Attachment 1. Memo from Landform - Avienda Additional Information dated June 13, 2017L A N D F O R M From Site to Finish 105 South Fifth Avenue Tel: 612-252-9070 Suite 513 Fax 612-252-9077 Minneapolis, MN 55401 www.Iandform.net June 13, 2017 Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Avienda— Additional Information Kate, We are excited to bring our development application back to the Planning Commission on June 20th and are providing with this letter additional information to address questions raised by the Commission and staff: 1. We have refined the alternative concept plan for reduced impacts to the Bluff Creek Overlay District. We have moved the buildings and parking to minimize the impact to the BCOD, while ensuring a successful development plan. This revised plan is attached. 2. We have revised the development plan to show how the changes to the BCOD area could impact the remainder of this regional/lifestyle center. This includes updated area calculations based on the current concept. 3. We have provided exhibits for the retaining walls. The retaining walls within the project will be designed to be compatible with the architecture within the project. The tall southern wall will be tiered and landscape to soften the impact of the wall, which is necessary due to the 70+/- feet of grade change across this site. 4. There was a question about whether wetland mitigation could occur on a site in the city limits. The wetland permit with the LGU fully outlines the entire process and discussion, but I offer the following summary: In a January 25, 2017 City letter from Terry Jeffery to Melissa Barrett (Kjolhaug), Mr. Jeffery states 'in reading the application and from previous conversation with the development team, there is some level of likelihood that at least some compensatory mitigation will occur on-site."He further states "There is no discussion of on-site mitigation which has been suggested in several conversations with the applicant's representatives." The Avienda Wetland Permit Application did in fact identify three actions eligible for mitigation credit: (1) wetland banking, (2) restoration and protection of exceptional natural resource value (onsite ENRV), and (3) project specific wetland restoration creation (offsite, but within the City). The TEP determined that #2 was not an option for this site/project. To address #3, Terry Jeffery sent Melissa Barrett (Kjolhaug) information on four sites within the City of Chanhassen where he believed project -specific mitigation could occur LanMenM. Sensibly'_'._. and Site to Firvsbl cervix tusks 0 l➢iW. ProReaonal Services. LLC. 0 • (attached). These sites were assessed by Kjolhaug and none were found to be good candidates for wetland restoration/creation for mitigation/replacement credit (see attached City ID Mitigation figure with notes). Kjolhaug also assessed the 7 potential mitigation sites identified on Figure 13 of the City's SWMP (attached). None of the sites were good candidates for mitigation. Using aerial photos, LIDAR and soils information, Kjolhaug searched for other previously unidentified, potential mitigation sites within the City. However, because the City is largely developed, mitigation opportunities over 0.5 -acre in size on available land that are likely to be successful were not found. Wetlands 3 and 4 onsite cannot be hydrologically restored. Although they could be vegetatively restored, this alone is not an action eligible for mitigation credit under WCA and USA CE rules. Because no onsite, or available offsite mitigation opportunities were identified, wetland banking was the only option left to meet WCA and Corps required replacement/mitigation requirements. The April 17, 2017 Notice of Application (NOA), item 5 noted "Evaluation that the lost functions and values are adequately replaced." This item was not very descriptive, and for clarification Kjolhaug sent an email to the LGU on April 10, 2017 (attached). The LGU declined to reply until after the Applicant responded to USA CE comments regarding the project purpose and need and the alternative sites analysis. The Applicant has told the City that they are willing to assist with natural resource or water quality improvement projects within the City. A project would need to be identified by the City. The project would not count as mitigation/replacement for WCA and USACE permitting purposes, but the applicant would be willing to discuss alternatives with the City. If you need any additional information, please contact me at 612.638.0225 or klindahl o(7landform.net. Sincerely, Landform Kendra Lindahl, AICP Kate Aanenson June 13, 2017 • COPY: Mark Nordland ENCL: Revised Development Plan with area calculations Retaining Wall Exhibits Potential Wetland Mitigation Site from the City of Chanhassen City ID Mitigation area response from Kjolhaug April 10, 2017 email from Kjolhaug to LGU Kate Aanenson June 13, 2017