B-1. Bongards - Site Plan review for a 7,050 square foot, two-story addition at property located at 8330 Commerce Drive for 1.8 Acres of land zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) PC DATE: August 1, 201741 - CC DATE: August 28, 2017 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: August 29, 2017 CASE #: 2017-16 i BY: RG, ML, JM, JS, SS PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the site plan for a 13,070 square foot, two-story building expansion,plans prepared by Solution Blue, Inc., dated November 16, 2016, subject to the conditions of approval and approves the Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for Site Plan review for a 13,070 square foot, two-story addition. LOCATION: 8330 Commerce Drive (Lot 3, Blockl, Chanhassen Business Center 2nd Addition APPLICANT: Chris Freeman Bongards 8330 Commerce Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development, PUD 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial ACREAGE: 1.81 acres DENSITY: 0.21 F.A.R. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city's discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval to expand their existing 9,558 square foot building by 13,070 square feet in a two-story addition (6,665 1" floor and 6,405 2"d floor). The total square footage will be 22,628 square feet. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20,Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Districts Chanhassen Business Center Development Standards i Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 2 of 9 BACKGROUND On March 23, 1998,the City Council approved Site plan review for a 9,582 square foot office building. (SPR#98-1) i On April 10, 1995,the City Council approved the PUD amendment and preliminary plat of 7 lots and one outlot for Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition. On April 24, 1995,the City Council approved the final plat for the Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition. This parcel represents the last lot in the Second Addition to be reviewed for site plan approval. SITE PLAN REVIEW The applicant is requesting site plan approval for the construction of a two-storY> 13,070 square foot expansion of the building with an existing area of 9,558 square feet. i Site Constraints The property abuts the Twin City and Western Railroad corridor. Electric and gas easements encumber the northerly 60 feet of the site. Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory, the National Wetland Inventory, a review of historic aerial photography and a site visit did not reveal any indications that wetland is present on either site. Bluff Protection j There are no bluffs or steep slopes present on the site. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie within a floodplain. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The main entryis located in h the southeast corner of the building. A new entrance is proposed on the east side of the expansion area. A metal canopy highlights the new entrance. Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 3 of 9 Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing the use of a sand colored exterior insulating finishing system, EIFS, as the primary building material for the expansion. The use of EIFS is limited to an accent material. The applicant may want to use tilt-up concrete panels. Concrete may be poured in place, tilt-up or pre-cast, and shall be finished in stone, textured or coated. The window area south of the entrance is highlighted with horizontal wood siding. An anodized metal panel canopy(dark brown) frames the window and entrance area. The base of the addition is highlighted with several courses of brick capped with a pre-colored,pre-cast continuous sill. Height and Roof Design The building height is 31 feet to the top of the parapet. Additionally, a corrugated metal screen extends above the parapet. The additional adds an additional story above the one story building. Facade Transparency While the addition technically doesn't need to comply with the 50 percent fagade transparency requirement,the entrance area of the addition does meet this requirement. Loading areas, refuse area, etc. Delivery and service door is located in the northwest corner of the existing building and shall be accessed via the western access drive. Lighting The applicant is proposing to provide wall mounted lighting as well as area lighting for the parking lot. A decorative, shoe box fixture with a square ornamental pole shall be used throughout the development area for area lighting. Total light height is limited to 30 feet. Wall mounting lighting shall be shielded and have a total cut-off angle equal to or less than 90 degrees. Signage The applicant has existing monument signage south of the building. Site Furnishings The applicant is proposing a small plaza area on the east side of the building at the new building entrance. The applicant should install a seating area or picnic table in the northeast part of the site. Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 4 of 9 Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping include 1,436 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, 3 landscape islands or peninsulas, 5 trees for the vehicular use areas, and bufferyard plantings along the north property line. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape 1,436 sq. ft. 36,788 sq. ft. area Overall trees required for 5 trees 5 trees vehicular use area Landscape islands or 3 islands/peninsulas 3 islands/peninsulas peninsulas/parking lot The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot/vehicular use area. Bufferyard requirements: Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B—north 4 Overstory trees 16 Overstory trees prop. line, 220' 6 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 0 shrubs Bufferyard B—east prop. 3 Overstory trees 6 Overstory trees Line, 220' 6 Understory trees 3 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 53 Shrubs Bufferyard B—west 3 Overstory trees 4 Overstory trees prop. Line, 220' 6 Understory trees 8 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 0 Shrubs The applicant meets minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings. N Lot Frontage and Parking Location i The property fronts on Commerce Drive to the south. The majority of the parking is provided to the east of the building. 9 EASEMENTS 0 0 The property survey shows the existing public o drainage and utility easement around the perimeter of the property. Two easements for private utility b g o: lines also cross the northern side of the property. o .°a D Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 5 of 9 The proposed stormwater infiltration basin will tie-in to a public stormwater pipe on the northern portion of the property. The public stormwater pipe is not within an easement according to the applicant's title search dated August 29, 2016. The applicant shall dedicate a drainage and utility easement over the existing stormwater pipe on the northern portion of the property. The locations of all easements of record shall be shown on the survey based on a recent title search. GRADING AND DRAINAGE Drainage The existing drainage pattern for the site is shown to the left. The majority of the impervious surface runoff is captured by catchbasins in the parking lot and routed to the public stormwater pipe that is DA-1(NORTH-OVERLAND) \ located on the western and northern portions of the r, �\ site. The northern part of the site flows overland to DA-2 the north. The southeast portion of the site largely (sou flows to Commerce Drive. DA-3 \ �\ (NORTHWEST-PIPE) j /�' al u.osixrnan:a LY I/ p.kl1+n11b:I11w11de n H; 'DA-1(NORTH) `\\ W \ ,., \l` � � DA-3a Existing Grading The proposed grading plan to the right reduces \, '' �`�1 D the areas on the north and southeast that flow overland. The central impervious area's runoff DA-3b is still captured by the existing catchbasin in the parking lot and routed to the public stormwater pipe that is located on the western and northern portions of the site. The new area consisting of the proposed building addition, some existing and some new parking will be captured by new �``� catchbasins. The new catchbasins lead to an Proposed Grading underground draintile and clear rock infiltration system. The system will overflow to a public stormwater pipe on the northern portion of the site. Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 6 of 9 The applicant shall resubmit to-scale paper copies of the civil plans, including grading. The applicant shall label the first floor elevations of buildings on adjacent lots. The applicant shall revise plans to add Emergency Over-Flow (EOF) locations and elevations shall be labeled on the grading and utility plan sheets. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control The disturbed site area is under 1 acre, so a SWPPP and NPDES permit are not required. However,the applicant's erosion control plan shall be revised to meet the requirements of 19- 145 of City Code, including showing stockpile locations prior to grading on site. STORMWATER Private stormwater facilities are proposed, consisting primarily of draintile pipe under the grass paver lot to the existing storm system and under the bituminous lot for the underground infiltration basin. The applicant shall submit a maintenance and operations manual for their stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). The applicant shall inspect their BMPs on an annual basis and submit inspection reports to the City. The applicant shall coordinate with the City for inspection of the connection to public storm structures during construction. The grass pavers are proposed to act as pervious surface to allow stormwater to infiltrate into the soil. The applicant shall plug the draintile connection from the grass paver lot to the stormwater catchbasin till staff evaluates the function of the grass paver system and determine in-field whether the draintile connection is required or if the system can function without it. PARKING The applicant's proposal includes two new sets of parking stalls. The first is proposed in front of the building on the south side of the property. It will be constructed of pervious, grass pavers. The second new parking area will be added to the east side of the existing parking area. It will be constructed over the proposed infiltration area. The applicant shall alter the dimensions of the grass paver lot to clear show it meets the requirement for 9-foot by 18-foot parking stalls and a 26-foot wide aisle. MISCELLANEOUS Building(s) are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 7of9 to construction. Structure proximity to property lines will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to; allowable size,protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. COMPLIANCE TABLE Code Project Building Height 4 stories 2 stories 50 feet 31 feet to top of parapet Building Setback N - 30' E - 10' N - 84' E - 81' W - 10' S - 30' W- 18, S-81, Parking Stalls 53 stalls 54 stalls (Office- one space per 200 square feet(8,855/200=44.28); Research- one space per 500 square feet(2250/500=4.5; WH - one space per 1,000 for the first 10,000 sq. ft. then 1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. (2826/1000=2.89)) (Note numbers are rounded up.) Parking Setback N - 10' E - 10' N - 65' E- 11' W - 10' S - 10' W- 22' S - 16' Hard Surface Coverage 63% 53% Lot Area 43,560 sq. ft. (1 ac.) 78,666 sq. ft. (1.81 ac.) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the site plan for a 13,070 square foot, two-story building expansion,plans prepared by Solution Blue, Inc., dated November 16, 2016, subject to the following conditions: Building 1. Building(s) are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Planning Commission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 8 of 9 3. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a perinit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Structure proximity to property lines will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to; allowable size,protected openings and fire- resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 5. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering 1. The applicant shall dedicate a drainage and utility easement over the existing stormwater pipe on the northern portion of the property concurrent to recording the site plan agreement. 2. The locations of all easements of record shall be shown on the survey based on a recent title search prior to recording the site plan agreement. 3. The applicant shall resubmit to-scale paper copies of the civil plans, including grading prior to City Council approval. 4. The applicant shall label the first floor elevations of buildings on adjacent lots prior to grading on site. 5. The applicant shall revise plans to add Emergency Over-Flow(EOF) locations and elevations shall be labeled on the grading and utility plan sheets prior to grading on site. 6. The applicant's erosion control plan shall be revised to meet the requirements of 19-145 of City Code, including showing stockpile locations prior to grading on site. 7. The applicant shall submit a maintenance and operations manual for their stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)prior to recording the site plan agreement. 8. The applicant shall inspect their BMPs on an annual basis and submit inspection reports to the City. 9. The applicant shall coordinate with the City for inspection of the connection to public storm structures during construction. Planning Corunission Bongards Site Plan—Planning Case 2017-16 August 1, 2017 Page 9 of 9 10. The applicant shall plug the draintile connection from the grass paver lot to the stormwater catchbasin till staff evaluates the function of the grass paver system and determine in-field whether the draintile connection is required or if the system can function without it. 11. The applicant shall alter the dimensions of the grass paver lot to clear show it meets the requirement for 9-foot by 18-foot parking stalls and a 26-foot wide aisle prior to installation of the grass pavers. Planning 1. The applicant shall revise the primary building material from EIFS to some other acceptable material. 2. The applicant shall provide site furnishings to the site. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Title Sheet 4. Site Survey 5. Site Demolition and Erosion 6. Civil Site Plan 7. Site Grading Plan 8. Site Utility Plan 9. Civil Details 10. Site Lighting 11. Site Landscape Plan 12. Photometric Plan 13. Preliminary First Floor Plan 14. Preliminary Second Floor Plan 15. Parking Calculations 16. Preliminary Exterior Elevations 17. Preliminary Exterior Elevations 18. Chanhassen Business Center Development Standards 19. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List G:\PLAN\2017 Planning Cases\17-16 Bongards\staff report Bongards.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Bongards' Creamery for Site Plan approval for a 13,070 square foot, two-story building expansion. On August 1, 2017, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Bongards' Creamery for site plan approval. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development,PUD. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 3, Block 1, Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition. 4. Site Plan Review: a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Finding: The proposed development complies with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides and the zoning requirements for the site. b. Is consistent with site plan division; Finding: The proposed development complies with the Site Plan review requirements of the Chanhassen City Code. c. Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; Finding: The site has been significantly altered by previous uses on the parcel. The proposed development design is in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed areas. 1 d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Finding: The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development. e. Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. The proposed building expansion compliments the architectural appearance of the existing building. e. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers,preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, which is being improved as part of the development, sound and sight buffers,preservation of views, light and air and traffic circulation. 5. The planning report#2017-16, dated August 1, 2017 prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION 2 The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site for Bongard's building expansion subject to the recommended conditions of approval contained within the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 1 st day of August 2017. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 3 1 -7- 1(p COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division–7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CHANNSEN Mailing Address–P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952)227-1300/Fax: (952)227-1110 2 APPLICATIONFOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: 1 3o PC Date: 1,11-11* CC Date: 60-Day Review Date: Z SectionApplication Typeapply) (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment.........................$600 ❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers.....$100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ........................................$300 ❑ Create over 3 lots.......................$600 + $15 per lot ❑ Conditional Use Permit(CUP) ( lots) ❑ Single-Family Residence................................$325 ❑ Metes &Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 ❑ All Others.........................................................$425 ❑ Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 ❑ Interim Use Permit(IUP) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment.........................................$150 ❑ In conjunction with Single-Family Residence..$325 El Final Plat..........................................................$700 ❑ (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* All Others.........................................................$425 *Additional escrow may be required for other applications ❑ Rezoning (REZ) through the development contract. ❑ Planned Unit Development(PUD)..................$750 ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way(VAC)........$300 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD.................$100 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ All Others.........................................................$500 ❑ Variance (VAR)....................................................$200 ❑ Sign Plan Review...................................................$150 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit(WAP) ❑� Site Plan Review(SPR) ❑ Single-Family Residence...............................$150 ❑ Administrative..................................................$100 ❑ All Others.......................................................$275 Commercial/Industrial Districts*......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ❑ Zoning Appeal......................................................$100 (14,000 thousand square feet) *Include number of existing employees: 33 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment(ZOA).................$500 *Include number of new employees: �— ❑ Residential Districts.........................................$500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus $5 per dwelling unit( units) the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ❑ Notification Sign (City to install and remove)......................................................................................................................$200 0 Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre-application meeting)..................................................$3 per address ( addresses) ❑ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)........................... . . . . .......$50 per document ❑ Conditional Use Permit El Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation ❑ Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements ( easements) TOTAL FEE: Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: 14,000 square foot building expansion with adding parking stalls, stormwater management features and landscaping. Property Address or Location: 8330 Commerce Drive-Chanhassen Parcel#: 251650030 Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 1, Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition Total Acreage: 1.81 Wetlands Present? ❑ Yes © No Present Zoning: Planned Unit Development(PUD) Requested Zoning: Office and Institutional District(OI) Present Land Use Designation: Select One Requested Land Use Designation Select One Existing Use of Property: Commercial building ❑Check box if separate narrative is attached. JUAN %'J U w i I- II FTIM173,T 1,A Section • • Owner and Applicant APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Bongards Contact: Chris Freeman Address: 8330 Commerce Drive Phone: (952)466-3552 City/State/Zip: Chanhassen, MN 55317 Cell: (515)210-0313 Email: -chrisf bongards.com Fax: Signature: Date: 6/27/17 This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER(if applicable) Name: Solution Blue, Inc. Contact: Steven Gebauer Address: 444 Cedar St., Suite 1005 Phone: (651)289-5536 City/State/Zip: St. Paul, MN 55101 Cell: (612)749-5204 Email: sgebauer@solutionblue.com Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: R Property Owner Via: Z Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: Mitchell Cookas ❑ Applicant Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: 444 Cedar St., suite 1005 R Engineer Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: St. Paul, MN 55101 ❑ Other* Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: mcookas@solutionblue.com INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. —_–•–•M �� SAVE FORM PRINT FORMI SUBMIT FORM y BONGARDS ' EXPANSION interiors I architecture 7001 Fn AV—Soub,S1nbs 200 Edna,Miwm.tU S%35 952893-9020 fax 952893-9299 waw.6dW np.ar Project lni' madon BONGARDS'EXPANSION 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE BONGARDS'CREAMERY CHANHASSEN, MN 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE CHANHASSEN,MN i I I'{ ( IL I CONTACT LIST 7LOCATION MAP SHEET INDEX -� Issue Record BUILDING OWNER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SAeM NumLr Shod Nm BONGARDS CREAMERY EMAIL CHRISFABONOARDS.COM KRECK OI RIEN MULLER 8 ASSOCIATES EMAIL.:MVANHOOFOKOAIARIC.ODM 781 TITLE SHEET A 01130.17 PLA6R11NG AND ZONING 8360 COMMERCE DRIVE PHOS:952468.3552 610CAHILLAVE. PHONE 851.788.4129 w _ CHANHASSEK MN LAVER GROVE HEIGHTS MN 55076 ILI ISTELANDSCAPEPLAN C1e0SF SEWN MATTVANHOOF o C1 SITECEMOUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN BDH+YOUNG MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR CZ �cSITENGN BDHYCUNG SPACE DESIGN EMAIL MOKEEFEQBDHYOUNG.COM LKPB EW31:JOIN.COSTELLOGMCOM 7001 G SIZE UnLLTYPIAN SUITE 200 AVENUE PHONE:95134&8312 SUITEISSWEST COUNTY RD.B2 P,gNE851.83i/225 T CS CNA.OETA85 SUITE 200 PHONE:EMAIL F 2,345 DHYOUNG.COM ST.PAU 0 EDINAMATT MN 55135 PHONE:952.345A38 JCHNCL TE LO PZ1.01 PRELB.eRMFIRSTFLOORPLMN MATT 07(EEFEf KATRNA FILAR JOHN C0.STELL0 PZ1.02 FRELMLIINARY SECOND FLOOR PLAN ENERALCONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PRO, PRELIMINARYEXTEPoORELEVAITONS . M. PRETJM9 ARY CALCLI ATTCN ELEVATIONS Sheet 7Ttle FAMMERS STAVE UE EMAIL:JO&348.2#IN.COM LKPB EMAB:TOM.HENZ@LLCPB.COM ""O PZI.03 PARgNG CALOLlATI0N8 4834 HA MN PHONE SUITE EST COUNTY RD.B2 PHDNE:851.833./225 TITLE SHEET PB6HAM,MN 58573 MOBILE:2182981519 SUITE 300 JOHN CARLSON ST.PAUL MN 55113 E TOM HEINZ CIVIL ENGINEER PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SOLUTION BLUE EMAIL MCOOKASOSOLUTKNBLUECOM LKPB EMAL:TOM.HENZ®LKPB.COM 318CEDARSTREV PHONE:651.289M34 1935WEST COUNTY RD.82 PHONE:651.633.1225 NTIg MITCHELL COOKAS161 ST.PAUL 0 Sheet Infoanatlon MNCHELL COOKAS 9T.PAUL MN 55113 TOM HEINZ A ,lob Code BONGAROS Drawn Sy KMF Reviewed By MWO/PG Dale 06.30,17 T0.1 Description of Property Surveyed -- _� —� -- Lot 3,Block 1,Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition,Carver County,Minnesota ��• �� ��� �— ALTA/NSPS Land Tithe Swwary Notes (numbered per Table A) 1.Bearings are based on the Plat of Chanhassen Business Carter Second Addition. I I i 2,Site Address;8330 Commerce Drive,Chanhassen,Minnesota. ,.,,, „,,,c�> .� �• ••``�o`"r' �� ��sv\� i 3.This property Is contained In Zone C(Areas of minimal Hooding)per Flood Insurance Rate Map,Community Panel No.270051 0005 B,effective date of July 2.1979. i h 4 The G lad i 8 666 / ! 1 80S9+/- ::� ......... ............. nom n areas 7. +-square eat or acres. S.Elevations are based on MN/DOT Geodetic Station Name:10.002 which has an elevation of:961.399 feet(NGVD29). I I I 7(a).Erterior dimension ofbuildlg Is A ground level. 1 8.Substantial features observed In the Process of conducting the fieldwork have been shown hereon. - 9.The number otparking stalls on this site are as fellows:17 Regular+3 Handicap.18 TOtal Parking Stalls. t A - i 11.We have show»the location of utilities to the best of our ability based on observed evklence together with evidenra from me relkwrxtg sources:record dans from the city provided -- 925 by Sol tlOn Blue,plans from utility companies,Plans Provided by exert,markt by htNty companies and under azures can sources.We have used this Information dreliably to develop a New N the underground utilities for Uk site.However,lacking excavation,the eyact location W underground features cannot be aaurateN,completely and relkblY depleted. - Found con 926 i _"- -- o " 238.00 238 01(TTI) 1 - �� visibly observe all the red located at lett fied,tm Is advised that excavation may be necessary. ,d se note that seasonal conditions y inhibit our ability to R151e4D7 -9111 556 57 24 W (P) Where additional l t e W i detailed ed On the s b required,me elk se .Also ea ma in .—yry'!-- . _ . __ _, awn eon oM oeu aw —_.ono '- -- -- es a on e sproperty. _r }P _ Mlniesote valley Natural Gas Company easement gSgu ; a+u troumu n -per Doc NO.98299_. aw _ ort: 9, 1 — 1..This map as d report was red with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance Issued by NI American Commercial Title,Inc.,as agent for Oki Repudk National Title ;3 preps °Mu � Insurers Company,Commitment Na.103187,dated August 29,2016.We note the following with regards to Schedule B of the therein referenced 71tle Commitment: a.Item no.'s 1-9,It 13-16 are not survey related. _ n easelMm b.The following ere numbered Par the referenced tale Commitment: L 9y1 g934U r States Power Comps Y g41 _5outheasterlY 1 d Nom_ 10.Easement for dalna and utility Purposes as shown on the recorded i Doc-No.72636 B�« yMSI o ge plat of Chanhassen Business Cemer Second Addition,filed as Document No.87685.This •Oralnage BUINKY easement Per Pla[ n i per _«---__«-_--"--�9� nm_yx6�7.Ss►N- - pe i Property,as shown hereon. n _ � _ easemerht is looted In the northerly Portion and the perimeter of the subject Al _ g 11.Easement In favor of Minnesota Valley Natural Gas Company for gas transmission system purposes dated 10-20-60,filed,In Book 61,page 490,as Document No. Ism �" 9�7 9`T 98299,as described therein and as shown 0n the plat of Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition.This easement is acted in the northerly portion of the *s I subject Property,as shown hereon. v 94g _ 9 945 12.Easement and right of way in W favor Northam Stales Power Company for power line purposes,as contained in Final Certificate dated 3-24.92,Hied 4-27-92,as Document No.72638,and as shown on the plat of Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition.This easement is located in the northerly portion of the subject 946 10 L- 5 property,945 property,rtY,as shown hereon. r 9• �"� rn 942 944 2.Conflicts such as but not limited to:encroachments, ^i 9,, ( ) protrusions,access,occupation,and easements ad/or servltutks: 94, 943 I E a.Please note that part of the storm sewer located In the northwest portion of the site Is not contained within a drainage and udlity easement,as shown hereon. 9141 Tnr1 I g41 - �-r ALTA CERTIFICATION ri • �C I O TO:CARLSON AND WALD,LLC,a Minnesota Umited Liability Company;Bongards'Creameries,a Minnesota cooperative corporation;and All American Commercial Title,Inc,as agent 942 •-T for Old Republic National Tile Insurance Company: —=1 This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which It Is based were made In accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title a _ f • -_ i n Surveys,Jointly estabfisr and adopted by ALTA and NSPS,and includes Items 1,2,3,4,7(a),8,9,h 11 of Table A thereof.The field work was completed on September 19,2016. �o�N.q 94:0 F9T1E7.6 o Dated this 22. epber,20 16 FFE. Trash b ii I O .;,I PYn_9Ja7 ca i i- fi M Rory L.Synstallen Minnesota License No.44565 i AM_4sAe,, •hart I I rory*htpo.— . TSIs-' MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION $ W I g I hereby mtBY that thIs survey,plan or report was 3 1 Story BUIdo9 S-• I 3 Prepared by me,or under d my direct supervision athat I am a duly Cleansed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of e+1 Address:8330 Comme+ce Drive - Jp 9y: �D Minnesota. C I g Foundation Area:9,558 Sq.Ft $ee B iv LiII oz Dated this 22nSeptamber,2016. Linetype & Symbol Legend + A Rory L.SynotelleMinnesota License No.44565 ® UTILITY MANHOLE ® AIR CONDITIONER i i II � rory®htpO.cpn —ro ro— FIBER OPTIC � +b5 i E —cos 045— GASMAIN SIGN 6 BOLLARD YISmrwtY MANHOLE (0 SOIL BORING >— SANRMSEWERQ STORM MANHOLE CATCH BASIN 70.3.. 0• I I y » STORM SEWER D TELEPHONE BOX •III I1 v oau OVERHEAD UTILITIES ® GLAFENINE 4 ® landsoplrg � TELEPHONE MANHOLE CLEAN OUT I I .�-,t',ogcRfe-Sin1vralk I qn —T¢ TEL— TELEPHONE UNE ® e - ELECIAIC TRANSFORMER 0 q 2 TY 1 i III p n 0 —EtE ¢E— ELECTRIC UNE —civ c7v— CABLE UNE ® TRAFFIC SIGNAL © ELECTRIC 80% 1h /I E ELECTRIC MANHOLE 3 n r gs?, / (� 'cr It �0 �, —0-0-0-0-0— GUARDRAIL ® TRAFFIC LIGHT Of' FLAG POLE O 65taiK+lHendf®p41 91qs —❑- ❑ ❑ © FLARED END SECTION 7I WOODEN FENCEUNE CABLE N BOX J i ° w • >� . s +— CHAINLINK FENCEUNE ® ELECTRICAL METER GAS VALVE a, '•... a Mas -I BARBED WIRE FENCE c � 10�' � ...- ❑ GAS METER '. HANDICAP SYMBOL — _ - BLOCK RET WALL ® WATER METE0. 8 MANHOLE HANDHOLE WATER VALVE FOUND IRON MONUMENT O HYDRANT O SET IRON MONUMENT POWER POLE CAST IRON MONUMENT Rm.,,ea A— o T — O I p •• 941 - round ohm iron r1n^ i _ � -- ALTA HSPS 'S ^� "' ¢E E E N56°5724"E 203.00(p) 202.70(M)`"""€R�—r I rte— i p Found lnm pp 0�`' _ -. _.-. _ T_ _ 1 / d I ALE 1M07 I I—i—I E•DIP )�p>e------i------I-.I� --- I x.31 ) 3504100 > >-_'�--> IY PVC > _ s <�_._, v- � Commerce Drive Land Title Survey o I ---�-- 21'Rte_--«---�— I � �— 90 15 0 15 30 60 SCALE IN FEET j L-� —"— 8330 Commerce Drive Vicinity Map Chanhassen, MN A r A 1 __1Rwhian Proecl rl16-087 M sTE 'K( I Engineering•Surveying ID-s-16 Addeo Utilities D­by DRB LL Landscape Architecture Ck.�.d by PAT/RLS ig �J eaokma9a .I HANSEN THORP f ELLINEN OLSON, Inc. Dat. 9-22-16 7610 Clarke Plaae 0700-.Hen P A r fC 55144C11ent No Scale 02429 G\ \� SITE DEMOLITION LEGEND: EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES: KEY NOTES REVISIONS BY -0__--o - SILT FENCE(SEE DETAIL EROS-2) WATERO SILT FENCE PROOF OF PARKIMUTSNG 12022016 / SAWCUi �. PROOF OF PARING 06.00.2017 ('\ INLET PROTECTION(SEE DETAIL EROS-5) CURB REMOVAL � 2 CONSTRUCTION MUD MATS CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(SEE DETAIL EROS-6) 3 INLET PROTECTION ` REMOVE PAVEMENT/SIDEWALK ❑ O CONCRETE WASHOUT TREE PROTECTION(SEE DETAIL) GENERAL SITE DEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTES' 21 j SITE FEATURE PROTECTION(LIGHT,SIGN,ETC.) 1 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LIMITS OF REMOVALS WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING EXISTING J / SITE FEATURES(STRUCTURES,CURBS,WALKS,PAVEMENTS,UTILITIES,SIGNAGE,FENCES,ETC.)WHICH ARE TO REMAIN.REPAIR OR REPLACE,TO OWNER'S SATISFACTION,ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING PROPERTY OR SITE FEATURES WHICH ARE TO REMAIN,AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. TREE REMOVAL 2. COORDINATE DISRUPTION OF UTILITY SERVICES WITH THE OWNER'S PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE AND UTILITY OWNER,PUBLIC OR PRIVATE. GO(C a\ DURING TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY UTILITIES AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN BUILDING SERVICES. Z iGay e I 3. THE OWNER'S ACTIVITIES MAY CONTINUE RING CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SEQUENCE OF WORK WITH THE OWNER. S1 ti� 5 3 I 4. PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK,ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL E IN PLACE.SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN OR SWPPP FOR DETAILS. VoS� Oki \ 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE ALL VEGETATION NOT TO BE REMOVED BY CONSTRUCTION.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RE-SEEDING R SODDING AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION. \ 6. CLEARLY IDENTIFY AND LABEL EACH TREE THAT IS TO REMAIN PRIOR TO STARTING SITE CLEARING.CONTACT OWNER'S PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE FOR SITE INSPECTION AFTER ALL TO REMAIN'TREES HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED.TREES THAT ARE TO BE PROTECTED SHALL HAVE TEMPORARY FENCING PLACED AT THE DRIP UNE AROUND EACH TREE. 7. STOCKPILE TOPSOIL FOR REUSE ON SITE.VERIFY THE STRIPPED TOPSOIL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED USE.VERIFY THE AMOUNT / \ OF TOPSOIL NEEDED AND REMOVE EXCESS FROM SITE. • - � \ /9, B. ALL MATERIAL REMOVED SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE AND IN A LEGAL MANNER. o \ J 9. MATERIAL TO BE SALVAGED FOR REUSE BY OWNER SHALL BE REMOVED UNDAMAGED IN USABLE CONDITION.TEMPORARY PROTECTED STORAGE H \ ON-SITE MAY BE REQUIRED. 1./ \ 10. ON-SITE BROKERAGE OF MATERIALS SALVAGED BY CONTRACTOR TO BE REMOVED IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR OWNER APPROVAL. �+ / ;•,!•: \\ �' DRAWING SCALE 11. LOCATION AND ELEVATIONS OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MET(OR AVOIDED)SHALL BE CONFIRMED BY THE CONTRACTOR THROUGH FIELD u / A•. EXPLORATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT TO THE ENGINEER ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THEIR MEASUREMENTS d / ••'� \\ \ 1 O 'LO 4O AND DHESE PLANS.CONTRACTR SHALL ALSO MAKE EXPLORATION EXCAVATIONS AND LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SUFFICIENTLY31 / \ AHEAD OF CONSTRUCTION TO PERMIT REVISIONS TO PLANS IF REVISIONS ARE NECESSARY BECAUSE OF ACTUAL LOCATION OF EXISTING g N \ FACILITIES,CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TARE PRECAU ZONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER EXISTING 1 I // ✓ \\ - \� (IN FEET) LINES NOT R RECORD OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. N t `�[ .• \ Cn 12. ALL TREES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE CLEARED OUTSIDE THE MIGRATORY BIRD NESTING SEASON OR AFTER CONDUCTING A NESTING BIRD Q z "`y \\ :CJp SURVEY. `ISE E `f 13. CONSULT WITH THE U.S.FISH AND WILDUFE SERVICE REGARDING THE NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT PRIOR TO CLEARING ANY TREES. GENERAL PROJECT NOTES: 3 \ / OvQF,FF' \ 4v / �O U \ �y 1. BIDDER WILL VISIT THE SITE TO UNDERSTAND THE SCOPE OF WORK.NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED FOR ITEMS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY A SITE VISIT,STUDYING THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY,THOROUGHLY REVIEWING ALL PLANS AND REPORTS,AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BIDDING. O EO O + 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. m y q: 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC AND BOUNDARY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY HTPO DATED 2016.CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE DISCOVERED. W 4. THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN DETERMINED FROM THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE AND ARE FQ O I-KJ W CO.' - 6 - F OF ANY FOR EMOLITION ACTIVITY,THE CONTRACTOR OF THE SHALL NOR.THE TIFYNEER THE THE UTILLIUMES 140 ITY COMPSESPONSIBILITY FFOR ONSITE FOR OCATIONS OF EXISTINGOR TO THE UTILITIES,THE F Q j p m p� (n $ 3 CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT ANY EXISTING UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES LOCATED AT THE �+O gi C5 \ ... `a\� co fit) WORK SITE. F Z> f r,� vi 30 z:. w0� z< m 0 3 e \ qFq Q N 1y,�QeSS�o�p,< \. 5 LOCATION-OF SOIL BORIGRS.THE CONTRACTOR RISHERN RESPONSIBLEELOTO,S DATED OBTAIN A COPY OF16 THERREPRTSURFACE DURNG BI ONG TION INFORMATION AND &qU F W 6<Baa py,., ()D CI 3 d \\ y QOv 9 ( \ 6. PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHERE NECESSARY.PLACEMENT OF THESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY AND IM d O<V a ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. _N s 9\ •6 1 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FULL ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO OL \\ AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. yS CI \\ \ 8. ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN CITY APPROVED WORKING HOURS. 7 9. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. Q !� (',1 10. SOIL SURFACES COMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REMAINING PERVIOUS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DECOMPACTED Z 3 Z THROUGH SOIL AMENDMENT AND/OR RIPPING TO A DEPTH OF 18 INCHES WHILE TAKING CARE TO AVOID UTILITIES,TREE ROOTS AND OTHER a i '�� \ - EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO FINAL VEGETATION OR OTHER STABIUZATION. r \ (l GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES: z J d } w 1. INSTALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS PRIOR TO BEGINNING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. O X W (n _ _ 2. MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES IN PLACE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED. W 2 W Z INSPECT ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND DURING RAINFALL EVENTS.REMOVE ACCUMULATED Z / \ SEDIMENT DEPOSITS FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AND DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AS NEEDED. DO NOT ALLOW Z Y �' O \ b / SEDIMENT TO ACCUMULATE 70 A DEPTH R MORE THAN ONE-THIRD R THE CAPACITY OF THE DEVICE. REPLACE DETERIORATED OR DAMAGED J O 0 w / EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WITHIN 24 HOURS. O Q N 2, W i (� \� 3. THE PERMITTEE MUST,AT A MINIMUM,INSPECT,MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ALL DISTURBED SURFACES AND ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL U d N m d� \\ �� / / / \ �"� FACILITIES AND SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES EVERY DAY WORK IS PERFORMED ON THE SITE AND AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL LAND-DISTURBING Z Q O Q // ( 1 }} .- o• ACTIVITY HAS CEASED.THEREAFTER,THE PERMITTEE MUST PERFORM THESE RESPONSIBILITIES AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL VEGETATIVE COVER IS 0 U N`PR \\ ESTABLISHED. W Q Z M Z OWNER'S CONTACT INFORMATION T \ (1Jt 02' I? " `V' p z O M a \\ ✓� y Q \ 4. PROVIOE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL,WHICH MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS,CONSISTENT WITH THE MEANS.METHODS AND O_ Q m 00 U 'J /y/ O SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. /- CHRISIS R CREAMERIES \ ( ' 0 5. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS W CHRIS FREEMAN, CFO d ,r \ 1- O �O9 O m 18681 LAKE DRIVE EAST 6P d \ ✓� / , - THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. _ CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 A 6. STABILIZE ALL AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN FINISH-GRADED,AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS IN WHICH GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ARE U chrisf®bongards.com 952-466-35 6 ✓ / NOT ACTIVELY UNDERWAY,AGAINST EROSION DUE TO RAIN,WIND AND RUNNING WATER WITHIN 7 DAYS REPAIR ERODED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. \ \\ ✓ W Ih � � 7. LOCATE SOIL OR DIRT STOCKPILES CONTAINING MORE THAN 10 CUBIC YARDS OF MATERIAL WITH A DOWNSLOPE DRAINAGE LENGTH OF NO LESS THAN 25 FEET FROM THE TOE OF THE PILE TO A ROADWAY OR DRAINAGE CHANNEL. IF REMAINING FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS,STABILIZE \ THE STOCKPILES BY MULCHING,VEGETATIVE COVER,TARPS,OR OTHER MEANS.CONTROL EROSION FROM ALL STOCKPILES BY PLACING SILT DRAWN BY STATE JAW;48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING R \� FENCE BARRIERS AROUND THE PILES. SEG OOAOLISH9IG BUILDINGS,CALL 871 FOR FIELD LOCATION \0 \ �JN� // ( � e OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES.THS SERVICE LOCATES ."\ CHECKED BY UTILITY OWNED LINES BUT NOT PRIVATE LINES. \ / MOO /`-'� B. PERFORM ALL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES AND SEQUENCE CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE METHODS OUTLIVED IN THE BEST \ 2 / MANAGEMENT PRACTICES HANDBOOK: "PROTECTING WATER QUALITY IN URBAN AREAS;PUBLISHED BY THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL DATE THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERORWND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN / AGENCY. 1 DATE6 IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY AND HAVE NOT BEEN / a Know What's below. INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL / GQ / 9. REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AFTER THE ADJACENT FINAL SURFACES ARE PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED. COORDINATE REMOVAL JOB NO. Call before OU dig. mLmTs(PUBLIC AND PRIVATE)MUST BE DETERMINED ( \ �O ,Q WITH PERMANENT RESTORATION OF ALL AREAS OCCUPIED BY TEMPORARY DEVICES. W902$ Y 9 BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. 10. PHASED CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED TO THE EXTENT PRACTICAL OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS TO MINIMIZE EXPOSED SOILS. SHEET / 11. EROSION CONTROL PLAN,RAINFALL,AND POST RAINFALL INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE KEPT IN THE ON-SITE JOB TRAILER. (/�- / 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ROCK ENTRANCE(S)DURING CONSTRUCTION l .1 13. ALL STORM SEWER CATCH BASINS TO BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION WITH AN APPROVED INLET PROTECTION DEVICE.CONTRACTOR V SHALL CLEAN STORM SEWER SYSTEM OF SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS PRIOR TO COMPLETION. SIGNAGE AND MARKING NOTES: CIVIL SITE LEGEND: REVISIONS BY WATERSHED CMMTB 12.OZ29t6 ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL I. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MN PROOF OF PARKING 06.7021117 MUTCD.CURRENT VERSION. SIGN 2. SEE REGULATORY SIGN DETAIL FOR SIGN AND POST 12 PARKING STALL COUNT DETAILS AND SIGN DESIGNATION AND SIZE CONCRETE CURB ND CURER INFORMATION. r / \ i/ /L // BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNS SHALL BE PER L1 !!! _ L PARKINGMINNESOTSIGNST PE R IGN R7-R88PBWHERE INDICATED AS M.VAN ACCESSIBLE CONCRETE WALK/PAVEMENT VAN'.SEE ACCESSIBLE SIGN AND POST DETAIL. 4. PROVIDE 4"WIDE SOLID WHITE STRIPING IN GRASS PAVE PARKING AREA 2� Gpi(Q O�ei PARKING AREAS,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Jia\Ga - // yta\'eye 9.0 \\\ \ DRAWING SCALE 5. PROVIDE PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND PAINT SYMBOLS AT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES PER MN MUTCD, 0 10 20 40 ADA AND LOCAL CODE. R5.0 4 \\ 5 e5°�a�° // oe°\ ❑1 O°�. /// 93.9 `ei\��ti�'�$ Rs.o \\ \ �{� N FEET) GENERAL GEOMETRIC AND PAVING NOTES: / s \ \J 26.0 \ (n 1. SITE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLN SHALL BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK.CHECK ALL PLN AND DETAIL N DIMENSIONS.BUILDING D PAVING SHALL BE LAID OUT ON SITE BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. (n 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING LAYOUT,EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF STOOPS/EXITS, RAMPS AND TRUCK DOCKS AND PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS. °OPd\gAp� ` i Q\at `\ Q 9 t8.0 18.0 \ \�(�, 3. ALL PAVING DIMENSIONS ARE TO FLOW LINE OF CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.THE FLOW UNE OF CURB IS Q` ❑j \\ ,� ASSUMED TO BE 8 INCHES FROM THE BACK OF CURB. E // �ti%• 5. R5.0 9'0 \ �� 4. MEET REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY FOR WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY,INCLUDING ro TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL.A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLN SHALL BE PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR m \,L� 8 \ {(1 TO BEGINNING WORK IN THE RIGHT OF WAY. �\ } �. .•' 4 / \\3 5. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE SLOPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING.THE MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE SHALL BE "N a�2 �.y'•,•r. •'! 5 1.1 2.OR AND THE MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE S.OX UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. Imm 24. 6. NO SLOPE IN NV DIRECTION SHALL EXCEED 2x IN ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND LOADING AREAS. m \ \ �• •\ \\ 7. MATCH NEW AND EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACES.SIDEWALKS AND CURBS AT SAWCUT LINES,ALLOWING NO PONDING © g8. \ \�� OF WATER AT JOINTS.PROVIDE SMOOTH GRADE TRANSITION ACROSS NEW AND EXISTING JOINTS. m «°i N 3 \\\ iO 8. ALLOW MINIMUM OF SEVEN DAYS CURE FOR CURB AND GUTTER PRIOR TO PAVING. O V'Z if k' O 9. ALLOW MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR COOLING PRIOR TO ALLOWING TRAFFIC ON BITUMINOUS PAVING. uSi BUILDING ADDITION � \\ `�"{n t � •-a v 7,050 SFW \ 6 FIFE - 942.80 �s ��' \ ''G d \\\ ❑ sAs \9.0 \\\ \ �dsA� KEY NOTES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT(SEE DETAIL SITE-1) O, AJ4 D \ P Q CONCRETE SIDEWALK(SEE DETAIL SFTE-6) 26.0 ❑ o Y \• ❑ 8612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER(SEE DETAIL SITE-7) W W N< g ( = aM 4'WHITE PARKING STRIPE.TYPICAL F H IY Z ��• \\\ ❑ a\p�Gp���"'0. J 11 \ \\\ \ O 0 MATCH EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ���Q 7 \ X30 !� \ i�gJ$33�Za.91 � \R31.0 � © ACCESSIBLE PARKING STRIPING(SEE DETAIL SITE-48) K O f`W< e 4.0 O n \\ \5aaieaa�\ooP I- _ ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN(SEE DETAIL SITE-36) y U 0<i W ��\ \ `4 y �pJO �- 9A2 L •'. .O \ © PROPOSED BUILDING.SEE ARCHITECTURAL FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF Imt r j i.-W ' 9 ❑ N\, VESTIBULES, DOCKS, PRECISE GiBUIDNS.DIMSIONS. EEARCHIECTURAND STRUCTURAL FOR STOOPS 6 O .0 R64.3, FOOTING <V E \ �9 CONCRETE SPLASH PAD(SEE DETAIL GRAD-22) R3.0 15'WIDE CONCRETE RIBBON CURB(SEE DEFAIL SITE-8) 7 -aa\µ a❑3 \\ 11 GRASS PAVE PARKING AREA(SEE DETAIL SITE-51) 2 FOOT LONG CURB TAPER FROM 6'HEIGHT TO FLUSH(SEE DETAIL SITE-11) Z R2.33. 12 Q Z Q 15" n // P AKIN - -)A r.'-`. 10 Z W Z • y S \ / / W V 26.2 /10 LU // R W U R2.3 /// 15.7` / r1 ``� /� Z Q O Q --_Y C, •1. a\�e Z M 4 12 / 15' 1 '1 1/ > Z Do co o 0 010 1 DO 3 O / / DRAWN BY / BEG \\ // nt. / \ / \ CHECKED BY \ / MGC \ 25.3 / DATE STATE LAW:48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING OR \ - 11.18.2018 OF DEMOLISHING LINOULDINGr,UTILI CALL 811 FOR FELE LOCATION \ \ \�; G O / JOB NO. OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES.THIS SERVICE LOCATES �/ UTllil'OWNED LINES BUT NOT PRIVATE LINES. / SHEET THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE E SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY AND HAVE NOT BEEN Know whaYsbelow. INDEPENDENTLY VERFED. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL / UTILITIES(PUBLIC AN Call before you dig. D PRIVATE))MUSE BE DETERMINED BEFDRE COMMENCING wow. � �y REVISIONS BY GENERAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 1MATeR3HEDCN1M[T8 12."t4 PROOFOF PAWNO 00.70.2017 i. ALL EROSION AND GRADING ACTIVITIES.CONTROL MEASURES SHALL DE IN PLACE BEFORE \ `l BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTMTIES. l 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING QUANTITIES OF CUT,FILL AND I i WASTE MATERIAL TO BE HANDLED,AND FOR THE AMOUNT OF GRADING TO BE DONE.ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH IMPORTING SUITABLE MATERIAL AND EXPORTING UNSUITABLE/EXCESS/WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE. � eta J � 0165� 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP,STOCKPILE AND RE-SPREAD EXISTING ONSITE TOPSOIL,IF MATERIALif 5 APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS.PROVIDE A UNIFORM THICKNESS OF 6'MINIMUM IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE LANDSCAPED, 9g9 940 4, CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ANY EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 94} 4\. DRAWING SCALE \ 5. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PERMANENT NRF RESTORATION AND PLANTING '64 1.40 - 0 10 20 40 INFORMATION. \jDC' 41.33 \ 6. MAINTAIN TEMPORARY PROTECTION MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.SEE SITE REMOVALS PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PROTECTION AS V O� ° \J 41.''x'1' \�y \ (IN FEET) NECESSARY AS WORK PROGRESSES. 7. SEE CML SITE PLAN FOR SITE LAYOUT. P•� / y'�\ 41.45 U 8. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE GRADE. < 41.55 T Ji \ 41.60 ® 1, 9. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ADJACENT TO CURB REFER TO GUTTER/FLOW LINE.SPOT ' e< -� Q \ \z \ ELEVATION SHOWN FOR TOP OF CURB ARE LABELED WITH TC(TOP OF CURB).SPOT 94? \42.0 \\ Cn LABELED ME REFERS TO MATCH EXISTING GRADE,EOF REFERS TO EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ELEVATION,TW REFERS TO TOP OF WALL AND 8W REFERS TO BOTTOM OF WALL. 42.30 V� _ F \ \�Q, 10. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AT ALL TIMES. ii. NO GRADED SLOPES SHALL EXCEED 3:1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL)UNLESS OTHERWISE o O u i 42.65 J - \ 41. 1. NOTED. 4 �• \ o�fl 12. UNIFORMALLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING AND PROVIDE A SMOOTH FINISHED 4 / \ \ C� SURFACE WITH UNIFORM SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN OR �•+_ 42.15 ` \ BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES. ` 42.80 ME \ u \ \ \ 13. LIMIT THE DISTURBED AREA AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND CONDUCT GRADING OPERATIONS IN 9N� '` \ n - A MANNER TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION. N \\ '� gR0 42.80 42.50 .r \\ (n %41.0 0 u f 42.30 \ BUILDING ADDITION \ c� GRADING LEGEND: ` m o O 7,050 SF �o FFE - 942.80 \ \\+\ O MANHOLE/CATCHBASIN C� -942- MINOR CONTOUR ELEVATION O �1 \ -945- MAJOR CONTOUR ELEVATION» \ 7 \\ \\ - STORM SEWER Q f C1 o 37.40 r \ TIP OUT GUTTER 01 N 3 Q 5.1 pp 8 , d�`... 40.70�\ \\ \ N6+'A W�NSgo 5 '\ �e "t) \ AG d }--ME MATCH EXISTING VO K a u�W-.1 W W 42.35 SPOT ELEVATIONS t�i< x 2 etc q J rp\ O\ �a��w3 8 00 b\ z.oX SLOPE/GRADE r W O z LL O cr. \ �� a`d n Go 9 g5 i 3aeo•40.60 3 0<x o R \\ d0e5a�`O°P FF 'a r= \\ / I ET - _ icaio�ow go �000d 9At. (f 4 40.0 40.10 z o 40.10 \ / xNO<V 0 >a s u3�6 v 39.90 .0 i Z40 CL z Q OLUI x Ix 40f0" W W W 2 W W Z c� / �L Q W U W i ''G� \ \\ •,G�> / 841 ' �i� ,�\ Q la Q !� W 41.70 i \+� V' Q O co 1I \' Z C7 0 41.80 �' / / __-/�1' Q,C� V Q Z M Z V 0 O M Q ✓ >✓ \ v, /�`�l `�O O Q m 160 U o \ 41.90 •� 9 Do m DRAWN BY SEG \ / / CHECKED BY MGC / DATE LL STATE LAW:48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING OR \ / \ GQ 1114.2of4 ` DEMOL6HING BULDINGS,CALL 811 FOR FELD LOCA71ON \ \ • aF UNDERGRWNE ULINES LINES.THIS SATE LI LOCATES ,L\�/ JOB NO. � Ufl21Y OWNED LINES BUT NOT PRNATE ONES. THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND LAMES ARE SHOWN SHEET N AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY AND HAVE NOT BEEN Know whars below. INDEPENDENTLY V£RFED. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL / Call before you di UTILITIES(�B AND PRNATE)MUST BE DETERMINED o Y 9• BEFORE COMMENCNG WORK. `O'y S REVISIONS BY O, 4, SITE UTILITY LEGEND: PROOFOFPARKINGI 06 M17 CONNECT TO EXISTING O®e MANHOLE/CATCHBASIN(SEE DETAILS) \\\ MANHOLE WITH A SOIL TIGHT SEAL AT IE=933.0 -»- STORM SEWER ¢ < 16 LF-10'CPEP AT 6.OX B STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BMP(SEE DETAIL) Ile �e MH 2(48.0,R-1733)SEE DETAIL GRAD-16 RE-Rq-l�'191a�1� TOP941.50 0F WEIR WALL-937.70 GENERAL UTILITY NOTES: DRAINTILEE AT�OZX 9�6'i�Q\a \\ 8'0 ORIFICE IN WEIR WN1=936.70 ��`� IE=936.70(SE) 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION WITH UTILITY PROVIDERS FOR REMOVAL L / \ IE=933.96(NE) DRAWING SCALE G3`= CBIY(48"0,R-3067 V)' AND/OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY SITE IA/PROVEMENTS,INCLUDING PORTIONS a\ / E,48", E OETAIL G 0 10 20 40 OF WORK WHICH MAY BE PERFORMED BY UTILITY COMPANYS FORCES.ALL PERMITS,APPLICATIONS, RE 1.35 FEES AND CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. e---936.70 Sk�MP=933.70 oq '/ O (IN FEET) 2. UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS,REMOVALS ANO/OR ABANDONMENT SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE 10"TEE PROJECT PHASING TO ENSURE NEEDED SERVICES ARE MAINTAINED TO ALL BUILDING FACILITIES. 3. REFER TO SITE DEMOLITION PLAN FOR LIMITS OF UTILITY PIPE REMOVALS. 4. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTIUTY SERVICES,VERIFY PIPE SIZES,LOCATIONS \`\ / J'Cr 1,• 7 AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS.COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTIONS WITH Qo MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS.S / Q¢( 10'TEE 7 / 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES FOR 0C'x CONNECTION TO THE PUBLIC RIGHTUBLIC WATER.SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER U OF WAY,INCLUDING PROVIDING AN APPROVED TRAFFICCONTROTIES L WITHIN PLAN S 6%LSF MW MUM AREA E FI� QN AND STORAGE BMP NECESSARY. 10"CROSS 4 IE(10"PERFORATED DRAIN AT OUTLET -936.70 / g .3 ) fi. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND UTILITIES SHALL ° / x Q ROOF DRAIN TTHROUGH BUILDING WALL. OO. 7"ROCK BASE BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY.THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO . 4SEE DETAIL GRAD-SWM'ROCK COVER PLA2 NS FOR INTERNAL DRAIN ROUTING. ._\ C REFER TO MECHANICAL PLUMBING OMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANY REQUIRED TESTING.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT m CONCRETE ELEV.-942.65 •4• � OPERATE,INTERFERE WITH,CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE T0,OR TAP ANY WATER MAIN BELONGING • TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY.ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF RRW 4 10'TEE SCHEDULED OR UNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE h . 10"TEE \ RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. M 3 7. WATERMAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE,CATCHBASIN, W 33 i STORM SEWER,SANITARY SEWER,DRAINTILE OR OTHER POTENTIAL SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION.THIS g ISOLATION DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE \9 OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE. _ m 8. SHOULD WATER SERVICE CONFLICT WITH OTHER UTILITIES,DEFLECT WATER SERVICE DOWN TO PROVIDE O \\ ` A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 18 INCHES BETWEEN BOTTOM OF UTILITY PIPE AND TOP OF E _ O WATERMAIN. CENTER SECTION OF WATERMIAN PIPE AT CROSSING TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF o \ BUILDING ADDITION j' Cn� JOINTS FROM SEWER CROSSING.FOLLOW TEN STATE STANDARDS,CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF �� N 0 7,050 SF \ MINNESOTA(CEAM)AND MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STANDARDS FOR UTILITY CROSSINGS. O 3 'c+ - \ � FFE = 942.$0 / ''G 194 LF-10"PERFORATED REFER TO DETAIL UTIL-10 FOR DETAILS. DRAINTILE AT O.00X 9. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED GATE VALVES AND MANHOLES TO BE FLUSH co WITH FINAL GRADE. Ti 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN ALL SURFACE FLOW CHANNELS.PIPES AND STRUCTURES AFTER FINAL w 0.- - SURFACES ARE ESTABLISHED AND PRIOR TO PROJECT CLOSEOUT. Z-O ~ s2 � \\ O \ 11. STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE(CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18"AND 0 D F 3 Q SMALLER,CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21"AND LARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)WITH R-4 a w K v1 g~O CB 1 (48"0,R-3067-V) GASKETS,OR HDPE STORM SEWER PIPE IF ALLOWED BY THE CITY.HDPE STORM PIPE SHALL MEET 0 K a O w vl I g to¢ \ fi✓ REE 9DErAIL 39.90 GRAD-15 REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M294,TYPE S WITH WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS AND BE INSTALLED IN H N K Z ] ACCORDANCE WITH THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.ROOF DRAIN LEADERS o J \ Gc¢ F'L• - o� K O IE 936.70 SHALLBE PVC,SCHEDULE 40. =a U w SUMP=9_33.70 H rn D Z U. .° GO,�GTS$ 12. ALL SEWER CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH CITY ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS. u.?i$a x w n 3 \ P W F' �Cea - \ \ 13. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL PLANS FOR ROOF DRAINS,FOUNDATION PERIMETER W O Q=f °^ a'00(` / /,, __ DRAINTILE AND FITTINGS/CONNECTIONS. >9 LUQ Z= LU z ADJUST EXISTING r STRUCTURE TO \ /,_\ \ ALIGN WITH NEW CURB AND GUTTER. \ \ g : RE=939460 ) 0 A �7 IE=937.50(4'} \ 9 \ y IE= 934.6(VERIFY) \ 93 AL \ \ o\Vx FVC AT 2.50X / FpJCa O 4"CLEANOUT,// m IE=938.29; _ Q w F t7 aw \ 80 LF-4"PERFORATED z�7 // � � Y � � 3 PVC AT 2.37% GRASS PAVER CELL / - / 1r - Q W SEE DETAIL SITE-51 // /\F,(\� - U\Q - O O V) Z Q fJ Q LL] 0 03 00 m P 0 0 \ J 47 CLEANOUT, m -IE=-940.15 ti vJ DRAWN BY CHECKED BY MGC STATE LAW:48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING OR \ /may / DATE DEMOLISHING BUILDINGS,CALL 811 FOR FIELD LOCATION \ \ / / O �Le / JOB NO. a • OF UNDERGROULINES U 'LINES.THIS SERVICE LOCATES v ,L\,., / 1 902 UTILITY OWNED LINES BUT NOT PRIVATE LINES. SHEET c THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND ES ARE SHOWN - - APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY ANDD HAVE NOT BEEN c Know what's below.49 INDD EPEE IMNDENTLY VERIFIED. TETE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL _ C4 �++ UTILITIES(PUBLIC AND PRIVATE)MUST BE DETERMINED Cull b6foT6 you dig, BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. f,rNl BILE 7 WONTH FN31aC SEE PIANS FOR CASTING TYPE F1AsxLAWL / REVISIONS BY 2'SOVARE SHPRPENED WOOD r NTH NA SFN1S DOUB.E POST O 6'MAX.SPACING OR STITCHED USING NYLON THREAD CATCH BASIN GRATE d FRAME WITH MACHINED MEET CITY REQUIREMENTS FABRIC SECURELYrum is>ER (_Own BEARING SURFACES AND TWO CONCEALED PICK WATERSHED CLIMT6 12'022016 APPROVED GEOTE%TILE FABRIC FASTENED TO POST CATCHBASLV CRATE HOLE PROOF OF PARKING 011302017 (36'WIDTH) 2'AOIUSIIRINGS(2 MIN4 MAX.)1� FULL LL BED OF MORTAR BETWEE EN RINGS AND LAY FABRIC IN TRENCH J0•MIN. MORTAR OUTSIDE OF RINGS mfl o xRLE -fair..°..610.rx LENGTH CUT-OUT NEW :'OWta[Ri; Bu[x LORMt 2Y ORANGE EUCIIW GRADE E�1 Wpx 1 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE CONSTFENCE B - ((+fs�) VARIES SAB.THICKNESS:6-FOR 42-48"DN.,8-FOR BACKFILL OVER THE TOP OF 6 54-102 DY. FABRIC k COMPACT THE$OIL 6' -- -- ,� (d„-,,y-w,R♦ 12-16' OR MACHINE SUCE 8'-12' 24"Mit. 5'-0' DEEP(PLUS 6'PUP) GESTIN - N .! PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN NKPEME VIL910Ur GTCHBASIN OR MANHOLE PER ASTM C478 10-0- I, - - - (OR EOUYd1£xf)mm"_ ; . ALL BLARED'0'TS RIG BETWEEN SEASONS 11 SHALL INYE"0'RING RUBBER118CASKETS MAX ` 5• MANHOLE STEPS.NEENAH R-1981-J 1. POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 6 FEET VARES O 16.O.C.ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE L�-:_LINE(VARIES SEEPLM) 'I 2 GEOTE%PLE FABRIC SHALL BE'MIRAFl-TYPE OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 �� VoldN' SEE PLAN FOR PIPE SIZE AND INVERT FENCE LOCATION 3. TRENCH SHALL BE A MIN.OF 6 INCHES DEEP BY 6 INCHES WOE ro xR R.6st tRnG 1� -(Tw1 3AE sTFEt WR[ BIDES.. GROUT AND SLOPE 2'PER FT. (UMTS OF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE) Id A S,AL, 6'-+I' RADIUS=t FOOT PER INCH 4. MACHINE SUCED METHOD IS ACCEPTABLE 1. TODEVICESMAN SHALL BE SIM i0 FIT CATCH BASH OPENING AND SHALL BE FASTENED AC(XMIDINC OF 1RUCN DIAMETER TYPE wri•As=sw lGLYWmm SIANG PETAL TO MANUFACTURER'S IMSTRUC110NS s' ". POURED OR PRECAST CONCRETE BARE (�(�11ftEy YN,SLAB THICKNESS 8'FOR UP TO 14' EROS-21 SILT FENCE A� 2 IN YAMS SRALL HAVE A CERTIFIED AVERAGE WE QUOIN STRENGTH PER ASHY D-1864 AS �-SE N DEPTH.INCREASE THICKNESS I-FOR EVERY 4' FOLLOWS REGULAR FLOW-165 LBS/INCH.MCH FLOW-114.6 ES/NCH. OF 14'AND REINFORCE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE NOT TO SCALE 1' ><uu Lvo.T MIIm4D+ �' WITH 6'%6 DEPTH GREATER EATER THAN MESH. EROS-6 1 CONCRETE WASHOUT 3. PROMOS GLITTER GATOR AT CKTOROASIN5 WM CURB BOXES CURB RAMP A FLUSH RIBBON f PiV1 BE INT.NNLa WtWN r5 n a ME CURB WITH WARNING PANELS IErxnrr[awoW2 WWn4T FAcu1+. NOT TO SCALE DRIP-UNE (SEE PLAN 3/B' N AND DETAILS) STEEL PUTS AT TOP, EROS-51 SILT SACK INLET PROTECTION SLOPE DOWN,WELD ALL SIDES NW froON SE GRAD-15 1 STORM SEWER TOP SLAB BASIN -. INTIERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF NOT TO SCALE RADIUS SIGN SHALL BE CENTERED AT THE tY MIN-�I' ACCESS�LIIY PER ICC/NISI MANHOLE STEPS,NEENAH NEENMH CASTING. HEAD OF THE PARKING SPACE AND I A117.1,SECTION 703.6.3.1 R-1981-J OR EQUAL SEE PLANS c TREE PULED A F THE M B FEET FROM 2' METAL SICK NTH LETTERING PER 2'ADJUSTING RINGS PROTECTION 4'WIDE THE HEAD OF THE PARKING SPACE ICC/ANSI A117.1,SECTION 703. u FENCE STRIPE(TYPJ WHTE LEGEND AND BORDER ON F MORTAR BEI PEEN RINGS.BED 0 BLUE BACKGROUND.FULLY 5' CASTING AND ON OUTSIDE OF RINGS. yQ' PARKNNO REFlECiORIZED. 27- y o 18'MIN. VEHICLE 10 ATTACH 6'X 12'VAN ACCESSIBLE 4.-0� PERCH COK 8 E SECTION FN6HE0 GRADE ACCEPTABLE ON STE SOL.12' iiiJJJ_0 REOINRED SIGN TO POST IF APPLICABLE.SEE �c ECCENTRIC CONE MAX.UFT(PRIOR TO COMPACTION) O w TOpOIW� PIAN FOR LOCATIONS IB O.C. 'a lOIIMWIATMN PREFORMED GASKET TYPE SEAL ; g TS 4'T 4'% 375'STEEL TUBE, s VARIES I DOTH CONCRETE MD PRIM 4'-0' SEE PLANS TYP ERE CONCRETE OCCUR$AT BASE 1•_4•60'-66' 1-1/2'EPANSION MATERIAL URETWWE CAULKCION ECTI FLEXIBLE,WATERTIGHT NEIGHSDoDEMO-1 I TREE PROTECTION L44 CONNEC ON UN ESS GROU ED (vAREs) E%OPE CONNECTION IS APPROVED ENOT TO SCALE NDTE:REINFORCING SLW1 BE A FLOWSLOPE PER o.S.H.A. p SYMBOL OF YNIMUM OF A SINGLE BY /0'W -STANDARDS n ACCESSIBILITY 4'LONG STUDS WELD AT QUARTER UNE WIRE FABRIC HAVINGL tJ MMMNC AN AREA OF NOT LESS 2'-6- POINTS 8, ON CENTER THAN 0.12 SO.1.PER HMD PLACED AND TAMPED NO FILL PER PARKING FOOT OF HEIGHT. CONCRETE WEIR WALL B'MIN. GRANULAR SPECIFICATIONS•YE NOTE J FOR NO PARKING M"R"G ROW lo'+ PERFORATED SITUATIONS. 'PARKING S ACCESAt- CONCRETE BASE(3,000 PSI) >. yQ( I PRECAST CONCRETE BASE LL' Z°Q LL CENTER TALL-CENTER F- S 8'"R* L 6' - O O Y > W � ' GRANULAR BEDDING PER D N Et:N v o IS' 1. REINFORCING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF A SINGLE LINE WIRE FABRIC HAVING AN AREA OF NOT SPECIFICATIONS p N > ^ 2'NEAR COURSE TYPE SPWEA3408 LESS TRW 0.12 S0.INCH PER FOOT OF HEIGHT. 'JAMES 111 MT_ Q PER MNDOT 2360 (D ACCESS AISLE SHALL EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE NOTES- 2. FOR MANHOLE$IS DEEP OR GREATER,THE SECTION IMMEDIATELY BELOW THE CONE SHALL BE �- --VNOISNRBED SOL ��y 0 W -ra PARKING SPACE IT SERVES 1'-4•(16y. 41N.TRENCH WOrH O'O K Z i 1. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN SHALL CONFORM NTH ALL CURRENT SATE AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS 3. PROVIDE STEPS AS INDICATED W MANHOLES 4.5'DEEP AND GREATER. ,I' PER i-? 2'NOR-WEAR COURSE TYPE SPNWB330B PER MNDOT 2360 SITE-46 I ACCESSIBLE PARKING PAVEMENT MARKINGS MANUFACTURER 4i D.Q Cl J. SITE-36 I ACCESSIBLE SIGN AND STEEL POST NOffS °Z o e TACK COAT PER MNDOT 2357 NOT TD SCALE NOT TG SCALE GRAD-16 I STORM SEWER ECCENTRIC CONE BASIN 1. BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 9OX STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN 3'o a rc R LANDSCAPED MEA%100%IN TOP 3'OF SUBGRADE IN PAVED AREAS OR"THIN 5 FEET OF F Z> 8'CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE NOT SCALE SIRIICTURP,951E BELOW 111E TOP S OF SUBGRADE 1�1 O_f_LU F PER YNDOT 3138,COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 2. GRANULAR BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE YIN.4'FOR PIPE SIZES 4-24';6'FOR PIPE SIZES !)E-�'f z N 1004 STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AL PUN DIMENSIONS 30-AND GREATER. > W (7 W BACK/CURB CLRRS TAPER LENGTH ° Z ME TO FLOW LINE OF CURB FULL HEIGHT (YE PLANS) 3. FOR ALL PERFORATED PIPE,WRAP 2--3-WASHED GRANULAR BACKFILL NTH A TME 5 I!Z I.- W FlxKHED GRADE If NON-WOVEN GEOTE%TILE FABRIC PER 4N/DOT 3313. O SLOPE 1/4'PER FONT y-uu Z°J TO F E(ADE 3•R BACK OF CURB FACE/CURB BEAN CURB TAPER 2 IL OI. <V GUTTER/FLOW FULL HEIGHT /2•R PAVEYEN '/2•R UNE END CURB TAPER GRAD-261 RCP,PVC,&CPEP PIPE BEDDING ETAILS SEE D } AND NIS NOT TO SCALE PAVING G f�. SEaG1MG Sitle1 SEVER RPE I COMPACTED RC PESPECT PROOF ROLL PER SPECIFICATIONS to1/ACRO-LAR PLACENSU Y 11KK w NOlunON Y CONCRETE L9 PCLY511RwE Na1LA1pN IYMD a vER Ymor 3T6D.LENTERm CONCRETE RIBBON G PLA SCARIFY AND..PACT UPPER 12.OF SIBGRAGE TO AT ON nom+RPE 4'wNG FINISHED GRADE. SLOPE PER GRACING PLM LEAST 100%STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AS IN CESSARY P X X 6- WN SEE PLANS Z TO ACHIEVE COMPACTION,AS INDICATED N THE GEOTECH 15" PAVEMENT AND BASE, O MOPE z REPORT OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ON-SITE TESTING FIRM WAIERMMM AGGREGATE BA SEE PAVING DETAILS. /� 1n POPE CONCRETE R PLAN NEW V/ Z Q m 2a•Y" DEPTH O ACGREGAE BASE TO Y CONCRETE LITTER SECTION OR CONCRETE d > Q CURB FULL HEIGHT BEGIN CURB TAPER PAVEMENT SECTION WHICH CURB SITE-1 I BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T �NTVEMEW.STANDARD COMPPROCACT DENSITY EIY CURB TIMER ADM TAPER HAS MATCHED INTO 3 8 x W O Z Nar e• SWATCH I.Ga1PT ro 11XIa (J,J I(jjQQi`„ff 0Z W Z NI6TAu 45' CURB TYPE X Y 1 W Y V W eEIR05 WTx BUILDING W-cnLucs 8812 12' 20' 1� W LORwm WRIER PULE - .. xoIFS 8618 18' 28' _- �..- _- J 1 Q Q U) � Z l7 1. SLOftY YOUR RPE SHALL HAW_ER-1.4NI5 FOR 10'EA.WAY FROM CENTEWLINE OF WRIER PIPE 8624 24' 32' .. ' a 0 U) ppm UTIL-10 I WATER PIPE/STORM SEWER CROSSING �� NOTES EUVATDN 6-YN z-Ila GONr. `�.I ZZ 0U a y, CENTER PAD ON NW TO 1. DIRECTION OF OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE�R SLOPE TO MATCH DatECTNXN 1. FULL VERTICAL HEIGHT OF CURB IS ASSUMED TO BE 6 INCHES AT 6'CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 7 O M Z SS ROOF DRAIN BEGINNING OF CURB TAPER AND o INCHES AT END OF TAPER PER YTOOT}U6. 100%IED Cl)OD Q { 2. SPACING T00LE OR SAWN COT 60'MXI JOINTS SAT 10' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE TO AT LEAST DE Z_ m _ E 4• SPACING,EXPULSION JOINTS AT 60'MAX"SPAgHC STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY t , 0 0 4.-0. PAVEMENT SECTION OR 3. CONSTRUCT CURB AND GLITTER PER YNDOT 2531 SITE-11 I CURB TAPER NOTES U Z.4 NRF SURFACE COVER SITE-7 1 B6 STYLE CURB AND GUTTER NOT SCARE 1. SLOPE TO MATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE m NOT 70 SCALE 2. PROVIDE TOOLED OR SAWN CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 10'SPACING, o III SOL R ICS THAT IS FREE Casleklatlons TOT Traction 6 ROOT Growth EILPANSON JOINTS AT 60'MAXIMUM SPACING 20"DEPSi MINIMUM -!! I-III-III-I I OF GRANULAR D PER COARSE FILTER AGGRECAIE GRMDI.AR SMD PER MNDOT Pelfofated Cell Wait For Rhizornatoua Root Growth 3. CONSTRUCT CURB AND GUTTER WTH MNOOT 2531 PER NNDOT 3149.2X; 3149.28 SOL CORRECTION. 1'OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE(P.C.C) DEPTH VARIES SEE PLAN - I -III-I I(-III-I I I= 4-CLASS 5 AGGREGATE(1004 CRUSHED) traction Nodule SITE-81 CONCRETE RIBBON CURB TYPE i GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, BASE PER MNDOT I W,COMPACTED NOT TO SCALE PLAN VIEW III PER MNOOT 3733 TO AT LEAST 1004 STANDARD Nanning Ring for Snap Fit Connections Dna DRAWN BY PROCTOR DENSTY Snap-Fit Locking Clip BEG 4'CONCRETE PAD I t0'PERFORATED DRAIN4' Integrated Ground Spike 10'1MR Grass paxer Cells filed Within 0.2" CHECKED BY I WTH INTEGRAL CURB of the Surface with 610:40 TOOtzons MGC I. PIPE,SLOPE PER PLANIL- 1�9'7r� -1I DATE TW E t CEOTE%SLE I then seeded or sodded and fertilized SOIL SUBGRADE THAT IS Grass paver Lens - _ _ _ _ 11A&2D16 - FABRIC,PER -I FREE OF ORGANICS OR <• MNDOT 3737 I-III-III ((I- SELECT DOTGRANULAR.SM O TT Bedding Layer:3'thick consolidated JOB NOPER . 0.1'WIN . SOL CORRECTION.2B O O O O O O N - I f 44"�PERFORA40 �TED PVC.SLOPE SHEET 0 0 0 0 0 0 � NTH SURFACE GRADE. NOTES; TYPE 1 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. 7•yyN 8'CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED h PER YNDOT 3773 -t3 W COMP DEPTH L7ER GRATE. PER MNDOT 3138,COMPACTED GRAD-SWM I STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SUBGRADE PER 1. SIDEWALKS TO HAVE 24 YAXI4UN CROSS O1 0 0 0 0 o O PER MNDOT 3149.211 SECTION MUM TO AT LEAST t00 C STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY Etisthg Subgrarh O O O O O O NOT TO SCALE SPECIFICATIONS SLOPE UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE 5 GRAD-22 I SPLASH PAD SITE-61 CONCRETE SIDEWALK o 0 0 0 0 o SITE-51 I GRASS PAVER CELL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE KIB ERS June 30, 2017 BONGARDS ADDITION ELECTRICAL PRELIMINARY NARRATIVE Bongards Creamery Addition 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN 55317 LKPB Project No. 2016.153.00 Project Description This project consists of two story addition to the existing Bongards building. The addition consists of office, warehouse, pilot plant, meeting space and fitness. The pilot plant space contains unspecified process equipment that can be relocated and reconfigured to simulate plant conditions and operations. 1. The electrical contractor will be responsible for all labor, taxes, overhead, profit, permits, supervision, material, equipment, and service necessary for complete electrical systems as specified herein. 2. All work shall be performed by electricians licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. The following current and applicable codes and standards will apply to this project including but not limited to: National Electrical Code — NEC American National Standards Institute—ANSI American Society for Testing and Materials —ASTM Electronics Industry Association — EIA Telecommunications Industry Association —TIA Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers — IEEE American with Disabilities Act—ADA Minnesota Energy Code International Building Code International Fire Code 4. The scope of electrical work for this project shall include a new addition on the north side of the existing building. The scope will also include the following: a. Replace the existing 120/208 Volt utility service transformer with a 480/277-volt system b. Provide an optional standby natural gas generator to provide backup power for the server room equipment and dedicated cooling for that room. Electrical Bongards Creamery—Addition Preliminary Design Narrative 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN Page 1 of 5 June 30,2017 C. Provide new power distribution as indicated. d. Provide lighting control to comply with the MN energy code. e. Provide electrical raceway and power to office furniture and equipment to accommodate the remodel. f. Extend fire alarm circuits to existing fire alarm system to accommodate the new addition. g. Raceway, wiring and rough-in for communications systems to accommodate the remodel. Provide voice/data cabling and connections. h. Approximately 12,500 SF of addition space. ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND POWER DISTRIBUTION 1. The existing building is served from a utility pad mounted transformer that is located on the Southwest corner of the existing building. A 600 amp, 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire service currently provides power to the building. There is a connection cabinet in the utility room and from this cabinet, serves three 200-amp Square D (QO) load centers A, B, and C with a 200- amp main circuit breaker in each panel. This service will be replaced. 2. Included in the new addition is a 60OKW electric boiler for process. A new 1600 amp, 277/480- volt service switchboard will be provided. 3. The existing utility transformer and existing main service will be demolished and replaced with a new 277/480-volt service. The new utility transformer and exterior connection cabinet (with utility metering) will be located near loading dock to keep the new secondary conductors as short as possible. The utility primary will be extended to this new location. The new transformer will power a new switchboard (S3N-1-1) that will be on a 3-inch housekeeping pad along the new addition first floor warehouse west wall. 4. A new 200-amp feeder will be routed underground from the new utility connection cabinet and stubbed up from underground into Utility Area Room 120 to the bottom of a new disconnect switch. This feeder will be connected to a 150KVA dry type 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire transformer in room and be connected to feed the existing panels A, B, and C. 5. The existing connection cabinet in the Utility Area Room 120 will be demolished. 6. All equipment required to be disconnected and/or removed to facilitate the areas of demolition. 7. Existing fire alarm panel located in the Utility room will be maintained and new devices provided in the area of work. Electrical Bongards—Phase 2 Addition Preliminary Design Narrative 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN Page 2 of 5 July 30, 2017 POWER DISTRIBUTION 1. There will be a receptacle panelboard on first and second floor to accommodate all 120/208 volt loads. 2. New 20 amp receptacles will be provided for offices, conference rooms, break room, work areas, and similar type rooms. Circuiting will be routed in ceiling from panels in the electrical room. 3. At each desk in offices, a double duplex receptacle will be provided. Two additional receptacles will be provided at the work space. 4. A duplex receptacle will be provided for each T.V. monitor location. 3. In break room, receptacles will be GFCI type, and will be provided at refrigerator, microwave, and coffee maker with additional convenience receptacles above counter. 4. In work room, receptacles will be provided for copier, printer and for other pieces of equipment within room. Convenience outlets will be provided above counter. 5. New branch circuiting will be copper conductors, with separate neutral per circuit. Minimum size branch circuit conductors will be #12 AWG. 6. A green ground copper conductor will be installed in all branch circuits. 7. A dedicated neutral copper conductor will be provided for each single phase branch circuit. 8. Receptacles will be 120 volt, 20 amp, industrial grade with plastic coverplates in office areas and stainless steel in all other areas. 9. Provide flush floor outlets with flexible conduit and circuit connection for power and data to office furniture. Provide flush floor outlets (equal to wiremold 6AT Series) with quadplex receptacle and data for large conference room table. 10. All feeders and branch circuits to be copper and be provided with a ground wire. 11. Metal Clad cable (MC) will be allowed for light fixture whips only. All other 120 volt wiring shall be in EMT or flexible metal conduit. 12. There will be GFCI receptacles on roof and exterior to the building at all exiting doors for maintenance. EMERGENCY POWER DISTRIBUTION 1. A new 120/208-volt natural gas generator will be provided for backup power of Information Technology and IT room cooling. Refer to attached site drawing plan. Electrical Bongards—Phase 2 Addition Preliminary Design Narrative 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN Page 3 of 5 July 30, 2017 LIGHTING 1. Corridor Lighting to be recessed 2'x4' direct/indirect, LED type lamp source lay-in fixture with a minimum light level of 20 foot candles at the floor. Control corridor lighting through a lighting control panel. 2. Open office area lighting will consist of suspended linear lighting with satin lensing that is direct/indirect with 0-10 volt dimming and will have layout and lumen package for 50 foot- candles at desk height. 3. Private office lighting will consist of recessed 2'x4' direct/indirect lights with satin acrylic lens and 0-10 volt dimming for a 50 foot-candle level at desk. 4. Multi-purpose and conference room lighting will consist of 2'x2' direct/indirect, LED type lamp source lay-in fixture. Zone dimming lighting control will be included. 5. Storage and equipment rooms (without ceilings) area lighting to be by 4', industrial, LED lamp source fixtures, surface or chain hung with 30 foot-candles minimum at the floor. 6. Food processing areas and wash-down areas will have 2x4 nominal gasketed and rated for such purpose. 7. All LED light fixtures to be provided with 4000-degree Kelvin color LED lamp source with a CRI rating of 82 or higher. 8. Provide dual technology occupancy sensor control system to turn the lights off when the space is not occupied in restrooms, janitor closets, storage rooms, open office areas, private offices and support rooms. 9. Provide daylight harvesting ceiling sensors for all daylight zones to automatically reduce the light fixture power in rooms or areas. A new automatic transfer switch will be located the Utility room 120 10. Site lighting will include new wall packs and new pole lights. Refer to attached plans. LIGHTING CONTROLS 1. The lighting controls will be wattstopper, Sensor switch Nlight , or Hubbell. The design will also consist of occupancy sensors, daylight harvesting. Dimming control will be standard in all rooms. EMERGENCY LIGHTING 1. New exit lights will be edge lit style with mirror backing and Red LED. 2. Building egress lighting will be provided for corridor, public areas for one foot-candle average lighting throughout the egress path. Utilize existing emergency lighting circuits as possible. Electrical Bongards—Phase 2 Addition Preliminary Design Narrative 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN Page 4 of 5 July 30, 2017 BRANCH CIRCUITRY 1. Solid copper conductor, THHN/THWN insulation, in steel EMT conduit and provided with a ground wire. Aluminum wire shall not be allowed. M/C cable will not be allowed except where required for final connections to lighting and motors and or equipment requiring a flexible connection. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT WIRING 1. Provide 120 volt wiring to the HVAC and mechanical system equipment. See mechanical design narrative. PROCESS EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS 1. Process equipment will be connected with watertight Leviton twist lock connectors and plugs 2. Disconnect switches will Hubbell SS-HBLDS10SS and HBLDS3SS VOICE/DATA 1. Conduit and outlet boxes will be provided to each voice/data outlet. Minimum conduit size will be 1-1/4" 2. Voice/data outlets will be provided for each work desk, in each conference room, in work rooms and as required for connection to equipment. 3. Voice/data outlet will be provided at each TV monitor location within conference room and other areas as required. 4. Voice/data cabling connection will be provided by others. 5. Provide flush floor outlets with flexible conduit connection to raceway in office furniture. SECURITY SYSTEM 1. All cabling required security system will be by others. 2. This contractor will provide rough-in and an empty conduit/raceway system for all devices and equipment. Minimum size conduit will be 3/4 inch 3. New card access raceway will be provided by the electrical contractor. Card access and associated control and wiring will be by owner. END Narrative JA20161201615300TOMBongards Electrical Preliminary Narrative-2017-06-30-TJH.docx Electrical Bongards—Phase 2 Addition Preliminary Design Narrative 8330 Commerce Drive, Chanhassen MN Page 5 of 5 July 30, 2017 ------------ Southeasterly line of Northern States Power Company easem<z•" SRI . -Drainage&Utility easement per plat -per Doc. No. 72638 interiors I architecture , ! �• _"_<,.—••—^—"- ^ Rim=936.6 7001 France Avenue South,sure ;« ^----'-- {plan' ----- - 200 5TME1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - _- - - - - ---__- --_-__-__ 1 1 1 1 Interiors I architecture 7001 France Avenue South,Sake 200 Edna,M'nnesota 55435 952-893.9020 fax 952.893.9299 Project Information BONGARDS'EXPANSION BONGARDS'CREAMERY 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE --- CHANHASSEN,MN I _- - nAA3 ^AAS Y Y � • �r AA3 �—G EE'i.. ____— ..... LK■ EY 01 Y r. EiJ 1935 WEST COUNTY ROAD B2.SURE 3DO ST.PAUL,MN 55113 6511633-1223 -.•y mai - `:_ 1 �: --__.. '' LKPB.com G 0 BBi ;I € I UE roAA] NEW UTILITY T TRANSFORMER AND CONNECTION CABINET o AAT STEEL CDNCRETE FILLED BOLLARDS g ° - I hereby certify that th's ,spec' un,or report was as prepared'Y' y ejjaa ua er m t supervision and m a duty L'censedj�gneer ehwsofth. y stateof p �\ I! UE Q-13131 ¢� 13j _____ Printed Name AM signature r Data Llc,Y (}�03STUB UP FEEDER TO - _ _ UE AA1 DISCONNECT SWITCH IN ---- EXISTING UTILITY ROOM - - _- Issue Record "x No. Data Description AA1 mi NEW STANDBY " —r,�\Y��ZY�y,•' ___— NATURAL GAS GENERATOR�.; :?,�>•c+- EXTEND PRI04RY, :SERVICE TO VIEW��.• `\ �i - ( /pt, /�� TRANS LOCATION L&t IL 3 i Handicap � "".BB1 Sheet Title ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN - REMODEL P�ANTNEw L SITE o Ems o w iBBt - - _o o }},r �I r 5 ` `�1 Sheet Information o% -------------- ------ --- --------------------- ------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------------.---- Job Code 2016.153.00 o`r° s 7• - Drawn By SRS Reviewed By THJ Date E0.2-­ CONSTRUCTION NOTES: A. PROVIDE A GREEN EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRE IN BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER CONDUITS. B. WIRING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO DEVICES SHOWN,UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. MINIMUM WIRINGSIZE SHALL BE#72 AWG.AMPACITV,DERATING AND CONDUIT FILL HALL BE AS REQUIRED BY THE NEC.EACH CIRCUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A yf' DEDICATED NEUTRAL. C. OUTLETS IN THE SAME WALL SHALL NOT BE MOUNTED BACK-TO-BACK.AT COMMON - /r1i' WALLS BETWEEN OFFICES;INSTALL WITH AT LEAST ONE STUD BETWEEN OUTLETS. Int@CIQrS I architecture D RECEPTACLE OUTLET DEVICES SHALL BE GROUNDED WITH A PIGTAIL WIRE 7001 Fance Avenue South Suite CONNECTED FROM THE DEVICE TO THE OUTLET BOX o Edina,MI nnneota 55435 E PROVIDE AGROUND WIRE WITHIN OR ROUTED ALONG THE EXTERIOR WITH 952-893-9020 tax 952-893-9299 d _ •�-� I GROUNDING BUSHINGS,FOR FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT:EXCEPT CONDUIT -- \- CONNECTIONS TO LIGHT FIXTURES. PYOJCCl Information �- _--- F. SEE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS AND DETAILS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS.THESE SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INDICATIONS IN BONGARDS'EXPANSION ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. G CIRCUIT NUMBERS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.ACTUAL CIRCUITS IN rEXISTING PANELSMAY VARY.COORDINATE INFIELD.PROVIDE AN UPDATED TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY IN EACH AFFECTED PANELBOARD.BALANCE LOADS BETWEEN PHASES. BONGARDS'CREAMERY _— H.ONLY SOLID CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USED FOR TERMINATING WIRING DEVICES -\ WITH SCREW TERMINALS CONTAINMENT NG FEATURE. WRAP-AROUND CLAMP WITH - ANTI-ROTATION STRAND CONTAINMENT FEATURE. 1N i 1 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE {. _ _--- t -- '•y �..___�._ €_ I. PROVIDE PLASTIC DUCT COVERS FOR BOTH DUCT AND AREA SMOKE DETECTORS '` t SERVING THIS SPACE.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS. 8330 COMMERCE E MN -1 2 € EJ J. CONDUITS SHALL BE SUPPORTED AND SECURED WITH SPECIFIED FITTINGS AND DEVIC E WIRE SHALL NOT BE USED. i N E/---P3N-1-i y E _ __ _ ____ _ _ K. DUPLEXRECEPTACLE IOUTLEETS SHALL BE 20 AMP RATED DEVICES.15 AMP RATED C DEVICES SHALL NOT BE USED. T L. MULTIPLE GROUPINGS E DEVICES SHALL BE GANGED UNDER THE SAME \ S3N-1-1 _ -Y/ \ f;; COVERPLATE.SEPARATE PLATES ARE UNACCEPTABLE EXCEPT IN CASES OF ` - t DIMMER SWITCHES ADJACENT TO OTHER LIGHT SWITCHES.IN THAT CASE,PLATES j - SHALL BE AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE,PLUMB TRUE FOR A NEAT AND t HOUSEKEEPING PAD COMPACT ORGANIZED APPEARANCE. I ' ! MAIN ti rtn M.PROVIDE CONDUIT BUSHINGS FOR CONDUIT ENDS,INCLUDING THOSE PROVIDED oe _._ - 1UL.....IILL FOR FUTURE USE OR FOR SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. 1 REFER TO SITE PLAN N. PROVIDE BUSHINGS FOR OPENINGS IN STEEL STUDS THROUGH WHICH A PULL FOR MAIN SERVICE STRING FOR DATA/COMMUNICATION USE IS PASSED THROUGH. L K P B CONTINUATION O.ALL VOICE/DATA PATCH CABLING AND CONNECTIONS BY OWNER.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL VOICE/DATA CABLING,OUTLETS,TERMINATION ENGINEERS i AND TESTING AND SHALL BE ROUTED TO SERVER ROOM, 1935 WEST COUNTY ROAD P. MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT THAT B2,SUITE 300 ARE TO REMAIN. ST.PAUL,MN 55113 / 651/633-1223 –._- Q.MANUFACTURED FURNITURE WHIPS FURNISHED BY SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY LKPB. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WIRING DIAGRAM AND DIMENSIONED APPROVED LAYOUT OF OPEN OFFICE FURNITURE PRIOR TO ROUGH- . IN. R.WHERE CONDUIT IS ALLOWED TO BE EXPOSED,CONDUIT AND HARDWARE SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL FINISH IT IS AFFIXED TO. -- S. ALL CABLING THAT IS ROUTED IN PLENUM SPACE SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY • J-HOOKS SPACED NO GREATER THAT 5 FEET APART. ZIP TIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SECURE CABLING.PROVIDE VELCRO STRAPS AND \. SECURE AS REQUIRED. tom. U. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PATCHING OF FLOORS THAT ARE `.t DISTURBED DUE TO TRENCHING. V. THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT,REMOVE AND RELOCATE ANY AND ALL LIGHTS AND EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED FOR NEW ELECTRIC DUCT HEATERS AND !- MECHANICAL WORK. (f\� V - NEW PANEL EXISTING n GiN-1-1 SERVER—►j '. - KEYED NOTES: O1 COORDINATE DOOR RELOCATION WITH ARCHITECT. t Issue Record - EXISTING FIRE ' O ALARM PANELS EXISTING r - - Sheet Title - PANBLA POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-LEVEL 1 ,. NEW200A -. EXISTING 480V - PANEL BV^NEW WIREWAY DISCONNECT - REFER TO SITE EXISTING--.-t PLAN FOR FEEDER PANEL C CONTINUATION y v � TNG NEW i TRANSFORMER NENECT W T-1-1 DISCONWATEIR SERVICE \\' Sheet Information \�\ e SWITCH(GEN) TO REMAIN �- Job Code <0000.00.00> Drawn By Reviewed By Date Issue Date> < E3.1 n LEVEL 1 POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN �. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: A. PROVIDE A GREEN EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRE IN BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER CONDUITS. O B. WIRING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO DEVICES SHOWN,UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. MINIMUM WIRING SIZE SHALL BE 412 AWG.AMPACITY,DERATING AND CONDUIT FILL i t ' SHALL BE AS REQUIRED BY THE NEC.EACH CIRCUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A 1 DEDICATED NEUTRAL. _- -_ C. OUTLETS IN THE SAME WALL SHALL NOT BE MOUNTED BACK-TO-BACK.AT COMMON interiors I architecture _ — - - — - WALLS BETWEEN OFFICES;INSTALL WITH AT LEAST ONE STUD BETWEEN OUTLETS. - � - 7001 France Avenue South,Suite D.RECEPTACLE OUTLET DEVICESSHALL BE GROUNDED WITH A PIGTAIL WIRE 200 CONNECTED FROM THE DEVICE TO THE OUTLET BOX Edina,Mmnesola 55435 a _ - .,T _ _ 952-893 9020 fax 952-893-9299 E. PROVIDE AGROUND WIRE WITHIN OR ROUTED ALONG THE EXTERIOR WITH { _• y GROUNDING BUSHINGS,FOR FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT:EXCEPT CONDUIT Project Information CONNECTIONS TO LIGHT FIXTURES. F. SEE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS AND DETAILS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF BONGARDS'EXPANSION ELECTRICAL ITEMS.THESE SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INDICATIONS IN €!I i ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. G.CIRCUIT NUMBERS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.ACTUAL CIRCUITS IN r �I '��' -\ Ar _.•�' AN UPDATED TYPEWRITTENDRECTORYNEACH COORDINATEEXISTING PANELS MAY VARY. FIELD. A FECTEDO PANELOARIDEBBALANCE LOADS BONGARDS'CREAMERY BETWEEN PHASES. 14' i H.ONLY SOLID CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USED FOR TERMINATING WIRING DEVICES j WITH SCREW TERMINALS NOT CONTAINING EXTERNAL WRAP-AROUND CLAMP WITH ANTI-ROTATION STRAND CONTAINMENT FEATURE. •\ - I. PROVIDE PLASTIC DUCT COVERS FOR BOTH DUCT AND AREA SMOKE DETECTORS CHA COMMERCE DRIVE •� -- SERVING THIS SPACE.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS. HANHASSE N _ J. CONDUITS SHALL BE SUPPORTED AND SECURED WITH SPECIFIED FITTINGS AND �21N-1-2\_ j -- DEVICES.TIE WIRE SHALL NOT BE USED. `/—R7N-1-3 K. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLETS SHALL BE 20 AMP RATED DEVICES.15 AMP RATED DEVICES SHALL NOT BE USED. L. MULTIPLE GROUPINGS OF DEVICES SHALL BE GANGED UNDER THE SAME ERPLATE.SEPARATE PLATES ARE TABLE EXCEPT IN CASES OF DMV MER SWITCHES ADJACENT TOO HER LGHTPSWITCHES.IN THAT CASE,PLATES ItI�— - \•f ,. �" SHALL BE AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE,PLUMB TRUE FOR A NEAT AND COMPACT ORGANIZED APPEARANCE. 4, M.PROVIDE CONDUIT BUSHINGS FOR CONDUIT ENDS,INCLUDING THOSE PROVIDED FOR FUTURE USE OR FOR SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS N. PROVIDE BUSHINGS FOR OPENINGS IN STEEL STUDS THROUGH WHICH A PULL STRING FOR DATA/COMMUNICATION USE IS PASSED THROUGH L K P B O.ALL VOICEIDATA PATCH CABLING AND CONNECTIONS BY OWNER.ELECTRICAL E N G i N E E B S CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL VOICEIDATA CABLING,OUTLETS,TERMINATION AND TESTING AND SHALL BE ROUTED TO SERVER ROOM. 1935 WEST COUNTY ROAD B2,SUITE W. P. MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT THAT ST.PAUL,MN 55113 ARE TO REMAIN. 6511633-1223 LKPB.com Q.MANUFACTURED FURNITURE WHIPS FURNISHED BY SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN WIRING DIAGRAM AND 1 DIMENSIONED APPROVED LAYOUT OF OPEN OFFICE FURNITURE PRIOR TO ROUGH- IN R.WHERE CONDUIT IS ALLOWED TO BE EXPOSED,CONDUIT AND HARDWARE SHALL 1 BE PAINTED TO MATCH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL FINISH IT IS AFFIXED TO. S. ALL CABLING THAT IS ROUTED IN PLENUM SPACE SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY J-HOOKS SPACED NO GREATER THAT 5 FEET APART. �I LEVEL 2 POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN T. ZIFTIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TOSECURE CABLING.PROVIDE VELCRO STRAPS AND SECURE AS REQUIRED. U.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PATCHING OF FLOORS THAT ARE DISTURBED DUE TO TRENCHING. V. THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT,REMOVE AND RELOCATE ANY AND ALL LIGHTS AND EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED FOR NEW ELECTRIC DUCT HEATERS AND MECHANICAL WORK. V Issue Record Sheet Title POWER AND SIGNAL PLAN-LEVEL 2 S Y Sheet Information 3 o Job Code <0000.00.00> Drawn By Reviewed By Date ,Issue Date> E3.2 *0 tobb•0 HANDHOLE PROVIDER GFCI RECEPRCLE OUTLET WITH IN-USE METAL COVER * *0.0interiors architecture O.O BUSH CONDUIT PROJECT ANCHOR BOLTS PER { b.1 L.0 L.0 MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATION ABOVE 7001 F.-A-Sw h,Suit V.1 Top OF RISE. PROVIDE DOUBLE NUTS 200 +0 ba 0.2 b.2 b.2 b.1 +U.Q BASE COVER FOR LEVELING(ONE ABOVE AND BELOW 952X90 0 92664359298 XBASE FLANGE)ALL HARDWARE TO BE ♦ ♦ GALVANIZED.GROUT VOID BEr*EEN BASE O.3 0.0 CONNECT GROUND TO FLANGE AND TOP OF CONCRETE AND Project IOt07maWn b.6 0.5 ba b.4 0.4 b.3 5.1 POLE BASE WITH A UL 10.2 LSTED HAND FINISH' PROVIDE COTTON'WEEPS CONNECTOR AT BASE TO DRAIN MOISTURE OUT OF •1 �' POLE INTERIOR. BONGARDS'EXPANSION *O ba b.s 1.o b.e b.4 b.s 6.6 b.7 5.4 b.l 1"CHAMFERED PARKING LOT CURB 3W0 LR CLASS A *0.2 (BY OTHERS) REOIFORCED CONCRETE 0.1 BASE BY THIS b.J i.] 5.7 i.z b.a b.e b.e i.o i.l i.l b.4 BONGARDS'CREAMERY L .1 ♦ + CONTRACTOR. X-0^ U.2 1.0 I.s 1.0 z.0 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 I.s b.50 2 3._0" ' PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLT GRADE + AA1 BB1 t �j 00 8 I.1 4.9 1.7 O Mti:•P/ 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 I.7 1.7 $.0✓'NN:235.4.3 J + _.... PROVIDE EMPTY SECURITY CAMERA 3, 6" 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE * 0.3 0.2 B BARE CU _ CONDUIT(S). REFER TO CHANHASSEN,MN 0.3 I.2 i.e 3.5 H:14 I'.0 b.e 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.1 1.9 1.9 4.o b.6 GROUND WIRE PLANS FOR QUANTITY OF CONDUITS AND SIZE. 6'-O" +0 a I.9 I.6 k3`� b.6 b.9 I.z _1.3 I.6 R.o I.1 1.9 1.4 0.70.2 Noce I REFER TO PIANS * l VERIFY BOLT CIRCLE i FOR CONDUIT AND *0.4 REQUIREMENTS WITH CONDUCTOR SIZE. t.2 SHOP DRAWINGS. _ t.5 1.5 1.9 1.� 1.2 -1.3 1.2 1.9 4.0 4.2 41.2 4.o Lo b.3 4 3/4"x 10•-0"CU 2 `2.241.o '1. 4 j5 RERARS �G• 4L.3 43,9 `\ .` 0 4 1. 12.1.l 43 4z . . `2. 41. i.9 ba 6"BELOW GRADE. #2 TIE RODS . �•3 GROUND ROD SET *0.2 AA?' 9 2 o H:14 MH:14 (�,B81 t.3 1/2"PVC CONDUIT +0.2 b.9 I.7 9 ` •2.7 1.6 1.0 4.3 4.2 4.2 b.1 s1.o V"'MH:O2S FOR GROUND WIRE 20"ROUND BASE. t•3 TYPE 1361 POLE BASE DETA� *0.2 b.7 Lo n 1' `5.s 1.6 L7 i:7 Le i.9 4.o i.9 `e.o 1.1 2 -=� NO SCALE L K P B b.e t"3 NGINEEf *0.3 �_ L�14r.5 1.9 i.0 1.7 1.e 1.9 1.7 1.5 b.s y V MH:14 - 1935 WEST COUNTY ROAD 300 b.3b.7 I. e.0 i.l 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 I.o b.4 sr.PAUL.L.UN 55113 t. 1 651+833-1723 u.1 LKP9.- +0.4 q s H;14 L.6 4.0 1.e 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 I.6 1.4 b.a ` a b.5 1.2 �., �t41b.2 .6 1.1 I.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 i.6 1.3 b.4 •4 b.e b.4b.a i.s 1 'z.1 1.o b.7 5.0 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.7 I.s b.e b�.2 �t * t-3 b.6 b.s' b.7 b.9 1.7 5.1AH:t4 b.e b.3 b.3 b.6 1.1 1.6 1.7 I.90iEP1 5.3 0.2 MH:23 aa .l 0•9.3 0.7 b./ `0.5 1.1 1.4 1.1 O.J b.3 0.3 0.4 I.1 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.5 0.3 0.1 O •1 b.z b.3 b.s o.e 0.9 b.s <>AA1 ijµt41.4 b.e b.9 5.1 5.6 1.1 1.6 1.7 I.s 1.1 5.3 b.l �'0 .0-1 0.1 b.2 b.4 1.0 i.3 b.6 1.1 1.4 i.e 1.9 I.2 i.0 1.1 i.1 1.1 1.3 1.6 i.6 1.4 1.o b.2 b.1 t.0 + �" "*0 I hereby caUy Mal Lhls pW,epecilFallon,a report wa+ 0.10.1 b.l 0.B 1.1 1.1 1.6 �f 60.0.1 0MA3�24 1.6 1.7 1.61.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.4 1,3 1.1 b.7 0.1 b.0 was prapaeo by mew uMermydhe[t NpmNdon enc MH:14 FII It •0 am a duly U-sed E ghroer+rderMe Wva of the *0.1 b.2 b.4 b.6 b.e 1.a i.2 1.2 4.0 41.7 b.o 7.2` '1.9 4.4 i.3 Is i.6 1,5 I.s 1.3 b.9 b.6 b.s *0.0 alrew ®' 10 40.2 �. 0.1 b.2 b.4 b.s b.9 1.z b.9 I.o 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.9 1.6 I.s 1.5 1.« 1.6 i.6 1.4 b.7 b.4 b.4 40 3 ' v100 •11Fhartea N- +0 am g +O. .1 .3 .5 b.e 0.9 b.6 1 41 .5 .0 i.9 l.e 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.4 I.5 1.�991 0.6 0.3 ♦0.2 rl 10 MH:23 •2 Sp°One ♦0.1 b.l 1.3 b.6 o.7 b.7 1.3 1.9 1.e I.e 1.3 b.9 11 1.2 1.4 1.4 0.6 t.2 +0.bl1 b.2 b.3 b.4 b.7 1.3 1.1 1.e 4.o b.e b.7 b.a -b:e b.s b.7 *0.2 Def. a te ao •2 Issue Record t.0a.l b.2 b.s b.9 1.4 1.6 I.8 Q.9B1 b.6 b.s b.7 b.l +O 1 MH:23 No. Oa0.6Waa.rian W + +0.1 b.z b.6 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.7 b.9 b.4 b.2 b.1 0.1 1017NMJ0 G ReNw �i1 z, b.1 a +0,q.3 b.s b.e 1.1 1.2 b.9 b.3 b.2 +p•1 + E +0.3 b.4 b.6 b.e b.e 5.3 0.1 o 'D.1 ai *0.3 11.4 b.s b.4 b.l 0 40.0 .n +0.�.z b.3 o *0.1 Sheet Title PHOTOMETRIC PLAN J Lumh,aire Shceduk O sYm,w Qty Label LLF Ofee-0on 6 AA1 0.900 MRW LED 2100.700 40K SR4 MVOLT 1 AA2 0.900 MR6V LED 110A7OOL40K SR2 MVOLT o 2 AA3 0.900 MIRW LED 2 IQA700_40K SR2 MVOLT U E:,J E3 15 081 1 0.900 D5X0 LED 20C 100040K T3S MVOLT HS o CakWation Surmllry Sheet Information Label CaleType I Units I Avg I Ma I Min Av9Mfn M.Min BOUNDRY CALCULATION IAumhnnae I Fc 10.17 1 0.5 1 0.0 NA, INA No INTERIOR CALCULATION Illuminance I Fc 1120 14.0 10.0 1 N.A INA Job Code 2018.153.00 i N m Drawn By TVB Reviewed By THJ 0 c� PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Date 06129QO17 ES 1 .2 BONGARDS MRW LED Catalog PHASE 2 Number TYPE Architectural Wall Sconce Notes AA1,AA2,AA3 LKPB 2016.153.00 1gfhacts I Type Introduction Inverted available with CDMI—RA) WLuoption only. The classic Architectural Wall Sconce is now available with the latest in LED technology.The Specifications result is a long-life,maintenance-free product with Luminaire Optional Back Box (BBW) typical energy savings of 75%compared to metal Height: 7-114" Height: 4" halide versions.The integral battery backup option m) (18.9 em) (70.2 c (8" (11/c Width: provides emergency egress lighting,without the x45.7 cmWidth:) (14.0 cm) use of a back-box or remote gear,so installations Depth: 91, Depth: 1-1/2" maintain their aesthetic integrity. (22.8 cm) (3.8 cm) 18 lbs The" MRW LED is ideal for replacing existing 50— Weight: (8.2 kg) W For 3/4NPT D side-entry 175W metal halide wall-mounted products.The Conduit expected service life is 20+years of nighttime use. H J H Ordering - ` EXAMPLE: MRW LED 2 1OA700/40K SR3 MVOLT DDBTXD MRW LED . MRW LED 1 One engine 700 mA options: S112 Type II MVOLTShipped included Shipped installed DDBXD Dark bronze (10 LEDs) 1OA700/30K 3000K SR3 Type III 120' (blank) Surface mount PE Photoelectric cell,button type 15 DBLXO Black 2 Two engines 10A700/40K 4000K SR4 Type IV 208' Shipped separately' SF Single fuse(120,277,347V)' DNAXD Natural aluminum (20 LEDs) 10A700/50K 5000K 240' BBW Surface-mounted DF Double fuse(208,240,480V) DWHXD White 277, back box DMG 0-10V dimming driver(no controls) DSSXD Sandstone 347 UT5 Uptilt 5 degrees ELCW Emergency battery backup 6 DDBTXD Textured dark bronze WLU Wet location door for up orientation' DBLBXD Textured black 480 PIR Motion/ambient light sensor b DNATXD Textured natural DS Dual switching' aluminum Shipped separately DWHGXD Textured white VG Vandal guard DSSTXD Textured sandstone WG Wire guard NOTES Emer @nC Batt@ O eration 1 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V(50/60 Hz). g y � P cify Spe120,208,240 or 277 options only when ordering with photocell (PE),fusing(SF,DF),or dual switching(DS). The emergency battery backup(ELCW option)is integral to the luminaire-no extemal housing required!This design 2 May also be ordered separately as an accessory.Ex:WSBBW DDBXD U. provides reliable emergency operation while maintaining the aesthetics of the product. Must specify finish. All ELCW configurations include an independent secondary driver with an integral relay to immediately detect 3 Must be ordered with fixture;cannot be field installed. AC power loss.Dual light engines are wired in parallel so both engines operate in emergency mode and provide 4 Not available with MVOLT option.Button photocell(PF)can be ordered additional component redundancy.These design features meet various interpretations of NFPA 70/NEC 2008- with a dedicated voltage option.Single fuse(SF)requires 120,277 or 347 700.16 voltage option.Double fuse(DF)requires 208,240 or 480 voltage option. The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of 90 minutes(maximum duration of three 5 Not available with 480V option.Not available with motion/ambient light hours)from the time supply power is lost,per International Building Code Section 1 D06 and NFPA 101 Life Safety sensor(PIR). Code Section 7.9,provided luminaires are mounted ai an appropriate height and illuminate an open space with no 6 Integral battery pack is rated for-20`to 60°C operating temperature. major obstructions. ELCW warranty is 3-year period.Not available with 347V or 480V.Not The examples below show illuminance of 9 fc average and 0.1 fc minimum of the single-engine Type IV product in 7 WLU not available with PIR or ELCW.available with WLU. emergency mode. 8'MH 12'MH \\ 8 Specifies the SensorSwitch SFOD-7-ODP control(photocell included); z5• see Motion Sensor Guide fordetails.Includes ambient light sensor. WST LED 1 1 OA700/40K SR4 .% -� w �� \ Not available with'PE"option(button type photocell).Dimming driver MVOLT ELCWstandard.Not available with WLU,VG or WG. r.orzaYq. 1.0 fc -Z 9 Provides 50/50 luminaire operation via two independent drivers and light 10'x 10'Gridlines 0.1 m engines on two separate circuits. Not available with one engine,MVOLT, 8'and 12'Mounting Height ELCW,WLU,SF or OF Must specify voltage,voltage must be the same for both drivers. When ordered with photocell(PE)or motion sensor " (PIR),only the primary power source leads will be controlled. OFA L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • Fax:770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com MRW-LED L/GHT/NG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Rev.04/04/17 Lumen Output Lumen Ambient Temperature(LAT)Multipliers p Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative from 040-C(32-104°9. of the configurations shown,within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. FM7.1,T!,Mr­,­n"J1 0°C 32°F 1.10 I 10°C 501F 1.06 Performance1 •111 1 20°C 6$°F 1.02 Packa9e 1 ' 251C 77F 1.00 Q 30°C 86°F 0.98 SR2 I 2,005 1 0 1 I 84 40% 104°F 0.92 (10113):) 700 10A7006-K 24W SR3 2,029 1 0 I 1 84 SR4 1,959 1 0 I 1 82 2 SR2 3,94 1 0 I 1__ 84 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance INLtD4 _ 700 1OA700/4 47W SR3 4,028 1 0 1 86 - Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the MRW LED 210A700 SR4 I 3,$51 I 1 I 0 I 1 82 platform in a 25°C ambient,based on 10,000 hours of LED testing(tested per IESNA LM- 80-08 and projected per IESNA TM-21-11). 1 See electrical load chart for 347/480V system watts. To calculate LLF,use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below.For other lumen maintenance values,contact factory. 0 25,000 50,000 100,000 1.0 0.94 0.88 0.77 Electrical Load Current(A) 120 208 240 277 347 480 24W 024 0.14 0.12 0.1 - - 1 700 29W1 - - - - 0A9 0.07 2 700 47W 0.44 0.27 0.23 0.20 - - 53W1 - - - - 0.17 0.12 1 Higher wattage is due to electrical losses from step-down transformer. Photometric Diagrams To see complete photometric reports or download.)es files for this product,visit Lithonia Lighting's MRW LED homepage. Isofootcandle plots for the MRW LED 21OA70DI40K SR2,SR3,and SR4.Distances are in units of mounting height(12). Distribution overlay comparison to 175W metal halide. LEGEND a 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 a a 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 t 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 LEGEND ■ 0.1 fcg B - ■ MRW 3 v9 p 3 p LED . 0.5 fc z ti z MRW 0.5 fc < 1.0 fc m 1 a 1 ■ MRW _. } g HID, o Nq a i �$ o 08 0.5fc _ 4 P .1 ri p Q a c ad a LLD,: MRW HID: MRW LED: .3 o w .3 d Z .3 - - ow MRW HID=0.72 213W 47W t- SR3 ?r SR4 z r MRW LED:0.95 .; MRW LED 210470040K SR4, MRW 175M FT Probe,12'Mounting Ht FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE ELECTRICAL The classic architectural shape of the MRW LED was designed for applications such as hospitals, Light engine(s)consist of 10 high-efficacy LEDs mounted to a metal core circuit board and schools,malls,restaurants,and commercial buildings.The long life LEDs and driver make this integral aluminum heat sinks to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life(100,000 luminaire nearly maintenance-free. hrs at 25"C,L77). Class 2 electronic driver has a power factor>90%,THD<20%. Easily- CONSTRUCTION serviceable surge protection device meets a minimum Category B(per ANSIAEEE C62.41.2). The single-piece die-cast aluminum housing integrates secondary heat sinks to optimize thermal INSTALLATION transfer from the internal light engine heat sinks and promote long life. The driver is mounted in A universal mounting plate with integral mounting support arms allows the fixture to hinge direct contact with the casting for a low operating temperature and long life.The die-cast door down for easy access while making wiring connections. frame is fully gasketed with a one-piece solid silicone gasket to keep out moisture and dust, LISTINGS providing an IP65 rating for the luminaire. CSA certified to U.S.and Canadian standards. Light engines are IP66 rated;luminaire is IP65 FINISH rated and suitable for wet locations when mounted with the lenses down.WLU option offers Exterior parts are protected by a zinc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish wet location listing in'up'orientation.Rated for-30'C minimum ambient. that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering.A tightly controlled multi-stage WARRANTY process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate Five year limited warranty.Full warranty terms located at www.acuitybrands.com/ changes without cracking or peeling. Standard Super Durable colors include dark bronze,black, Five year limited warranty. rms_and_rrantyiterm spx natural aluminum,sandstone and white.Available in textured and non-textured finishes. OPTICS Nab:Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. Precision-molded acrylic lenses are engineered for superior distribution,uniformity,and spacing All values are design or typical values,measured under laboratory conditions at 25°C. in wall-mount applications. Light engines are 4000K(70 CRI). The MRW LED has zero uplight and Specifications subject to change without notice. qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly''"product,meaning it is consistent with the LEEDS and Green Globes'"criteria for eliminating wasteful uptight. 'AL/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • Fax:770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com MRW-LED L/OHT/NG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Rev.04/04/17 Catalog D-Se ries Number Size 0 rotes LED Area Luminaire rype dttseries FRIEWY Capable Luminaire This item is an A+ capable luminaire,which has been designed and tested to provide consistent color Specifications appearance and system-level interoperability. EPA: 0.95 t.o9�,�TH • All configurations of this luminaire meet the Acuity O Brands'specification for chromatic consistency Length: 26" (66.0 on) - -- W • This luminaire is A+Certified when ordered with DTL® Width: 13" controls marked by a shaded background. DTL DLL (33,0 cm) L _ equipped luminaires meet the A+specification for Height: 7" - I luminaire to photocontrol interoperabilityl (Izem,t • This luminaire is part of an A+Certified solution for Weight (max): 16 b9 ROAM®2 or XPointTM Wireless control networks, providing out-of-the-box control compatibility with simple commissioning,when ordered with drivers and BONGARDS PHASE 2 control options marked by a shaded background' TYPE B B 1 To learn more about A+, visit www.acuiiybrands.com/aplus. LKPB 2016.153.00 1. See ordering tree for details. 2. A+Certified Solutions for ROAM require the order of one ROAM node per luminaire.Sold Separately: �\ A+Capable options indicated Link to Roam; Link to DTL DLL by this color background. • EXAMPLE: DSXO LED 40C 1000 40K T3M MVOLT SPA DDBXD DSXO LED DSXO LED Forward optics 530 530m 30K 3000K TIS Type Ishort T5S TypeV short MVOLT' Shipped included 20C 20 LEDs(one engine) 700 700 mA 40K 4000 K US Type II shat TSM TypeV medium 120' SPA Square pole mounting 40C 40 LEDs(two engines) 1000 1000m 50K SODOK T2M Type 11 medium T5W TypeVwide 208" RPA Round pole mounting Rotatedopties' (1 A) AMBPC Amber BS Type III short BLC Backlightcontrolc' 240' WBA Wall bracket 30C 30 LEDs(one engine) phosphor T3M Type III medium LOCO Left corner cutofF3 277' SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor 6 converted' T4M Type IV medium RCCO Right corner 347' RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor 6 TFTM Forward throw cutoff' 480' Shipped separately medium KMA8 DDBXD U Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor T5VS Type V very short (spedfyfinish)' Shipped installed i PIRHIFC3V Bilevel,motioniambient sensor,15-30'mouniiny Shipped installed DDBXD Dark bronze height,ambient sensor enabled at tfc'1'17 PER NEMA twist-lakreceptxleonly(no conmols)e � sb HS House-sideshieki" DBLXD Black PERS Five-wire receptacle only(no controls)" BL30 Wevelswitched dimming 3096 SF Single fuse(120, DNAXD Natural PER7 Seven-wire receptacle only(no controls)m BL50 Bi-level switched dimming,50%1516 277,347V)m aluminum DMG 0-10V dimming extend out back of honsing for external control(no controls)'0 I PNMTDD3 Part night;dimtilldawn" DF Double fuse(208, DWHXD White DCR DimmableandmnmollableviaROAM®(nocontrolsln PNMT5D3 Part night,dim5hrs" 240,48OV)m DDBTXD Textureddark 190 Le(trotatedoptiu' bronze PIR Bi-levet motion/ambient sensor,8-15'mountirgheight,ambient sensor enabled atS(,iLi3•'" ; PNMT6D3 Partnghtclim6hrs" PIRH Bi-leveL motion/ambient sensor,15-30rinounting heigh4 ambient sensorenabled at 5W411 PNMT7D3 Part night,dim 7hrs" R90 Right rotated optics' DBLBXD Textured black PIRIFOV Bi-levet motion/ambient sensor,8-15'mWntingheight,ambient sensor enabled atlfc1213" i FAO Field adjustable output" DDL Diffused drop lens DNATXD aexttunednatural BS Bird spikes DWHGXD Textured white -- -— ---- _----- —— -- '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • .wnv.lithonlacom DSXD-LED Rev.06/29/17 LAGHT/NG 02011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 1 of Controls&Shields NOTES DLL127F 1.5 At Photocell-SSL twist-lock(120-277VJ•' 1 30 LEDs(30C option)and rotated optics(L90 a R90)only available together. 2 AMBPC is not available with BLC,LLCO or RCCO. o DLL347F 1.5 CUL JU Photocell-SSL twist-lock(347V)" 3 Not available with HS or DDL th E DLL49OF 1.5 CUL JU Photocell-SSL twist-lock(480Vy' 4 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V(50/60 Hz).Specify 120M 208V,240V or 277V options only when ordering with fusing(SF,DF options). 41 m 5 Not available with single board,530mA product(2OC 530 a 30C 530).Not available with 81.30,BLSO or PNMT options. DSHORT SBK U Shorting cap" 6 Existingdrilled leo Available as a rate combination accessory,for retrofit use only:PUMBA(finish)U;1.5 G vibration bad rating ANG C13G31. "L m Pe nlS supe ry: Y: to Per � DSXOEGS DDBXD U External glare shield 7 Must order fixture with SPA mounting.Must be ordered az a separate accessory;see Accessories information.For use with 2-318"mast arta(not irtduded). N a DSXOHS 20(U House-side shield for 20 LED unit" 8 Photocelleseordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls.See accessories.Shorting Cap be order for correct operation when photocontrol is O) v DSXOHS30CU House-side shield for 30 LED unit" W 9 H ROAM°node required,H must be ordered and shipped az a separate line item from Awity,Brands Controls.Not available with DCR.Node with integral dimming. LJ DSXOHS40C0 House-side shield for 40 LED unit" 10 DMGoption for 347Vor480Vrequires 1000mA. V Q " 11 Specifies a ROAMS enabled luminaire with 0-1 OV dimming apability;PER optwn required.Additional hardware and services required a M`ROAdeployment;must be DSXODDLU Diffused drop lens(polycarbonate) purchased separately.Call 1-800-4424745 a email:salesR oamserv;ces.r,et.N/A with PERS,PERT,BL30,BL50 or PNMT optwns.Node without integral dimming.Mvolt p PUMBADDBXDU" Square and round pole unimsal mount- only.Not available with347Vand4B01CNotavailablewdhPIRH1FC3V. ing bracket adaptor(spedfyfinish)" 12 PIR and PIR1f-C3V specify the Sansor5witch SBGR-tO ODP mMrol;PIRH and PIRHIFC3V specify the SensorSw�tch SBGR-6.ODP control;see Outdoor Control Technical KMABDDBXDU Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor Guide fa details.Dimming driver standard. (specify finish)' 13 Ambiem sensor disable when ordered with 0(32.Separate on/off required.Not available with PMNT optbns.When PIR and PIRH options are selected with OCR,old style N must be used a PIR and PIRH will not function correctly. 14 PIR and PIRH options are used with PERS and PERT,additional leads receptacle are terminated and non-functioning. For more control options,visit and online. 15 Requires an additional switched circuit 16 Dimming driver standard.MVOLT only.Not available with 347V,48OV,DCR,PERS,PERT or PNMT options.Not available with PIRIFC3V and PIRHt PC3V. 17 Dimming driver standard.MVOLT only.Not available with 347V,480V,DCR,PER5,PERT,EL30 a B1.50.Not available wnh PIRIFC3V and PIRHIFC3V Separate on/off requ 18 Dimming driver standard.Not available with PER5,PERT,DMG,DCR,BL30,81.50,PNMT,PIR,PIRH,PIRIFC3Vand PIRHIF-CU. 19 Not available with BLC,LOCO and RCCO distribution.Also available as a separate accessory;see Accessories information. 20 Single fuse(SF)requires 12OV,277V or 347V Double fuse(DF)requires 208V,240V or 480V. 21 Requires luminaire to be specified with PER option.Ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. 22 For retrofit use only. • 4.31 L 8.59 I .3B 12.05- 12.43- Template#8 2.0312.43Template#8 Top of Pole DSXOshares aunique drilling pattern with the AERIS'family.Specify Tenon Mounting Slipfitter** this drilling pattern when specifying poles,per the table beim. DM19AS Single unit DM29AS 2at90" 1 ' 7I K " ,.l 0.563" DM28AS 2ar180' DM39AS 3at90'* 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AM"90 OM49AS 4at90" DM32AS 3atl2O'— 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 A925-490 0 4(10" 1.325" Example:SSA 20 4C DM 1 9AS DD8XD 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 . 2b50" (2 PLCS) Ynthhonatyh ngi a ',m eeou•ldeukamdples aaeuais ant ed•om•sl task 'Pond Dol a tap must k 325'OA r� '•For mud Dole moumwg(tOtV� • • • - " • To see complete photometric reports or download.ies files for this product,visit L.ithonia Lighting's D-Series Area Size 0 homepage. Isofootcandle plots for the DSXO LED 40C 1010 40K.Distances are in units of mounting height(20I. LEGEND 4 9 2 1 0 1 2 7 4 8 4 a 2 1 0 1 s a a 4 a x 1 0 1 2 a a 1. a t z 1 0 1 2 t 4 ■ 0.1 k4 a -2 4 8 4 3 ° 3 g ■ s a ` a ` a 0.5 ks � _ _ � _ B e 1.0fc 0 0 a8 0 NQ 0 s a s N� �z -~'z �za .3 ow a d c .3 civ+ a oN Z_ Z"' Zu' Z"+ r «z a T1S T3M 1•-3 T4M HS F TSM ; '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • cwnv.Gti onia.con; DSXO-LED Rev.06/29/17 L/GHT1NG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 2 of 6 Performance Data Lumen Ambient Temperature(LAT)Multipliers Electrical Load Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-40'C(32-1049. 120 208 240 277 347 480 0°C 32�F 1.02 530 35 0.34 0.22 0.11 0.20 -- -- 10°C 50'F 1.01 20C 700 45 0.47 0-28 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.14 20°C 68°F 100 1000 72 0.76 0.45 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.26 530 52 0.51 0.31 0.28 0.25 -- 25`5 77"F 7'00 30C 700 70 0.72 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.25 0.19 30°C 86'F 1.00 1000 104 1.11 0.64 0.56 0.49 0.47 0.34 40"C 104,E 099 530 68 0.71 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.25 0.19 40C 700 91 0.94 035 0.48 0.42 0.33 0.24 1000 138 1.45 0.84 0.73 0.64 0.69 0.50 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the platforms noted in a 25°C ambient,based on 10,000 hours of LED testing(tested per IESNA LM-80-08 and projected per IESNA TM-21-11). To calculate LLF,use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below.For other lumen maintenance values,contact factory. 0 25,000 50.000 100,000 DSXO LED 20C 1000 1 0.98 0.96 0.93 DSXO LED 40C 1000 1 0.98 0.95 0.90 DSXO LED 40C 700 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 OFA L/THON/A one Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 Phone:800.279.8041 www.lithonia.com DSXO-LED Rev.06/29/17 L10"rWG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 6 Performance Data Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown,within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts.Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. Forward Optics , t t t , (Amber Phosphor Converted) t � AMBPC t Ir 'InU©ME -IMMW W MUUMEMMUMUM I I TIIS 4,079 1 0 1 117 4,380 1 0 1 125 4,408 1 0 1 126 2,541 1 0 1 73 T25 4,206 1 0 1 120_ 4,516 1 0 1 129 4,544 1 0 1 130 2,589 1 0 1 74 TIM 4,109 1 0 1 117_ 4,413 1 0 1 126 4,440 1 0 1 127 2,539 1 0 1 73 TM 4,104 1 0 1 117 4,407 1 0 1 126 4,435 1 0 1127 2,558 1 0 1 13 T3M 4,142 1 0 1 118 4,447 1 0 1 127 4,475 1 0 1 _ 128 2,583 1 0 1 74 T4M 4,198 1 0 1 120 4,506 1 0 1 129 4,536 1 0 1 0 70 1 0 1 73 TFTM_ 4,135 1 0 1 118 4,440 1 0 2 127 4,468 1 0 2 128 2,540 1 0 1 73 530 MA 35W TSVS 4,%8 2 0 0 125 4,691 2 0 0 134 4,720 2 0 0 135 2,650 1 0 0 76 1 - - - - T5S 4,401 2 0 2 126 4,725 2 0 0 135 4,755 2 0 0 136 2,690 1 0 0 77 TSM 4,408 2 0 1 126 4,734 3 0 1 135 4,763 3 0 1 136 2,658 2 0 0 76 TSW 4,344 3 0 1 124 4,664 3 0 1 133 4,693 3 0 1 134 2,663 2 0 1 76 BLC 3,071 1 0 188 3,297 1 0 1 94 3,318 1 0 1 95 LCCO 2,983 1 0 1 85F320044 1 0 1 92 3,224 1 0 1 92 2983 1 0 1 852 ._ 1 0 1 92 3,224 1 0 1 92 TIS 5,181 1 0 1 115 5,563 1 0 1 124 5,598 1 0 1 124 3,144 1 1 0 1 70 T2S 5,342 1 0 1 119 5,736 1 0 1 127 5,772 1 0 1 1283203 1 0 1 71 T2M_L_5,219 1 0 1 116 5,605 1 0 1 125 5,640 1 0 1 125 i 3,141 1 0 1 70 73S 5,213 1 0 1 116 5,598 1 0 1 1 124 l 5,633 1 0 1 125 3,165 1 0 1 70 T3M 5,260 1 0 1 117 5,649 1 0 2 126 _f_5,684 _ 1 0 2 126 3,196 1 0 1 71 UM 5,332 1 0 1 118 5,725 1 0 2 127 5,761 1 0 2 128 3,179 20C TFTM 5,252 1 0 2 117 5,640 1 0 2 125 5,675 1 0 2 126 3,143 1 (20 LEDs) 700 m 45W TSVS 5,548 2 0 0 123 5,958 2 0 0 132 5,995 2 0 0 133 3,278 _2_ I.0 0 73 �- - T5S 5,589 2 0 0 124 6,002 2 0 0 133 6,039 2 0 0 134 3,328 2 0 0 74 TSM 5,599 3 0 1 124_ 6,012__; 3 0 1 134 6,050 3 0 1 134 3,286 2 1 0 1 1 1 73 TSW 5,517 3 0 1 123 5,924 3 0 1 132 5,961 3 0 1 132 3,295 2 1 0 1 1 1 73 BLC_ 3,909 1 0 1 87 4,198 1 0 1 93 4,224 1 0 1 94 LCCO .T 3,798 1 0 1 844,078 1 0 1 91 4,104 1 0 1 91 RCCO 3,798 1 0 1 84 4,078 1 0 1 91 4,104 1 0 1 91 T15 7,085 1 0 1 98 7,606 2 0 2 106 7,656 2 0 2 106 US 7,305 1 0 1 _ 101 7,845 2 0 2 109 7,894 2 0 2 11� T2M 7,138 1 0 2 99 7,665 2 0 2 106 7,713 2 0 2 107 1 T3S 7,129 1 0 1 _ 99 7,656 1 2_ 0 2 106 7,704 2 0 2 107 T3M 7,194 1 0 2 .100 7,725_ 0 2 107 7,773 2 0 2 108 UM 7,292 1 0 2 101 7,830 2 0 2 109 7,879 2 0 2 109 1000mA 72W TFTM 7,183 1 0 2 100 7,713 1 0 2 107 7,761 1 0 2 108 TSVS 7,5882 0 0 105 8,148 3 0 0 113 8,199 3 0 0 1 588 14 TSS 7,644 2 0 0 106 8,208 2 0 0 114 8,259 2 0 0 115 TSM 7,657 3 0 1 106 8,222 3 0 1 114 8,274 3 0 1 115 TSW 7,545 3 0 1 105 _:_81102 3 0 2 113 8,153 3 0 2 113 BLC 5,162 1 0 1 72 5,543 1 0 2 77 5,578 1 0 1 77 ILCO 5,015 1 0 2 __70 5 386 1 0 2 75 5,419 1 0 '_2 75 RCf0 5,015 1 0 2 70 5,386 1 0 2 75 5,419 1 0 2 75 '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com DSXO•LED Rev.06MIl7 LIGHT/NG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 4 of 6 Performance Data Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown,within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts.Contact factory forperforrance data on any configurations not shown here. OpticsForward 40K AMBPC rr� ■�.. �Ir(AMber Phosphor Converted) T15 8,564 2 0 2 126 4_,878 1 ' 0 1 12 T2S 8,172 2 0 2 120 8,775 2 0 2 129 8,830 2 0 2 130 1 4,969 1 0 1 73 T2M_ 7,985 2 0 2 117 8,574 2 0 2 126 8,628 2 0 2 127 4,874 1 0 1 72 _ BS 7,975 1 0 2 117 8,564 2 0 2 : 126 1 8,617 2 0 2 127 4,910 1 0 ! 1 72 73M 8,047 2 0 2 118 8,642 2 0 2 127 8,6% 2 0 i 2 j 128 4,958 1 0� 2 73 �� T4M 8157 1 0 2 120 8,759 2 0 2 129 8813 2 0 2 130 4,932 1 0 2 73 - - __.. iPTM 8035 1 0 2 118 8,628 2 0 2 127 8,682 2 0 2 128 4,876 1 0 2 72 1 53OmA 68W - -- _ - i5V5 8,488 2 0 0 125 9,115 3 0 0 134 9,172 3 0 0 135 5,086 2 0 0 75 j 15S 8,550 2" 0 0 126 9,182 3 0 1 135 9,239 3 0 1 136 5,163 2 0 0 76 TSM 8,565 3 0 1 126 9,198 3 0 2 135 9,255 ' 3 0 2 136 5,102 3 0 1 75 TSW_ SAO 3 0 2 114 9,063 3 0 2 133 9,120 3 0 2 134 5,112 3 0 1 75 BLC_. 6,142 1 0 2 90 6,595 1__ 0 2 97 ! 6,636 1 0 298 I i _ LCCO 5,%7 1 0 2 88 6,407 1 0 2 94 6,447 1 0 2 ! 95 F RCCO 5,%7 1 0 2 88 6,407 1 0 2 94. 1 6,447 1 0 2 95 - -t_ TIS_ 10,066 2 0 2 111 10,810 2 0 2 119 r 10,877 2 0 2 120 6,206 2 0 2 68 US 10,379 2 0 2 114 11,145 2 0 2 122 1 11,215 2 0 2 123 6,322 2 0 2 69 T2M 10,141 2 0 2 111 10,890 2 0 2 120 10,958 2 0 2 120 6,201 2 0 2 68 T3S 10,129 2 0 2 111 10,877 2 0 2 120 10,945_ 2 0 2 120 6,247 1 0 2 69 T3M 10,221 2 0 2 112 10,975 2 0 2 121 11,044 2 0 2 121 6,308 2 0 2 69 T4M 10,359 2 0 2 114 11,124 2 0 2 122 11,194 2 0 2 123 6,275 1 0 2 69 40C TFTM 10,205 2 0 2 112 10,958 2 0 3 120 11,017 2 0 3 121 6,203 1 0 2 68 (40 LEDs) 700 mA 91 W T5VS 10,781 3 0 0 118 11,576 3 0 1 127 11,649 3 0 1 128 6,569 2 0 0 72 TSS 10,860 3 0 1 119 11,662 3 0 1 128 11,734 3 0 1 - 129 1 6,569 2 0 0 72 TSM 10,879 3 0 2 120 11,682 3 0 2 128 11,755 3 0 2 129 6,491 3 0 1 71 TSW 10,719_ 3 0 2 118 11,511 4 0 2 _ 126 11,583 4 0 2 127 6,504 3 0 2 71 BLC 7,819 1 0 2 86 8,396 1 0 2 92 8,448 1 0 2 93 LOCO 75% 1 0 2 83 8,157 1 0 2 90 8,208 1 0 2 90 �., RM 7,5% 1 0 2 83 8,157 1 0 2 90 8,208 1 0 2 90 T1S 13,767 2 0 2 100 14,783 3 0 3 107 14,876 3 0 3 108 T2S 14,194 2 0 2 103 15,242 3 0 3 110 15,338 3 0 3 111 12M 13869 , 2- 0 2 '_101 14,893 3 0 3 108 14,986 3 1 0 3 109 IS 13,852 2 0 2 100 14,875 2 0 - 2 108 _14,968 2 0 2 108 T3 M 13,978 2 0 2 101 15,010 3 . 0 3 109 15,104 3 0 3 109 T4M 14,168 2 0 2 103 15,214 3 . 0 3 110 1ST 3 0 3 111 j 1000mA 1386/ TFTM 13,956 2 0 3 101 14,987 2 0 3 109 51109- 2 0 3 1D9 T5VS 14,744 3 0 1 107 15,832 3 0 1 115 15,931 4 0_i_ 1 115 _ T5S 14,852 3 0 1 108 T 15,948 3 0 1 116 16,048 3 0 1 116 TSM 14,878 4 0 2 108 15,976 4 0 1 2 116 16,076 4 0 2 116 TSW 14,660 4 0 2 106 15,742 4 0 2 114 15,840 4 0 2 115 BLC 10,325 1 0 2 75 11,087 1 0 2 80 11,156 1 0 2 81 �i0o 10,031 2 0 2 73 10,771 2 0 3 78 10,839 2 0 3 79 1Q,N 2 0 2 73 10,771 2 0 3 78 10,839 2 0 3 79 '� LITHON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers,Georgia 30012 • Phone:800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com DSX0-LED Rev.06/29/17 LAIM16WNG O 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 5 of 6 Performance Data L90 and R90 Rotated Optics AMBPC t��rit t (Amber Phosphor Convened) """1=1=nn©=E=nn nMtT16S 130 2 0 2 118 6,583 2 0 2 127 6,624 2 0 2 127 3,841 2 0 2 " 74 1 I US __6,321 2 0 2 122 6,787 2 0 2 131 6,830 3 0 3 131 3,912 2 0 2 75 T2M 6,176 2 0 2 119 6,632 3 0 3 128 6,673 3 0 3 128 3,837 2 0 2 74 T3S 6,168 2 0 2 119 6,624 3 0 3 127 6,665 3 0 3 128 1 3,866 2 0 2 74 T3101 6,224 3 0 3 120 6,684 3 0 3 129 6,726 3 0 3 I. 129 3,904 2 0 2 75 RM 6,309 3 0 3 121 6,775 3 0 3 130 6,817 3 0 3 131 3,884 2 0 2 75 530 m 52W TFTM 6,215 3 0 3 120 6,673 3 0 3 12B 6,715 3 0 3 129 3,839 2 0 2 74 T5VS 6,565 2 0 0 126 7,050 2 0 0136 7,094 2 0 0 136 4,005 2 0 0 77 TSS 6,613 2 0 0 127 7,102 2 0 0 7,146 2 0 0 137 __ 4,065 2 0 0 78 TSM 6625 3 0 1 127 7,114 3 0 1 _137 7,159 3 0 1 138 4,017 2 0 1 77 TSW 6.528 3 0 1 126 7,010 3 0 2 135 7,054 3 0 2 136 _4,025 3 0 1 77 BIC 4,747 2 0 2 91 5,098 2 0 2 98 5,130 2 0 2 99 LCCO 4,612 1 0 2 89 4,953 1 0 2 95 4,984 1 0 2 96 RCCO '_ 4,612 1 0 2 89 4,953 1 0 2 95 4,984 1 0 2 % _ -- I- TIS 7,786 2 0 2 111 8,361 3 0 3 119 8,413 3 0 3 120 4,783 2 0 2 68 T2S - 8,028 2 0 2 115 8,620 3 0 3 123 804 3 0 3 124 4,873 2 0 2 70 T2M 7,844 3 0 3 112 8,423 3 0 3 120 8,476 3 0 3 121 4,779 2 0 2 68 T3S 7,834 3 0 3 112 8,413 3 0 3 120 8,465 3 0 3 121 4,815 2 0 2 69 T310 7,905 3 0 3 113 J 8,489 3 0 3 121 8,542 3 0 3 122 4,862 3 0 3 69 T4M 8,013 3 0 3 114 8,604 3 0 3 123 8,658 3 0 3 72d 4,837 3 0 3 69 30C 700 mA ',, 70W TFTM 7,893 3 3- 113 8,476 3 0 3 121 8529 3 0 3 I 122 4,781 3 _0 3 68 _ _ _ 0 (30 LEDs) T5VS 8,338 2 0 0 119 8,954 3 0 0 128 9,010 3 0 0 129 4,988 2 0 f 0 71 r T5S 8,400 2 0 0 120 9,020 3 0 1 129 9,076 3 0 1 130 5,063 2 0 1 0 72 j TSM 8,414 3 0 1 120 9,036 3 0 2 129 9,092 3 0 2 130 5,003 3 0 1 1 71 r_ T5W 8,291 3 0 2 118 8,903 3 0 2 127 r 8,959 3 0 2 128 5,013 3 0 1 72 BLC 6044 2_ 0 2 86 6,490 3 0 3 93 6,530 3 0 3 93 LCCO 1872 1 0 �2 84 6,305 1 0 2 90 6,345 1 0 2 91 -- - RCCO_ 5,872 1 0 2 _ 84 6,305 1 0 2 90 6,345 1 0 2 9 648 _t T15 10, 3 0 3 102 11,434 3 0 3 110 it 3 0 3 111 T2S 10,919_ 3 0 3 106 11,789 3 0 3 113 ` 11,863 3 0 3 114 T2M 10,727 3 0 3 103 11,519 3 0 3 111 11,591 3 0 3 111 T3S 10,71_4 3 0 3 103 11,505 3 0 3 111 11,577 3 0 3 111 T3M_ 10,812 3 0 3 104 11,610 4 0 4 111 11,682 4 0 4 112 T4M 10,958 3 0 3 105 11,767 3 0 3 113 11,841 3 0 3 114 t000mA 104W TFTM_ _10,795 3 0 3 104 11,592 3 0 3 111 11,664 4 0 4 112 T5VS 11,404 3 0 0 110 12,245 3 0 1 118 12,322 3 0 1 118 T5S _11,487 3 0 1 110 12,336 3 0 1 119 12,413 3 0 1 119 T5M 11,508 3 0 2 111 12,357 4 0 2 119 12,434_ 4 0 2 120 TSW 11,339 4 0 2 109 12,176 4 0 2 117 12,152 4 0 2 118 BLC 7,981 3 0 3 77 8,570 3 0 3 82 8,624 3 0 3 83 i I L((0 7754 ; 1 0 2 75 8326 2 0 2 80 8378 2 0 2 81 R(CO 7754 1 1 _ 0 2 75 8326 2 0 2 80 8378 2 0 2 81 FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE expected life of 100,000 hours with<t%failure rate.Easily serviceable 10kV or 6kV surge The sleek design of the D-Series Size 0 reflects the embedded high performance LED technology.It protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation(per ANSVIEEE C62.41.2). is ideal for many commercial and municipal applications,such as parking lots,plazas,campuses,and INSTALLATION pedestrian areas. Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation.Stainless CONSTRUC71ON steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls,enabling the D-Series Size 0 Single-piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management to withstand up to a 3.0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31.The D-Series Sae 0 utilizes through conductive and convective cooling.Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and the AERIS""series pole drilling pattern(template#8).Optional terminal block and NEMA future light engine upgrades.The LED driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting to photocontrol receptacle are also available. promote lav operating temperature and long life.Housing is completely sealed against moisture LISTINGS and environmental contaminants(IP65).Low EPA(0.95 ftp for optimized pole wind loading. UL Listed for wet locations.Light engines are IP66 rated;luminaire is IP65 rated.Rated for FINISH -40°C minimum ambient.U.S.Patent No.D672,492 S.International patent pending. Exterior parts are protected by a zinc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering.A tightly controlled multi-stage DesignLights Consortium-(DLC)qualified product.Not all versions of this product may be process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate DLC qualified.Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www-designliahts: to changes without cracking or peeling.Available in both textured and non-textured finishes. confirm which versions are qualified. OPTICS WARRANTY Precision-molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, 5-year limited warranty.Complete warranty terms located at: uniformity,and pole spacing.Light engines are available in 3000 K,4000 K or 5000 K(70 CRI)or wv+ .acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx optional 3000 K(70 minimum CRI)or 5000 K(70 CRI)configurations.The D-Series Size 0 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly"'product,meaning it is consistent with the LEED- Nott Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. and Green Globes'"criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. All values are design or typical values,measured under laboratory conditions at 25"C. Specifications subject to change without notice. ELECTRICAL Light engine(s)configurations consist of 20,30 or 40 high-efficacy LEDs mounted to metal-core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life(up to L99/100,000 hours at 25'C).Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor>90%,THD<20%,and an 0 Llr"VIVIA One Lithonia Way - Conyers,Georgia 30012 - Phone:800.279.8041 - www.lithonia.com D�-� Rev.06/29/17 L/GHT/NG 0 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved. Page 6 of 6 UM p Common Name Scientific Name $W Height WId1A <�� GENERAL NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. REVISIONS BY STATE LAW:48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING OR 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE TREES DEMOLISHING BUILDINGS,CALL 811 FOR FIELD LOCATION PROOF OF PARKING06.70.2017 OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES.THIS SERVICE LOCATES DESIGN OR INTENT OF THE LAYOUT. 3 TAAt.-Buie MapN Awx fe nN'Vaft~ 3"diem.BAB 50' 36 ` UTILITY OWNED UNES BUT NOT PRIVATE LINES. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK AND MATERIALS SUPPLIED. 3 TZ2 Apolo Maple A-,-herum'Bartatt Cala' Tdlam BAB 26 10' THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTYJt1E5 ARE SHOWN 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS,CURBS/GUTTERS,WALKWAYS,TREES,LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 3T3 SOng Snout CmbapPle ANalea'Sprbg S`row 3"diam.BAB 26 i6 / IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY AND HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. \ Knout what's hBIOW. INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL 16 T4 BMcI Huta Spruce Pkea pleuro doM(. 6ta11 BAB 1. 20' Call is belowre you dig. UTILITIES(PUBLIC AND i MINED 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR (16) T4 SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. SHRUBS \ 7. EXISTING CONTOURS,UTILITIES,VEGETATION,CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 126 31 Diad 8uh Hom"udee D' s%b,*m NSa t 3 3• � `• 1 N BY OTHERS.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME. 43 S$ TaurMn Yew Taxeaxnrer/e TarmfW 17 con8 t 3 3' - (2) Tt • . CONTRACTOR SWILL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABUSHMEW,SURVIVAL OR / J� WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT 70 THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. PER 9. SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST.ENNIALS (4) S1 10. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS,STOCKPILES.EQUIPMENT,AND VEHICLES SHALL NOT BE STORED OR OPERATED ON TURF BOULEVARDS. 38 Pi Ked FaanHer 0- C"-1.W..aalmtae Y(arlFaNaY #3.ft 4' 2' 11. THE REMOVAL,PRUNING,AND/OR PLANTING OF TREES ON THE PUBLIC BOULEVARD REQUIRES A PERMIT FROM THE CITY FORESTER(651-632-5129). (3) T2 Bi IRRIGATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN/PLANS FOR RENEW AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. (6) S1 PLANTING NOTES LAWN SOD 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE'AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK'BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OR ^ ���o )� 5" TALL STEEL NURSERYMAN. � \ EDGING 2. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE TRUE TO TYPE,HAVE NORMAL AND WELL DEVELOPED BRANCHES AND HAVE A VIGOROUS AND FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEM.ALL PLANTS �• - (11) P1 SHALL ALSO BE FREE OF ANY DEFECTS,DISEASES,SUNSCALD INJURIES,ABRASIONS,INSECT EGGS,BORERS AND ALL FORMS OF INFESTATION.ALL NEW \ DRAWING SCALE PLANTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN IN SIMILAR CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AS THAT FOUND IN THE PROJECT AREA. + (9) P1 \ \ 0 10 20 40 3. STAKE PROPOSED PLANTING LOCATIONS PER PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALL (6) S1 4. INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL ONCE FINAL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA E + ^ 5. INSTALL PLANT MATERIALS PER PLANTING DETAILS INCLUDING A 1:1:1 PLANTING SOIL BLEND OF i PART WASHED SAND(MNOOT SPEC.3149-82), 1 PART - S Y (12) P1 IN FEET) COMPOST(MNDOT SPEC.3890 GRADE 2)AND 1 PART TOPSOIL(MNDOT SPEC.3877-B). "�m v- 6. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS FOR PLANT MATERIAL TYPE Q SIZE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO BIDDING. ¢ o / Y ALL SUBSTITUTIONS AFTER BIDDING MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND ARE SUBJECT TO CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS. COD (6) S 1 7. ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN THE FIELD.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO e' / - (6) P1 ADJUSTMENT OF ANY PLANTS. / - O B. APPLY PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE(PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL)AFTER PLANTING INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE IN ALL PLANTING BEDS FOLLOWED BY / •1• \ 'y SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. / 1 ` o (24) S1 \ , (3) T3 9. INSTALL 3'DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH IN ALL PLANTING BEDS.REMOVE ALL MULCH FROM TOUCHING PLANT STEMS-PLANT STEMS SHOULD NOT O _ ••4 BE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MULCH. // • ••a ` \ 10. THOROUGHLY WATER ALL PLANTS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE.THEN WATER PLANTS EVERY OTHER DAY FOR THE FIRST THIRTY(30) E - j \ DAYS FOLLOWING THE INSTALLATION. v« / 500 NOTES ?� 3 i. BEFORE INSTALLING SOD,DECOMPACT THE DISTURBED SOILS BY RIPPING TO 18 INCHES DEEP WHILE TAKING CARE TO AVOID UTILITIES,TREE ROOTS AND CIO OTHER EXISTING VEGETATION TO REMAIN. - / \ O� 2. FOR ALL DECOMPACTED AREAS,EVENLY SPREAD A 6'DEEP LAYER OF TOPSOIL BORROW(MNDOT SPEC.3877-8)AND THEN INSTALL LAWN SOD(MNDOT BUILDING ADDITION c (43) SZ 7'050 SF - - Fq'L$ ��rJ SPEC.3878)AND SECURE THE SOD IN PLACE USING 5-INCH LONG BIODEGRADABLE'U"STAPLES AT MINIMUM 5 STAPLES PER ROLL OF SOD. 5" TALL FIFE = 942,60 \ \ (6) S1 3. WATER SOD DAILY FOR THE FIRST 30 DAYS AFTER INSTALLATION EXCEPT ON DAYS THAT RECEIVE AT LEAST 0.25 INCHES OF RAINFALL. m STEEL EDGING MAINTENANCE NOTES O o°=of q l \ 1. EVENLY SPREAD PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE(PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL)ACROSS ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS TWO(2)TIMES PER YEAR-SPREAD ONCE m N dL AFTER SNOWMELT(APRIL OR EARLY MAY)AND ONCE MORE IN MID SUMMER(LATE JULY OR EARLY AUGUST).SPREAD THE PREEN BY HAND. d CI PPPN u°l 2 _n '\\ 2. PLACE ADDITIONAL SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH ACROSS ALL PLANTING BEDS ONCE EVERY TWO(2)YEARS-PLACE A 1-INCH LAYER OF MULCH ABOVE a j W D 7 LL \ EXISTING MULCH TO EVENLY COVER THE PLANTING BEDS. = W W W LAWN SOD 8 S 1 - cQ ep? \ - 3. TRIM AND MAINTAIN ALL PLANTS/SEED/1'URF PER THE PRODUCERS'WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS. ' F-N °1=-IQ- \\ \ 4. IRRIGATE PLANTS AND SOD AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY CONDITIONS. <;a U r4' ( ) \\\\ PREPARE SOIL FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGNER CONTACT ui g �ID � J g vo \ THE ENTIRE BED O Q W- � RI o �e`0yox MITCHELL COOKAS, ASLA w rL i n N n \ o9 5 3'MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH ° 1 It➢`�95 ` IN CONTACT WITH SHRUB STEM OFFICE: 651-294-0038 w°o ° \ o �a a� (13) S1 \ xch0 PSP APPLICATION OF PRE-EMERGENT CELL: 952-451-5733 _m Pd"A, HERBICIDE E-MAIL: mcookos®solutionblue.com n q 1 \ MI SEE PLAN _ EDGE CONDITION VARIES,SEE PLAN EDGING.SEE PLAN CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALL 7 V ( HAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENED !� g \ ` (1) T1 I \ -�, 1:1:1 PLANTING BLEND FOR SHRUBS Z MIN. 4"DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL 0 z y (1 0) S 1 I \ 71 SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF CL ENTIRE N \ \ ENTIRE BED WITH SPADE BY HAND - L TO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL Z Fa•• UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE W x W (n o ._ \ SHRUB PLANTING W W (37) S1 c I I DETAIL , Z 5" TALL STEEL NTS NOTE: Z EDGING - _ CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE U Y V g FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB 3"ORGANIC NOT PLACE PERIOD. POSITION THROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY d 0 W _MULCH IN CONTACT O TA $ EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH WITH TREE TRUNK. 7 Z Q THAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT ! Q = / 4"BUILT-UP EARTH THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. IF THE Z 7 m \ ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE,THE SOIL O a / SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE REMOVED IN A LEVEL MANNER Z m = FROM THE ROOT BALL TO WHERE THE V - FIRST MAIN ORDER ROOT DIA.OR J \ / , EDGE CONDITION II LARGER EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. Uj / - VARIES,SEE PLAN , ) m SET MAIN ORDER ROOT 1"HIGHER THAN \ iADJACENT GRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP / 30" OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. PREPARE SOIL FOR /' `� RADIUS THE ENTIRE BED � 85 PERCENT OF MAXIMUM 5'DIAMETER MULCH RING ` ) / ` COMPACT PLANTING SOIL TO ( PROTECT EXISTING TREES DRY UNIT WEIGHT 3 x A(MIN.) 3"MULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCH TO REMAIN, SEE PLAN C1. ACCORDING TO ASTM D 698 7 , 6 IN IN CONTACT WITH PLANT STEM '` A MIN ,t SEE E PLAN i j�7 EDGE CONDITION VARIES, SEE PLAN / O A "� N (~-'1 SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT DRAWN BY 9EG,NJW BIND WITH PREPARED SOIL 3 EDGING,SEE PLAN \ REMOVE BURLAP, _r/'�✓i, WITH SPADE BY HAND TO CHECKED BY g i CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALL a/ TWINE, ROPE AND- J 1:1:1 PLANTING BLEND 3 HAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENED /� y \ 1 MGC rJ / WIRE FROM TOP DATE io 1:1:1 PLANTING SOIL FOR PERENNIALS \ / J`LJ \ HALF OF ROOT BALL L- r JOB NO.11.14.2016 dj SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ej\ ENTIRE BED WITH SPADE BY HAND / UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ,/���\� TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE •' TO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL \ DIG PLANTITHAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT NG PIT 4"TO 6" FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO 160902 UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE LEGEND - _ - _ DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL SHEET \\ \ / . '`• PLACE ROOT BALL ON i t 5"TALL STEEL EDGING UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL 1 PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL / / AREAS TO BE DECOMPACTED AND 3 TREE PLANTING DEL 1 TAIL NTS RECEIVE 6"OF TOPSOIL AND SOD NTS 0 bat•O HANDHOLE PROVIDEA GFCI RECEPTICLE OUTLET I WITH IN-USE METAL COVER 0.0 +0.0 BUSH CONDUITPROJECT ANCHOR BOLTS PER interiors ! architecture {•1 b.1 �.o L.o ; MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATION ABOVE 7001 France Avenue Sad,Su>d + V 0 0 TOP OF BASE. PROVIDE DOUBLE NUTS Mi 200 0b2! b.2 5.2 b.2 b.i S.o BASE COVER FOR LEVELING (ONE ABOVE AND BELOW 952Edina. 0 hx t.55435 BASE FLANGE) ALL HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED. GROUT VOID BETWEEN BASE 2 +�'3 •0 POLE CONNECT WITH ATO FLANGE AND TOP OF CONCRETE AND Project Information 5.6 b.s 5.a b.+ b.+ b.3 o.t LISTED CONNECTOR HAND FINISH. PROVIDE COTTON WEEPS +0.1 AT BASE TO DRAIN MOISTURE OUT OF 0 D8 b.6 I.o b.e b.d o.6 b.6 1l.7 0.4 b1"CHAMFERED POLE INTERIOR. BONGARDS'EXPANSION .t t 0 13000 LB CLASS A PARKING LOT CURB t •2 (BY OTHERS) I BASE BY THIS REINFORCED CONCRETE 5.3 i.1 0.9 1.2 b.e b.e b.9 1.0 i.l 1.1 b.+ O.1 0 2 CONTRACTOR. 3'-0" BONGARDS'CREAMERY 0,2 1.0 1.5 i.o 2.9 1.7 1.1 i.o 1.2 i.3 1.+ 1.4 1.5 5.s3-0 PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLT !L AA1 BB1 GRADE t.8 2.1 2.v 1.7 �j M111:44 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 1., 1., WH;23b.4 3 -` I PROVIDE EMPTY 0.3 + SECURITY CAMERA 3,-6. 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE •2 #B BARE CU I _ CONDUIT(S). REFER TO CHANHASSEN,MN 10.3 1.2 1.8 S.s H:14 2.0 b.e 1.6 1.7 1.5 1., 1.9 1.9 2.o b.6PLANS FOR QUANTITY GROUND WIRE OF CONDUITS AND SIZE. +Oo a 1.9 1.6 i.2 0.6 5.9 Lx 1.3 L6 4.0 2.1 L9 i.+ 0.30.2 ' REFER TO PLANS VERIFY BOLT CIRCLE I I FOR CONDUIT AND •9 - REQUIREMENTS WITH CONDUCTOR SIZE. t.2 SHOP DRAWINGS. 0.5 1.5 i.e 1.z� 1.z 1.3 1.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.0 b.3 3/4"x 10'-0"CU 4 #5 REBARS GROUND ROD SEF Ou.? 2.1 3.9 .6 i 1 0AA2.4 L9 i.1 2.3 2.z 2.z 2.o i.9 bs 0..3 6" BELOW GRADE. #2 TIE RODS 10.2 H:14 '`. MH:14 b.e i.7 2 BB1 0.3 - 1/2"PVC CONDUIT) 20" ROUND BASE. 0.2 2.7 I.6 2.0 2.7 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 �MHbr3 FOR GROUND WIRE TYPE BBI POLE BASE DETAIL 0.2 b.7 1.0 .7 1.5 i.6 i., 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 i.9 2.o 1.1 0 3 KL B +0•3 0.8 -. 7.AAI 2.5 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8 `1.9 1.] 1.5 b.s+0.3 NO$GALEERs 4MH:14 55 119935 ESST�COUNTY ROAD 0'35.7 1.4 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 I.o b.4 2 ST.PAUL,MN 55113 4(t - 9514331223 •4 1.5 ;,14 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.4 b.9 •1 LKPB.Wm t. "'S 1.2 p O AA1 1,14 6 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.3 0.42 0.9 5.9 b.4 b.a i.52.1 i.0 b.7 i.0 1.1 1.4 in 1.7 i.9 b.e 'ti'2 t 0.2 0.3 5.6 b.5 b., 5.9 1.7 5.f y:74 b.4 5.3 b.3 b.6 1.1 1.6 1n i.901.Elftl b.3 . 0•1.3 5.3 b.4 b.s 1.1 1.4 i.1 0.3. oa b.3 b.b 1.1 1.6 i., i., L55 5.3 b.10.1 O +0.1 5.2 5.3 b.s b.e o.9 5.5 Qj�AA1 t4 i.4 o.e -oa b.7 o.e i.l 1.6 i.7 i.s 1.1 b.3 b.t 0.0 ^ b.2 b.4 1.0 1.3 0.6 1.1 1.4 1.9 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.0 b.2 b.1 0'D (`j^ ,q I hereby cm*that this p64 speafl Pion,or mptxt vra: 0. 1.1 b.3 5.9 1.1 1.1 1.6 iq lyanl �MA:14 1.6 i.'I 1.6 b.l i.l I.2 i.3 i.9 i.5 -.i.9 1.3 i.3 b.7 b.l 0.0 *.O O.0 Was prepared by meet under my Woo 3upervWon and MH.14 U am aduty Uwmd EooYreer I/der the la-of the 2n $ +0.1 b.z 5.9 b.6 b.e i.e .z i.z 2.0 22.0 .2L 1s'-1.9 i.+ 1.3 s i.6 i.s ii.3 b.9 5.6 5.5 0.2 care m 4 L�4•. +0.0 0 10.1 O.1 0.2 b.4 b.s 0.9 1.2 0.9 I.o 1.9 I.e 1.7 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.6' `1.6 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 t.3 f^ 17 01Rioted Nemo /? .' a 0.10.1 .3 0.5 b.9 0.9 0.6 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.6 I.1 1.3 .4 1.5 1.�991 0.6 b.3 0•2 1otrft0.2 MH:23 0•2 Sgnatma 1 b.l b.3 b.6 b., b.> 1.3 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.3 b.9 1.1 l.z 1-.4 1.4 b.6 t.2 It *0 Dere Uo# 0,511 b.2 b.3 b.4 b.7 1.3 1.7 i.e 2.o b.a b.7, b.a o.9 b.5 b.3 .2 0.2 Issue Record 0,05.1 b.z b.s 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.9Q.fB10.6 0.5 b.3 0.1 +0.1 rn MH:23 + ^ No. Dad Dewe eNn +0,1 b.z b.6 i.0 1.3 1.4 1.7 0.9 0.4 `0.z o.1+ 0.1 V4 2DITMM CitReview Fi +0.1 +0,t1.3 b.5 b.9 1.1 1.2 0.9 b.3 b.z 0.1 +0,3b.4 b.6 b.s b.9 5.3 + +0.1 Cie 0.1 L +0.3 5.4 o.s o.+ +0.1 0 O.P.z 5.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 + Sheet Title J 0.1.1 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Luminaire Schedule 0.0 Symbol Ory Label I LLF Descdptkm r 9 AAI 0.900 MRW LED 210A700 40K SR4 MVOLT 1 AA2 10.900 MRW LED 1 1OA700 40K SR2 MVOLT 2 AA3 0.900 MRW LED 210A700 40K SR2 MVOLT E i 5 B81 0.900 DSXO LED 20C 1000 40K T3S MVOLT HS 'yi o Cakuladon summary Sheet Information Lahal CalcType Unite Avg Max I Min Avg&& MaxlMln BOIINDRY CALCULATION Ilaaniunce Fc 0.17 0.5 10.0 1 NA N.A. No INTERKIRCALCULAT10N IlNaninance Fc 1120 4.0 1 0.0 1 NA. N.A. Job Code 2016.153.00 o Drawn By TVB Reviewed By THJ PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Date 629 /2017C S a 13Y-4' NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LIj L—� FREEZER IVONT.G I i cture ip0; E COLLAB. inte7087 Friors iaw�Awnlr BOlMt8ale 200 I II n 9 n u n InsXn'9. ---------� II II II II II II E6ns,Mi—to 55415 II II II II II II VISITOR 952-893-9020 f-962 .893-9299 PILOT it WAING �_�fulq_— COOLER t PLANT AREA Pmjecf Information 11'.0'.14'.0' I OFFICE n10 v OPEN OFFICE BPaNDNGwAu BONGARDS'EXPANSION II II II II TICE 7X8' I I II7X8' TX8 II IITXb' II I I / OFFICE I BONGARDS'CREAMERY / 10'-0k10.0' I r 11 II �I I� �I OFFICE UP 8330 COMMERCE DRNE CHANHASSEN,MN WAREHOUSE OFFICE OFFICE COPYTo-___-L j STARB OFFICE n I CUntt'.0' 94TA11'$ I STARA I : I e EXISTING TRASH I LOADING l ENCLOSURE I EX6TWG L INO DOCK NEW ENOL _ I E � .NEW M.K.OING CONSTRUCTON i A EXISTING BUILDING— Issue Record A 08.30.17 PLANNING AND ZONING o Sheet Title / PRELIMINARY FIRST FLOOR PLAN Sheet 6ltoanalion BUILDING GROSS SQ.FT. EXISTING:9,030SO.FT N Job Code BONGARDS 2 NEW ADDITION LEVEL 1:6,665 SOFT. ®ADDITION LEVEL 2:8,405 MFT. Drawn By KMF Reviewed By MWO/PG /' \SPACE PLAN-LEVEL 01 NEW Date 0f.30.17 PZ1 .01 t3-4' I GENERAL NOTES-SPRINKLER/FIRE PROTECTION NEW BIEIDNC CCNSTF/UCT�ION �mvy ' ALL ACCOMMODATELAYOUTIRECONNFIYORK FORMANCE WRITHERFORMED CODES0E51411-RUED BASIS. �`II 2 ALL PIPING,CONDUIT,ETC.MUST BE AND40FED TO DECK 3. SPRINKLER DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACTOR TO REVISE EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO r______ _J 1 ACCOMMODATE LAYOUT INCONFORMANCE WITH CURRENT CODES, interiors I architecture SHOWER I 80011 TOILET —l'1 i1 4. SPRINKLER HEADS TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARD. 7001 Fm Aw SouN.SUM 200 11'dxitl tl 7.6x1tl-0' I I Edna,Mfnnewta 53438 -- 1 I 1 ,, 1 5. E7(fEHI ANDMOpFY BUILDING FRE PROTECTION SYSTEM AS REOURE3 BY CODEAND NEW 952.593-9020 fax 952593-9299 STOP LAS I 1 1 BREAK CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION wwwymyoan9can 08-0'x23'-0' I i i i ROOM S. EXTEND AND REQUIRED MODIFY ANY 0DEUNG.STING FIRE ALARMS,STROBES,ETC M TENANT SPACES AS Project M/Danation SHOWet / TOILET I /1 1 RaaM raetl�� i-1. I �_J ____ BONGARDS'EXPANSION N'Szltllr _i J YaLICN BONGARDS'CREAMERY m 9 STAR BON a �m / 4AN 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE ELEV. EouP r — — — CHANHASSEN,MN OPEN 1 EEV. I OFFICE 250 PILOT 6650 GSF PLANT MECNJELEC. 1181DR i 1COLLPB. COLLAR. \ STAIRA 30'-T NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION . t EXISTING BUILDING ROOF Issue Record A 08.30.17 PLANNING AND ZONING Sheet Title PRELIMINARY SECOND FLOOR PLAN F Sheet Inlonnation E BUILDING GROSS SQ.FT. N EXISTING:9,030 SOFT Job Godo BONGARDS d NEW ADDITION LEVEL 1:6,665 SQ.FT. Drawn By KMF Reviewed By M WO/PG LAN LEVEL 02 NEW ADDITION LEVEL 2:6.405SQ.FT. Date PZ1 .02 06.30.17 PARKING CALCULATIONS PARKING COUNT(OFFICE) NATEUSF PMKINGCCUNT , OFFICE [:]OFFICE OFFICE 8855 SF 45 RESEARCI TESTING N5 N5�E 1'0 SF - PARKING COUNT(RESEARCH/TESTING) 1,228 SF RESEARCH ITESTING interiors architecture ❑ NAME I us: I PARKWG000NT 700I France Avenue South,Suite 200 OFFICE ❑ (RESEARCH I TESTING 1 2250 SF 5. Edna,Mnnesote 55435 320SFWAREHl1USF/STORAGE PARKING COUNT(STORAGE/WAREHOUSE) 952-893-9020 fax 952A939299 OFFICI NAME U PAWNGCWNT Project Information WAFEHOUSEISTORAGE 2M4 3 BONGARDS'EXPANSION --- TOTAL 14931 SF 53 r___ �,r--- WARetousEr __= BONGARDS'CREAMERY C=-- STORAGE SF f--=� -- == 921OFFICE ___;F=-- NOTES; r- --_� --- 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE OFFICE BUILDINGS(ADMINISTRATIVE, CHANHASSEN,MN BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL)—BUILDINGS =E UNDER 49,999 SQUARE FEET,FIVE STALLS PER HO SF SSE n 1,000 SQUARE FEET GROSS FLOOR AREA; W2 SF Iul BUILDINGS FROM 50,000 TO 99,999 SQUARE FEET,FOUR STALLS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET I' GROSS FLOOR AREA;AND BUILDINGS OVER 100,000 SQUARE FEET,THREE STALLS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET GROSS FLOOR AREA.BUILDING AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES SHALL EXCLUDE OFF E COMMON AREAS SUCH AS RECEPTION AREAS, see SF OFFICE CAFETERIAS,HALLWAYS,ETC.IN CALCULATING THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR AN OFFICE BUILDING. RESEARCH,EXPERIMENTAL OR TESTING 8185F OFFICE STATIONS—ONE PARKING SPACE FOR EACH SSB SF 500 SQUARE FEET OF GROSS FLOOR AREA 5°SF WITHIN THE BUILDING,WHICHEVER IS GREATER STORAGE,WHOLESALE,OR WAREHOUSE ESTABLISHMENTS—ONE SPACE FOR EACH 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF GROSS FLOOR AREA UP TO 10,000 SQUARE FEET AND ONE ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 2,000 SQUARE FEET,PLUS ONE SPACE FOR EACH COMPANY 23 SF VEHICLE OPERATING FROM THE PREMISES.IF IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED BY THE APPLICANT THAT THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN THE WAREHOUSE OR STORAGE AREA WILL REQUIRE FOF-. LESS THAN THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF SPACES,AND IF THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE CITY ASSURING THAT IF �pARKING CALC FIRST FLOOR THERE IS TO BE ANY INCREASE IN THE APPLICANT AGREES T 0 PROVIDE PLOYEES, Issue Record ADDITIONAL PARKING AREA,THE CITY MAY A 08.30.17 PLANNING AND ZONING APPROVE A LESSER NUMBER PARKING CALCULATIONS OF PARKING SPACES. F-1-OFFICE yrµg{OOSF2 �0 RESEARCH OFFICE STORAGE I TESTING 338 SF ❑RESENiCH I TESTING OM BI SF �j 1.022 SF ❑WAREHOUSE/r( STORACf Sheet Title \ �7 PARKING CALCULATIONS \ OFFICE SS 1,117 SF WARE... g sTORA 39SF Sheet Intonnation I / N Job Code BONGARDS q Drawn By KMF Reviewed By MWO/PG 2`,PARKING CALC-SECOND FLOOR Date PZ 1 .03 � Oar=r.lr 06.30.17 CORRIGATED METAL ROOF SCREEN interiors I architecture FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE 70DI Fro Aw Soulh,&ft 200 AREA TO fE 45 SF Edina,Milnewta 55435 952-893-9020 tae 9528919299 PRE-FINISHED METAL —,bdhyoung.tgn �–PARAPET CAP FLASHING Project Information BONGARDS'EXPANSION I ANODIZED ALUMINUM THERMALLYG GLAZING.FRAMES WTTH LOW{INSUUTESULATE D GLASS L_______J ANODIZEDCON"IT BONGARDS'CREAMERY METALPANEL 1 EIFS �- 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE -- CHANHASSEN,MN HORIZONTALWOOD IPE SIDING iANODIZED ALUMINUM GrWINTGLLYBROKEN FRAMES WITH LOW.E INSULATED GLASS .. EXISTING 3UILDING L NEW BULDING CONSTRICTION PRE-COLORED,PRECAST CONTINUOUS SAL T I ELEVATION I Issue Record A 08.30.17 PLANNING AND ZONING 1 1 Sheet Title PRELIMINARY EXTERIOR ELEVAITONS +�F Sheet Intonnation }9$f L Job Code BONGARDS p Drawn By KMF Reviewed By MWO/PG _PERSPECTIVE 0 ENTRY 12-t-e Date 06.30.17 PZ6.01 --CORRIGATED METAL ROOF ---_... SCREEN PRE-FIWSFED METAL I —_ - _.__. PRE-FlNSFEO YETAL PARAPET CAP _ _ PARAPET CAPFU9pNG ANODIZEDALUMINUM i THERMALLY BROKEN GLAZING FRAMES WITH i 1 ANOOIZEDAL.IRANIY GLAZILOW- INSULATED CUSS ( _ - _ - __—._ _..__— -_ - _— _- ANODIZTHERMED UN GLAZING FRAMES WITH interiors architecture i LqY{INSULATED GLASS FF 7001 Av S.1h,SLft 200 EN AREA TO BE 45 SF FUTURE TENANT SIGNAGE L a I f E�M� � ta35 33 —i 956893-9020 Tac 9528919299 young.can 1 _ __.. _- - _- - -- - - -' - _ Pmject Information EFS— -� I i i ! EIFS BONGARDS'EXPANSION COMPOSITE METAL - --_-- - PANFl Lt] TL j ( BONGARDS'CREAMERY [ i r PRE-COLORED,PRECAST CONTINUOUS SILL PRE-COLORED,PIE CAST 8330 COMMERCE DRIVE CONTINUOUSSIL CHANHASSEN,MN RIOR ELEVATION /--ANODIZED ALUMINUM / THERMALLY BROKEN CCRRIGATED METAL ROOF —------__--_ GLAZING FRAMES WITH SCREENLOW-E INSULATED GLASS PRE-FINISHED METAL ----- PREFINISIEDMETAL PAPA G ...... .......\. PET CAP FLASHING —EIFS FUTURE TBWNT SIGNAGE AREA TO BE 45 SF EFS — — — — — — — — — _ —.__. COMPOSITE METAL PANEL NEWENCLOSERAT LOADING AREA '- EAISTING BU„DING HORIZONTAL WOOD PANEL PRE-COLOREO PRE-CAST CCNTINAUOUSSYL ��1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION ODRRIGATED METAL ROOF —_------ `_ --._ Issue Record SCREEN _.. -- PRE-FINISHED METAL -------- A 06.30.,7 PLANNING AND ZONING PARAPET CAP FLASHING �.___ ANODIZEDALU UNUM THERMALLY BROKEN I 1 GLAZING FRAMES W,TH LOW-E INSULATED GLASS 3 i ; EIFS - "`;,� I Sheet Title ,bSTNGBuaoIH3 PRELIMINARY EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CK 1 AT e I ! PRE-COLORED,PRE-CAST Sheet Information CONTINUOUS SILL Job Code BONGARDS ( 3\EXTERIOR ELEVATIONy Draw,By KMF Reviewed 8 MWOlPG \`J Date 0f.30.17 PZ6.02 CHANHASSEN BUSINESS CENTER (PUD 91-4) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Adopted 2/8/93 Amended 8/10/09 a. Intent Amended 5/10/10 The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD light industrial/office park. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each lot proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. Except as specifically provided herein, the subject property is subject to the requirements of the IOP, Industrial Office Park District, zoning district, and the City Code supplemental and off street parking requirements as may be amended. (8/10/09) b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone should be limited to light industrial, warehousing, and office as defined below. The uses shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to the whether or not a use meets the definition, the City Council shall make that interpretation. 1. Light Industrial. The manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling, packaging, or testing of goods or equipment or research activities entirely within an enclosed structure, with no outside storage. There shall be negligible impact upon the surrounding environment by noise,vibration, smoke, dust or pollutants. 2. Warehousing. Means the commercial storage of merchandise and personal property. 3. Office. Professional and business office,non-retail activity. c. Setbacks In the PUD standards, there is the requirement for landscape buffering in addition to building and parking setbacks. The landscape buffer on Audubon Road is 50 feet, south of Lake Drive and 100 feet along the southern property line. The PUD zone requires a building to be setback 50 feet from the required landscape buffer and public right-of-ways. There is no minimum requirement for setbacks on interior lot lines. 1 The following setbacks shall apply: Building Parking Audubon Road Buffer & Setback 50'plus 50' S0'plus 10' South Property Line& Setback 100" plus 50' 100'plus 10' Front &Rear ROW on Lake Drive 25' 15' Interior Side Lot Line 10' 10' Railroad Right of Way 30' 30' Audubon Road north of Lake Drive 50' 20' d. Development Standards Tabulation Box Existing Developed Sites Block Lot # Lot Acres Bldg Sq. Ft. Bldg Coverage Impervious 1 1 2.00 5,500 6.3% 45% (47.7% on 4/16/14) 2 1 10.00 22,000 5.1% 16% Subtotal 12.00 27,500 avg. 5.7% avg. 30.5% Chanhassen Business Center 4t" and 5th Additions (Outlot D) Lot # Lot Size - Acres Building Sq. Ft. Building Impervious Coverage Lot 1, Block 1, 2.66 57,000 29% 60% CBC 4th Lot 1, Block 1, 1.91 19,100 23% 55% CBC 5"' Add. Lot 2, Block 1, 2.93 24 900 20% 65% CBC 5t" Add. ' Subtotal 7.5 101,000 avg. 27% avg. 60% (8/10/09) 2 Third Addition (Outlot A) Lot # Lot Size- Acres Building Sq. Ft. Building Impervious Coverage 1 5.95 30,000 12% 30% 2 6.13 36,000 13% 35% 3 6.14 69,000 26% 67% 4 5.47 75,000 31% 79% 5 5.39 75,000 31% 78% Road 2.82 Subtotal 31.90 283,000 avg. 22.6 avg. 58.5 _j Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition Lot# Lot Size-Acres Building Sq. Ft. Building Impervious Coverage 1 3.56 40,000 26% 67% 2 1.55 17,000 26% 65% 3 1.81 19,000 24% 63% 4 2.68 34,000 29% 76% 5 2.42 29,000 28% 72% 6 2.74 2700 23% 59% 7 2.16 26,000 28% 72% Road 1.60 67% Subtotal 18.52 192,000 26% 68% TOTAL 93.02 603,500 23% 60% The average hard surface coverage does not include Outlot A. The PUD standard for hard surface coverage is 70% for office and industrial uses. The proposed development meets this standard with an average of 62%hard surface coverage. 3 Building Square Footage Breakdown Office 20% 120,700 sq. ft. Manufacturing 25% 150,875 sq. ft. Warehouse 54.09% 326,425 sq. ft. Church 0.91% 5,500 sq. ft. Total 100% 603,500 sq. ft. e. Building Materials and Design 1. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. 2. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Masonry material shall be used. Color shall be introduced through colored block or panels and not painted block. 3. Brick may be used and must be approved to assure uniformity. 4. Block shall have a weathered face or be polished, fluted, or broken face. 5. Concrete may be poured in place, tilt-up or pre-cast, and shall be finished in stone, textured or coated. 6. Metal siding will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials or curtain wall on office components or, as trim or as HVAC screen. 7. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 8. All roof mounted equipment shall be screened by walls of compatible appearing material. Wood screen fences are prohibited. All exterior process machinery, tanks, etc., are to be fully screened by compatible materials. 9. The use of large unadorned, prestressed concrete panels and concrete block shall be prohibited. Acceptable materials will incorporate textured surfaces, exposed aggregate and/or other patterning. All walls shall be given added architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. 10. Space for recycling shall be provided in the interior of all principal structures for all developments in the Business Center. 4 C Site Landscaping and Screening I. All buffer landscaping, including boulevard landscaping, included in Phase I area to be installed when the grading of the phase is completed. This may well result in landscaping being required ahead of individual site plan approvals but we believe the buffer yard and plantings, in particular, need to be established immediately. In addition, to adhere to the higher quality of development as spelled out in the PUD zone, all loading areas shall be screened. Each lot for development shall submit a separate landscaping plan as a part of the site plan review process. 2. All open spaces and non-parking lot surfaces shall be landscaped,rockscaped, or covered with plantings and/or lawn material. 3. Storage of material outdoors is prohibited unless it has been approved under site plan review. All approved outdoor storage must be screened with masonry fences and/or landscaping. 3. The master landscape plan for the CBC PUD shall be the design guide for all of the specific site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with the site plan review process. 4. Undulating or angular berms 3' to 4' in height, south of Lake Drive along Audubon Road shall be sodded or seeded at the conclusion of Phase I grading and utility construction. The required buffer landscaping may be installed incrementally, but it shall be required where it is deemed necessary to screen any proposed development. All required boulevard landscaping shall be sodded. 5. Loading areas shall be screened from public right-of-ways. Wing wall may be required where deemed appropriate. g. Signage I. All freestanding signs be limited to monument signs. The sign shall not exceed eighty(80) square feet in sign display area nor be greater than eight (8) feet in height. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect with the quality of the development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material throughout the development. The applicant should submit a sign package for staff review. 2. Each property shall be allowed one monument sign located near the driveway into the private site. All signs require a separate permit. 3. The signage will have consistency throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's entrance monument and will be used throughout. 4. Consistency in signage shall relate to color, size,materials, and heights. 5 h. Lighting 1. Lighting for the interior of the business center should be consistent throughout the development. The applicant's proposal is consistent with the lighting standards for the PUD ordinance. The plans do not provide for street lighting. As with previous industrial parks/roadways, the City has required the developer to install street lights throughout the street system. The street lights should be designed consistent with the existing lighting along Audubon Road. 2. A decorative, shoe box fixture(as specified by City Code)with a square ornamental pole shall be used throughout the development area for area lighting. 3. Lighting equipment similar to what is mounted in the public street right-of-ways shall be used in the private areas. 4. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than 1/2 candle at the property line. This does not apply to street lighting. AFT CONI r-�...w.n1••w DLpC.t{ '•, + ` 1 M59M BI/SINE" f r CENTER F� ADDITION 3 -"4 Dup.o+ Add,/V �f ..p. I�e ` �^`^'r`•� CkNNNAf.SEN � BUBINEBs ,AA {;ENTEit•'•n,.,/�' �'"'9L ' ,7 ' J1 t� �I I� �L � _—__ _r`•..'�.—_.'^—'T �'/-,.��-..�"`wuiass GNrtRi i,� �/ oe / cN.wAu[x a Third �i ADDITIONW11 T 9JSNE55 CFNICe I Duscss Ccx+cn �- wna.I I • •� 1 ��� wnat e 4 r j`6 DUf!b1fIR t—TES IS+ADD.." hVfr C%C[N CSTARS+S+AapDd � 7PLAN\2009 Planning Cases\09-08 Chanhassen Business Center PUD Amendment&Subdivision\CHANHASSEN BUSINESS CENTER DESIGN STANDARDS.doc 6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen,being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July I 20, 2017, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of request for Site Plan review for a 7,050 square foot, two-story addition at property located at 8330 Commerce Drive for 1.8 Acres of land zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). Applicant/Owner: Bongards to the persons named on attached Exhibit"A",by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such I owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kij T. Meuwissen, DejyAy Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ZO day of J , 2017. JENNIFER ANN POTTER 3 Notary Public-Minnesota Aly Co I"lon E xpim.Mm 31,20¢0 vary Public Z 0p 0) r -0D -0 r v w3 D-0c)91 :EI -m (n5o()C/) ,t 2 v ill O C rt 3' O � 0 O 41 mac ��0 (D o�9m.oQ-0 a°J' 33m 25 OT• y rt_ — _ go �omvdmvv3Q-mo ° omo f _' (n Cn (D O � = O '�•• � N O J ..�..q J_. 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