I-1. Resolution 2017-64: Certify Preliminary 2018 Levy to Carver County Auditor lT � w 9 S Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow H A � MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Greg Sticha, Finance Director, � DATE: September 25, 2017 4 ' SUBJ: 2018 Preliminary Levy Approval PROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council approves Resolution 2017-64 Adopting the Preliminary Levy of $10,913,868 for 2018 and Establishing the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing Date for 2017 as December 4, for Taxes Collectible in 2018." Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council. BACKGROUND At our August 28th and September 11th city council work sessions, staff reviewed the detailed budgets and three scenarios for setting the preliminary levy. At this evening's meeting, staff will briefly review this information, as well as go through the attached PowerPoint presentation. At the end of the discussion, the council will be asked to approve a preliminary levy that needs to be be submitted to the county before September 30. Staff presented three budget/levy scenarios at our budget discussions. The detailed department presentations were based on Scenario #1. Listed below are each of the scenarios and the impact of each one. The one critical piece of information that has changed is that healthcare cost bids were received and the low bid came in at 15%rather than 20%which staff had included for the budget. This change allows for a reduction in General Fund expenditures of approximately$30,000. Scenario #1: This scenario includes an increase in the total levy from the previous year of $148,747 or 1.38%. Included in that amount is $118,747 in new property tax dollars and $116,955 in eliminated debt levy dollars being used for General Fund expenditures,thus resulting in a .27%or$2-$4 increase in the city portion of the property tax bill for the average home in the city($30,000 above new growth). PH 952.227.1100• www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us• FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 Mayor&City Council 2018 Preliminary Levy September 25,2017 Page 2 This scenario includes wage increases for employees of 3%, a possible 15%increase to the healthcare contract, $89,700 for an increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line items (both decreases and increases). This scenario would allow for the addition of$30,000 in new services if the city council desired. Scenario #2: This scenario includes an increase in the total levy of$118,747 or 1.10%. Included in that amount is $118,747 in new property tax dollars and $116,955 in eliminated debt levy dollars being used for General Fund expenditures, thus resulting in a zero percent increase in the city portion of the property tax bill on the average home in the city(new growth). This scenario includes wage increases for employees of 3%, a 15%increase to the healthcare contract, $89,700 for an increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line items (both decreases and increases). There would be no changes to the attached budget that would need to be made in order to achieve this levy. Scenario #3: The third scenario includes an increase in the total levy of$68,747 or 0.64% higher from the previous year. Included in that amount is $118,747 in new property tax dollars and $116,955 in eliminated debt levy dollars being used for General Fund expenditures, thus resulting in a 0.46%or$5-$7 decrease in the city portion of the property tax bill on the average home in the city($50,000 below new growth). This scenario includes wage increases for employees of 3%, a 15%increase to the healthcare contract, $89,700 for an increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line items (both decreases and increases). In order to achieve this levy, either a combination of reduced expenses or increased budgeted revenues would need to amount to $50,000 as compared to scenario #2. There are a number of items that still could significantly impact the final budget. Because of the possible significance of those unknowns, staff believes setting a preliminary levy lower than Scenario#2 would allow for less flexibility in setting the final budget for 2017. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the preliminary levy be set at Scenario #2. It is staff's belief that this will provide the city the most flexibility in the event of significant or unplanned cost increases or fluctuations between now and December. It should be noted that the final levy established in December can only be set lower than the preliminary levy. Mayor& City Council 2018 Preliminary Levy September 25, 2017 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS 1. Levy Impact Scenarios. 2. Preliminary Levy PowerPoint Presentation. 3. Preliminary Levy Resolution. 4. Revolving Construction Fund Projections. 5. Bond Tax Levy Schedule. 6. Detailed General Fund Budget. f:\gregs\budget\2018 budget\9-25 prelim bud discussion.docx I CITY OF CHANHASSEN TAX LEVY 2018 Budget 2017 2018 Dollar Percent OPERATIONAL &CAPITAL LEVY Levy Levy Change Change General Fund $8,468,631 $8,704,333 Capital Replacement Fund (for equipment) 800,000 800,000 Revolving Imp Street Reconstruction 384,838 384,838 Pavement Mgmt Fund (Sealcoating) 93,000 93,000 Total Operational & Capital Levy 9,746,469 9,982,171 235,702 2.42% DEBT LEVY Public Works Facility 596,700 470,400 Library Referendum 451,952 461,297 Total Debt Levy 1,048,652 931,697 (116,955) -11.15% TOTAL TAX LEVY $10,795,121 $10,913,868 $118,747 1.10% Scenario#1 Scenario#2 Scenario#3 Levy Levy Levy Taxes applied to: General Fund $8,734,333 $8,704,333 $8,654,333 Capital Replacement 800,000 800,000 800,000 Pavement Mgmt 93,000 93,000 93,000 Revolving Imp St Recon 384,838 384,838 384,838 Total Levy subject to levy limits $10,012,171 $9,982,171 $9,932,171 Library Referendum $461,297 $461,297 $461,297 Public Works Building 470,400 470,400 470,400 Total $10,943,868 $10,913,868 $10,863,868 Tax Generation Capacity(Not actual levy, Used only for estimating the impact on the average home) Prior Year $10,795,121 $10,795,121 $10,795,121 New Construction (1.10%) $118,747 $118,747 $118,747 Total Capacity $10,913,868 $10,913,868 $10,913,868 Percent Change (To avg home city prop tax) after New Growth 0.27% 0.00% -0.46% Assumes the average home in Chanhassen of$340,000 and approx 4.20%valuation increase Staff recommendation for Preliminary Levy (144:Cl..)Ammo* :$ —\, .1 = r\f P.T.4 =I-4 0-4 ,. iv s S ^ a) C o E N co c c LL mci E o 06 ia) N > n- cvO O , 0 N co _ 00 CD a) 0 c.) 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That the total preliminary levy to be certified to Carver County by September 30, 2017 is $10,913,868; and 2. That the preceding sums of money have been scheduled as "Proposed Levy Certification"to fund operations of the general fund, capital replacement fund, MSA fund and debt service funds to be levied in 2017 for collection in 2018 upon the taxable property in the City of Chanhassen as shown in this resolution; and 3. That the City Council of the City of Chanhassen determines that certain bonded indebtedness levies are hereby adopted to meet current and future bond requirements and that the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to increase or reduce the previously adopted bonded debt levies as shown on the attached Tax Levy Certification document; and 4. That the public meeting date will be set for December 4, 2017 and the budget and tax levy adoption will be set for December 11, 2017 as allowed by law; and 5. That the City of Chanhassen authorizes the County Auditor to certify the amounts as set forth in the attached Proposed Levy Certification document for purposes of preparing the Truth-in-Taxation notices. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 25th day of September,2017. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT TY N O (OHO 7 TY OD 0O 01 O Na-CO 77 UO CO a-UC/ U)M UO CO M CO N OD M 0- U) 0 O N r W V 7 NN h0 P.-LQ Ct. 01 NN M 0 0 0 0 N V 0 0) 7 V UO M CO Ch CO 7 0 co M O V UC/ U)a- 0 OM CON a-N N CO C)7 U)U) O UU 0 UO U)UO O UO S "M N N a- CO a- N 7 7 U3 69 U3 U3 N CO 6969 O OD c-LO UO ON V UO D-CD TY CV a-c077 D-.O UO OM N 0- 7 UO UO CO M n O O) Na- M7 0) N N CDN ISN 007 co.o UON 0 0 0 0 r-OD UO O N O)UO CO M N CO 7 0 N 000 O O CD 00 CD UO CO c-N N C)M7 UO N C' S.O 0O W W O UO 7 O 6 3 UA U3 U3 U3673 U3 U3 N a- N - N M Cl CO N 7 h UO N CO Co UO— N C O N a-UD Cr 07O M M O UO 7O O UO CO Mr UO a-Co7 U1C 0 a-N OM C1 D-..r Un7000Un CO 7a--N 00) N 7N U N- CO co UO M o0 M co.1= N O UO7 Ma- UD CD U0 11)CD CD CO a-N N MM7 N 7 0 7 N W O 7 t` "°D U3 U3 63 U9 U3 U3 6969 N".- N s- N N N (• D 7 N UO UC/ �N CO N- r N h 0 N N.-UO Cr LO 03 UOM Ub 7N MUD O UO N M N- UO UO C0 0 N O UO ti NY Un N-M r r UO V 0 0 N` a-V CD CO UO NY: COCSO O co coU17 UO M co M co N N CO UO N CO CO 7 M CO O CO a-N N M M N 0 C C co_co 0 CO -a "N 69 N 6 N a- N N N U3 49 49 49 49 69 M0 Ub UO UO .-- F) MN ND- a- I MCM M UO OD LO OCD N cO O CO CO MD T- N..O(o ‘-,I:. 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- - * Total General Property Tax 7,826,216 8,028,411 8,503,631 8,709,333 2.4% 8,885,000 • Licenses 3203 Dog Kennel 175 500 500 500 500 3206 Massage License 300 600 1,300 800 800 3213 Solicitor 10 - - - - 3226 Liquor On and Off Sale 92,005 92,221 95,000 93,000 93,000 3284 Rubbish 3,300 2,400 4,000 3,500 3,500 * Total Licenses 95,790 95,721 100,800 97,800 -3.0% 97,800 Permits 3301 Building 612,850 524,996 500,000 500,000 500,000 3302 Plan Check 280,141 252,621 235,000 235,000 235,000 3305 Heating&A/C 135,603 114,854 82,800 82,800 82,800 3306 Plumbing 99,218 92,927 65,000 65,000 65,000 3307 Trenching 44,854 40,641 30,000 30,000 30,000 3308 Hunting/Shooting 780 940 1,400 1,400 1,400 3309 Sprinkler 13,555 8,335 11,000 11,000 11,000 3311 Sign 8,785 8,590 6,500 6,500 6,500 3316 Septic Tank 1,756 1,560 - - - 3320 Stable 190 200 300 300 300 3331 Firework's Application Fee 200 200 - - - 3390 Misc.Permits 5,211 3,410 3,000 3,000 3,000 * Total Permits 1,203,143 1,049,275 935,000 935,000 0.0% 935,000 Fines&Penalties 3401 Traffic&Ordinance Violation 116,119 113,232 115,000 115,000 115,000 3402 Vehicle Lockouts 890 692 1,000 1,000 1,000 3404 Dog/Cat Impound 179 427 - - - 3405 Other Fines and Penalties 1 16 - - * Total Fines&Penalties 117,189 114,368 116,000 116,000 0.0% 116,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 3503 Reimbursement from School Dist. 42,506 47,056 45,000 47,000 47,000 3509 Other Shared Taxes 194,251 196,298 200,000 200,000 200,000 3510 Grants-State 146,642 162,175 146,000 162,000 162,000 3530 Grants-Federal 214 - - - 3533 Grants-Other - 692 - - - * Total Intergovernmental Revenue 383,613 406,222 391,000 409,000 4.6% 409,000 2018 General Fund Budget Revenue 2015 2016 2017 2018 Inc Over 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget PY Budget Estimate Charges for Current Services 3601 Sale of Documents 1,051 863 500 500 500 3602 Use&Variance Permits 17,430 13,309 20,000 20,000 20,000 3603 Rezoning Fees 4,100 2,700 2,000 2,000 2,000 3604 Assessment Searches 60 15 300 300 300 3605 Plat Recording Fees 3,300 1,650 5,100 4,000 4,000 3607 Election Filing Fees - - - - - 3613 Misc.-General Government 4,823 2,892 5,000 5,000 5,000 3614 Admin.Charge-2%Constr. 31,282 56,079 50,000 55,000 55,000 3617 Engineering General - 125 - - - 3619 Investment Management Fee 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 3629 Misc.-Public Safety 11,053 9,465 10,000 10,000 10,000 3630 Recreation Program Fees 47,795 52,417 48,000 52,000 52,000 3631 Recreation Center 219,518 218,732 218,000 218,000 222,000 3633 Park Equipment Rental 51 57 300 300 300 3634 Park Facility Usage Fee 15,992 19,395 16,000 19,000 19,000 3635 Watercraft Rental 16,520 16,169 16,000 16,000 16,000 3636 Self-Supporting Programs 40,483 42,001 42,000 42,000 42,000 3637 Senior Programs 41,460 45,854 39,000 45,000 45,000 3638 Food Concessions 12,662 11,470 12,000 12,000 12,000 3639 Misc.-Park&Rec. 1,123 905 1,200 1,200 1,200 3642 Recreation Sports 47,727 44,556 48,000 46,000 47,000 3649 Misc.-Public Works 900 4,646 2,000 2,000 2,000 3651 Merchandise Sales 2,307 3,702 1,800 2,400 2,400 * Total Charges for Current Services 594,637 622,000 612,200 627,700 2.5% 632,700 Other Revenue 3801 Interest Earnings 49,569 27,080 50,000 55,000 55,000 3802 Equipment Rental&Sale 178,359 182,378 176,000 185,000 185,000 3803 Building Rental 5,858 6,692 5,500 6,500 6,500 3804 Land Sale - 35,324 - - - 3807 Donations 26,400 24,275 24,969 25,267 25,000 3816 SAC Retainer 4,746 3,404 5,000 4,000 4,000 3818 Sur-Tax Retainer 806 662 1,000 1,000 1,000 3820 Misc.Other Revenue 361 418 300 300 300 3903 Refunds/Reimbursements 63,557 60,805 70,000 63,700 64,000 3980 Cash Short/Over (1) 0 - - - * Total Other Revenue 329,655 341,039 332,769 340,767 2.4% 340,800 ** Total General Fund Revenue 10,550,244 10,657,035 10,991,400 11,235,600 2.2% 11,416,300 Total General Fund Expenditures 11,235,600 Net Levy Remaining(Use of Gen Fund Reserves) - 2018 General Fund Budget Expenditures Personal Materials Contractual Capital 2018 2017 % 2016 Services &Supplies Services Outlay Total Total Change Actual General Government 1110 Legislative 44,900 - 81,600 - 126,500 116,500 8.58% 111,030 1120 Administration 494,400 - 56,600 - 551,000 529,500 4.06% 549,123 1130 Finance 303,400 200 49,600 - 353,200 364,500 -3.10% 323,083 1140 Legal - - 190,500 - 190,500 180,500 5.54% 187,471 1150 Property Assessment - - 150,000 - 150,000 140,000 7.14% 146,371 1160 MIS 157,900 30,000 46,900 - 234,800 239,100 -1.80% 238,095 1170 City Hall 84,200 41,600 281,000 - 406,800 404,200 0.64% 375,331 1180 Elections 24,600 4,000 14,000 - 42,600 42,600 0.00% 44,873 1190 Library Building - 2,500 109,100 - 111,600 111,600 0.00% 111,954 * Total 1,109,400 78,300 979,300 - 2,167,000 2,128,500 1.81% 2,087,332 Law Enforcement 1210 Police Administration 73,900 2,500 1,885,000 - 1,961,400 1,809,900 8.37% 1,716,848 1220 Fire Prevention&Admin 707,400 45,100 175,400 - 927,900 938,100 -1.09% 835,210 1250 Code Enforcement 717,200 6,600 13,000 - 736,800 755,300 -2.45% 702,293 1260 Community Service 58,700 1,700 6,000 - 66,400 67,100 -1.04% 58,355 Total 1,557,200 55,900 2,079,400 - 3,692,500 3,570,400 3.42% 3,312,705 Public Works 1310 Engineering 652,500 1,300 27,500 - 681,300 688,700 -1.07% 654,493 1320 Street Maintenance 851,600 112,600 30,900 - 995,100 956,000 4.09% 853,577 1350 Street Lighting&Signals - 2,000 354,500 - 356,500 349,500 2.00% 359,562 1370 Fleet Department 311,400 177,400 57,800 5,500 552,100 568,900 -2.95% 457,199 • Total 1,815,500 293,300 470,700 5,500 2,585,000 2,563,100 0.85% 2,324,831 Community Development 1410 Planning Commission - 200 1,500 - 1,700 1,300 30.77% 1,160 1420 Planning Administration 482,700 400 11,300 - 494,400 463,500 6.67% 434,915 1430 Senior Commission 28,600 - 9,700 - 38,300 36,800 4.08% 35,733 • Total 511,300 600 22,500 - 534,400 501,600 6.54% 471,808 Park&Recreation 1510 Park&Rec Commission - 200 1,000 - 1,200 1,200 0.00% 325 1520 Park&Rec Administration 232,900 200 5,900 - 239,000 228,000 4.82% 214,483 1530 Recreation Center 229,400 23,000 93,800 - 346,200 341,500 1.38% 319,873 1540 Lake Ann Park Operations 12,200 9,200 49,100 - 70,500 70,200 0.43% 65,597 1550 Park Maintenance 858,400 80,800 101,100 - 1,040,300 1,017,400 2.25% 972,921 1560 Senior Citizens Center 80,100 4,300 29,700 - 114,100 121,900 -6.40% 85,585 1600 Recreation Programs 214,900 21,100 116,100 - 352,100 345,800 1.82% 316,128 1700 Self-Supporting Programs 36,300 4,500 15,000 - 55,800 65,100 -14.29% 49,071 1800 Recreation Sports 29,300 7,900 300 - 37,500 36,700 2.18% 32,732 Total 1,693,500 151,200 412,000 - 2,256,700 2,227,800 1.30% 2,056,715 Total Operational Expenditures 6,686,900 579,300 3,963,900 5,500 11,235,600 10,991,400 2.22% 10,253,391 Transfer for Roads - - - - ** Total General Fund 11,235,600 10,991,400 2.22% 10,253,391 Dollar Change from Previous Year 244,200 2018 General Fund Budget Revenue 2015 2016 2017 2018 Inc Over 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget PY Budget Estimate General Property Tax 3010 Current Property Tax 7,774,157 8,000,093 8,468,631 8,704,333 2.8% 8,880,000 3002 Allowance for Delinquent Taxes (10,553) (39,158) (30,000) (40,000) (40,000) 3011 Delinquent Property Tax 42,108 34,408 65,000 45,000 45,000 3090 Excess TIF Taxes 20,503 33,069 - - - * Total General Property Tax 7,826,216 8,028,411 8,503,631 8,709,333 2.4% 8,885,000 Licenses 3203 Dog Kennel 175 500 500 500 500 3206 Massage License 300 600 1,300 800 800 3213 Solicitor 10 - - - - 3226 Liquor On and Off Sale 92,005 92,221 95,000 93,000 93,000 3284 Rubbish 3,300 2,400 4,000 3,500 3,500 * Total Licenses 95,790 95,721 100,800 97,800 -3.0% 97,800 Permits 3301 Building 612,850 524,996 500,000 500,000 500,000 3302 Plan Check 280,141 252,621 235,000 235,000 235,000 3305 Heating&A/C 135,603 114,854 82,800 82,800 82,800 3306 Plumbing 99,218 92,927 65,000 65,000 65,000 3307 Trenching 44,854 40,641 30,000 30,000 30,000 3308 Hunting/Shooting 780 940 1,400 1,400 1,400 3309 Sprinkler 13,555 8,335 11,000 11,000 11,000 3311 Sign 8,785 8,590 6,500 6,500 6,500 3316 Septic Tank 1,756 1,560 - - - 3320 Stable 190 200 300 300 300 3331 Firework's Application Fee 200 200 - - - 3390 Misc.Permits 5,211 3,410 3,000 3,000 3,000 * Total Permits 1,203,143 1,049,275 935,000 935,000 0.0% 935,000 Fines&Penalties 3401 Traffic&Ordinance Violation 116,119 113,232 115,000 115,000 115,000 3402 Vehicle Lockouts 890 692 1,000 1,000 1,000 3404 Dog/Cat Impound 179 427 - - - 3405 Other Fines and Penalties 1 16 - - - * Total Fines&Penalties 117,189 114,368 116,000 116,000 0.0% 116,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 3503 Reimbursement from School Dist. 42,506 47,056 45,000 47,000 47,000 3509 Other Shared Taxes 194,251 196,298 200,000 200,000 200,000 3510 Grants-State 146,642 162,175 146,000 162,000 162,000 3530 Grants-Federal 214 - - - - 3533 Grants-Other - 692 - - - * Total Intergovernmental Revenue 383,613 406,222 391,000 409,000 4.6% 409,000 2018 General Fund Budget Revenue 2015 2016 2017 2018 Inc Over 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget PY Budget Estimate Charges for Current Services 3601 Sale of Documents 1,051 863 500 500 500 3602 Use&Variance Permits 17,430 13,309 20,000 20,000 20,000 3603 Rezoning Fees 4,100 2,700 2,000 2,000 2,000 3604 Assessment Searches 60 15 300 300 300 3605 Plat Recording Fees 3,300 1,650 5,100 4,000 4,000 3607 Election Filing Fees - - - - - 3613 Misc.-General Government 4,823 2,892 5,000 5,000 5,000 3614 Admin.Charge-2%Constr. 31,282 56,079 50,000 55,000 55,000 3617 Engineering General - 125 - - - 3619 Investment Management Fee 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 3629 Misc.-Public Safety 11,053 9,465 10,000 10,000 10,000 3630 Recreation Program Fees 47,795 52,417 48,000 52,000 52,000 3631 Recreation Center 219,518 218,732 218,000 218,000 222,000 3633 Park Equipment Rental 51 57 300 300 300 3634 Park Facility Usage Fee 15,992 19,395 16,000 19,000 19,000 3635 Watercraft Rental 16,520 16,169 16,000 16,000 16,000 3636 Self-Supporting Programs 40,483 42,001 42,000 42,000 42,000 3637 Senior Programs 41,460 45,854 39,000 45,000 45,000 3638 Food Concessions 12,662 11,470 12,000 12,000 12,000 3639 Misc.-Park&Rec. 1,123 905 1,200 1,200 1,200 3642 Recreation Sports 47,727 44,556 48,000 46,000 47,000 3649 Misc.-Public Works 900 4,646 2,000 2,000 2,000 3651 Merchandise Sales 2,307 3,702 1,800 2,400 2,400 * Total Charges for Current Services 594,637 622,000 612,200 627,700 2.5% 632,700 Other Revenue 3801 Interest Earnings 49,569 27,080 50,000 55,000 55,000 3802 Equipment Rental&Sale 178,359 182,378 176,000 185,000 185,000 3803 Building Rental 5,858 6,692 5,500 6,500 6,500 3804 Land Sale - 35,324 - - - 3807 Donations 26,400 24,275 24,969 25,267 25,000 3816 SAC Retainer 4,746 3,404 5,000 4,000 4,000 3818 Sur-Tax Retainer 806 662 1,000 1,000 1,000 3820 Misc.Other Revenue 361 418 300 300 300 3903 Refunds/Reimbursements 63,557 60,805 70,000 63,700 64,000 3980 Cash Short/Over (1) 0 - - - * Total Other Revenue 329,655 341,039 332,769 340,767 2.4% 340,800 ** Total General Fund Revenue 10,550,244 10,657,035 10,991,400 11,235,600 2.2% 11,416,300 Total General Fund Expenditures 11,235,600 Net Levy Remaining(Use of Gen Fund Reserves) - 2018 General Fund Budget Legislative (1110) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 28,550 28,800 42,000 42,000 0.0% 44,800 4030 Contributions-Retirement 1,899 1,915 2,800 2,800 0.0% 3,000 4050 Workers Compensation 90 106 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Personal Services 30,539 30,821 44,900 44,900 0.0% 47,900 4300 Fees,Services - 2,096 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4340 Printing&Publishing 33,830 28,251 32,000 32,000 0.0% 32,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 27,606 41,682 32,000 42,000 31.3% 42,000 4370 Travel&Training 7,998 6,500 6,000 6,000 0.0% 6,000 4375 Promotional Expenses 671 1,679 600 600 0.0% 600 * Total Contractual Services 70,105 80,208 71,600 81,600 14.0% 81,600 ** Total Legislative 100,643 111,030 116,500 126,500 8.6% 129,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 2019 1 L 2018 General Fund Budget Adminstration (1120) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 357,301 374,858 351,300 362,000 3.0% 373,700 4011 Overtime-Reg 5,562 2,503 - - 0.0% - 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 215 231 1,000 300 (70.0%) 300 4030 Contributions-Retirement 50,344 48,549 53,200 54,700 2.8% 56,700 4040 Contributions-Insurance 52,835 58,697 64,400 73,900 14.8% 85,700 4050 Workers Compensation 2,621 2,995 3,700 3,500 (5.4%) 3,700 * Total Personal Services 468,878 487,832 473,600 494,400 4.4% 520,100 4210 Books&Periodicals 17 - - - 0.0% * Total Materials&Supplies 17 - - - 0.0% - 4300 Fees,Services 12,664 21,755 13,000 15,000 15.4% 15,000 4310 Telephone 5,380 4,934 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 4320 Utilities 1,198 89 1,500 200 (86.7%) 200 4330 Postage 19,425 21,641 21,000 21,000 0.0% 21,000 4340 Printing&Publishing 242 220 300 300 0.0% 300 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 4,540 4,221 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500 I 4370 Travel&Training 8,724 6,834 8,600 8,600 0.0% 8,600 4380 Mileage 1,139 837 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4410 Rental-Equipment 860 755 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 387 - - - 0.0% - 4807 Property Tax Expense - 4 - - 0.0% - * Total Contractual Services 54,557 61,291 55,900 56,600 1.3% 56,600 ** Total Administration 523,452 549,123 529,500 551,000 4.1% 576,700 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4040 Contributions-Insurance 4300 Fees,Services 1 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Finance (1130) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 208,887 218,028 227,000 224,600 (1.1%) 232,400 4011 Overtime-Reg - 156 - - 0.0% - 4030 Contributions-Retirement 30,452 32,253 34,400 34,100 (0.9%) 35,200 4040 Contributions-Insurance 27,597 29,734 32,400 42,500 31.2% 49,200 4050 Workers Compensation 1,283 1,643 2,200 2,200 0.0% 2,200 * Total Personal Services 268,219 281,814 296,000 303,400 2.5% 319,000 4120 Supplies-Equipment - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Materials&Supplies - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4300 Fees,Services 36,069 13,955 35,000 17,000 (51.4%) 18,000 4301 Fees,Financial/Audit 27,119 21,599 26,000 26,000 0.0% 28,000 4310 Telephone and Communications 658 972 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,100 4340 Printing&Publishing 1,518 241 1,000 600 (40.0%) 600 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 465 465 500 500 0.0% 500 4370 Travel&Training 3,945 4,037 4,800 4,500 (6.3%) 4,500 * Total Contractual Services 69,774 41,269 68,300 49,600 (27.4%) 52,700 ** Total Finance 337,993 323,083 364,500 353,200 (3.1%) 371,900 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4301 Fees,Financial/Audit 2019 4301 Fees,Financial/Audit I 2018 General Fund Budget Legal (1140) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4302 Fees,Legal 167,264 187,471 180,500 190,500 5.5% 200,000 * Total Contractual Services 167,264 187,471 180,500 190,500 5.5% 200,000 ** Total Legal 167,264 187,471 180,500 190,500 5.5% 200,000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4302 Fees,Legal 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Property Assessment (1150) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4300 Fees,Services 138,862 146,371 140,000 150,000 7.1% 155,000 * Total Contractual Services 138,862 146,371 140,000 150,000 7.1% 155,000 ** Total Property Assessment 138,862 146,371 140,000 150,000 7.1% 155,000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4300 Fees,Services 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Management Information Systems (MIS) (1160) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 149,215 125,068 117,500 116,300 (1.0%) 170,500 4030 Contributions-Retirement 21,647 18,102 17,800 17,700 (0.6%) 25,900 4040 Contributions-Insurance 22,140 17,384 19,700 22,800 15.7% 40,800 4050 Workers Compensation 916 921 1,300 1,100 (15.4%) 1,100 * Total Personal Services 193,919 161,475 156,300 157,900 1.0% 238,300 4150 Supplies-Equipment 737 1,264 1,000 1,300 30.0% 1,300 4210 Books&Periodicals 141 40 200 300 50.0% 300 4220 Software Licensing&Support 22,812 20,277 31,700 28,100 (11.4%) 40,000 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 122 262 300 300 0.0% 300 * Total Materials&Supplies 23,813 21,843 33,200 30,000 (9.6%) 41,900 4300 Fees,Services 22,031 32,485 23,000 21,300 (7.4%) 26,800 4310 Telephone and Communications 1,830 1,899 3,300 3,300 0.0% 3,300 4320 Utilities 9,448 11,545 11,300 11,300 0.0% 11,300 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 105 - - - 0.0% - 4370 Travel&Training 5,870 5,420 7,000 6,000 (14.3%) 7,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 4,646 3,428 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 * Total Contractual Services 43,930 54,777 49,600 46,900 (5.4%) 53,400 ** Total MIS 261,662 238,095 239,100 234,800 (1.8%) 333,600 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 2019 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 1 2018 General Fund Budget City Hall (1170) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 56,703 57,088 57,900 59,000 1.9% 61,100 4011 Overtime-Reg 159 1,702 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 8,312 8,779 8,800 9,000 2.3% 9,300 4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,320 8,977 9,800 11,300 15.3% 12,500 4050 Workers Compensation 2,564 3,249 4,100 3,900 (4.9%) 3,900 * Total Personal Services 76,057 79,795 81,600 84,200 3.2% 87,800 4110 Supplies-Office 38,118 33,017 38,000 36,000 (5.3%) 38,000 4120 Supplies-Equipment 80 629 900 900 0.0% 900 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 438 699 300 300 0.0% 300 4150 Maintenance Materials 4,095 5,554 3,000 4,000 33.3% 4,000 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 92 7 400 400 0.0% 400 * Total Materials&Supplies 42,823 39,907 42,600 41,600 (2.3%) 43,600 4300 Fees,Services 6,743 11,495 5,500 6,500 18.2% 6,500 4310 Telephone 10,343 10,413 11,000 11,000 0.0% 11,000 4320 Utilities 40,782 41,055 41,000 42,000 2.4% 42,000 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 27,691 29,847 29,000 30,000 3.4% 30,000 4370 Travel&Training - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4410 Rental-Equipment 14,678 12,236 14,500 14,500 0.0% 14,500 4440 License&Registration - 16 100 100 0.0% 100 4483 Insurance-General Liability 161,990 141,936 165,000 163,000 (1.2%) 163,000 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 11,652 3,548 9,500 9,500 0.0% 9,500 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles - 132 200 200 0.0% 200 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 4,339 4,951 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000 * Total Contractual Services 278,219 255,630 280,000 281,000 0.4% 281,000 ** Total City Hall 397,099 375,331 404,200 406,800 0.6% 412,400 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4320 Utilities 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 4483 Insurance-General Liability 2019 4483 Insurance-General Liability I 2018 General Fund Budget Elections (1180) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp - 29,581 24,000 24,000 0.0% 26,000 I 4030 Contributions-Retirement - - 500 500 0.0% 500 4050 Workers Compensation - - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Personal Services - 29,581 24,600 24,600 0.0% 26,600 4110 Supplies-Office - 691 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500 4120 Supplies-Equipment - 40 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500 * Total Materials&Supplies - 732 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000 4300 Fees,Services - 8,052 8,000 8,000 0.0% 8,000 4340 Printing&Publishing - 208 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500 4370 Travel&Training - 6,299 3,500 3,500 0.0% 3,500 * Total Contractual Services - 14,560 14,000 14,000 0.0% 14,000 ** Total Elections - 44,873 42,600 42,600 0.0% 44,600 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 2019 1 2018 General Fund Budget Library Building (1190) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4150 Maintenance Materials 1,547 2,105 4,500 2,500 (44.4%) 2,500 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 37 - - - 0.0% - * Total Materials&Supplies 1,583 2,105 4,500 2,500 (44.4%) 2,500 4300 Fees,Services 306 7,216 1,000 2,000 100.0% 2,000 4310 Telephone 1,526 1,526 1,600 1,600 0.0% 1,600 4320 Utilities 62,089 61,902 63,000 63,000 0.0% 63,000 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 32,473 28,723 34,000 34,000 0.0% 34,000 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 8,749 7,050 4,000 5,000 25.0% 5,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 3,220 3,432 3,500 3,500 0.0% 3,500 * Total Contractual Services 108,364 109,850 107,100 109,100 1.9% 109,100 ** Total Library Building 109,947 111,954 111,600 111,600 0.0% 111,600 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4320 Utilities 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Police Administration (1210) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 54,992 23,910 7,100 47,400 567.6% 49,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 8,087 2,710 1,100 7,200 554.5% 7,500 4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,314 3,806 2,100 18,900 800.0% 20,900 4050 Workers Compensation 350 171 100 400 300.0% 500 * Total Personal Services 71,743 30,597 10,400 73,900 610.6% 77,900 4130 Program Supplies 2,561 475 3,000 2,500 (16.7%) 2,700 * Total Materials&Supplies 2,561 475 3,000 2,500 (16.7%) 2,700 4300 Fees,Services 1,642,418 1,683,764 1,793,000 1,882,700 5.0% 1,976,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 45 - - - 0.0% - 4370 Travel&Training 161 173 500 300 (40.0%) 300 4375 Promotional Expense 1,506 1,838 3,000 2,000 (33.3%) 2,000 * Total Contractual Services 1,644,130 1,685,775 1,796,500 1,885,000 4.9% 1,978,300 ** Total Police Administration 1,718,434 1,716,848 1,809,900 1,961,400 8.4% 2,058,900 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Fire Prevention and Administration (1220) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 204,867 191,863 198,200 195,400 (1.4%) 202,300 4011 Overtime-Reg 410 - 2,000 1,000 (50.0%) 1,000 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 142,955 124,317 174,300 167,500 (3.9%) 170,000 4022 Training Wages 47,793 41,344 - - 0.0% - 4030 Contributions-Retirement 222,159 187,866 224,000 220,000 (1.8%) 224,000 4040 Contributions-Insurance 22,669 24,098 26,400 30,500 15.5% 32,500 4050 Workers Compensation 41,092 51,330 57,000 58,000 1.8% 60,000 4060 Unemployment - 162 - - 0.0% - 4070 Contracted Wages - 31,696 34,000 35,000 2.9% 36,000 * Total Personal Services 681,943 652,675 715,900 707,400 (1.2%) 725,800 4120 Supplies-Equipment 7,968 5,859 7,000 7,000 0.0% 7,000 4130 Supplies-Program 3,859 477 4,000 2,000 (50.0%) 2,000 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 7,091 9,485 9,000 9,000 0.0% 9,000 4150 Maintenance Materials 82 403 500 500 0.0% 500 4210 Books&Periodicals 306 - 600 600 0.0% 600 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 10,933 11,992 11,000 11,000 0.0% 11,000 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 5,119 1,770 6,000 8,000 33.3% 10,000 4290 Misc.Materials&Supplies 6,762 4,541 7,000 7,000 0.0% 7,000 * Total Materials&Supplies 42,120 34,526 45,100 45,100 0.0% 47,100 4300 Fees,Services 31,000 24,444 30,000 32,000 6.7% 33,000 4310 Telephone 8,124 8,426 7,200 7,200 0.0% 7,200 4320 Utilities 19,420 16,542 24,000 22,000 (8.3%) 22,000 4330 Postage 146 - - - 0.0% - 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 4,535 4,914 4,500 5,000 11.1% 5,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 1,777 1,648 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500 4370 Travel&Training 20,883 21,084 43,500 41,500 (4.6%) 41,500 4375 Promotional Expense 6,213 6,506 10,000 10,000 0.0% 10,000 4483 Insurance-General Liability 2,760 685 1,100 1,200 9.1% 1,200 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 4,800 7,874 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,500 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 4,429 1,100 7,000 7,000 0.0% 7,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 11,576 19,968 17,800 19,500 9.6% 20,500 4531 Repair&Maintenance-Radios 866 297 4,000 2,000 (50.0%) 2,000 Contribution for Performance 37,571 34,521 20,000 20,000 0.0% 20,000 * Total Contractual Services 154,099 148,009 177,100 175,400 (1.0%) 177,400 ** Total Fire Prevention and Admin 878,162 835,210 938,100 927,900 (1.1%) 950,300 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4022 Training Wages 4370 Travel&Training 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Code Enforcement (1250) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate - 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 471,129 508,082 539,300 512,700 (4.9%) 530,700 4011 Overtime-Reg 4,698 289 - - 0.0% - 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 19,740 16,307 - 20,000 100.0% 21,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 70,267 74,422 81,700 78,000 (4.5%) 80,400 4040 Contributions-Insurance 70,831 84,469 109,400 102,000 (6.8%) 117,900 4050 Workers Compensation 3,025 4,059 5,300 4,500 (15.1%) 4,700 * Total Personal Services 639,690 687,628 735,700 717,200 (2.5%) 754,700 4120 Supplies-Equipment 4 186 100 100 0.0% 100 4130 Supplies-Program 860 409 900 900 0.0% 900 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 561 2,722 2,700 2,700 0.0% 2,700 4210 Books&Periodicals 3,433 1,129 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500 4240 Uniforms&Clothing - 1,197 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 28 99 400 400 0.0% 400 * Total Materials&Supplies 4,888 5,742 6,600 6,600 0.0% 6,600 4310 Telephone 4,347 2,827 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500 4340 Printing&Publishing 1,861 - 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 484 724 500 800 60.0% 800 4370 Travel&Training 4,747 4,541 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500 4440 License&Registration 163 530 500 500 0.0% 500 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles - 207 300 300 0.0% 300 1 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip - 92 1,200 900 (25.0%) 900 * Total Contractual Services 11,602 8,922 13,000 13,000 0.0% 13,000 ** Total Code Enforcement 656,180 702,293 755,300 736,800 (2.4%) 774,300 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Community Service (1260) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 41,556 43,007 48,000 49,500 3.1% 51,000 4021 Overtime-Temp 186 203 200 200 0.0% 200 4030 Contributions-Retirement 6,210 6,623 6,600 7,000 6.1% 7,200 4040 Contributions-Insurance 547 541 600 700 16.7% 700 4050 Workers Compensation 864 1,121 1,200 1,300 8.3% 1,300 * Total Personal Services 49,363 51,495 56,600 58,700 3.7% 60,400 4120 Supplies-Equipment 117 193 300 300 0.0% 300 4130 Supplies-Program - - 800 - (100.0%) - 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 172 1,604 500 700 40.0% 700 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 564 - 700 700 0.0% 700 * Total Materials&Supplies 853 1,797 2,300 1,700 (26.1%) 1,700 4300 Fees,Services 2,350 2,677 5,000 2,800 (44.0%) 2,800 4310 Telephone 1,625 1,615 1,700 1,700 0.0% 1,700 4340 Printing&Publishing 897 697 600 600 0.0% 600 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 35 - 200 200 0.0% 200 4370 Travel&Training - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 254 73 200 200 0.0% 200 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4531 Repair&Maintenance-Radios - - 200 200 0.0% 200 * Total Contractual Services 5,161 5,062 8,200 6,000 (26.8%) 6,000 ** Total Community Service 55,377 58,355 67,100 66,400 (1.0%) 68,100 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 2019 I 2018 General Fund Budget Engineering (1310) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 463,127 479,255 490,000 462,300 (5.7%) 478,500 4011 Overtime-Reg 6,728 5,229 5,000 5,500 10.0% 5,500 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 13,389 5,790 15,000 13,000 (13.3%) 13,000 4021 Overtime-Temp 207 126 - - 0.0% - 4030 Contributions-Retirement 69,797 72,025 74,200 70,000 (5.7%) 72,500 4040 Contributions-Insurance 57,676 62,895 68,700 96,900 41.0% 112,400 4050 Workers Compensation 3,088 3,942 4,800 4,800 0.0% 4,800 * Total Personal Services 614,012 629,261 657,700 652,500 (0.8%) 686,700 4120 Supplies-Equipment 1,311 262 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 97 212 300 300 0.0% 300 4210 Books&Periodicals - 369 - - 0.0% 4290 Misc.Materials&Supplies 556 - - - 0.0% - * Total Materials&Supplies 1,964 843 1,300 1,300 0.0% 1,300 4300 Fees,Services 15,059 14,593 20,000 16,000 (20.0%) 18,000 4310 Telephone 3,114 3,614 3,400 3,400 0.0% 3,400 4340 Printing&Publishing 373 140 500 500 0.0% 500 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 1,206 1,503 1,200 1,500 25.0% 1,500 4370 Travel&Training 3,055 4,444 3,000 4,500 50.0% 4,500 4380 Mileage 72 95 100 100 0.0% 100 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,999 - 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500 * Total Contractual Services 24,877 24,389 29,700 27,500 (7.4%) 29,500 ** Total Engineering 640,853 654,493 688,700 681,300 (1.1%) 717,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Street Maintenance (1320) 2017 to 2015 2016. 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 442,016 465,380 509,800 531,400 4.2% 550,000 4011 Overtime-Reg 24,872 31,835 22,000 26,000 18.2% 28,000 1 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 31,409 18,525 32,000 28,000 (12.5%) 28,000 4021 Overtime-Temp 335 327 - - 0.0% - 4030 Contributions-Retirement 70,085 74,870 77,200 80,500 4.3% 83,900 4040 Contributions-Insurance 82,539 88,894 107,300 123,500 15.1% 136,100 4050 Workers Compensation 36,544 45,866 57,900 62,200 7.4% 67,700 4060 Unemployment 1,458 4,911 - - 0.0% - * Total Personal Services 689,257 730,608 806,200 851,600 5.6% 893,700 4120 Supplies-Equipment 46,018 32,557 45,000 45,000 0.0% 45,000 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 8,137 8,264 15,000 10,000 (33.3%) 10,000 4150 Maintenance Materials 47,712 46,265 52,000 50,000 (3.8%) 50,000 4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 3,516 5,438 3,800 5,000 31.6% 5,000 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 2,023 2,733 1,000 2,500 150.0% 2,500 * Total Materials&Supplies 107,406 95,257 116,900 112,600 (3.7%) 112,600 4300 Fees,Services 1,838 3,256 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,500 4310 Telephone 4,079 4,120 4,200 5,200 23.8% 5,200 4320 Utilities 12 - - - 0.0% - 4340 Printing&Publishing - - 300 300 0.0% 300 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 790 969 700 1,000 42.9% 1,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 20 - 500 200 (60.0%) 200 4370 Travel&Training 1,098 1,377 1,600 1,600 0.0% 1,600 4410 Rental-Equipment 1,580 844 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4440 License&Registration - 513 500 500 0.0% 500 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 546 756 2,000 1,000 (50.0%) 1,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,150 500 3,000 1,500 (50.0%) 1,500 4540 Repair&Maintenance-Streets 1,118 6,757 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs 10,360 8,621 12,000 11,000 (8.3%) 12,000 * Total Contractual Services 22,589 27,712 32,900 30,900 (6.1%) 31,900 ** Total Street Maintenance 819,252 853,577 956,000 995,100 4.1% 1,038,200 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 201£3 4410 Rental-Equipment 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Street Lighting and Signals (1350) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4120 Supplies-Equipment 454 2,785 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000 * Total Materials&Supplies 454 2,785 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000 4300 Fees,Services 1,100 - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4310 Telephone 360 360 500 500 0.0% 500 4320 Utilities 322,275 326,178 328,000 329,000 0.3% 332,000 4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs 31 - - - 0.0% - 4565 Repair&Maintenance-Light/Signal 29,757 30,239 18,000 24,000 33.3% 28,000 * Total Contractual Services 353,523 356,778 347,500 354,500 2.0% 361,500 ** Total Street Lighting and Signals 353,977 359,562 349,500 356,500 2.0% 363,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE I 2018 4565 Repair&Maintenance-Light/Signal 2019 I 2018 General Fund Budget Fleet Department (1370) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 182,199 198,243 204,300 210,800 3.2% 218,200 4011 Overtime-Reg 6,851 5,514 3,500 5,000 42.9% 5,000 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 7,380 1,129 7,400 5,000 (32.4%) 6,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 26,946 29,259 31,000 32,000 3.2% 33,600 4040 Contributions-Insurance 36,433 36,597 40,800 47,200 15.7% 52,000 4050 Workers Compensation 7,311 8,927 11,400 11,400 0.0% 11,400 * Total Personal Services 267,121 279,669 298,400 311,400 4.4% 326,200 4120 Supplies-Equipment 1,846 1,638 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000 4140 Supplies-Vehicles - 82 600 600 0.0% 600 4150 Maintenance Materials 240 1,147 600 600 0.0% 600 4170 Motor Fuels&Lubricants 176,569 110,112 195,000 170,000 (12.8%) 170,000 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 869 1,003 1,000 1,200 20.0% 1,200 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 3,072 2,848 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3,000 * Total Materials&Supplies 182,595 116,829 202,200 177,400 (12.3%) 177,400 4300 Fees,Services 1,476 5,664 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,500 4310 Telephone 2,680 2,456 3,500 3,000 (14.3%) 3,200 4320 Utilities 31,954 31,170 37,000 32,000 (13.5%) 33,000 4330 Postage 68 - - - 0.0% - 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 5,412 4,825 6,000 5,500 (8.3%) 5,500 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 35 37 200 200 0.0% 200 4370 Travel&Training 49 118 800 800 0.0% 800 4440 License&Registration - 93 300 300 0.0% 300 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 8,129 9,007 10,000 10,000 0.0% 10,000 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 6,680 2,447 3,000 3,500 16.7% 3,500 4933 Sales Tax 1,974 141 - - 0.0% - * Total Contractual Services 58,456 55,958 62,800 57,800 (8.0%) 59,000 4703 Office Equipment - - 500 500 0.0% 500 4705 Other Equipment 4,356 4,743 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 * Total Capital Outlay 4,356 4,743 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,500 ** Total Fleet Department 512,528 457,199 568,900 552,100 (3.0%) 568,100 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Planning Commission (1410) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %hu/(Dec) Estimate 4210 Books&Periodicals - - 200 200 0.0% 200 Total Materials&Supplies - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4340 Printing&Publishing 3,212 1,149 300 1,000 233.3% 1,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4370 Travel&Training 206 11 600 300 (50.0%) 300 Total Contractual Services 3,418 1,160 1,100 1,500 36.4% 1,500 ** Total Planning Commission 3,418 1,160 1,300 1,700 30.8% 1,700 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Planning Administration (1.420) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 320,300 320,925 335,300 353,000 5.3% 365,300 4011 Overtime-Reg 163 1,348 - - 0.0% - 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 4,056 - - - 0.0% 6,300 4030 Contributions-Retirement 45,695 45,870 50,800 53,500 5.3% 56,000 4040 Contributions-Insurance 49,898 56,502 62,300 73,000 17.2% 85,000 4050 Workers Compensation 1,973 2,390 3,200 3,200 0.0% 3,300 * Total Personal Services 422,086 427,035 451,600 482,700 6.9% 515,900 4120 Supplies-Equipment 82 97 300 300 0.0% 300 4140 Supplies-Vehicles - 22 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Materials&Supplies 82 118 400 400 0.0% 400 4300 Fees,Services 17,889 2,270 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 785 408 1,000 800 (20.0%) 800 4370 Travel&Training 5,031 5,083 5,500 5,500 0.0% 6,000 * Total Contractual Services 23,704 7,762 11,500 11,300 (1.7%) 11,800 ** Total Planning Administration 445,872 434,915 463,500 494,400 6.7% 528,100 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4300 Fees,Services 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Senior Commission (1430) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 20,268 20,907 21,200 22,100 4.2% 22,900 4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,939 3,074 3,300 3,400 3.0% 3,500 4040 Contributions-Insurance 2,100 2,267 2,400 2,900 20.8% 3,100 4050 Workers Compensation 123 155 200 200 0.0% 200 * Total Personal Services 25,430 26,403 27,100 28,600 5.5% 29,700 4300 Fees,Services 10,506 9,010 9,000 9,000 0.0% 9,000 4370 Travel&Training - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4375 Promotional Expense - 320 500 500 0.0% 500 * Total Contractual Services 10,506 9,329 9,700 9,700 0.0% 9,700 ** Total Senior Commission 35,936 35,733 36,800 38,300 4.1% 39,400 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Park and Recreation Commission (1510) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4130 Supplies-Program 12 - 100 100 0.0% 100 4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Materials&Supplies 12 - 200 200 0.0% 200 4340 Printing&Publishing 2,434 - 100 100 0.0% 100 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships - - 500 500 0.0% 500 4370 Travel&Training 740 325 400 400 0.0% 400 * Total Contractual Services 3,174 325 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 ** Total Park and Rec Commission 3,186 325 1,200 1,200 0.0% 1,200 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 2019 1 I 2018 General Fund Budget Park and Recreation Administration (1520) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 115,788 161,579 168,500 174,500 3.6% 180,600 4030 Contributions-Retirement 16,438 23,446 25,500 26,400 3.5% 27,400 4040 Contributions-Insurance 13,889 23,414 26,300 30,400 15.6% 33,500 4050 Workers Compensation 703 1,195 1,600 1,600 0.0% 1,600 * Total Personal Services 146,818 209,635 221,900 232,900 5.0% 243,100 4120 Supplies-Equipment - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4130 Supplies-Program 153 - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Materials&Supplies 153 - 200 200 0.0% 200 4300 Fees,Services - - 200 200 0.0% 200 4310 Telephone 867 721 1,100 900 (18.2%) 900 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 2,896 2,903 2,300 2,900 26.1% 3,000 4370 Travel&Training 1,387 1,225 2,200 1,800 (18.2%) 2,000 4380 Mileage - - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Contractual Services 5,150 4,849 5,900 5,900 0.0% 6,200 ** Total Park and Rec Admin. 152,122 214,483 228,000 239,000 4.8% 249,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 2019 4330 Postage 4340 Printing&Publishing 2018 General Fund Budget Recreation Center (1530) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 60,006 61,765 64,500 66,400 2.9% 68,800 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 106,546 101,768 115,000 115,000 0.0% 115,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 24,650 24,105 27,500 28,500 3.6% 30,000 4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,334 8,995 9,800 11,300 15.3% 12,500 4050 Workers Compensation 5,757 6,869 8,200 8,200 0.0% 8,200 * Total Personal Services 205,293 203,502 225,000 229,400 2.0% 234,500 4120 Supplies-Equipment 1,778 726 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000 4130 Supplies-Program 17,853 14,846 28,000 20,000 (28.6%) 20,000 4150 Maintenance Materials 242 237 500 500 0.0% 500 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 574 438 500 500 0.0% 500 * Total Materials&Supplies 20,447 16,248 31,000 23,000 (25.8%) 23,000 4300 Fees,Services 36,027 59,162 40,000 50,000 25.0% 48,000 4310 Telephone 845 617 1,200 1,000 (16.7%) 1,000 4320 Utilities 37,542 33,875 39,000 37,000 (5.1%) 37,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 290 348 300 300 0.0% 300 4370 Travel&Training 83 275 400 400 0.0% 400 4375 Promotional Expense 515 654 800 800 0.0% 800 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 2,589 3,659 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,700 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,783 1,532 1,800 1,800 0.0% 1,800 4590 Misc.Contractual Services 360 - - - 0.0% - * Total Contractual Services 80,033 100,123 85,500 93,800 9.7% 92,000 ** Total Recreation Center 305,773 319,873 341,500 346,200 1.4% 349,500 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4300 Fees,Services 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Lake Ann Park Operations (1540) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 9,817 9,110 10,400 10,700 2.9% 11,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 751 697 900 900 0.0% 1,000 4050 Workers Compensation 341 289 600 600 0.0% 600 * Total Personal Services 10,909 10,096 11,900 12,200 2.5% 12,600 4130 Supplies-Program 9,312 8,433 10,000 9,000 (10.0%) 9,000 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 200 200 200 200 0.0% 200 * Total Materials&Supplies 9,512 8,633 10,200 9,200 (9.8%) 9,200 4300 Fees,Services 32,165 32,349 34,500 34,500 0.0% 34,500 4310 Telephone 1,145 1,145 1,200 1,200 0.0% 1,200 4320 Utilities 10,911 12,947 12,000 13,000 8.3% 13,000 4340 Printing&Publishing 267 428 400 400 0.0% 400 * Total Contractual Services 44,488 46,868 48,100 49,100 2.1% 49,100 ** Total Lake Ann Park Operations 64,909 65,597 70,200 70,500 0.4% 70,900 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4300 Fees,Services 2019 I i 1 I 2018 General Fund Budget Park Maintenance (1550) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 489,495 479,890 489,300 490,400 0.2% 507,600 4011 Overtime-Reg 23,337 32,631 23,000 25,000 8.7% 27,000 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 118,865 114,904 121,000 121,000 0.0% 123,000 4021 Overtime-Temp 4,868 5,211 4,800 5,000 4.2% 5,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 79,450 85,025 86,000 88,000 2.3% 90,000 4040 Contributions-Insurance 79,213 76,977 84,600 97,000 14.7% 106,900 4050 Workers Compensation 20,737 26,127 32,000 32,000 0.0% 33,000 4060 Unemployment 16,544 864 - - 0.0% - * Total Personal Services 832,509 821,630 840,700 858,400 2.1% 892,500 4120 Supplies-Equipment 43,980 38,744 40,000 40,000 0.0% 42,000 4130 Supplies-Program 31 - - - 0.0% - 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 2,525 2,852 4,000 3,000 (25.0%) 3,000 4150 Maintenance Materials 29,407 26,479 30,000 30,000 0.0% 34,000 4151 Irrigation Materials 5,689 3,200 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 2,168 1,295 2,500 2,200 (12.0%) 2,500 4260 Small Tools&Equipment 186 2,822 1,500 600 (60.0%) 600 * Total Materials&Supplies 83,987 75,393 83,000 80,800 (2.7%) 87,100 4300 Fees,Services 15,493 28,322 34,000 43,000 26.5% 43,000 4310 Telephone 5,100 4,512 5,600 5,100 (8.9%) 5,100 4320 Utilities 9,256 4,584 8,000 5,000 (37.5%) 5,000 4340 Printing&Publishing 572 - 200 200 0.0% 200 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 3,480 3,474 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships - 10 400 400 0.0% 400 4370 Travel&Training 821 501 600 600 0.0% 600 4400 Rental-Land&Buildings 29,024 29,347 33,400 34,000 1.8% 35,000 4410 Rental-Equipment 752 250 700 700 0.0% 700 4440 License&Registration 19 429 300 300 0.0% 300 4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 1,784 759 2,000 1,700 (15.0%) 2,000 4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 80 - 500 100 (80.0%) 100 4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,055 640 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs 3,217 2,093 3,000 5,000 66.7% 2,000 * Total Contractual Services 70,653 74,921 93,700 101,100 7.9% 99,400 4705 Other Equipment 61 977 - - 0.0% - * Total Capital Outlay 61 977 - - 0.0% - ** Total Park Maintenance 987,210 972,921 1,017,400 1,040,300 2.3% 1,079,000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ! 2018 4150 Maintenance Materials 4300 Fees,Services 4400 Rental-Land&Buildings 2019 4370 Travel&Training 4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs III 2018 General Fund Budget Senior Citizens Center (1560) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018. 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 43,335 44,535 63,400 66,000 4.1% 67,900 4030 Contributions-Retirement 6,418 6,720 9,600 10,000 4.2% 10,300 4040 Contributions-Insurance 295 295 16,300 3,500 (78.5%) 3,500 4050 Workers Compensation 269 339 600 600 0.0% 600 * Total Personal Services 50,318 51,889 89,900 80,100 (10.9%) 82,300 4120 Supplies-Equipment 222 56 300 300 0.0% 300 4130 Supplies-Program 4,409 2,483 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000 * Total Materials&Supplies 4,631 2,540 4,300 4,300 0.0% 4,300 4300 Fees,Services 28,177 30,856 27,000 29,000 7.4% 31,000 4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal - 95 100 100 0.0% 100 4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 105 107 100 100 0.0% 100 4370 Travel&Training 341 99 300 300 0.0% 300 4375 Promotional Expense - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4380 Mileage - - 100 100 0.0% 100 * Total Contractual Services 28,623 31,157 27,700 29,700 7.2% 31,700 ** Total Senior Citizens Center 83,572 85,585 121,900 114,100 (6.4%) 118,300 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 4040 Contributions-Insurance 4300 Fees,Services 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Recreation Programs (1600) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 88,621 98,490 101,700 105,300 3.5% 109,000 4011 Overtime-Reg 1,271 - - - 0.0% - 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 58,771 56,230 71,000 71,000 0.0% 71,000 4021 Overtime-Temp 900 1,272 800 1,000 25.0% 1,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 17,805 19,207 20,800 22,000 5.8% 23,000 4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,430 10,026 10,700 12,000 12.1% 12,900 4050 Workers Compensation 2,627 3,045 3,600 3,600 0.0% 3,700 * Total Personal Services 178,426 188,269 208,600 214,900 3.0% 220,600 4120 Supplies-Equipment 2,788 2,321 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,500 4130 Supplies-Program 18,525 15,524 17,000 17,000 0.0% 17,000 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 1,506 1,575 2,100 1,600 (23.8%) 1,600 * Total Materials&Supplies 22,819 19,420 21,100 21,100 0.0% 21,100 4300 Fees,Services 55,015 61,653 60,000 64,000 6.7% 64,000 4310 Telephone 2,643 2,140 2,800 2,700 (3.6%) 2,700 4320 Utilities 4,052 3,718 8,400 4,000 (52.4%) 4,000 4340 Printing&Publishing 5,482 9,409 5,300 6,600 24.5% 6,600 4370 Travel&Training 54 414 500 500 0.0% 500 4380 Mileage - - 100 100 0.0% 100 4400 Rental-Land&Buildings 4,142 5,999 7,000 6,200 (11.4%) 6,200 4410 Rental-Equipment 24,674 25,108 32,000 32,000 0.0% 32,000 * Total Contractual Services 96,063 108,439 116,100 116,100 0.0% 116,100 ** Total Recreation Programs 297,307 316,128 345,800 352,100 1.8% 357,800 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4300 Fees,Services 4410 Rental-Equipment 2019 I 2018 General Fund Budget Self-Supporting Programs (1700) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 22,154 24,624 25,400 26,300 3.5% 27,300 4011 Overtime-Reg 318 - - - 0.0% - 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 1,850 1,950 2,400 2,400 0.0% 2,500 4030 Contributions-Retirement 3,451 3,851 3,900 4,200 7.7% 4,200 4040 Contributions-Insurance 2,103 2,472 2,600 3,000 15.4% 3,200 4050 Workers Compensation 201 267 400 400 0.0% 400 * Total Personal Services 30,078 33,164 34,700 36,300 4.6% 37,600 4130 Supplies-Program 4,254 4,142 5,400 4,500 (16.7%) 4,500 * Total Materials&Supplies 4,254 4,142 5,400 4,500 (16.7%) 4,500 4300 Fees,Services 11,315 11,766 25,000 15,000 (40.0%) 15,000 * Total Contractual Services 11,315 11,766 25,000 15,000 (40.0%) 15,000 ** Total Self-Supporting Programs 45,647 49,071 65,100 55,800 (14.3%) 57,100 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 4130 Supplies-Program 4300 Fees,Services 2019 2018 General Fund Budget Recreation Sports (1800) 2017 to 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate 4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 21,580 21,370 24,700 25,500 3.2% 27,000 4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,314 2,302 2,600 2,700 3.8% 2,700 4050 Workers Compensation 737 899 1,100 1,100 0.0% 1,100 * Total Personal Services 24,631 24,571 28,400 29,300 3.2% 30,800 4120 Supplies-Equipment - - 100 - (100.0%) - 4130 Supplies-Program 2,334 3,309 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500 4240 Uniforms&Clothing 5,362 4,852 5,400 5,400 0.0% 5,400 * Total Materials&Supplies 7,696 8,161 8,000 7,900 (1.3%) 7,900 4375 Promotional Expenses - - 300 300 0.0% 300 * Total Contractual Services - - 300 300 0.0% 300 ** Total Recreation Sports 32,327 32,732 36,700 37,500 2.2% 39,000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2018 2010