Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
January 11, 2017
Members Present: Matthew Myers, Don Vasatka, David Hess
Members Absent: Balakrishna Chintaginjala, Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Wayne Benbow
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Minutes: December minutes were approved.
Visioning document: Commission looked over document and agreed it reflects what was discussed. No changes
were made. The notes will be used in upcoming planning.
Green Step City: The commission reviewed the list of best practices that cities are required to employ to become
a Green Step City. It appears that Chanhassen may have completed enough to become a Step 2 community. The
commission requested that Jill route the best practices list around to staff to get a clearer idea of where the city
stands. Don said that to become a GSC the following are required: pass a resolution from the City Council to
become part of the program, have GSC staff visit our community, and build community interest in the program.
Jill will route the list and try to have results at the February meeting.
2017 Arbor Day poster contest theme: The winning theme is “Trees are Terrific…..for Bees and Butterflies!”
Jill will send letters to schools this week inviting them to participate.
2017 Work Plan: The plan was reviewed with the following changes: Comp Plan review added to May, fen
walk moved to October. The commission then approved the plan.
General Discussion:
The Commission recommended that if there are new commissioners in April that they be assigned a
mentor as in years past.
Meeting adjourned at 7pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair