Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
April 12, 2017
Members Present: Don Vasatka, Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Wayne Benbow, Keith Butcher, Rachel
Members Absent: David Hess
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Guests present: Adam Kadisak, resident
Minutes: March minutes were approved.
New Member introductions: Current commissioners introduced themselves to Rachel and Keith. Each member
gave a bit of background and then the new members did the same.
Elect Chair/Vice-Chair: Bill nominated Don as Chair and Charlotte as Vice-Chair. Don offered to allow
someone else to be Chair. Charlotte accepted to be considered for Chair. Rachel nominated Charlotte as Chair.
Keith seconded the nomination. All in favor. Rachel nominated Don as Vice-Chair. Wayne seconded. All in
Review by-laws: The commission review the by-laws. They made no changes. They were approved.
Joint meeting preparation: The commission reviewed the list of 2016-17 accomplishments that were compiled.
They discussed the outline for the meeting and talked about GreenStep Cities and how it should be presented. Is it
beneficial to the city? The guest thought it was mostly a badge for the city, but it does provide a good blue print
for what should be done. Commissioners discussed the flexibility of the program – how cities can start easy and
then take on more challenging endeavors in the future. The program is a good resource for future projects. They
discussed the resolution that would need to be passed by the council and how it should reflect the values of the
city so certain parts may need to be revised. It was noted that when cities become part of the program, they are
required to put public buildings in a state inventory. The commissioners wonder if the city has already done this
because it’s a state requirement not a unique GreenStep requirement. Don then reviewed the PowerPoint he
created for the council meeting. The commission thought someone should have information ready on what is
required for the different steps within GSC. For the meeting, the commissioners will do introductions, give a
brief overview of the work plan and accomplishments and then go into GSC.
2017 Arbor Day planning: The commission reviewed the event and took attendance: Rachel is a maybe, Bill
and Charlotte will need to leave early, everyone else a tentative yes.
Comp Plan Natural Resources chapter: For the new members, Jill reviewed what the comp plan is, how it’s
used and what to keep in mind as the commissioner reviews the chapter in preparation for the May meeting.
Chanhassen Day planning: Jill reviewed the latest planning details for Chanhassen Day at the Arb. Charlotte
wondered if they could have a free dog day in conjunction with Chan Day. Another idea was having a yoga
session on that day. The commission will promote the day at the July 3 event along with native plants for
pollinators. Maybe have a ‘protect your pollinators’ brochure to hand out. A scavenger hunt would also be fun,.
Arbor Day Poster contest: Don, Bill and Charlotte will be able to help with the presentation at the council
General Discussion:
Jill wondered if the commission thought a Paper Shredding event would be a good event. Don suggested
contacting The Mustard Seed to see how their event went last year. Maybe could have event at end of
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair