01-13-2016 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting January 13, 2016 Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Bret Borth, Matthew Myers, Amy Omann, David Hess, Don Vasatka Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: December minutes were approved. 2016 Focus Topic: The commission voted on and approved Water Conservation as the topic of focus for 2016. 2016 Work Plan: The commission made changes to the work plan to reflect helping with the SWMP survey and open houses proposed for this year. The plan was approved with changes. Sustainability Report: Commissioners discussed the report and how to accomplish an update for 2016. Within the discussion, Don brought up Green Step Cities and wondered if Chanhassen had ever thought about participating. There is a reporting component to the program that would dovetail into the information gathering already done by the commission for the sustainability report. It appears that many of the recommended practices could save money and improve quality of life. Jill told the commission that the program has been looked into in previous years, but no action has been taken by the city to participate. Jill will do some research and bring it back to the next meeting. For the 2016 Sustainability report, commissioners offered to update sections and have the rough drafts due by Feb. 9. Glenn will update the Stormwater section, Don will do Water Conservation, Amy will do Urban Forestry and David and Bret will update the surface water section. Arbor Day Poster Contest: The commission brainstormed on the theme for this year’s contest. After a discussion, the winning theme for 2016 is ‘Trees are Terrific…In All Shapes and Sizes!’. Jill will mail out contest invites to the schools in the next week. Onboarding packet: The commission reviewed the information packet. Updates need to be done by March to have it ready for new commissioners in April. Commissioners will review the document and send comments and feedback to Amy before the March meeting. General discussion: Glenn and Amy announced that they will not be reapplying for a future term. To that end, Glenn reminded the commission that a new contact person for the fen project will need to volunteer. Also, commissioners can think about if there are other ideas for a fall project besides the fen. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 1