03-22-2017 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting March 22, 2017 Members Present: Matthew Myers, Don Vasatka, Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Balakrishna Chintaginjala, David Hess, Wayne Benbow Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: February minutes were approved. Arbor Day Poster contest: The city received 60 posters from three local schools – Bluff Creek, St. Hubert’s and Chapel Hill. The Commission started the judging process by picking top posters from each school. They then chose the grand prize winner from the all-schools group. The top winner was Nora Ganske from Bluff Creek Elementary. The runner up posters were from Alise Syverson (BCE), Isaac Marek (BCE), Luca Bredenberg (CH), Graceanne Jones (CH), Amanda Grein (CH), Delaney Smith (SH), Emma Anderson (SH) and Julia Lealos (SH). The council and commissioners will present the winners with their awards at the April 24 city council meeting. 2017 Sustainability Report: The commission reviewed the Urban Forestry and Water Conservation sections of the report. The commission suggested taking out the ‘2017 planned activities’ section and just focus on the 2016 year-end summary of each focus topic. New photos will be added to each section. Wayne will contact Terry again about updates to the Stormwater and Surface Water sections. The commission will review a final time at the April meeting before having it prepared for the joint meeting at the end of April. Past year accomplishments: Each year the commission prepares a list of events, projects and accomplishment completed by the commission in the past year Matthew volunteered to compile the list in preparation fro the joint meeting with city council. All commissioners were asked to email him with any work done by them on behalf of the commission between April 2016 and March 2017. Green Step City: The commission will prepare to discuss pursuing this program when they meeting with the city council in April. Don has created a brief power point explaining the program and why Chan should participate. Don will send a draft of the slides to the commission in the next couple of weeks for review. 2017 Arbor Day planning: The commission thought breakfast goodies from Paragon bakery would be a great idea. Perhaps they would donate something? Don volunteered to send an Arbor Day flyer to the boy scout contact he made at last year’s event. Other commissioners also volunteered to forward flyer to community groups and neighborhoods. Jill will send the flyer to all commissioners for further posting. Comp Plan Natural Resources chapter: Jill reminded the commission to review the chapter in full before the May meeting when it will be discussed with staff from the Planning Department. 1 2017 Work Plan: The item ‘Develop 5-year plan’ was moved to the month of June. As a part of the packet for that meeting, Jill will include the meeting notes from the Strategic Planning session. General Discussion:  There will be one, possibly two, new commissioners in April. Does the EC want to have a designated ‘mentor’ for the new commissioners? All liked the idea. Don volunteered to mentor.  Bala updated the commission on the Park and Rec Survey Committee. He said the city did a great job of surveying the community. The results talked a lot about infrastructure – existing and new possibilities. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 2