma. Galleria has been implementing a remerchandising plan in connection with the expansion and has added 23 new tenants including several designer stores. Eighty percent of the Galleria tenants are shopping goods stores complemented by seven food service establishments. Shoppes at Arbor Lakes The Shoppes at Arbor Lakes, an open air shopping center with 391,151 square feet, is located in the largest shopping area in the northwest metropolitan area. It is flanked by two power centers: Arbor Lakes Shopping Center and the Fountains at Arbor Lakes. Anchor stores include Whole Foods, Cost Plus World Market, Trader Joe's, Pottery Barn, Forever 21, and H&M, which is scheduled to open this year. Shopping goods stores represent 69 percent of the tenants,which are complemented by 10 restaurants. Personal care and personal services are represented by six establishments. Woodbury Lakes Woodbury Lakes is an open air shopping center located in the east metropolitan area's largest retail concentration in Woodbury. With 318,853 square feet,Woodbury Lakes has 54 tenants,including 42 shopping goods tenant representing 78 percent of the tenants. Anchor tenants include Trader Joe's, H&M, Loft, Gap, Michael's, Ethan Allen, BuyBuy Baby, DSW, and Thomasville. Woodbury Lakes has three each of full-service restaurants and personal care. The Shops at West End The Shops at West End is an open air shopping center with 348,541 square feet,located at Highway 100 and I-394 in St.Louis Park. The center is anchored by Cub Foods, Showplace ICON Theater, and Punch Bowl Social. Other significant tenants include:Anthropologie,Cooper,and Yardhouse. Shopping goods is represented by 14 tenants,representing 40 percent of the stores. Ten restaurants represent about one-third of the tenants. The Shops at West End has an entertainment focus with its cinema, Punch Bowl Social, and restaurants. Central Park Commons Central Park Commons is a 434,000 square foot open air shopping center located in Eagan. The center opened in October 2016, and is in the final stages of leasing. Anchor tenants include Hy- Vee,Total Wine&More,Marshalls,DSW,Petco,Home Goods,Sierra Trading Post,Ulta Beauty, and Hobby Lobby. Seven of the 11 shopping goods stores are anchor tenants. Food service is represented by two full-service restaurants and five limited-service restaurants, all recent entries to the Twin Cities market. Services include one personal care establishment and two personal services. At this time, Central Park Commons has six vacant stores or pad sites totaling about 31,000 square feet. 13 City Place City Place is a mixed use development on the former State Farm Insurance office building site. The retail component is an open air shopping center with 170,000 square feet and is part of a mixed use development located between Tamarack Village and Woodbury Lakes shopping centers in Woodbury. City Place has 17 retail store and six services. Anchor stores include Whole Foods, Nordstrom Rack,La-Z-Boy,and Sierra Trading Post. Eight shopping goods stores represent about one-third of the tenants, complemented by eight food service establishments. City Place is completing its initial lease up and has about 50,000 square feet of available space in three small stores and a larger box store. Other uses include office,medical office, and hotel. Summary The lifestyle centers range in size from 170,000 square feet to 434,000 square feet. Excluding City Place,the range is much smaller-318,853 square feet to 434,000 square feet. All of the shopping centers,except Galleria,have a grocery store component and Shoppes at Arbor Lakes has two. All shopping centers,except Woodbury Lakes,have seven or more food service establishments. Three shopping centers have more than 40 shopping goods stores. The Shops at West End has a higher entertainment focus; and Central Park Commons and City Place have a higher concentration of mid box anchor stores. None of the lifestyle shopping centers are anchored by a department store. Instead,they are anchored by mid box retailers that have a narrower merchandise focus and more flexible method of operation. 14 APPENDIX S TORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT CHANHASSEN:DOWNTOWN AND HIGHWAYS 5 AND 101 Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENIENCE GOODS CONVENIENCE GOODS Paragon Bakery Body Mind&Spirit Nutrition Center Total Wine&More Seattle Suttons Healthy Eating The Edge FOOD SERVICE Bonsai FOOD SERVICE Jungle Kitchen The School II Bistro&Wine Bar Chick-fil-A Greek Grill&Fry Company Smashburger Subzero Ice Cream&Yogurt Noodles&Company Gina Maria's Pizza Piada Italian Street Food Pizza Hut/Wing Street Davanni's Pizza&Hoagies Starbucks Coffee Jersey Mike's Subs FreeStyle Yogurt Potbelly Sandwich Dunn Bros.Coffee CONVENIDVCE/GASOLINE Starbucks Coffee BP Ivan's Food&Tackle SHOPPING GOODS Boutique 78 SHOPPING GOODS AT&T Inspired Style Boutique Chuck&Don's Chanhassen Vacuum Sales Center Lavin Lacrosse Radio Shack Lotus Lake Gifts Westwood Sports The Hanger SERVICES Finding Joy Sport Clips Salon Concepts SERVICES Salon Essence Great Clips DS Nails Kids Klips Nail Salon on the Ponds Golden Tan Salon Palm Beach Tan Chan Prairie Laundry Center Amazing Lash Studio Orchid Salon&Spa EdgeTek Hockey Best Day Massage Hockey Shop Massera Orange Theory Fitness Global Recruiters Car Wash Horizon Childcare TK Karate Curves Uclick Photo Studios Fitness Revolution Fitness Together Tailoring&Alterations Victory Auto Service Youngstad's Goodyear Master Collision ESSE Driving School ATA Karate USA Karate America Classic Ballroom&Event Center Business Ware Solutions Computer Fina A-1 STORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT EDEN PRAIRIECFIVTFR Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed FOOD SERVICE FOOD SERVICE Crave Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano The Prairie Tap House SubZero Ice Cream&Yogurt Melts&Burgers SHOPPING GOODS SHOPPING GOODS Sears Ragstock Jos A.Bank My Pillow Gap Kids/Baby Gap Home&Beyond Lids Kitchens Cellairis Cell Solution Air Traffic Kites&Games Fan HQ SolarX Sunglasses Goldy's Locker Room Vme Vera Franchise Sports SERVICES Hair Pop Elite Sports Barbershop Invisible Shield Ochi Massage Spa Things Remembered Brow Studio 7 Gold Money Express VR Junkies SERVICES Massage Eastern Reflexology Massage Oriental Royal Eyebrows&Henna Tattoo A-2 STORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT EDEN PRAIRIE:PERIPHERY Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENIENCE GOODS CONVENIENCE GOODS Lunds&Byerly's Rainbow Foods Aldi EP Florist Poomanand Foods Complete Nutrition Belladonna Florist FOOD SERVICE FOOD SERVICE Taste of Asia People's Organic Famous Dave's BBQ Kyoto Sushi Vnam Vietnamese Restaurant Sawatdee IHOP NafNaf Grill Panera Bread Culver's Chanticlear Pizza Chipotle Mexican Grill Noodles&Company SHOPPING GOODS Café Zupas Famous Footwear Jet's Pizza Flying Cloud Carpets Red's Savory Pizza Sports Authority Caribou Coffee(2nd Location)Office Max Houndstooth Boutique SHOPPING GOODS The Running Room Mattress Firm(2nd Location) Touch Boutique Sleep Number Beckland Jewelers AT&T Party City Homade Gifts Crafts&More Paddyo Furniture Turnstyle Consignment Clothing SERVICES Smarty Pants Lotus Nails&Spa Weight Watchers HOME IMPROVEMENT Thomas Printworks Dolphin Pool&Spa Body Brite Royal Eyebrows AUTOMOTIVE Lighthouse Daycare Center O'Reilly's Auto Parts Orange Theory Fitness Pure Barre SERVICIIS The Exercise Coach Weight Watchers CPR Cell Phone Repair Yoga Prairie Device Pitstop Maly's Tailoring EP Auto Tire&Glass Modern Auto Care Cozy Asian Massage Precision Tune Auto Care Kindercare Learning Center(2nd Location) Abra Auto Body Best Brains Car Wash&Detail Center Northland Scuba Darque Tan Entertainment Retreat Day Spa Core Yoga Pro Fitness Albinson Repro Graphics A-3 S TORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT SOUFHDALE CANTER Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENBNCE GOODS CONVENIENCE GOODS Quick Snacks Godiva Chocolatier FOOD SERVICE FOOD SERVICE Buffalo Wild Wings Freshii Dave&Buster's Surf City Squeeze Health Express DeLeo Bros.Pizza SHOPPING GOODS Jimmy John's Gordmans Great Steak&Potato Company Marshalls Teavanna Aeropostale Chatime Buckle Len SHOPPING GOODS Arden B. Gordmans The Limited Maurices Wet Seal Torrid Mestad's Prom Shop Ragstock Infinity Lights My Pillow Avon Picadilly Prairie Munch&More China Handcrafts Cricket Wireless Presents Gifts The Body Shop California Closets SERVICES Weight Watchers Brow Art 23 Spectacular Shine George's Shoes&Repair Hennepin County Service Center A-4 STOREOPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT OTHER S OUFHDALE AREA Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENIENCE GOODS CONVENIENCE GOODS Grabba Green Fammie Mae Fairview Pharmacy FOOD SERVICE Complete Nutrition Giordano's The Original Pancake House FOOD SERVICE Pizza Rev Bakers Square SHOPPING GOODS CONVENIENCE/GASOLINE Marshalls Shell Gas Station Catherine's Nadeau Furniture with a Soul SHOPPING GOODS Warner Stallion Appliances Old Navy AT&T It's a Pets Life Club Champion 2nd Wind Exercise Art Resources Gallery Christopher&Banks National Salon Resources Heartbreaker La-Z-Boy Andrew Martin Bentley's Pet Stuff Borofka's Furniture Euro AM Bed&Bath SERVICES Verizon Wireless Gent Cuts and Grooming Golf Smith Salons by JC ABC Toy Zone Phoenix Salon Suites Lifeway Christian Store Salon Concepts Uptown Cheap Skate Sola Salons Envy Nails SERVICES Tide Dry Cleaners Kidz Hair AAA Travel Salon 71 New Horizon Daycare Salon Claire Baeu Orange Theory Fitness The Metropolitan Pure Barre Crystal Nail Salon Ultimate Self Defense Studios Clean-N-Press Venture Photography Bella Faccia First Memorial Funeral Chapel LA Fitness I Sold It On Ebay Fast Frames A-5 S TORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT RIDGEDALE CENTER Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENIENCE GOODS CONVENIENCE GOODS Lolli and Pops The Chocolate Chihuahua FOOD SERVICE FOOD SERVICE Kona Grill Oriental Express Redstone American Grill Dairy Queen LeeAnn Chin Haagen Dazs SHOPPING GOODS Field Day by Good Earth DollarSmart Ragstock SHOPPING GOODS Cache Nordstrom Coldwater Creek Tommy Bahama New York&Company Hammer Made The Limited Johnston&Murphy SoHo Fashions Athleta Gap Kids/Baby Gap Dry Goods Justice Evereve Swarovski Michael Kors Custom T-Shirt Central Banana Republic Aerosoles Charolette Rouse Crocs My Pillow Journeys Pottery Barn Modern Blinds Williams Sonoma Chazin Interiors Z Wireless AT&T Creative Kidstuff Shock City Cellular/Verizon Wireless Tumi Century Link JK John Knopf Gallery Smart Phone Fix White Barn Cellairis Disney Store Goodman Jewelers Huxley Optical Air Traffic Kites&Games Lush Heli-Pro Fan HQ Infinity Lights Brookstone Happy Days Sai by Design SERVICES Proactiv Solution Hemera Nails&Spa S ERVICIES Pure Beauty Salon Massage Oriental Brow Studio 7 A-6 STORE OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS BY TENANT OTHER RIDGEDALE AREA Changes since March 2014) Stores Opened Stores Closed CONVENIENCE GOODS FOOD SERVICE Nothing Bundt Cakes Macaroni Grill Redstone American Grill FOOD SERVICE Chin Asia Fresh RS Sports Grill Wanderer's Chinese Cuisine Avenida Mexican Asian Kitchen Eddington's LeeAnn Chin Bruegger's Bagels Einstein Bros.Bagels SHOPPING GOODS SHOPPING GOODS CC&Mays Naturepedic Twins Pro Shop The Landing Shop US Internet Children's Orchard Sports Authority Century Link Golf Smith PGA Tour Superstore SERVICES SERVICES Ridge Plaza Barbers Yoga Pod Salon Concepts Cheers Pablo Fast Frame Fast Signs Web Unique A-7 GALLERIA RETAIL TENANT MIX,MARCH 2017 FOOD SERVICE SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Full-Service Shoes(continued) Restaurant with Liquor Family Shoes Big Bowl Cole Haan CRAVE Home Furnishings McCormick&Schmck's Furniture Peoples Organic Arhaus Pittsburgh Blue Gabberts Furniture Restaurant without Liquor Bath Shop/Linens Good Earth Restaurant PBteen Snacks&Beverage Places Scandia Down Coffee/Tea Home Accessories Starbucks Kiosk Ampersand Crate&Barrel SHOPPING GOODS Pottery Barn Clothing&Accessories Pottery Barn kids Men's/Women's Ready-To-Wear Restoration Hardware Vineyard Vines Kitchen Store Men's Wear Williams Sonoma Hammer Made Other Shopping Goods Twill by Scott Dayton Books Women's Wear Barnes&Noble Chico's Stationery dugo Papyrus Eileen Fisher Jewelry Fawbush's David Yurman Free People Scheherazade Jewelry H.O.B.O. Tiffany&Co. J.Jill Toys kate spade new york Creative Kidstuff lucy Eyeglasses-Optician Roe Wolfe Fifth Avenue Optical Women's Specialty/Accessories Cosmetics/Beauty Supplies/Body Care Coach bluemercury Louis Vuitton L'Occitane Tory Burch Origins Children's Wear Oh Baby! SERVICES Athletic Wear Personal Care lululemon athletica Women's Hair Salon Special Apparel-Unisex Lili Salon&Spa The North Face Other Services Trail Mark Lodging Lingerie Westin Hotel Allure Intimate Apparel Financial Shoes Real Estate Men's Shoes Lakes Sotheby's International Realty Allen Edmonds Women's Shoes VACANT Marini Three Vacant Spaces Pumpz&Co. A-8 THE SHOPPES AT ARBOR LAKES RETAIL TENANT MIX-MARCH 2017 CONVENIENCE GOODS SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Food Stores Clothing&Accessories(continued) Supermarket Children's Wear Whole Foods Market Gap Kids/Baby Gap Gourmet Grocery iymboree Trader Joe's Family Apparel(Women/Men/Children) American Eagle Outfitters FOOD SERVICE Buckle Full-Service Gap Restaurant with Liquor H&M(opening Spring 2017) Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano Athletic Wear Granite City Food&Brewery Goldy's Locker Room P.F.Chang's China Bistro Lingerie Patrick's Restaurant&Bakery Soma Pittsburgh Blue Restaurant Victoria's Secret Redstone American Grill Costume Jewelry Rodizio Grill-The Brazilian Steakhouse Claire's Limited-Service Women's/Teen/Junior Apparel Pizza Hot Topic Punch Pizza Justice Sandwich Shop PacSun Potbelly Sandwich Works Home Furnishings Snacks&Beverage Places Beds/Mattresses Coffee/Tea Mattress Firm Teavana Sleep Number Home Accessories SHOPPING GOODS Kirklands General Merchandise Pottery Barn Other General Merchandise Pottery Barn Kids Cost Plus World Market Kitchen Store Clothing&Accessories Williams Sonoma Men's/Women's Ready-To-Wear Home Appliances/Music Express Appliances J.Crew Oreck Men's Wear Telephone Store/Telecom Store Jos A Banks Sprint PCS Women's Ready-To-Wear Other Shopping Goods Apricot Lane Boutique Jewelry Evereve Jared The Galleria of Jewelry Forever 21 The Gold Guys J.Jill Toys Lane Bryant Air Traffic Maurices Cards/Gifts Rubi Jubi Goodthings Talbots Eyeglasses-Optician White House Black Market Lenscrafters Women's Specialty/Accessories Cosmetics/Beauty Supplies/Body Care Francesca's Collections Bath&Body Works Ulta Beauty A-9 THE S HOPPFS AT ARBOR LAKES(CONTINUED) RETAIL TENANT MIX-MARCH 2017 SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Other Shopping Goods(continued) Arts/Crafts Color Me Mine Candle Shop Yankee Candle Co. SERVICES Personal Care Men's Barber 18/8 Fine Men's Salons Women's Hair Salon Regis Salon Nail Salon Aqua Lifestyle Nail Salon&Spa Personal Services Day Spa The Woodhouse Day Spa Other Personal Services Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal Let's Dish Rental/Leasing Formal Wear/Rental Savvi Formalwear Financial Bank/Savings&Loan BMO Harris Bank VACANT 15 Vacant Spaces A-10 WOODBURYLAKES RETAIL TENANT MIX CONVENIENCE GOODS SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Food Stores Clothing&Accessories(continued) Gourmet Grocery Lingerie Trader Joe's PINK Specialty Food Stores Soma Lingerie Specialty Food Victoria's Secret Olive Branch Oil&Spice Company Costume Jewelry Other Convenience Goods Claire's Health Food/Nutrition/Diet Women's/Teen/Junior Apparel The Vitamin Shoppe Justice Pac Sun FOOD SERVICE Shoes Full-Service Family Shoes Retaurant with Liquor DSW Shoes CRAVE Home Furnishings Lakes Tavern&Grill Furniture Osaka Sushi&Hibachi Ethan Allen SHOPPING GOODS Thomasville Clothing&Accessories Beds/Mattresses Men's/Women's Ready-To-Wear Mattress Finn Banana Republic The Sleep Number Gap Decorative Accessories Men's Wear Kirklands Home Express Men Home Applieances/Music Jos A.Banks Telephone Store/Telecom Store Women's Ready-To-Wear Sprint Chico's Other Shopping Goods Christopher&Banks Jewelry CJ Banks Gold Guys Evereve Knox Jewelers Express Sunglasses J.Jill Sunglass Hut LOFT Arts/Crafts Maurice's Michael's:The Arts&Crafts Store Primp White House Black Market SERVICES Women's Specialty/Accessories Personal Care Charming Charlie Women's Hair Salon Francesca's Collection Juut Children's Wear Regis Salon Baby Gap Sola Salon&Studios buybuy Baby Personal Services Cay 8 Day Spa Gap Kids Radiance Med Spa The Children's Place Recreation/Fntertainment Family Apparel(Women/Men/Children)Health Club American Eagle Outfitters Yoga Fresh Eddie Bauer Financial H&M Bank/Savings&Loan Buckle North American Banking Company VACANT 13 Vacant Spaces A-11 THE SHOPS ATWEST END RETAIL TENANT MIX CONVENIENCE GOODS SHOPPING GOODS Food Stores Home Appliances/Music Supermarket Telephone Store/Telecom Store Cub Foods Verizon Wireless Other Convenience Goods Other Shopping Goods Health Food/Nutrition/Diet Jewelry Nutra Shop Bergstrom Jewelers Wedding Day Jewelers FOOD SERVICE Other Retail Full-Service Creative Kids Stuff Restaurant with Liquor Blue Fox Indian Bar&Grill SERVICES Cooper Pub&Restaurant Personal Care Crave Restaurant Men's Barber Punch Bowl Social Roosters Men's Center Raku Sushi Lounge Nail Salon Rojo Mexical Grill Glamour Nails The Loop Bar/Grill restaurant Personal Services Yard House Restaurant Day Spa Limited-Service Hand Stone Massage&Facial Other Fast Food/Carry Out Phresh Spa/Salon Noodles&Company Recreation/Entertainment Sandwich Shop Cinema-General Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches ICON Movie Theater Health Club SHOPPING GOODS Haute Barre Clothing&Accessories Solid Core Men's Wear Other Services Jos A.Banks Clothiers Other Specialty Entertainment Attraction Women's Specialty/Accessories Brush Studio Anthropologic Other Service Apricot Lane Boutique Regus and Baker Charming Charlie Evereve VACANT Francesca's 14 Vacant Spaces Kittsonia Primp Cheap Chic Boutique White House Black Market Athletic Wear Lululemon Athletica A-12 CENTRAL PARK COMMONS RETAIL TENANT MIX CONVENIENCE GOODS SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Food Stores Other Shopping Goods Supermarket Sporting Goods-General Hy-Vee Sierra Trading Post Other Convenience Goods Pet Shop Liquor/Wine Petco Total Wine&More Cosmetics/Beauty Supplies/Body Care Ulta Beauty FOOD SERVICE Arts/Crafts Full-Service Hobby Lobby Retaurant with Liquor Tavern of Eagan BUILDING MATERIALS/GARDEN Hemisphere Other Home Improvement Limited-Service Tile Shop Greek Fast Food NafNaf Grill SERVICES Italian Fast Food Personal Care Piada Italian Street Food Nail Shop Mexican Fast Food Central Nail R Taco Personal Services Other Fast Food/Carry Out Massage Café Zupas(coming soon)Massage Envy(coming soon) Pizza Other Personal Service Neapolitan Punch Pizza European Wax Center Recreation/Entertainment SHOPPING GOODS Health Club General Merchandise Orange Theory Fitness Junior Discount Department Store Financial Marshalls Bank/Savings&Loan Other General Merchandise Bank ofAmerica Five Below Medical Clothing&Accessories Physician's Office Men's Wear Fairview Clinic Men's Warehouse Other Medical Shoes Veverant Family Shoes DSW VACANT Home Furnishings Six Vacant Spaces Home Accessories Home Goods Home Appliances/Music Telephone Store/Telecom Store AT&T Xfinity A-13 CITY PLACE RETAIL TENANT MIX CONVFNIENCE GOODS SHOPPING GOODS(continued) Food Stores Home Appliances/Music Supermarket Telephone Store/Telecom Store Whole Foods Verizon Other Shopping Goods FOOD SERVICE Sporting Goods-General Limited-Service Sierra Trading Post(Opening Spring 2017) Greek Fast Food Jewelry NafNaf Grill Wedding Day Jewelers Italian Fast Food Pet Store Piada Italian Street Food Chuck&Don's Mexican Fast Food Qdoba SERVICES Other Fast Food/Carry Out Personal Care Café Zupas Nail Salon Pizza Tu Nails Pie Five Pi77a Recreation/Entertainment Sandwich Shop Health Club Potbelly CycleBar Snacks&Beverage Places Other Services Bagels Lodging Einstein Bros.Bagels Marriot Residence Inn Coffee/Tea Financial Caribou Coffee Bank/Savings &Loan Bank of America SHOPPING GOODS Spire Credit Union Clothing&Accessories Medical Men's/Women's Ready-To-Wear Other Medical Nordstrom Rack(Opening 4/6/17)Tria Orthopedic Home Furnishings Furniture VACANT La-Z-Boy Four Vacant Spaces Beds/Mattresses Mattress Firm Kitchen Store Sur La Table A-14