Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 8, 2017
Members Present: Matthew Myers, Don Vasatka, Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Wayne Benbow
Members Absent: Balakrishna Chintaginjala, David Hess
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Minutes: January minutes were approved.
Applicant interviews: The Commission interviewed 5 applicants for the commission. There are a total of 6
candidates, including incumbent Matthew Myers, for the 2 positions available.
2017 Sustainability Report: Charlotte reported that she had met with Jill regarding the report and will be
overseeing the 2017 update. She also reached out to Terry and Krista to talk to them about the other sections of
the report. The commission agreed to cover other section of the report. Wayne volunteered to meet with Terry to
get updates for Stormwater and Water Quality. Charlotte will meet again with Jill and also with Krista to go over
Urban Forestry and Water Conservation. Rough drafts will be completed and presented at the March meeting.
Comp Plan Natural Resources chapter: Jill informed the commission that she will be sending out the Natural
Resources chapter to the commission for their review. She’ll include an overview of the expectations of the
commission’s consideration of the chapter. Planning staff will be attending the May meeting to discuss the
chapter with the commission.
2017 Arbor Day planning: Jill sent out letters to area schools about the poster contest. The deadline to submit
posters is March 17. The commission will meet on March 22 for their regular meeting and to select the winning
posters. The tree planting event will be held at North Lotus Lake Park this year. Wayne will help get the event
details out to the neighborhoods.
Green Step City: The commission plans on discussing the pursuit of this program when they meet with the city
council in April.
2017 Work Plan: The plan was reviewed with the following changes: Comp Plan review added to May, fen
walk moved to October. The commission then approved the plan.
General Discussion:
The Commission will have their regular meeting in March on March 22, rather than March 8.
Jill will send out the flyer for the Bees and Trees presentation in April.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair