Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2016
Members Present: Don Vasatka, David Hess, Balakrishna Chintaginjala, Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell,
Wayne Benbow, Matthew Myers
Members Absent:
Guests Present: Sandy Wagner and Bill Thompson
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Minutes: April minutes were approved.
Pollinator Safety Resolution presentation: Sandy and Bill introduced themselves. They are Chanhassen
residents who are interested in promoting and passing a Pollinator Safety resolution for the City of Chanhassen.
Sandy said she became aware over time on the plight of pollinators because of her neighbor Bill who is a
beekeeper, who has hives in SE MN. She contacted the city to see if the city had adopted a policy on pollinator
safety. She was connected with Jill and then worked with her to bring the issue to the commission and ultimately
to the city council.
Sandy explained that pollination is an essential ecosystem service providing food for bees and transfer of pollen
between plants. One out of every three foods is produced by pollination. Managed bee colonies have declined
from 6 million hives 60 years ago to 2.5 million today. Other pollinator species are declining as well, such as
Monarch butterflies. Sandy and Bill shared milkweed seed packets with the commission. Bill told the
commission that a recent report from the MN Dept of Agric documented a 44% loss of hives in 2015. The causes
included not enough bee food, not enough plant varieties, inconsistent food supply over the season, monoculture =
food desert and weed control.
Sandy shared that she had researched resolutions passed in other communities and created a matrix that showed
important points that other cities included in their policy. The important points included: limiting the use of
pesticides, buying pesticide free plants, educating residents and installing pollinator friendly plantings. A
commissioner asked whether the insecticides used by the MN Mosquito Control District are harmful to
pollinators. The general consensus after discussion was that it wasn’t likely. The commission was given a draft
of the resolution. The commission discussed the move by Ortho to discontinue the production of neonicitinoid
products. Bill reviewed the resources – websites and local nurseries that guarantee their plants to be neonic-free.
They include Wilson’s nursery, Tonkadale and Bachman’s.
July 3 business expo planning: The commission discussed educational opportunities that focus on water
conservation. A display could be set up at the library during June. Ideas included: milk jugs or buckets that
represent daily water use by the average Chan resident; the effect of irrigation on water consumption; displaying
the average use per hh in table for winter vs summer. The commission needs to say why this is important. I.e. If
you use this much water (XX gal) it takes this long (XX # of years) to replenish the aquifer. IF we don’t conserve
it’ll cost $X to drill new well(s). The commission should bring up the effects of drought. Could have Water Wise
brochures at table. Giveaway ideas: toilet dye kit, seed packs, seed bracelets. Promote water wise program on
website banner. Could staple rebate promotion and dye kits to seed packets. Could do trivia questions for prizes.
Arbor Day summary: The event went well. The weather was great. Don will make contact with the local scout
leader for next year’s event.
Joint meeting summary: Dave, Matthew, Wayne and Bala attended. The discussion went well. The council
had some ideas on how to promote water conservation.
General Discussion: Don asked if there was any progress on Chanhassen pursuing the Green Step Cities
program. Jill said she would follow up with Kate on that.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair