Attachment 9. WSB Stormwater Review – May 1, 2017A WSB 701 Xenia Avenue South I Suite 3001 Minneapolis,MN 554161(763)541-4800 Memorandum To: Alyson Fauske, PE— City of Chanhassen From: Joey Abramson, EIT Jeff Cheng,PE Cc: Jeff Sandberg, PE Date: May 1, 2017 Re: Stormwater Management Review for Avienda Development In Chanhassen WSB Project No. 1694-92 This document summarizes the review of stormwater management and associated considerations for the Avienda Development project in the City of Chanhassen.The primary documents reviewed were a 17-page plan set titled"Avienda", dated 4-14-17, and a Draft Stormwater Narrative dated 4-14-17. Table 1 summarizes the existing and proposed impervious coverage on the project site from the information provided in the Draft Stormwater Narrative. The applicant must provide the total disturbed area of the proposed development. Table 1 —Existing and Proposed Impervious Coverage Total Site Increase in Disturbance[ac] impervious Area[ac]imperviousness ac] Existing Conditions 0.40 0% Proposed Conditions >100(not provided) 76.69 50%; 76.29 Summary of Stormwater Management Review: Volume Control—The proposed project does not meet requirements. Rate Control—The proposed project does not meet requirements. Water Quality—it cannot be determined if the project will meet the requirements with the information provided. Stormwater Requirements This project includes construction of 76.28 acres of new impervious surface mat will be placed on what is currently pervious surface. Since this project increases the imperviousness of the entire project site by more than 50 percent,and proposes a net increase of impervious surface by more than one acre, permanent stormwater management controls for Volume, Rate, and Water Quality is required per the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District(RPBCWD) rules. Building a legacy—Your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer I wsbene.com Ms.Alyson Fauske, PE May 1,2017 Page 2 Volume Control Per RPBCWD,the volume reduction requirement is an event-based abstraction equal to the instantaneous volume of 1.1-inch depth of runoff(DVR) over the net new impervious surface. The soils on site are primarily of hydrologic soil group D, based on provided Web Soil Survey information.A geotechnical report was not Included with the review submittal.The applicant must provide this information prior to the next review. To provide volume reduction, the project proposes to incorporate a stormwater reuse irrigation system. The applicant must provide a figure clearly identifying the areas to be irrigated with areas quantified,which Is not included in the current plans. A volume reduction requirement of 0.55-inch may be considered if the site is deemed restricted by the RPBCWD. Please note that this 0.55-inch consideration requires thorough and extensive documentation of site restriction, including soil borings and other information as requested. The RPBCWD rarely grants the restricted site consideration without extensive documentation that the site has been designed with the minimum impervious surface coverage and that the irrigation areas and reuse systems have been designed to provide the maximum benefit possible. If the 0.55-inch volume reduction is not achievable on site,then it is even less frequent that RPBCWD grants the"maximum extent practicable"requirement for volume reduction. it is recommended that the applicant be prepared to demonstrate that alternative layouts have been considered for reducing impervious and increasing irrigation, in addition to incorporation of alternate BMPs such as pervious pavers or asphalt. Calculation of the volume reduction requirement value(VvR) is shown below. z VVR = 1.1 in* 1 ft * 76.29 ac* 43,560 f t = 304,626 ft3 12 in 1ac MIDS provides that a harvest/reuse system earns a volume reduction credit equal to the amount of water that is irrigated over the course of three days.The proposed reuse system will irrigate 23.27 acres of green space at an application rate of one inch per week. The calculation of the volume reduction credit(Vrr)earned by this system is shown below. 43,560 ft2 1 in 1 ft 1 week 3 VI,. = 23.27 ac* 1ac * 1week* 12 in* 7 days * 3 days = 36,201ft The volume reduction provided by the proposed irrigation system will capture the first 0.13-inch volume reduction depth, DvR)of runoff from the tributary impervious surfaces. 36,201 ft3 1 ac 12 in Dv' 76.29 ac *43,560 f tz * 1 ft *—_ 0.13 in The proposed reuse system does not provide sufficient volume reduction per RPBCWD rules. It is recommended that the irrigation system is revised to provide further volume reduction. Ms.Alyson Fauske, PE May 1,2017 Page 3 Increasing the irrigation rate to 1.5 inches per week(as approved by RPBCWD)and expanding the irrigation areas are two ways to increase volume reduction. The stormwater management for this site does not satisfy the volume reduction requirements. Rate Control RPBCWD rules require that peak rates are limited to existing conditions for the 24-hour, 2-, 10-, and 100-year critical rain events and the 100-year, 10-day snowmelt event at all places where runoff discharges from the site. The provided stormwater management report demonstrates that rate control is met for all points discharging from the site,with the exception of the 100-year, 10- day snowmelt event for Wetland 3. This will need to be revised to be in compliance with RPBCWD requirements. The stormwater management for this site does not satisfy rate control requirements. Water Quality RPBCWD rules require that at least 60%of total phosphorus and 90% of total suspended solids are removed from site runoff. The applicant has submitted a MIDS calculator output containing the proposed treatment train on site. This treatment train includes two reuse cisterns, one sand filter, and five constructed Level 3 stormwater ponds. Based on the provided modeling,the stormwater ponds provide the greatest water quality benefits among the treatment train components. The applicant must provide documentation that each of these ponds meets the Level 1, 2, and 3 criteria per the Minnesota Stormwater Manual to ensure that they will produce the calculated water quality benefits.We have not been provided sufficient documentation that water quality requirements can be met with the current stormwater management plan. Wetland Discharge Considerations The project site discharges to three critical wetlands: MnDOT Mitigation Area East(nodes 1R and 10R, pre-and post-project, respectively, in the submitted HydroCAD model), MnDOT Mitigation Area South (nodes 5R and 40R),Wetland 3(nodes 6P and 33P), and Wetland 4 nodes 8P and 44P). The models and stormwater report demonstrate that, except for Wetland 3 indicated above, rate control requirements are fulfilled and there is not expected to be any detrimental Impacts from increased rates to these wetlands. The proposed project will increase annual runoff volumes to each of these wetlands. The applicant must provide the annual runoff volumes to each wetland for the pre-and post-project conditions. This information will be used to determine if the increased volume will have detrimental effects on these wetlands. The applicant must provide further information on the bounce and inundation periods for each of the identified critical wetlands.The bounce and inundation changes caused by the project must Ms.Alyson Fauske, PE May 1,2017 Page 4 be in compliance with WCA requirements.A separate WCA Review is being conducted and will be summarized in a separate review memo. Storm Sewer& Grading Analysis Please refer to redline comments made to the 4-14-2017 plan set(attached). 2.. iii _____. J i 1 3t E11 i3 ali a e i i LI! ! 1111 m ! i3 t i ( 111111 11i11 .".:^711-777:1., - illi 1 1 1!'yi 1 _! FLi 1E e 1 9 S tl Pill1 1 iIiI 1EI !11 ! 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