Purchase AgreementPURCHASE AGREEMENT h ch dorm aWoved by the Mlmesota Asaodakn of REALTORS-, w erry Ileblliryr adstrg out of use or misuse of this form, / 02017 MlnnesolaAssodaffenof REALTORS*, Edina, MN CsaTlli�� NST^eo I 1. Date 09/75/1017 2. Page 1 3. BUYER (S): Todd and Kristin Jackson 4. _. a married couole 6. Buyer's earnest money in the amount of 6, ]five Thoueand Dollars ($ 5,000.00 ) 7, shall be delivered to listing broker, or, If checked, to no later than two (2)Buslnesa ....._..._--•-.PEemasl MoneYHolderl-•-......._....__..-......_.__.... 8. Days after Final Acceptance Date of this Purchase Agreement. Buyer and Seller agree that earnest money shall be e. deposited In the trust account of Earnest Money Holder as specified above within three (3) Business Days of receipt 10. of the earnest money or Final Acceptance Date of this Purchase Agreement, whichever Is later. 11. Said earnest money is part payment for the purchase of the property located at 12, Street Address: 3617 Rad Cedar Point Road 13, City of Chanhaasen County Of Carver 14. State of Minnesota, legally described as 16 SECT 08 TWP 116 RANGE 023 RED CBOAR POINT LK 14ZMEWASliTALOT 09 BLOCK 04 & LOT 10 18. Said purchase shall Include all improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances on the property, if any, Including but not 17. limited to, the following (collectively the aProperty'l: garden bulbs, plants, shrubs, trees, and lawn watering system; 18. shed; storm sash, storm doors, screens, and awnings; window shades, blinds; traverse, curtain, and drapery 19, rods, valences,drapes, curtains, window coverings, and treatments: towel rods; attached fighting and bulbs; tan fixtures; 20. plumbing fixtures; garbage disposals; water softener; water treatment system; water hosting systems, heatingsystems; 21, air exchange system; environmental remedlatton system (e.g., radon, vapor tntrua );sump pump; TV antenne%able 22. 7'V )adds and winng/TV wall mounts; wall/calling speakers and mounts; carpeting; mirrors; garage door 23. openers and all controls; amok@detectors, fireplace screens, door, and heaUlators;BUILT-INS: dishwashers; refrigerators, 24. wlne/bevsrage refrigerators: trash compactors: ovens; cook -top stoves; warming drawers; microwave ovens; hood fens; 26. shelving; work benches; Interooms; speakers; alr conditioning equipment; electronic air filter; humtdiflar/dehumidifier; 26. liquid fuel tanks (and controls); pool/spa equipment; propanetank (and controls); security system equlpmenl;TV satellite 27, dish; AND the following personal property shall be transferred with no additional monetary value, and free and clear 28. of all liens and encumbrances: 29. 30, Notwithstanding the foregoing, leased fixtures are not Included. 31. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following items) are excluded from the purchase: 32. 33. PURCHASE PRICE: 34. Seiler has agreed to sell the Property to Buyer for the sum of ($ 520 000 , 00 ) 35. Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars, 36. which Buyer agrees to pay In the following manner: 37. 1. 25 pard nt (%) of the sale price in CASH, or more in Buyer's sole discretion, which includes the earnest 38. mono 39. 2. pscent(a/o)ofthesaleprice InMORTGAGE FINANCING. (See following Mortgage Financing section.) 40. 3, percent (%) of the sale price by ASSUMING Seller's current mortgage. (See attached Addendum to 41. Purchase Agreement Assumption Financing.) 42, 4. percent (%) of the sale price by CONTRACT FOR DEED, (Seo attached Addendum to Purchase 43. Agreement: Contract for Dsed Flnencing.) 44. CLOSii1tG DATE: 45. The date Of closing shall be on or b -fore January 24 26 18 MN -.PA -1 (StM 4 BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CBBURNETcom_ 46. Page 2 Date 09/25/2017 47_ Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen bw 55331 46. MORTGAGE FINANCING: 49. This Purchase Agreement © IS ❑ IS NOT subject to the mortgage financing provisions below. If IS, complete the 50. MORTGAGE FINANCING section below. If IS NOT, proceed to the SELLER'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BUYER'S 51. COSTS section. 52. Such mortgage financing shall be: (Check one.) 53. © FIRST MORTGAGE only ❑ FIRST MORTGAGE AND SUBORDINATE FINANCING. ' 54. Buyer shall apply for and secure, at Buyer's expense, a: (Check all that apply.) 55. Q CONVENTIONAL 56. ❑ DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ("DVA") GUARANTEED 57. ❑ FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION ("FHA") INSURED 58. ❑ MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY ("MHFA") 59. ❑ PRIVATELY INSURED CONVENTIONAL 60. ❑ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ("USDA") RURAL DEVELOPMENT 61. ❑ OTHER 62. mortgage in the amount stated in this Purchase Agreement, amortized over a period of not more than 30 63. years, with an initial interest rate at no more market percent (%) per annum. The mortgage application IS TO 64. BE MADE WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS after the Final Acceptance Date of this Purchase Agreement. Buyer 65. agrees to use best efforts to secure a commitment for such financing and to execute all documents required to 66. consummate said financing. 67. MORTGAGE FINANCING CONTINGENCY: This Purchase Agreement is contingent upon the following and applies 68. to the first mortgage and any subordinate financing. (Check one.) 69. © If Buyer cannot secure the financing specified in this Purchase Agreement, and this Purchase Agreement does not 70. close on the closing date specified, this Purchase Agreement is canceled. Buyer and Seller shalt immediately 71. sign a Canceliallanpf PurchaseAgreementconfirming said cancellation and directing all earnest moneypald here to be 72. ❑ REFUNDED TO BUYER © FORFEITED TO SELLER. ........... _............................... (checkane.}------------------------------------------ 73. NOTE: If this Purchase Agreement is subject to DVA or FHA financing, FORFEITEDTO SELLER maybe prohibited, 74. See the following DVA and FHA Escape Clauses. 75. ❑ Buyer shall provide Seiler, or licensee representing or assisting Seller, with the Written Statement, on 76. or before 20 . 77. For purposes of this Contingency, "Written Statement" means a Written Statement prepared by Buyer's mortgage 78. originator(s) or lender(s) after the Final Acceptance Date that Buyer is approved for the loan(s) specified in this 79. Purchase Agreement, including both the first mortgage and any subordinate financing, if any, and stating that an 80. appraisal, satisfactory to the lender(s), has been completed and stating conditions required by lender(s) to close 81, the loan. 82. Upon delivery of the Written Statement to Seller, or licensee representing or assisting Seller, the obligation for 83. satisfying all conditions required by mortgage originator(s) or lender(s), except those conditions specified below, 84. are deemed accepted by Buyer: 85. (a) work orders agreed to be completed by Seller; 86. (b) any other financing terms agreed to be completed by Seller here; and 87. (c) any contingency for the sale and closing of Buyers property pursuant to this Purchase Agreement. 88. Upon delivery of the Written Statement, if this Purchase Agreement does not close on the stated closing date for 89. ANY REASON relating to financing, including, but not limited to interest rate and discount points, If any, then Seller 90. may, at Seller's option, declare this Purchase Agreement canceled, In which case this Purchase Agreement Is 91. canceled. If Seller declares this Purchase Agreement canceled, Buyer and Seller shall immediately sign a 92. Cancellation of Purchase Agreementconfirming said cancellation and directing all earnest money paid here to be 93. forfeited to Seller as liquidated damages. In the alternative, Seller may seek all other remedies allowed by law. MN:PA-2 (8117) Instanetfamw A.1hen1;.19. 10; F$ED5923-78Ee428BEF30.530 Y a Ltd I 11 "c _ 4 BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CBBUBNEtcom 94. Page Date 09/25/2017 95. Property located at 3617 Rad Cedar Point Road Chanhassen NN 55331 96. Notwithstanding the language in the preceding paragraph, Seller may not declare this Purchase Agreement canceled 97. if the reason this Purchase Agreement does not close was due to: 98. (a) Seller's failure to complete work orders to the extent required by this Purchase Agreement; 99. (b) Seller's failure to complete any other financing terms agreed to be completed by Seller here; or 100. (c) any contingency for the sale and closing of Buyer's property pursuant to this Purchase Agreement, except as 101. specified In the contingency for sale and closing of Buyer's property. 102. If the Written Statement is not provided by the data specified on line 76, Seller may, at Saller's option, declare this 103. Purchase Agreement canceled bywritten notice to Buyer at any time prior to Seller receiving the Written Statement, 104. In which case this Purchase Agreement is canceled. In the event Sellerdeclares this Purchase Agreement canceled, 105. Buyer and Seller shall immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and 106. directing all earnest money paid here to be refunded to Buyer. 107. If the Written Statement Is not provided, and Seller has not previously canceled this Purchase Agreement, this 106, Purchase Agreement Is canceled as of the closing date specified In this Purchase Agreement. Buyer and Seller 109. shall Immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and directing all earnest 110. money paid here to be refunded to Buyer. 111. LOCKING OF MORTGAGE INTEREST RATE ("RATE") The Rate shall be lacked with the lender(s) by Buyer: 112, (Check one.) 113, ❑ WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE OFTHIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT; OR 114. ❑7c AT ANYTIME PRIOR TO CLOSING OR AS REQUIRED BY LENDER(S). 115. LENDER COMMITMENT WORK ORDERS: Nothing In this Purchase Agreement shall be construed as a warranty 116. that Seller shall make repairs required by the lender commitment. However, Seiler agrees to pay up to 117. $ 0.00 to make repairs as required bythe lender commitment. If the lender commitment 118. Is sub act to any work orders for which the cost of making said repairs shall exceed this amount, Seller shall have the 119. folloUng options: 120. (a) making the necessary repairs; or 121. (b) negotiating the cost of making said repairs with Buyer; or 122. (c) declaring this Purchase Agreement canceled, In which case this Purchase Agreement Is canceled. Buyerand Seller 123. shall Immediately sign a Cancellallon of Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and directing all earnest 124. money paid here to be refunded to Buyer, unless Buyer provides for payment of the cost of said repairs or escrow 125. amounts related thereto above the amount specified on line 117 of this Purchase Agreement. 126. ❑ SELLER © BUYER agrees to pay any reinspection fee required by Buyer's lender(s). 127. FHA ESCAPE CLAUSE (FHA Financing onW: "It Is expressly agreed that, notwithstanding any other provisions 128, of this contract, the purchaser shall not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property described here orto Incur 129, any penalty by forfelture of earnest money deposits or otherwise, unless the purchaser has been given in accordance 130, with the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD")/FHA or DVA requirements awritten statement by the 131. Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Veterans' Affairs, or a Direct Endorsement lender setting forth the 132. appraised value of the Properly as not less than $ (seta p�Ice) 133. The purchaser shall have the privilege and option of proceeding with consummation of the contract without regard 134. to the amount of the appraised valuation. The appraised valuation Is arrived at to determine the maximum mortgage 135. HUD will Insure; HUD does not warrant the value nor the condition of the Property. The purchaser should satisfyhlmseiif 136. herself that the price and condition of the Property are acceptable." 137.. LENDER PROCESSING FEES (FHA DVA Financing Only): Seller agrees to pay Buyer's closing fees and 138. miscellaneous processing fees which cannot be charged to Buyer, not to exceed $ 0.00 139. This amount Is in addition to Seller's Contributions to Buyer's Costs, if applicable. MN:PA.3 (8/17) InslanetFORms- AulhnntlslgnID:F6EB5B2170E0426B.BF30-53c c... BUR VE CBBURNET.com PURCHASE AGREEMENT 140, Page Date- 08/25/2017 141. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 142. DVA FUNDING FEE (DVA Financing only): Pursuant to federal regulations, a one-time Funding Fee must be paid 143. at the closing of this transaction as follows: 144, paid by Buyer ❑ AT CLOSING ❑ ADDED TO MORTGAGE AMOUNT 145. paid by Seller 146. NOTE: DVA regulations limit the fees and charges Buyer can pay to obtain a DVA loan. 147. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ESCAPE CLAUSE (DVA Flnancin only): "It Is expressly agreed that, 148, notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, the purchaser shall not incur any penalty by forfeiture of earnest 149. money or otherwise be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property described here, If the contract purchase 150, price or cost exceeds the reasonable value of this Property established by the Department of Veterans' Affalrs. The 161, purchaser shall, however, have the privilege and option of proceeding with the consummation of this contract without 152. regard to the amount of reasonable value established by the Department of Veterans' Affairs!' 153. NOTE: Verify DVA requirements relating to payment of all special assessments levied and pending, and 154. annual Installments of special assessments certified to yearly taxes. 155. OTHER MORTGAGE FINANCING ITEMS: 156. 157. SELLER'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BUYER'S COSTS: 158. Seller El IS Rd IS NOT contributing to Buyer's costs. it answer Is IS, Seller agrees to pay at closing, up to: (Check one,) •-----(check one.} ...... 159. ❑$ 160. 0 - percent (%) of the sale price 161. ❑ percent (%) of the mortgage amount 162. towards Buyer's closing fees, title service fees, title searches, title examinations, abstracting, lender's title Insurance, 163. owners title insurance, prepaid Items, other Buyer's costs allowable by lender, If any, and/or mortgage discount points. Any 164. amount of Salter's contribution that exceeds Buyer's allowable costs, or which cannot be used because Seller's 165. contribution exceeds the maximum Seller contribution allowed bylaw or by mortgage requirements, shall be retained 166. by Seller, 167. NOTE: The amount paid by Seller cannot exceed the maximum Seller contribution allowed by FHA, DVA, or 168. lender. All funds paid by Seller on behalf of Buyer must be stated on the Closing Disclosure at closing 169. INSPECTIONS: 170. Buyer has been made aware of the availability of Property inspections. Buyer© Elects❑ Declines to have a Property ....._.....(Chec 171. Inspection performed at Buyer's expense. )rons.)......... ._. 172. This Purchase Agreement © IS ❑ IS NOT contingent upon any Inspection(s) of the Property obtained by Buyer to .......{Check one.)----- _ 173. determine Its condition, Including any non-intruslve testing or any Intrusive testing as allowed pursuant to this Purchase 174. Agreement. Any Inspection(s) or test(s) shall be done by an Inspector(s) or testers) of Buyer's choice. Buyer shall 175, satisfy Buyer as to the qualifications of the Inspector(s) or tester(s). For purposes of this Purchase Agreement, 176. "Intrusive testing" shall mean any testing, Inspection(s), or Investigations) that changes the Property from Its original 177, condition or otherwise damages the Property. 178. Seller ❑ DOES © DOES NOT agree to allow Buyer to perform Intrusive testing or inspection(s). ...___------ (Check 179. If answer Is DOES, Buyer agrees that the Property shall be returned to the same condition If was in prior to Buyer's 180. Intrusive testing at Buyers sole expense. 181. Seller will provide access to attics) and crawispace(s). MN:PA-4 (8/17) InstonatfoRms- JLQ1U Aulhentlslgn lo: F6E03623.76E8-0288BF30eJC " 5 BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT C umaT.aom 182. Page 5 Date 09/25/2017 183. Properly located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 184. All Inspecllon(s), testis), and resulting negotiations, if any, shall be done within 120 Calendar Days of Final 185. Acceptance Date of this Purchase Agreement ("Inspection Period"). Buyer may cancel this Purchase Agreement based 186. on the Inspection(s) or test result(s) by providing written notice to Seller, or licensee representing or assisting Seller, of 187. Buyer's intent to cancel no later than the end of the Inspection Period. If Buyer cancels this Purchase Agreement, 188. Buyer and Seller shall Immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and 189. directing all earnest money paid here to be refunded to Buyer. If Buyer does not cancel this Purchase Agreement before 190, the and of the Inspection Period, then this Inspection Contingency shall be deemed removed and this Purchase 191. Agreement shall be In full force and effect. 192. Seller, or licensee representing or assisting Seller, ❑X SHALL ❑ SHALL NOT have the right to continue to offer .._..___._..--- (Check one.} ....... 193. the Properly for sale until this Inspection Contingency Is removed. 194. OTHER INSPECTION ITEMS: Buyers have 120 to do their due diligence to figure out a way to build a home of their 195- choice on the lot. If the Buyers cannot come to a satisfactory conclusion, this Purchase 196 Agreement is cancelled and the Parnest money will be forfeited to the Sellers. Upon a successful closing and before the Buyer demolishes the house, the Seller/s will have an 197.opportunity to take some keep sakes from the home. 198. SALE OF BUYER'S PROPERTY: 199. (Check one.) 200. ❑ 1. This Purchase Agreement Is subject to an Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Sale of Buyer's Properly 201. Contingency for the sale of Buyer's property. (If checked, see attached Addendum.) 202. OR 203. ❑ 2. This Purchase Agreement is contingent upon the successful closing on the Buyer's property located at 204. , which is scheduled to close on 205. , 20 pursuant to a fully executed purchase agreement. If Buyer's 206. property does not close by the closing date specified in this Purchase Agreement, this Purchase Agreement 207. is canceled. Buyer and Seller shall Immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement confirming said 206. cancellation and directing all earnest money paid hereto be refunded to Buyer,The language In this paragraph 209. supersedes any other provision to the contrary in any financing contingency made a part of this Purchase 210. Agreement, If applicable. 211. OR 212. R] 3. Buyer represents that Buyer has the financial ability to perform on this Purchase Agreement without the sale 213, and closing on any other property. 214. REAL ESTATE TAXES/SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 215. REAL ESTATE TAXES: Seller shall pay on the date of closing all real estate taxes due and payable In all prior years 216. Including all penalties and Interest. 217. Buyer shall pay PRORATED FROM DAY OF CLOSING 12ths OF❑ALL ❑ NO real estate taxes due ....................._....... ........... ............... [ohsck ona.}-..........._-____............-----------..._.__.._.__...... 218. and payable In the year of closing. 219. Seller shall pay © PRORATED TODAY OF CLOSING ❑ 12ths OF ❑ ALL ❑ NO real estate taxes due and ............................._...__....__....._.... _..[Check ane.}_ ......................... _... ................... _........ ... 220, payable In the year of closing. 221. If the Property tax status Is a part -or non -homestead classification in the year of closing, Seller®SHALL❑SHALL NOT ...._... _.._[check one} --- _...._.... 222, pay the difference between the homestead and non -homestead. 223. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes due and payable In the year following closing and thereafter, the payment of which 224. Is not otherwise here provided. No representations are made concerning the amount of subsequent real estate taxes. WPM (8117) Instenetfomis' AulhentisignlD: F8ED5523d8E8-0288-BF80-M" u� . V BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT C88URNET.com 225. Page 6 Date 09/25/2017 226. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 227 DEFERRED TAXES/SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: 228. ❑ BUYER SHALL PAY © SELLER SHALL PAY on date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (e.g., Green ...____.._......._............ (Check one.} 229. Acres) or special assessments, payment of which Is required as a result of the closing of this sale. 230. ❑ BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING © SELLER SHALL PAY ON ................._............__..._.......... ------ __.__....._-- -beck one.}........ _....... .__.._...._................................ .------._._._----- ........ 231. DATE OF CLOSING all Installments of special assessments certified for payment, with the real estate taxes due and 232. payable in the year of closing. 233. ❑ BUYER SHALL ASSUME SELLER SHALL PAY on date of closing all other special assessments levied as --- ...... - -------- ...........(Check oneT ------------ --------- --- --------------- 234. of the date of this Purchase Agreement. 235. ❑ BUYER SHALL ASSUME ® SELLER SHALL PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF special assessments pending as ......................................_._ ------........._...........(check ane.} 236, of the date of this Purchase Agreement for Improvements that have been ordered by any assessing authorities. (Seller's 237. provision for payment shall be by payment Into escrow of two (2) times the estimated amount of the assessments 238, or less, as required by Buyer's lender.) 239. Buyer shall pay any unpaid special assessments payable In the year following closing and thereafter, the payment of 240. which is not otherwise here provided, 241. As of the date of this Purchase Agreement, Seller represents that Seller ❑ HASFX] HAS NOT received a notice _.._(check one.}_...._... 242. regarding any new Improvement project from any assessing authorities, the costs of which project may be assessed 243, against the Property. Any such notice received by Seller after the date of this Purchase Agreement and before closing 244. shall be provided to Buyer Immediately. If such notice is Issued after the date of this Purchase Agreement and on 246. or before the date of closing, then the parties may agree In writing, on or before the date of closing, to pay, provide 246, for the payment of, or assume the special assessments. In the absence of such agreement, either party may declare 247. this Purchase Agreement canceled by written notice to the other party, or licensee representing or assisting the other 246. party, in which case this Purchase Agreement is canceled. If either party declares this Purchase Agreement canceled, 249. Buyer and Seller shall Immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and 250. directing all earnest money paid here to be refunded to Buyer. 251. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: 252. PREVIOUSLY WRITTEN PURCHASE AGREEMENT: This Purchase Agreement ❑ IS fc❑ IS NOT subject to ------(Check one.} ------ 253, cancellation of a previously written purchase agreement dated 20 254. (If answer is IS, said cancellation shall be obtained no later than 20 255. If said cancellation Is not obtained by said dale, this Purchase Agreement is canceled. Buyer and Selfershall Immediately 256. sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreementconfirming said cancellation and directing all earnest money paid here to 257, be refunded to Buyer.) 258. DEED/MARKETABLETITLE: Upon performance by Buyer, Seller shall deliver a: (Check one.) 259. ® Warranty Deed, ❑ Personal Representative's Deed, ❑ Contract for Deed, ❑ Trustee's Deed,•or 260. ❑ Other: Deed joined in by spouse, if any, conveying marketable title, subject to 261. (a) building and zoning laws, ordinances, and state and federal regulations; 262. (b) restrictions relating to use or improvement of the Property without effective forfeiture provisions; 263. (c) reservation of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota; 264, (d) utility and drainage easements which do not Interfere with existing improvements; 265. (e) rights of tenants as follows (unless specified, not subject totenancies): 266. ;and 267. (f) others (must be specified In writing): 26B. MN:PA-6 (8117) InsfanefrowS' J99W 1411-1154 q AN Aulbaelblgn ID: FBE05523.78E84288-BF8055C 4 BURNEr PURCHASE AGREEMENT Casummmm 269. Page 7 Date 09/25/2017 270. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhaaeen MN 55331 271. POSSESSION: Seller shall deliver possession of the Property: (Check one) 272, OIMMEDIATELY AFTER CLOSING; or 273. Q OTHER: 274. Seller agrees to remove ALL DEBRIS AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY NOT INCLUDED HERE from the Property 275. by possession date. 276, LINKED DEVICES: Seller warrants that Seiler shall permanently disconnect or discontinue Seller's access or service 277. to any device or system on or serving the property that is connected or controlled wirelessly, via Internet protocol (1131 278. to a router or gateway or directly to the cloud no later than delivery of possession as specified In this Purchase 279. Agreement. 280. PROBATIONS: All Interest; unit owners' association dues; rents; and charges for city water, city sewer, electricity, and 281, natural gas shall be prorated between the parties as of date of closing. Buyer shall pay Seller for remaining gallons of 282. fuel oil or liquid petroleum gas on the day of closing, at the rate of the last fill by Seller. 283, TITLE AND EXAMINATION: As qulckty as reasonably possible after Final Acceptance Detect this Purchase Agreement: 284. (a) Seller shall deliver any abstract of title and a copy of any owners title insurance policy for the Property, If 285. in Setter's possession or control, to Buyer or Buyer's designated title service provider. Any abstract of title or 286, owner's title Insurance policy provided shall be Immediately returned to Seller, or licensee representing or 287, assisting Seller, upon cancellation of this Purchase Agreement; and 288. (b) Buyer shall obtain the title services determined necessary or desirable by Buyer or Buyer's lender, Including 289, but not limited to title searches, title examinations, abstracting, a title Insurance commitment, or an attorney's 290. title opinion at Buyer's selection and cost and provide a copy to Seller. 291, Seller shall use Seller's best efforts to provide marketable title by the date of closing. Seller agrees to pay all costs 292. and fees necessary to convey marketable title Including obtaining and recording all required documents, subject to the 293. following: 294. In the event Seller has not provided marketable title by the date of closing, Seller shall have an additional thirty 295. (30) days to make title marketable, or in the alternative, Buyer may waive title defects by written notice to Seller. In 296. addition to the thirty (30) -day extension, Buyer and Seller may, by mutual agreement, further extend the closing 297. date. Lacking such extension, either party may declare this Purchase Agreement canceled by written notice to 298. the other party, or licensee representing or assisting the other party, In which case this Purchase Agreement is 299. canceled. If either party declares this Purchase Agreement canceled, Buyer and Seller shall Immediately sign a 300. Cancellation of Purchase Agreementconfirming said cancellation and directing all earnest money paid here to be 301. refunded to Buyer. 302. SUBDIVISION OF LAND BOUNDARIES AND ACCESS: If this sale constitutes or requires a subdivision of land 303, owned by Seller, Seller shall pay all subdivision expenses and obtain all necessary governmental approvals. Seller 304. warrants that the legal description of the real properly to be conveyed has been or shall be approved for recording as 305, of the date of closing. Seller warrants that the buildings are or shall be constructed entirely within the boundary lines 306, of the Property. Seller warrants that there is a right of access to the Property from a public right-of-way. 307. MECHANIC'S LIENS: Sellerwarrantathat prior to the closing, payment In full will have been made for all labor, materials, 308, machinery, fixtures, or tools furnished within the 120 days Immediately preceding the closing in connection with 309. construction, alteration, or repair of any structure on, or Improvement to, the Property. 310, NOTICES: Seller warrants that Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to condemnation 311. proceedings, or violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation. If the Property Is subject to restrictive covenants, Seller 312. warrants that Seller has not received any notice from any person or authority as to a breach of the covenants. Any 313. such notices received by Seller shall be provided to Buyer immediately. 314. DIMENSIONS: Buyer acknowledges any dimensions, square footage, or acreage of land or Improvements provided 315. by Seller, third party, or broker representing or assisting Seller are approximate. Buyer shall verify the accuracy of 316. Information to Buyer's satisfaction, if material, at Buyer's sole cost and expense. 317. ACCESS AGREEMENT: Seller agrees to allow reasonable access to the Property for performance of any surveys or 318. Inspections agreed to here. - MN:PA-7 (8117) InstanefFoelas- AulheaUsIgnID:FSEDSB23.18E84286:BF30-50C hail' 4 BURNET Ulm RNET.com o,. <gr...1l 1011 PURCHASE AGREEMENT 319, Page Date_ 0e/25/2o17 320. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 321. RISK OF LOSS: If there Is any loss or damage to the Property between the Final Acceptance Date and the date of 322. closing for any reason, Including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake, or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If 323. the Property Is destroyed or substantially damaged before the closing date, this Purchase Agreement is canceled, 324, at Buyer's option, bywritten notice to Seller or licensee representing or assisting Seller, If Buyer cancels this Purchase 325, Agreement, Buyer and Seller shall Immediately sign aCancellallonofPurchase Agreementconftrmingsaid cancellation 326. and directing all earnest money paid here to be refunded to Buyer. 327. TIME OF ESSENCE: Time Is of the essence in this Purchase Agreement. 326. CALCULATION OF DAYS: Any calculation of days begins on the first day (Calendar or Business Days as specified) 329, following the occurrence of the event specified and includes subsequent days (Calendar or Business Days as specified) 330, ending at 11:59 P.M. on the last day. 331. BUSINESS DAYS: "Business Days" are days which are not Saturdays, Sundays, or state or federal holidays unless 332, stated elsewhere by the parties In writing. 333. CALENDAR DAYS: "Calendar Days" Include Saturdays, Sundays, and state and federal holidays. 334. RELEASE OF EARNEST MONEY: Buyerand Seller agree thatihe Earnest Money Holdershall release earnest money 335. from the Earnest Money Holders trust account: 336. (a) at or upon the successful closing of the Properly; 337. (b) pursuant to written agreement between the parties, which may be reflected in a Cancellation of Purchase 338. Agreement executed by both Buyer and Seller; 339. (c) upon receipt of an affidavit of a cancellation under MN Statute 559.217; or 340. (d) upon receipt of a court order. 341. DEFAU : If Buyer defaults In any of the agreements here, Seller may cancel this Purchase Agreement, and any 342. payments made here, including earnest money, shall be retained by Sellaras liquidated damages and Buyer and Seller 343. shall affirm the same by a written cancellation agreement. 344. It Buyer defaults in any of the agreements here, Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement under the provisions 345. of either MN Statute 559.21 or MN Statute 559.217, whichever is applicable. It either Buyer or Seller defaults In any 346. of the agreements here or there exists an unfulfilled condition after the date specified for fulfillment, either party may 347. cancel this Purchase Agreement under MN Statute 559.217, Subd.3. Whenever It is provided here that this Purchase 348. Agreement Is canceled, said language shall be deemed a provision authorizing a Declaratory Cancellation under MN 349. Statute 559.217, Subd. 4. 350. If this Purchase Agreement is not canceled or terminated as provided here, Buyer or Seller may seek actual damages 351. for breach of this Purchase Agreement or specific performance of this Purchase Agreement; and, as to specific 352. performance, such action must be commenced within six (6) months aftersuch right of action arises. 353. NOTICE REGARDING PREDATORY OFFENDER INFORMATION: Information regarding the predatory offender 354. registry and persons registered with the predatory offender registry under MNStatute 243.166may beobtained 355. by contacting the local low enforcement offices In the community where the Property Is located or the Minnesota 356. Department of Corrections at (651) 361-7200, or from the Department of Corrections web site at 357, www.corr.state.mn.us. 358. BUYER HAS THE RIGHT TO A WALK-THROUGH REVIEW OF THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO CLOSING TO 359. ESTABLISH THAT THE PROPERTY IS IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME CONDITION AS OF THE DATE OF 360. THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT. 361. BUYER HAS RECEIVED A: (Check any that apply.) Q DISCLOSURE STATEMENT., SELLER'S PROPERTY 362. DISCLOSURE STATEMENTOR A R1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SELLER'S DISCLOSUREALTEFiNATIVES FORM. 363. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY CONDITION: See Disclosure Statement: Seller's Property Disclosure Sfatementor 364. Disclosure Statement, Sellers Disclosure Alternatives for description of disclosure responsibilities and limitations, if 365, any. 366. BUYER HAS RECEIVEDTHE INSPECTION REPORTS, IF REQUIRED BY MUNICIPALITY. 367. BUYER IS NOT RELYING ON ANY ORAL REPRESENTATIONS REGARDINGTHE CONDITION OFTHE PROPERTY 368. AND ITS CONTENTS. MN:PA-8 (8/17) Instonetrows, Aulhonlisign l n: FSE011321g8 ESA28 a aF40 e1C LI cls lail' 4 BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CBBURNEtcom 369, Page 9 Date 09/25/2017 370. Properly located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 371. (Check appropriate boxes.) 372. SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERTY 1S EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CONNECTED TO: 373. CITY SEWER EYES ❑ NO / CITY WATER ©YES ❑ NO 374. SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM 375. SELLER ❑ DOES M DOES NOT KNOW OF A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ON OR .._....._. _..(Check one. ----- ---- ....._ 376. SERVING THE PROPERTY. (If answer Is DOES, and the system does not require a state permit, see Disclosure 377. Statement: Subsurface Sewage Treatment System.) 378. PRIVATE WELL 379, SELLER ❑ DOES M DOES NOT KNOW OF A WELL ON OR SERVING THE PROPERTY. ........ __...... _(Checkone.)----. ---. ---_- 380. (If answer is DOES and well Is located on the Properly, see Disclosure Statement: Well.) 381. THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT❑ ISM IS NOT SUBJECT TO AN ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT: . ------ (Checkane.}-.-_.-.- 382. SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM AND WELL INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. 383. (If answer Is IS, see attached Addendum.) 384. IF A WELL OR SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM EXISTS ON THE PROPERTY, BUYER HAS 385. RECEIVED ADISCLOSURE STATEMENT. WELLAND/ORAD/SCLOSURESTATEMENT.•SUBSURFACESEWAGE 386. TREATMENT SYSTEM. 387. HOME PROTECTION/WARRANTY PLAN: Buyer and Seller are advised to Investigate the various home protection/ 388. warranty plans available for purchase. Different home protection/warranty plans have different coverage options, 389. exclusions, limitations, and service fees. Most plans exclude pre-existing conditions. (Chock one.) 390. ❑ A Home Protection/Warranty Plan will be obtained by ❑ BUYER ❑ SELLER and paid for by _ .............._.(Check ono.}------ ......._ 391. ❑ BUYER ❑ SELLER to be issued by ....... ..... ._(Check one.}_. ----------- 392. at a cost not to exceed $ 393. M No Home Protection/Warranty Plan Is negotiated as part of this Purchase Agreement, However, Buyer may elect 394, to purchase a Home Protection/Warranty Plan, 395. 396, Winnie Y Croebie (Lkenme) 397, Edina Realty, inc. _ (Real Estate Company Name) 398. Eric B Miller ' (Llcensae) 399. Coldwell Banker Burnet (Real Estate Company Name) AGENCY NOTICE Is M Seller's Agent ❑ Buyer's Agent ❑ Dual Agent ❑ Facilitator, ._...._......_......._--- ........._ _---------- (Chock one.}.__.._.__.._......_ -.... .._.....__.-_ Is ❑ Sellees Agent M Buyer's Agent ❑ Dual Agent ❑ Facilitator. ........ _.......... ........_. _..........._.......(Check ane.)-..__................._..-----__-.._....._._.. 400. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT SATISFY MINNESOTA STATUTORY AGENCY DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. MN:PA-9 (8117) Instanetrmms, AWhen,IsIBn I D. M05013J8E8-028B WD -51C " ' 4 B_URNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CREURNET.com 401. Page 10 Date.. 09/25/2017 402. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen MN 55331 403. DUAL AGENCY REPRESENTATION 404. PLEASE CHECK ONEOFTHE FOLLOWING SELECTIONS; 405. ❑K Dual Agency representation DOES NOT apply In this transaction. Do not complete lines 406-422. 406. ❑ Dual Agency representation DOES apply In this transaction. Complete the disclosure In lines 407-422. 407. Broker represents both the Sellers) and the Buyer(s) of the Property involved In this transaction, which creates a 408. dual agency. This means that Broker and Its salespersons owe fiduciary duties to both Seller(s) and Buyer(s). Because 409, the parties may have conflicting Interests, Broker and Its salespersons are prohibited from advocating exclusively for 410. either party, Broker cannot act as a dual agent In this transaction without the consent of both Seller(s) and Buyer(s). 411. Seller(s) and Buyer(s) acknowledge that 412. (1) confidential Information communicated to Broker which regards price, terms, or motivation to buy or sell will 413. remain confidential unless Seller(s) or Buyer(s) Instructs Broker in writing to disclose this Information, Other 414. Information will be shared; 415. (2) Broker and Its salespersons will not represent the Interest of either party to the detrlment of the other; and 416. (3) within the limits of dual agency, Broker and Its salespersons will work diligently to facilltate the mechanics of 417. the sale. 418. With the knowledge and understanding of the explanation above, Seller(s) and Buyer(s) authorize and Instruct Broker 419. and Its salesperson to act as dual In this transaction. agents Auihenflmu 420. Sell e��� [�, �� Buys 'To" !aCan fid 421. Seller Buys Itlel�i t D �z: zerwor �x'�e�rr. �1rel�eart 422. Date %// =2�_Z.% Date ®s�uysa� esvA �o. 423. CLOSING COSTS: Buyer or Seller may be required to pay certain closing costs, which may effectively Increase the 424. cash outlay at closing or reduce the proceeds from the sale. 425. SETTLEMENT STATEMENT; Buyer and Seller authorize the title company, escrow agent, and/or their representatives 426. to disclose and provide copies of the disbursing agent's settlement statement to the real estate licensees Involved in 427. the transaction at the time these documents are provided to Buyer and Seller. 428. FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT ("FIRPTA'): Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code 429. provides that a transferee ("Buyer) of a United States real property interest must be notified In writing and must withhold 430. tax if the transferor ("Seller") is a foreign person and no exceptions from FIRPTA withholding apply. Buyer and Seller 431, agree to comply with FIRPTA requirements under Section 1446 of the Internal Revenue Code. 432, Seiler shall represent and warrant, under the penalties of perjury, whether Seiler Is a "foreign person' (as the same 433, Is defined within FIRPTA), prior to closing. Any representations made by Seller with respect to this Issue shall survive 434. the closing and delivery of the deed, 435. Buyer and Seller shall complete, execute, and deliver, on or before closing, any Instrument, affidavit, or statement 436. reasonably necessary to comply with the FIRPTA requirements, Including delivery of their respective federal taxpayer 437. Identification numbers or Social Security numbers. 438. Due to the complexity and potential risks of falling to comply with FIRPTA, Including the Buyer's responsibility for 439. withholding the applicable tax, Buyer and Seller should seek appropriate legal and tax advice regarding FIRPTA 440, compliance, as the respective licensee's representing or assisting either party will be unable to assure either 441. party whether the transaction is exempt from FIRPTA withholding requirements. 442. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; This Purchase Agreement and any addenda or amendments signed by the parties shall 443. constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller. Any otherwritten or oral communication between Buyer and 444. Seiler, Including, but not limited to, e-mails, text messages, or other electronic communications are not part of this 445. Purchase Agreement. This Purchase Agreement can be modified or canceled only In writing signed by Seller and 446. Buyer or by operation of law. All monetary sums are deemed to be United States currency for purposes of this Purchase 447. Agreement. MRPA-10 (3117) InSkInetFORMS- Av111ep11sIg0ID: F6E06DIldaEe-0IED-BF]O SIC II US y BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CBBURNEToom 448, Page 11 Date 09/25/2017 449. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen Im 55331 450, ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES: The parties agree the electronic signature of any party on any document related to this 451, transaction constitute valid, binding signatures. 452. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: To be binding, this Purchase Agreement must be fully executed by both parties and a copy 453, must be delivered. 454. SURVIVAL: All warranties specified in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the delivery of the deed or contract 455. for deed. 456. OTHER: 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462, 463. 464. 465. 466. 467, 468. 469. 470. 471. ADDENDA: The following addenda are attached and made apart of this Purchase Agreement. 472. NOTE: Disclosures and optional Arbitration Agreement are not part of this Purchase Agreement. 473. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement 474. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Assumption Financing 475, ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Buyer Purchasing'As Is" and Limitation of Seller Liability 476. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Condominlum/Townhouse/Cooperative Common Interest Community 477. ("CIC') 478. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Contract for Deed Financing 479. © Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Disclosure of Information on Lead -Based Paint and Lead -Based Paint 480.- Hazards 481. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Sale of Buyers Property Contingency 482. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Short Sale Contingency 483. ❑ Addendum to Purchase Agreement: Subsurface Sewage Treatment System and Well Inspection Contingency MN:PA-11 (8f17) InSlOnetFORMS' Auibenl.Tgu H3: F6EDsa23.78ES42SH.aF3053D if alb IN 9 BURNET PURCHASE AGREEMENT CBBURNELcom 484. Page 12 Date _ 09/25/2017 485. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road Chanhassen mu 55331 486. I, the owner of the Property, accept this Purchase I agree to purchase the Property for the price and on 487. Agreement and authorize the listing broker to withdraw the terms and conditions set forth above. 488, said Property from the market, unless Instructed I have reviewed all pages of this Purchase 489. otherwise In writing. Agreement. 490. 1 have reviewed all pages of this Purchase Agreement. 491. ❑ If checked, this Purchase Agreement is subject to 492. attached Addendum to Purchase Agreement: 493. Counteroffer. 494. FI PTA: Seller represents and warrants, under penalty 495, of perjury, that Seller[] ISE] IS NOT a foreign person (i.e., a ....(Check one.}.... •• 496, non-resident alien individual, foreign corporation, foreign 497. partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate for purposes of 498. Income taxation. (See !Ines 428-441.)) This representation 499, and warranty shall survive the closing of the transaction 500. and the delivery of the deed. 501.i�e s % X Auihefi x at D912MOl7 tomf r_fAc yesgaure MM01712:01:30PMODT (Date) 502. X (Sellars Printed Name) 503. X (Madial Status) 504. X (Sellers signature) (Date) 505. X (Sellars Printed Name) X Todd Jackson (Buyors Printed Name) i3 (Madtaf Status) j�'Aulhenfiswn X 1 ' tin,.lac&int 0 912 612 01 7 (Buyers 61amdure)L_924(2,1.12:0..7 PM COT (Date) X Kristin Jackson (Buyers Printed Name) 506. X X (Marital Status) (Marital Status) 507. FINAL ACCEPTANCE DATE: The Final Acceptance Date 506. is the date on which the fully executed Purchase Agreement Is delivered. 509. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN BUYER(S) AND SELLER(S). 510. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. 511. 1 ACKNOWLEDGETHATI HAVE RECEIVED AND HAVE HADTHE OPPORTUNITYTO REVIEWTHE DISCLOSURE 512. STATEMENT:ARBITRAT/OND/SCLOSUREANDRESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTVARBITRAT/ONAGREEMENT, 513. WHICH IS AN OPTIONAL, VOLUNTARY AGREEMENT AND IS NOT PART OF THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT, Aohenfiwr 514. SELLER($)���� BUYERS) c�a�r� odd, Jd coon a916iR®I� R81:34PMCDT 515. SELLER(S) BUYER(S)515• SELLER(S) BUYER(S) V&Ua Olt MN:PA•12 (8/17) InstanetroRAw eWheueslgn 10: r6E05623d6E8428&8F30 50C NED805E4 • :I e DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: ARBITRATION BURNET DISCLOSURE AND RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY ARBITRATION AGREEMENT CBBURNET.cam This form approved by the Minnesota Association of REALTORS-, which disclaims any liability arising out of use or misuse of this form. ®2016 Minnesota Association of nEALTOW, Edina, MN 1, Page i 2. ARBITRATION DISCLOSURE 3. You have the right to choose whether to have any disputes about disclosure of material facts affecting the use 4. orenjoymentof the properlythatyou are buying or selling decided by binding arbitration orbyacourtoflaw. Byagreraing 5. to binding arbitration, you give up your right to go to court. By signing the RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY 6. ARBITRATION AGREEMENT ("ARBITRATION AGREEMENT") on page two (2), you agree to binding arbitration underthe 7. Residential Real Property Arbitration System ("Arbitration Systarn") administered by National Conterfor Dispute Settlement 8. ("NODS") and endorsed by the Minnesota Association of REALTORS® ("MNAR").The ARBITRATION AGREEMENT Is 9. enforceable only If it Is signed by all buyers, sellers and licensees representing or assisting the buyers and the sellers. 10. The ARBITRATION AGREEMENT is not part of the Purchase Agreement. Your Purchase Agreement will still be 11. valid whether or not you sign the ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. 12. The Arbitration System is a private dispute resolution system offered as an alternative to the court system. It 13. Is not government sponsored. NODS and the MNAR jointly adopt the rules that govern the Arbitration System. NCDS 14. and the MNAR are not affiliated. Under the ARBITRATION AGREEMENT you must use the arbitration services of 15. NODS. 16. All disputes about or relating to disclosure of material facts affecting the use or enjoyment of the property, excluding 17. disputes related to title Issues, are subject to arbitration under the ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. This Includes claims 18. of fraud, misrepresentation, warranty and negligence. Nothing in this Agreement limits other rights you may have under 19. MN Statute 327A (statutory new home warranties) or under private contracts for warranty coverage. An agreement to 20. arbitrate does not prevent a party from contacting the Minnesota Department of Commerce, the state agency that 21. regulates the real estate profession, about licensee compliance with state law. 22. The administrative fee for the Arbitration System varies depending on the amount of the claim, but It is more 23, than Initial court filing fees. In some cases, conciliation court Is cheaper than arbitration. The maximum claim allowed 24. In conciliation court is $15,000. This amount Is subject to future change. In some cases, It is quicker and less expensive 25. to arbitrate disputes than to go to court, but the time to file your claim and pre -hearing discovery rights are Ilmited.The 26. right to appeal an arbltrator's award Is very limited compared to the right to appeal a court decision. 27. A request for arbitration must be filed within 24 months of the date of the closing on the property or 28, else the claim cannot be pursued. In some cases of fraud, a court or arbitrator may extend the 24 -month 29. limitation period provided herein. 30. A party who wants to arbitrate a dispute files a Demand, along with the appropriate administrative fee, with 31. NCDS.NCDSnotlfiestheotherparty, who mayfilearesponse. NCDSworkswiththe partiestoselectandappotntanarbitrator 32, to hear and decide the dispute. A three -arbitrator panel will be appointed Instead of a single arbitrator at the request 33, of any party. The party requesting a panel must pay an additional fee. Arbitrators have backgrounds in law, real estate, 34, architecture, engineering, construction or other related fields. . 35. Arbitration hearings are usually held at the home site. Parties are notified about the hearing at least 14 days 36. In advance. A party may be represented by a lawyer at the hearing, at the party's own expense, If he or she gives five 37. (5) days advance notice to the other party and to NODS. Each party may present evidence, including documents or 38, testimony by witnesses.The arbitrator must make any award within 30 days from the final hearing data. The award must 39. be In writing and may provide any remedy the arbitrator considers just and equitable that is within the scope of the 40, parties' agreement. The arbitrator does not have to make findings of fact that explain the reason for granting or denying 41. an award. The arbitrator may require the party who does not prevall to pay the administrative fee. 42. This Arbitration Disclosure provides only a general description of the Arbitration System and a general 43. overview of the Arbitration System rules. For specific Information regarding the administrative fee, please see the 44. Fee Schedule located in the NODS Rules. Copies of the Arbitration System rules are available from NODS by calling 45. (800)777.8119or(866)727-8119 or on the Web at www.nodsusa.orgorhomyour REALTORe.Ifyou have anyquestlons 46. about arbitraflon, call NODS at (800) 777-8119 or (866) 727-8119 or consult a lawyer. MN:DS:ADRAA-1 (2716) InstomelFORA15' Authentislgn ID: F6ED5e23 3 C6E4 ra DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: ARBITRATION BURNET DISCLOSURE AND RESIDENTIAL REAL CBBURNET.com PROPERTY ARBITRATION AGREEMENT W.n„an,e .:, rs,•tTc 47. Page 2 46• THIS IS AN OPTIONAL, VOLUNTARY AGREEMENT. 49, READTHE ARBITRATION DISCLOSURE ON PAGE ONE (1) IN FULL BEFORE SIGNING. 50. RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY ARBITRATION AGREEMENT 51. . For the property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Road 52. City of Chanhassen , County of Carver State of Minnesota. 53. Any dispute between the undersigned parties, or any of them, about or relating to material facts affecting the use or 54. enjoyment of the property, excluding disputes related to title Issues of the property covered by the Purchase Agreement 55, dated September 25th PO 17 , Including claims of fraud, misrepresentation, warranty and 56, negligence, shall be settled by binding arbitration. National Centerfor Dispute Settlement shall be the arbitration service 57, provider. The rules adopted by National Center for Dispute Settlement and the Mlnnesota Association of REALTORS® 58, shall govern the procoeding(s). The rules that shall govern the proceeding(s) are those rules In effect at the time the 59. Demand for Arbitration is filed and Include the rules specified In the Arbitration Disclosure on page one (1). This 60. Agreement shall survive the delivery of the deed or contract for deed in the Purchase Agreement. This Agreement is 61, only enforceable It all buyers, sellers and licensees representing or assisting the buyers and sellers have agreed to 62, arbitrate as acknowledged by signatures below. For purposes of this Agreement, the signature of one licensee of a 63, broker shall bind the broker and all licensees of that broker, rAulhniswx 64. 99126/20,7 -VeII gnature) {Dale) NAWWRyI FM CDT (Date) 65. Todd Jackson (Sellers Printed Name) (Buyers Printed Name) rAvlFleniismr 66.1 •7'(nieHfL `]AS�JwG 09/26/2017 (sellers Signature) Date ( ) Poll COT (oals) 67• (Sella ra3P rated Name) 68.�n" �7 (Llcensee Representing or Assisting Seller) (Dale) Plinnie Y Crosbie Kristin Jackson (Buyers Printed Name) Zen A t& 09/25/2017 yl)9�r�Tr Assisting Buyer) (Date) Er c 8 ler 69, Edina Realty, Inc. Coldwell Hanker Burnet (Company Name) (Company Name) 70. THE RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY ARBITRATION AGREEMENT IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT 71. BETWEEN BUYERS, SELLERS AND LICENSEES. IFYOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT A LAWYER. MN:DS:ADRAA•2 (2/16) InstanefFDRms, �� ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT a9oAsnF. HeA.uay Weaa DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON LEAD-BASED PAINT AND LEAD•9ASED PAINT HAZARDS TNs lolm approved by the Minnosola Assoolalion of RFALTORSq % lch disdahna any tlablNly arlsing out of use or misuse of this form. 0 4009 Mfnnesofa Assadaflon of REALTORS; Edhta, MN 1, Date 05/02/2017 2. Page 3. Addendum to Purchase Agreement between parties, dated LS 20 4. pertaining to the purchase and sale of the property at -3 63-7 Red Ceda Point Rd 5. __ Excelsior 2dN 553H1 6. section 1; Lead Warning Statement 7.&wybuyerofanyloterestInresidential realpropertyonwhicharastdentleldwelling was builtpriorto1978isnotflled 6. that such properly may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at Nsk of 0. developing leadpolsoning.Leadpolsoningtnyoungchildienmayproducepermanentneurologlcetdamage,including 10. learning dlsabliltles, reduced Intelligence quotient, behavioral problems and Impaired memory. Lead poisoning also 11. poses aparticulardskfopregnantwomen, The sellarofanylnterestlnresidentialrealpropanyIsrequired toprovlde 12, the buyer with any Informallon on lead-based paint hazards from risk assessments or Inspections In the seflerk 13, possessionandnotltythebuyerofanyknownlead-basedpalnthazards.Artskassassmentorfnspectionforpossibte 14. lead-based paint hazards Is recommended prior to purohase, 16, 594- (a) Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, 17. (Check one below) 10. ❑ Known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present In the housing 10. (explain): 20. 21. © seller has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing, 22. (b) Records and reports available to the seller. 23. (Checkons below.) 24• ❑ Seller has provided Buyer with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint 26. and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing gist documents below); 26. 27. Seller has no reports or records partalning to lead-baaed paint and/or lead-based paint hazards 29. in the housing. 28, Buyer's A k owledgment (Inhlal) 30. _ (o) Buyer has resolved copies of all information listed under (b) above. 31.1'} (d) Buyer has received the pamphlet, protect yourFamtty /fare Lead In your HOMO, 02, _V _ (e) Buyer has (check one below): 33. ❑ Received a 10 -day opportunity (or mutually agreed-upon period) to conduct a risk assessment 34. or inspection for the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead•basad paint hazards (N chocked, 3s, see Section II on Paga 2), or 36. Waived the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or Inspection for the presence of toad• 37. based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, TLX;BALE•1(0t09) ER 186.1 (Me) InstanefroRm ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT senkshYs aaVetmydwats DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON LEAD-BASED PAINT AND LEAD-BASED PAINTHAZARDS 98, Page 39. Property located at 3617 Red Cedar Point Rd Eat:celsior MN 55331 40, Heal Estate Licensee's AcknowledgementQnftfalll 41.' (Q Real estate licensee has informed sailer ofseller'sobligations under 42U.S.C.4852(d)and Isaware 42, of Ilcensea's responsibility to ensure compliance, 43. Certification of Accuracy 44. The following patties have reviewed the Information above and certily,tothe beat oftheirknowledge,that the Information 46. provided by the signatory is true and accurate, 46, -­(1�y"—� JY iF:7 atr1aia Souba (o•a) test (Ohio) 47. cy (8allot) (ode) (euyeQ (Data) (Red Ed ale Mom 06) (Oils) (Real EaYl6lkenaae) Natet Winnie Y Crosbie 49. Section If: Contingency(InRlalonly It(irst box under(e)Ischecked InBuyer);Acknowledgmentabove.) 60. This contract Is contingent upon a risk assessment or an Inspection of the property for the presence of lead - 61, based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards to be conducted at Buyer's expense. The assessment or Inspection 62, shalibecompletedwithin❑ten(10)❑ calendardayseherPrelAcceplanceofthePurchaseAgreement, (ASack"J..—_........ 63. Thiscontingenoyshallbedeemed removed, andlhePurchaseAgreementshall belnfullforceand effect, unless Buyeror 54. real estate licensee representing or assleting Buyer delivers to Seller or real estate licensee representing or assisting 66. Seller, within three (3) oalandardays after the assessment orinapectIon Is timely completed, awriften list of thespecipa 66. deficlettcles and the corrections required, together with a copy of any risk assessment or Inspection report, if Seller 67, and Buyerhavenot agreed In writing wfifilin three (3) otalandardays afterdellveryolthe written 119tolf required correcitions 68. that! (A) some crallof tharequited correollonswillbet mads; or(B) Buyerwattvaosthe deficiencies; or (0) an adjustment to 69. the purchase price will be made; this Purchase Agreement Is canceled, Buyer and Setler shell immediately sign a 60. Cancellation of Pvtchase Agreement confirming said cancellation and directing an earnest money paid hereunder to 61. be refundedto Buyer. It Is understood that Buyermay unilaterally Waive cleffolandes ordefectsor remove this contingency. 62. providing that Buyer or real estate Ifoonses representing or assisting Buyer notifies Seller or real estate license$ 83. representing orassisting Seller of the waiver or removal, in writing, within the time specified. 4LUALE•2(09) ' 6fl 168.2 (8109) InstonetfO6lAs DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: MEE SELLER'S OISCLOSUREALTERNATIVES ♦epWHlWy.ryedNA 179. Page6 180. Properly located at 367.7 Red Ceder point; ltd Ex i aer MN 55331 181. K. SELLER'S STATEMENT: 182, (robasrgnadatPmeof1bt1hg,) 188, Seller(e) hereby authorizes any llcensae(e) representing or assisting any pally(les) In this transaction to protide 184. a copy of this Dlsotoau re, Valsment to any person or enilly In connection with any actual or antholpaled safe at the 188, property, A seler may provlda this Disclosure Statement to a real estate licensee ropresenling or aaafeting a 186. prospeatka buyer. The DLadoauro Statement provided to the real estate licensee representing or assisting e 167, prospocgve buyer is con"red to have boon provided to the prospective buyer. It this Disclosure statement Is 188. provided to the real aslato Roomsee f0rosonilng orassIstlag the prospaollve buyer. the feel estate (loonseel must 169, proNdo a copy to the prospeolive buyer, 181. inspecllon,3aiter)sobilgaledtodisdoseloBuyerinwdtlngofanyneworchangedfactsofwhkh3allarlsaware 1102, that could adversely and elgnifloanity @p(fact the Buyer'o use of en(oyment of the property or any Imehdad uaa of 198, thepropertythataowrupfothellmebfolosing.Todisolosenow orchanged facts, please Usti the Amarromantto 194. DI5c1a1Dfe SIalBmantfarm. 195, WAIVEll: It Selldr and Buyer Woo to welve The salleY disclosure requirement, Seger is NOT OtIlgated to disclose 196, and Will NOT dtsdosesay now orchanged Information regarding facts, 107. OTHER REQUIRED DISCLOSURES (Seoilano A -F): Whether Sellerhas elected a Quagged-1h4dParyfnapea" 1961 or Waiver, Seger Is obligated to notify Buyer, in wdling, of any hew or changed fact$ regarding Other Reqube lee. Disclosures up to the time of doslog, To dledase new or changed facts, please use the Amendment [o oq e d 200. Olsolasuretorm: 201. ''O � 'tie `." /fry ✓�/% (oval rsr.«) (nHe) 202. L. BUYER'S ACKN0WLEnG9MONr; 203. (To be signed at fens orpurchase agrasmehRJ 704. Me, the Buyers) of the properly, acimowledge recolpt of this Se11a'a DkorceumAlfernallweform and agree to 205. the seller'sdisdosureopdonselactedlalhisform, IWOfurther agreathatnorepresenlallonaregardtngfadaIt a 206, boon made, other than arose made In this form, Thts Disclosure Statement N not a wan o ra or a guarantee of 207. any kind by Seller orgoonscorepresenting orawtelingany party Inthe traneeolionandtsnoraeulaguaantetable eof 208. for any lnapeouonsofwarranties the partypea)may Wish toobtain, _ 209, The information disclosed Is given to the beat of the Seller's knowlJd 210. ..•�)'~��-. (eWW�— �oeio) (e,yy �roue) 211. LISTING BROKER AND LICENSEES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS HERE AND ARE 212. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYCONDITtoNS gXISONG ONTNE PROPERTY, MMM-ODA-41(aha) ERI29S(ana) Inslanol(ow