03.VBF - SUMMARY - 052214Project: Vistas at Bentz Farms Location: Chanhassen, MN Prepared for: Homestead Partners Prepared by: Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Date: May 19, 2014 Volume Control Required 6,891 Cubic Feet Volume Control Provided 20,120 Cubic Feet The filtration shelf is not modeled in the P8. If it were, it would increase the removal efficiencies more. TSS TP Required Reduction 60% n/a Proposed Load Reduction 70.6% 84.7% 2-yr (cfs) 10-yr (cfs) 100-yr (cfs) Pre-Development Rate 6.03 16.49 45.67 Post-Development Rate 5.77 14.19 37.16 This site was designed to meet NURP requirements for Total Phosphorus. P8 was used to model TP & TSS removal efficiencies. Rate Control This site was designed to meet rate control requirements for the 2,10 and 100 year rainfall events, using Altas 14 rainfall data. HydroCAD was used to model rate control for this project. This report includes stormwater treatment for rate, nutrient removal and volume control. The proposed BMP's are designed to treat and manage the two subject parcels, as well as the exception parcel to the north as if it were developed. Report Summary Volume Retention This site was designed to filtrate 1.1" of runoff over the increased hardcover of the proposed condition. Filtration is proposed due to non-condusive soils for infiltration. A filtration shelf will be utilized above the NWL. For calculation details, see Volume Control spreadsheet. Quality Control