9 - Surface Water m Chapter9 Surface w 4 ASS Water ,„ . ., i A IF a) d C f6 f6 "5 U 229 9. Surface Water The Local Water Management Plan (LWMP)was prepared in conformance with Minnesota Statutes 1036.235 and Minnesota Rules 8410.This plan is intended to provide the City of Chanhassen with information and direction in the administration and implementation of water resource management activities within the city during the period 2018-2027. It serves as a guide to projects, provides for effective allocation of resources, and sets forth a funding plan for projects and programs over the next 5 to 10 years. The city will adopt by reference the local 2018-2027 surface water management plan (LWMP)and will incorporate the six water resource goals as specified in the LWMP. Goals 1. Promote abstraction through infiltration, reuse and other methods where practicable to do so to provide flood protection, ground water recharge and improved water quality. 2. Achieve water quality standards in lakes, streams, and wetlands consistent with their designated uses and established classifications. 3. Protect and rehabilitate wetlands to maintain or improve their function and value. 4. Prevent contamination of the aquifers and promote groundwater recharge to maintain base flows in streams and wetlands, 5. Maintain primary responsibility for managing water resources at the local level where efficient to do so but continue coordination and cooperation with other agencies and organizations. 6. Provide information and educational resources to improve knowledge and promote an active public role in management of water resources.