FH-Narrative 061517 June 15, 2017 Project: Fawn Hill Location: Chanhassen, Minnesota Subject: Project Narrative Developer/Applicant: HP Holdings, LLC 6025 Culligan Way Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 Tom Bakritges Director of Land Development 612-272-9701 tomb@homestead-partners.com Property Owner: Anne E Marcotte Site Address: 7240 Galpin Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55331 Parcel ID: 250101521 (10.98 acres) Watershed: WS 064 RPBC Site Area: +/- 11 acres Current Zoning: A2- Agricultural Estate District 2020 Land Use: Residential Low Density (net 1.2-4 units/acre) Requests – 1. Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Residential – Low & Medium Density (RLM). 2. Preliminary Plat - Single Family Residential Development for 10 single family lots, creating nine new homes and 1 existing home to remain with 6 outlots. 3. Variance – For double frontage lot for existing home to remain. Preliminary Plat – The applicant is requesting rezoning and preliminary plat approval for 10 detached single- family lots and 6 outlots. A variance is also requested for the existing home to be a double fronted lot. Fawn Hill Road will be extended north to connect both existing dead- end roads and a cul-de-sac, Bentz Court will be constructed, please see the preliminary SS AATT HH RR EE --BB EE RR GG QQ UU II SS TT,, II NNCC.. 11 55 00 SS OO UU TT HH BB RR OO AA DD WW AA YY,, WW AA YY ZZ AA TT AA ,, MM II NN NN EE SS OO TT AA ,, 55 55 33 99 11 TEL:(952)476 -6000 FAX :(952)476 -0104 WEB :WWW.SATHRE.COM – 2 – June 16, 2017 plat for FAWN HILL. The streets are 31 ft b-b, within a 60’ ROW, the cul-de-sac has a 45.5 ft radius to the back of curb and a 60’ ROW radius. Sanitary sewer and watermain are available to service the site. The plat will provide for the necessary public street right- of-way within the development and along Galpin Boulevard. The lots meet the RLM district requirements. RLM – Mixed Low and Medium Density Residential District Standards: Minimum Lot Area – 9,000 sf (single family dwelling) Minimum Lot Frontage – 50 ft Minimum Lot Frontage – CDS Lot – 50 ft at setback Minimum Lot Depth – 110 ft (single family) Maximum Lot Coverage – 35% (single family) Setbacks – Fysb: 25 ft Sysb: 5 ft garage / 10 ft house (min 15 feet between homes) Rysb: 25 ft Maximum Height – 35 ft (3 stories) Bluff Creek / Stormwater – The site is in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. No work or impacts are proposed within the 20 foot wetland buffer (primary zone). Some minor grading will be necessary in the secondary zone on the north end of the existing stormwater treatment pond area (please see the proposed grading plan. One wetland exists on the property, no impacts are proposed to that wetland. The site drains from the northeast to the southwest. The runoff will be picked up by a concrete storm sewer system and routed to the exiting stormwater pond in The Vista at Bentz Farms. An updated stormwater report will be submitted to the City and the Watershed for their review and approval. For the lookout and full basement style lots, draintile services will be installed to all for the homes to have sump pump discharge connection points. A 6” draintile will be installed to the proposed retaining wall (short wall, 3’ to 4’ in height) along the rear of lot 5, this will allow the drainage system installed behind the retaining wall to have a discharge connection point. One other small landscaping wall is proposed in the rear of lot 2, adjacent to the existing home. The maintenance of each retaining wall will be the responsibility of each lot owner. – 3 – June 16, 2017 Tree Preservation: The site contains 129 significant trees that are fair to good quality. Of the 129 trees only 27 will be impacted by the development. Per city requirements, each lot shall be provided with a minimum of one deciduous or conifer tree to be placed in the front yard and a row of coniferous trees will be planted along Galpin Boulevard to screen from daily traffic flow. Variance Request: As noted above, a variance is being requested to all for the existing home to remain on- site, on a lot that would be a double fronted lot. The existing home would meet the necessary front yard setback requirements from both streets. Outlots: There are 6 Outlots being created with the development. Outlots A and B may be purchased by current property owners to the north in the forest meadows development. Outlot C may be purchased by either the property to the north in the forest meadows development or Lot 4 Block 1. Outlot D may be purchased by Lot 3 Block 1. Outlot E will be dedicated to the city. Outlot F may be purchased by Lot 4 Block 2 of th e Vistas at Bentz Farm development or Lot 6 Block 2 of the Fawn Hill development. – 4 – June 16, 2017 Lot Tabulation: