Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2016
Members Present: Don Vasatka, David Hess, Balakrishna Chintaginjala, Bill Chappell, Wayne Benbow
Members Absent: Matthew Myers, Charlotte Chappell
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Minutes: March minutes were approved.
Elect Chair and Vice-Chair: The commissioners discussed the options and voted to appoint Don Vasatka as
Chair and David Hess as Vice-Chair.
Introductions of new members: Don introduced himself and included what prompted him to join the
commission, his professional background, years on the commission and where he lived. Bill, David, Bala and
Wayne offered their information as well.
Approval of By-laws: The commission reviewed and approved the by-laws with no changes made.
City Council joint meeting: The council will be given the commission’s annual work plan, list of
accomplishments and the Sustainability Report prior to the meeting. The commission will discuss their focus for
2016 and seek input from the council. Don won’t be able to attend, so Dave will act as chair.
July 3 business expo planning: Don explained the event to the new commissioners. The commission will
focus on water conservation education and brainstormed briefly on what the message will be and how to convey
it. A game or quiz is a good way to engage people. Need prizes. Could also have physical representation of the
average daily use for Chanhassen residents (91 gal/day). Commission will continue to discuss event at upcoming
General Discussion: The commission talked about ways to promote the WaterWise program. One idea was to
visit school science fairs and promote the rebate program. Another was to have a water use trivia contest at the
July 3 event. The commission could also partner with a local irrigation company to sponsor a float in the parade.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair