B-1. Fawn HillPC DATE: July 18, 2017 119 -1 i CC DATE: August 14, 2017 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: August 15, 2017 CASE#: 2017-15 BY: RG,ML, JM, JS, SS PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends City Council approve rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate(A-2)to Residential-Low&Medium Density(RLM); a Conditional Use Permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat approval for 10 lots, 6 outlots and public right of way with a Variances for a double fronted lot for a single-family detached subdivision and a roadway slope in excess of 7.0% subject to the conditions of the staff report, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate(A-2)to Residential-Low&Medium Density(RLM); a Conditional Use Permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat approval for 10 lots, 6 outlots and public right of way with Variances for a double fronting lot and street grades in excess of seven percent for a single-family detached subdivision. ow LOCATION: 7240 Galpin Boulevard APPLICANT: HP Holdings, LLC & Chanhassen Investments, LLC Anne E. Marcotte 6035 Culligan Way 7240 Galpin Blvd. Minnetonka, MN 55345 Chanhassen, MN 952) 294-2123 (952) 294-2126 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A-2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density 1.2—4.0 units per net acre ACREAGE: 11.64 acres DENSITY: 1.55 units per net acre y LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING. 1 The city has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings because the city is acting in its legislative or policy- making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the city's E ` Comprehensive Plan. The city's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards,the city must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 2 of 17 The city's discretion in approving or denying a variance in conjunction with a subdivision is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Subdivision Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits,based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the city finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met,the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting the rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate(A-2)to Residential-Low&Medium Density(RLM); a Conditional Use Permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat approval for 10 lots, 6 outlots and public right of way with Variances for a double fronting lot and street grades in excess of seven percent for a single-family subdivision. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20,Article IV, Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article X, (A-2) Agricultural Estate District Chapter 20,Article XIV, Division 1, (RLM) Residential Low and Medium Density District Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District BACKGROUND This property was ghost platted in conjunction with the Vistas at Bentz Farm development Planning Case#2014-18)to the south to show how it could develop in the future. Vistas at Bentz Farm received final plat approval on October 27, 2014. Outlots B, C and D,Vistas at Bentz Farm, are included as part of this development. REZONING The property is guided for Residential—Low Density uses. The Residential—Low Density designation permits net densities of 1.2 to 4.0 units per net acre. Appropriate zonings consistent with this land use designation include Residential Low and Medium Density District(RLM), Planned Unit Development—Residential (PUD-R), Single-Family Residential (RSF) and Mixed Low Density Residential (R4). Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 3 of 17 The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 11.6 acres from Agricultural Estate District A-2)to Residential Low and Medium Density District(RLM). The project consists of 10 single-family detached units including the retention of the existing house on the property. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The RLM District is intended to be used where large areas of upland will be preserved or created as permanent open space to balance the higher hard surface coverage permitted on individual lots. The outlots adjacent to the north project boundary(Outlots A, B, C and D) and the outlot containing the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone(Outlot E) will not be rezoned. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District(BCOD)by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands,bluffs, and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low-impact practices. This parcel is partially encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The primary zone includes the wetland area on the west side of the development and the wooded area adjacent to the wetland. A conditional use permit shall be issued by the city for all subdivisions, site plans, and prior the erection or alteration of any building or land within the BCOD. The primary corridor is designated permanent open space. No alterations are allowed within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. All structures must meet the 40-foot setback from the primary corridor. A conditional use permit must be issued by the city for all subdivisions prior to alteration of any land with the BCOD. Land within the primary corridor may be dedicated to the city. The developer shall install signage at lot lines corner and at the change in angle along the west portion of Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 1 to demarcate the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. SUBDIVISION The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval for 10 lots, 6 outlots and public right of way, including additional right of way for Galpin Boulevard,with a variance for a double fronting lot and a street grade in excess of seven percent. The development consists exclusively of single-family detached homes. The development must comply with the requirements of the RLM district. The RLM District is intended to be used where large areas of upland will be preserved or created as permanent open space to balance the higher hard surface coverage permitted on individual lots. Staff recommends the Outlots A—D be preserved as the required permanent open space. These Outlots represent 1.54 acres of the development or 13 percent of the site. Historically, properties receiving RLM zoning have dedicated between 28 and 48 percent of their sites for open space purposes. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 4 of 17 4,fo While the applicant states that these properties are intended for potential sale to adjacent properties, the developer may not create inaccessible parcels also known as "landlocked". Following are the options for the Outlots: 1. Outlots A- D could be added to Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 as part of their lot areas. A conservation easement shall be recorded over these areas to assure they remain permanent open space. 2. The developer can show that there is a purchase agreement in place with abutting property owners and that they have completed the Carver County Lot Combination application as well as the city application for lot combinations. A conservation easement shall be recorded over these areas to assure they remain permanent open space. 3. Outlot F shall be combined with Lot 6, Block 2 or the developer can show that there is a purchase agreement in place with the abutting property(Lot 4,Block 2, Vistas at Bentz Farm) owner and that they have completed the Carver County Lot Combination application as well as the city application for lot combinations. BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT The Bluff Creek Overlay District was created in conjunction with the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan in December 1996 to provide protection for Bluff Creek from the deleterious effects of urbanization through the promotion of"innovative development techniques such as cluster development...to measurably reduce the amount of impervious cover compared to traditional development..." In addition,the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan sought to provide a continuous corridor from Minnewashta to the Minnesota River providing habitat, a greenway corridor and recreational opportunities. Another primary plan goal was the provision of educational opportunities for the students of Bluff Creek Elementary School and others. Planning Commission Fawn Hill —Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 5of17 This property lies within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The overlay district shall include the wetland area and the required buffer. Code requires a twenty (20) foot setback from the overlay district where disturbance should be avoided but may be allowed with caveats if necessary. The Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan identifies the preservation of a continuous greenway from Minnewashta Regional Park to the Minnesota River as a goal. The preservation of a greenway will also protect Bluff Creek from the effects of increased runoff volume and rates. Lastly, the preservation of a greenway will help meet the requirements of the Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation. Outlot E, encompassing the large wetland area, shall be dedicated to the city to meet these goals. This area shall then be removed from any surface water management connection charges. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant for the Fawn Hill property development has submitted tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. They are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) 329,444 SF Baseline canopy coverage 12% or 40,357 SF Minimum canopy coverage required 25% or 82,361SF Proposed tree preservation 2% or 8,712 SF. The developer does not meet minimum canopy coverage for the site; therefore the applicant must bring the canopy coverage on site up to the 25%minimum. The difference between the required coverage and the remaining coverage is multiplied by 1.2 for total area to be replaced. One tree is valued at 1,089 SF. Minimum required 82,361 Less canopy preserved 8,712 Minimum canopy coverage to be replaced 73,649 SF Multiplied by 1.2 88,378 Divided by 1089 =Total number of trees to be planted 81 trees The applicant did not submit a landscape plan. The development is required to install a buffer yard along Galpin Blvd. Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard B— Galpin 6 Overstory trees 0 Overstory trees Blvd., 300' 9 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 15 Shrubs 0 Shrubs In addition to the bufferyard and replacement plantings, a minimum of one tree is required to be planted in each front yard. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 6of17 MISCELLANEOUS Provide a 1:200"clean"plat drawing. Demolition permits required for the removal of any existing structures. Proposed street-name (Fawn Hill Road) is acceptable to the Building Official. Buildings may be required to be designed by an architect and/or engineer as determined by the Building Official. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. The applicant and/or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. PARKS This property and 10-lot subdivision is located within the neighborhood park service area of Sugarbush Park. Sugarbush Park is a 5-acre public park that features an open field,basketball court, picnic shelter,playground, swings, and a trail loop. The park is connected to the Fawn Hill plat adjacent to Lots 3 and 4,Block 2. No additional parkland acquisition is being recommended as a condition of this subdivision. TRAILS The subject site is located near the Galpin Boulevard pedestrian trail. Residents residing in Fawn Hill will gain access to the Galpin Boulevard pedestrian trail by traveling along the newly proposed sidewalk on the east side of Fawn Hill Road,through Sugarbush Park to Galpin Boulevard. No additional trail construction is being recommended as a condition of this subdivision. PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected as a condition of approval for Fawn Hill. The park fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. Based upon the current proposed lot count of 9 new homes and j the city's 2017 single-family park fee of$5,800 per unit,the total park fee for Fawn Hill will be 52,200. RIGHT OF WAY & EASEMENTS On the eastern side of the parcel,the applicant proposes to dedicate right-of-way for Galpin Boulevard to create a total 50-foot wide right-of-way corridor. This is consistent with the adjacent right-of-way width. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 7 of 17 The plat shall be modified to dedicate drainage and utility easements over the pipe from CBMH 2 to CBMH 12 to FES 13 and CBMH 14 to CBMH 7. The easements shall be sized to allow future excavation for a ratio of 1:1 (min) or 1:1.5 (preferred). GRADING& DRAINAGE The existing drainage of this site flows southwest toward the wetland. The Galpin Boulevard drainage ditch flows through the east side of the property south toward the Vistas at Bentz Farms development. o `ora' a fi The proposed stormwater system route runoff to a pond constructed with the Vistas at Bentz Farms development. A filtration bench is proposed along the back edge of the pond toward the wetland. I I BIOFILTRATION BENCH 1` FILTRATION VOLUME_ j 4;.. BA 22,000 CF Y HVA Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 8of17 The city has received comment about drainage concerns from the property owner of a Vistas at Bentz Farm lot south of this proposed development. The developer will work with the city to resolve the drainage at the southeast corner of the proposed development and the northeast corner of Vistas at Bentz Farms. The applicant shall submit a soils report indicating soil conditions,permeability and slope. The benchmark location and elevation used for surveying shall be indicated on the grading plan. Proposed spot elevations shall be shown on the grading plan at the center of the proposed driveway at the curbline and at corners of proposed building pads. The plan shall be revised so that Note 10.A on the grading plan reads that disturbed areas will be restored with 6 inches of topsoil. To provide draintile service where runoff will flow from the back to the front of lots,the plan shall be revised to include draintile between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2. Lot 4, Block 1 and Lot 4 Block 2 grading plans shall be revised to grade away from the building pads. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore,be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant shall submit the full SWPPP document to the city for review prior to grading on site.No earth disturbing activities may occur until the SWPPP is updated with all required information. This SWPPP shall be a standalone document consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. The plans shall identify the areas intended for stockpiling materials on site during construction. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required storm water management development standards. Section 19-141 states that"these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features."The applicant shall meet the minimum requirements for stormwater set forth in City Code §9-VII and requirements of the Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 9 of 17 The site is within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District(RPBCWD)therefore comments regarding the proposed surface water management are deferred to RPBCWD. The review comments from the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District dated July 5, 2017 are attached to this report. As of July 5, 2017,the District considers the application incomplete. The applicant must obtain a permit from RPBCWD prior to final plat recording. Storni Water Utility Connection Charges These fees show a credit of 50% as the design is proposed to achieve abstraction of the first 1.1 inches of runoff from all proposed hardcover on the site. The fee and credits are calculated as shown in the table below. AREA PER ACRE ACRES FEE SURFACE FEE WATER Gross Area 9,690 11.64 112,791.60 DEVELOPMENT ROW Dedication 9,690 1.11 10,755.90 FEE Outlot E 9,690 4.45 43,120.50) NET AREA I 58,91 VOLUME VOLUME % of 1.1" SURFACE for 1.1" REMOVAL VOLUME WATER ITEM ABSTRACTION REQUIRED REMOVED CREDIT CREDIT Filtration 9,024 9,024 100% 29,457.60 The SWMP Fee is $58,915.20. The SWMP Credit given for meeting the 1.1"volume abstraction is $29,457.60. The applicant must still verify that the 1.1" abstraction is met for the site. The net SWMP Fee due at the time of final plat of is $29,457.60. RETAINING WALLS Two retaining walls are proposed as part of this application. The retaining wall on the east side of Lot 5, Block 2 is an approximately 95 feet long and 4 feet tall boulder wall. The wall between Lots 2 and 3 on Block 2 is an approximately 35 feet long and 3 feet tall boulder wall. Both walls shall be moved outside the perimeter drainage and utility easements that will be dedicated with this plat. The existing retaining wall at the temporary turnaround constructed as part of Vistas at Bentz Farms shall be removed. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 10 of 17 STREETS s Existing Road Stub The existing Fawn Hill Road north of this parcel was I -- constructed in the early 1990's as part of the Longacres and 1 Forest Meadow subdivisions. That road is an approximately 1000-foot long dead end, which is longer than the current maximum allowed by City Code. The existing Fawn Hill Road south of this parcel was constructed in 2015 as part of the Vistas at Bentz Farms subdivision. This subdivision proposes to remove the temporary turnarounds at either end T" of existing Fawn Hill Road and connect the two Fawn Hill Roads. The city intended this connection with the approval of Forest Meadow and Vistas at Bentz Farms, and the staff ® ao reports for both previous developments discuss providing access to this parcel and connecting the roadway. Existing Road Stub E 4aH..G The applicant has requested a variance from the 7.0%maximum slope for local roads for Fawn Hill Road. The steeper slope is required because the existing Fawn Hill Road constructed with Forest Meadow is at a 10% slope per the as-built. The Fawn Hill plan set proposes a 10.25% slope,but the developer's engineer shall revise the plan to achieve the 10.0% slope per the Forest Meadow as-built plans and the Vistas at Bentz Farms ghost plat of this parcel. The plans also include the construction of Bentz Court. Bentz Court will be a 278-foot long cul- de-sac that provides access to 3 proposed homes and the existing home on Lot 3, Block 2. The street plan shall be revised to callout right-of-way widths and centerline gradients. Fawn Hill Road and Bentz Court shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. A street light shall be installed at the intersection of Fawn Hill Road and Bentz Court. A$300 fee shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. DRIVEWAYS & SIDEWALKS All proposed driveways shall follow the city setback requirements of 10 feet from the property line. The driveways for Lots 2-4 of Block 1 and 3-5 of Block 2 shall be revised to meet the setback. A 5-foot sidewalk is proposed on the east side of Fawn Hill Road. ADA compliant pedestrian ramps shall be installed at the intersection of Bentz Court and Fawn Hill Road and at the entrance to Sugarbush Park. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 11 of 17 UTILITIES Sanitary Sewer The applicant proposes 8" sanitary sewer to tie-in to the existing 8" stub south of the property under the existing Fawn Hill Road. Sanitary sewer shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The existing home on Lot 3, Block 2 currently uses a mound septic system. This home will be connected to the proposed sewer system and the existing mound system shall be removed prior to the acceptance of the public sanitary sewer. Water Main The applicant proposes an 8 inch C900 water main to service the property. This water main shall be connected to existing stubs at the north and south edges on the property under the existing Fawn Hill Road. Water main shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The existing home on Lot 3, Block 2 currently uses private well for water. This home will be connected to the proposed water system prior to the acceptance of the public water main. Storm Sewer Storm sewer installed with this subdivision shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. The grading proposed will route some of the Galpin Boulevard ditch runoff as overland, sheet flow to a pick-up catchbasin located on Lot 5, Block 2. The plan shall be revised to include a pick-up catchbasin within the right-of-way rather than routing the stormwater onto the residential lot. The plan shall be revised to locate CBMH 4 outside of the driveway area for Lot 1, Blockl. The plan shall be revised to include CBMH 14 in the structure table on plan page 4. The plan shall be revised to show velocities on the FES table on plan page 4. All FES pipe shall have non-erosive velocities (3.5-5.0 feet per second). The plan shall be revised to remove the environmental sumps from CBMH 7 and installed on CBMH 3 and 6. This CBMH are preferred because they are downstream to catch more debris and are on the street for easier future maintenance access. The plan shall be revised to show the entire storm pond that the development is using for stormwater management. To avoid having stormsewer pipe in backyard easements, staff recommends routing the stormwater system down Bentz Court and up Fawn Hill Road rather than between Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2. Planning Commission Fawn Hill —Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 12of17 The storm crossing elevation at Station 1+25 shall be corrected. The plan shall be revised to increase the pipe slope to FES 13 to 1.00% or greater per the MN Storinwater Manual to prevent ice damage to the pipe. The plan shall be revised to use 15 inch RCP as the minimum stormwater pipe size for future maintenance access. ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hook-ups are due at the time of final plat. For 10 units, the sanitary partial fee is $6,910.00 and the water partial fee is $21,470.00. The remaining hook-up fees will be due with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. COMPLIANCE TABLE Area (sq. ft.) Frontage (ft.) Depth ft. Notes Code (RLM) 9,000 50 110 Lot 1, Block 1 21,132 77 251 Lot 2, Block 1 24,815 78 263 Bluff Creek primary abuts, wetland Lot 3, Block 1 19,020 78 205 Lot 4, Block 1 15,132 82 172 Lot 1, Block 15,479 113 155 Corner lot Lot 2, Block 2 11,434 125 165 Existing house, double Lot 3, Block 2 35,059 101 279 fronting lot (Fawn Hill and Bentz Court. A variance is being requested. Lot 4, Block 2 17,502 89 161 Lot 5, Block 1 18,403 80 165 Double fronting lot (Galpin Blvd.) Lot 6, Block 2 17,522 100 169 Double fronting lot (Galpin Blvd.) Bluff Creek primary abuts, Outlot A 12,631 wetland, steep slopes. Developer proposes to sell to abutting property. 0.29 acres Bluff Creek primary abuts, Outlot B 24,497 wetland, steep slopes. Developer proposes to sell to abutting property. 0.56 acres Outlot C 14,576 Steep slopes. Developer proposes to sell to abutting Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 13 of 17 Area (sq. ft.) Frontage (ft.) Depth (ft.) Notes Code (RLM) 9,000 50 110 property. 0.33 acres Bluff Creek primary abuts, Outlot D 15,741 wetland, steep slopes. Developer proposes to sell to abutting property. 0.36 acres Bluff Creek Primary Zone, Outlot E 193,902 Wetlands. To be dedicated to the city. Outlot F 1,911 Developer proposes to sell to abutting property. 0.04 acres ROW 48,426 1.11 acres Total 507,182 1 11.64 acres Setbacks: Front—25 ft. from ROW, side— 5 ft. on garage side and 10 ft. on house side, rear—25 ft., Bluff Creek primary—40 ft., wetland—20 ft. buffer and 30 ft. buffer setback. Hard Coverage: 35% RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the development subject to the following conditions: Conditional Use Permit: 1. Outlot E, encompassing the large wetland area, shall be dedicated to the City. 2. The developer shall install signage at lot lines corner and at the change in angle along the west portion of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 1 to demarcate the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. Subdivision with Variances: Building: 1. Provide a 1:200 "clean"plat drawing. 2. Demolition permits required for the removal of any existing structures. 3. Proposed street-name (Fawn Hill Road) is acceptable to the Building Official. 4. Buildings may be required to be designed by an architect and/or engineer as detennined by the Building Official. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 14 of 17 5. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 6. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 7. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 8. The applicant and/or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering: 1. The plat shall be modified to dedicate drainage and utility easements over the pipe from CBMH 2 to CBMH 12 to FES 13 and CBMH 14 to CBMH 7. The easements shall be sized to allow future excavation for a ratio of 1:1 (min) or 1:1.5 (preferred). 2. The developer will work with the city to resolve the drainage at the southeast corner of the proposed development and the northeast corner of Vistas at Bentz Farms. 3. The applicant shall submit a soils report indicating soil conditions,permeability and slope. 4. The benchmark location and elevation used for surveying shall be indicated on the grading plan. 5. Proposed spot elevations shall be shown on the grading plan at the center of the proposed driveway at the curbline and at corners of proposed building pads. 6. The plan shall be revised so that Note 10.A on the grading plan reads that disturbed areas will be restored with 6"of topsoil. 7. To provide draintile service where runoff will flow from the back to the front of lots,the plan shall be revised to include draintile between Lots 3 and 4 of Block 2. 8. Lot 4, Block 1 and Lot 4 Block 2 grading plans shall be revised to grade away from the building pads. 9. The proposed development will exceed one(1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore,be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). 10. The applicant shall submit the full SWPPP document to the city for review prior to grading on site. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 15 of 17 11. The plans shall identify the areas intended for stockpiling materials on site during construction. 12. The applicant shall meet the minimum requirements for stormwater set forth in City Code §9-VII and requirements of the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District. 13. The applicant must obtain a permit from RPBCWD prior to final plat recording. 14. The SWMP Fee is $58,915.20. The SWMP Credit given for meeting the 1.1"volume abstraction is $29,457.60. The applicant must still verify that the 1.1" abstraction is met for the site. The net SWMP Fee due at the time of final plat of is $29,457.60. 15. Both walls shall be moved outside the perimeter drainage and utility easements that will be dedicated with this plat. 16. The existing retaining wall at the temporary turnaround constructed as part of Vistas at Bentz Farms shall be removed. 17. The Fawn Hill plan set proposes a 10.25% slope,but the developer's engineer shall revise the plan to achieve the 10.0% slope per the Forest Meadow as-built plans and the Vistas at Bentz Farms ghost plat of this parcel. 18. Fawn Hill Road and Bentz Court shall be public streets, owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 19. The street plan shall be revised to callout right-of-way widths and centerline gradients. 20. A street light shall be installed at the intersection of Fawn Hill Road and Bentz Court. A 300 fee shall be collected with the development contract for electricity costs for the first year of operation. 21. All proposed driveways shall follow the city setback requirements of 10 feet from the property line. The driveways for Lots 2-4 of Block 1 and 3-5 of Block 2 shall be revised to meet the setback. 22. ADA compliant pedestrian ramps shall be installed at the intersection of Bentz Court and Fawn Hill Road and at the entrance to Sugarbush Park. 23. Sanitary sewer shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 24. The existing home on Lot 3, Block 2 shall be connected to the proposed sewer system and the existing mound system shall be removed prior to the acceptance of the public sanitary sewer. 25. Water main shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. i Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, &Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 16 of 17 26. The existing home on Lot 3, Block 2 shall be connected to the proposed water system prior to the acceptance of the public water main. 27. Storm sewer installed with this subdivision shall be owned and maintained by the city after acceptance of the public improvements by the City Council. 28. The grading proposed will route some of the Galpin Boulevard ditch runoff as overland, sheet flow to a pick-up catchbasin located on Lot 5, Block 2. The plan shall be revised to include a pick-up catchbasin within the right-of-way rather than routing the stormwater onto the residential lot. 29. The plan shall be revised to locate CBMH 4 outside of the driveway area for Lot 1, Blockl. 30. The plan shall be revised to include CBMH 14 in the structure table on plan page 4. 31. The plan shall be revised to show velocities on the FES table on plan page 4. All FES pipe shall have non-erosive velocities (3.5-5.0 feet per second). 32. The plan shall be revised to remove the environmental sumps from CBMH 7 and installed on CBMH 3 and 6. This CBMH are preferred because they are downstream to catch more debris and are on the street for easier future maintenance access. 33. The plan shall be revised to show the entire storm pond that the development is using for stormwater management. 34. To avoid having stormsewer pipe in backyard easements, staff recommends routing the stormwater system down Bentz Court and up Fawn Hill Road rather than between Lots 1 and 2 of Block 2. 35. The storm crossing elevation at Station 1+25 shall be corrected. 36. The plan shall be revised to increase the pipe slope to FES 13 to 1.00% or greater per the MN Stormwater Manual to prevent ice damage to the pipe. 37. The plan shall be revised to use 15"RCP as the minimum stormwater pipe size for future maintenance access. 38. Water and sewer partial hook-ups are due at the time of final plat. For 10 units, the sanitary partial fee is $6,910.00 and the water partial fee is $21,470.00. The remaining hook-up fees will be due with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. Natural Resources: 1. The minimum number of overstory trees required to be planted in the development is 81. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. 3. The applicant shall install the required bufferyard plantings along Galpin Blvd. Planning Commission Fawn Hill—Rezoning, CUP, Preliminary Plat, & Variance Planning Case 2017- 15 July 18, 2017 Page 17 of 17 Parks: 1. Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected as a condition of approval for Fawn Hill. I Planning: 1. The applicant shall resolve the issues with Outlots A, B, C, D and F prior to final plat approval. 2. Outlot E, encompassing the large wetland area, shall be dedicated to the city. 3. The developer shall install signage at lot lines corner and at the change in angle along the west portion of Lots 2, 3 and 4,Block 1 to demarcate the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. ATTACHMENTS Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Review Application Project Narrative Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. dated June 15, 2017 Reduced Copies Development Plans Sheets 1 — 11 dated 6/14/17 Reduced Copy Tree Survey Dated 6/14/17 Reduced Copies SWPPP Dated 6/14/17 (3 pages) Reduced Copy Alta/NSPS Land Title Survey j Reduced Copy Preliminary Plat—Fawn Hill Reduced Copy Final Plat—Fawn Hill Letter from Carver County to Robert Generous dated 7/6/17 Email from RPBC Watershed District to Applicant dated 7/5/17 Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List GAPLAN\2017 Planning Cases\17-15-Fawn Hill i 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of HP Holdings, LLC, Chanhassen Investments, LLC and Anne E. Marcotte – Planning Case No. 2017-15, Fawn Hill. Request for a Rezoning of property zoned Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density District (RLM); a Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat creating 10 lots, 6 outlots and right of way for public streets (19.645 acres) with a Variances for a double fronted lot and street grades in excess of seven percent located at 7240 Galpin Boulevard. On July 18, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of HP Holdings, LLC, Chanhassen Investments, LLC and Anne E. Marcotte for a single-family residential development. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District (A-2). 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential – Low Density uses. 3. The legal description of the property is shown on the attached Exhibit A. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan including land use guide of Residential Low-Density. b. The proposed zoning is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed zoning conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed zoning will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed, because it will maintain the development patterns in the area. There will not be any physical changes to the property required. 2 e. The proposed zoning can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity, subject to their availability. f. Traffic generation by the proposed zoning is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. SUBDIVISION FINDINGS a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance and meets all the requirements of the “RLM” Residential Low Medium Density District. b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage subject to compliance with conditions of approval; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 6. VARIANCE FINDINGS WITH A SUBDIVISION. a. The hardship is not a mere inconvenience by providing reasonable access to the existing Fawn Hill Road to the north and retains the existing house on the property while reducing potential impacts to the natural features on the site; b. The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the land including wetlands and Bluff Creek; c. The condition or conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property because of the previously stated conditions of the property; 3 d. The granting of a variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan since it will reduce potentially significant impacts on the site. 7. When approving a conditional use permit the City must determine the capability of a proposed development with existing and proposed uses. The general issuance standards of the conditional use Section 20-232, include the following 12 items: a. The proposed development will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone. b. The proposed development will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone. c. The proposed development will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone. d. The proposed development will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The Bluff Creek primary zone shall be preserved as permanent open space. e. The proposed development will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. f. The proposed development will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. g. The proposed development will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. h. The proposed development will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. 4 i. The proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. j. The proposed development will be aesthetically compatible with the area. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. k. The proposed development will not depreciate surrounding property values. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space potentially improving property values. l. The proposed development will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Chapter 20, Articles IV, V, VI and XXI of the Chanhassen City Code. The developer shall preserve the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space as required by city code. 8. The planning report #2017-15 dated July 18, 2017, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed development including rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Residential-Low & Medium Density (RLM); a Conditional Use Permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Corridor; and Preliminary Plat approval for 10 lots, 2 outlots and public right of way with Variances for a double fronted lot and street grades in excess of seven percent for a single-family detached subdivision. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 18th day of July, 2017. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY:___________________________________ Its Chairman 5 EXHIBIT A Legal Description: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1213.40 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 464.93 feet; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 289.19 feet; to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 272.96 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 818.71 feet; thence South 6 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 276.11 feet; thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 777.13 feet to the point of beginning. And That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of said Section 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 651.25 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along said West line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 562.12 feet to a point 1,213.40 feet distant from said West Quarter corner of Section 10; thence 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 464.93 feet; thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said West line of the Southwest Quarter, a distance 562.15 feet; thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 464.93 feet to the point of beginning. And Outlot B, C and D, VISTAS AT BENTZ FARMS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division—7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CHMNSENMailingAddress—P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952)227-1300/Fax: (952)227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Dale: 6,_-/6-/7 PC Date: 7-/%-/7 CC Date: 9-/1V-/7 60-Day Review Date: .. 13 Section Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) Comprehensive Plan Amendment.........................$600 Subdivision(SUB) Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers.....$100 Create 3 lots or less........................................$300 Q Create over 3 lots.......................$600+$15 per lotConditionalUsePermit(CUP) o lots) Single-Family Residence................................$325 Metes&Bounds(2 lots)300 All Others........................ .............. .................$425 Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 Interim Use Permit(IUP) Lot Line Adjustment.........................................$150 In conjunction with Single-Family Residence..$325 Final Plat..........................................................$700 Includes$450 escrow for attorney costs)*EJ All Others....................................... ......... nce..$ 425 Additional escrow may be required for other applications Q Rezoning(REZ) through the development contract. Planned Unit Development(PUD)..................$750 Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way(VAC)........$300 Minor Amendment to existing PUD.................$100 Additional recording fees may apply) All Others.........................................................$500 ® 200Variance{VAR)................................... Sign Plan Review...................................................$150 Wetland Alteration Permit(WAP) Site Plan Review(SPR) Single-Family Residence.-.............................$150 Administrative..................................................$100 All Others...................................................275 Commercial/Industrial Districts'......................$500 Plus$10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: Zoning Appeal......................................................$100 thousand square feet) Include number of existing employees: EJ Zoning Ordinance Amendment(ZOA)............I....$500 Include number of new employees: unit l—units) NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus$5 per dwelling unit Residential Districts. .............. .............$500 the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Notification Sign(City to Install and remove)......................................................................................................................$200 Property Owners'List within 500'(City to generate after pre-application meeting)..................................................$3 per address 71 addresses) Q Escrow for Recording Documents(check all that apply)................ 50 per document Conditional Use Permit Interim Use Permit Site Plan Agreement Vacation Variance Wetland Alteration Permit Metes &Bounds Subdivision(3 docs.)Easements( _easements) TOTAL FEE: ,303g eo Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Property Address or Location: 7zyU 6.t«i.v XO V Z.,E.f ell ,l,y,,,f/,KSE v /• zs r Parcel ft: .ZSolo/5 2!Legal Description: E - 74e.Jl b Total Acreage: 1"-,), 99 Wetlands Present? ®Yes No Present Zoning: Select One 4-,z Requested Zoning: Select One RGM Present Land Use Designation: Select One 146 Requested Land Use Designation: Select One SF Existing Use of Property: .9G r< S.etF Fi i7ic6 /LES/4Ec, Q Check box is separate narrative is attached. I OFD4ANHAwEh'RECEIVED JUN 12[11 CHANHASSEN RANNING DEpr Section ..•- >I 'Co1'itCai#ti1)G ;; .1111 on APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization frorn the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to 1 the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application Should be processed in my narne and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: HP Holdings, LLC(info attached previously) Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email:Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to,and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Chanhassen Investments LLC Contact: Timothy J. Brown Address: 6035 Culligan Way Phone: 952)294-2126 City/State/Zip: A #innetonka/MN/55345 Cell: 651)226-9040 Email: I jmscompanies.com Fax: Signature: a )- ve Date: 6/19/17 This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER(if applicable) Name: Sathre-Bergquist, Inc(info attached previously) Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email:Fax: InformationSection4: Notification i Who should receive copies of staff reports? Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Name: R Applicant Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Address: Engineer Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: I Other* Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM I PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM i i Section • Owner APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER:in signing this application, 1, as applicant,represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval,subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, 1 have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc.with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: LSP d d, LLl' Contact:S,&<A/7?ES Address: Phone: 957A - A 9 V- .Z/.Z 3 City/State/Zip: Cell: 6/.c -R 7.2 - 9-/o Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing His application, I,as property owner, have full legal capacity to,and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees,feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: .ut . A1,4ge rTz< ?S 7XrissE of T.yfE Contact: X-- ,iYif•[L'oiTE'E vo!_•Ktc N>ft i/i ir 72'.JST Address:7:LtiIn hA4P/lJ L3nucEv4,P-A Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: q 0-1— b 9 A — Email: M0.rl'C 11 Pi & p;oT',Vi}. •to 44 Fax: Signature:1' _ 1 (f cy--)wrC ti=p t/L Lk,.' e-k Date: C011`1 1 -7 This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER(if applicable) Name: Qo6aFie S, Mozsr so t S ryrE 'ar.e6c v S Contact: Address: /So -5,007-A/ CS eo e.yi+si Phone: 8746 -4,062 City/State/Zip: tlAf ss 39/ Cell: Email: Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Name: Applicant Via: 21 Email Mailed Paper Copy Address: Engineer Via: ®Email Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Other* Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields,then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing(required). SAVE FORM r PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM I•r 0FCHANHA,04EV RECEIVED JUN "1 i" 201-7 CH4NHA5$EN PLANNING DEPT SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.o t N 150 SOUTH BROADWAY, WAYZATA, MINNESOTA, 55391 w TEL:(952)476-6000 FAX:(952)476-0104 wEB:www.SATHRE.COM GFRs P-P June 15, 2017 V.. OFC:4ANr1AS: Er' Project: Fawn Hill 13ECS'i4•E Location: Chanhassen, Minnesota c Lgi' • v IU r Subject: Project Narrative CfiAPiH SSEtlP(An,lti Developer/Applicant: HP Holdings, LLC 6025 Culligan Way Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 Tom Bakritges Director of Land Development 612-272-9701 tomb@homestead-partners.com Property Owner:Anne E Marcotte Site Address: 7240 Galpin Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55331 Parcel ID: 250101521 (10.98 acres) Watershed: WS 064 RPBC Site Area: +/- 11 acres Current Zoning:A2-Agricultural Estate District 2020 Land Use: Residential Low Density(net 1.2-4 units/acre) Requests— 1. Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Residential — Low & Medium Density(RLM). 2. Preliminary Plat - Single Family Residential Development for 10 single family lots, creating nine new homes and 1 existing home to remain with 6 outlots. 3. Variance—For double frontage lot for existing home to remain. Preliminary Plat— The applicant is requesting rezoning and preliminary plat approval for 10 detached single- family lots and 6 outlots. A variance is also requested for the existing home to be a double fronted lot. Fawn Hill Road will be extended north to connect both existing dead- end roads and a cul-de-sac, Bentz Court will be constructed, please see the preliminary 2— June 16,2017 plat for FAWN HILL. The streets are 31 ft b-b, within a 60' ROW, the cul-de-sac has a 45.5 ft radius to the back of curb and a 60' ROW radius. Sanitary sewer and watermain are available to service the site. The plat will provide for the necessary public street right- of-way within the development and along Galpin Boulevard. The lots meet the RLM district requirements. RLM—Mixed Low and Medium Density Residential District Standards: Minimum Lot Area—9,000 sf(single family dwelling) Minimum Lot Frontage—50 ft Minimum Lot Frontage—CDS Lot—50 ft at setback Minimum Lot Depth— 110 ft (single family) Maximum Lot Coverage—35% (single family) Setbacks— Fysb: 25 ft Sysb: 5 ft garage/ 10 ft house (min 15 feet between homes) Rysb: 25 ft Maximum Height—35 ft (3 stories) Bluff Creek/Stormwater— The site is in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. No work or impacts are proposed within the 20 foot wetland buffer (primary zone). Some minor grading will be necessary in the secondary zone on the north end of the existing stormwater treatment pond area (please see the proposed grading plan. One wetland exists on the property, no impacts are proposed to that wetland. The site drains from the northeast to the southwest. The runoff will be picked up by a concrete storm sewer system and routed to the exiting stormwater pond in The Vista at Bentz Farms. An updated stormwater report will be submitted to the City and the Watershed for their review and approval. For the lookout and full basement style lots, draintile services will be installed to all for the homes to have sump pump discharge connection points. A 6" draintile will be installed to the proposed retaining wall (short wall, 3' to 4' in height) along the rear of lot 5, this will allow the drainage system installed behind the retaining wall to have a discharge connection point. One other small landscaping wall is proposed in the rear of lot 2, adjacent to the existing home. The maintenance of each retaining wall will be the responsibility of each lot owner. 3— June 16,2017 Tree Preservation: The site contains 129 significant trees that are fair to good quality. Of the 129 trees only 27 will be impacted by the development. Per city requirements, each lot shall be provided with a minimum of one deciduous or conifer tree to be placed in the front yard and a row of coniferous trees will be planted along Galpin Boulevard to screen from daily traffic flow. Variance Request: As noted above, a variance is being requested to all for the existing home to remain on- site, on a lot that would be a double fronted lot. The existing home would meet the necessary front yard setback requirements from both streets. Outlots: There are 6 Outlots being created with the development. Outlots A and B may be purchased by current property owners to the north in the forest meadows development. Outlot C may be purchased by either the property to the north in the forest meadows development or Lot 4 Block 1. Outlot D may be purchased by Lot 3 Block 1. Outlot E will be dedicated to the city. Outlot F may be purchased by Lot 4 Block 2 of the Vistas at Bentz Farm development or Lot 6 Block 2 of the Fawn Hill development. 4- June 16,2017 Lot Tabulation: FAWN HILL hanhacsen,Minnesota Prrrject.4 379654101-200 Date Juni')._W 7 Homestead Partners, Prepared for: y Prepared by: Sathre-F3ergqttisi, 11C- LLC 611.;5 Culligan Way Minnetonnka,151 Broadway Avc.S. MN 55345 Wayzata.MN 55391 Contact: Tom Bakritges Contact: David Pemberton tel: 612-272.9701 lei: 952.476.(,000 BLOCK 1 GROSS ARBA WETLAND AREA NET AREA WIDTH(.SETBACK Lot 1 21.132 s.t', 0.49 acres 0 3,f. 21,132 s.t: 0,49 acres 77 +1- If Lott 24.915 s.f 0.57 acres 0 s.f. 24.9(5 sf 0.57 acres 77.5 +- If Lot 3 19.020 s.1, 1,44 acres 0 s.f 19,020 s.l'. 0,44 acres 77.5 +;'- 1,f Lot 15,132 s.f: 0.35 acres 0 s.f 15,132 s.f. 0,35 acres 82.1 +;- If Total 90,1199 N.1". 1.84 acres 0 s-f. 800M s_f. 1.84 acres BLOCK 2 GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA WIDTH ry SETBACK Lot 1 15.479 s.f. 0.36 acres 0 s.f 15,479 s.l'. 0.3h acres 108.1 +.`- Lf. Lot 2 11,434 s.f. 0.26 acres 0 51 11,434 s.f. 0.26 acres 108.3 +r- I.f. Lot 3 35,059 s.l: 0.80 acres 0 s.t'. 35.059 s.l. 0.90 acres 104.8 +i- 11.. Lot 17,502 s.f 0.40 acres 0 s.f 17.502 s.f. 0.40 acres 99,4 +!- If Lot 5 18,403 s-f. 0.42 acres 0 s.f. 18,403 s.1. 0.42 acres 79,9 +r- I.f. Loth 17.522 s.f, 1.40 acres 0 s.f. 17.522 s.f. 0,40 acres 100.5 +;- I.f. Total 115,399 s f 2.6S acres 0 s,f 115.399 s.f. 2,65 acres OUTLOT GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA A 12,631 s.f 0.29 acros 0 s-f 12.631 s.f 0.29 acres H 24,497 s_f, 0.56 acres 0 s.1: 24,497 s.f 0,56 acres C 14,$76 s.f. 0.33 acres 0 s-f. 14,576 s.f- 0.33 acres I)15,741 s.1-. 0,36 acres 0 s.t: 15,741 s.f 0.36 acres F.193,902 s.f 4,45 acres 177,738 s,f. 16,164 s,f 0.37 acres F 1,911 s.f. 0,04 acres 0 ;.f. 1.411 s-f 0.414 acres Total 263,258 s.1: 6.04 acres 177,738 s-f 85,520 s.f. 1.96 acres RAV GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA 49,426 s 1,11 acres 0 S;f, 48,426 sT 1.11 acres TOTAL GROSS AREA WETLAND AREA NET AREA 507,182 s-f 11.64 acre-, 177,738 s.f. 329,444 s.f. 7.56 acres S LOCATION MAP 1 z 4 Z, ? 0 0 0• BUpF X x xoAf ER m xm II II Il OUTLOTA saj LLa41 Pyf amr. TA.GCpomA,G R i5N^ N,. 8gl 5gtiNh anr v aNNNzAILi'$ 1R' 1 EI/ Q«OOL rPRR^ rE34OUTLOTC4A0OUTLOTB pj76 s 80 tL akAr;V< a AM F I( EiOCL. T WSEi rrLgTO5CITE/ 9 y0.,EACrTgioi. sacmO3 m SAGE Lan. OUTLOT D w W. as T U1 1b moo} l4] I r S / f 0 " I G C.cs u k OUTLOT F m^' I W SHEET INDEX TABLEp w s SHEETHEET Description 01 Title Sheet 02 Street Plan 03 Sewer and Water Plan 04 Storm Sewer Plan 05 Grading Plan 06 Erosion Control Plan OUTLOT E v v Yy 07-11 Construction Details Pond#1 NWL-956.0 SYMBOL LEGEND DESCRIPTION PROPOSED I EXISTING MWOR CONTOUi -- 95B_PREPARE D BY PREPARED R MAxxr CCNTOIxE -, -----3u'O-_..._-- FO LOT LINE ENGINEER DEVELOPER WATERMAW WM WM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.HP HOLDINGS.LLC 150 SOUTH BROADWAY 6035 CULLIGAN WAY aultDwo sETeAcx wuIDARY - — — - - — — - WAYZATA,MINNESOTA 55391 MINNETONKA,MN 55345 PARCEL BOUNDARY LINE DI-NAGEAND UTBITYEASEMENTS ------- PHONE:(952)476-6000 CONTACT CfA4B AND WTTER PHONE:(952)476-0104 TOM BAKRITGES RIGHT-0-WAV PHONE:(612)272-9701 CONTACT MOLSTAD,RETOMa@HOMESTEAD-PARTNERS COM DIWNTILEWICLEANouTS --y -- -- EMAIL:MOLSTAD@SATHRE.COM BACKYARD CATCH BASW CATCH BASiN STORM SEWER MANHOLE .,-T- - ZOninp: Wetland: RAKED END SECTION W/RIP-RAP ---k 35°o Max mpent oussed oning- LM On-site Wetland is a Manage 2 STORM STOCTURE LABEL EZI Min Width-50ft Manage 2 Wetlands SANITARYSTUCTURELABE 2) g Min Area-9,000 sf Buffer-20ft SMITMYSEWERMMHWE 0 Fysb 25ft 110 ft Buffer Setback-30ft HYDRANT I-Ty0FCHANHAS$V GATE wM wM- -wM-- - Sysb-15 ft Total-5 ft Garage RECEIVED VALVERysb-25ft Bluff Creek Overlay District: WELL Q Qp Site is within the Primary Corridor 60'Row-31'B-B Streets of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. LU 7jDRAWFLONXRUNOFFAKRON U IEMEROENCYOVERFLOWSWALE Setback from Corridor-40ft Total JUN BOIL BORING LOCATION First 20 ft-No Disturbances SILT PENCE -----_ -- Second 20ft-No Structures q p1'pp u,f(±a ruN^' N`SC u N(1El17F7 EMOTTREEPRESERVATIONFENCE -- --- As directed by the City Of1 IMHf'IVtl BARRICADE C;OR® 'i'T oR Chanhassen,the boundaryfor the SPOT ELEVATION yPA Bluff Creek Overlay District is the 50 25 0 25 50 100 Tec SPOT ELEVATION edge ofwetland.Comdorsetback UTILIN PSE a, are taken from the wetland edge. SCALE IN FEET LIGHT POLE HANDICAPPARNINGSPACE EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ANYAND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I gRs st, CITY PROJECT NO.BASE FAWN - -- --- -FILE NO. y DRAWN BY _ __ ___ ____ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC's EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE f TITLE SHEET 0 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC.CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OFA RIGHTRESPONSIBILITY. 0 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-6000 HANHASSEN FAWN HILL 01RSMSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE 7/- s' USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING m 2 DATE - -- --- ------- FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERTS.MOLST ,P.E. aQ,y ^a^ MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS, LLC.Date: G / /7 Lie.No. 1 106/14/17 q r 4 VnSTREETNOTES: 1. ALL PUBLICDIMENSIONSSTREETS ARE BAC UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.CURB30' x' DIMENSIONS ARE BACK TO BACKmai 1S3'to sada 15.`.'to Bxk I i I 2 2 SEE DETAILS 5200 to 5244 FOR STREET DESIGN STANDARDS z NYr rim to bs 1/2'- n rn rn rn. l 2i Avow Eag°c•Wtty \ sn P 3. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL BE 6.CONSTRUCT PED RAMP AT EACH CURB LL 2.OR ` 2.OR +`V : O m t rr9)sgl/ AND ORiROAD INTERSECT]ON PER STANDARD DETAIL PLATE 521& 6f" 4 K h eh 3 j 0.LLLL fi E' '/92@,8j x O. O 1 4. AIL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES SHALL BE EXPOSED DU NG STRING4VLINEOFCURBTOENSUREPROPERFITWITHPLASTICRINGS. 5 w°mu so<. 2'-WNT 2350 sFxEA3acc OT C 4 c m 1--O I 1 BF0j4 0' t s,n,owmm. 2'-WWT 2350 5%'NBJ30e I ,, l' S/9Ofi *0 0 Q+ I 0 7F88Carcrot°Wa 12'-Cloa,5•ygrpote Bose Q 03. Qi w imJm Boraw!a5ee ycle y) I 1 N01 CO 8C016 t- 1 5 Qe;'`,, Ty 0/ O O wr;0o; LP 1 O - i I5 5 RF', W«f /jy x ^5 ply 3 OQLL P W Imr EST . a 9 541uh°E avos r \ t P Q Sr i 9 \ G O+m mo FAWN HILL RD 2a 0 5I:A t rdl 1 tt PreP roti aubgade U,of be P'r.nrwa. l \ 9j ';ll 2 v O a Number Station Radius Length Une/Chord Direction Delta Angleteecr.n- r 1r haD>K1m.m.cnr roe m.a,tnoN:r m rrewr. T v` g \+* . / cE41,rxo-ana, pl-1 ofom M. m 1M- p'O 7 e Dro'et'.a prst tro elecsE dmq Dob akaa of romeey.See pate 5232 rm a(, T S m Q `0 a L1 0+00,00 17.79 S41°44'55.05"E eTYPICAL 11 C1 0+17.79 120.00 87.44 S20°52'27.53°E 41°44'55" Y! a p ypa RESIDENTIAL 04momSTREETSECiICNn,C,0 ` (( I L2 1+05.22 29.00. SO*00'00.00'E r marc 1si5 ua m_ OUTLOT IF o 8 wca.ou .vo. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5200 FTpq k 12 2 9-'J \\ C2 1+34.26 300.00 238.06 S22°43'58.94"E 45°27'58"lZ p.o L3 3+72.32 122.34 S45°27'57.88"E 3 11F-- 6 i C3 4+94.67 275.00 217.43 S22°48'57.17'E 45°18'01" C4 1 7+12.09 150.00 198.09 S37°59'51,44-E 75°39'50" 1 O REMOVE S , aaIe I I 0 CCNCRETEE L4 9+10.18 109.59 S75°49'4&41"E pI; I 6 #5 11 Q \ WAtX R OVE Ii O TEMP \ IpO2006F e • ig t ; I TURNAROUND Bentz Court a{ C., c a s/ j Y 813" o s a 710&F a \ fI I €,f "i11 ' t Ie „ IF 3, i ! Y I Number Station Radius Length Line/Chord Direction Delta Angle 3p 8 I I11i'1kp1 E 1T' 3r 11 V L5 0+00.00 277.85 N46°09'16.708 Pond#1 t i 11 if FAWN HILL RD f r 1 ] 1010 1010 LVC:249.35' yi Nw BENTZ COURTLOWPTSTA:2+82.27 e 16j 1` LOW PT ELEV:973.44 PVI STA:1+57.60 1000 0 PVI ELEv:977.00 1000 1000 1000 K:34.18 LVC:50.00' c4 g yi N p r, li aIF 6 m LVC:103.18'LO Af PT STA:1+2.94 N m I 70 n LO PT ELEV:97. 71 w ui I p 7S% m LOW PT STA:0+36.91 1 1\4 STA:1+53. n990ijLVC:196.27' 990 990 LOW PT ELEV:967.99 FVI ELEV:971.9 990u> PVI STA:0+58,59 K:31.00 ' A:5+06.72 PVI ELEV:967.26LOWPTSTK:14.95 O1 + Q(I Pedestrion Curb Ramps w m n m Page 1of 5 LOW PT ELEV:968.41 e'uHEO PVI STA:5+07.60 ENGINEERING DE-117NT ' rz eld 5215 980 EwsTwa 4a PVI K94:090. 67.00 P' 960 960 w m m 989 rac wacu sca nn X 3i il w aaav,Eo 6 51ub w SEE CITY DETAIL PLATES 5215A-D FOR FOR REMAINDER OF PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS. 286% m 2 g 970 970 970 l 2 a 970 I.-- 5r.,oac a•6 PAS:0+00.00' PVIE:968.43 S 960 mT 960 960 960 z. 950 950 950 950 n N n n W n N M N rn O) tp O N ap N to oI 0 N fapROWVOR Cf A N ^N M e-C O Gi 4 4j W W 4 p"p{ Q 7 - t t0 O m' o>q m W CO o O O n M n n fp O O O aRrnmO00nn1hI n! h 1 A n h t O(O D c0 O t9 t0 '1 T s S 6 n f r t0 c T c6 I n A n n d n Ornrnrnrnmrnmrnrnmmmmmmmrnmmnma, rnm am mm m mm rnm m rn rno, rnm or o, crn rn rna rnm mrn rnof Co Co w rnm 0+60 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+60 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 EXISTING UTIU71ES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIESLTIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY 50 25 0 25 50 100 AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. bpgSV` SCALEE ®IN FEET DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.BASE FAWN INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I ERs st STREET PLANDRAWNBY _SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE E RAFT. 37885-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA m SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY T wt S HANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 02RSMSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE c 0 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-6000 DATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING MINNESOTA 06/14/17 FROM ILLEGITMATE USE DROBEROT S. OLST 7, P.E Uc.No. Y-L/"L8 CNFRS P`P?HP HOLDINGS, LLC.11 I 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICES CONNECTED TO C900 MAIN SHALL UTILIZE AN 8'X6"C900 TEE, N J C900 RISER PIPE,C900 BEND,TRANSITION GASKET AND A SCH 40 LATERAL TO THE STUB. N I 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE SCH 40 FROM THE MAIN TO THE STUB,EXCEPT AS OUTLINED ABOVE. J 3. WATERMAIN SERVICES SHALL BE 1.0"COPPER.z 4. ALL DIP FOR SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE POLY-WRAPPED AND ALL BOLTS USED SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. I 5. REFER TO DETAIL SHEETS TO SEE STRUCTURE DETAILS. 1 r N 6. ALL HYDRANT BENCHMARKS ARE TOP NUT OF HYDRANT. 1 13 7. WYE LOCATIONS TO BE SUPPLIED&VERIFIED BY CONTRACTORS.WYE STATIONING IS CALCULATED FROM THE DOWN STREAM MANHOLES. 8. ALL TIES AND DISTANCES ARE TO THE CENTER OF SURFACE STRUCTURES. 9. ALL HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT GATE VALVES ARE RETAINED AND TIED BACK TO THE WATERMAIN TEE BY MEANS OF APPROVED MEGALUGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3 rn m Ft0 a ajq 4 1 Q 10. ALL SEWER SERVICES ARE LOCATED 3 FEET DOWNSTREAM OF WATER SERVICES IF SEWER LL LL LL I toss oilS AND WATER ARE IN THE SAME TRENCH. r OUTLOT B OUTLOT C Q m I ml m xe 2 6 5 I BF tog 11. ALL SEWER AND WATER SERVICES ARE EXTENDED 10 FEET BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 12. ALL VALVES ON THE WATERMAIN FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE GATE VALVES.NO BUTTERFLY0VALVESSHALLBEUSEDONTHEWATERMAINFORTHISPROJECT. c O I 13. THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN CURRENT'ENGINEERING GUIDELINES'AND"SPECIFICATIONS' J SHALL GOVERN WITH THE EXCEPETION OF THE SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN SERVICES. 1 of °' u_uU' m 5 Q+ / J' ' 0 y-` 1\ um- \ 5\i kgs 3 t\`\\ V \ \\ nO-\Y\ m, y• \\ d\ r\\ - + c s3 n J u m l<\\\ Xm 1 I 1145. INSTALL HYDRANTS 5BEHIND CURB TYPICAL). 3 mm POLY WRAP ALL HYDRANT BARRELS S4 1 rAg OUTLOT D 16. BAG ALL HYDRANTS UNTIL THEY ARE TESTED AND PUT IN SERVICE. 0 4 r 17. ALL 4"-12'WATERMAIN SHALL BE PVC CDD0(DR25).0 I ALL 16"WATERMAIN SHALL BE PVC C905(DR18).9 lb 8. MECHANICAL BALLS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SANITARY SEWER AT CONNECTION POINTS f ti T i o q / Isrl FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF PIPE TO PROTECT EXISTING LINES FROM DEBRIS,&SEDIMENT 2 3 \ \ 9"/ S j `A 1", 0 ,S y: / j l r FES I INFILTRATION.BALLS SHALL REMAIN UNTIL LINES ARE TELEVISED&ACCEPTED BY THE CITY. lFR I baa, y 19. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE SEWER&WATER DIVISION AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR n'.c. ® OUTLOT F_1 TO ANY PUBLIC SEWER/WATERMAIN CONNECTION. eel O v j fj 1013 REMOVE WO CONCRETE r/ WALK\R OVE FAWN HILL ROAD BENTZ COURT 990 0 MI-122 sso STA:1+50.7.7 990 990 RIM:979.8 MH 3 BLD:12.7 STA8.0 MH1 RIMM957 980 rcnl - STA:2+75.7 980 BLD: RIM:973.5 MH EX7 980 BLD:15.3 HSOE-980.8 BLD:12-7 - -IG STA:4+153 MH EX6 HYDRANT 980 E-9785 G-D T-9712 RIM:969.5 STA:4+87.2 5.972,E 11.25°BEND HYDRANT BLD:11.6 RIMS68.4 MH EX6 EwsrwG T 972.5 5•VALVE BLD:11 9 STA Q+00.0 STA'2«83.5 970 7-956.2 aevegnrron e s RIM.966.4 i -wN Bowe 8'x8'RED 0 0 11, STA:2+016 970 Y T wz881 Ogpp xe TEE zs# „o s xo J 970 BLO:71.s 970 u1 m 724.,OSDR 35 g•CW0 PVC WM 960 Z 4.9216 cA 960o wN rowewxG PVC SDR 35 960 8•PJC BDR 35 wuiwrtwrw m 1 7LF@2.09% 8• 182.11E 02.85M= arw Geo 960 j Q rn N71WCSDR9tFi-.g5% 8•PJCSDR 35 g•PJC 2 Z wip 112.8 LF @ 044% V! 7591Fb$- 63 uigd rn O 950 Azyz Hgy z 950 950 z w-8 w 950 940 9401+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 12+ 00040 940 1+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+000 NDRtt\ EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAYONLY.THE 50 25 0 25 50 100 CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OFANYAND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY a m m m AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY SCALE IN FEET AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. DRAWING NAME NO. I BY I DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITYPIR CT NO. FILE NO.BASE FAWN INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I q EaS spq` SANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLANDRAWNBY _ __ SATHRE-BERGOUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE ti o 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2 SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC.W N CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRET,INC. WSE INC.OF RESPONSIBILITY. m Na- 1, h 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-6000 MINNESOTAIVNESOT/'1 FAWN HILL 3RSM - ---- ---------------- S, .USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING HP HOLDINGS, LLC.DATE FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERT S. OLST P.E. c2°' UIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE 06/14117 ---__+--- Date: O I-/ /7 LID.ND. Z-1Z8 P r , STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE NAME DIAMETER RIM BUILD INV CASTING NOTES N TC:972.1 2 48.0" 961.7 5.4' 956.3 R4342 DIVERSION WEIRI980 TC:972.1 BLD:4.7' 9801BLD:7.9'i l f IA: 3 48.9' 972.1 7.9' 964.2 R3067•V 4 48.0" 971.1 8.1' 965.0 R3501 DRIVE OVER CASTING z i 5 48.0" 971.0 5.0' 966.0 R4342 i 970 970 6 48.0" 974.5 8.0' 966.5 R3067-V 29.3'-12"RCP7 48 9' 971.5 5.9' 965.6 R4342 1 II CL5@1.03% Q ae°a I 8 48.0" 980.1 6.1' '974.0 R4342 1 960 N N N v 960 9 2'x 3' 972.1 4.T 987.4 R3067-V I z f-RE-All S'NGno a 11 48.0" 985.0 4.5' 980.5 R4342 95 N N 950 12 NG 48 0" 961.1 4.4' 956.7 R4342 I REM I EXISTI \ - --\ -- \ \.• g) \ I + O N II a FES TABLEwCruREs1I -- ) > tK I I 945 945NIIF6+.' \ i 0 I I I i' 1+50 1+00 O+DO _0+50 Structure Name TYPE SIZE(IN.) INV C.Y.RIP RAP NOTES x 1 FES 24 9560 12 TRASH GUARD 13 FES 24 958.4 12 TRASH GUARD pQ•, aJ 980 980 14 2 I _ \ f/ \\/- 6 / ` y ' e // o ) i - 4411'` III I/ 6'APRON TC:961.1 H I \\-. \\ \ \\ I\B•<` \ / X ```% 77 1 11, l 970 12 CY CL.3 SL-- 7r1 C:961.7 970 RIP-RAP IA:4 BLD:54' 3 v 4 ry eT 1.. I IA:7 CBMH2 v t2OUTLOT F 1/ m^ 8. / i [ 960 960 2 v \i' v A w 0 335 LF SILT FENCE s ' l JI 1(' REMOVE F 17' 64.1'24"RCP 819-24"RCP CLA@0.47% CLA@0.37% C \ \\ i \ rn / EMO E IS G /i ' / 1 r_hA I 950 rn c m^ 950 I NI E qC MAFIDI i W 1 r I uq RETE I2 /i \ ALART I' i / i 1 Z 1 F \ \ \,.,\\\ a\2DO SF NTAEMf+ l e \ l I l / / TUR ROUND r,(\ \i I N N N N N N 940940 0+50 0+00 1+OD 2+000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 H TC 985.0 MH BLD:4.5' 10 rFS rk. TC:980.1 91 -. 990990A:4 990 990 BLD: BrTLD.F,.! 797 990 990 OLD: TC:971.5BLD:5.2' 0. LD51. 6? i OLD:69' EIt15*waBLD:5.9' Fwis° q IA: .0" -aawoTC:972.1 a°s>e° reaw°BLD7.9' csawo TC,972.1980 i 980980IA83.4'-12'RCP 980 980 7.9' TC971.1 TC:974 5ee.wa CL5 @ 3 79% BLD:8.1' BLD:8 D' 980 rwDI :48.0" DIA:48.9' osawo 77.4'-15"RCP op MIRW CL5 @ 7.75% c ni 970 970 970 1 181.1'-16"RCP u i z z iasaw° 00970 970 970 6'APRON 78.8'-21"RCP o CL 5 @ 4.34% m iN N12 CY CL.3 CL.4 @ 8.27% 30.9-12'RCP RIP-RAP j 1876'-21"RCP L.5@7.33% o0 z TRASH GUARD 178.3-21"RCP 100.2-21"RCP t CL.4@0.50% CL.4@0.53% zz o 960 0 0 o N N 39.1'-21"RCP CL 4@ 0.57% rn a r a 960 960 CL.4 @ 1.28% J o 0 o W 960 960 m 960NNO \- 00 mW NNW N rnmmm 156. @@. RCP vn Ni(f T ?, q Wro i Tawe rr z CL4@3.52% mrnmm mm \ d'u'fi ZZ zzZz VN 1(, 24.2'-24"RCP ZZZZ ZZ zz tVN z ZZZ N v N CLA @ 1.24% 950 950 950 0 0 N N N N N N N N 950 N N 9509503+50 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 -0+25 m m m m 0+50 0+00 0+500 Zzzz N N N N 940 9409+00 8+00 7+00 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 -D+50 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ANY AND ALL EXISTING 50 25 0 25 50 100 UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. t..,tSCALE IN FEET DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.BASE FAWN _ __ ___ INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I SERs g q` STORM SEWER PLANDRAWNBY _ __ ___ ______________ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE F 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w N SATH RE-BERGQU IST INC. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OFA RESPONSIBILITY. 0 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-6DDD HAN HASSEN,:. FAWN HILLRIGHT t RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S' -/%% DATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING t° w ' aP FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERT S ( LMINNESOTA eR06/14/17 DateOLic. NoPtHP HOLDINGS, LLC.11 HOLDDOWN DETAILS E R M HS FINISHED GRADE PER 0 N SB GRADING PLAN W T E L GARAGE FLOOR 110.1 15.1 3.0 BELOW GARAGE FLOOR 06AT r 0 N 'B W T EL GA 0' GRADING PLAN 0 1. SS6RAGE F R 3 D OW Lo Y. BEL GARAGE FLOOR BF/WO ELEVATION V-SIBVE 2. / GRND ELEVATION ATWO(-X) REAR P,CURB REAR PAD ELEVATION SOIL M3:1 MAX 6.(r TOPSOIL 2% 9) MIN 12' 10' 96b 60 PAD r7L am EEXISTING WALK PUTLOTA-,.. eeo 3 2 9> 9",- OT 13-__ ISTING E SrITI.E AND F 4, Ow QL C ES GRADING PLAN R M H IMSHED GRADE PER 0 N IIBS GARAGE FLOORF W T EL 3D'BELOW GARAGE FLOOR At 110.1 16.1 LOOK0GU 25.(Y / LOOKOUT ELEVATION GRND ELEVATION AT LO(XXX.X) 2- k" CURB.r REAR PA.EL-ION I j 3:1 MAX I TOPSOIL I. T$IR IN 25" ' T -1 0-OUTLOT Eli- 50. 0-0(v 60, 0 60-PAD 0 LOOKOUT(LO) 0 E 0 0, HS FINISHED GRADE PER 0RM0 0 0 N SB GRADING PLAN E LIN GARAGE FLOOR 0 IDT 0 0 J,Ef is-I 3.5'BELOW GARAGE FLOOR 0 0 0 13 1-31 0 mix MAK 13: o- 12CUR 1% 10, 968,B CRVUEE L4 TOPSOIL 0 w%, \ "o , I200SF BSMT FUR I 0 ' 0mk- 0 t 26' 251, 0 I0 V,50, OUTLOT E 0 60' A sa,Pon d#1d#1 xENSUREFULLBASEMENTPADSAREDRAINEDNWL-95&0 40 PAD60 VHlk/VL-958.5 I- OTHO-SENOTED) V,FULL BASEMENT(FB)0 NOTES 1.GRADE(999.0)BEHIND EACH HOMESITE IS THE LOW D GROUND ELEVATION AND PROPOSED TOP OF TOPSOIL, 0 SUBGRADE SHALL BE DOWN 0.50 FEET. 9 2 ESTABLISH FINISH GRADE AT ALL 1DFRONT YARD UTILITY 0 0EASEMENTLOCATIONS. 3.THESE DETAILS REFERENCE A 9'POURED FOUNDATION WALL,AND A 0.7'DROP FROM REAR TOP FOUNDATION TO 14', GROUND ELEVATION FOR ALL LOOKOUTS AND WALKOUTS.I I : s I CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 3 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE AS SHOWN ON PLAN,AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN OR DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2 SAND AND SILT MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE POND AS NECESSARY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND AT THE COMPLETION OF 9.DEVELOPER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DUST AND EROSION CONTROL UNTIL TURF IS ESTABLISHED.IF YARDS ARE THE PROJECT. ADJACENT TO A DITCH SWALE,THEN EROSION CONTROL MUST REMAIN UNTIL ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY HAS TURF ESTABLISHMENT. 3.BEGIN GRADING.TEMPORARY DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE USED FOR INTERMEDIATE DRAINAGE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION 10.RESTORATION-3 5 ACRES TYPICAL LOT DETAIL PERIOD As NECESSARY AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. A. RESTORE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH 4"TO 6"OF TOPSOIL,OR EXISTING ON-SITE ORGANIC MTRLER 4. INSPECT PONDS,SILT FENCE,AND ROCK ENTRANCE BERM AFTER ALL RAINFALL EVENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE NPDES PERMIT B. SEED POND SLOPES AND DETENTION AREAS WITH MN/DOT 310 OR BWSR P8 SEED MIX ATA RATE OF 100 LBS.lACRE AND FERTILIZE WITH DENOTES LOT CORNER20-0-10 AT 100 LBS.IACRE. ELEVATION DENOTES BLOCK 5. STREET SECTION- C. SEEDALLOTHER DISTURBED AREAS WITH MNDOT 250 AND BWSR SEED MIX FOR WETLANDS AT A RATE OF 100 LBS./ACRE AND DENOTES ADJACENT NUMBER 2.0-WEAR COURSE FERTILIZE WITH 20-0-10 AT 100 LBS./ACRE.(UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) GRADE TO LOW OP-ENING DENOTES REAR 01 2.0.,BASE COURSE D.ONLY PHOSPHOROUS FREE FERTILIZER IS TO BE USED ON SITE.50•TIP.) E. MULCH WITH TYPE I AT A RATE OF 2 TONS/ACRE AND DISC ANCHOR IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACEMENT.USE WOODIFIBER DENOTE BUILDING PAD(60-MIN) 12 CLASS NOTE:ALL SIGNAGE FOR BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT BLANKET ON USL T ALL SLOPES 3:1(FT)OR GREATER.NUMBER DENOTES BUILDABLE PAD AREA24SELECTGRANULARBORROWINSTALLEDWITHVISTASATBENTZFARMS. F. PLACE APPROVED STORM SEWER INLET PROTECTION IN OR AROUND ALL STORM SEWER INLETS AND MAINTAIN UNTIL STREET DENOTES GARAGE S. DRIVEWAY SLOPES- CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED.REFER TO CITY DETAILS 5302&5302A FOR APPROVED DEVICES. FLOOR ELEVATION 1 DENOTES BASEMENT G. MAINTAIN ALL SILT FENCE UNTIL TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. FLOOR ELEVATION MINIMUM-2.0% BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT MONUMENT 8-1 DENOTES HOUSE M I H. RESTORATION WORK WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 72 HOURS OF GRADING COMPLETION.DENOTES TYPEMAXIMUM-10.0% ELEVATION LO 7. FB,LO,WO PADS 3:1 MAX.ALL OTHER SLOPES 4:1 MAX(UNLESS NOTED) 11. MATERIALS THAT ARE PROHIBITED FROM RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION INCLUDE SMOOTH FACE CONCRETE,POURED IN PLACE DENOTES EASEMENT - --Of i--il-- CONCRETE,MASONRY,RAILROAD TIES,OR TIMBER. STAMPED OR PATTERNED CONCRETE IS ALLOWED IN RETAINING WALL LINE DENOTES SETBACK ii LINE CONSTRUCTION. B.CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE SEPTIC SYSTEM AND CAP WELL DENOTES LOT CORNER-4g-R V'ELEVATION EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY.THE 12. BOULDERS MAY NOT BE USED ON WALLS TALLER THAN VIN HEIGHT. DRIVEWAY SLOPE&ORIENTATION CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ANY AND ALL EXISTING PER GRADING PLAN ELEVATIONS) UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY 13.A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE CREATED TO TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE RETAINING WALLS SU 25 0 25 50 100 AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY 14. SILT FENCE: BEFORE GRADING-1055 LF 0 a 0 1 SCALE IN FEETANDALLEXISTINGUTILITIES. l DRAWING NAME NO. I BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS BASEFAWN----------- ------------------ INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I es su, CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO. DRAWN BY ---------------------------- SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE GRADING PLAN 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 0-,.- SATHRE-BERGQUISTINC.CHECKED BY ---------------------------- INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. f RSM ----------- ------- --------- SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATETV 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-60DO CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 05 DATE 7 -- USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING S_ 4r FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. ROBERTS. 10L 37ic.No. P.E.P.E_ MINNESOTA06/14/1HP HOLDINGS, LLC.Date: 7110 r z5 u- 7 I 992 tt 3 IlkI4OUROT-cI 0l ROCK ENTRANCE BERM'ouu0B SILT FENCEy7I LO*j tiCONCRETE I CONCRETE WASHOUTUT s a5 INLET PROTECTION i3 \mat 3 c ml qOUTLOT6 r I o l / Ov, 0 I BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT MONUMENT dig a p UTLOT FQ 2\ NOTE:ALL SIGNAGE FOR BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT MUST72 1 BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITYOUNLESSOTHERWISEAPPROVEDBYTHECITYENGINEER.® IIA O O tj( D 0 a as O O O O O. O O s \ 9 \ \\ \\ \\\\ \ 1 d a 1 I I t "I Pond#1 NWL-956:0 a 2,— 1,9s1 !! Ill 4 \ 1 II I YOH\NL 958.5\\\\\ `\\ \\ \I \ 1 I t' \\ j\ i Il j I I 1 t 1 EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ANY AND ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY 50 25 0 25 50 J100 AND ALL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY I 6 11111ANDALLEXISTINGUTILITIES. SCALE IN FEET DRAWING NAME NO. BY I DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO.BASE FAWN INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I ERs sU FILE NO. DRAWN BY _ __ ___ _______________ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE E R F>. EROSION CONTROL PLAN 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. aio P SATHRE-BERGQUIST] INC. c DATE CHECKED BY T,IN .OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY.INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUISC RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S / - 0 150 SOUTHBROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)478-6000 HANHASSEN FAWN HILL OV USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING m MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS, LLC.FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. ROBERT S.MQLST 06/14/17 — —— ——— Date: 0' /'7 17' P.E. Lic.No. —I-/'Z8 9+ cHeRs e P 11 2pr1_ yr. '- - cl--:. asaao vii wM tr Is r/.•aef. w}..fa fo J•aa. mrd.•a> .. e- I Nr v /_ tae a \ se.a..w WI Y wW<•iosMi..w.I su( iY a mM.w•t w. - w. 93<c va mal-1fDv Ova ma Maty yr m M 1Om-oaawvC rr N a° u.tra iFd 6NbT mv°, ir m cviaa•.•n, • ea a aN•arf.a am. rmu,ar,.m NNN 6 j rmm I tlm sa• ma a`°` I eo,. name vo v ua ' mwx nu-.a _ s i T—1,a- r c.°""°•I.:nm"a' RAH aP guns a.u, ae. C°r aDdl°IX rq m x e Ma90 w9 hh N q mu. w T Lvti u J Td!>J3 BSlbif ry gFaw N I:1 j v:.w•c.n a•u i s.».ea a r°t.a p<Ncua v CC.0 ms mc[n nT watw Non N. emr4•6e'. y m w rr..ar. Allan ".q Nt% +boasts tfw a i'u.wauc(.W I qQ-q d°tl,v Am+v TM Wta IIa halv.atl)N I d «im vt iM PY9.tn co w i I aui i gland ale fHetie^I 4^ w „•aa•v wzR 4 Re v5 ern e.e aa... EbreNro Wt vw• a+. Mots aDby— Dyln° fI wew.ma o a.mw 5 u t«-. 7z. e'm•.m>d MIN srcral .a a,N.3:Ip rr. 1 'QITOF AIR TYPICAL AND BOX NSTALLATIONBCONCRETEBLEEDIQR TYPICAL B .:4...JEHYDRANTrpMTHRUSTLTAILINSTALLATIONMOTWATEFANDBDAVSTALTIW a ENFNEEMNG pEPAR1MEa3T 'sar'a' 1GD4 SERVICE 1006 a.,an J_..a c+GREER:w DEPAHTMENT "'« 1007FRpNEERINGDFPAR)YENi o + LY„A4lvLt. 1C 1DD$ MINIMUM FEET OF RESTRAINED PIPE REWIRED ON EACH SIDE OF BEND FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE Ilot INCREASE MINMUM LENGTHS BY THE FOU-NG A-H-r RPE IS WRRJ va PoL1E)HILENE. Q 1 50S EA9E DN APPED W WMALLAoENDi am 20%INMEASE ON ALL BENDS Y•.+Ss'•. kN c-a r°, 9'me the E 1 a ra..w.m v v.r.•e .< a,a v w•,ua are rwa-. mor Y R anN r r• IT'u'ren ae'u' av'm us u 10 0o as •s' s0'm P I mew..>v...,.0 m""r e.u°'Hwfps r Ewas-ofomays.'.r PLAN VIEW 4' 2 3 8 1B 2 1318 18 1 J22 1) 2 5 11212l 2 5 11 25 1 25 n an mn 8• 3 6 15 J4 J 8 13 3J 3 32 a'vc son m rsc Nw.s /' rm f, Irovn-,aw>= 12' 4 9 22 50 4 9 21 b 4 46 I 83 5 61 E,cmm6 /2 29 85 5 1f 2] Y fR a-rt in1X 15 38 Be14 34 )) 8 ]5 5•{{ 24' B 1) 41 95 B 16 40 92 B 6930t0215011]10 20 48 1I309 12 24 59 I30 11 2J 5]1J3 11 29 SeCTIOV NFW-- 42• tJ 2B 6]159 1J 2J 65 15312 148w'i' - 48• 15 31 ]S 1J9 14 30 J2 1]3 it 6] Eonvry 5•w Z_vv0°°..uy My4•s rcrrr an ua aay.U+"v MaM mn v SECTION A-A mvr v r•vasa THE iA&E WAs OEWEOeED Rrolr aeTrMA OLrDSNp w M H- RESSURE R - F cors x oarTnof*sti.m^( ncv4) svma8i o uiwa ! Asa.,a..son,.nsiNn rwr r•.,ro,•2N 3 m me v1 19e-r° Namw'' e oT,... m'xa` SEcna.H[w an„ ca4ailoxs aRE rxcawmrcn. TO1 Lva.wi°T O'c u R.9Am«P.nal.r+w.lr'I D:v«a a•.aa sass ma ale r r°.a,Na-mrw ta,«.>s)s mx nr. fro 4 a ass,rmlr mm Ii'mars f TYPICALMEGTYPICAL PRESSURE Wlf TYPICAL SANITARYLOCATIONLUGr SEWER SERVICELOCATION W1 vnovrwv REDUCING VALVE I' -f L` RESTRAINED PIPE I y ( SANITARY SEMER INSIDE t _. mail N REQUIREMENT FOR DIP LESS THAN+6'DEEP QQF SANTARY SERVICER 5!.MANHOLE t q'19R ORCP MANHOLEau EAG'NEERING DEPARTNENi xrtc 1009 our,a o-N TARIMFNT waac 2001 LL''C E dl ll'.Y1fl1 1.!lAD EHpNF£RNG DEPARIMENI 1010 rb vas rn. E. =•.G G:FEV17WS (GREATER TAN '6 G-LF 104EEMNGDEI—EM 7011 21Gi HiMCfI Ear" tea evens Steaili,P s ..e i be mPA 9M w Bvnpf H i • v' i'3' ti'w' ILP C9WR MNO•f I, A 1w TW r 77 t I I I—ITLNZ ca,aerzAw16:= L we a N a ti. Asp ,.y T a PJq - a'r°n1°c'm 14rr' PLAN OF COVER eaexEa Q W C 6'Rwot INnt 1 IR T ataw m,k B•1••x 1 __ ILL rartSFrurnE ia,u,Ett 40' M.- n.A Hf_ stFmefva[ w.+zbaba eaY s _ s evr.r.•e.e veu I eala. N•a'. tra. er q, pos xs.• a vul Ni C[ uwsg wxrs I I S+M aeS• e m ID Da ae. N uas.0 as a ad,, r MM+KK£aw I ro0E fPri y u Pbte r i cess N' I -fG6:sal.vt waif Ma.'ff:MNaE T0Tjy--' fEO.P B]' ,. I iK 3 W r 6a• rW Il- ffi-... ASE di BIBfA[IXFY Nu Klw. I\ avr s A1FATaiT YNegE 4, I[ lttN 1 aY I • tea __ _ ae• 4 ' 0'-aD9 Ra4M r.xe au,m,Renr>uv c«v..<9oN ma8a N•e r•- I bAFiwe ams srwt a einem I/••m,n' M i'm'r•`v'wv ii°eon 4CTM T-1ra>ri 1,I m a xa m r bac me a n.c. aw a..iera `}:a:'M' m•swcsn wsrcwarm BaiT-rRAf£1b1IC CN Cf OTE g0McS A N ORErtnu le W%o srrvs x°i KNrniiED i0 L tsS w 4.^__. . am a' asi°Ma 16r•lu NSiNrE.-Nil m Na"w° bL5r9pr R°NVT i,a to piso rim QQ FORCEMAIN AIR RELEASE MTOp SLAB MANHOLE MANHOLE CASTINGSvu f WATERTIGHT T1'Pr18VALVEMANHOLE48-DIA SECT'Ot:YEE MANHOLE cmuMANHOLE TO- -AB BARRIER IS' t _ AND UDS DETAIL f R tiC DEPARTMENT c 2106 a'nu ENONE£MNG DEPM11Oli ENpN£ERwG DEPM1YEb ' Ex(iaEE.NG DEPARTMENT " v- 2105 I 2iC] C..x ICF H... --';G DEPARrfIpli eM'rz'• --__ I I,cARIMEM w0r'a' 211C 2111 DESIGNER NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.TCW INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT EORs BOR` DETAIL SHEETSDRAWNBYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE o F< 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATIONCONSTITUTES ANILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w ON SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC.CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 7SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S o +,,, 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 j RSM USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING N y¢' MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS LLC. DATE FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERT S.MOLSTAD,P.E.1' ? 11O6/1W17 Date: O / / 7 Lic.No. —'y— FRs PLP s Gdrwmv.a not<Ent codPoctx tw nlYPtnb.WP Bo<gnd Y tma,cm"Ipo t[a iP SHOWN AS TYPICALS95StM1eSton°5{of to ° tl 9V 0.39 r Y w YNN/ j/// mtl1Y PM<( sae: re e.al w.<dn i i <I af°!r v v vn •"« e r rT TTrllli ) Dci .a nr YNBDT J,<e ze I raw"a_3111.1 J- - Y.T T t E 9 e.r. 1r B• i-r!',rA 5!=.A., w, .w< ` PLANN r..,k..e I r m Notre c,a°a Y ,- _' e<•omotw at.t, e<r^'a<ea[.,-.,,.._., T }` H.,r r e«d a,a i'"'•:`t.>ak° n.&,'P[e°oraiom:[.°t r.° o w w^,.I« I j, ml tl COngactw Pd w R iF[Mty y BI iAe 4dWr NI<il w Cvrrpxtw wtAe n matrb/95S Prxly n-5 w«<Ir P O YX001 Jta9ID SEC'IJN YEA >ok ewal l[v.vt.. Y,nwD01JI<03B T 31<93H vrr.m a+r++[w .m h[w v,•,a I T `° I HOrl. rot Doan I FngBev w t°arrmM Ur ayU e I rvz« w t , - 9wr«tM If r w einx.--. t.v<r e«•.-` SECTION A tla a°,`9•+ era core I,ewl,9 ma of Ne° yemeve r Y9 Mwe,p vYMI JIB2Mrrrla[ acB ntl a aro'n°`v Pe[[.p o J/<-[4x itOR t . t00.le<a 1p ry iw,eu ww q t«I NU+ c tkq.vw ro w evfn at .a U d ry,w[w rel W vnex r 2 P Y Iwwatm a•,eennnt mat<rb-II 1 m mmerld.nd Y w Pp wR FM.wm1 aY I VN M u<a v. 3. trera(twee.ha een o9u.r«vb w e..a a wcvaa-ce.0 111b0i)t<B Mne< eert° agrye9ate rW 901.le,m w wv^ req.[et«e b y n,m+wNevvwnl« nemtlon va brww oro[fA rd NTaovN e6an CYMmae2a v IV3T.mm elapw and cmlvm,o awm,OSHA rJn ma.y.avvf•v r N rrW Y urwl OM[.rWe me« -,r., iMu/.nw xr/es 9rt Y[Or«'.[¢ w°i4 - w..r v..v er a.v ra.+-. wl r/I 2 eleAAlnV YO CCIPACITO SrO 9<V[[xTp I3'PAST W19Y a wE c.<r.w vdt Y, w9MMV v1aU ow[wa A,.Dens eY A 1wWY d 13• rr.r QRR PIPE BEDDING R PSE BEDDING miR PIPE BEDDING I e r. p lp IN GOOD SOIL FOti P.V.C.PIPE MIIR OffOF 1r!!v1FitINPOORSOILSRCP&DIP B INSULATED PIPE CROSSING mm I 4FD STORM MANHO:.F TYPICAL 4'DIAMETER wz rP: 1 tLL1D6 11N CATCH BASH MANHOLE MOF H-x ENGMEERNG pEPpgT4ENT - 220? mmrr_v CNfAHffR.NG pEPAAT4EHT wrz c- 22C"' n[wr.o a > EHGNEEfiHG pEPARD/EM 2203 tv[a FRI.NG pFPARTYEM wA•[R}. 2204 2'HiVI 31C^ CNONCCRINO OEPARTYENl '- 31:1i L r'r:w. ou- r d<I,. u,va P.,e I j r....r...w' P.t"^"' 47F w"+..+«-SECTON A-A s e•evn ea cECT I A / S¢ z w.a emt aYrooe uu n CURS OPENING r cry y sD[wgmtc P:,SN w.s P 14w•`,.r... a a 9 civ a.3i<rw ISOMETRIC A A. evyr 1/ m• rvw'vw °`> r rraerr e Aa wra^.v v B vYM6X01 vrwr.sm SECDON A-A w w'it /[ sa a o,.r...-.-r B!. r1O- ar s.A ert v+wAs i ELS I B No scµE LA S`-Ei-ICria-yF. SECTION R-R I— x•R CATCH BAS1N 27" DIAM IaTETERaffR HIGH CAPACITY QRR RIP P.AIL R ^ FLARED END SECTION POND OUTLE'e` 0BF CATCH BASIN IN R fYOtNFrry CURB C. IRUCTIC DETAIL c B QB nR Br R BIOREIENDON STRUCTVHE 0408 1ERWG DEPARTMENT 3103 1 B618 CONCRETE CURB muffs yN AT CATCH BASIN Vp ME= CONTROL STIR I NTH WEIR&DRNNTILE wrormlo-,[ YGe1Of` 3, o7 ExaIEEnNC OFPMTYENI rt' P` 3105 m,-,o rwl.: l.,,-,. N,rz r,tvsc. z r.Y ENONE_ R'YG OEPNtTYENi EPARTYEzT 4:. Ur. , ENGNF£ RBIG DEPARNENi EN' VEER .DEPARfYEItT 3705da, n ENGVEERING DEPARNENT 3109A 3'OE W) Pw1 Ir I[nc okl rs a ra,<uu. C R m TYNCAL BITUMINOUS PAT DETAIL T-CAL sIRINNOYS PATCH AR011np CASTINGS DETNI e«„ oe. Fa Cww to t13- s ab p^e, rA• Y yr t, uars c, Y, sl.A,-wDor a.< mu•ww vs,......00O YV, Y\. fY1.) au nsrm>sa 1 r<- Y 0 00 ch e 0 c/- Tepwa,swa vm fv-iEAvx 'e rrw-`Pr v wa B. B-, cmor zxo sr[[ws<x r1, Gvl ]n 3'rO0*}JO Y.DO.Be eort cr,««. D.!fIir• e- Wwm.Bms wroSaKwte NIoY4w 3tz orst_ oI. lee 2'~;r lar 9w w dFFLE PN1-4- i Awr Not to ole t Not to scale p-vlppT zTBp sD..ssJnB noa 1 H PATCNe NOTES s,.,. m r ea r am OETNLA n Btti rC91WenUSm RA, a fKi.[Np O+OOa EBm PA1wA, a Asa u[E>uw•B i,pAASm v,pcnMr.o [ YvirrrrV Y.[ ta waaW3 c w i, o num dF icw rnwa[ wr aff«rw¢v.s w es<M< vn<n Dad 0 vpkarAtlwe 0uqw°ni' e' aea[Pla<v0 h Oee.ee[ana N>w eaY Onwi io rwv c0c!mde:nPnn«MA rnF¢funw east cwaY imw rw.rn0!fin¢w.v»c SIDEVEINOF3111AP53b` i.,r,nwe wrAn errou M b Plan[the we,wlrv<t.. 6'iq,W PIxN detvEraz rw f a+ae AE-APRv LAIX To ALL meEt fF IIEEDfD)Aro PAiOPD BAY ARTJ. Prar+ rN M We Blpnir.Vr0.xt. a n..a«s'ztN ez ro,r an IM r)«ue B<rM b PNS N[WBraC[ M lanwt e m wvvr9 errlo MUi gvwwue i...r mnu,crv.wPA7p F9L5 K N4Lv iM(ttl/LL EDS(I[1mm)vM0 PATPR BAY rew s2Av.Ywsb TmzYrywlc aw.e wl cvr,a,'bM11iv NeYlwt N.wWhl Ia HINT(was barN9w wM«Waft[Nn bwNemnet w a=”®..arm® awT v°p paa+p+v,aa In a aw'«v awe dvq e°u Wr a r.m.ay see pme."..b Y tort r-v r,.c < Yqb( 3YD-onOMYi! t rMr ed. T q, aSO [5 S,;- VMER STRUCTURE BAFFLE STRUCTURE ade.., r<°r ... ^,* a'^ m o.. a). y, a<«..:a.aa«..>,..<,<,..,.< -o wrtr®Aws sHNt wla mws emTnn„eooass FW ffc.-•. w P" wP. A-Qrt( n WIR TYPI"SECTH CTIT OF MCAL TWICAL wcfflrBr wru¢ wPorn Aoos mr" 1Opslw, s roR xnlvA CaNIMMO 1'EIR MANHOLE siAMOMDeUAP YYtlgLE W9AFFLE w RESIDo- RE T CIA/ INCJSTRIAI RURAL A,1R TWICAL STREC a J mTR r SAT MANHOLES OR CAL STREET TNG tu1s11611V1 lq pBw eac STREET T` r¢ v ro 1[ STREET SE TION t Bpl PATCHING NMINCV::GATE VALVES(BITUMINOUS)B- EN aysln.I9 [ENDNEERWC DEPARTMENT vrecc ENGe[ EERBIG DFPMIYEM 5202 r[ cB TVEERNG DEPARNENr 5202;.. R•:G OCPMIf1FM rr'"6S202B 3110 rIEERIN;. OEPARTYENT DESIGNER NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO,TCWINFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT (GFRs a R FILE NO.DRAWN BY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE AF DETAIL SHEETS 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w oN SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC.CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. T CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 08 RSMSATHRE- BERGQUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S' m ..., m 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING t m MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS LLC.DATEFROMILLEGITMATEUSE. ROBERT S.MOLSTAD,P.E.4'FRB P P? T 11 06/14/17 Date: O -J Lic.No. -L1Z8 I 2-r Pnmtw as SEC^IO4 Ar DA Ta w''S.C3'Tf3.7iXa eww• mm..w Ct a°rvnr uvm.u.na.a.s cAar ns xAnusnssm/str , e-6's- oT nr S:'taZ'dSx°L'V'dt8%1YSatttxst rC.,..... L r1 c"Tau[c ov ew,. STANDARD CUL-DE-SAC r,I µR.b• t.. a°az".."..e'•'e"`i:.wMaa•c ram.ad w, e.-_,_.-..-. V s.....a, S Cl LY F R r•.tw a b/Jvtrw aqu g PS'wbn tAwO,Berg N,C vA a+e avert sa I a•9w r M gctUF A-n 52IILesrAwz MaaaC°. 7fC-C.T-' rdd'gR'814V.9'696A.74'SgYY1"A : QITVC TYPICAL CURB W"TYPICAL RADI CURE lalR TYPICAL C 01. aWW C'7 RF T RF J f Tz RE DENTAL BTUIP RADIUS CUL-DE QITOF U-T.f AI/ I.'-IAL pQ1 R M m AND GUTTER CCv CRETE VALL_Y GUTTER EE 1•p 5FAr . - PCN WII I..,• DRIV N .•.If _- r_.._.gra cR'.NG DFDwmYEM wRe 6204 Q1GrNEERVG DEPARIYEM 5205- F..rJ.,B-te 119711 A ENGIHEERtNC OEPtWfIfENt 52DE i U.ec c^^.L ti'E r r'.'. 2u7 G ICERNG DE Amu n -. 1 N 1 Il r i F,, . !. i 1! I dj!!! i i 1 I l!( 6 1 1 1 9 j a, iB'Biq if? P 8 q Lel i ' Ib I s i €I( s i I fli,t g§I t •' 9 lit. I sf I :;u til'': r Riad' 1 la C•'• r' 5 rrt t f CC 6p la. oweqgqq,} 1 ; 9i1i 1T 1l 8... ..8..••B 1 .'i . f il t I;i a' i fig t 7 ' a ) e g 1 1e' _11! T1- is I e I F lr 1 ItI 1• ' I;s/!t dtl oil E NB EB•aoi I at i l i . e hL f11 r` I, ( Ili, ii rarx r,w cntoirz I.L ,d y j OR CONCRETE, QR Pedestrmn C rb Ramps Off edestrian Cu.b Ramps BB••.B Pedestrion Cwb Romps Pedestrian Curb Romps r p SIDENA Y. Page lof 5 prrB•P Pedesti an Curt Ramps y,C p 31TUMIN WS ENaHE£RNG DLnARruENr o Page 2 of 5 1 Page 3 of 5 Pape S of 5 Qp 9BYr TRAIL Iwcrv¢Rac DEP w Pope 5 of 5RE.sso o- xar -. Et" c_PsxluExr PIR"' 5215A NGInT:ERBiP DFPARir@R ' w a tia tO-,r 521';`1 z ENGw RaG CEPurtu_r 5215C ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 5215:; TyPlcd st—R Tr—SgnInetd b,bnB E DEPARTYENi P0.1CY o,r 4LG 'S'AGR FIRE LANE sGNAGE CITY a LHAN+Az 5w, e f e./ mar w.. aoste arc (p r In u net Ser- ia• w I k s'.Ao n tbm o.•a,ba ND S,itS Bwi_nrt/atlba Ba",__.. I f 91 Y ti P RKINL 0 Q t1-z', SN6 vaor ._ Tu i..a•_ p spc" Yi4ra.,s'FlRE Ilz:i g wTnaA Iav+ A•c Iap«r a tames.ym°O0i a:le.;9w.w`Pa: _____ I,_ as•n wABr Ancfw PMIe .y:•aero s T poen erea5 ND RaE itrr" iamacae. ) 4'ee•.r. , amoT s,F.a.uA.aAR L BrtuwT[Brs mF.w.0 aPm1s FIRE YOM 25 rc PARraNG u.55r IT;AWiWrt EptN. uNE Via„ B.>« G_ ra R,aa u,r I 1-111-111 I l I I I 1-1 I I— hligiV F I i 5 a 5.--a Z, t °.ate III. III—I III—I I—III—III sef Mtlarv Al St crw ` a amvuT.n PBc sn a I 005nW aIANAE B Au p=er Pao-E B.a D m.•t k.., m,a a, a a, Pm ARn b I I = — — — III III II III III a i rAoc na ore - rw oPr o..mv,r TRENCH DETAIL TRENCH DETA-I I I III I III _ TRENCH DETAIL oPOnPrwc.c. ec s<r awc sem,se,a.m res. I.P I-n.rtan.5r. s 1 auytASy,t rreE aPAgrvpi rE DETNL 1aa i'/K PREVERTON PaICY 05-•99t e u e..p..E..B•a. oArEo wtoAm.s,t99t I omi*s n,wo wronus a urono rz. eanv°,m D°AN raver a a s-xc'rEs,a P'stoat a A5-ar,s tlOIIi An tu,(xax-us¢,m1n*Bop n,wvtus AzrFrt)a Bv.tw Prromees s+Au Bc ssA a aBEnBr vie a.t:t.> wrBavt-I«s anoxsrrSrn .wrcaJG"o rre Lwcs Trt c t. a. it YguoRr o rt cOta:,cwR rli Bt YII STREET AND TRAFFIC 1 r••,,.AApp'- _ r I.TIrIOP 4'SUB-SURFACE t•- ALTERNATE 4- 1, SIB-SURFACE PVC DRAINT4.E rte•• SIGN INSTALLATION! FIRE LANE YIIM y STANDARD SERVICE QiTOP oeFm W1Rh CLEANOUT FOR INLINE AND W" TYPICAL PF r•-.:_ A SIGNAGE TIC CARD DRArt:Ti E IB1lteBrBBf SUB-SURFACE END OF RUN CLEANWIS DRAM CONNEC IIC'IWIBtDRAINTILE E - NC:NEEMNL DEPAOTyE'f rt a 521E F.nGI':E'.:UEPnHtvcni t o_ kNONEERNG aE ARIYJ.:' - tro.: aGDPN521, 2 ENEENDE M5234521523 DESIGNER NO. 1 BY I DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.TCW INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT eEas SOR DETAIL SHEETSDRAWNBYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC's EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE 2 `< 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. m - 3N SATHRE—BERGQUIST INC. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL O9SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE L o ,,,, 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 RSM vi, m - USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING m y MINNESOTA DATE FROM ILLEGITMATEUSE. ROBERTS MOLSTAD,P.E.oti `' HP HOLDINGS LLC.1106/74/17 Date: C '%_7 Lic.No.K`k PRS PVP c cp mYS a rzA _ a w bnws.ac e4+4, winteaNrra mgam T•{ r rMIU r uowsru. eiz r -'nt m Nuvwugnun1ero r'6 c+va Y 4r t Bey m pI'• 1 s-1 i PtSe55F Xm679 ' M s` F 4' mr zap tM3s:b; ht,'ES Y ie.,+„nezW ttv°ot"swc 3]52]ua s<mtlae vAx P Astt 9 s NN[ i . r rdr•. r a.,m ems a. aarm.w e•e,,et M. rtC dN,wiWzv mtilu) `my . .a r.e 1 cmnq m pleb VeoO hmt+part A" ism,axwtsw yrv,r.- 5,. n- R:i arc eaa w„c:,nr,r.x'; i x r.o, a'we ui,epPw.may w e"iOuavr rol a.,ro,,,y. paIrz. <5 Y• , r, ew..'r'"w•".n' .n.®.>w e...i. n....t wMww.a+v ruwPNNe,woeM.. n w e-E ra g m e u,nu. w<wo,o rwoa-.o w.m.w tion.,t,•: to u,...a...om.i _. v rc.6 n y.E r.°Eo I(i(R F p LIGHTING F y~ PJMF YIIVf LIGH TING y„p 6((,Ipp TASSEMBLYMI1HSTREET LIGHT 7rOT SERVICEPALEqSERVICECAByBASEDETAILsalFOUNDA I' A EAUNTER NG pFPAR(Y,hr M,s en envmz-w w¢u. t6,P6w F CY WIM AT RICA, Cff 51 DFPMTYENT 524,0: rs lrca ENC U..DEPAMYFM 5'[Si i1:;.NEEFINC DEPMIYEM Mrz'Q 1>EFARIYEM 1 b r ,c 5243 EI:'h.. uF-. - ENGNEER NG L!'PAPrvf. t......n..• i c.. 1 L- OL P4 AN S D:MENT TRAv S.Yc,c EROgp:CONiRGt _ t 1 awo`a•,.` LOT' LOT 7 LOT 3 PLAN FOR INgNDJAI LOTS T mee PSP kF Y09 SNOTS FOR INDIVIDUALEROSION CO IRO,SWALE DRAINAGEA ' T EROSION COV TRO,PLAN m vuG S.OPfE. FOP MJ,TIFAVILY OTS W.TH SWALE DRAINAGEt - rseetmOT zn MODEL#CG23 y I I I Lr cuE y 1i" f* ami rou I II \ y-+F,. vznrh SITS.0.9z w ro er ai t e_a Eno G _ r..,-- GR6 b Lir•.:. 1.I i I I WRB tr GuqphYpW4A4lr!e• NG Ntii rm isms,uec 1Cd lI J''',,a ASR,®rp 8RE, ,5 Afnixfb+,0°eoms +Ci J(10.8 5„rtt.n, v:wn A. u,.a.z S,RFE,UtrxA,lt wre.., P 9 r rr r°Y»a a Rn.°i.@w Y,E z,• N a. nt2• Pr+ewr m•nm NG.F suaN, RmRa m'b 2510N CONiRCI rn ebem of ova 1:-* Y em.a-.we,ee nt a 4 b 2'Wm vus,w ros:al MT "aszYi° .root • Fc.1ERED%AgRJ p4TFE: ` ma re vm.-w,u e_cv K• a t wnw sm mes m=. all UeePa enw.e E Ruz_ ct b m pni iarewrtt rte:vsp beni«i Exx P.W EM-,1,tlA 29Aa(RrLR 6 m"le•" -.-... q..a.y-t.,tett n 9 w m ve.nre a. ,tm,me Kr t e1tA Pblw 4mbe to W.etre W+e N a ron mC za*mvl v Deznvtw'wadn9SECTIONA—A srSmpFHT ERwi R rAL E.P,a Ems,RAN LNoi, Ywp;"5.n r..t , ROCKMOFCot, ROCK IC`. 1 s 4„ET 4,-.ROAD CATCHB NIIYF CATCH BASIN 1 r w ne ERGSIG\COti TROL PLAN FOR Q( EN'RANCE lOmeY iLTER BARR I' k t EROSION CON TROT FGR e.. aafff FOR EROSION CONTROL FOR mii n t w ritrz SEDIMENT TRAP I e+ee.• TS INOMDUAL LCTS(T\•P) 1 MULTIFAMILYY LOTSS Ts'F, R INDIVIDUALALEDRAIONAGE H e' TH WAM:I Y LINAGE SW W TH S%A DRAT wca r.;cttilYEAi ',._+,tl:iN.;.•iEEN 1: ft..41YFNi -ir,: aa ru•. ENG 111G 53021 IOEAEM 530[0 ENGINEERING DEPATMNT 5302D rrtW c a w5302E wAa 1 r. lam n°o wlLo Ro°) E r tYw i - v°,. ` AY`" . E r. MIM- 11— ' r AT T l Y m m a 65Yt Ma ° 6 .e REA TA b-N G'r¢META',SiutE OOneSP£.v i aES A,. le+ SnIN0.MG SCD ANn,r.c m.Hsxc,Y stw.Att n I. a., r'vc.)'° - EL AT I wATRE BIDRIXL%!lR fiG, - t_ r. I pftP p IrtFrID :i mw'> T Y-3'nEM srai 1 tl 5 I a ¢ OR nt1 IfHrz t0 Yc RASrI<IwNG — t Ctv x,Yx SWF Cy a` 1M REIfRY— TIXtAVATm Pli „ 9Mr,ARE.t 4ti crus IYRIt SEC TIQN A A 5 0, tpc DMt£. M sN WOSV A9iWr95'xA ME8 Ai iM-Y13Tpu K TA bIA r ISE v YaAa Tta ff rB Tom K•%A6Nm A—) wAwncF w a t.ac,r s,A r N A sEaw6°Ns°E su ao oY KTc Eotrs A¢e eoAlt Es AT t NrEmus a•ro e-aur,A„M. Td Yumw ANa a.:. Y T N o R aw,Nc saT AausuRmtYmsm ucmHR r' ED. c%+ wSL° a, I—SAT e•,:'a A•Tor rsrs P°rrs ao rX.,e•r°,z, t v Pwv Y:«a..m ePAr m .. zil aErmL o wTw,.0 N AAc.«s Ariw°" I IT=<=ITtI Aerw-(1,50—r—T x 1.) m¢Accu:n..v eiDsa uinr: uew rem.nom e.L'ao.a mr wc° rAvasw. S_OPE fRAD[1T 1.0.[ALOeIE EVIA£kAFRE LO:.;M o.v wn Gee e.,t 841AREAyv5rEEOtfplmTXM50EilAAVr'•Pa.it Mar i rXE pAwa,A4u Y,,sr az wE cp.ru40.,a wER-- L7iiOF SLT BOX SEDIMENT TRAP l L Ap I TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP mr SOD mr e CONCRE E f TEMPORARYQA FLARED END SEDIMENT TRAP LLIIH WEEPER DITCH CHECK/ 2.5 ACRES OR LESS PLACEMENT WASHWT AREf.ROCK WEIR/WATTLE ROLL WEE TCN CHECK WITH WATTLE sem o-u nA,F em 1C[c,,,DEPARTMENT •.,.`•, 53020 d Is rl.^NNEERING DEPARTMENT 5302E e='"m-z nAtc n- O ROCK ENpHEERING DEPARTMENT 5302 icem r-w lm u WEEPER) s,aria:. ., soca EHGNEERNG DEFAITTYEM " _,jOj Y,t„Ce EHpNEEPoNG DEPARTYENi n,ai 53fit NEEPoNC OFPARiYENi n.a[ 5305 ENG,NEERING DEPAKTMEM 530211 DESIGNER NO. I BY DATE REVISIONS __ USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. TCW INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT EEI' s S,R FILE NO. DRAWN BY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE `\ 1Fti DETAIL SHEETS 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w aN SAT H R E—BERGQUIST INC CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 1017RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S / m ltjPo 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING yQ' MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS, LLC.DATE FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERTS.MOLSTAD,P.E.t' FRS P p r 1106/14/17 Date: o' f/U/%-7 Lic.No. `-!Z6 Y . • il' I iii j 1{+ t Ils!`I{tylitljt,liRl"i!{ .Nr} 1+1r f i5 t -(i 1rFr i SI,. tl•t 1 i 1 { :ii t I Gli drll;y•,r t#r;lt;ri,, t r{ylttlilk{{t;htlt!t((' ''_ F" 1 It'lll'fi11{jl{tjl( ei 11{ a 1 1, l I jt jtNrl, !tr{tr ItillJl!{}.rsr,lilri})'(tir, o i al ' 11 I.#{#;II•r<'{I 1•i!ri•({ { Fel i jtj i'{•,l!•4 i., {!I !lt{;;1 ,11 li,ry# { : i e I 1 P I`1tlli t [t( sr''ll''r r 1{t il It 1! A r { I I 1 y e P _,.•. r:II ! I'i •itt)I II { 1 r rl t s? M1 ilii){;1'i''li't ill I''{I t ,•t,t{'1 iri; S 1 QI IPii rI,,•1,} #+{{3.Iti jllll!{r3,,I,.r, li i., Ildt a#• #IJ>' )rl 1 ter Iii t}rl.•,{ ##• 1 r;r ft { r.{(a rlr 'i{!q•( 4o; I I Rto31i{!!(It(,a Ir,.< 1{ ,rl, r, i 1 '' i a IIl I e[ { a• I.t d {1 i 1 fl it 11•ii{` i !ylltil 1 6d l I { t t ` 3 Ei y y a. , F ppp I i a' i l 1 I I til{ l a e I{I 10all 10 noi Bl IE— 1l;I fll r Ei u';i;g ! t` I r I IJill, I_ RwAn IINASS Ir Ii 11.# aI:rI;i F t 1 .} 000 DENLO PMEN-pw— O 5306 CYOF f? tt W. u"o I i I 1 o E N ssoo mmmeeaee oe ea I 5. g 1 1 ii jjiilii! { e I i t r. W";I{!l'dP mi; 41B.iq i{ II{I y: 1 l ar ritllilll l I I Iji{ W} gg h(y® ri Ir %'" H;II'1[ 11i EI E !I I I( l E 3 ses ssa sm rime ssmao se a 3 I GF{IP(OtI'rI II Uli i:li R • K e `i IFIi 7 !"!i dlrr,lll• { I ji j(I,' d•`t. I I r ! rt II p t fi r ' t t I r, 1 ( .,I{ q 1. 9, 'I r °{.,li;'i r I Ir Ir r' I 1 6 ! # r 6 4 i I, iEull;l" 'I i•1 r i 'III !{ til j X01 r 1 , !;t m z , „o.s•,;.. m I ,.-.•. Pe. s - w , K -__ r •ti I I"4 I * w-< :•o Ww mKw — I r.x.»m..< sw< to ,onaw.r i m 091•^'_, 41I r. .®. J, mf v,s..... I a's 9z,. r- v., rws*na FE rF w F"'ma"omEr wx w y runic IL i I ne"„°`an*Kw E "`• 1 4 fep'• Y FFADrpR TiOR b wA9m0.5 L_ 18'M lID eln0 WIA NFSBiFM p•--/(TFAI®Nl w wa 4 sa r f Oi VNSIK 1pV 4 CgWaEVns rs'N RJ,. Pr.Ct AYAIO0A90EV1 r.-..(M) v w-4ra19 MM RASTK i RVCEA WIVE mmVV31R ru< gyp/ tt r,.-.:r•tTAL V r W rte a+ vs fu•a••• r NOTES:NOTES.. wwE arn..®w. rwnE raa.oa,w,a aam.E w.,a tts. — ... e..:J usTNumswwoNs.rwr nmavxas usu«m.suNaowwarcnnsixrwKws. NI oNssw wcwNw.surmKNo yr wssmuffmrnwaoroEEs eroummevc r uu.vasv,N.tEmxmororo:m>Earc ro,mmeElwTaNxn vosvulamwa mo®roeE SEraeroun.rramFC Tare. TRACE N1RE oPLAN( WATER) a••• TISRTYPICAL MAGNETIZED TRACER BOX TED AL 09 ttPICAL MAIN LINE TRACER W1R: WATER SERVICE s ll I HYDRANT TRACER MAGNETIZED TRACER BOX MAGNETIZEDROADWAY B TAMER BOX iTrtalumCDNCREfE/DRIVEWAY BOX CDI9 TP LrTE DUTY BOX lA19AW DETAIL q TRACER WRE DETAIL I WIRE DETAIL c ROADWAY X RB19 TP 1: 1 ENGREEAIXG OEvrmNENr Soo ENcesEarrG OEvaATNerr -- ssol ENwu woEVWtnv1* • nw. LPVIurN1 55p1 ENp1EERING DEPNRTYEM 5503 ENGMEERIIn^.DEPIRINEN- DESIGNER NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.TCW INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT EERs a R DETAIL S H E ETSDRAWNBYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC's EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE Fi- 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. w oN SATH RE—BERGQUIST INC. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. CHANHASSEN, FAWN HILL 11 RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE S J,j o ,,,, 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING p`r MINNESOTA DATE FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. ROBERT S.MOLSTAD,P.E.HERS P Pe 2 HP HOLDINGS, LLC. 06/14/17 Dale: O 7 Uc.No. Z:, SEC.' x 6.RGE 2: i NE18032c'E - D,10m 1 -_. 71 CALCULATE BASE UNE CANOPY COVER PER ACERAGE 1i EX.CANOPY COVERAGE 128,309 SF 8187'TOTAL UPLAND AREA 497,965 SF BASELINE CANOPY COVERAGE'25.77% OUTLOTA I " I. 0 LI LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL' 30.00% ymars 10 EX.CANOPY/TOTAL UPLAND AREA) OUTLOT B OUTLOT C F 2 ) L war=c-1 BF9j a PerSec 18.61.Landscaping and treepreservotion requirements. w W I 1 I I 4,6 rrL=7 L CALCULATE CANOPY SU LUSORREPLACEMENT v 973.0 I '•( i ( s ( I% Ilf W,- I .0 EX.CANOPY COVERAGE RP 128,309 SF AZO EX CANOPY REMOVED 31,545 SF ADDTNL EX.CANOPY REMOVED(02/04/15) SF 19 ea•\ \ _\\ 5 ,. q QCp 3 REMAINING CANOPY 96,664 SF REQUIRED CANOPYE"• x? .: o' ` [o 30%OFTOTAL UPLAND COVERAGE) 149,390 SF DIFFERENCE OUTLOT D L T' \ J, 52,726 SF i ° -_ 9 E dda_ Required Replacement (1tree=1089sf) 58 IF DIFFERENCE IS POSITIVE,THEN ADEQUATE EXISTING CANOPY REMAINS IF DIFFERENCE IS NEGATIVE,THEN INADEQUATE EXISTING 676----- CANOPY REMAINS&1.2 REPLACEMENT IS NECESSARY.i L CEI " R ika/ A 69 2 5 a see c 2o`w DIED)5x700700- x90 yt EXISTJNG CANOPY COVER WETLAND am b a \ \ Si 75 F,, I56 T; I5 153. ' X11 A 1 REMOVED CANOPY COVER OUTLOT 10 13 (7-el ;;.N67.5 A a I( I 14 76 ? 1 I Tree III Species DBH Condition Saved Removed Tree# Species DBH Condition Saved Remove Tree# Species DBH Condition Saved Removed Tree# Species DBH Condition Saved Remove4 Tree# Species DBH Condition Saved Removed 3 Ash,green 14.5 Good 14.5 44 Ash,green 14.5 Good 14•$ 154 Ash,green 10.5 Fair 10.5 180 Willow 30.0 Fair 30.0 205 Boxelder 12.0 Fair 12.0 4 Ash,green 13.0 Good 13.0 45 Ash,green 20.0 Fair 155 Ash,green 19.5 Good 19.5 181 Boxelder 120 Fair 120 206 Ash,green 12.0 Fair 32.0 Tree# Tree species DBH Condition Stems Notes 5 Maple,silver 27.5 Good 27.5 128 Ash,green 14.0 Good 14.0 156 Ash,green 24.5 Good 24.5 182 Boxelder 115 Good SLS 207 Boxelder 12.0 Fair 12.0 11 Maple,Norway 21.5 Very Poor 1 Hollow,decay 6 Maple,silver 130 Good 13.0 129 Ash,green 12.5 Good 12.5 157 Ash,green 10.5 Fair 10.5 183 Willow 34.0 Fair 34.0 208 Ash,green 17.5 Fair 17.5 40 Boxelder 14.0 Very Poor 1 Nearly dead,multiple Problems 8 Honeylocust 14.0 Good 14.0 130 Ash,green 12.5 Good 12.5 158 Ash,green 10.5 Fair 10.5 184 Boxeldet 18.0 Good 180 209 Ash,green 14.0 Fair 14.0 118 Boxelder 10.5 Very Poor I Nearly dead,multiple Problems 9 Honeylocust 15.0 Good 15.0 131 Ash,green 13.5 Good 13.5 159 Cottonwood 32.0 Good 32.0 185 Willow 200 Poor 20.0 210 Willow 36.0 Fair 36.0 254 Pine,white 31.5 Very Poor 1 Extensive decay 10 Maple,sugar 130 Good 13.0 132 Ash,green 14.S Poor 14.5 160 Elm,American 10.0 Good 10.0 186 Boxeldei 20.5 Poor 205 211 Elm,American 12.0 Fair 12.0 262 Pine,white 16.5 Very Poor 1 Hollow,extensive decay 11 Boxelder 125 Fair 125 133 Ash,green 16.0 Good 16.0 161 Ash,green 11.5 Fair 11.5 187 Boxelder 15.0 Fair 15.0 212 Ash,green 14.0 Fair 14.0 270 Boxelder 13.0 Very Poor 1 Extensive decay 14 Oak,pin 135 Good 135 134 Boxelder 10.0 Fair 10.0 162 Ash,green 15.0 Good 15.0 188 Boxelder 110 Poor 110 213 Ash,green 16.0 Fair 16.0 319 Pine,Austrian 15.0 Very Poor 1 Stem defects 15 Oak,pin 130 Good 13.0 135 Ash,green 11.0 Good 11.0 163 Ash,green 15.5 Good 15.5 189 Boxeldei 105 Fair IDS 214 Willow 25.0 Fair 25.0 320 Boxelder 15.5 Very Poor 1 Extensive decay 16 Oak,pin 130 Good 130 136 Ash,green 10.5 Good 10.5 164 Boxelder 15.0 Fair 15.0 190 Boxelder 15.0 Poor 15.0 215 Willow 44.0 Fair 44.0 347 Elm,American 13.0 Very Poor 1 Dutch elm disease 17 Oak,pin 15.5 Good 15.5 137 Ash,green 16.0 Good 16.0 165 Ash,green 14.0 Fair 14.0 191 Boxelder 15.5 Fair 15.5 216 Willow 22.0 Fair 22.0 379 Walnut,black 13.0 Very Poor I Extensive decay 18 Oak,pin 14.5 Good 14.5 138 Boxelder 17.0 Fair 17.0 166 Ash,green 17.0 Fair 17.0 192 Ash,green 110 Good 110 217 Willow 12.5 Fair 12.5 390 Spruce,white 13.0 Very Poor 1 Extensive needlecxt 19 Oak,pin 17.0 Good fir 17.0 142 Boxelder 14.0 Fair 14.0 167 Ash,green 15.5 Fair 1S.S 193 Ash,green 13.0 Good 13.0 218 Willow 40.0 Fair 40.0 392 Spruce,white 12.5 Very Poor 1 Extensive needlecast 20 Walnut 15.0 Good 15.0 143 Boxelder 18.0 Fair 18.0 168 Ash,green 12.5 Fair 12.5 194 Ash,green 13.5 Fair 115 219 Ash,green 12.0 Good 12.0 415 Spruce,Norway 27.0 Very Poor 1 Missing top,25'scar23Maple,sugar 125 Good 125 144 Ash,green 20.0 Fair 20.0 169 Ash,green 26.5 Fair 26.5 195 Ash,green 120 Fair 120 220 Willow 20.0 Good 20.0 422 Arborvitae 15.5 Very Poor 1 Extensive decay 24 Maple,sugar 125 Good 125 14S Ash,green 10.0 Poor 10.0 171 Ash,green 16.0 Fair 16.0 196 Ash,green 120 Fair 120 221 Willow 14.0 Fair 14.0 26 Oak,pin 15.5 Good 15.5 146 Ash,green 12.5 Fair 12.5 471 Ash,green 10.0 Good 10.0 197 Ash,green 11.5 Fair 11.5 223 Cottonwood 65.0 Good 65.0 28 Om,Siberian 15.5 Good SSS 147 Ash,green 12.0 Good 12.0 172 Ash,green 16.5 Fair 16.5 198 Boxelder 19.0 Fair 19.0 224 Willow 40.0 Fair 40.0 29 Ash,green 15.5 Good 15.5 148 Boxelder 16.0 Fair 16.0 174 Boxelder 2S.0 Poor 25.0 199 Boxeldei 120 Fair 120 225 Boxelder 24.0 Fair 24.0 Total Caliper Inches 2141,0 30 Ash,green 14.0 Good 14.0 149 Boxelder 10.5 Fair 10.5 175 Elm,American 10.0 Fair 10.0 200 Suckthom 17.0 Poor 17.0 475 Boxelder 15.0 Good 15.0 Exempt Caliper Inches 0.0 31 Ash,green 17.0 Good 17.0 150 Ash,green 13.0 Good 13.0 176 Boxelder 18.5 Fair 18.5 201 Boxelder 24.0 Fair 24.0 226 Boxelder 12.0 Fair 12.0 33 Ash,green 17.0 Fair 17.0 151 Ash,green 14.0 Good 14.0 177 Boxelder 15.0 Fair 15.0 202 Boxelder 210 Good 21.0 246 Cottonwood 19.0 Fair 19.0 3S Oak,bur 125 Good 125 152 Ash,green 13.0 Fair 13.0 178 Elm,Amerimn 13.S Fair 13.5 203 Boxelder 220 Poor 220 316 Spruce,blue 15.5 Fair 15.5 Net Caliper Inches 2141.0 36 Basswood 15.0 Good 15 _ _ 153 Ash,green 18.0 Fair 18.0 179 Willow 17.0 Fair 17.0 204 Boxeldei 24.0 Fair 24.0 317 Spruce,blue 12.5 Fair 12.5 50%of Net 1070.5318Boxelder12.5 Fair 12.5 321 Elm,American 14.0 Good 14.0 322 Walnut black 13.0 Good 13.0 Caliper Inches Removed 409.5323Walnutblack15.0 Good 15.0 50 25 0 25 50 100 Removal Percentage 19.13% NO R j SCALE IN FEET DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONSUSE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO.FHTree Survey _ __ ___ ________________ INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I etas SUgL FILE NO. DRAWN BY _ __ ___ ________________ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE Fv. TREE SURVEY 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 2 SATHRE-BERGQUIST INC.CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. m s RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE W__y S'• m .... y 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391(952)476-6000 HANHASSENe FAWN HILL TS USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING m MINNESOTADATEFROMILLEGITMATEUSE. ROBERTS.MOLSTAD,P.E. H P`' HP HOLDINGS, LLC.06/14117 - -- Date: O//i l i 1-11.No. Z-41-1 g FRa PSP TS STORM SEWER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWPPP) 4.Temporary Erosion Prevention Practices Home building BMPs w FAWN HILL Single family lots within the overall site will be disturbed on a lot by lot basis as lots are sold&homes are constructed. Home construction shall disturb m Describe types of erosion prevention BMPs expected to be implemented previously stabilized areas. Typically entire lots will be disturbed as finish grading is completed.Areas not to be disturbed are typically designated by the use The work described to implement the following Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)shall be performed by the Perimeter Control shall be established around the site&around the base of stockpiles if the stockpile will remain longer than 30 days. Perimeter control is typically established with silt of silt fence.Topsoil shall be reserved b stockpiling with sediment control installed around the perimeter of the stockpile. Individual lots under construction ZPP9YtYPYPPYP9PP contractor as appointed by the developer. The work to install,inspect,and maintain the Best Management Practices fence which also deliniates areas not to be disturbed. Silt Fence locations are shown on the Grading&Erosion Control plans.Where possible 50ft buffers shall be maintained around shall also install vehicle tracking measures such as rock entrance berm or other tracking control BMP to maintain clean streets. Home builders shall be aBMPs)to prevent erosion and provide sediment control shall be in accordance with the MPCA and shall include but is not surface waters&wetland. Dual perimeter controls shall be installed if work is to take place within 50ft of surface waters&wetlands. responsible for erosion&sediment control installation,maintenance,SWPPP inspection and record keeping for lots under their construction. w limited to,the requirements contained herein:a Erosion blanket will installedzonall3:1 slopes. Home Construction BMP Phasing F During construction Protect lot area through use of one or a combination of the following;silt fence,mulch,bio-rolls,rock entrance berm,sod buffers or other w a.Stabilization of all exposed areas must be initiated immediately to limit soil erosion but in no case later than seven(7)days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has approved method. In areas within 50ft of surface waters redundant controls shall be installed if a 50ft buffer can not be maintained. p 1.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INFORMATION temporarily or permanently ceased.install drainage protection on down gradient inlets. a This SWPPP was prepared by personnel certified in the design of construction SWPPPs. Copies of certifications Once grading is complete,temporary erosion BMPs shall be installed immediately(is.bio-rolls,erosion blanket,ditch checks,etc). No later than seven(7)days,the permanent Establish staging/material storage area&Install temporary sanitary Facilities&supply dumpsters are available upon request.(Sathre-Barr9quist,Inc.-Eric Johnson-952-476-6000)stabilization should be in place. b.Temporary sediment basin requirements described in Part 111.6.1-5 mus[be used for common drainage locations that serve an area with five(5)or more acres disturbed atone time. Prevent&manage spills of stored substancesInstallRockentranceberm,maintain clean streets Project Name:FAWN HILL This project is being constructed in 1 phase. The permanent dry sediment basins shall be constructed first and all on-site drainage shall be routed to the ponds. The site does not have an concentrated swales that will direct) discharge off-site Home Construction Project Location: Y Y 9 Address: List anticipated BMP Quantities Manage&protect stockpiles City:Chanhassen State:Minnesota Zip Code:55331 Silt Fence(Before Construction)-1055 LF maintain rock entrance berm&perimeter controls County Parcel ID Number(PID):250101521 Silt Fence(After Construction)-0 LF trench,install&connect utilities Erosion Blanket-0 BY Continue vertical construction Project Type: Residential Commercial/Industrial Road Construction Keep streets clean at all times&maintain inlet protection Hasidential/Road Cons ruc Ion Other Methods of dissipating velocity along stormwater conveyance channels/outlets Fine grad pads,Upon completion of fine grade pads&home construction soils disturbing activities,each lot shall be stabilized with sod,seed, Rip-rap will be used at all flared-end structures mulch,hydromulch,hydroseed,straw matting or combination there of. Monitor stabilized areas until final stabilization is achieved Cumulative Impervious Surface Check Dams-Installation of check dams or other grade control practice to ensure sheet flow and prevent rills(for slopes greater than 75 feet with a grade of 3:1 or steeper)Maintain clean streets Number of acres to be disturbed:04.3 (tenths of an acre) Methods to be used for stabilization of ditch and swale wetted perimeters Perimeter&temporary erosion&sediment controls are to remain in place until all up gradient areas have been permanently stabilized. Pre-construction acres of impervious surface: 00.3 tenths of an acre Bio-rolls shall be used for stabilization of ditches and swales as shown on the Erosion Control Plan.P Post Construction Post-construction acres of impervious surface: 01.3 (tenths of an acre) Methods to be used for energy dissipation at pipe outlets Remove silt fence after once final vegetation stabilization is established Total new impervious surface acres: 01.0 (tenths of an acre) Rip-rap will be used at flared-end structures for energy dissipation. See plan for quantities.Remove inlet protection Receiving Waters Methods to be used to promote infiltration and sediment removal on the site prior to discharge Remove all construction materials&debris from site Name of Water Body Special Water? Impaired Water? The water quality volume that must be treated by the projects permanent stormwater management system described in Part III.C.shall he 112 inch of runoff from the new impervious clean all drainage structures Bluff Creek Stream No Yes surfaces created by the project. See Part III.C.2 for more information on infiltration design and appropriate site conditions.If it is determined that site conditions are not appropriate Remove all temporary erosion&sediment control BMPs&stabilize areas left disturbed. Wetland Wetland No No for infiltration(e.g.lack of 3 ft.of separation to seasonally saturated ground water,proximity to bedrock,contaminated soils)the reasons should be documented in the Stormwater File NOT for individual lot Pond Pond No No Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)for the project.Infiltration is not required in Hydrologic Soil Group D soils. Clay soils throughout the site resulted in volume reduction being achieved via filtration shells in three(3)of the onsite ponds. 6. Pernanent Stormwater Management System Dates of Construction Timelines to be implemented on site for completing the installation of the erosion prevention BMPsConstructionStartDate:08/16/2017 Prior to Grading-Silt and tree fence to locate grading limits and provide down gradient sediment control. Rock Entrance Berm to be installed. Will the project result in one acre or more of new impervious area? -YES Estimated Completion Date: 10/31/2018 Grading-Erosion blanket will be utilized on all 3:1 slopes. Biorolls will be used in rear yard swales. MnDot seed mix 9250 will be spread at a rate of 100 lbs./acre and fertilize with If Yes, 2.General Construction Project Information 20-0-10 at 100 lbs./acre. Only phosphorus free fertilizer shall be used. Personnel&Training Where a project's ultimate development replaces vegetation and/or other pervious surfaces with one(1)or more acres of cumulative impervious surface,the Permittee(s)must design the project so that the water quality volume of one(1)inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project isCertifiederosioncontrolsupervisoringoodstandingwithwhoisknowledgeable&experienced in the application of erosion • Utility&Street Work- Inlet protection on all storm sewer catchbasins.Weekly street sweeping to prevent off-site vehicle tracking. However weekly sweeping may not be adequate. retained on siteracticesi.e.infiltration or other volume reduction and not discharged to a surface water.For purposes of this art,surfers waters does not prevention&sediment control BMPs.(CONTRACTOR-CONTACT-PHONE#) Sweeping is required 24 hours after discovery of track out. site(i.e.p m0 p ce include manmade drainage systems that convey stormwater to a compliant permanent stormwater management system.Supervisor shall work with the project engineer/City of Chanhassen to oversee implementation of the SWPPP&the installation,inspection&maintenance of the erosion control BMPs. Permanent BMPs-Sediment bays are to be installed at flared end sections draining into dry pond and infiltration areas. Rip-rap to provide provide energy dissipation and prevent A copy of the Stormwaer Management Report is available through the owner or engineer upon request.Long term O&M of permanent stormwater treatment systems-(City of Chanhassen-Water Resources Coordinator- erosion. PHONE#952-227-1160) Additional Erosion Control Prevention Measures to be Implemented on Site Soil data and water level map is included in the Stormwater Management Report. Chain or Responsibility Erosion Blanket-This blanket will be installed as indicated on the erosion and sediment control plan. It will provide slope protection until the turf is established. For retaining wall Owner/Developer&Contractor are copermitees for the National Pollutant Discharge Elemination System(NPDES) construction the grading contractor will install Erosion blanket on the temporary 1:1 slopes until the wall construction can be completed. Construction Permit. Contractor is responsible to comply with all aspects of his NPDES Construction Permit at all times • Bio-rolls-Bio-rolls will be installed in swale areas to help slow runoff and minimize erosion. until the Notice of Termination(NOT)has been filed with the MPCA or transferred to home builder or another contractor. • Seeding Restoration-Temporary/Permanent Stabilization(Seeding and Mulching)-Temporary seeding and mulch must be placed on all disturbed soil within 14 days,unless Contractor will develop a chain of command with all operators on the site to ensure that the SWPPP will be implemented& actively being worked on. All disturbed areas will be restored with 4"to 6"of topsoil. The restoration shall begin within 72 hours of the grading completion. The seed mix shall be stay in effect until construction is complete,the site has final stabilization&NOT has been submitted to the MPCA MNDot Mix No.250 applied at a rate of 100 lbs/acre and fertilized with 20-0-10 at a rate of 100 lbs.per acre.The mulch shall be Type 1 and applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre,disc Describe the construction activity anchored(with disc blades set nearly straight)immediately after placement. Sodding-Two types of sodding will be done with this project. The first will be for erosion control protection for the streets,after the installation of the curb and the minor utilities the This+/_11.4 acre development will consist of the land development of 10 single family detached homes,and 450 linear feet contractor will install two rows of sod behind the curb for a temporary erosion protection.The second type of sod will be for the yards once the house construction is complete. of streets. Other soil disturbing activites will include:home building,driveway construction,and lot landscaping.This 5.Temporary Sediment Control Practices project will be mass graded and constructed in 1 phases,grading will be completed in 2017,and utilities completed in 2017 Methods of sediment control BMPs to be implemented on site t Soil disturbing activities will include: Demolition of the existing structures,installation of a rock entrance berm,clearing and Sediment controls for temporary or permanent drainage ditches and sediment basins that are designed as part of a treatment system Installation of check dams or other grade control practice to ensure sheet flow and prevent rills(for slope lengths greater than 75 feet with a grade of 3:1 or steeper).grubbing,installation of utilities/minor utilities(including private utilities-gas,cable,electric,etc_),the installation of silt fence . Sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters prior to land disturbing activities.and tree fence prior to grading,the installation of silt fence around the proposed ponding areas after the grading is Storm drain inlet protection for all inlets. complete,grading,re-spreading topsoil,and grading restoration which will consist of seeding and mulching all disturbed . Silt fencing or other sediment control surrounding temporary soil stockpiles,areas outside of the street row. Erosion blanket will also be installed on all 3:1 slopes or greater. Additional erosion blanket . Minimize vehicle tracking of sediments(e.g.,stone pads,concrete or steel wash racks,or equivalent systems).may be used throughout the site. See the Erosion&Sediment Control Plan for specific locations. 3.SWPPP Amendments Street sweeping of tracked sediment Methods to be used for down gradient perimeter control a: The SWPPP must be amended as necessary to include additional requirements,such as additional or modified BMPs that . Silt Fences-are designed as a temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric attached to support posts. This site has three applications for silt fence. These applications are are designed to correct problems identified or address situations whenever: as follow:1.the installation of silt fence along the grading limits to protect the wetlands from sediment during the grading and utility construction process,2.the installation of silt millillilliF fence around the created ponds and rain gardens after construction to control the sediment runoff until the turf is established and the development is completed,3.the installation of 1.There is a change in design,construction,operation,maintenance,weather or seasonal conditions that has a silt fence surrounding temporary stockpiles. significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters. If down gradient BMPs are overloaded(based on frequent failure or excessive maintenance),additional up gradient BMPs shall be installed to eliminate the overloading. The inspector or2.Inspections investigations by site owner operators,USEPA or MPCA officials indicate the SWPPP is not contractor shall notify the design engineer to establish appropiate up gradient BMP's or elimate any point load sources. effective in eliminating or significantly minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters or that the discharges are causing water quality standard exceedances(e.g.,nuisance conditions as Methods to be used to contain Stockpiles Carver County.Minnesota(MN019) defined in Minn.R.7050.0210,subp.2). Silt fence-will be used to provide perimeter control around stockpiles. Map UnK SymDoi Mf?p UrMt Name Acres in AOI Pereerrt of AOI 3.The SWPPP is not achieving the general objectives s minimizing pollutants n stormwaterdischargesthis perms associated Methods to be sued for storm drain inlet protection HM Hamel loam,0 to 2 percent with construction activity,or the SWPPP is not consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. Storm Drain Inlet Protection-Storm drain inlet protection is a sediment barrier placed around a storm sewer inlet.This structure traps sediment before it enters the storm sewer Stop- 4.At an time after permit coverage is effective,the MPCA may determine that the project's stormwater system.The utility contractor will be required to install inlet protection per the City's details.Y P 9 Y P 1 tG3 Kilkertrry-fester loalts,2 t0 6 0.3 2.6% discharges may cause,have reasonable potential to cause,or contribute to non-attainment of any applicable Outlet Structures and Outlet Protection-There are wetlands located within&adjacent to this project,as a result outlet structures are proposed to transfer water from the storm water percent slopes water quality standard,or that the SWPPP does not incorporate the applicable requirements in Part III.A.8., treatment pond to the wetland after treatment. These structures will serve to provide skimming and rate control. Rip-rap will be placed at the base of all aprons to provide erosion KC2 Lester-Kilkenny loarrts,6 to 12 2.5 272%Impaired Waters and TMDLs).If a water quality standard changes during the term of this permit,the MPCA will protection by protecting the downstream soils from turbulence and high discharge velocities.make a determination as to whether a modification of the SWPPP is necessary to address the new standard.If percent slopes,eroded the MPCA makes such determination(s)or any of the determinations in Parts III.B.1-3.,the MPCA will notify the Methods to minimize vehicle tracking at construction exits and street sweeping activites KD2 Lester-Kilkenny loamy,12 t0 16 0.7 72% Pernittes(s)in writing.In response,the Permittees)must amend the SWPPP to address the identified concerns . Temporary Rock Construction Entrance-A rock entrance berm is constructed of coarse clean rock installed at the proposed entrance point for all construction vehicles.A detail of percent slopes,eroded and submit information requested by the MPCA,which may include an individual permit application.If the the rock entrance berm is shown on the final grading plan. This stone pad provides a tire cleaning mechanism for all vehicles leaving the site. There is one entrance for this project.MPCA's written notification requires a response,failure to respond within the specified timeframe constitutes a Please see the Erosion&Sediment Control Plan for location of rock entrance berm. KE2 Lester-Kilkenny hams,18 to 26 0.1 1-0% permit violation. percent slopes,eroded Street Sweeping-Weekly street sweeping shall be taken place. However weekly sweeping may not be adequate. Sweeping is required 24 hours after discovery of track out. MK Muskego and Houghton soils,0 0.6 6-4% to 1 percent slopes Methods to be used to minimize soil compaction and preserve top soil(unless infeasible)on site NE3 Lester-Kilkenrry clay hams,i B 2.6 28.1%Topsoil will he stripped and stockpiled. Grading operations will be performed and held down 0.5'to allow for topsoil respread. to 25 percent slopes. Measures to be used if Dewatering is required on site severely eroded Dewatering shall be routed to the sedimentation ponds for treatment before leaving site. See Erosion Control Plan for direction on Dewatering methods Totals for Area of interest 9.4 100.OY. DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO. BASE-FAWN _ INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I E"S SuRpSW PPP DRAWN BY _ __ ___ _ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE 37865-001-200 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. SAT H R E-BERGQUIST INC. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. o { 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-6000 HANHASSEN, FAWN HILL SWPPP RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING Rs P` MINNESOTA HP HOLDINGS, LLC.DATE FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERT S. OLSTAD,P.E. N 2 06/14117 — -- --- ----------- Date: o /l (7 LIc.No. z yzs F a SWPPP STORM SEWER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWPPP) en FAWN HILL s z 7. Inspection and Maintenance Activities B. Pollution Prevention Management Measures z9. Final Stabilization a Method of Final Stablilization 2Identifyindividualresponsibleforinstallingsupervising,repairing inspecting and maintaining erosion prevention Practices for storage of pesticides herbicides insecticides fertilizers treatment chemical and landscape and sediment control BMPs on site Upon final grading of any given portion of the site,final stabilization must be implemented within 7 Zmaterialsdaysofcompletion. r- a.Stabilization of all exposed areas must be initiated immediately to limit soil erosion but in no case wTheowner,HP HOLDINGS,LLC,will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the erosion and Petroleum Products:All onsite vehicles and equipment will be monitored for leaks and receive later than seven(7)days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or c sediment control BMPs. He will select individuals who will be responsible for the inspections,maintenance,and regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleum products will be permanently ceased. a repair activities,and for filling out the inspection and maintenance reports. stored in a tightly sealed container,which is clearly labeled. Any asphalt substances used onsite Once grading is complete,temporary erosion BMPs shall be installed immediately(ie.bio-rolls,CONTRACTOR-CONTACT-PHONE#) will be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. erosion blanket,ditch checks,etc). No later than seven(7)days,the permanent stabilization shouldTheCityofChanhassenwilloperateandmaintainthestormwaterponds.(Water Resources Coordinator-PHONE be in place. 952-227-1160) Fertilizers:Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts as recommended by the b.Temporary sediment basin requirements described in Part III.B.1-5 must be used for commonTheownershallkeeptheSWPPPandallsupportingdocumentsforthreeyearsaftertheNoticeofTerminationmanufacturer. Once applied,the fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit the exposure to drainage locations that serve an area with five(5)or more acres disturbed at one time.NOT). These documents include,but aren't limited to,the SWPPP Narrative,any amendments,inspection and stormwater. This project is being constructed in 1 phases. The permanent dry sediment basins shall be constructedmaintenancerecords,any stormwater related permits,any permanent operation and maintenance agreements, first and all on-site drainage shall be routed to the ponds. The site does not have any concentratedandcalculationsfortemporaryandpermanentstormwatermanagementsystems. Paints:All containers will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use. Excess paint will swales that will directly discharge off-site not be discharged into the storm sewer system,but will be properly disposed of in accordance with Procedures to routinely inspect the construction site including: local regulations. Procedures for completing final stabilization: Final stabilization includes but is not limited to:seed&mulch as described above,Erosion blanket,1. Description of record-keeping requirements and content Practices for storage and disposal of hazardous materials or toxic waste bio-rolls,sod,and after grading silt fence.All perimeter and down gradient silt fence shall beAmaintenance/inspection report will be made after each inspection.A copy of the report will be sent to the inspected and repaired as necessary.City. All hazardous materials like oil,gasoline and paint must be property stored. To prevent spills and a. Datelfime of inspections leaks,secondary containment is necessary for hazardous materials. Additional Final Stabilization Notesb. Name of person conducting inspections A leak proof containment facility shall be used for fuel storage tanks to prevent any leakage from Final Stabilization is not complete until all requirements of Parts IV.G 1-5 are complete:C. Findings of inspections,including locations where corrective actions are needed infiltrating the ground. d. Corrective actions taken An effort will be made to store only enough products to do the required job. 1.All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils are stabilized by a e. Date and amount of rainfall events realer than t inch 0.5 inches in 24 hours.Rainfall amounts must be All materials stored on site Will be stored in a neat and orderly manner.9 z ( )uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70 percent of its expected final growth obtained by a properly maintained rain gauge installed onsite,a weather station that is within 1 mile of your All products will be kept in their original container,with the original labels still attached,unless they density over the entire pervious surface area,or other equivalent means necessary to preventlocationoraweatherreportingsystemthatprovidessitespecificrainfalldatafromtheradarsummaries. are not re-sealable. soil failure under erosive conditions. f. If any discharge is observed to be occurring during the inspection,a record of all points of the property from Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the manufacturer. which there is a discharge must be made,and the discharge should be described(i.e.,color,odor,floating, Whenever possible all of a product will be used up before disposing of a container. settled,or suspended solids,foam,oil sheen,and other obvious indicators of pollutants)and photographed. Manufacturers'recommendations for proper disposal will be followed.2.The permanent stormwater management system is constructed,meets all requirements in Part g. Any amendments to the SWPPP proposed as a result of the inspection must be documented as required in III.D.and is operating as designed.Temporary or permanent sedimentation basins that are to beusedaspermanentwaterqualitymanagementbasinshavebeencleanedofanyaccumulatedPartIII.B.within seven(7)calendar days. The site superintendent will routinely inspect the site to ensure proper disposal of all on site materials 2. Frequency of Inspections sediment.All sediment has been removed from conveyance systems and ditches are stabilized Once every seven(7)days during active construction and; Collection storage and disposal of solid waste in compliance with Minn.R.ch 7035 with permanent cover. Within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours,and within seven(7)days after that Solid Waste-All trash and construction debris from the site will be collected and deposited in a 3.All temporary synthetic and structural erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs(such 3. Areas to be Inspected dumpster. A dumpster Will be required for each new home constructed.The dumpsters shall be as silt fence)have been removed on the portions of the site for which the Permittees)is/are The silt fence will be installed prior to any site grading. emptied as necessary. No construction materials shall be buried on site.All solid waste must be responsible.BMPs designed to decompose on site(such as some compost logs)may be left in Only about one half of the site will be exposed at any given time. The grading contractor will be finishing lots disposed of in accordance with the MPCA disposal requirements(Part IV.F.1) place. as the cuts and fills are achieved in accordance with the approved grading plan. All erosion control measures will be inspected every week and following any storm event greater than 0.5"in Management of portable toilets to prevent tipping and disposal of sanitary wastes in accordance with 4.For residential construction only,individual lots are considered finally stabilized I the a 24 hour period. Minn.R.ch.7040: structure(s)are finished and temporary erosion protection and downgradient perimeter control All erosion control measures will be maintained in good working order,maintenance and repairs will be has been completed and the residence has been sold to the homeowner.Additionally,the initiated within a 24 hour period of the report. Monitoring of all repairs will be done. Portable on-site sanitary and septic waste shall adequately be provided and maintained throughout Permittee has distributed the MPCA's"Homeowner Fact Sheet"to the homeowner to inform Built up sediment will be removed from all silt fence when it has reached one-half of the fence height. the duration of the project. the homeowner of the need for,and benefits of,permanent cover. Silt fence will be inspected for depth of sediment,tears,and to see if the fabric is securely attached to the All sanitary sewer waste will be collected from the portable units as required by local regulations. fence posts,and to see if the fence posts are firmly in the ground. The pond and infiltration/filtration area will be monitored for depth of sediment,and the build up of sediment Spill prevention and response for fueling and equipment or vehicle maintenance'. will be removed at the end of the project,if necessary. Spill Control Practices- The embankment around the ponds and infiltration/filtration areas will be inspected for any breaches or All spills will be cleaned up immediately after discovery,in accordance with the manufacturer's 10 Steps to stormwater Pollution Prevention on Small Residential Construction Siteserosionscars,over compaction and any repairs needed,will be promptly made. recommended methods. The seeding and mulching will be inspected for any bare spots,washouts,and for healthy growth. The spill area will be kept well ventilated. OC(1'!W8/E(management OI)57173///BS/d@At18I construction sites need not be complicated. •-------Spills of toxic or hazardous materials must be reported to the Minnesota Duty Officer 4. Additional Inspection notes 1-600-422-0798. Temporary and permanent sedimentation basins must be drained and the sediment removed when the depth A log of the spill type,location,date,and time will be created by the job superintendent. The spill O Post Your NO]and Keep an Updo-Date of sediment collected in the basin reaches one-half(1/2)the storage volume.Drainage and removal must be prevention plan will be adjusted to include measures to prevent this type of spill from reoccurring. © Protect Any Areas Reserved for Vegetation or Infiltration and Recessive Existing Trees Copy of Your SWPPP on Site If you will be installing infiltration-based features such as rain gardens or bioswales, Post a sign or other notice of your permit coverage. completed within 72 hours of discovery,or as soon as field conditions allow access(see Part IV.D.). make sure these areas are designated w off limits to avoid compaction. including your NPDES tracking number and site Surface waters,including drainage ditches and conveyance systems,must be inspected for evidence of Containment and disposal of vehicle and equipment wash water and prohibiting engine degreasing on Save time and money by preserving existing mature vers daring construction.j contact information.Also.keep a copy of your erosion and sediment deposition during each inspection.The Permlttee(s)must remove all deltas and the site: Preserving main,,uses minimizes the amount of soil that needs to be stabilized I- complete and up-to-date SWPPP on site and easily sediment deposited in surface waters,including drainage ways,catch basins,and other drainage systems, once construction is complete,and minimizes the amount of runoff during and after i accessible,including site maps showing where and restabilize the areas where sediment removal results in exposed soil.The removal and stabilization A defined and limited area of the site shall be used for external washing of construction vehicles.construction activity. each BMP is or will be installed. must take place within seven(7)days of discovery unless precluded by legal,regulatory,or physical access Washing runoff shall be contained and disposed of in accordance with MPCA.No engine constraints.The Permittees)shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain access.If precluded,removal and degreasing Stockpile Your Soildereasinallowedon-site.I'EPA's CGP requires operators to preserve native topsoil on site unless rtormat rstabilizationmusttakeplacewithinseven(7)calendar days of obtaining access.The Permittee(s)is/are infeasible and protect all soil storage piles from run-on and runoff.For smaller j 1 responsible for contacting all local,regional,state and federal authorities and receiving any applicable Storage and disposal of concrete and other washout wastes so that wastes do not contact the ground: stockpiles,covering the entire pile with i tarp,may be sufficient. permits,prior to conducting any work in surface waters. tConstructionsitevehicleexitlocationsmustbeinspectedforevidenceofoff-site sediment tracking onto A leak proof containment facility shall be used for all liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete Protect Construction Materials from Run-On and Runoff paved surfaces.Tracked sediment must be removed from all paved surfaces both on and off site within washout operations. Liquid and solid wastes shall not tome in contact with the ground and must be ©At the end of every workday and during precipitation events,provide 24 hours of discovery,or if applicable,within a shorter time to comply with Part IV.C.6. disposed of in accordance with the MPCA. corer for materials that could lead,pollutants. Designate Waste Disposal Areas If site conditions result in a needed erosion or sediment control BMP that is not planned for,the inspector or O clearly identify s,p—le waste dt.p 1 contractor shall contact the design engineer at Sathre-Bergquist Inc.(952.476.6000)to determine an appropriate on sithazardousefor waste,construction waste, plan and BMP to stabilize the affected area. and domestic waste by designating with signage.and Protect from run-on and runoff. Install Perimeter Controk on Downhill Lot tine y Install perimeter controls such as \ Ssedimentfilterlogsorsillfences around the downhill boundaries of your si\ OInstall Inlet Controls O - -Sediment control logs,gravel banners.and sand or rock bags are options for effective Intel controls. yt- Make sure to remove accumulated sediment whenever it has reached halfway up the control Site Stabilization O Install a Concrete/Stucco Washout Basin I Immediately stabilize exposed portions of the site whenever construction work will Designate a teak-proof basin lined with plastic In,washing out used stop for 14 or more days,even if work is Crete and stucco containers.Never wash excess stucco m concrete residue only temporarily stopped.Remember,finaldownastermdrainorintoasueam! stabilization is required prior to terminating Maintain a Stabilized Exit Pad permit coverage. Minimize sediment track-out from vehicles exiting your site by maintaining an exit Pad made of crushed rock spread over geotextile fabric.If sediment track-out occurs.remove deposited sediment by the end of the same work day. DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO. FILE NO.BASE-FAWN _ __ ___ ___ INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I 6as s0nLF. SWPPPDRAWNBY _ __ ___ ________ SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE INC. 37665-001-2D0 TCW SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. m N SATHRE-B E RGQ U I STs I 1 V C. CHECKED BY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. m y 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.65391 (952)476-8000 HANHASSEN;:., FAWN HILL SWPPP RSM SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE A S' J jUSERORPARTYLEGALLYRESPONSIBLEFORDAMAGESORLOSSESRESULTING 6"Z m .,,, ` FROM ILLEGITMATE USE.DATE ROBERTS MLSTA?D,P.E. bbz8 QRs ' MINNESOTANNESOTA HP HOLDINGS, LLC. SWPPP06/14117 Date_"_ 1 Lic.No. Z0z z 71 1W r,linnewi7l; Regiorol 2 Basemap7007 D Lia k L Lig 015 Greenwood Shores Park IJ Lake Ann 141 as41, 0 1 5 uga i B U:,-h V Ici'q Ra r k Firinket st E L Biull CLaP- Ann Fork rge* C.I() r G; fI Vi 7Rtti e1D 13 OrOf urn-a ,j ki bat c,I titter Blvd PI CY TiAk-t,,0,AhE Garnim. INCREMENT P Intemiap, USGS ME-17141ASA EPA. FK DRAWING NAME NO. BY DATE REVISIONS USE(INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR CONVEYANCE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN OR SPECIFICATION WAS CITY PROJECT NO FILE NO.BASE FAWN —————--———--————————————————— INFORMATION)OF THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT 1 37865-001-200 TCW THE SWpppDRAWNBYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.'s EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER SAID AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND SHALL THEREBY LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.i SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. CHECKED BY ............................. INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGOUIST,INC.OF ALL RESPONSIBILITY. 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 -6000 CHANHASSEN FAWN HILL SWppp RSM SATHRE-BERGCUIST,INC.RESERVES THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE e-4 s-. 952)476 USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES RESULTING MINNESOTADATE —————--———--——————————-- FROM ILLEGITMATE USE. ROBERT D,P.E. HP HOLDINGS, LLC.OLSI 94L 7 Lic.No. -L-4.111 D SWpppL--=——6— 1 RGE 23I\\ ' 1 ^WEST 1/4 CORNER\OF SEG,10,TWP. b, FND.CARVER CSN MON. WEST LINE OF SWI OF Ir n I ITSEC.10,TWP.116,RGE. vv1L.vI rt l ice 0 I6 it F-n[)r /-f h n A fl/1t Al^ T I LJ\'J V V LOT 12- 11 1 e1e71 N8 20'E DEED) S89°18'51"W 1283.64' x BRn TT>_ 46493 r -.- O O CB30 O 1'_UN CONCRETE v 982 3IS r— r r X33° p L-1 \ I IAB ORK>8fIRE'rlr' za5 RET X29° )23• t 1 111 o ORA C`9 v 974' L M N9'S' ACL 1 3 C SEPTIC MOUND w 00 3 ti CANT. GrEz h M / fr1.., J, CANT., / Rvn-9.". O 5• e_t`Y L I J 4' Ren=9,16 0 GRAVEL c 10,I •, f-- A Ti!'+L'T c ne- g g Fence ties are shown on the C PARCEL 2 s P r A ` Iz 9 .2 E' m ' LL F side of the boundary line that 1 nI STI nT i• Pu the fence is located on. 33.55 P 403+4 ``f+40344 r tC3== R 4C a4 w c I 3- o S89n18'51'W Ole 777.13 s7a 1 e w. 14 < 4 586'0320W-DEED10 RET.WALL T I I50I 1 FELI WETLAND v LJ I Lv L "/ J L.v 1T 3n 1 bt _ - _ A i-v i j ;; \ Beadtgs are based on the Carver County I \ rCaordrete System(NAD 83-7886 ad) w V 1C C] 3 _- - T CA 50 25 0 25 50 00 I f vo ` v I i' i' t SCALP TN FEPT LI J r • _ ••• I<' v L' Carmine,FouomerndPropertyCmmked wi4i4M1 1, O? _sy I` 1v cap RlS0344 or ae denoted Tv T Aj I SITE I in O Y S Ml C Pz N8901851"E 464.93 A—F, s N88Q3'20E-DEED) I` DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED 3) Flood Zone Information;The subject property eppeem[o lie within Zone C,(area oubide We l-pemrntermuel china Floodplaiq areas oft%annum the subject pmperry we are unswam.Please avennotethatwebot plecede Gopher Stnte One Gll for thin survey.Thaenvotayormaybe Pd Schedule Aofthe hmdn refed Tide Commitment) cbancesh,u Few flooding whereavemge depths ere less than I Rot,moo-f1%atonal chance steam flooding where the eonuibudng dmiage arra nedugomed utilities in the mapped area,therefore—wkmpleceonormarrhissim.Before SURVEY LEGENDtlessIhav1aqueremile,or areas protected Dom the 1%equal chance Flood by levees.No Base Flood Elevation or depths are shown within this digging,you are required by law m nmify Gopher Smk One Cab m Iast48 hours in advace m 651/45400D2. Parcel I: ae.Insurance purchase is not required in these zoos)and Zone A(Areas with a 1%annual olavce of flooding ands 26%chance offlooding over the lifeofm 30-year mortgage.Because detailed Analyses ereno[performed for mcbaress;no depths m batt flood ekvatiom are showy within these CAST IRON MONUMENT WOE WALKOUT ELEVATION --- BITUMINOUSThatpenoftheNonhweetQuarterofdwsouthwalQ:murofSa-lion lO,Township 116,Range 23,Carves Couvry,Mivraom deacriDN as follwvs: 18)Welland D,meatiov:The Wethnd delineation was Deformed by Arrowhead Envimvmevml Consultiag and the delineation Flags were loaned on p CATCH BASIN FEE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION - - BUILDING SETBACK LINEnest,per the Nmioat Flood— Age Agency Web Flood Iaurmce Rate Map Community Pawl No.2705I000SB,dated 7aly 2,1979 es ecquirM fiovsComnnoohl—, di Qum fW121mer rest;aeom,No thevceasn3 smwd bee aeeons Esffi ldegree56 fi .940axoMS ENodbI'the West lOcof said the Federal Emergency MAnagemrn[Agevq Web Site. Auglrm 7,2D13. aWPen Q:anv,adisavce of 1213.400x4;thrnce NOM BB degrm 03 miasa 20 axovd Eaa4edimavice of 464.93 Fat;Wevice NOMldegree 56 minutes 40 ttcords SURVEY REPORT 4 FLARED END SECTION GTE GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION . CABLE TV Weatee,lhapualleltoasid w:xrlice ofthe Soahwest Qaamo,adisanceof289.19 feet;to thepolnt Ol'begivvingofflsa ntobedesaibed;thmm wodouivg NOM I 4) Parcel Area Information: Gross Ama: 479,134 aC-10.999acres N GATE VALVE T TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEV. CONCRETE CURB degree56 minuaa 40 seconds Wates elide pmalklmaid ores line oftbe SouthxaatQwter,adinma of272.%fc-4thevice NOM88degras03,ivutes20saonds R/W Ara: 9,940x'-()"acres This mspeed report was prepared with the benefit ofa Commitment for Title lnmmace isened by Custom Hwce Builders Title,LLC,As,issumil, ( GUY WIRE LOE LOWEST OPENING ELEV. CONCRETE Eart.sdicaaceofe18.71 feel;thence South 6degrees 43 minks OD secovde Westedieavice of276.11 feet;Ibecee Sarh BB degsaa 03 minula 20 secovda Weµs Wd Area: 177,73..i-4.080 acres Srewan Title Gamnty Compmy,Fa.No.HB-34636,dated Mmyl7,2017. gmrc HYDRANT CABLE TV PEDESTAL CONTOUR EXISTING de-1`777.13 teetathe point ofhgivvivg. Net Ams: 291,456 eE-6.691 emw. ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER P- 12. O SURVEY MONUMENT SET CONTOUR PROPOSED ELECTRIC MANHOLE SURVEYMONUMENTFOUNDGUARD RAIL That pn of the NOMRrsl Qoan«of the somhweat Qvartv of5a0on 10,Tmmship 116,Range 23,Carver County,Mimreanm d:scribed ss follows: 5) (N VD98)k: Elevetiovs ere based on MN/DOT Geodetie,Database Station Name:Excelsior AZ MK which has en eleveaon of 1025.76 feet 1) We notethefollowiogwithmgardsm Schedule Bofthehercinmfereneed Title Commimat Q. SURVEY CONTROL POINT ELECTRIC METER DRAIN TILE Comm mgetthe West QuanAncomerofvvid Section l0,theuaaao v Abearing of South ldegra 56 minutes 40swvds East along the West lice ofsaid a) Bemvo.'s l-lime-lato yoelated GAS METER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Sathwest Qianer,edisaoce of 651.25 ftmtbe pokt ofbegivOing oftbe txtrobe described;rhace antiaiug Southldc a56 rvivuks 40 aaovds Eon magand 6 2ovm Ivtormatlov:The current Zoning for the sub'ect A2 A per City map b Item no.9 Sub tro Gel r Rwd as laid out and tevekd.Shoarr htaoa. LIGHT POLE g g ) property is (gricmmral Estates District the Ci fCh,,hes n's wnin dared jce P POWER POLE GAS VALVE FENCE West lice oftlw Soudwxst Q:anec,ediakvee of562.12 fixtnepoin11,213.40f disaot 6om said Wem Q:ameramer ofSa0a la menee88dmua(Uminotes20 Jausry 14,2014alongwithpartislwaingin BC(Bluff Creek Ovarley DistricQ. c) Itemvv.Aportiovoftheproperlyeo Wt swdlo&whichmaybewbjectmfedeml,stsm,orlowlregula6m.Therighttomeorinr r HAND HOLE FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUND seeadv Eas di—afW.93 fat,mesce NOMI p"'s` (l SANITARY MANHOLE keL. diimoe f M93 hada Wen Point of betmallmaid Wen live otthe Southwest Quarta,edisance 562.15 these wetlands is exceptd hettin.See Table A area no.18 a baree SO'L BORING GAS UNDERGROUND fs4lheoceSouthBBdegree03mwutes20secondsWaLed'uTA/ Nf46493 I to Nthe Pointofp SANITARY CLEANOUT y(g PleattvotethatthegrnemlraMetionsforthesubjectpmprtymayhavebeenmmeedthmugheciryprocess.Wecould be uvawmeofwch elf TREE CONIFEROUS OVERHEAD UTILITY ALTA/NSPS OPTIONAL TABLE ANOTES amcndmena iithcyam,winarecordeddmumentprovidedmus.We recommend Wetszoning letter be obmiced Som the Zoning Atlmvtishmmrfor 2)Obsem'ions/Comments rested hereon per field survey such es(but not limited m):access,oeoupanoq and easemerm.&or servimdw: SIGN GROUND ELEVATION TREE DECIDUOUS RAILROAD TRACKS tbecurrentrestrictionsfesthissite. TELEPHONE MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER The foBovdvg items reference Table A optional survzy respoaibilites and specifiatloa)a) Fences slot'the nosh live of Parcel] b) Wee mon' the no ghtef- y,fG. STORM DRAIN TELEPHONE PEDESTAL Wehavenotreceivedthecumrntrovingclassifiadaandbuildingsetbeekrequiremev¢tom the wsmer. e) We have shown Ore rightof--way oT Gelpm Road across the aamriy pert of the site.We have surstyrd it es aright-of--way that extrnds 33 fret STORM MANHOLE STORM SEWER 2) Site Address:7240 Galpin Boulevard,Chanhassen,MN 55331 westerly Bom the waterline of the tmwI dmad.This is pm the Watotic prsedee of providing 66 fed of right-f-way on the roads that develop - TRAFFIC SIGNAL TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND ll) UBlida:Wehavesbotwtheim,honofutilidceonthesurveyedpropertybyobwe odevide"ceonly.Theremaybeuvdergmund udlitesencumbermg vie prescriptive righs.Based upon con[emponvy ase law this right-of-way cored be constuM to be more or less widd,breed upon a YARD LIGHT UTILITY MANHOLE UTILITY UNDERGROUND i- ion ofwhat ems is actually being odliwd for highwaypmpmea moludiug dmimge and possibly slopes. d) OvdbeadutWty,longthewestlive ofthewbjmtpmpeny.A/ C UNIT WELL UTILITY PEDESTAL WATERMAIN FIELD CREW NO. BY DATE REVISION USE( INCLUDING COPYING,DISTRIBUTION,AND/OR To:HP Holding,,LLC,and CLsmm Home Builders Title,LLC ss iwomg agent Por Stewed Tide Gmmenry Company: TWPA16-RGE.23-SEC.10 fFILEO.NETE CONVEYANCEOFINFORMATION)OFTHISPRODUCTISRSSOFCARVERCOUNTYALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYDRAWN STRICTLYPROHIBITEDWITHOUTSATHRE-BERGOUIST,INC's This ie ro cern that this m or plat and des suvey on which it is based were rade in accordance with the 2016 Minimum S=d d Detail Fl 200EXPRESS WRITTENAUTHORIZATIONUSEWITHWTSAIDRequircmeoafALTAMSTitleSurveys,jointly esablished eM adopted by ALTA end NSPS,and includes lams 1-4,7&8,9 and 11 of SATHRE-BERGQUiST INC.FJWMPAUTHORIZATIONCONSTITUTESANILLEGITIMATEUSEANOTableAmefieldworcompldWmsJune2nd,2017. CHECKED SHALL THEREBYINDEMNIFYSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC.OF DeteofPlato,Map:Jua8,2017 m PREPARED FOR:ALL RESPONSIBILITY.5ATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC RESERVES 1r 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 (952)476-60D0 CHANHASSEN,DBP C J P WWW.SATHRE.COM MINNESOTA THERIGHTTOHOLDANYILLEGITIMATEUSERORPARTYHP Holdings,LLC DATELEGALLYRESPONSIBLEFORDAMAGESORLOSSESDavidB.Pemb-n,PLS M--.Lisenx No.40344 C,t, v'05/ 31/17 RESULTING FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE. FRS 11P WEST 1/4 CORNER OF I6,RGE 23ND.IOCARVERSETW I COUNTY MON. WEST LINE OF SWI/4 OF l 7 SEC.10,TWP.116,RGE.23 I I UI\L_: I I V I L_i IIJ L.'V S88°03'20"W) 818.71S89°18'51"W 1283.60 so 464.91 816.67 5057 r•- C 210.82 v - 30.00 30.00 _ p 23.29 4E 144.78 /\ l ^ 151.95 1 30 e 30 ro I ro ______ 208.13 ---- ^/ 50 T\I f v r `n)A M O ea M 1 N OUTLOTO 1 3 11.1 2 30 30 I 34 608 s 4 50 to I o S11. 112 q.FL 41 02_ II= Sq. Ft 17,057 oh 6 I Y, n=7"07'_1„ D- I o Sq.Ft. m a l`\ J a"- 192.00_ O N82`52-39°E- - m I °',.o, 11 5894818Ev X8034'7 SS.zdos/ I o W i1J I ISIr482°52'39°E 130.31 11110 109.73 -83i3 o/h. 6;932 D 529r' R 62.37 i; =73 /00-rj 2/ L-f 3 3830 //9 g o"' 15-08 0 `LrL 18.403 O - C li 19020 1J N r'. \a\\$ ,Z 10 )2 /p 10e P`5q.Ft Sq.Ft.1.-A p\\\ Sq.Ft OS D: r 52-77 O 28n I Yl Ne o s 50°-3 IoQIsep,ro0p0 A,V _ 66 o a z i O, 6p 0O o n O° 723.04-2,21IJP - 0 SSS 0 0 282 - 282g6 hp ti3 I_ t., 0 4 I\N87 3.04 W I a tl\ 8430 0 ,I / 2532E o\,\off_ ooO- p rL6a5n2 Z5° 2 G3•• 96 i N70 o r D' 16,354F / 6 42 iz oma Sq.Ft. 2. X00SS7".137N.13) rL / 024,816 9\' O 6 C v N 1 n^ sq.Ft. 02 26 O 83 S83CIb 5 N \5 , p, / ap6 0 BJ % 17,522 I 10 UD v-- Z5 oho? s yo. M 6 7 09 3o Y 30 ` d I 50 S)o 34 !' otj0 - S, 42.25 42.26 \ 43.86 43.86 9 6 S G Sq.Ft. wto 84.52 d , N89°18'49"E 184.28 `\ 3 RB o A^ A T N89°18'51"E), SQ°E N \I own oN 2'• I -T S toN IVI. r+) OUTLOT E j ` ` 1 TI nT \'''o w o w l 2` LU 1ORtt O o L-; 21,132 v v I L_v I \\I'7= Ol= 1 F S o 1n Bis.-gs am based on Mre Carver ComIVnwFT\ Sq.Ft. N N- OUTLOT F- /8 S( ifB \ z Lo OO Coordinate Sister,(HAD 83-1986ad/) o N I O) vcimi n t0 Z 60 30 0 30 60 120 AL- LANDWpoc? ' T_ SCALE IN FEET DO o6-0 Or N X I1 Zoning: too Proposed Zoning-RLM 3 yo 35%Max Impervious Co o Min Width-50ft Min Area-9,000 sf F Min Depth-110 It p z Fysb-25 ft I o Sysb-15 ft Total-5 ft Garage 1 z Rysb-25 ft I 60'Row-31'B-B Streets V11 I N89°18'51"E 464.93 1 /I^Tn AT nIT'7 f-n L)AA^ I VI`: Irl nI C;L_IV 1L_ PREPARED BY PREPARED FOR SURVEYOR DEVELOPER SATHRE-BERGQUIST.INC.HOMESTEAD PARTNERS.LLC 150 THSOUTHWESTCORNEROFSOUBROADWAY 8035 CULLIGAN WAYo _ SECWAYZATA,MINNESOTA 55391 MINNETONKA,MN 55345 m - .10,TWP.116,RGE23 1 END.CARVER COUNTY MON. PHONE:(952)476-6000 CONTACT: PHONE: 5476-0104 TOM BAKRITGES PHONE:(612)272-9701 CONTACT:DAVID PEMBERTON,PLS raAeWOMESTEAO-PARTNERS.COM EMAIL:PEMBERTON@SATHRE.COM DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED 3) Parcel Area laformadon: Gross Area: 507,182 s.£ times,es That pert of the Northwest Quarter ofthe$mWNW Qmrter efSalion 10.Township 116,Range 23,Cm,Comty,Minausts desn'bod as Jonows:R/at Area: 9,940 s.£- 0.228 ec[m DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: Conunevcings the West Qaerts e,rns ofvid ssfla lO;Wmce on as seemed bearkig ofSoaM ldegsce 56 mivm40es assess Eabvgdw Wen line ofssreaidWetA : 177.738 s.f.-4.080 acres S°uthweat Coarser,a distance°1'121340f;Chace North 88 dogma 03 minutes 20 ssmvds Eames distaaa of464.93 Joel;thence North dolma 56 m nb0 wardsrm Net Area: 319,500 s.£-7.33 acres. Westmslicepandlelsemid west lice of the Southi,sst Quarter,ediruneof289.19 feat;to the pointofbegiwiogofWe tract in be dao ibed;louts ooatiming NoshI degree 56m,w 40 anunds West ons lies pardlel m and sail lice offlw Snoth-Quarts,.doom-f271%fb';Wawa Noah 88 dem-03 minutes 20 ods 4) Samhmark: Elevetiovs ere based on MN/DOT Geodetic Dambass Station Name:Ex..Isw,AZ MK which has an elewtiovof:1025.76f 5 FS.d 1ueaof818.71fat;these,South 6 degmees 43 nate W secoade WasteduvaSend,t.ce of276.11for;disce S 88 degmea 03 ranates 20 woods West,a NAVD88), disuaar,0T13f mtbepoiatofbegiaaiag. And 5) Zoning Information:The current Zoning fm the abject property is A2(Agliwlonel Estates Dinner)per the Cityof Cb h_ s zoning map dated Thetpart of We Northwast Quarts ofthe Bouthaeat Qiurts nfaaflm]0,Towmhip 116,Ravge23,Grva Coaty,MimraoLL described as faBowa: January 14,2014 along with partial zoning M BC(BinffCresk OvM y Disvict). CothWeen gatshe West Qin of65LBofsaid Ssua]O;thencesaes as met tb deanfSouther. ti.,ig is 40 serovds 56an.g the- di Panalo please vote that the geceml res[rictiom fortbe subjectpmperty may have been.lodes Wroughecity process.Wecould be umwme stash VSouthvrestQuuts,ah. wQsen of 65 fatmf5e . 1tof beginningNtfihetraM. tdi c(ftm@dWMtiam Sou afSadigna56 rvwalw40semade Fiatelwgsaid em,admevts ifNeyere not inerecorded documentprovitled to us.We recommend ihs[ezonivg lever be obtaiced firm Ne Zovivg Adminishator forWastlireoftbeSmNassQiarter,sdistavice of 562.12finepoint 1,213.40 fcet dinmlfmm and Wen Qads cameraFSatim l0;unvce 88 degees 03 mivuus 20 the curtain restrictions for thissin. I seconds EasLa distanrz of 464.93 fat;these,Nwthldegree 56 vuvutes 40 nxovdaWwtov ehce puaVelmsud Wen line of the SouWwest Qurts,a distance 562.15 fat;shear SovW Bg degras 03 mimites 20 seconds Wes4 edntaoce of46493 hs brise point ofbegiroing. 1 1 And We have not received the current zoning classification and building setback requhementa firm fire manna. 1 O_ I TE -' N I Oudot B,C and D,VISTAS AT BENTZ FARMS,accordmg to the recomed plot thereof,Carver County,Minnesota.6) Uddfi-We have showa the loc.0on ofunhnes on the surveyed property by observed evidence only.There may be u°dergmuoad uahties encmnbemig the subject proparry wa mum-Please nom that we have not placed a Gopher Stam One Call fm this survey There mayor may not be NOT TO SCALE y unaargroanaahlmeamtnemappedares.mereroree.lremaeannnmm atneaaorciaabermavyexmaannntakesplareonorneartn aaim.BaJora1) San Addreu:7240 Gelpin Bwlmard,Chanhassen,MN 55331 digging,you are re4uned by Is-oonfy Gopher Stam One Call et 1-48 hours m isi-0651/454-0002. B Being 5 feet in width and adjoining tot lines,tmless otherwise C M 2) Flood Zone la formadom The subject property appears to He widdn Zone C,(area outside the 1-perevat arcual china flood w f 1%somal A A chaom sheet Flow floodinghere avam e d the are has a mm i f p th meas° 7) Wetland Dvlinatla0:The Wed.vd delivatlon was Wr fooled by Arrowhead Envkomatal Conarlling end the delineedo Begs were located w indicated,and 10 feet In width and adjoining right of way lines, Pwgdepth, 4 arms of l%annual comma stream flooding where the,are ah ting Within i area Unless otherwise indicated,as shown on the plat L is less than 7 square mile,or areas protected from the 1%annual chance flood by In ees.No Base Flood BlewOovs or tlepms ea shown within tlas Augusl7,2013,P E sone.Imutavice purchase is of,required in these zoos)and Zone A(Areas with a 1%annual chase offending and a 26%chmmce offl-ding over the lifeofe30-yearmortgoge.Beesusedetailed...lys..arevotpertedforsucbmees;nodepftorbnwflwdelevetiovsmeshownwithin these nes.),per the Nadoml Flood Imurmmce Program,Flood lnmm.ce Rem Mep Commoi y Pace)No.270510005B,dead July 2,1979.s.N.ired from the Federal Eseenremy Maegemat Agency Web Site. FIELD CREW NO. BY DATE REVISION I hereby certify that this survey,plan or report Was prepared by me or under m direct s Xxx USE(INCLUDINGOFINFPYING, ON)O DISTRIBUTION, Land Serveor under the laws of the State ofMimlesotz. y supervision ad[hatlameduiy Licensed nB s TWP:11Carver runty. 10 FILE NO. e CONVEYANCE IBITENFORMATION) OFTHISPRODUCTIS y EE f/RL Carver County PRELIMINARY PLAT DRAWN STRICTLY WRITTINAUTWITHOUTATION. USEWI HOUT, INC.'s PF 37$65-001-200 F(PRESSATiON ONSTI UTES AN ILLEGITIMATEGITIMTE USESAID Doled this__day of June,2017. 20 SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.JJA AUTHORHEREBYINDEMITUTESANILLEERGQUTT, INCOD W y FAWN HILLCHECKEDSHALLTHEREEYINDEMNIFVSATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC OF HANHASSEN 1 OBP ALL RESPONSIBILITY SATHRE-BERGQUIST,INC RESERVES rtr ,,,, y 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA,MN.55391 952 476000 THERIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY o' P WWW SATHRE.COM MINNESOTADATELEGALLYESUSTINGSFRLOMIFOR LLEGITIMATEUD9ELOSSES pandsB. Pemberton,PLS MlmesotaLieenseNo.40344 O~ FRS P`P' l2e HOMSTEAD PARTNERS LLC0&0812017 pemherton@aathre.com PARTNERS, i FAWN HILL PLAT FILE NO. WEST I/4 CORNER OF 6,RGE.23 C.R. DOC. NO. FND. ICARVERI COUNTY MON. I WEST LINE OF SWI/4 OF SEC.10,TWP.116,RGE.23 L)r-^T e Ar-n r\(-\1 A/ i00 1J: I V I L-/-U LJ V V V C7't S88°03'20"W) S89°18'51"W 1283.60 50 61.71) 464.83 818.67 210.82 T 146.57 144.78 / \ N 151.95 0 300? . 030 - - - - 298.54- - - - -268.13 r 50.57 m j'\)Ny f°-")\23.29 OUT y h ro M g0 T \L', in O 3/ 30 30 3 441.02_I o INIo ti C] 19z.00_ 52'39"E tJ ro'- I a9 N82° - I L 589'48'18"E gp•o Gj9 N J 60 30 0 30 60 120 C,1 532 h O 130.31 19" S, S m cN3 O iv)82'39"E 9 34, E SS 1 J .>°2 a o W Lt, I SCALE INFEETF 2g / N82° rn i R 1N 109.73 62.37 B 3/° 5 Bp 293\/// 5 5 N S3o /959 n IN3 1 3 j\ N ^ 15.089 23\ O' y;stiA'NSce foOF \, O L o N1P+ a oes \\\52.77 IovcC o- kE. /Aryp1N f \ // O"W ms4$• / A=50°23'28°I n t t q4,o 669 . .Y 0 Iwo 4 / / R`\ A\n, S b£OL 1 / 5j6°O9p0 'Oos$$° _N8153' N t $ V\ a z L / / e r 9\9 £ NTIY \ 60.- 25" SS9° O o o 3.04 moo p o/tib. ati 25°06'22 V/ /o_ o fd s p% A' o 0;1r), ORAINACE r42I'Q$\ i k' / $2 6 a AND U71II7y The bearing basis is the west line of theL`L EAs p I Qu PEMENiSouthwestQuarterofSection10,Township 116 o , 6 2 s f ga2. \ , , . b0 5\88 03'20"W 777.13 Wes Range 23 North which is assumed to bear C v,= o; 5 a // S?s / ,yo S°sa7718' 7.O59" w \ 5 j1 g0 6) 2` SOS 6 So South 00 degrees 41 minutes 09 seconds East. w m 3\ / ••VU d a2 `a/ S °42.25 42.28 6 43.86 43.85 h 96.56 SRO 50 ILLJ R / 6'S k-N79°32'09^W S 5 q t 36A6„r,i in nT n \W84.52 N89°18 49'E 184.28 w $ N 2 56 bnl- st.4 o / I l°o .0 S \ r- goy F T tr1^Tn^ nA nT N89°18'51"E jr-a1T-7 \ sg° A)AA,^I pN \I a w rn 1. i L.L_I v I I V I.: rq- Denotes a 1/2 inch by 14 inch von pipe se[in p tS C.O. V I J I rU..: \q,'L/ n I op; !:/`• s>bs,ZD O F_ n 3 r \t, I J X rp the ground and marked by License No.40344 C ..O OUTLOT E c5 \ 04 0,5` OU i LI L i ..-- M w rn w 1 8F 2jS w Denotes a Found Iron Monument V) w 1 e X40/4 n OUTLOT F gs z i 1 i f O q n' / 0'N- N- R OD6t, q G CF 6 r 0 S \ Denotes a Found Cast-Iron-Monument o Jo DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 77 O ww EASEMENT OVER ALL Oy ``NT N O I m OF oulLOT E N s A 5 Ito Z 1' Z xxxx)Denotes Deed Dimension sWETLAND I O C\ i f t Ld N 100 60 0) 3o d' ^ KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That Chanhassen Investment LLC.,fee owner of the following described property situated in the State of STATE OF MINNESOTA O z Minnesota,County of Carver,to wit: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN O I Z That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section ID,Township 116,Mange 23,Carver County,Minnesota described as follows: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ma,this day of 2017,by David B.Pemberton,Professional Land Surveyor, I Commencing at the West Quarter comer ofmid section 10;thence on an assumed hearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West line ofmid Southwest Quarter, Minnesota License No.40344.1 a distance of 1213.40 feet;thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seeouds East,a dtaace of 464.93 feet;thence North I degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel in said f west line of the Southwest Quarter,a distance of289.19 f t to the point of beginning of the tract to be described;thence continuing North I degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said west line of the Southwest Quarter,a distance of 272.96 feet;thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds Eat,a dismnce of 818.71 feet;thence South 6 degrees Notary Public,Hennepin County,Minnesota Notary Printed Name 43 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of276.11 feet;thence Smith 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West,a distance of 777.13 feet m the point ofbegi-mg. My Commission Expires:ou N89°18'51"E 464.93 n N88°03'20"E) And Lo t r l^T A A T r-N I T-7 r'A[)A A^ CHsyANyA$gApCEN,MINNESOTA aVI.: nl L.L_IV L_ I /-UI\IVU: That part of the NoMwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10,Township llb,Range 23,Carver County,Minnesota describedafollows: This plat of FAWN HILL was approved and accepted by the City Council ofthe City of Chanhassen,Minnesota ataregularmeetingbell this day of Commencing at the West Quarter comer ofmid Section 10;thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the West lice ofmid Southwest Quarter, 2017,and is in compliance with the provisions ofMinnesota Statues Section 505.03,Subdivision 2. e distance of 651.25 feet to the prior of beginning of the tract to be described;thence continuing South 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds But along said West line of the Southwest Quarter,a distance of 562.12 feet to a point 1,213.40 feet distant from said West Quarter comer of Section 10;thence 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds CITY COUNCII,OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN,MINNESOTAo thence North 1 degree 56 minutes 40 seconds West on a line parallel to said West line of the Southwest Fast,a distance res 20 se feet; c _ SOUTHWEST CORNER OF West,a distance of 464.93 feet to the t fbe' Quarter,a distance 562.15 feet;thence South 86 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds SEC.10,TWP.116,RGE.23 point o g'®mg. By: Mayor I IND.CARVER COUNTY MON. And 1 Ou[lot B,C and D,VISTAS AT BENTZ FARMS,according to the recorded plat thereof Carver County,Minnesota. By: Administrator COUNTYSURVEYOR, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS:Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as FAWN HILL and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the Carver County,Minnesota public ways and drainage and utility easements,m shown on this plat, Pursuant to Chapter 395,Mimomota Laws of 1971,this plat has been approved this day of 2017. 5 I In witness whereof said Chanhassen Investment LLC.has caused these presents m be signed by its proper officer this day of Brian Praske,Carver County Surveyor 2017. I Chanhassen Investment LLC. By: f COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Matt Hanish,Vice President Carver County,Minnesota STATE OF MINNESOTA I hereby certify that taxes payable in and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat.Dated this day of J_ 2017. COUNTY OF NOT TO SCALE The foregoing Laurie Davies,County AuditooTreaurer g mg imstrumen[was acknowledged before me this_day of 2017,by Mass Hanish,Vice President of Chanhassen Investment LLC. Being 5 feet in width and adjoining lot lines,unless otherwise By: indicated,and 10 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines, unless otherwise indicated,as shown on the plat. Notary Public,Hennepin County,Minnesota Notary Printed Name My Commission Expires: COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County,Minnesota SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this plat of FAWN HILL was fled this_day of 2017,at o'clock_.M.m Document No. I David B.Pemberton,do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision,that I am a duly licensed Ind surveyor in the State of Minnesota;that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey;that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on the plat that all monuments County Recorder depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year as indicated on the plat;that all water boundaries and wet lands a defined in Minnesota Statutes, 2 Eas sOR`Section 505.01,Subdivision 3 existing a of the date of tbis certification are shown and labeled on the plat and that of public ways are shown and labeled on the plat, r wBy N SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. Dated this day_of 12017. N Fas vsP David B.Pemberton,Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No.40344 Carper County 1t 6fw Works Administration 113609ftg&Vay 212 Operationsr2b, Suite 1 1 gyram(Detneg Cofip4 MW 55322-8016 Parks gfWW(952)466-5200 1Faz(952)466.5223 July 6, 2017 City of Chanhassen c/o Robert Generous Re: Development Review Comments: Fawn Hill Preliminary Plat and Rezoning – 7240 Galpin Blvd (CR 117)—Fawn Hill Road Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval as requirements for the subject development and any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. Prior to Plat approval, the County would like to review and approve an exhibit drawing showing a cross section of Galpin Blvd and the adjacent lots 4-5-6 at the north and south ends of the plat. The cross section would show the future road improvements and how these improvements might affect the subject lot grades and lot proposed improvements. The two cross sections should be referenced to a plan view at 1:40 scale from center of existing ROW and existing grade, with notes on proposed grades for the roadway and subject lots. 2. The plans show converting the end of a culvert to a drop inlet structure. It is hard to tell how the grading and this structure will work together. It needs to be made clear how the drainage along the west side of Galpin Blvd works with this change. The contours were not clear. 3. Per County Surveyor comments, the boundary appears consistent with adjoining plats and verified by several found corner markers. Street names and centerlines are a continuation from adjoining plats. Galpin Blvd should also have a "County Road No. 117" label. Galpin RW Dedication from 33 to 50 feet is correct and matches adjoining plats. May want to show or document controlled access for Lots 5 & 6 onto Galpin. Outlots A thru C appear created for lot expansions from the north. Purpose of landlocked Outlot D? No other survey comments. 4. Related to parks and trails, please provide for County review and approval some type of additional, declarative sub-report and figures of the specific plans and impacts to the City and County regional and linking trails plan for the highways and areas related to the plat and this development. 5. Any existing field access or existing driveways will need to be removed and replaced with ditch and or curb and gutter in order to preclude nuisance use. Note to same shall be made on face of site plan. 6. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (httg://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a- R:\Program Delivery\Transportation\Development Review\2017\ eprrnit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. 7. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely. Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works cc: Chad Braun (TE/ Permits) RAProgram Del ivery\Transportation\Development Review\2017\ From:Terry Jeffery [mailto:tieffery@rpbcwd.org] Sent: Wednesday,July 05, 2017 11:07 AM To: twelshinger@sathre.com Cc: tomb@homestead-partners.com;ssobiech@barr.com; Smith, Stephanie sbsmith@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: 2017-047 Fawn Hill initial comments on incomplete application Fawn Hill Review Comments to Applicant 7/5/17 TRJ The RPBCWD received your application and supporting information for the proposed Fawn Hill subdivision and site improvement plan in Chanhassen on June 23, 2017. The application has been assigned permit number 2017-047. However, the application is considered incomplete. A review of the submitted information has generated the following questions or comments. These are only preliminary comments and do not constitute an exhaustive set of plan redlines. Additional comments will be generated with complete submittal. Many of the items listed below will need to be addressed before a recommendation can be made to the RPBCWD Board of Managers. The application will be considered incomplete until the following information is received: 1. Stormwater management model and report consistent with Rule J, subsections 4.1 and 4.3 including electronic versions of the models used. 2. Because the property is immediately adjacent to a wetland, riparian to Bluff Creek, the proposed subdivision will trigger Rule D—Wetland and Creek Buffers. Information must be submitted as stipulated in Rule D, §7 Because the project involves work below the 100-year flood elevation of a waterbody (floodplain wetland of Bluff Creek), the project must conform to the requirements in the RPBCWD Floodplain Management and Drainage Alterations rule (Rule B, Subsection 2.1). To conform to the RPBCWD Rule B the following revisions are needed: B1. It appears that, at a minimum, work will occur below the floodplain (956.13) for the proposed flared end section. Please continue existing ground elevation in profile view on sheet 4 of 11. Placement of fill below the 100-year flood elevation is prohibited unless fully compensatory storage at the same elevation (+/- 1 foot) is provided. Please provide a table listing the cut and fill at 1 foot intervals below the floodplain elevation. B2.The following note must be added to the plans: Activities must be conducted so as to minimize the potential transfer of aquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, etc.) to the maximum extent possible. Because the project will involve 5.74 acres of land-disturbing activity, the project must conform to the requirements in the RPBCWD Erosion and Sediment Control rule (Rule C, Subsection 2.1). To conform to the RPBCWD Rule C the following revisions are needed: C1.The erosion control plan must include the "Standard Erosion Control and Aquatic Invasive Species Notes" which can be found on the permit page on the District's website. http://www.ri)bcwd.org/permits/ Because the project creates 10 lots (not including outlots) and disturbs greater than 5,000 square feet of land, the project must conform to RPBCWD's stormwater management rule as described in Rule J, Subsection 2. To conform to the RPBCWD Rule J the following revisions are needed: A. Please provide all supporting materials as required by Rule J, Section 4 including electronic copies of the models used for design. J2. Please provide geotechnical study for the subject property. J3. The project must meet the criteria listed in Rule J, subsection 3.1. J4. Permit applicant must provide a maintenance and inspection plan. The plan must be documented in a form acceptable to the District. A draft maintenance agreement is available on the permits page of the RPBCWD website. http://www.ri)bcwd.or-q/permits ) Review of the additional materials may result in additional comments that will need to be addressed prior to issuing a permit. We will do everything we can to ensure that we move you through the permitting process as quickly as possible. Please contact me (952.807.6885) or Scott Sobiech (cc'd on this e-mail, 952-832-2755)with any questions or concerns. Thank you, CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July 6, 2017 the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of a request for a rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Residential Low and Medium Density District (RLM); Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor, and a Preliminary Plat for 10 single family lots creating 9 new homes and one existing home to remain with 6 outlots, with a variance, to the persons named on attached Exhibit"A",by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the naives and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. I e—'k '— --TV1 Kim T. euwissen, Deputy Cl rk Subscribed and sworn to before me this–L-L-day of y i 2017. JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Public-Minnesota Notary Public My COMMI-W Expires Jan 31,2020 O 00 Ln O rl l0 d' c-I Kt O rl w N w Ln Ln rl rl M LD M O n r r, N m m rr O O O r r- 0 Ln Ln m O N 00 1.0 Ln M L,0 Ln 0 01 Ln Ln O LD O O rl O m M M O Ln O1 O CO O M LT m Ch O L» m Ln 00 Q1 m m M m O Ln m m m Ln M O M 1;T :t Ct t t cY Ln M co d t dt -t M Ct LD 0o m LT F, O Ol LT 01 m 0o d Ql LT Ol d' LT N N Rt L,D 0o 00 0o zt 01 LT L.0 00 LD 00 01 00 c-i M rl rl rl qt c-I c-r rl rl i-I M i-I c-I r-I c1 r-I r-1 O r-I N r-I i--I i--I r-I "I r-I H c-I c-i i-I ri r-I r-I M M m M M m M M M M M M m M m m M M H m Kt M m M M m M M M M m M m M Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln 4 Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln w Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln In Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Z Z Z Z Z z z Z Z Z z Z z z z z z z O z z Z z Z Z Z z z z z z z z Z LU} Z Z Z Z z Z Z Z Z Z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z z Z Z Z Z LU w w w w w w w w w w w w w w wa w w w w w w w w w w w Lu wNLnLnLnLnLnLntoLnLnLnLnLnLnLntoV) Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln N Ln N Ln Ln N Ln Ln to Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln N Ln Ln Ln Ln U Ln > N to Ln Ln N Ln N Ln Ln Ln N Ln Ln Q o Q Q Q a a Q Q a o a a a Q a a a z Q Q a Q Q Q a a a a a Q Q2J222z22222J222222a2w2222222222222ZWZZZYZZZZZWZZZZZZLnZ0ZZzZZZZZZ & MAQUaaQaaQQQQUQaaaQazaJQaQaaaQaa 2 0 2 2 2 2 = x 2 2 S S 2 2 Q 2 0 2 2 2 2 = 2 2 2 2 U w U U U 2 U UU U U w U U U U U U Y U C7 U U U U U U U U U J mocc C a 3: aa3H H H U U U U J I- > J I- W U W J J J F- U J J U J m _U W Ln N U_ N m W LL U_ U_ W N N Q J J_ J W N J >j J J c0 Z h- > > W U w Z > w H H > w H O W co S S 2 > W m 2 co 2 O 2waWQYwo_ Y W w w W Y O 0 Z Z Z Z w Y Z Z Z Z Zo_ C7 00 Z z o_ V' 0 Z Z C7 z J H F- 0) J z J a J o = O1 a J J _ o a a a o J z o z o_ a Z Z aLUaccxcczQwCCCCaOWQaQWaWa Q o CJ G I- Ln m G m R d G G ' co > m m LL LL LL w m m LL m LL LL r- O r- rl 00 r-1 m r\ O Q1 M O O 00 01 M N Ln > O O M 01 00 0) LD 00 LD Q1 Ln N Ln LD O t N rr- 1 CF w N O P- m Ln0"0 O O "i H C4NLDLO1n .moi l w rre) cn - 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