10-08-2014 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting October 8, 2014 Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Matthew Myers, Amy Wenner, Bret Borth, Amy Omann Members Absent: Keith Anderson Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: July minutes were approved. Review of city projects: Jill presented ongoing and future projects in the city highlighting environmental aspects where applicable. Current planning, parks and engineering projects were presented. Jill also showed the commission where to find the planning and engineering project information on the city’s website. Onboarding packet discussion: The commission took a look at the packet that Amy O has developed for incoming commissioners. The commission liked the compilation of resources and suggested that a brief history of commission project highlights would be a good addition to the packet. The commission agreed on a timeline of final approval for the packet in January, packet design in Feb., and ready for distribution by the end of March. Fen Work Day: The commission discussed the upcoming event and what still needs to be done. They suggested that the city contact school and scout group that have attended in the past and let them know the date of the event for this year. The ‘Friends of the Chanhassen Environmental Commission’ signup sheet should be brought to the event. Larissa, with the DNR, said that a tour would be arranged for the volunteers. The commission suggested possibly contacting the historical society or a master naturalist to help with the tour since the groups have been so large in the last couple of years. An outdoor microphone would also be a good idea. Commissioners attending include: Amy O, Amy W, Katie, Matt, Glenn, and maybe Bret. General Discussion:  The commission would like an update on the current invasive species management areas in the city.  The joint tour in September was a great event and the commission enjoys connecting with other city officials. It’s also good to get out and see what’s happening in town.  Lake Mtka/NEMO – Keith, Katie and Bret attended. Had been to other tours that offered more networking and real-life examples.  Bret and Amy W volunteered to look into holiday waste reduction articles. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:40 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 1