Temporary event permit application SuperbowlS�}I watt4 �p ay ili l Gf j'A��� r �z��a�i• �� f`�w Paisley Park Super Bowl Week Event -flj Overview We will be offering our standard daytime tours and regular hours Super Bowl week- January 29 - February 4th, as well as hosting private parties in the evenings. Our gift shop will remain open throughout the weekdays and evenings. p0s> We will be asking for a clause in our PQ@ to serve alcohol during the week. Although it is unlikely that we will have a private event every night, at this time, we would like plan for such to cover proper city department planning. We expect the group event size to range from 500 —1000 guests in the evenings. Please review schedule below Monday: 1/29/18- Standard tours - Hours 10- 5 pm Private Event 7 pm- 11 pm Tuesday: 1/30/18- Standard tours - Hours -10- 5 pm Private Event 7 pm —11 pm Wednesday 1/31/18- Standard tours - Hours 9- 6 pm Private Event 7 pm —11pm Thursday 2/1/18 — Standard tours - Hours 9- 6 pm Private Event 7 pm —11 pm Friday 2/2/18- Standard tours- Hours 9- 6 pm Private Event 7 pm- 11 pm Saturday 2/3/18 Standard tours- Hours 9-6 pm Private Event 7 pm —11 pm Sunday 2/4/18 —Standard tours — Hours 9-6 pm Private Event 7-11 pm Please note that we will be fully staffed throughout the week with Security and Parking Personnel, Private Event guests will arrive by Coach Bus only. Off- site parking will the responsibility of the Client. Date Received Approved by: Application Fee Paid: Parcel Iden ficaWn No. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION $100 FEE Applications must be submined at least slaty (60) days prior to the event. Engineering Review Fire Review Admin Review Sheriff Review Planning Review Other Review Dale Approved: 0 Check N 0 Credit Card (type & lasl4 digits) 0 Cash (Receipt N) Legal Description roducing ORGANIZATION NAME too ✓V— M all a t L street Addraaa..7 kU i i4u 6( a n K- o r a Address: City. State, Zip: I Y1 ykj S7 7 Name: Phone: Cell: Applicant Coniect I Title Email i Neme:l��t Phone' _ Cell: On -She Contac[ (LfVj TR'TC7'1l1 T:!'R:9 ' Contact Information LVW- 0H'iCsu OLU5 Comercia Bank & Trust, N.A. as PR of the Estate of Prince Rogers Nelson 1 -.._. 212-590-9992 1 _. 215-622-9126 1 Event Title: C I C4 0 RaceNva&' 0 Concert 0 Festival 0 Other: Event Type j -Complete and attach race addendum loan. ' Event Location: Chad'Addresp:1kU1 f]l—dA, t2(� k2b"il / _ � City, Stele. Z1 Event Date(s)'.. t I !i Event Time(s): �G Event Doacnplidn: I i City of Chanhassen Special Event Application Page 2 of 3 Panlcipaarp/attendMg: SQ (J — Number d Empioyee&Workem: WIk Mere ba sound ampgaoatipn equipment? C Yea LXto If yes, attach additional permit. Will Mara be signage at Me avem? C yes MJo If yes, please describe (additional permit may be necessary): Will merchandise be sold erhe avent7 att the Yes ❑ No If yes. please describe: Our 6-f r ,Shop Guru toote AU "In Attach narrative to include the following information: Narrative Required • 091ICriPlion of Event • Parking Arrangements • Security . Potential impact on public safely, IraMc, and other services including proposed mitigation strategy Maps are required for the overall went layout as wall as any separately fenced areas such as beer/wine gardens or contained areas as Part of a penddmamh rout. As a general rule, maps must include the following: • Surrounding Street Names VeNcles MOP Ragrrlred: • Directional Arrow, • Beer Gardens Twenty fool (20') Fire Larges • Number and Dimension of Entrances/Exira • FencingBarrionr . StartPinish Lines • Street Closure Points • Routes with Directional ArrowsB Barricadesleah• • Fire Extinguisher Locations re • B000thsoths • Safety and First Aid Stations • Parking Areas • CanopiesfTents • Special Lighting • Cooking Areas • Generators •Trash Containers Select all that apply (show all equipment on your attached map). C SreghogrSraffplding ❑ Lighting ❑ Statues or Structures EqulpmonVSN up: C Portable Restrocros ❑ Signage p_ (include size and location on map) [ k TenlslCanopies Y(._ Tent Size(s): 6/0 y 7 3 i=t Please list the outside compeniesrvendors that you are using for any of the checked bones above. A complete vandora must be submitted prior to your event het of Will food be served aline I C yes 061,10 (d no, skip to next section) avant?I (NOTE:AddNonalparingmayberrocahuky, website of MrIc A,vw Wsi bog bs Prepared oR site but servetl on silo? C Yes 15) NO Will food be gr"W on she? Will any M the /oaowln appliances be wed? jCCh*ck all that aoDNI NOTE: If using any of the eennesote Oept. of Health 81651-2014500 or visd their 1c, d be prepared un C Yea ff No ❑ Yee §2 No I It yea,:elect one: I C Charcoal C LP cps• 'Size of LP Gas tank? ❑ Gas griddle (flat top) C Deep rat frym C Warming oven C Com master C Omer. ovens. I '.",. , _ ..... .......... Y _ lbs I CI iy of Cha nhassan Spacial Evans AppGcatloo Page 3 of 3 The saia and snrAre of 8►cahollc bevsragea we subod to C+ly of Chanhassen regulations, lfcensinp, and permit requlraments Will alcaTsol be sanrad at Yes ©A{o U10event7 © YesNo is a non -"I .I! yes, i . ic�fe Hams of nonprofit organ{xagon. organization providing me alcohol services? NOTE; Temporary On -Sale licenses are issued only to a club. or than;able; religious. or nonprofit orgaAizalion in aiil tante for at least three years (Crranhass an City Cods 5action IG_ 18?gj and:jhj)_ Yes tVo I Is a rat*ror pros€ . no the f s, fe to name ai caterer. TE 1� als" sorvlsm7 NOTE-, Atcahal can oM be provided and served by a restaurant Aotdi. y . p ng an ort•sale intoWCatimg liquor Gcansa issued by any muniripalifylhtti also holds a calcrere permit (MN Statute 340AA04, Subd, 12), Pmol of liubAty insurance must be pmvidod, I !rave 1*rn iwtwd rnysnitwith the Chanhassen fifty Corin Chapter 20. OV and suh3oquant ordinance arnondmants pertalning.therato, and will abide try:ft proris{ans con Wned thereon, f dadam t*fhe infwmadOn I have pmvkkd on thin appiicatiart is truthful and I understand that Medication or answem on this application wdl mauls in damsel of Iha applrratkm, I duthorlra the City or Chantlassan to im*stlgala and mak* whatever:iMqukiaa are neeassary !a verifythe infam+atlon P- i Appl+r 1: r vara rim" Nam 81gTialurc Rate' i Property ovmer I Merica 37an &. tnut, N.A. as PR of he PsTatc oRritna e s Neison IU61201.7 By. Gerard 5nover, VP id xdls'a+Yrtl WUWair�.k Horn d+ .