Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 11, 2014
Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Bret Borth, Keith Anderson, Matthew Myers, Amy
Members Absent: Amy Wenner
Staff Present: Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician; Jasmine Paron, Water Resources Intern
Guest Speaker: Madeline Seveland, Carver County Water Education
Minutes: April minutes were approved.
Guest Speaker: Madeline Seveland, Education Coordinator for the Carver County Water Management
Organization (CCWMO), gave a brief introduction of her position and the CCWMO, and then gave an overview
of the CCWMO’s Water Education Plan and its objectives. The CCWMO’s four target audiences include Citizens
and Landowners, K-12 students, Local Officials, and Staff. Several programs have been developed to specifically
reach each of these audiences. These include:
Local Elected Officials/Staff: NEMO (Non-point source Education for Municipal Officials), Carver
County WMO Annual Stormwater Workshop, Stormwater U, WENR Tour, Total Maximum Daily Loads
(TMDLs), MS4 Permits and Local Water Management Plans
Citizens/Landowners: Stream Health Evaluation Program, WMO On-line Newsletter & Water Column,
Citizen Outreach, Signage & Demo Projects, Workshops, TMDLs, Adopt-a-Water Program, CCWMO
facebook, Aquatic Invasive Species, Shallow Lakes Forum, Carver County Fair*, Expos, Public Open
*Madeline mentioned that volunteers are still needed for the Carver County Fair.
K-12: Wetlands Education Program for 6 & 7 graders, Children’s Water Festival, Carver-Scott
Raingarden Education Cooperative, Presentations, Community Clean-ups for Water Quality
Fall Fen Update: Glenn gave an overview of recent Seminary Fen management activities. A Spring burn did not
take place as conditions were not ideal. A burn is projected to take place this fall. Larissa had conveyed that no
further progress had been made on interpretive signage at the entrance to the Fen. The volunteer day has been set
for November 1. Possible volunteer activities include: buckthorn removal and trash removal at the north end of
the creek.
WaterWise Update and July 3 Trade Fair Planning (July 3 Business Expo: 4:30-7:30; 4p-8p for
Commission Members): Krista gave a brief update and background on the WaterWise program. The
Commission decided on the singular theme of Water Conservation. Glenn inquired what the Commission
attendance would be for the event. Katie, Matthew, Bret, Keith, and Glenn are able to work the event. Amy O.
indicated that she would not be able to attend. Keith, Bret, and Katie indicated that they would prefer a 4-6p shift.
Matthew would like to work the entire time, but with breaks in between. The Commission discussed and decided
on using a prize wheel as the main activity for the booth, and potentially obtaining a prize wheel through a contact
of Madeline’s. Krista is to find out the size of the prize wheel, if it comes with a stand, and create prize wheel
educational questions for review by the Commission. Possible prizes were discussed including: Bracelets that
Madeline could donate containing native seeds, temporary tattoos, Frisbees, recycled crayon project to be
provided by Jill, toilet test kits, and candy. Jill still has WaterWise posters for display. Krista will check with the
Parks Department for a prize wheel to be used as a back-up.
General Discussion:
Glenn informed the commission Amy W. would be moving out of Chanhassen, but is able to remain a
Commission member.
Glenn gave a brief overview of the Joint Meeting. Jill passed along feedback from the Council, indicating
that they were very impressed with the Sustainability Report. It was also conveyed that they would like
the current focus areas to continue for 2015. They asked that the Lake Susan AIS boat inspections be
included in the report.
The date for the Joint Commission Tour is still not confirmed. Jill indicated it may be moved to
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.
Minutes prepared by Krista Spreiter