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H-1.c. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Discussion - Water
VT C' OF CHANBA33EN L Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow : i MEMORANDUM TO: Kate Aanenson,AICP, Planning Director FROM: Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer DATE: July 18, 2017 SUBJ: 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update—Water The City's consultant, SHE, has completed a draft of the 2040 Comprehensive Water System Plan. The plan includes an analysis of the existing system pressures, available fire flow, current and projected water demands, and existing and future water system facilities. One item to note is "Future Storage Option A"within the undeveloped area south of Lyman Boulevard and east of Powers Boulevard. This option is shown to address pressure issues such as main breaks, burst water heaters from water pressure surges and water hammer. These issues may not have been evident in the 2030 comprehensive plan since the lower pressure zones have expanded in the past 10 years. Attachments: Draft Water Comprehensive Water Plan g:\eng\public\pw421d water comp plan update(2017)\20170418 pc water update.docx Pcti 952.227.1100• WWWA.Chanhassen.mn.us • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD PO BOX 147 - CHANHASSEN - MINNESOTA 55317 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Chanhassen, Minnesota SEH No. CHANH 140286 4.00 May 26, 2017 Building a Better World for AN of Us" Engineers I Architects I Pianners I Scientists i i ;d J SEH Building is R(Aifer Vklo,ld for All of Los May 26, 2017 RE: Comprehensive Water Plan Update Chanhassen, Minnesota SEH No. CHANH 140286 Mr. Paul Oehme, PE City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr.Oehme: Enclosed please find the Updated Comprehensive Water System Plan report for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota.The primary emphasis of this study was to update the existing water model and prepare comprehensive water plan documents for inclusion in the City's overall comprehensive plan update.Work completed in 2008 developed the City's most recent comprehensive water plan. This plan updates the previous evaluation and reviews recommendations in light of recent water system improvements and expansion. As part of this work, the system was evaluated with respect to pressure,fire flow availability, pipe friction and velocity, system hydraulic balance, as well as supply and storage capacity. WaterGEMS v8i was used for this analysis. In the future, this model can be used to analyze water system operations and review service availability. it has been our experience that a water model is a very valuable tool for assisting with making future water system investment decisions.We have enclosed a copy of the model computer files for your records.As always,we are here and ready to operate the model as you might request. We will be available to review this report with you at your convenience. Sincerely, X/ � Chad T4Ken erger, PE Project Manager mrb z:\ae\c\chanh\140286\4prelinrdsgn-rets\comprehensive water plan 052617.docx Engineers I Architects I Planners I Scientists Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.,3535 Vadnais Center Drive,St.Paul,MN 55110-5196 SEH is 100%employee-owned I sehinc.com 1 651.490.2000 1 800.325.2055 1 888.908.8166 fax Comprehensive Water Plan Update Chanhassen, Minnesota SEH No. CHANH 140286 May 26, 2017 1 hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 4A/A��- Chad T. Katzedberg6r, PE Project Manager Date: 05/26/17 Lic. No.: 46613 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 651.490.2000 SEH Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal Certification Page Table of Contents Page 1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................1 2.0 Existing Facilities....................................................................................................1 2.1 Storage.............................................................................................................................2 2.2 Supply and Treatment......................................................................................................2 2.3 Distribution System...........................................................................................................4 3.0 Current Water Demand Trends ..............................................................................5 3.1 Peaking Demand Factors.................................................................................................7 3.2 Demand Distribution.........................................................................................................9 4.0 Analysis of the Existing Water System ...............................................................11 4.1 System Pressure Calculations .......................................................................................11 4.1.1 Lake Lucy Road and Powers Blvd.—Analysis of Low Pressures During High DemandConditions...........................................................................................11 4.1.2 Pressure Zone analysis.....................................................................................12 4.2 Available Fire Flow.........................................................................................................13 5.0 Projected Water Demands....................................................................................14 5.1 Projected Water System Demands—By Projected Population .....................................14 5.2 Projected Water System Demands—By Future Land Use............................................15 6.0 Future Water System Facilities............................................................................16 6.1 Future Distribution System.............................................................................................17 6.1.1 Pressure Zones.................................................................................................17 6.2 Future Supply Facilities..................................................................................................18 6.2.1 Future Storage Facilities ...................................................................................19 7.0 Analysis of the Proposed System Layout...........................................................20 7.1 Extended Period Simulation...........................................................................................20 8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations...................................................................21 8.1 Supply Improvements.....................................................................................................21 8.2 Distribution System Improvements.................................................................................21 8.3 Storage Improvements...................................................................................................21 8.4 Report and Model Update..............................................................................................21 SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page i Table of Contents (Continued) List of Tables Table 1 Existing Water Storage Facilities..............................................................................................2 Table 2 Existing City Water Production Wells.......................................................................................3 Table 3 Water Treatment Facilities........................................................................................................4 Table4 Existing PRV Stations...............................................................................................................5 Table 5 Recent Historical Average Water Use......................................................................................6 Table 6 Recent Historical Max Day Water Use& Peak Factors...........................................................8 Table 7 Historical Average Day& Per Capita Water Use....................................................................9 Table 8 Typical Fire Flow Requirements.............................................................................................13 Table 9 Projected Water Consumption- By Population......................................................................14 Table 10 Projected Additional Water Consumption -Future Land Use..............................................15 Table 11 Projected Water Consumption - By Land Use......................................................................16 Table 12 Future Water System Supply Needs....................................................................................19 Table 13 Complete System Water Storage Requirements.................................................................20 List of Figures Figure 1 —Existing Water System Model Map Figure 2—Existing Average Day Demand System Pressure Figure 3—Existing Max Day Demand System Pressure Figure 4—Existing Peak Hour Demand System Pressure Figure 5—Existing Peak Hour Demand System Pipe Velocity Figure 6—Exiting max Day Demand Calculated Average Fire Flow Figure 7—Ultimate Water System Figure 8—Ultimate Water System Pressure Figure 9—Ultimate Water System Available Fire Flow List of Appendices Appendix A Pressure Zone Analysis Mapping Appendix B Water Model Data CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page ii City of Chanhassen, Minnesota May 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Prepared for City of Chanhassen, Minnesota 1.0 Introduction Current and projected growth and development in Chanhassen, has created a need for improvements to the water system in order to meet anticipated water demands. The water distribution system has been expanded and improved in the last decade since the last comprehensive water plan was completed. Now,the water system can be re-evaluated in light of recent improvements and the need for water system improvements can be re- evaluated.The updated water system model can be used to analyze demands, available supply capacity and storage, and available flow rates and pressures throughout the distribution system. For this purpose, SEH has updated the City's existing water with water main, PRV, treatment and storage improvements that have occurred since the last model update.Additionally,we have processed updated demand data to geo-located water demands in the system so that they are modeled in the area of occurrence. Furthermore, regions of future development expected to create additional system demands were identified with the help of City staff, along with potential water system improvements that will allow the system to meet these expected demands. The computer model was updated using WaterGEMS v8i.The resulting product is a tool that can be used for hydraulic analysis of the water system, and scenario planning. The model can also be built-upon in the future if so desired to analyze water chemistry/water quality throughout the distribution system. In recent years,the City has utilized the model as a valuable tool for: • Identification of future locations of critical supply and storage facilities so land can be purchased and/or set aside before development begins in the designated area. • Provide a long range plan for water system upgrades/expansion so that proposed construction projects include properly sized water mains to allow for future development needs. • Identify deficiencies in the water system and corresponding improvements to reduce or eliminate these deficiencies. 2.0 Existing Facilities The Chanhassen water system is composed of storage, supply,treatment, and distribution components as described in the following paragraphs. Storage, supply, and treatment facilities are listed in the tables below. SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 1 2.1 Storage Storage facilities on a water system allow a more constant supply during variable demand conditions. During high demands,when water customers are using a greater volume of water, part of that demand can be met by storage reserves in addition to direct pumping from wells. During low demand conditions,the well pumps can continue to operate, with excess supply going to fill storage for later withdrawal. In addition to this operational function, storage tanks can serve as an emergency water source in the case of a supply failure(i.e. power outage,well maintenance, etc.),they increase the amount of water available during a fire, and they stabilize water system pressures. Chanhassen currently has four water storage tanks on the distribution system. Three of these are elevated tanks(Melody Hill, Middle School and Arboretum), and one is an above-ground tank(Lake Lucy).All four operate on the distribution system by gravity(without the need for pumping). In addition, there is an underground storage tank(clearwell)at the East Water Treatment Plant with a volume of 200,000 gallons.Water from the clearwell is pumped into the distribution system by the high service pumps at the treatment plant. The existing downtown tank is not currently in use due to the operations problems it creates. Three of the four tanks listed in Table 1 provide service to the low pressure zone on the distribution system, and one(Melody Hill)serves the high pressure zone in the northwest part of the distribution system (see Figure 1). The elevation of the overflow weir for gravity-fed tanks on the low pressure zone is 1120 feet. The overflow elevation for the high pressure zone is 1200.This is the highest water level possible in the tanks, and establishes the highest hydraulic grade(pressure)in the system. Table 1 Existing Water Storage Facilities Pressure Volume Useable Overflow Facility Volume Elevation Style Zone (MG) (MG) (ft) Arboretum Low 1.50 1.50 1120 Fluted Column- Elevated Lake Lucy Low 3.50 1.75 1120 Steel-Ground Storage Tank Minnetonka Middle High 0.75 0.75 1200 Composite- School-West Elevated East WTP Clearwell Low 0.20 0.20 NA Concrete- Below Grade Storage Capacity 5.95 4.20 Source:City Records 2.2 Supply and Treatment Raw(untreated)water is currently supplied to Chanhassen by means of 12 wells as listed in Table 2. These wells utilize the Prairie Du Chien—Jordan aquifer,with the exception of Wells 5, 6, and 11, which draw water from the glacial drift aquifer. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 2 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Of these 12 wells, seven pump into the East Water Treatment Plant, with the remainder pumping groundwater directly into the distribution system.The treatment plant uses a gravity filtration process to remove iron and manganese from the groundwater. Of the wells pumping directly into the distribution system,Wells 3, 15, and 9 pump into the main pressure zone,while Wells 7 and 8 pump into the high zone. These wells will eventually feed the new West water treatment plant. Due to a reduction in capacity,Wells 5 and 6 were deactivated in 2008 and are not included in the well summary. The firm well pumping capacity is that which can be supplied reliably even during maintenance activities or an emergency situation where the largest well pump might be out of service. This figure is often used for design and planning purposes, since it represents a worst-case scenario.The total operational supply capacity for Chanhassen is currently 10,600 gpm assuming the well capacities shown in Table 2 while the"firm"supply capacity is 9,350 gpm. The East Water Treatment Plant has a filtration capacity of 6,000 gpm as is noted in Table 3. There are 4 high service pumps that draw from the clearwell at the treatment plant, each with a capacity of 2,000 gpm. Therefore, the firm pumping capacity of the plant is 6,000 gpm. Table 2 Existing City Water Production Wells Well Pressure Theoretical Operational Operational Name Zone Capacity Capacity Capacity Treatment (gpm) (MGD) Well 3 Main 1,000 800 1.2 Well 7 High 1,350 1,000 1 1.4 Direct to Well High 1,300 1,000 1.4 System (Future Well Main 1,000 750 1.1 WestwTP) Well 15 Main 1,100 1,000 1.4 Well 2 Main 1,000 700 1.0 Well 4 Main 1,100 850 1.2 Well 10 Main 1,200 700 1.0 Well 11 Main 500 100 0.1 East WTP Well 12 Main 1,450 1,250 1.8 Well 13 Main 1,400 1,200 1.7 Well 14 Main 1,450 1,250 1.8 Total Well Capacity 10,600 15.3 Firm Well Capacity 9,350 13.8 Total Treated Well Capacity 6,050 8.7 Firm Well Capacity(Treated) 4,800 6.9 Treatment Capacity 6,000 8.6 Source:City Records Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 3 Table 3 Water Treatment Facilities Max. Max. Facility Pressure Operational Operational Zone Capacity Capacity (gpm) (MGD) East Water Treatment Plant Main 6,000 8.6 Future West Water Treatment Plant Main 6,000 8.6 Anticipated Treatment Capacity 12,000 17.3 Source:City Records 2.3 Distribution System The Chanhassen water system is comprised of water mains ranging in size from 6 inches to 24 inches in diameter. The system has been designed with larger trunk main loops with smaller branch mains. The system serves an elevation range of approximately 850 feet to 1080 feet. Pressures in the distribution system are correlated with elevations, with properties at higher elevations receiving lower pressure and vice-versa. Because services at relatively high elevations have unacceptably low pressures when served by the low pressure zone, a high pressure zone has been created in the northwestern part of the city, east of Lake Minnewashta. This pressure zone is served by separate wells and a storage tank as discussed in the preceding sections. Water from the high zone can also serve demand on the low zone by passing through pressure reducing valves(PRVs)on the distribution system.These PRVs are shown in Figure 1. Under normal conditions, the PRVs between the High and low pressure zone remain closed.Additional PRV's are located throughout the system and maintain system pressure to the other low pressure zones.As noted earlier, areas of low land elevation have higher pressures in relation to the existing water storage tanks.When pressures exceed 80- 90 psi, it is recommended to reduce these pressures to more usable levels. The Lake Riley, Inter Bluff and Lower bluff pressure zones are all service areas with lower land elevations. These areas have PRV's regulating pressure within the zone. Some of the pressure zones identified for future service have in ground vaults ready for installation of PRVs when additional development requires.Table 4 below provides a list of existing system PRV's and their operational status. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 4 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 4 Existing PRV Stations Inlet Outlet Number Valve Facility Pressure Pressure of Sizes Housing Status Zone/HGL Zone Valves (dia.,inch) Camden Low Inter Bluff 4.00 Concrete BG Active HWY7&41 High Low 3.00 2,4,6 Active 101&96th Low Inter Bluff 1.00 12 Not Active Kiowa Low Lake Rielly 3.00 12,3,1.5 Concrete Active Lyman & Low Lake Rielly 1.00 12 Concrete Active Springfield Monk Ct Low Lake Rielly 3.00 12,3,1.5 Concrete Active Pioneer Pass Low Inter Bluff 1.00 12,3,1.5 Concrete Not Active Powers Low Inter Bluff 1.00 12,3,1.5 Concrete Active Foxwood Low Inter Bluff 1.00 12,3,1.5 Concrete Active Source:City Record/GIS 3.0 Current Water Demand Trends Chanhassen water utility records indicate that in 2016,the average daily(AD)water demand for the complete system was 2,570,000 gallons (1783 gpm).The maximum day(MD) demand for 2016 was 6,200,000 gallons(4328 gpm).Table 2 presents water demands in Chanhassen from 2007 to 2016. The average day demands over this period are also presented in graphical format in the Figure below. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 5 Table 5 Recent Historical Average Water Use Average Day Water Sold Water Pumped o !4 G � rn co 0. " OV 0 E -tea O `�° c. a 0 R °' m c c > E V E c � Year v Q 0. a o. 2007 23,066 1.95 0.31 0.21 0.02 2.49 1 3.12 135.3 20% 2008 23,578 2.02 0.38 0.24 0.04 2.67 3.22 136.6 17% 2009 24,481 2.27 0.45 0.43 0.07 3.21 3.64 148.8 12% 2010 24,699 1.89 0.46 0.26 0.06 2.66 2.70 109.2 1% 2011 23,179 2.05 0.42 0.23 0.06 2.76 2.83 122.3 3% 2012 23,484 2.38 0.48 0.29 0.08 3.23 3.26 138.8 1% 2013 23,840 2.09 0.44 0.26 0.05 2.85 2.88 120.7 1% 2014 24,432 1.85 0.30 0.21 1 0.18 2.54 2.64 108.2 4% 2015 24,951 1.83 0.38 0.23 0.06 2.50 2.54 101.7 2% 2016 25,332 1.73 0.31 0.17 0.29 2.50 2.57 101.4 3% Average 2.05 0.42 0.27 0.08 2.82 2.94 122.29 4% Average Per Capita Water 83.19 16.27 10.48 3.78 113.72 Use(gpd) F/I. f Total 73% 15% 10% 3% Source:DNR Water Use Records, City Records CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 6 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Figure 2-Historical Average Day Water Pumped&Population 4,000,000 30,000 i 3,500,000 25,000 3,000,000 a o, - 20,000 -x,500,000 E a� a 000,000 15,000 a� 1500,000 10,000 1,000,000 5,000 500,000 0 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 20012002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year 3.1 Peaking Demand Factors Peaking factors are ratios to the average day demand rate which are used in analysis of water systems.They are representative of temporal variation in water demands. A maximum day peaking factor for a water system is the ratio of the MD demand rate to the AD demand rate. It normally indicates the magnitude of seasonal differences in water demands. For example, if demands on a system increase substantially during the summer due to lawn irrigation,the peaking factors will also be large.Typical MD peaking factors range from 2.0 to 3.0. Larger systems generally have lower maximum day peaking factors. However, predominantly residential municipalities,especially in metropolitan areas, generally have higher peaking factors due to lawn irrigation demands. Recent MD peaking factors for Chanhassen are shown in Table6. From the peak demand information that was available, it can be seen that the seasonal demand pattern in Chanhassen is within the typical range. This historical information is useful, not only to assess the capacity of existing water system facilities, but also to anticipate future needs. For future demand projections, a MD peaking factor of 3.1 was assumed in this report,which was the highest of the previous fifteen years. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 7 Table 6 Recent Historical Max Day Water Use&Peak Factors Maximum Maximum Day Average Maximum to Average Year Day(MGD) Day(MGD) (9pm) Day Ratio (Peak Factor) 2002 2.4 5.1 3,527 2.2 2003 3.0 8.9 6,169 3.0 2004 2.6 5.9 4,093 2.2 2005 2.7 7.8 5,396 2.9 2006 3.2 9.8 6,803 3.1 2007 3.1 9.2 6,392 3.0 2008 3.2 8.5 5,926 2.7 2009 3.6 8.3 5,771 2.3 2010 2.7 6.4 4,410 2.4 2011 2.8 6.7 4,618 2.3 2012 3.3 7.9 5,503 2.4 2013 2.9 7.4 5,146 2.6 2014 2.6 7.2 4,979 2.7 2015 2.5 6.3 4,391 2.5 2016 2.6 6.2 4,328 2.4 15 Yr.Average 2.9 7.4 5,163 2.6 15 Yr. Max 3.6 9.8 6802.8 3.1 Source:DNR Water Use Records, City Records CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 8 City of Chanhassen,Minnesota Table 7 Historical Average Day&Per Capita Water Use Total Average Day Average Day per Year Population Water Pumped capita Water (MGD) Use(gpd) 2000 20,321 2.4 119.6 2001 20,982 2.7 126.8 2002 21,561 2.4 109.0 2003 22,376 3.0 132.7 2004 23,431 2.6 112.7 2005 23,652 2.7 113.3 2006 23,864 3.2 132.0 2007 23,506 3.1 132.7 2008 23,153 3.2 139.1 2009 22,806 3.6 159.6 2010 22,952 2.7 117.2 2011 23,179 2.8 122.1 2012 23,484 3.3 138.8 2013 23,954 2.9 120.1 2014 24,388 2.6 108.4 *2015 25,194 2.5 100.7 *2016 25,194 2.6 101.9 5 Year Average 2.8 114.0 5-Year Max 3.6 138.8 *State Demographer population estimate for 2015 Source:DNR Water Use Records, City Records 3.2 Demand Distribution Water demands are variable throughout the day and the year.On an annual basis,the heaviest demand conditions (maximum day demands)occur during the summer,when residential irrigation and other outdoor water use activities increase. Water demands also vary over the course of a given day. Figure 3 represents the results of typical hourly demand distribution graph for total water use in the City of Chanhassen.This was calculated for a typical average day as well as a maximum day. For comparison purposes, a typical curve developed by the AWWA for residential water use is also included on the graph as a reference. In general commercial and industrial water uses are typically more constrained and predictable. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen,Minnesota Page 9 All three curves depict low water demand during the early morning periods. It shows increasing demand during the day with a slight decrease in the late morning periods. By late afternoon, demands level off then increase again during the evening hours, likely when residents are home and utilizing more water.As can be seen in the figure,for the peak day data,the peak hour occurs earlier in the morning,this is likely due to automated irrigation within the City but both commercial and residential customers. As discussed briefly in Section 2.1, storage reservoirs are used to supplement the supply of treated water during the peak usage hours within each day. During the early morning periods when demand is low,the system is able to produce water in excess of the demand.This excess is used to fill the storage reservoirs. When the demand rate exceeds the production rate, stored water in the reservoirs is used to make up for the deficit.The storage reservoirs will start to fill when the demand decreases below the total supply capacity. Figure 3 Chanhassen Calculated Diurnal Demand Curves 210% 200% 190% 180% 170% 160% / 150% ` 140% % 130% %% 120% % 110% ♦ _ +�/ �♦ E 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% % 40% = / 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hour Typical Average Water Use Day-Chanhassen,MN -Typical Water Peak Use Day-Chanhassen,MN c AWWA CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 10 City of Chanhassen,Minnesota 4.0 Analysis of the Existing Water System All utility-owned pipes 4 inches in diameter and larger were included in the computer model of the distribution system.Water pumping records from 2016 were used to represent current demands on the system. Storage and supply facilities were modeled based on specifications supplied by City staff.Additional calibration can be conducted in the future, after construction of short-term water system improvements, to improve its accuracy for future use. 4.1 System Pressure Calculations Pressures in the future system under average day demands were calculated by the computer model. Due to the elevation changes in Chanhassen, and the creation of separate pressure zones,the pressures in the system are highly variable.The model calculates pressures in the range of 40— 110 psi throughout the existing water system. Higher pressures exist on the southern and eastern parts of the distribution system,where elevations are relatively low,with the exception of the reduced pressure zone around Lake Riley. In this zone, the pressure is maintained at a lower level through the use of pressure reduction valves. Industry standard recommends that the normal working pressure in water distribution systems be approximately in the range of 50 to 80 psi, and not less than 35 psi'. In addition, pressures in excess of 100 psi in the distribution system should be replaced by pressure reducing valves. The Minnesota Plumbing Code requires that building plumbing systems not exceed 80 psi. Many of the areas with pressures greater than 100 psi are localized on the system(they are limited to the fringes of the existing distribution system). Expansion of the distribution system to the south will require the use of pressure reducing valves as discussed later in this report. Where pressures exceed 80 psi, individual homes or businesses should install pressure reducing valves on the service line near the entrance to the building, as recommended by the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 4.1.1 Lake Lucy Road and Powers Boulevard —Analysis of Low Pressures During High Demand Conditions As reported by City staff and mentioned in the previous comprehensive water plan, pressures in the area around the Lake Lucy Reservoir are low during peak demands.This effect is also observed in the computer model.Areas of relatively high elevations are present in the area. Elevations range from about 960 feet in the vicinity of the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Powers Blvd.to approximately 1040 feet in certain locations. Most of the high elevations are found on the south and east side of the intersection. It appears from the computer modeling results that there are about 50 homes that may drop below 35 psi during high demands when levels in the Lake Lucy Reservoir are low. If levels in the reservoir drop to 50%of capacity that corresponds to a water elevation of 1105 feet(15 feet below overflow). At this level, any water service above an elevation of about 1024 feet would drop below 35 psi. As stated previously, industry standard recommends that pressures remain about 35 psi under normal operating conditions,which includes periods of relatively high demand. Recommended Standards for Water Works. 2003 ed.,Great Lakes—Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers,Albany,NY,2003,pp. 109,112. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 11 Since this is primarily an elevation issue, distribution system replacements or upgrades are not expected to have a significant effect in improving pressures in the area.The following three options are presented here for dealing with this pressure issue: • Do nothing. The pressures do not appear to be critically low, and residents have adapted to conditions as they are. • Install individual booster pumps on homes that require higher pressure. • Create a small boosted pressure zone. A small booster station operating on a closed system is possible in the area. The City would need to conduct a detailed study of the issue to determine the optimal way to create such a system while maintaining circulation in the water system to prevent stagnation and the creation of dead ends that would limit fire protection capabilities. 4.1.2 Pressure Zone Analysis As part of the comprehensive water plan update, the establishment of the pressure zone boundaries was re-visited. Since the last comprehensive water plan was completed, pressure reducing valves/vaults have been installed as the system has expanded,which in turn define the boundaries of the pressure zones. As the system evolves, it is generally a good idea to revisit the pressure zone development, identify potential changes and review improvements so the ultimate system provided is optimized. For example, the previous plan identified potential options for definition of the pressure zones. Now that new water main has been installed, and pressure reducing valve vaults have been placed,this boundary had changed slightly.As part of this update, a system wide contour map was updated to show parcels of land that can be served by the various pressure zones (see Appendix A). The High and Low pressure zones are defined by the elevated water storage tanks that exist in these zones,with HGL's of 1200' and 1120' respectively,these tanks maintain pressures of 40-80 psi to the majority of the service areas. The boundary of the High pressure zone has been clearly defined and does not have a very high potential to be changed or modified in the future. The Low/Main pressure zone, which is essentially the default pressure zone for the majority of the system, serves the remaining areas with the exception of the Lake Riley Pressure zone which is essentially a reduced pressure zone, served by PRVs from the main zone. In the past,this type of pressure zone had issues with large changes in flow. For example, when hydrants are flowed in this zone, and shut off, pressure tends to bounce and transients are not very easily dissipated. This head resulted in water main breaks and water heater failure in some homes. In general, closed water pressure zones(without elevated storage or a standpipe)can experience difficulty with major flow changes as water is not compressible.When a valve is suddenly shut off(or A PRV throttled back),the water flowing in a corresponding pipe is suddenly forced to stop. Because of this, high pressure builds up immediately behind the shut off valve and low pressure forms in front of it. The momentum of the water is suddenly transferred into the physical system piping. As a result, a high-pressure region of water"piles up"in the pipe.This high pressure region then travels back along the pipe in the form of a wave.The border of the high-pressure zone is referred to as a pressure wave, or transient. Such a pressure wave only exists for a short period of time but can cause damage to piping and fittings. Transients are not very well understood and are not always accounted for in the design of a water distribution system. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 12 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota A previous comprehensive water plan identified five potential alternate water pressure zones, with two of the zones(Lake Riley and Interbluff)having similar hydraulic grade lines. In light of recent development, and construction of new PRV facilities, a new pressure zone configuration was developed. The primary goal of the pressures zone restructuring was to sustain ideal pressures at all service elevations, simplify zone configurations,and reduce the number of PRV's required to sustain pressure. 4.2 Available Fire Flow Available fire flows were calculated using the computer model with a residual pressure of 20 psi.According to the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the minimum fire flow available at any given point in a system should not be less than 500 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi. This minimum criterion represents the amount of water required to provide for two standard hose streams on a fire in a typical residential area for residential dwellings with spacing greater than 100 feet. The distance between buildings and the corresponding recommended fire flow for residential areas is summarized in Table 3. Table 8 Typical Fire Flow Requirements Building Available fire Separation flow @ 20 psi Land Use (feet) (gpm) Single&Two Family Residential >100 500 Single&Two Family Residential 30-100 750 Single&Two Family Residential 11-30 1000 Single&Two Family Residential <10 1500 Multiple Family Residential Complexes - 2,000 to 3,000+ Average Density Commercial - 1,500 to 2,500+ High Value Commercial - 2,500 to 3,500+ Light Industrial - 2,000 to 3,500 Heavy Industrial - 2,500 to 3,500+ Source:Insurance Services Office For commercial and industrial buildings,the needed fire flow rate varies considerably, and is based on several characteristics of individual buildings such as: • Type of construction • Type of business that is using the property(occupancy) • Proximity and characteristics of nearby properties • Presence or absence of a fire sprinkling system While the fire flow requirements of commercial and industrial properties should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, a general rule of thumb is that a municipal water system should aim to provide 3500 gpm to this type of land use.The Insurance Services Office(ISO), in determining a City's fire insurance classification, only considers flow rates up to 3500 gpm. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 13 Available fire flows throughout the Chanhassen water system are highly variable, due primarily to topographical changes.Available flow rates in the model range from about 500 gpm in some locations to greater than 5000 gpm in others.Areas of potential concern include commercial, industrial, or high-density residential land uses where the available flow rate at the water main is less than 3500 gpm.The previous comprehensive water plan identified three distinct locations that had less than desirable available fire flow, as calculated by the water model. Since the previous evaluation, improvements to the water system, including a new water tower have strengthened the water system,subsequently,the areas of concern in relation to limited fire flow have been remedied. In short, major fire flow deficiencies were not identified as part of this analysis. However,this evaluation is not intended as a comprehensive building by building fire flow analysis, rather a comparison of computer modeling results with land uses across the existing water distribution system. 5.0 Projected Water Demands Future sales and pumpage projections can be based on assumptions of water demands that can be expected according to future land use or population data. Two different means for water use demand projections and are documented and compared below. 5.1 Projected Water System Demands—By Projected Population Previously in this report, per capita average day water use was calculated. Maximum of this figure for the past 5 years was found to be 139 gallons per day per person. This figure was then multiplied by projected population data. The resulting projected water average and max day demand data is shown below in table 6. Table 9 Projected Water Consumption-By Population Average Average Projected Projected Projected Projected Day Per Day Maximum Maximum Maximum Main Zone High Zone Population Capita Water Day to Day Day Maximum Maximum Water pumped Average Water Water Day Water Day Watery Pumped Da Ratio Demand Demand Demand Demand Year (gal) (MGD) (MGD) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) 2015 24,655 3.4 10.6 7,389 6,429 .961 2020 26,700 3.7 11.5 8,002 6,962 1,040 2025 29,200 4.1 12.6 8,752 7,614 1,138 139 3.1 2030 31,700 4.4 13.7 9,501 8,266 1,235 2035 34,400 4.8 14.8 10,310 8,970 1,340 2040 37,100 5.1 16.0 11,119 9,674 1,446 See Table 4 for Per capita water use projection and table 5 for max day to average day ratio Source:DNR Water Use Records, State demographer, Met Council Thrive 2040 Forecast CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 14 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota 5.2 Projected Water System Demands- By Future Land Use The City's comprehensive plans developed a projected land use map. This map provides for an assumption of future land uses for planning purposes. This projected map also provides for an opportunity to compare the change in land use acreage from exiting uses to projected uses. This information can then be utilized to estimate future water usage based on associated land use changes.Table 9 below documents land use changes estimated in the City's most recent comprehensive plan and equated existing average day water use to existing land use. The estimate of average day water use per acre developed from historical data is then applied to future land use estimates. Table 10 Projected Additional Water Consumption-Future Land Use Upper Main Pressure Zone Development Res. Pers. Demand Demand Projected Projected Projected per AD Land use Total Acres Units Units per person per Acre Demand Demand Demand per Acre Unit (gpd) (gpd) (gpd) (MGD) (MGD) Residential Medium Density 260.0 8 2.5 100 2,000 390,000 0.39 1.2 (RMD) Residential Large 120.0 0.4 2.5 100 100 9,000 0.01 0.0 Lot(RLL) Residential Low 680.0 4 2.5 100 1,000 510,000 0.51 1.6 Density(RLD) Residential High 40.0 16 2.5 100 4,000 120,000 0.12 0.4 Density(RHD) Office/Industrial 200.0 2,000 300,000 0.30 0.9 Office 60.0 2,000 90,000 0.09 0.3 Mixed Use 21.5 3,000 48,285 0.05 0.1 Commercial 0.9 2,000 1,380 0.00 0.0 Existing Residential to 0.0 411 2.5 100 102,750 0.10 0.3 Connect to Water System(REX) Totals for Upper Main Zone 1,571,415 1.6 4.9 Low Area Planned Development Total Res. Pers. Demand Demand Projected Projected Projected Land Use Developable Units Units per per per Acre AD AD MD Person Demand Demand Demand Acres per Acre Unit (gpd) (gpd) (gpd) (MGD) (MGD) Residential Large 0.02 0.1 Lot(RRL) 78 2.5 100 19,500 Residential Low 0.01 0.0 Density(RLD) 39 2.5 100 9,750 Residential Low 0.08 0.3 Density(RLD) 162 2 2.5 100 500 81,000 Residential High 0.10 0.3 Density(RHD) 33.2 12 2.5 100 3,000 99,600 Office 53.4 1,500 80,100 0.08 0.2 Office Industrial 61 1,500 91,500 0.09 0.3 Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 15 Table 10 Projected Additional Water Consumption-Future Land Use *Existing Gedney Demands 180,000 0.18 0.6 Totals for Low Area 561,450 0.56 1.74 Totals for Main Pressure Zone 2,132,865 2.13 6.61 High Zone Planned Development Res. Pers. Demand per Demand Projected Projected Projected Land use Total Acres Units Units per per AD AD MD Person Demand Demand Demand per Acre Unit (gpd) Acre(gpd) (gpd) (MGD) (MGD) Residential Low 40 4 2.5 125 50,000 0.05 0.2 Density(RMD) Residential Med 19 8 2.5 125 47,500 0.05 0.1 Density(RMD) Existing 49 2.5 125 15,313 0.02 0.0 Residential Lots Totals for High Zone 112,813 0.11 0.35 Total System(Additional Demand) 2,245,678 2.25 6.96 Table 11 Projected Water Consumption-By Land Use Existing Future Projected Projected Average Land Use Maximum Maximum Day(MGD) Average Day Water Day Water Area Day(MGD) Use(MGD) Use(gpm) Main Pressure 2.50 2.13 14.37 9,982 Zone High Pressure 0.37 0.11 1.95 1,353 Zone Total 2.88 2.25 16.32 11,335 Existing AD calculated from current 6-year average,Peak factor-3.1 for main zone, 4.0 for high pressure zone,See table 1 for calculations 6.0 Future Water System Facilities The City is currently planning the construction of new water system facilities to accommodate future water needs. In addition to normal water uses, system facilities are often sized for fire protection needs.This includes additional storage facilities in the form of water tanks, supply Facilities(wells and a future West water treatment plant), and water mains to expand and improve water delivery. The following sections of this report discuss the estimated need for future water system facilities, based on the demand projections presented in Table 4. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 16 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota 6.1 Future Distribution System In Figure 7, a proposed trunk water main layout has been drawn as part of the future water system vision, the future mains include 12-inch loops helping to balance the future water system by allowing large volumes of water to flow between supply, storage, and points of use. These trunk main loops will be required to effectively transport water to the extremities of the proposed expansion areas. Looping is recommended wherever possible to minimize dead-ends in the water system. Dead-ends, or branched water systems are less reliable since water must come from one direction. This forces the utility to shut off water to some customers during repairs or maintenance. In addition, larger head losses (or pressure losses)are experienced on dead- ends than on looped systems. This can limit available flow rates during fire protection activities. In addition to future system improvements,the existing system could be improved by eliminating dead ends that are relatively long or less than 8 inches in diameter. This work should be coordinated with future street replacement projects to reduce costs where possible. Due to the fact that much of the future service area on the south end of the City already contains residential development, it is difficult to provide trunk main looping to serve the proposed developments on the far south end of the future service area, such as those proposed between the Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor and Flying Cloud Drive. The proposed distribution system serves these developments using long dead end mains for this reason. If possible, the City should consider looping these segments to improve system hydraulics.A connection may be possible on the eastern extent of the future main shown on Flying Cloud Drive to the proposed 12-inch main on Deerbrook Drive. 6.1.1 Pressure Zones The Chanhassen water distribution system serves a range of elevations that prevents the entire system from being served on a single pressure zone. In order to keep pressures at acceptable levels throughout the system,there are currently three separate pressure zones in the system. The pressure zones are defined by different hydraulic grade,which allows pressures to remain in a more acceptable range.The pressure zone boundaries are shown on Figures 1. As part of the water comprehensive plan update,a review of the pressure zone boundaries was completed by analyzing citywide land elevations with resulting reasonable pressures within each defined pressure zone.The result of this analysis is shown in appendix A. In short, the current pressure zone plan could be optimized to simplify operations.The map shown in figure Al is defined to show which pressure zone would be best suited to serve varying land elevations. In those areas that may have sops that fall out of tolerance, individual PRV's could be installed if the water pressure in the street exceeds 80 psi. The largest zone is the Low Pressure Zone,which is currently served by the East Water Treatment Plant; Wells 3,4, and 9; and the Lake Lucy and Arboretum storage tanks. The hydraulic grade of this zone is determined by an overflow elevation of 1120 feet for the storage tanks. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 17 The High Pressure Zone is located roughly between Hazeltine Blvd. and Galpin Blvd., north of Arboretum Blvd. This zone is currently served by Wells 7 and 8, and an elevated storage tank, Melody Hill, which has an overflow elevation of 1200 feet. Future developments on the south end of town are at relatively low elevation compared with the rest of the city.As the distribution system expands into this area,the water pressure in the mains will need to be reduced through the use of pressure reducing valves, similar to the way in which the Lake Riley Pressure Zone is currently served. In light of recent development, and construction of new PRV facilities, a new pressure zone configuration was developed. The primary goal of the pressures zone restructuring was to sustain ideal pressures at all service elevations, simplify zone configurations, and reduce the number of PRV's required. In the future, it appears that the existing Lake Riley pressure zone could be merged with the Interbluff pressure zone and served but a single elevated storage tank. Not only would this simplify system operations, and reduce the reliance on PRV stations, but pressures in these zones would be sustained by a storage vessel which would ease pressure transients and better serve major changes in flow, reducing the possibility of pressure spikes. Figure 7, represents a potential location for an elevated storage tank for the new combined Interbluff/Lake Riley pressure zone. 6.2 Future Supply Facilities Firm supply capacity,which is the amount of water that can be reliably supplied with the largest well out of service, should be greater than or equal to the maximum day demand. When projected maximum day demands reach firm capacity, it is an indication that additional water supply capacity is needed. The projected 2040 maximum day demand for Chanhassen is approximately 11,120 (16.0 MGD)gpm. As mentioned in previous studies, the City should plan to serve the maximum day demand with firm capacity, defined here as the supply capacity with the largest distribution system well out of service and the largest well supplying the East Water Treatment Plant out of service. The total system capacity with Wells 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 will be 8,850 gpm.The firm capacity will be 7,450 gpm.To meet ultimate demand projections,there will be a well capacity need of approximately 3,700 (11,120 gpm—7,450). Based on previous well capacities, that will equate to four additional future wells to meet projected maximum day demands. It is suggested that three additional wells serve the future West water plan while one additional well should be constructed to serve the east water treatment plant. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 18 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 12 Future Water System Supply Needs Existing Additional Additional Maximum Day Firm Supply Supply Year Water Pumped Supply Capacity Capacity (MGD) Capacity Recommended Recommended (MGD) (MGD) (gpm) Existing 5 Year 7.0 0.0 0 Average 2020 11.5 0.8 552 2025 12.6 10.7 1.9 1302 2030 13.7 3.0 2051 2035 14.8 4.1 2860 2040 1 16.0 5.3 3669 Source:DNR Water Use Records, State demographer 6.2.1 Future Storage Facilities In order to determine the water storage needs of a community, average daily demands, peak demands, and emergency needs must be considered. For many communities,fire protection needs tend to be the controlling factor when calculating needed storage volume. Table 5 shows the calculations used to determine future water storage volume requirements for the total system in Chanhassen.These calculations consider ultimate development of the proposed expansion areas. Water storage facilities should be able to supply the desired rate of fire flow for the required length of time during peak demands, when the water system is already impacted by other uses, and with the largest pump out of service. The calculations in Table 5 assume that 75% of storage volume is available for firefighting, maximum day demands are occurring on the system, and the well with the greatest capacity is out of service. It appears, based on the demand projections used here,that Chanhassen will need about 1.0 million gallons of future additional storage for the system as a whole. There is a trade-off between storage volume for fire protection and water quality. If the storage volume becomes too much greater than average day demands, it can result in longer tank residence times and increased water age.With age,water can lose its chlorine residual and develop taste and odor problems as well as a potential for bacterial contamination. Previously, 750,000 gallons of elevated storage was recommended for the high zone. Since this recommendation was made,the new 750,000 gallon tank has been constructed With this tank in place, the projected additional storage need for the water system as a whole is around 1.01VIG,which could be constructed in the main zone or as discussed later, in the proposed combine Interbluff zone. Proposed locations for the future 1.0 MG tank is shown in Figure 7. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen,Minnesota Page 19 Table 13 Complete System Water Storage Requirements Existing 2030 2040 System Projection Projection Average Day Demand 2,568,510 4,399,370 5,148,790 Maximum Day Demand 6,232,000 13,638,048 15,961,249 Maximum Day Demand (gpm) 4,328 9,471 11,084 Peak Hour Demand(gpm) 8,439 16,100 18,843 Existing Storage Volume(gal) 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 Well Pump Firm Capacity(gpm) 7,450 7,450 7,450 Requirement No.1 Storage Volume 2,568,510 4,399,370 5,148,790 Recommended (Min. Total Storage) (gal) Requirement No.2 Storage Volume 1,973,467 3,182,211 3,724,291 Recommended (Min.Total Storage)(gal) Requirement No.3 Storage Volume 68,000 994,000 1,284,000 Recommended (Min. Elevated Storage) (gal) Additional Storage Required (gallons) 0,630,000) 200,000 900,000 Assumes Supply Remains Constant 7.0 Analysis of the Proposed System Layout The computer model of the distribution system was used to calculate pressures and available fire flows as was done previously for the existing system. Much of the new development is expected to the south of the existing water system, where elevations decrease as discussed in previously sections. When PRVs are set in the model to correspond to the recommended hydraulic grades, and are located as shown in Figure 7, pressures and available flows for fire protection appear to be adequate to support the proposed land uses, based on the criteria presented in Section 4. 7.1 Extended Period Simulation As part of the previous comprehensive plan, an extended period simulation(EPS)was conducted using the model to analyze system operations during several days of maximum day demands. The primary purpose of this simulation was to check for cumulative system imbalances that are not evident in standard simulations and to verify if system operations can be maintained under high demand conditions. The locations of supply and storage facilities, and the sizes of distribution system pipes, contribute to imbalances. Considerable distances between supply and storage locations and inadequately-sized water mains can contribute to a reduced storage-replenishment rate and the ability to refill the towers at night during low demand periods. Once again, we have conducted a 72-hour water model simulation to review the possible water tower site A location. We have simulated a 72-hour period with three consecutive maximum day(MD)demand conditions. This time period was chosen since most supply and distribution system deficiencies will be exposed in three days of operations with MD demands. For example, if tanks are unable to refill daily under high demand conditions, a trend will emerge in tank level data produced by the EPS. CHANH 140286 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Page 20 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota The model was simulated with a new tank located at site A,feeding the combined Interbluff/Lake Riley zone. The simulation found that it is feasible to sustain water system pressures with this type of configuration. The existing main pressure zone tanks operate and float at similar weathers while the proposed tank sustains more consistent pressures in the lower pressure zone. 8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 8.1 Supply Improvements Firm supply capacity(the supply capacity with the largest pump out of service)should be greater than maximum day demands.The City is currently in the midst of constring West Water Treatment Plant, which is estimated to have a capacity equal to the recently constructed East Water Treatment Plant(6,000 gpm). In order to fully utilize these two plants, it is estimated that four new wells will be necessary during the life of this plan to meet projected water demands based on projected development in the City. 8.2 Distribution System Improvements Trunk main looping should be a priority in the expansion of the service area and in water main replacement projects. The proposed layout of trunk water mains in this report would provide water supply and fire protection capabilities to existing and projected service areas. In addition, recommended trunk mains will connect water supply and storage facilities with points of use on the system. The City can also work towards the eventual combination of the Lake Riley and Interbluff pressure zones, which may be the most ideal location for a new elevated storage tank. 8.3 Storage Improvements The volume of water storage needed in Chanhassen is dictated by daily demands as well as fire protection. Currently, storage capacity is meeting system needs. Projected demands will create a need for one additional 1.0 MG elevated water storage tank over the life of this plan. A new concept,which places a new tank in the combined Lake Riley/Interbluff lower pressure zone which will help supply these pressure zones with water as well as stabilize system pressures. 8.4 Report and Model Update This report should be reviewed on an annual basis. Changes in development type or densities can have significant impacts on a water system's performance,especially during drought conditions or emergencies such as fires.A report update should be planned for approximately 5 to 10 years dependent on development pressure. The water system model produced as part of this project is a valuable tool in assisting with design and construction of Chanhassen water system components. It can be easily updated on an annual basis and used to evaluate the impacts of proposed developments or project phasing.A copy of the computer model will be provided to the City. Comprehensive Water Plan Update CHANH 140286 City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Page 21 i I Figures Figure 1 — Existing Water System Model Map Figure 2 — Existing Average Day Demand System Pressure Figure 3— Existing Max Day Demand System Pressure Figure 4 — Existing Peak Hour Demand System Pressure Figure 5— Existing Peak Hour Demand System Pipe Velocity Figure 6 — Exiting max Day Demand Calculated Average Fire Flow Figure 7 — Ultimate Water System Figure 8 — Ultimate Water System Pressure Figure 9 — Ultimate Water System Available Fire Flow Lake ,3. - Lak - .0 Virgi. ��•a n .u ,�y, ^ •- U d 'Mnika MS N'ell'15 . A� : _ ,., 0.75 MG - Lake Lucy M J 1 17 Lake '!+ Lotus Minnewashta;' --- 8Cake - Lake Lake gne,pj•• - rlsq_/. Lucy w Lak /� r weds Lake Ann C WeM 9 M .412 . t 1 'we'll 5� Arbonit Wall ay East WfP lWjj Y,l A 6 We!I 1 WN1140 Eiu M /rte -Lake�kF �• trr-ir _r >MI - �r'r��Yj=_ y�� �) �aaa■■■ ...FFF� Lake :Rice �t?trss3ss 1• Susan Mar64 Laked x u y :fl" �✓ Y tf �e� •L Yt 1 Lake Riley \i - •�1 �rlf f Nw�y1 t < h Uu e .7 r 4 s.�...� 7� t e I u u 1 - + �z,: s ;( �. .._� Rice; - --..�i�-- Lake .� 174 1 i . ravaed.nr.r. uewrs� i 46 --4 i Legend Elevated Storage Water Main(in.) High(1200') 6 Inter Bluff(1066) ® Future West WTP 8 Lake Riley(1065') ® Reservoir 10 Low(1120') 12 Lower Bluff(930'Future) ® East WTP 16 0 Production Well 18 PRV Status 20 A Vault Only 24 Off 30 0 2,500 5,000 Feet Active Prgecl:CHANH 140286 3536T.PAU 9CENIERDR Print Dele:5f2612U,7 Existing Water System Model Map Si.PAV4 MN 55110 Figure P"°'�`)"490.20°° � '� 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update FA:(WO9)909A168 gypyr,:c•rwr S E H TF:(9 0 01 34 62 05 5 s.w:wwrCw •, �°^ Chanhassen, Minnesota Lake u e Y Virgin '+� �View'Q„ Aleasa i �: W tka MS Wep�15 --� 3�[ L J� W 0:75 MG ®Lake Lucy Rd �L LL.ucy t R p Well? L S u g Lake Lotus Minnewashte L Lake Kerber IM Laka Y a � Lucy °' G N . McCr ' t Y, - �Well3 v':St Joe. f es � u Y r c�O^9D Lake Ann r u Y u WDM 42� �yC N g � W ew z aaa S1 tft�(,nBtvd weasaW"$w5 n a East WiPWell,o Y.'e1113 f (, elvd R.!kRd Wd5<am o ED - LDµ` Y ��3�r .{ yN N pp Y 3 MG) � N e N Susan Rica; Mars h F <jLeke� n n -_- Blvd 4 i i i n n L n 81 L c F u R 0d1CIO j r p S� i Gi �y�i Legend oar, �� �ccccCcrcd��rccrcccr cN Pressure,(psi) Pressure Zone rte. 40 High E— J 4ccoc�c8 F 6 �` �v 21-30 b�cc_o Inter Bluff ro=�aoa� 31-40 Lake Riley 41-50 0.. 9 Low - 51-60 V--t Lower Bluff 61-70 L 71-80 i81-90 91-100 >100 0 2,500 5,000Feet 1 Prgecl:CHANH 140286 3535 VADNN MN551RDR R:,tDate:5nsno,7 Existing Average Day Demand System Pressure Figure So PAY4)4551,0 P"°":(M1) 6 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update /� FA:(ND)32F, 68 Prgeaw�:cmw SEH TF:(BOD)3YS7055 6vxwrcn »� � Chanhassen, Minnesota .coo�c_r oxo°=eo_earx=.�._Jocoe=� ___h nD Plea �fiex� 0�He1'1 _ W 3''' MNa MS d5 . I 18 b air W0.75 MG ®Lake Lucy Rd Lk Res,-15 n MG Lake u Minnewash -Wells .� \l,n KerberB6 o 13 1POS S C I: Nb03 lC�l I a o- o c r. °o W70 �W� 2 ❑ o St p.);p.etum 61vd well 6 g Well 11 - -a ❑ East WfP Wall 13 10 Coulter Blvd Park Rd 'Wall 14 SB lake%t, 0*'O �o ArSoretum(1.5 U MG) S X11 ❑°o Lake A Susan D I o BA p r� ❑ o BNd 1 - -i Lake q ! i RMY i 1I'o DB rD I -u l ❑ a u � u 8 o g 0 woe Lake Legend s�,Py o Pressure Zone Pressure,(psi) U D �oo_�of i`Ao� � � ❑ ro=,High ® <20 o Inter Bluff 21 -30 a--o� 0 Lake Riley 31 -40 °a Low 41 -50 L`_o�_coU pFraoove$ o Lower Bluff 51 -60 n61 -70 � 71 -80 � 81 -90 F-1 91 -100 >100 0 2,500 5,000 Feet Project:CHANH 140286 J 353ET._aCE_"E —1 Dale:5/.M7 Existing Max Day Demand System Pressure Figure O E:(6 MN55110 F' (m)90"2000 �° 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update �. Fn:(eea,a6a055 3 1F�(e30)325-2055 SEH Chanhassen, Minnesota I -.k e o 7oPo Lake -11' � ❑ Ir Pleas> M6Mkn MSWeA'�15 a Lk Lucy W 0.75 MG ®Lake Lucy Rd a per; 7 Well? Q� Lake Well Lofus Minnewashtey .0 L„i r- L Kerber Lake ri Lake >` We113 �.T c�St. Joe p1 u ec}es Well�•�c�ac� �Z,<oo9 r�9 0 a 0 u _ W 7B7 Wel h ❑ O - 6 W - St A,porelum Blvd � NI yYt Prbwetum East NTPW,HIt1 ° U a (1.5 ❑ ,) Couper Blvd galk Rd B ❑ 0 00` 0 ° akev, Well 14 Lav- Utax�B 1A411 n A ° � u L is e o R i c e O Susan Mars 1 Lakeo ❑ ❑ Lake n _ RiieY S n 0 n a °❑&6ff a ❑ ❑ n e n ° Rical P Lakeq 9 -- Le end - Pressure Zone Pressure,(psi) e`� a�ooaE a High <20 �' 0 T°�� a C1 g Inter Bluff L� 21-30 4 c_occco �✓ Lake Riley O 31-40 Low 41-50 n lbooccco ueea®y� 0n��� o Lower Bluff 51 -60 � 61 -70 ....__i 71-80 81-90 91-100 91-100 0 2,500 5,000 >100 Feet Prged:CHANH 140286 J 3535VA❑NNSCENTERDR Prim Date:5126)2017 Existing Peak Hour Demand System Pressure Figure 6T.PAUL,MN 55110 (W,"a"166 `�.. 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update SAH ':ttw')32�r2M 4 Chanhassen, Minnesota ( S r ilcY7 a - ( i ti rt" Chr turas ake a e Inia 1 41.51. x ky 1 ' fr l Lake Minnewashta �, i 1 2 �dekeia ris Lake L icy t@j S P, Lake Ann I, v'& n 7V s, v � Lake Susan R-OS4ke BIvr3Mi..,.1:12h lu Lake May J,uny 'i •Du,t .)y t.h,i,4 C` E; M R ce Lake 4 _S Legend Pipe Velocity(fps) 0-2 2-3 —3-4 —4-5 —5+ 0 2,500 5,000 Fee P.*t:CHMH 140286 J535 VADNNS CENTER DR Print Dale:5/25/1017 Existing Peak Hour Demand ONE:f6 I)4W2 System PipeVelocity Figure 'SST.PAUL.MN 5510 100 µp yr:JEu FAX:(8")aD"165 Rxpma+:can.r 5E14 '�'°° 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update 5 � '• C Chris 8� �C),- *� Lake _ ,� klinmwashta AO • Lake PH n ... - \' ak %Cir Lucy t ) OS Oen Ld,s OU • Lake Mn ,. Lake o �0 0 p O 0C5 IV •.,. • D e • / Lake o Susan Marsh M •• Lake Riey Legend Available Fire Flow OIAM a © <500 gpm B1,,FG 0 500-1000 gpm 0 1,000-1,500 gpm 1,500-2,000 gpm 0 2,000-2,500 gpm P" Lake 0 2,500-3,000 gpm �o�o, m4'P * 3,000-3,500 gpm P� r • 3,500+gpm High(1200') Inter Bluff(1065') Lake Riley(1065') Low(1120') 0 2,500 5,000 Lower Bluff(930'Future) Feet Prood.C.140216 Existing Max Day Demand 835 VAONN6CE Figure 55"OFL Prin,Date:5126120170,� Fi Si.PAUL,MN 55ttU Calculated Available Fire Flow 9 PMONE:(65,)4942- IwoW:— FAX:(M)ecaa,ss SEH ,F:JMO'32 ^ 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update 6 Chanhassen Minnesota - �un ,�,�/E co``i`� t � I�`y, r I ♦` IL P �� =�trf dr :'il �`',i� 'd `•L ■ t _ � � 1 Z;� ��r s. 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Harris u.' i u.^.y " Lake " WeN3 J - St. Joe esa `c�rcrq W09 - r � r 4 WeA y12 r n Wei 2 site 7,J W 76,� M 5 6'Wd11st 1�s Arboretum BN Wk."1 4 Coulter Blvd park Rd B W East WT p z ,E e Hrr, " i Lake WeM 14 n " rrrR a Dr h, E�WeN 4 "p MGI � H r� - .Ricew rbc ccc`ry MarsA8 r Lake' F f, m 1�C J C �— rTSZ1�8�Vd r - ,- Lake �a> ,r Riley r ° ^ J Lam" r Coun,y H"'1'14 n • Buy • n r � f Legend r v Pressure Zone Pressure,(Psi) r r Ricei Lake' ,p•o•oL.Mo <20 High � F ° °Inter Bluff ®21-30 � .�1 0 _000°Low O 31-40 �r goo ��i...r...e��e...w..s °Lower Bluff 0 41-50 << n �51-80 �`` r j1• �l �61-70 ®f' �71-80 L_ - 181-90 91-100 0 2,500 5,000 ,100 Feet Prgeel:Ct.ANN10Ultimate Water System Pressure ffi35VA°W43 ark F,kNDate:5125/2017,7 Figure --'�� ST.PAVl,MN 55,N"1,0 1 LL= ,�„" ,�° EM.M 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update FAX TF((NO)315-21155 coed la xa.nn,.e—T 8 S,E „, .„d.,,.� Chanhassen, Minnesota herist s e Lake Lotus p{, - Minnswashta, B Cake Lake Lake,_ F;>" ris Lucy L'a k $t. J Will3 _ 9 It ske Ann ,2 7" LL i Z, N Arboretum(,.5 - N.) Lake RicF. p It Susan ').i.,rsn La-"e , Lake rziL v a in 6 BI R,ce Leke Legend C <500 gpm High(1200') 'o 0 500-1000 gpm Inter Bluff(1065') 0 1,000-1,500 gpm Lake Riley(1065') 0 1,500-2,000 gpm Low(1120') ® 2,000-2,500 gpm Lower Bluff(930'Future) 0 2,500-3,000 gpm 3,000-3,500 gpm 0 2,500 5,000 9 3,500+gpm Zk I Feet Project:Of1:SrA 027 Ultimate Water System .1ST.PAUL, NNTER 55110DR t1,rR Date:5!262017 Figure P""MN 55110 Calculated Available Fire Flow g F" 'e�'�'� "`"°"""" 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update 9 Chanhassen, Minnesota Appendix A Pressure Zone Analysis Mapping lake � 1116 Virginias rq rur 11151118-1114_ 1118_ _1970._ 1119,.. 1119` „ ,, 1116'"' 19d1 1122 c 1111 1117` j'1k-11141116 `1788 1193'.1191" 1108 X1134 1112+" 1913 9187 1100 1090 ;1119 1701 1118 1115 9115 1225 1191: 1188 1114: 1128 1106 1096 1195 1119 '1086 1171 .1114 1114 1192 1190 Lk LucyRes35'AG 1099 r&cea Ms 1187 _1, wxi 15 1116 - 1125 1119 }� 1109 7172 Wo.75MG `� 1113 1110 9116 1090/ n 1198 f 1116 1120 1106 C ar 1186 1178 1114 1115 1106 '1112 1114 110.9 1111 till r111�6} 1097 a—IX. > '719i�Wel17 1116` 1124;' 1118 1112 1121 1104 1118 w�i 1194 1 1086 1113: 1118 1163. 1101 1141-1112 1130 } La 1133 1119 1104 1114 1109 1122 1118 1114 1114 = PSE C'! 7192 1211 L u c i 1 1114 1118 M1113 X114 1171 1181. r r3 111 1799 1117 t 1111 9119: 11711 1105" 1189 1118 1115 1096 j1193 1.162. Lake Ann i„ 191'7 '1716 1125 114 1103 ,1 1765,.; 7112 111 1114 1101 1114 • 1116 1110 N 1117 WON 1125 1H09` 1104 11484` 3D07 1115 j100�1116 1195; 1142 1127 ` 1133 1117 1119 w - x.1104 . 1129._," - 1107 11171112 1124wersij,11�2 '--L1125 �} -»1116 7110 1112 7174 1114 n. 78th s 1156,. X132 W,rs p 1113 a ( 1117 1116:' 1109 1126 1120 6a WV WeA to 1130 112 X1113 1715` Ne 1113 1109 Fal 1117 werla_ 1132,1131 1117 11Y1 1149 1110 1110 - g 1129 111 3 1196 = 1124 1112 1734 1732 r 1.SA{�,1J zr�7112 i� 1902 --'1101 11.9 1111r 1139. 11DD „1118 1115 1111'11V11' 1119 1119 - 1125 Y 1122 g e 1098 .� iii ■ 1141' 1709 t 1122 ;1111 n u 1112 1117 1130 1113{ 1117 1123, 1087 1116 1111 1123 ` <' 1106 1125 1155`. :1125 1109` 1118 1111 1042" r ""01 1125 110? 1032 1098 1116 10981100 1056 1108 1117 1100 1118 eta 1117 1114 1118 1040 1040 1109 1906 1107 .1105 1112 1107 1112 1030 1011 1041 1110 1107 1106 1037 1109 x.'1111 1093 1115 1100 1113^.`8 1109 7095 1101110-7 1105° 1082 _1110 11061110 //�� 1081` n, �!ffFs 1097 errs 1109 1083; CoLll" Rice Lake! Legend �a see; oc� High(1200') .AJe 010 € Ucocc� �^ gid` Inter Bluff(1040') s To 0 Lake Riley(1040) 1--9 o °Low(1120') r D e m-m Lower Bluff(930') Pressure Zone Anlysis Best Served By Pres.Zone ®Lower Bluff(930') ®Slope/Lower Bluff Buffer(x/930') slope(x) Inter or Slope(1040'/x) InterWuff/Lk Lucy(1049) Low orinterBluff(1120/1040) Low Zone(1120') High or Low (120011120) 0 2,500 5,000 High Zone(1200') et {� Existing Field Pressure/HGL P,.,.d:CHANH 140286 ST.PAUL, 35 SCENTER DR P*dDa1e:&26=17 Pressure Zone Analysis Figure T.PAUL.MN Milo PNONE:(651,9 I% —: 2017 Comprehensive Water Plan Update Al FA:(WO))25.2056 FaF�w:cnwr TF:(WO)��� �� Chanhassen,Minnesota This Page Left Blank Intentionally i SEH Building a Better World for All of Us Engineers;Archltect ' Vianners I Scientists