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INLET \ � ' EST�LINE� OFW1 OF\ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ - - - \ 1�1 / - - - / / �� LOCAT ON SE�\10,\TWII RGE:Rq\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ i / \ - _ / / 1 / / Q NO \ \ / \ / / / / / / / a VISIBLE / \ U U I LI INV= / / K A __ A F--\ A 984_8 _ I 1 L_/ LJ \-/ Y/V \ FN IP261\ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / 5 \ \ \ , \ \ \\ \ \ \ I \ /\ 98 -I-,I lJ \ \ \ \L_�I -I' -�\ / -I� / / L_\J / INA 988.1 C \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ �9g2\ - \ \ \ \ / / x. - / (N 803' 20"E /- DEED) N 5T -INV i / r FIE 4 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �9 � / _ ' INv=, AFP 40344 �PNJo I n FND IP I/2 LEAN N1283.64 _^ 34 DIP 2NO-,LEAN SF \ \ \ D 1 2 \ \FN�IP 20261 / / S89 018'51 W + \ _ 818.71 / \ \ 9 �� \ �2ss7 X88 / / RN CB 30" 9.6 / CONC. �gS� '� \ J X82. \ \ \ \ \ \g ) \9)2 �, \ \ \ 46438 82\ \ \ _ = \p\\ - Ix /1 / o - / / / 36.5'c-4 A o 00 \ / 0� _ lDRIVEWAY 6 \ A y) meg% \ \ ` \ \ -986 15.3 0,24.8 �� \ --- --% 7.2/ CONCRETE- \ \ 6� \ I x 17.2 / o � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ --_ -- ---984- i �� x � � � - X � / / / _ _ - -982- ' !O� / \ 1 EXISTING BUILDING / GFE= BI IKON / I r WOE= /12.1 _ _-� - - _ J I T 9 2. / / 34.8 -980' DECK 00 C k WET -75 \ \ \978- ` \ \ oo, / FFE=/ / J / - �_ 30' O \WET -74\\ ��` �_/'\� 7 9s \ \ - \ \ \ / -9;76-- , ��� x C5 - N 30" \ FIRE PIT" �_ 28.8 _ \ _ _ �� 6� / Rim=975Z_ \ _ RST �� 2g" 0 23" I I \ \ \ \ X N DRN CO \ Inv=974.7 r - �� WALLS_ 1 \ r7 I `9%4 975.7 x X X \ L 1 \ O� C WE- \ \ � � \ � \ X� -\ �j I ( \ X978- W �S� /36.1 / \ /\ \ \ -PTI / - - - \ \ \ 00 IJ w \ \ wET�7\ �\ \ \ \ \ - \ \ 2.01/- C\1 7k- CANT. INV D 6" \ __ll - � �u\ \ x �� I GFE= / \ - / ,- - T \ \ i'x \ \ w cv X -x A I CANT. / Rim -72.7 o O \ \ -'WET 1- \ \ \ \ \ \ x- x / \ DRN lw=f9/2.0 4 c v Rim=9 00 00616 \ Z z z WET1-69 \ _SOIL BORE 4701 [O o X \ �y \ I Inv=970 I ` - j \ \ _ \ \ \(�1 „ �I�I SOIL BORE �Q4 (� WET 1-69\ \ \ \9 \ co / V \ \ \ \ o z �R \ \ \ \ \ SOIL SBE 4703 uuu\ WET°9-68 . \ v -9 36.1/ 10" \ l \ \ - GR VEL ------- ------ \ \ , WET 1-6 \ 3'/- x � \ \ - - I - - - \ INV. J V= „R PARCEL 2 - - _ WET -66 \ \ saw 9 0.8 -fix \ �x L� ---------------- D IVEWAY / c x 1 /� o\ \ 12"975.7 97.2 < i �� \ I \ \ \ \ \ \P40344 33:55 < \ \ \\ 9da /FIP 40344 \ \ \ FIP 40344 FIP 40344 _HP 40344 PIP 40344 HIP 40344 I FND \ \ WET -65 z _ \�uIP 40344 Q �� \ \ \ \ \ S89°185111 / O W 777.13 --97p� \ \ - 974.8 IP 4 414 344 BORE -4700 (S88 -03'20 "W DEED) RET. WALL I l I I M \ WET -64 --\\ � 2\ \ \ \ - l O 60� \ 7 / I I 1 1 1 I N \9S6\ / r�� \ \ \\ \ \ I \ 0 X 0 ( I ' WET -63 I \ Y I /1-7 �_ WETLAND I \ \ \ \ ' 6.8i-0� L \ \ \ \ \ / I J O WAI 62 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 97 .4 \ \ WET 61 N \ \ I WET 1\ \ \ \ \ \ \\L_� \ I r\Z \000Ld l� WE -59 \ O X \ \\ \ \ - - \ �_I lJ _ \ \\ \ \ L� L_NJ u Ir <\I 1 L I I I I u� \/ co WET 1-58 \ \ \ \ 4.I'/- O .zi WET \5 \ \ \ \ \ \ J �� v l / / \ I / I / AU AL AL \ 1 WET 1- / WET I-53 \� � � \ � � � I � �2�_ A I*'ET 1-55 WET I- WET 1-54L AL AL AL AL ALL L v -AL AL WET -51 x- X�x x .J WET -t-5 \ \ I N890 18151 "E 464.93 1T / / (N88,Q3'20"E - DEED) -� WET -49 \ \ I /� 1 1 \ �/ I \L�/ I 7 03 �NKER 50 Q � 6 � ] \ OC) \ \ 3 0 cz) o o / 2'/- I' x 15p1^ ST.S I @ I cP �im-9I 1.7 Fence ties are shown on the m° q I s side of the boundary line that x the fence is located on. P �A IC�G1A0 I / / , X 4'/- I I I I 1 I I I I I / / / I j Bearings are based on the Carver County Coordinate System (NAD 83 - 1986 adj.) 50 25 0 25 50 100 SCALE 1N FEET • Denotes Found Property Corner marked with cap RLS#40344 or as denoted DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED 3) Flood Zone Information: The subject property appears to lie within Zone C, (area outside the 1 -percent annual chance floodplain, areas of 1% annual the subject property we are unaware. Please note that we have not placed a Gopher State One Call for this survey. There may or may not be J1 is V il4S �jl 11111.,q 7[ I ;y I underground utilities in the mapped area, therefore extreme caution must be exercise before any excavation takes place on or near this site. Before Idbi SURVEY L E G E N D ° 6 11 SITE 6I' I N digging, you are required by law to notify Gopher State One Call at least 48 hours in advance at 651/454-0002. 1� N� 1 ��`' 1' `� 1 T �< <� EJE PR Y . Y 18) Wetland Delineation: The Wetland delineation was preformed by Arrowhead Environmental Consulting and the delineation flags were located on HI Jf. V 1 :d<J� WOE WALKOUT ELEVATION C BITUMINOUS a 11 3 ��i..� zones.), per the National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 270510005B, dated July 2, 1979 as acquired from E .... Ila �� ....... FIFE A A BUILDING SETBACK LINE ,� .. �,.. the Federal Emergency Management Agency Web Site. L a �� GFE P E Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1213.40 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 464.93 feet; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds SURVEY REPORT CTV CABLE TV West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 289.19 feet; to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing North 1 4) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED 3) Flood Zone Information: The subject property appears to lie within Zone C, (area outside the 1 -percent annual chance floodplain, areas of 1% annual the subject property we are unaware. Please note that we have not placed a Gopher State One Call for this survey. There may or may not be (Per Schedule A of the herein referenced Title Commitment) chance sheet flow flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1% annual chance stream flooding where the contributing drainage area underground utilities in the mapped area, therefore extreme caution must be exercise before any excavation takes place on or near this site. Before SURVEY L E G E N D is less than 1 square mile, or areas protected from the 1% annual chance flood by levees. No Base Flood Elevations or depths are shown within this digging, you are required by law to notify Gopher State One Call at least 48 hours in advance at 651/454-0002. Parcel 1: zone. Insurance purchase is not required in these zones) and Zone A (Areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding and a 26% chance of flooding over That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows: the life of a 30 -year mortgage. Because detailed analyses are not performed for such areas; no depths or base flood elevations are shown within these 18) Wetland Delineation: The Wetland delineation was preformed by Arrowhead Environmental Consulting and the delineation flags were located on CAST IRON MONUMENT WOE WALKOUT ELEVATION BITUMINOUS zones.), per the National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 270510005B, dated July 2, 1979 as acquired from E CATCH BASIN FIFE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION BUILDING SETBACK LINE Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West line of said the Federal Emergency Management Agency Web Site. August 7, 2013. a FLARED END SECTION GFE GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1213.40 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 464.93 feet; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds SURVEY REPORT CTV CABLE TV West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 289.19 feet; to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing North 1 4) Parcel Area Information: Gross Area: 479,134 s.f. - 10.999 acres GATE VALVE TOF TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV. CONCRETE CURB degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 272.96 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds Sr' p Q g R/W Area: 9,940 s.f. � 0.228 acres This map and report was prepared with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Custom Home Builders Title, LLC, as issuing agent for < GUY WIRE LOE LOWEST OPENING ELEV. CONCRETE East, a distance of 818.71 feet; thence South 6 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 276.11 feet; thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West, a Wet Area: 177,738 s.f. - 4.080 acres Stewart Title Guaranty Company, File No. HB -34636, dated May 17, 2017. HYDRANT © CABLE TV PEDESTAL i - 960 - CONTOUR EXISTING distance of 777.13 feet to the point of beginning. Net Area: 291,456s.f.-- 6.691 acres. O SURVEY MONUMENT SET ❑E ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ssp CONTOUR PROPOSED Parcel 2: • SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND O ELECTRIC MANHOLE GUARD RAIL That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows: 5) Benchmark: Elevations are based on MN/DOT Geodetic Database Station Name: Excelsior AZ MK which has an elevation of 1025.76 feet 1) We note the following with regards to Schedule B of the herein referenced Title Commitment: 0 SURVEY CONTROL POINT OO ELECTRIC METER DT DRAIN TILE Commencing at the West Quarter comer of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West line of said (NAVD88). a) Item no.'s 1-8 are not survey related LIGHT POLE © GAS METER ELC ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Southwest Quarter, a distance of 651.25 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along said 6) Zoning Information: The current Zoning for the subject property is A2 (Agricultural Estates District) per the City of Chanhassen's zoning map dated b Item no. 9 Subject to Galpin Road as laid out and traveled. Shown hereon. ) J p `� POWER POLE © GAS VALVE X x FENCE West line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 562.12 feet to a point 1,213.40 feet distant from said West Quarter comer of Section 10; thence 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 January14, 2014 along with partial zoning in BC (Bluff Creek Overlay District). g P g � Y ) c Item no. A portion of the roe contains wetlands which may be subject to federal, state, or local regulation. The right to use or improve ) p property Y J g g P MANHOLE D HAND HOLE FO FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUND seconds East, a distance of 464.93 feet; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said West line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance 562.15SANITARY these wetlands is excepted herein. See Table Anote no. l8above SOIL BORING Cns GAS UNDERGROUND feet; thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 464.93 feet to the point of beginning. SANITARY CLEANOUT Please note that the general restrictions for the subject property may have been amended through a city process. We could be unaware of such TREE CONIFEROUS oHu OVERHEAD UTILITY ALTA/NSPS OPTIONAL TABLE A NOTES amendments if they are not in a recorded document provided to us. We recommend that a zoning letter be obtained from the Zoning Administrator for 2) Observations/Comments noted hereon per field survey such as (but not limited to): access, occupation, and easements and/or servitudes: SIGN (The following items reference Table A optional survey responsibilities and specifications) the current restrictions for this site. a) Fences along the north line of Parcel 1 972.5 GROUND ELEVATION TREE DECIDUOUS III> RAILROAD TRACKS b) Fences along the north line of Parcel 2. � STORM DRAIN OT TELEPHONE MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER We have not received the current zoning classification and building setback requirements from the insurer. c) We have shown the right-of-way of Galpin Road across the easterly part of the site. We have surveyed it as a right-of-way that extends 33 feet @STORM MANHOLE IT TELEPHONE PEDESTAL » STORM SEWER 2) Site Address: 7240 Galpin Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55331 westerly from the centerline of the traveled road. This is per the historic practice of providing 66 feet of right-of-way on the roads that develop (7-- TRAFFIC SIGNAL TEL TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND 11) Utilities: We have shown the location of utilities on the surveyed property by observed evidence only. There maybe underground utilities encumbering via prescriptive rights. Based upon contemporary case law this right-of-way could be construed to be more or less width based upon a YARD LIGHT (D UTILITY MANHOLE JTL UTILITY UNDERGROUND determination of what area is actually being utilized for highway purposes including drainage and possibly slopes. A/C UNIT d) Overhead utility along the west line of the subject property. ❑0 UTILITY PEDESTAL WATERMAIN WO WELL FIELD CREW NO. BY DATE REVISION USE (INCLUDING COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, AND/OR To: HP Holdings, LLC, and Custom Home Builders Title, LLC as issuing agent for Stewart Title Guaranty Company: TWPA 16 - RGE.23 - SEC. 10 FILE NO. TVETE CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OF THIS PRODUCT IS FtS SURL CARVER COUNTY DRAWN STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.'s This is to certi that this in ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY O or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail �� F 37865-001-200 EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT SAID Requirements fo ALTA/NSP L d Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1 - 4, 7a, 8, 9 and 11 of = P SAT H R E- 6 E RG Q U I ST INC. EJW/DBP AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND Table A there° he field wor s completed on June 2nd, 2017. U' PREPARED FOR: 1 CHECKED SHALL THEREBY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. OF 1 Date of Plat or Map: June 8, 2017 v �, 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA, MN. 55391 (952) 476-6000 C HAN HAS S E N ALL RESPONSIBILITY. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. RESERVES m:�v co DBP THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY C N 4� WWW.SATHRE.COM MINNESOTA DATE LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES David B. Pemberton, PLS Minnesota License No. 40344 C}y �� HP Holdings, LLC 05/31/17 RESULTING FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. FRS PLP