Executive Summary d w
Chanhassen isa Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director
DATE: June 20, 2017 l�
SUBJ: Avienda- Executive Summary- Planning Case#2017-10
A public hearing was held at the June 6, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting. The hearing was
closed and the Commission tabled action on this item and asked for additional information on the
following items:
1. Wetland replacement—The Planning Commission asked if some of the wetland
replacement can be placed in the Bluff-Creek Riley-Purgatory(BCRP) Watershed—can
the city work with the ARMY Corp and the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP)to
make improvements to other local wetlands.
Response: the applicant presented documentation demonstrating that they had looked for
other property to pursue wetland replacement. None of the sites explored were project
ready. Staff is recommending that the applicant contribute$300,000 to the city for water
quality improvement projects within the watershed district.
2. Bluff Creek Overlay district—buildings have been moved to preserve more of the trees.
Response: Staff has reviewed the redesign of the project for the senior housing
development. The developer's proposal reduced the bluff impact to 1.75 acres but staff's
recommendation is to reduce the number of guest parking thus limiting the impact to the
Bluff Creek Overlay District(BCOD). The BCOD will be impacted by the drive serving
the senior developments.
3. The retaining wall along the south now appears to have two tiers. More specifics on
landscaping in the area was requested. Plans showed a 20 foot wall with a 26 foot
building on top - what is the visual impact.
Response: The applicant has submitted a perspective of the two tier wall. It will be
broken up by landscaping.
4. Review and compare travel lane width along Bluff Creek Boulevard with other roads in the city.
The Commission supported the 16 foot lane width and the Fire Chief recommend 20 foot lane
width. PH 952.227.1100• www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us• FX 952.227.1110
Planning Commission
Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development—Planning Case 2017-10
June 20, 2017
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Response: The 16-foot single travel lane separated by a median is unique to Bluff Creek
Boulevard within Chanhassen.The applicant submitted a memo dated June 13,2017 regarding
their lane width standards and approach for Bluff Creek Blvd.The memo is attached to the staff
At the June 6,2017 Planning Commission meeting,the commission requested staff provide more
detail regarding the travel lane width for Bluff Creek Boulevard,including review of similar sites
within the city.
As a 2-lane median separated road,Bluff Creek Boulevard is unique within Chanhassen. Staff did
not find a comparable site within the city.Notably,West 78th Street has a tree-lined median,but it
has a four-lane configuration for the majority of the median separated length.
Below is a summary of concerns related to fire safety and response times for our emergency
vehicles alongside the concerns about traffic calming and pedestrian safety:
Emergency Access Concerns: Traffic Calming Concerns:
• State Fire Code Requirement: an • 16-foot lane meets MnDOT State
approved Aerial Apparatus Road Aid requirements
(minimum of 26 foot width)be
provided when structures reach a • "One research study has found that
vertical distance of 30 feet or more. narrower lanes on urban and
suburban streets were generally
• State law requires vehicles to pull to associated with lower crash
the right when an emergency frequencies compared to wider
vehicle is behind them.When lanes."
passenger vehicles pull to the right
on a 16-foot thru lane, emergency • "Narrower cross sections reduce
vehicles cannot get through. crossing distances and have been
associated with reduced travel
• Concern about reduced response speeds,both direct factors in the
times due to vehicles becoming a safety of pedestrians."
• "Bicycles and pedestrians are
• Concern about response times for among the most vulnerable roadway
the existing neighborhoods where users,and vehicular speed and
connectivity is limited: The Preserve exposure are the two primary factors
at Bluff Creek, Camden Ridge and in non-motorized users' crash
Pioneer Pass. frequency and severity.
Planning Commission
Avienda—Executive Summary-Planning Case#2017-10
June 20,2017
Page 3 of 4
The quotes are from Toole Design Group's memorandum on lane width dated June 13,
These concerns are not in competition with one another,rather they must all be
considered to create an effective design. The proposed 16-foot lane width satisfies the
concerns about traffic calming without addressing the concerns for emergency response.
Staff is open to working with the applicant's engineer if there is an option they wish to
pursue that can provide additional pavement width to better accommodate emergency
vehicles,but visually narrow the lanes to provide traffic calming(paint stripes,bike lane,
extended concrete gutters, etc.).
5. Developer wanted significant more signage.
Response: City staff is recommending the sign plan that has been prepared in the Design
6. The Commission wanted to understand the phasing of the development and how the
developer will manage storm water.
Response: Staff has no additional information at this time.
Miscellaneous items:
1. The plat has been revised to accommodate the changes for the preservation of the Bluff
Creek Overlay District.
2. Senior Assisted Living has been added as a permitted use.
3. Changes from the staff report dated June 6, 2017 to the June 20, 2017 staff report are
shown in bold.
4. Number of lots has changed from 18 to 17.
The attached staff report and related documents have been modified to reflect the changes to the
1. Memo from Landform—Avienda Additional Information dated June 13, 2017.
Planning Commission
Avienda—Executive Summary-Planning Case#2017-10
June 20,2017
Page 4 of 4
2. Memo from Toole—Lane width standards and approach for Bluff Creek Boulevard dated
June 13, 2017.
3. Preliminary Plat
4. Development Plan dated June 13, 2017
5. Housing sector plan dated June 13, 2017
G:\PLAN\2017 Planning Cases\17-10 Avienda Preliminary Plat&PUD\Executive Summary for PC 6-20-17