Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 10, 2016
Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Matthew Myers, Amy Omann, Don Vasatka
Members Absent: David Hess
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator
Guests: Bill and Charlotte Chappell
Minutes: January minutes were approved.
Applicant interviews: The commission interviewed Bill and Charlotte Chappell. The stated on their application
that they would like to be considered as a pair. The commission decided to recommend both to the City Council.
Surface Water Management Plan 2016 Update and Survey Discussion: Terry told the commission that he
would like to find a way to get community input on the Water Management Plan. The city can look at multiple
ways of engaging the community. He may start with online and mail surveys. There’s a minimum requirement
for citizen input but Terry would like to get as much input as possible as long as we’re doing it. The plan timeline
has had to slow down due to new state deadlines. There no longer has to be ‘goals’ in the WMP. The goals are
now set by district plans. Local WMP decides how to meet the goals. The management plan has to document
current and upcoming issues then prioritize them. Terry would like help tailoring the questions to a lay person.
The survey may or may not lead to an open house. He had 2 survey examples from RPBCWD and Carver
County/Lake Waconia for the commission to review. He liked questions from both. The goal of the survey
Chanhassen would do is to identify water quality issues the general public are concerned about. His goal is to
have a plan ready for City Council review on Jan. 23, 2017. The next step will be for Terry to send out a draft
survey within the next 3 weeks for the commission to review and edit. He’d like to have a survey online by the
time of the mailing for the Connection.
Arbor Day planning: Jill informed the commission that this year’s Arbor Day event will take place at
Roundhouse Park. The park has a high number of ash trees and has received comments from the public that it
needs improved landscaping. Jill asked the commission for ideas on event activities. The commission will think
about it and discuss again at a future meeting.
Recycling Tour: The commission will tour the Dem Con Recycling Facility in Shakopee on Thursday, Mar. 17
in the morning. They also decided to have a short meeting before the tour to select the Arbor Day poster winner.
Jill will confirm the tour with Dem Con and let the commission know the final details.
Sustainability Report: The stormwater and urban forestry sections are in. The water conservaton section will be
in to Jill tomorrow. The surface water section will be in soon.
General discussion:
Jill shared the date and time of the spring EAB workshop to be help at the Chan Library. Homeowner
Options for EAB will be presented on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30.
A resident called the city to request that a Pollinator Safety Policy be adopted by the city. Jill proposed
that the Environmental Commission and she work with the resident and see if the city can implement a
Don has talked with Krista about water conservation programs at the city and said that she would like the
commission to help promote the programs to the public.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35 PM.
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair