E-3. Joint Commissions Tour Agenda – August 8 r_ J
Planning, Environmental, Park & Recreation, and Senior Commissions
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Meet at City Hall at 5:45 PM
We will depart at 6:00 PM and return by 7:45 PM
1. Anthem on the Park
a. Storinwater
b. Wetlands
2. West Water Treatment/Manchester Park
3. Foxwoods 61 Corridor
a. Park
b. Preservation of Bluff Creek Corridor
c. Trail along 101- Arbor Glen connection
4. Mission Hills Senior Housing
5. Downtown Core - Market Blvd, Great Plains, West 78"' Street ( Downtown Study)
a. Infill development/redevelopment
b. Traffic
c. Walkability
d. Storrnwater
6. Social time Downtown- City Center Park
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