PC Staff Report 18-02CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: January 2, 2018 CC DATE: January 22, 2018 r� REVIEW DEADLINE: January 30, 2018 CASE #: 2018-02 BY: JA, GB, RG, JS, VS "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 4,500 square foot, one-story restaurant with drive through facilities, plans prepared by CEI Engineering Associates, Inc. dated revised November 30, 2017, subject to the conditions of the staff report and adopts the findings of fact and recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for a Site Plan Review with variances to build a Panera Bread restaurant. However after further review, it was determined that variances were not required for hard cover or parking. LOCATION: 531 West 79th Street APPLICANT: Panera, LLC. 3630 South Geyer Road, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63127 314-984-2609 Brian.barnard@panerabread.com Chanhassen Inn. 531 W. 79th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-7373 chanhasseninn2001gyahoo.com PRESENT ZONING: Highway and Business Services District (BH) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: ACREAGE: 1.45 acres Commercial DENSITY: 0.07 F.A.R. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city's discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval to construct an approximately 4,500 square foot, one-story restaurant with a drive thru. Fast food restaurants are a permitted use in the BH district. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 2 of 16 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article, `BH", Highway and Business Services District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office - Institutional Districts BACKGROUND Zamor Addition was approved on May 14, 1979 creating three lots. Chanhassen Inn was constructed in 1981 starting with 29 units. In 1984, 14 units were added. In 1987, an additional eight units were added to the building. DISCUSSION The applicant is proposing a one-story, 4,500 square -foot restaurant with drive-thru incorporating an outdoor patio area. Due to the requirement for the 10 foot landscape boulevard along the east property line, the building may need to shift five feet west. Site Constraints The access to the property is a joint driveway with Chick-Fil-A. Normally, this area would serve as a perimeter buffer and landscape area which would help in reducing hard cover, however, since this serves as access to the property to the west, it cannot be utilized for pervious surface. Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory, the National Wetland Inventory, a review of historic aerial photography and a site visit did not reveal any indications that wetland is present on either site. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs or steep slopes present on the site. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie within a floodplain. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 3 of 16 ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE a� J • t G The main entry is located in the northeast corner of the building. Additional building articulation shall be required above the entrance. Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing two color bricks for the building material: tan and brown. The soldier course of brick above the doors and windows shall incorporate the darker colored brick to accent the windows. Brick veneer may not be painted. EIFS may only be used as an accent material and may not cover more than 15 percent of the wall area. Height and Roof Design The building height is 21 feet to the top of the parapet, which shall be used to screen the rooftop equipment. The top of the parapet is capped with a dark bronze aluminum cap. The main entry parapet height is stepped up from the main building parapet. Additional rooftop treatment shall be incorporated in this area. Dark bronze coping covers the parapet wall. Projecting fabric awnings are proposed over the main entry, the pick-up window, windows and the service door. Awnings may be decorative, but may not contain business advertising. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 4 of 16 Facade Transparency The applicant needs to meet the 50 percent glazing (window) requirements. In the service and storage areas, such windows may be spandrel glass. The window casing shall be dark bronze aluminum. Additional window treatments are required on the north, west and south building elevations. The applicant is providing dark bronze, aluminum window framing. Loading areas, refuse area, etc. Delivery and service door is located in the west corner of the building and shall be accessed via the drive-thru lanes. A sidewalk system leads from this area to the parking lot for refuse movement to the trash enclosure. The trash enclosure, located on the northwest corner of the parking lot, will be constructed of concrete masonry units covered in a brick veneer to match the building. Lighting The applicant is proposing light -emitting diode (LED) area lighting throughout the parking lot with a height of 25 feet and a 90 -degree cut-off angle. Such lighting complies with city code. The applicant is also proposing decorative lighting on the building. Such lighting must also have a 90 -degree cut-off, i.e., it may not project upward. Decorative pedestrian scale lighting is proposed in the patio area of the building. They are also proposing mini -wall packs in the trash enclosure. City code does not permit the use of metal halide. Signage The applicant is proposing signage on all elevations of the building. The applicant has street frontage on the south and north sides of the building which would permit wall signage on each of these elevations. Therefore, only wall signs on two building elevations are permitted. Signage must comply with the standards for Highway and Business Services District and will require a separate sign permit application and review for each proposed sign. Wall signs shall use individual dimensioned letters. The applicant shows a monument sign on the south side of the building. This sign may not be located within the drainage and utility easement or within 10 feet of the property line. The sign shall be relocated on the site to comply with city code. Company logos shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the sign display area. Monument signs shall use individual dimension letters, at least one-half inch deep. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 5 of 16 Site Furnishings The applicant is proposing a patio seating area on the north side of the building. A decorative fence shall separate the patio from the drive-thru. Bike racks shall be incorporated on site near the access sidewalk from Highway 5. Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping at the proposed development include 2,757 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, landscape islands or peninsulas, 11 trees for the parking lot. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. The islands and peninsulas containing trees must be a minimum of 10 feet. Bufferyard requirements: Re uired Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 2,757 sq. ft. 3,195 sq. ft. Trees/ arking lot 11 trees 12 trees Islands or eninsulas/ arking lot 5 islands/peninsulas 6 islands/peninsulas The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. The islands and peninsulas containing trees must be a minimum of 10 feet. Bufferyard requirements: The applicant does not meet all of the bufferyard requirements, particularly along the south property line. At a minimum, additional tree planting shall be located in the southwest corner of the site. Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B — north 5 overstory trees 10 overstory prop. line, West 791' St., 7 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 250' 12 Shrubs 29 Shrubs Bufferyard B — south 5 Overstory trees 1 Overstory trees prop. line, Hwy 5, 250' 7 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 12 Shrubs 15 Shrubs Bufferyard A — east prop. 2 overstory trees 2 Overstory trees line, Chick-Fil-A 3 Understory trees 5 Understory trees 275' 6 Shrubs 7 Shrubs Bufferyard C — west 4 overstory trees 1 overstory trees prop. line, open space, 10 Understory trees 15 Understory trees 200' 10 Shrubs 16 Shrubs Boulevard trees along W. 6 overstory trees 9 overstory trees 79a' St., 1 per 30' The applicant does not meet all of the bufferyard requirements, particularly along the south property line. At a minimum, additional tree planting shall be located in the southwest corner of the site. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 6 of 16 Lot Frontage and Parking Location The lot fronts on two public streets: Highway 5 and West 79'1' Street. The only access is via West 79th Street. Parking is located to the north and east of the building. EASEMENTS There are several existing easements on this property as shown on the survey. An existing access control for MnDOT's Trunk Highway 5 is along the southern property line. This property is subject to a cross -easement for parking with the adjacent property to the east in addition to a reciprocal access easement agreement. On the eastern and southern property line, a drainage & utility perimeter easement for the City was dedicated with the original ZAMOR ADDITION plat. Additional perimeter public drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the north and east property lines concurrent with the site plan agreement. Proposed items are shown within the City's drainage and utility easement, including: portions of both bioretention basins. These items must be moved out of the easement or the applicant must enter into an encroachment agreement with the City after, but concurrent to the site plan agreement. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over both drainage basins located south of the parking lot. GRADING AND DRAINAGE Drainage The majority of the site drains to the south and west into the MnDOT right-of-way and eventually reaches Rice Marsh Lake. The proposed site plan generally keeps the same drainage pattern. The water will be captured and directed to the bioretention basins which include a snout and a saffle baffle prior to discharge to meet water quality, water volume quantity, and rate control requirements. In order to verify that the grading plan with not cause runoff to flow towards structures, the first floor elevations of buildings on adjacent lots and the elevation at the corners of the proposed building shall be shown on the plans. Existing and proposed elevations shall be shown at each corner of the lot to verify the plan will tie-in successfully to the grading of adjacent parcels. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 7 of 16 Retaining Walls No retaining walls were noted on the plans. Any proposed retaining walls must be shown on the plans including the top and bottom wall elevations. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control When a building permit application is submitted, an erosion control plan consistent with Section 19-145 of city code is required. The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for city review and approval. Although staff did not observe any obvious deficiencies it is worth reminding the this SWPPP must be consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit; containing all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. It must also be updated throughout the project. The SWPPP should note that these are the minimum anticipated best management practices and that erosion prevention and sediment control measures may need to change as site and weather conditions change. Six inches of topsoil is required and will be verified by city staff. In grading notes on page C3 it states four inches. Topsoil needs to be specified. Sequencing of Construction identifies item number five as to construct the temporary sedimentation and sediment trap, but nowhere in the grading plan is it identified. Plans should identify the bio -filtration basins be graded to be used as temporary sediment basin, along with temporary outlets to allow stormwater to be pumped and drained too, during construction of the site. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required storm water management development standards. It states that sites must meet the National Urban Runoff Program recommendations of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System standards, whichever is more restrictive. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." The NPDES requires that 1 inch of runoff is treated for water quality and that there is a net reduction in runoff volume post -development. Minnesota has elected to meet this requirement through Minimal Impact Design Standard guidelines which requires abstraction of 1.1 inch of runoff from all impervious surface. This standard has been adopted by the Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District. As well as a 90 percent reduction in total suspended solids (TSS) and a 60 percent reduction in total phosphorus (TP). This water quality standard is consistent with Chanhassen removal requirements. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 8 of 16 Filtration basin: A design and planting plan approved by the Water Resources Coordinator is required for this high visibility location. Seed mix is insufficient for these vegetated basins. You must use species native to the ecoregion. Sock should be eliminated from drain tile. It is not if it will plug, but when the sock will plug with sediment. Buckshot and or pea rock to surround underdrain pipe. Underdrain tile needs to be identified. Should be a HDPE Corrugated perforated plastic tile. SCH 35, 40 PVC pipe is not allowed for underdrain. Tile in bio -filtration basin needs to be placed on a minimum grade of 0.5 percent. Plan details need to show a profile of the bio - retention basin with the grade of the tile placement. A cross-section is provided, but a profile is needed showing all grades. All quantities of materials to be used, and specifications need to be identified on plan sheet for contractor to bid and to construct. Mixed D soil shown on plans. We only use 75 percent washed sand and 25 percent leafy compost. Bio -filtration basin should be identified in sequencing that it should not be completed until all surrounding watershed to basins are stabilized. City staff shall be called, and be on site when contractor is installing bio -filtration basin to make sure the existing subsoil is scarified 18 inches below surface in bio -filtration basin. Contractor shall have a written statement as part of the pre - construction meeting, the means and method of how they plan to scarify and protect the subsurface from compaction in the bio -retention basin. Other items: An approved operation and maintenance plan is required for all stormwater treatment devices. Including contact information for person(s) responsible for maintenance as well as person(s) performing onsite inspection and maintenance duties. The city must approve operation and maintenance plans prior to permits being issued. The owner and applicant should be made aware that the city will hold the security on the project until vegetation is well established and the planting is free of weeds. Applicant and owner should be made aware that this may take a few growing seasons to achieve. PERMITS Agency A Minnesota Department of Transportation permit will be required for a drainage permit and work within the right-of-way. A Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District permit shall be required prior to beginning construction. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 9 of 16 STREETS, ACCESS AND INTERNAL SITE CIRCULATION Access to the property is from West 70 Street only. Access to Highway 5 is restricted Traffic Analysis Staff is intending to continue to work with the applicant's engineer on a traffic analysis for how this proposal will affect Level of Service for the nearby intersections at W 79th Street & Great Plains Blvd and Arboretum Blvd (TH 5) & Great Plains Blvd. The intersection W 791i St & Great Plains Blvd is of primary concern. From the initial analysis, it is expected that substantial queue lengths for the eastbound traffic trying to enter the Great Plains Blvd intersection may cause a portion of the traffic to elect to reroute itself to the Market Blvd intersection. This would help the Great Plains Blvd intersection but it will impact the Market Blvd intersection. Staff requests further analysis to include the Market Blvd intersection. Staff requests the traffic report include greater analysis and commentary to compare the results of this investigation to the findings and recommendations included in the recently completed traffic analysis reports completed for Great Plains Blvd and for the adjacent Chick-fil-A redevelopment. The applicant's engineer shall expand the analysis and offer a definitive recommendation for the timing of the improvements for the W 79th St and Great Plains Blvd intersection. The % intersection concept geometric layout shall be included as a Figure in the Appendix and further commentary should be provided describing its operation. The applicant's engineer shall also address the review comments provided by MnDOT. Staff recommends the pedestrian access route focus on the utilization of the sidewalk to the south of the site. This is due to concerns about pedestrian safety crossing the Chick-fil-A and Holiday gas station vehicle entrances and the greater connectivity of the southern route that parallels Trunk Highway 5. Staff is intending to continue to work with the applicant's engineer on the final traffic analysis, therefore, mitigation recommendations are not available at the time of this report. A revised anaylsis shall be submitted to staff with time to review prior to City Council's consideration of the applicant's proposal. PARKING LOT & DRIVE-THRU The drive-thru aisle contains car stacking from the entrance to the service window in excess of the code requirement of 12 cars (240 feet) for fast food restaurants. The applicant is also proposing more parking stalls than City Ordinance requires. These excesses account for a portion of the hardcover variance request. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 10 of 16 The applicant's engineer shall verify whether an adequate sight line is provided for vehicles exiting via the site access prior to grading on site. If the trees are an obstruction, the applicant shall prune the trees to provide adequate sight lines or they may be removed subject to the approval of the City's Environmental Resource Coordinator. Three pedestrian routes are provided to the proposed building through the drive-thru lane. Two are primarily customer routes and one is expected to be an employee route. The applicant's plan shows crosswalk striping, pedestrian crossing signage, and drive-thru signage at the two customer specific routes. Only a drive-thru sign is indicated at the expected employee route. Staff recommends use of MN MUTCD approved signage for these crossings and further consideration for the expected employee pedestrian route. The applicant shall follow the accessibility code for the construction as well as all applicable State and Federal laws. UTILITIES The plan proposes connecting to the existing water and sewer services for the existing building at the back of the south curbline for W 79`h St. The demolition plan has a general note to remove all existing structures and related piping. Staff is concerned the clarity of this statement may be subject to interpretation. In addition, the existing buried sanitary and water service piping is not shown within the property limits on the demolition plan. Staff recommends additional detail indicating the piping throughout the site and language be added to require the buried sanitary and water service piping be fully removed. The applicant proposes to utilize the existing 6 inche sanitary service line under W 791h St to connect to the existing city -owned 10 inch sanitary main. The applicant is proposing to modify the intended use of the parcel and construct a building intended to house a restaurant, including the installation of a grease trap. As such, the applicant shall abandon this service connection and connect to the nearby sanitary manhole. The intention is to facilitate cleaning of the sanitary service via a jetting process. The connection to the manhole shall be a fully booted connection. Staff recommends the design investigate the elevation of the joints in the existing manhole structure to confirm the proposed connection elevation can incorporate a fully booted core into the manhole. The existing service pipe into the main may be abandoned in lieu of removed to limit excavation into W 79a' St. A short liner is recommended to be used in the sanitary main and the service line under the street shall be filled with flowable-fill or non -shrink grout. The applicant proposes to connect to the existing 6 inch water service line at the south curbline of W 79th St and install new 6 inch Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) waterline into the site to service the building. Staff recommends using C900 pipe material rather than DIP, due to soil conditions prevalent in the City of Chanhassen. Staff also recommends the design correct the feed to the site hydrant. This privately -owned hydrant should be fed from the water service into the site. Otherwise a legal maintenance Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 11 of 16 agreement will need to be drafted, agreed upon, and filed between this parcel and the adjacent parcel to the east. Any service line that does not serve a purpose shall be properly abandoned. The applicant shall coordinate with city staff prior to removal or construction of the services regarding inspection and traffic control on W 79h Street. The applicant shall retain ownership of the proposed sanitary service, water service and hydrant constructed on this property. PARKS & RECREATION The applicant is proposing a sidewalk connection to the trial within the Highway 5 corridor. No Park and Trail frees are being collected because there is no subdivision. MISCELLANEOUS The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. Sanitary and storm sewer service must comply with Minnesota State Plumbing Code (see Table 701.1). Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. COMPLIANCE TABLE Building Height Building Setback Code 2 stories NA feet N -25'E-10' W -10'S-25' Parking Stalls 56 stalls (One space per 80 square feet) Parking Setback Hard Surface Coverage Lot Area N- 10'E -O' W -10'S-10' 65 percent 20,000 sq. ft. Proiect 1 story 21 feet N -102'E-87' W -96'S-59' 51 stalls * N-IFE- 18' W -45'S-54' 64.3 percent 63,153sq. ft. (1.45 ac.) * There are cross parking and access agreements with the property to the east, which constructed 13 more parking stalls then are required by city code for their use. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 12 of 16 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for a 4,500 square foot, one-story restaurant with drive through facilities plans prepared by CEI Engineering Associates, Inc. dated revised 11/30/17, subject to the following conditions: Building: 1. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Sanitary and storm sewer service must comply with Minnesota State Plumbing Code (see Table 701.1). 4. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering: 1. The plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota prior to recording the site plan agreement. 2. Provide perimeter drainage and utility easements were none exist concurrent with recording the site plan agreement. 3. The applicant must move any feature out from within the City's drainage and utility easement, including both bioretention basins or the applicant must enter into an encroachment agreement with the City after, but concurrent to the site plan agreement. 4. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the two bioretention basins concurrent with recording the site plan agreement. 5. Soil boring locations shall be shown on the grading plan prior to site grading. 6. Indicate finished floor elevation of the adjacent parcel to the east prior to site grading. 7. Provide existing and proposed elevations at each lot corner, top of curb or centerline of the roadway at each lot line extension, center of the proposed driveway at the curbline, and indicate the proposed driveway grade prior to site grading. 8. Indicate information to verify the lowest building opening is a minimum of 1 -foot above the emergency overflow elevation of the bioretention basins prior to site grading. 9. Identify soil stockpile areas intended within the site limits prior to site grading. 10. Address review comments identified in the attached letter from MnDOT prior to site grading. 11. Provide Limited Use Permit (LUP) for the public sidewalk connection prior to recording the site plan agreement. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 13 of 16 12. Applicant shall utilize the City's standard detail for the sidewalk connection prior to site grading. 13. Staff has requested further traffic analysis to include the Market Blvd intersection prior to review for City Council consideration. 14. The applicant's engineer shall also examine ways to mitigate the queueing and decreased LOS at the W 70 Street & Great Plain Blvd intersection prior to review for City Council consideration. 15. The applicant's engineer shall verify whether an adequate sight line is provided for vehicles exiting the site access prior to review for City Council consideration. 16. Prior to review for City Council consideration, the traffic analysis report shall further discuss recommendations for the timing of improvements to the W 79' St & Great Plains Blvd intersection. The recommended % intersection shall include a figure in the Appendix showing the proposed design. Further commentary shall be included related to its operation. 17. Plans shall show the current City detail plates and indicate all of the most up-to-date plates shall be used when the project under construction. 18. The storm sewer piping shall be included on the utility plan prior to recording the site plan agreement. 19. Plan shall include the bioretention basin details with elevations prior to site grading. 20. Recommend applicant review the design for the on-site hydrant. From a long term perspective, the hydrant should be fed by the water service to the parcel it serves. Coordinate with the adjacent property owner to abandon un -necessary water pipe. Otherwise, a maintenance agreement between the two parcels shall be filed to define future maintenance responsibilities and other important business protection aspects prior to site grading. 21. Utility plan indicates 0.87% for the sanitary sewer grade. Revise plan to increase grade to a minimum of I% prior to site grading. 22. Sanitary sewer service shall be routed the nearest sanitary manhole to facilitate sewer cleaning due to the zoning classification and proposed property use. Prior to site grading, revise the plan to show the existing sanitary service connection to the main shall be abandoned. A short liner shall be used in the sanitary main and the pipe shall be filled with flowable fill or non -shrink grout to the property line. The line shall be capped at the property line. 23. Staff recommends C900 PVC water main pipe material be considered. 24. Recommend testing requirements for the utility piping be considered with the utility design. Install a new gate valve at the property line where the new water service piping ties into the existing service piping. 25. Provide details on the plans for the grease trap prior to site grading. 26. Demolition plan shall include removal of existing service piping to the connection locations prior to site grading. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 14 of 16 27. The applicant shall coordinate with City staff prior to removal or construction of the services regarding inspection and traffic control on W 79'h Street prior to site grading. 28. Once construction is complete, the applicant shall retain ownership of the proposed sanitary service, water service and hydrant constructed on this property. Recommend applicant consider flushing of the water service piping when selecting the location for the hydrant. 29. The applicant shall follow the accessibility code for the construction as well as all applicable State and Federal laws. 30. The applicant shall obtain permits from all applicable agencies which may include, but is not limited to the MPCA, MnDOT, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, ect. Environmental Resources: 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to accommodate more of the required bufferyard trees in the south buffer yard area. 2. The interior width of all landscape islands and peninsulas containing trees must be a minimum of 10 feet. The east island shall be enlarged to a minimum interior width of 10 feet. 3. Any existing trees scheduled to be preserved that are lost due to construction activities shall be replaced. 4. The Colorado spruce listed in the Plant Schedule shall be replaced with Black Hills spruce. 5. Existing ash trees that are preserved must be treated for EAB, as approved by the city. Failure to treat the trees, resulting in their death, will require replacement trees to be planted. Planning: 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2. A copy of the cross access/parking agreement shall be submitted to the city. 3. Wall lighting and the trash enclosure lighting shall comply with city code. 4. The proposed monument sign shall be relocated on the site to comply with city code. 5. Signage shall comply with city code and requires separate sign permits for each sign. 6. Bike racks shall be incorporated on site near the access sidewalk from Highway 5. 7. The building elevations shall be revised to incorporate additional window openings in the bare expanses of the north, west and south walls. 8. The applicant is proposing two color bricks for the building material: tan and brown. The soldier course of brick above the doors and windows shall incorporate the darker colored brick to accent the windows. 9. Brick veneer may not be painted. EIFS may only be used as an accent material and may not cover more than 15 percent of the wall area. 10. Additional rooftop treatments shall be provided above the building entrance. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 15 of 16 Water Resources: 1. Six inches of topsoil is required and will be verified by city staff. In grading notes on page C3 it states 4 inches. 2. Topsoil needs to be specified. 3. Sequencing of Construction identifies no. 5 as to construct the temporary sedimentation and sediment trap, but nowhere in the grading plan is it identified. Plans should identify the bio -filtration basins be graded to be used as temporary sediment basin, along with temporary outlets to allow stormwater to be pumped and drained too, during construction of the site. 4. A design and planting plan approved by the Water Resources Coordinator is required for this high visibility location. Seed mix is insufficient for these vegetated basins. You must use species native to the ecoregion. 5. Sock should be eliminated from drain tile. Buckshot and or pea rock to surround underdrain pipe. 6. Underdrain tile needs to be identified. Should be a HDPE Corrugated perforated plastic tile. SCH 35, 40 PVC pipe is not allowed for underdrain. 7. Tile in bio -filtration basin needs to be placed on a minimum grade of 0.5 percent. 8. Plan details need to show a profile of the bio -retention basin with the grade of the tile placement. 9. All quantities of materials to be used, and specifications need to be identified on plan sheet for contractor to bid and to construct. 10. Mixed D soil may not be used. We only use 75 percent washed sand and 25 percent leafy compost. 11. Bio -filtration basin should be identified in sequencing that it should not be completed until all surrounding watershed to basins are stabilized. 12. City staff to be called, and be on site when contractor is installing bio -filtration basin to make sure the existing subsoil is scarified 18 inches below surface in bio -filtration basin 13. Contractor to have written statement as part of the pre -construction meeting, the means and method of how they plan to scarify and protect the subsurface from compaction in the bio -retention basin. 14. An approved operation and maintenance plan is required for all stormwater treatment devices. Including contact information for person(s) responsible for maintenance as well as person(s) performing onsite inspection and maintenance duties. The city must approve operation and maintenance plans prior to permits being issued. 15. The city will hold the security on the project until vegetation is well established and the planting is free of weeds. This may take a few growing seasons to achieve. 16. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the drainage basins located west and south of the parking lot. Planning Commission Panera Bread Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2018-02 January 2, 2018 Page 16 of 16 ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Building Elevations Northeast and Southeast Perspectives 4. Building Elevation East and North Perspectives 5. Building Elevation South and West Perspectives 6. Spark Consulting -Chanhassen Panera Development Site Traffic Report 7. Certificate of Survey dated revised 10-19-17 prepared by Cornerstone Land Surveying, Inc. 8. CEI Engineering Associates, Inc. Plan Sets: CO — C 11 9. Photometric Plan prepared by Standard Electric dated 10/25/2017 10. Exterior Perspectives Sheets A300 -A305 prepared by Arcvision Incorporated dated 11/2/17 11. Elevation Concepts dated 121517 (3 pages) 12. Floor Plan Equipment sheet A703 13. Letter from Jennifer Wiltgen (MnDOT) to Robert Generous dated 12/21/17 14. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List G:\PLAN\2018 Planning Cases\18-02 - 531 West 79th St - Panera SPR\staff report Panera CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Panera, LLC. and Chanhassen Inn for Site Plan review On January 2, 2018, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Panera, LLC and Chanhassen Inn for Site Plan Review to construct a 4,500 square foot, one-story restaurant building with a drive-thru facility on the property located at 531 W. 79�h Street. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use and site plan, which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 3, Block 1, Zamor Addition 4. Site Plan. In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: a. The proposed development, a commercial redevelopment of the property, is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements and meets all the specifications of city code subject to compliance with the conditions of approval and approval of the hard cover variance; c. The proposed development will preserve portions of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed areas; d. The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. The proposed development creates functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. The planning report #2018-02 dated January 2, 2018, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan with variance subject to the conditions of the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2nd day of January, 2018. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WN Andrew Aller, Chairman COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CHANHASSEN Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: �� PC Date: dyCC Date: I Z- 60 -Day Review Dale: (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ❑ Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 ❑ All Others ......................................................... $425 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ❑ All Others ......................................................... $425 ❑ Rezoning (REZ) ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD)..................$750 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 ❑ All Others......................................................... $500 ❑ Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 ❑� Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Administrative ..................................................$100 ❑✓ Commercial/Industrial Districts*......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: 4( 486 thousand square feet) *Include number of existino employees: *Include number of new employees: �� ❑ Residential Districts.........................................$500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_ units) ❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Create 3 lots or less ....................................... $300 ❑ Create over 3 lots.......................$600 + $15 per lot ( lots) ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 ❑ Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment.........................................$150 ❑ Final Plat ..........................................................$700 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) ❑ Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) ❑ Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 ❑ All Others ....................................................... $275 ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Z Notification Sign (City to install and remove)...................................................................................................................... $200 ❑✓ Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ..................................... . ............ $3 per address ( 22 addresses) ❑ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ................................................. es ............. $50 per document El Conditional Use Permit El Interim Use Permit Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation ❑ Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements( easements) TOTAL FEE: $860.86 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Site Plan Review for a new 4,486 SF Panera Bread Resturant with drive-thru. Property Address or Location: Parcel #: 258900030 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 1.42 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Highway and Business Services District Present Land Use Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Chanhassen Inn ❑Check box if separate narrative is attached. 531 W. 79th Street, Chanhassen, MN See ALTA ❑ Yes 0 No Requested Zoning: Not Applicable Requested Land Use Designation: Commercial jr.6101ad• APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. 1 will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. 7171iIn Panera, LLC Address: 3630 South Geyer Road, Suite 100 City/State/Zip: St. Louis, MO 63127 Contact: Brian Barnard Phone: (314) 984-2609 Cell: (314) 304-1186 Email: brian.barnard@panerabread.com _ Fax: (314) 909-3370 Signature:ff Date: //' � - 1--0/ 1 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Chanhassen Inn Address: 531 W. 79th Street City/State/Zip: Email: Signature: r Chanhassen, MN 55317 @yahoo.com Contact: Larry Zemor Phone: (952)934-7373 Cell: Fax: Date: This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: CEI Engineering Associates, Inc Address: 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd, Suite 210 City/State/Zip: Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Contact: Alan Catchpool, PE Phone: (651)452-8960 Cell: (612) 414-5011 Email: acatchpool@ceieng.com Fax: (651) 452-1149 Section 4: Who should receive copies of staff reports? 'Other Contact Information: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM Property Owner Via: o❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: ❑✓ Applicant Via: Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑� Engineer Via: ❑Q Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/StatJZZip: ❑ Other' Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM a§ o ON'0`1 a,.V L1E55 NW'uasse4ue4o a199JIS 4164 M [C9 F H 8509#9183 AJGMe9 Z, V Z, F E 3 i 00 ��. NO 1 z29m' mAoi co mq > m | j §/\ ( 5 5 5 . a, 15: :,,, WA !!/ 5 6IQ ! Hilo © •arm � k) b| bq CC) �§ o O Nap I5< x^11 V L l£99 NW 'uesseyueuo C0 , hags LN'M t£900 i ! 8909#8183 � lee 3 € W �'s O �w z w� e� ww @ e o-- o— o- tA- o- o- nlb t umCONSULTING ENGINEERING TRAFFIC FORWARD SEC �1 2 u G11 Executive Summary Background: The existing Chanhassen Inn is proposed for redevelopment into Panera Bread sit-down restaurant with a drive-thru is proposed at the existing Chanhassen Inn site. The purpose of this study is to determine the traffic impacts associated with the build out of the proposed development on the study intersections where significant impact is anticipated. Results: The principal findings of this traffic study are: • The proposed redevelopment is expected approximately 92 new trips during the AM the PM peak hour. to generate approximately 1,068 new daily trips, peak hour and approximately 74 new trips during • This new traffic associated with the proposed redevelopment represents an approximate three to nine time increase beyond what the site currently generates today. • Within the last three years, 28 crashes occurred within the study area. The most significant in terms of traffic operations outside normal expectations, are the five of six total crashes at the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection designated as left turn/right angle crashes. • The existing conditions show queues along Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection stretch back to the W 791h Street intersection, impeding normal operations at the latter intersection. These queueing conditions occur during approximately five hours of a typical weekday. • All intersections are projected to operate with acceptable overall delays and queueing through all scenarios, except for the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. • The eastbound left turn movement at W 791h Street experiences long delays during the PM peak No -Build and Build scenarios, occasionally blocking the adjacent gas station access. • Negligible queue lengths are expected at the site accesses. • The proposed parking stalls exceed both the City requirements and the expected peak demand. • The drive-thru has sufficient space to accommodate the expected peak stacking based on data of fast food restaurants. • Pedestrians connections to the north and bicycle facilities are not shown in the current site plan. Recommendations: The following items are recommended based on the analyses and results: • Reevaluate the signal timing at the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. • Begin planning for the restriction of the W 79th Street/Great Plain Boulevard to 3/4 -access, eliminating the W 79th Street left turn and through movements. • Add signage directing drivers on W 791h Street to use Market Boulevard for travel to the north. • Encourage/schedule truck deliveries and trash pickup outside of the weekday peak periods. • Provide additional pedestrian connections to the existing northern pedestrian facilities along W 79th Street. • Provide short term bicycle parking facilities for restaurant customers to help encourage multimodal travel to and from the development. Traffic Impact Study i =CONSULTING Chanhassen Panera Development Site TABLE OF CONTENTS i. Introduction..........................................................................................1 ii. Existing Conditions..............................................................................2 iii. Forecasted Traffic................................................................................5 iv. Analyses...............................................................................................7 v. Conclusions and Recommendations................................................18 vi. Appendix.............................................................................................20 LIST OF TABLES & CHARTS Table 1 — Study Corridor Characteristics................................................. 2 Table 2 — Study Area Crash History Summary ......................................... 3 Table 3 — Net New Trip Generation........................................................... 5 Table 4 — Trip Generation Comparison..................................................... 7 Chart 1 — Study Corridor Volume to Capacity .......................................... 8 Chart 2 — AM Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersection............ 9 Chart 3 — PM Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersection ..........10 Chart 4 — AM Peak Hour Queues: Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard.............................................................................................10 Chart 5 — PM Peak Hour Queues: Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard............................................................................................. 11 Chart 6 — AM Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersection..........................................................................................12 Chart 7 — PM Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersection.......................................................................................... 12 Table 5 — Trip Generation Comparison ................................................... 13 Traffic Impact Study Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING L Introduction a. Proposed Development The existing Chanhassen Inn site is proposed for redevelopment into a Panera Bread restaurant with a drive-thru. Located south of W 79th Street and west of the newly constructed Chick-fil-A site in Chanhassen, Minnesota, this redevelopment will include a 4,450 square feet building with 60 parking stalls and 110 seats (88 interior and 22 outside patio). b. Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to determine the traffic impacts associated with the build out of the proposed redevelopment. The traffic impacts are studied on the roads and intersections where significant impact is anticipated, and improvements are recommended where mitigation is needed. The primary concern is the impact of traffic operations at the Great Plains Boulevard/W 79th Street intersection. For those not familiar with the general concepts and terms associated with traffic engineering, The Language of Traffic Engineering guide is included in the Appendix. c. Study Objectives The objectives of this study are: i. Document how the study intersections and roadways currently operate including a review of the most recent crash data. ii. Forecast the amount of traffic expected to be generated by the proposed development and compare that expectation to the existing hotel traffic. iii. Determine how the study intersections and roadways will operate in the future with and without the proposed development. iv. Review the site circulation and multi -modal aspect. V. Recommend appropriate mitigation measures if poor operations or areas of concern are identified. vi. Compare the study results with the from previous studies within the area, such as the Chick-fil-A Traffic Impact Study and the Great Plains Boulevard Traffic Study. For the purposes of this traffic study, the study intersections where the greatest impact is expected were chosen for review and include: i. Arboretum Boulevard (MN 5)/Great Plains Boulevard ii. W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard iii. W 79th Street/Eastern Gas Station Access iv. W 79th Street/Western Gas Station Access V. W 79th Street/Eastern Site Access vi. W 79th Street/Western Site Access The full build year of 2019 was chosen for this study representing the first full year of operation after completion of the redevelopment. Traffic Impact Study 1 �7!L-i�S, CONSULTING Chanhassen Panera Development Site � �� ii. Existing Conditions a. Corridor Characteristics As mentioned, the proposed site is located south of W 79th Street and west of the newly constructed Chick-fil-A site. Figure 1 shows the vicinity of the site and the study area, while Figure 2 shows the proposed site's Concept Plan. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the key roadway corridors around this site and within the study area. Table 1 — Study Corridor Characteristics Arboretum Boulevard TH 5 A Minor Arterial 55 mph 4 divided 4 Sidewalk on Routes north side Great Plains MSA 119 Minor Collector 30 mph 4 4 Sidewalk on Boulevard undivided Routes both sides W 79th Street Local Road 30 mph 2 Sidewalk on undivided north side 'TH = Trunk Highway, MSA = Municipal State Aid Route. 2 Met Council Functional Classification. b. Traffic Volumes Intersection videos were collected at the study intersections under normal weekday conditions in October 2017. Using these videos, 48-hour turning movement counts were collected at the study intersections. Counts for the two days were averaged together to smooth out possible irregularities in the data. The AM and PM peak hours for the project area intersections along the W 79th Street are from 7:45 to 8:45 AM and 6:30 to 7:30 PM. These peaks correspond with the peak use of restaurants in the area. The peak hours of the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection vary slightly, 7:15 to 8:15 AM and 4:45 to 5:45 PM, based on commuter traffic on the highway. For the purposes of this evaluation, the peak hour volumes for each were used. The W 79th Street corridor volumes show relatively little change between the corridor peak hours and the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection peak hour volumes. In addition, using the commuter peak hour volumes allow for review when the impact of the signalized intersection's southbound queues is greatest. The turning movement count data from the counts are contained in 15 -minute intervals in the Appendix. c. Existing Observations All study area intersections were observed during the peak hours to better understand the area operations. The key observations are: • During the AM peak hour, the southbound left queue along Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection extends back into the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. We observed several Traffic Impact Study 2 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING signal cycles during this peak hour where the southbound left turn queue blocked the southbound through and eastbound right turn movements. • During the PM peak hour, the southbound left queue along Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection stretches beyond the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. This southbound left turn queue blocks southbound through and eastbound right vehicles from completing their movement and results with additional queueing that blocks the eastern gas station exit on W 79th Street. When the southbound approach on Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection receives a green light, these queues are able to clear on all approaches. • During both peak periods, operation of the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection becomes complicated. Drivers in the southbound queue, cognizant of this side -street stop -controlled intersection, generally provide a gap for the eastbound motorist left turn movements to head north on Great Plains Boulevard. This results in the intersection working more like an all -way stop intersection with drivers using eye contact and waving for when to proceed. This continues until the southbound queue clears and vehicles along the cross street at W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard complete their movements. This operation, while generally allowing motorists to proceed faster than otherwise would be expected, is not ideal and represents a safety concern. d. Crash History Review Using the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT), as developed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), we obtained the study intersection crash reports for the most recent three-year timeframe, years 2013 to 2015. Analyzing these reports can help show potential areas of concern within a roadway system due to high crash rates, or patterns in type of crashes. Table 2 shows a summary of the crashes in the study area by year and severity. Table 2 — Study Area Crash History Summary 2013 0 0 1 1 8 10 2014 0 0 2 3 9 14 2015 0 0 0 1 3 4 Is 1 0 1 0 1 3 5 20 28 D stands for Property Damage Only. Of the 28 crashes in this three-year period, six occurred at or near the Great Plains Boulevard intersection with W 79th Street West (western leg). Five of these crashes were designated as left turn/right angle crashes and one as sideswipe passing. These crashes are likely the result of drivers taking chances when turning due to a lack of gaps during the peak periods. There is a potential for drivers to be confused Traffic Impact Study 3 CONSULTING Chanhassen Panera Development Site by the continuous southbound left turn lane or the wide northbound pavement area which transitions from one to two lanes. The remaining 22 crashes occurred at the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. 16 of these crashes were classified as rear end crashes, four as left turn/right angle crashes, and two as sideswipe crashes. These crashes are most likely due to the traffic signal at the intersection, where rear end collisions are more common. The crashes and trends match our expectations based on observations of the study area. The crash detail information is attached in the appendix. Traffic Impact Study 4 Chanhassen Panera Development Site fA CONSULTING iii. Forecasted Traffic a. Site Traffic Forecasting The Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, is the standard document for determining expected traffic for proposed land uses. ITE compiles studies from across the Country to determine the expected traffic associated with various land uses. Using this ITE information, trip generation forecasts can be made for this proposed development site. The proposed development most closely fits the new ITE land use of Fast Casual Restaurants. Unfortunately, this data set contains only one study for determining trip generation. Also, the corresponding trip rates do not appear to accurately represent the expected trip generation of the proposed development based on general knowledge of the incoming restaurant. For this reason, the ITE land use of Fast - Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru Window was chosen for the trip generation calculations. This land use is similar to the proposed development, contains many data points for a quality average rate, and results with a trip generation that more closely represents what we would expected from the proposed redevelopment. For the analysis, the raw trip generation was divided among two types of trips — new and pass -by. Pass -by trips are those vehicles already on the roads which will stop at the development site in the future. New trips represent traffic increasing the overall number of vehicles at the intersections. All pass -by percentages used in this study were based on the values published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. The breakdown between these types of trip generation for this land use is: • 49 percent Pass -By Trips. • 51 percent New Trips. The resultant new trips generated by the proposed development are shown in Table 3. It is noted while pass -by trips are not new to the system, they are new to the site and are included at the driveways. A detailed trip generation table showing the exact breakdowns is provided in the Appendix. Table 3 — Net New Trip Generation Traffic Impact Study 5 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING A trip distribution pattern was then developed for the generated traffic going to and from the site. This pattern is based on the existing traffic volumes and access to the regional transportation system. The general trip distribution pattern assumed for this study is: i. 40% of the generated traffic to/from the west on Arboretum Boulevard and W 79th Street. ii. 44% of the generated traffic to/from the east on Arboretum Boulevard. iii. 8% of the generated traffic to/from the south on Great Plains Boulevard. iv. 8% of the generated traffic to/from the north on Great Plains Boulevard. Traffic generated by the site development was assigned to the area roadways per this distribution pattern. b. Non -site Traffic Forecasting To account for non-specific development in the area, background growth rates were determined based on the MnDOT's County growth factors. Carver County has a 20 - year growth factor of 1.8, resulting in a 3.0% annual growth rate. This rate does account for potential developments within the region and for that reason, the traffic rates were only applied to through traffic on Great Plains Boulevard and Arboretum Boulevard, not all individual turning movements. The background volume was added to the existing traffic to establish the 2019 No Build Scenario volumes. The resultant 2019 No Build peak hour forecasts are shown in the Appendix under the capacity analysis section for each scenario. c. Total Traffic Traffic forecasts were developed for the 2019 Build scenarios by removing the existing hotel traffic and adding the traffic generated by the proposed development to the No -Build forecast volumes. As there are some users the access both the hotel and Chick-fil-A, only 90% of the existing hotel traffic was removed from the development site accesses. This reduction assumes a more conservative reduction in traffic for the 2019 Build scenarios. Peak hour forecasts are shown in the Appendix. Traffic Impact Study g Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING iv. Analyses a. Trip Generation Comparison A trip generation comparison for the existing and proposed redevelopment of the site helps to show the magnitude of impact expected on the study roadways and intersections. The existing parking lot layout provides access to both the hotel and the adjacent Chick-Fil-A. The raw turning movement counts do not discern between the two adjacent land uses. To differentiate the trips between the two existing land uses, observations of the turning movements and ITE information were used. Observations revealed a very high percentage of trips are destined for the Chick-Fil-A. ITE information suggests the approximately 15% to 25% of the driveway traffic is for the hotel with the majority for the restaurant. Due to older nature of the hotel and our observations, only 15% of the driveway trips were assigned to the Chanhassen Inn and 85% of the driveway trips assigned to the Chick-Fil-A. Using the driveway counts and the assumed percentage of hotel traffic with the proposed redevelopment trip generation presented earlier, Table 4 shows the trip generation comparison. Table 4 — Trip Generation Comparison Land Use DailyCase In Out Out Out Existing Hotel Land Use (Chanhassen Inn) 204 204 10 10 26 25 Proposed Fast Food Restaurant with Land Use Drive-Thru Window 1,048 1,048 91 88 73 73 (4,500 sq. ft.) TOTAL INCREASE IN GENERATED TRIPS 844 844 81 78 47 48 As Table 4 shows, the proposed restaurant is expected to generate more traffic than the existing hotel. Depending upon the time frame, the increase is three to nine times over the existing. b. Corridor Vehicular Analysis While many factors contribute to a road feeling congested, the two biggest factors are volume, how many vehicles are using the road, and capacity, how many vehicles the road can accommodate a day. Transportation professionals use these pieces of information to create a ratio of volume to capacity. For example, a road with a volume to capacity ratio of 1.0, where the traffic demand is nearly equal to the traffic supply, will feel congested to motorists. Traffic Impact Study 7 Chanhassen Panera Development SiteA CONSULTING Below is a rough guide of the daily traffic volumes different types of roads can accommodate based on the Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition Exhibit 16-16. If the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume on a roadway is below the threshold, then it is considered un -congested. If the daily volume falls inside the range, the road is almost congested, and if the daily volume is over the threshold the road is congested. • 2 -Lane, undivided street (one in each direction with left turn lanes at busy intersections and coordinated signals), — 8,900 to 18,300 vehicles per day. • 4 -Lane street (two in each direction with left turn lanes at busy intersections and coordinated signals), — 18,600 to 36,800 vehicles per day. The above capacities represent physical capacity in ideal roadway conditions. Research from UC Berkley, for example, indicates quality of life along a residential street is negatively impacted when the ADT exceeds 1,000 vehicles per day. Therefore, the 1,000 vehicle per day threshold is used for the capacity along neighborhood two lane roads even though its physical capacity is approximately ten times larger. To provide an initial planning level screening, Chart 1 provides the daily volume to capacity ratios of the study corridors during each of the study full build out study year to determine if any of the roadway corridors are candidates for additional through lanes. As shown, Great Plains Boulevard and W 79th Street are below the planning level capacity thresholds. The data further suggests Arboretum Boulevard is over -capacity with congestion. These results are consistent with observations of the study area, particularly congestion on Arboretum Boulevard during the peak periods. In all cases, the proposed development adds to the daily volumes, but does not significantly impact the results. Chart 1 — Study Corridor Volume to Capacity 1.4 1.2 0 M 1 z 0.8 0 U V $ 0.6 v E 0 0.4 0.2 no volume/capacity of 1.0 or greater ---------------------- Arboretum Boulevard Great Plains Boulevard Existing ■ 2018 No -Build • 2018 Build Traffic Impact Study 8 Chanhassen Panera Development Site W 79th Street fACONSULTING c. Intersection Analysis The traffic operation analyses are based on delay calculations done in accordance with the methodology of the Highway Capacity Manual, 6m Edition. For this analysis, we used the Vistro software package, which utilizes the HCM procedures. The existing, 2019 No -Build, and 2019 Build scenarios were initially analyzed for both the AM and PM peak hours. Full calculations for each study scenario, including traffic operational Level of Service (LOS) grades and queue lengths, are included in the Appendix. Also, included in the Appendix is a guide explaining the Level of Service grade concept. Chart 2 (AM peak hour) and Chart 3 (PM peak hour) show the average peak hour delay for signal controlled intersections for each study scenario. The only intersection with traffic signal control is Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard. The LOS D/E boundary of 55 seconds of delay per vehicle is considered the threshold between acceptable and unacceptable traffic signal operation in Minnesota. The initial signal timing for the existing conditions was estimated based on traffic observations. Chart 2 — AM Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersection 80 70 60 Congested at LOS D/E Boundary (55 seconds) o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v 50 -Fo 40 v o M 30 20 10 0 Arboretum Boulevard (MN 5)/Great Plains Boulevard Existing 2019 No -Build 2019 Build Traffic Impact Study 9 Chanhassen Panera Development SiteA CONSULTING Chart 3 — PM Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersection 80 70 N 60 v 0 v 50 N W MW 30 v Q 20 10 G undarv(55seconds) 01 Arboretum Boulevard (MN 5)/Great Plains Boulevard ■ Existing ■ 2019 No -Build ■ 2019 Build Due to the extended southbound queue observed in the existing conditions at the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection, the vehicles queues as provided by the analyses were also examined. Chart 4 (AM peak hour) and Chart 5 (PM peak hour) show the 95th percentile vehicle queue lengths as the measures of effectiveness at the signalized intersection. Chart 4 — AM Peak Hour Queues: Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard 80 70 L > 60 N 50 v 7 0 40 W 30 v w 20 a z 10 N J h ti r`00 aQ.� o� 0 S�eaco aor. ■ Existing ■ 2019 No -Build ■ 2019 Build ooca�e� arc o� 0 ro oca ,00 ocr oo`r S° 5 Traffic Impact Study 10 Chanhassen Panera Development SiteA CONSULTING Chart 5 — PM Peak Hour Queues: Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard 80 N O � 70 L 60 N 50 v d 40 W 30 v v 20 N 10 Q -off,°` a"r �o'o P`e a�'�i`. �ooyr Q -e a'P ya a° 500 A Existing ■ 2019 No -Build ■ 2019 Build Chart 6 (AM peak hour) and Chart 7 (PM peak hour) show the 95th percentile vehicle queue lengths as the measures of effectiveness at intersections with side street stop sign control. For this type of control, vehicle queues are a better measure than LOS or delay, which can be poor with even one or two vehicles where mitigation would not be appropriate. Vehicle queues are presented for the longest queue experienced at the intersection. Based on our experience, improvements are not warranted until the 95th percentile queue at a stop sign is in the five to ten vehicle range. The stop controlled intersections in this study include: i. W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard. ii. W 791h Street/Eastern Gas Station Access. iii. W 79th Street/Western Gas Station Access. iv. W 79th Street/Eastern Site Access. V. W 79th Street/Western Site Access. Traffic Impact Study 11 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING Chart 6 — AM Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersection 6 5 --Unreasonable 95th Percentile Queue (5_10 Vehiles) o q v N T m 3 v a v m m 2 `w 111 111 111 ■ o o 0 W 79th Street/Great W 79th W 79th W 79th W 79th Plains Boulevard Street/Eastern Gas Street/Western Gas Street/Eastern Site Street/Western Site Station Access Station Access Access Access ■ Existing ■ 2019 No -Build i 2019 Build Chart 7 — PM Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersection 6 5 __Unreasonable 95th Percentile Queue (5-10 Vehicles) N C O Q N N T m 3 v v m 2 N Q 1 0 W 79th Street/Great W 79th W 79th W 79th W 79th Plains Boulevard Street/Eastern Gas Street/Western Gas Street/Eastern Site Street/Western Site Station Access Station Access Access Access ■ Existing -^.2019 No -Build 2019 Build A Level of Service of the side street stop controlled intersections were also reviewed to determine if any movements were undergoing significant delays caused by heavier mainline traffic despite the acceptable queuing. Table 5 shows the resulting intersection level of service results as well as the highest delayed movement level of service at each side street stop controlled intersection. Traffic Impact Study 12 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING Table 5 — Trip Generation Comparison As table 5 shows, all intersections, except W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard, operate with an overall intersection Level of Service (LOS) of A with worst movements at LOS C or better. The W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection operates with a LOS A, however the worst movement delay, the eastbound left, experiences delays at LOS F with delays around 77 seconds in the build PM peak hour. This delay is longer than desired and raises concern of left turning vehicles becoming impatient and attempting to complete a movement without sufficient gap. The result is supported by five of the six accidents at that intersection being right angle/left turning accidents. Overall, the results of the capacity analysis show acceptable vehicle operations at most study intersections. With traffic from the proposed redevelopment being distributed amongst the study corridors and intersections, operations are expected to remain similar overall. The additional vehicles generated by the redevelopment of the Chanhassen Inn to restaurant use are not expected to significantly impact the surrounding roadway system. This is evidenced by the relatively similar delay and queuing results between the No -Build and Build scenarios. The exception is the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard, currently operating at a less than ideal overall intersection LOS E during PM peak hour. The intersection continues to operate with multiple movements at LOS E or F in the No -Build and Build scenarios. The average overall delay increases by about seven seconds between the No -Build and Build scenarios. Larger delays can be expected at signalized intersections that operate with extended cycle lengths. The observed cycle length here was 180 seconds in the AM and PM peak hour. The relatively minor differences in delay between the No -Build and Build scenarios suggest that the addition of the redevelopment traffic minimally affects the intersection. Signal timing updates, which should be completed at least every three to five years to reflect current travel demands, could improve the operations. Traffic Impact Study 13 Chanhassen Panera Development Site G! l-17.:1CONSULTING Existing AM PM No -Build AM Build Intersection PEAK PEAK PEAK PM AM PM PEAK PEAK PEAK W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard A (c) A (f) A (c) A (f) A (c) A (f) W 79th S e Gas Station Access s A (b) A (a) A (b) A (a) A (b) A (b) W 79th Street/Western Gas Station Access A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) A (c) W 79th Street/Eastern Site Access A (b) A (c) A (b) A (c) A (b) A (c) W 79th Street/Western Site Access A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) As table 5 shows, all intersections, except W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard, operate with an overall intersection Level of Service (LOS) of A with worst movements at LOS C or better. The W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection operates with a LOS A, however the worst movement delay, the eastbound left, experiences delays at LOS F with delays around 77 seconds in the build PM peak hour. This delay is longer than desired and raises concern of left turning vehicles becoming impatient and attempting to complete a movement without sufficient gap. The result is supported by five of the six accidents at that intersection being right angle/left turning accidents. Overall, the results of the capacity analysis show acceptable vehicle operations at most study intersections. With traffic from the proposed redevelopment being distributed amongst the study corridors and intersections, operations are expected to remain similar overall. The additional vehicles generated by the redevelopment of the Chanhassen Inn to restaurant use are not expected to significantly impact the surrounding roadway system. This is evidenced by the relatively similar delay and queuing results between the No -Build and Build scenarios. The exception is the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard, currently operating at a less than ideal overall intersection LOS E during PM peak hour. The intersection continues to operate with multiple movements at LOS E or F in the No -Build and Build scenarios. The average overall delay increases by about seven seconds between the No -Build and Build scenarios. Larger delays can be expected at signalized intersections that operate with extended cycle lengths. The observed cycle length here was 180 seconds in the AM and PM peak hour. The relatively minor differences in delay between the No -Build and Build scenarios suggest that the addition of the redevelopment traffic minimally affects the intersection. Signal timing updates, which should be completed at least every three to five years to reflect current travel demands, could improve the operations. Traffic Impact Study 13 Chanhassen Panera Development Site G! l-17.:1CONSULTING When examining the interaction between intersection, additional issues arise with respect to queueing. As observed in the existing conditions, the southbound left turn queue at Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard extends to and or past the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection during the AM and PM peak hours for all scenarios. The proposed development is expected to increase these queues with a three vehicle increase in 9511 percentile queue length in the AM Build peak hour when compared to the AM No -Build peak hour and a two vehicle increase in 95th percentile queue in the PM Build peak hour when compared to the PM No -Build peak hour results. These blockages cause queueing of the eastbound approach at W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard which is further exacerbated by lack of gaps for eastbound left vehicles to complete a safe movement. The average queues were also reviewed to determine how often queues from Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard are expected to cause blockages of the W 791h Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. During the AM peak hour, the average queue lengths remain at or just less than the provided storage space between Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard and W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard through the No -Build scenario. The 2019 Build AM peak scenario shows average queues for the southbound left turn movement which stretch past this storage length. The PM peak hour analysis shows average queues which stretch beyond this storage bay for all scenarios. These results support the findings that updated signal timing would be beneficial to the study area and suggest a preexisting need for a restricted or partial restricted intersection at W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard to increase safety and lower the potential for left -turn related accidents. Knowing that during the AM peak period the average southbound queue at Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard stretch just to the adjacent W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection, the AM peak hour volume was used as a minimum volume threshold template. Any volume roughly at or over this hourly volume was flagged as an hour were queueing issues likely occur. Based on this assumption, the southbound queue on Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection stretches to or past the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection at least five hours of the day, further supporting the need for mitigation at this intersection. d. Mitigation Analysis Per the above analyses, consideration was given to improving operations regarding three issues: • Retiming of the traffic signal at Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard. • Reducing the southbound vehicle queuing on Great Plains Boulevard at Arboretum Boulevard. • Improving operations at W 79th Street/Great Plains using partially restricted intersection layouts. Traffic Impact Study 14 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING These mitigation needs match those put forth in the earlier Great Plains Boulevard Study. The options considered for reducing the vehicle queues include and improving delays include: • Signal timing adjustments. • Additional geometric lanes. • Restricting allowed vehicles movements at intersections. The signal timing is set based upon providing the most green time to the approaches with the highest volume, in this case Arboretum Boulevard. This is routine practice and should continue. However, traffic patterns often change and the signal timing should be updated to reflect the latest volumes and trends. Only a minor reduction in the vehicle queues is expected with an updated timing plan, but is recommended to occur periodically to ensure the most efficient operations are provided. Additional vehicle lanes will allow more vehicle stacking and additional vehicles to proceed through the intersection during the limited green time provided. In terms of capacity and improving operations, additional lanes are an option. However, the surrounding land is relatively built-up with limited right-of-way or available land for added geometric lanes, particularly where this improvement would provide the most benefit such as additional eastbound or westbound through lanes. Space is available to add on the southbound approach of Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard where a roughly 50 -foot storage bay for a second left turn lane could be added. This length of storage bay would not give a significant improvement to storage for the cost of construction and may cause other issues such as opposing left turn overlaps. Based on this, additional geometric lanes mitigation was not considered further nor analyzed. Restriction of the eastbound left turn and through movements on W 79th Street at the Great Plains Boulevard intersection would remove the highest delayed movements and decrease the eastbound queue. This restriction would also minimize the consequences caused by blockages of the intersection by the southbound Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard queue and help decrease the number of right angle/left turn accidents which occur at the intersection. If the '/-access restriction of the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard Intersection is constructed, additional signage along W 79th Street will be needed to help direct drivers in the appropriate direction to proceed on their desired route. This would include directing current eastbound left turning movements destined for W 78th Street or Market Street west towards Market Boulevard. Additional mitigation analysis was completed assuming the specified mitigation techniques were implemented. Most intersections show similar results with only a slight improvement. However, the delays and queues on W 79th Street at the Great Plains Boulevard show a significant improvement. The maximum eastbound queue is reduced from four vehicles to one, lowering the chances of blockages to the gas station accesses. As expected, this modification limits the impact of the queue Traffic Impact Study 15 Chanhassen Panera Development Sitew CONSULTING blockages caused by southbound traffic at Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard, while increasing safety through the intersection. e. Parking Analysis As with trip generation, little to no parking data is available for a fast -casual restaurant. The Chanhassen City Code for a fast food restaurant with a drive-thru specifies a ratio of one space is required per 80 square feet of gross floor area. Based on this ratio, the 4,450 square -foot building is required to provide 56 parking stalls. The proposed site plan shows 60 parking spaces, exceeding the code requirement. The ITE Parking Generation, 401 Edition, document compiles parking demand data from different land uses, similar to the Trip Generation Manual. Using the same land use, Fast Food Restaurant with a Drive-Thru Window, as the trip generation, the peak parking demand is expected to be 45 occupied spaces during a typical weekday and 39 occupied spaces during a typical Saturday. Again, the proposed parking supply exceeds the expected demand. Bicycle parking is not required by the Chanhassen City Code and none is explicitly shown in the site plan. Providing facilities for bicyclist is one method to potentially reduce vehicle demand and is recommended to allow customers and employees options to and from the proposed development. f. Concept Site Plan & Multi -Modal Review The concept site plan contained in the Appendix was reviewed for potential improvements to the circulation and connection of the multi -modal system. The following are the key categories reviewed and highlights of that review: i. Vehicle Circulation: From the access to W 79th Street, drivers have two options to and from the parking and drive-thru areas. This provides sufficient circulation around the site and minimizes risks of one motorists or event from blocking all traffic. Autoturn movements for delivery vehicles and garbage trucks should be checked to ensure these vehicles can safely maneuver around the building. To reduce traffic impacts and conflicts with customers/parking vehicles, truck deliveries including garbage/recycling collection and food drop-offs should be scheduled during non -peak periods to the extent possible. The drive-thru provides space for approximately 12 to 13 vehicles stacked from the pick-up window. Spack Consulting completed analyses of drive-thru stacking needs for several land uses including fast food restaurants. That research found the 85th percentile stacking distance to be 12.0 vehicles during peak demand. True fast food restaurants would be expected to have a higher drive-thru lane use than the proposed restaurant. Thus, sufficient stacking is provided for the drive-thru operations and conflicts with parking operations are not anticipated. Traffic Impact Study t6�CONSULTING Chanhassen Panera Development Site �� ii. Bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure: Sidewalks are currently provided along the north side of W 79th Street and Arboretum Boulevard, and on both side of Great Plains Boulevard. Based on the provided site plan, connections are planned from the storefront to the sidewalks on Arboretum Boulevard only. Even though the sidewalk on W 79th Street is on the north side, pedestrian routes to the access intersection should be pursued. To better connect the land uses on the south side, a sidewalk could also be considered from the Great Plains Boulevard intersection to at least the proposed redevelopment. For the pedestrian connections across the drive-thru area, signing and striping should be provided to minimize the risk of these conflicts areas. As mentioned, the existing site plan does not show or mention bicycle parking facilities. Short-term outdoor bicycle parking should be provided, ideally located close to the front door and well -lit for safety and visibility. iii. Adjacent Transit: There are bus stops within walking distance of the development site with existing transit routes available to Minneapolis. No additional transit infrastructure is recommended due to the construction of the proposed redevelopment. Traffic Impact Study 17 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING v. Conclusions and Recommendations The traffic impacts of the proposed mixed-use redevelopment were studied, and the principal findings are: • The proposed redevelopment is expected to generate approximately 1,068 new daily trips, approximately 92 new trips during the AM peak hour and approximately 74 new trips during the PM peak hour. • This new traffic associated with the proposed redevelopment represents an increase expected beyond what the site currently generates today, approximately three to nine times the existing traffic depending upon the timeframe. • Within the last three years, 28 crashes occurred within the study area, six at the W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard intersection and the remaining 22 at the Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard intersection. Five of the six crashes at W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard were designated as left turn/right angle crashes, which is a safety concern. • The existing conditions show queues along Great Plains Boulevard at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection that extend to the W 79th Street intersection during the peak periods. These queues block the southbound through and eastbound right turning vehicles from completing their movement. During these blockages drivers navigate the intersection similar to an all -way stop using driver queues such as eye contact and waving, which is less than ideal. This operation continues until the southbound queue clears and vehicles along the cross street at W 79th Street/Great Plains Boulevard complete their movements. Based on the traffic volumes and confirmed with observations, these queueing conditions occur during approximately five hours of a typical weekday. • All intersections are projected to operate with acceptable overall delays and queueing through all scenarios, except for Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard, which begins to see southbound queues which extend past its storage length as well as less than ideal delays in the PM peak hour. • The eastbound left at W 79th Street experiences longer delays at LOS F during the PM peak No -Build and Build scenarios. This queue creates blockages of the gas station accesses occasionally when paired with the southbound queue along Great Plains Boulevard at Arboretum Boulevard. • Negligible queue lengths are expected at the site accesses. • The proposed parking stalls exceed both the City requirements and the expected peak demand. • The drive-thru has sufficient space to accommodate the expected peak stacking based on data of fast food restaurants. • Pedestrians connections to the north and bicycle facilities are not shown in the current site plan. Traffic Impact Study 18 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING The following recommendations are made based on the above findings: • Signal timing at Arboretum Boulevard/Great Plains Boulevard should be reevaluated to reflect the current traffic and potentially improve operations from Great Plains Boulevard. It is recognized that MnDOT prioritizes the highway traffic at this intersection. • Begin planning for the restriction of the eastbound approach on W 79th Street at Great Plains Boulevard to right -only. Turning the intersection into a 3/4 - intersection (allowing left and right turns into W 79th Street, but restricting outbound movements to right turns only) will help improve safety and lower queues on the approach. • Add signage directing customers of the businesses on W 79th Street to use Market Boulevard for travel to the north. • Encourage/schedule truck deliveries and trash pickup outside of the weekday peak periods. • Provide additional pedestrian connections to the existing northern pedestrian facilities along W 79th Street. • Provide short term bicycle parking facilities for restaurant customers to help encourage multimodal travel to and from the development. Traffic Impact Study 19 Chanhassen Panera Development Site CONSULTING Vi. Appendix A. Figures B. The Language of Traffic Engineering C. Crash Detail Reports D. Traffic Counts E. Trip Generation Table F. Peak Hour Volumes G. Level of Service (LOS) H. Capacity Analysis Backups • AM Existing • PM Existing • AM 2019 No -Build • PM 2019 No -Build • AM 2019 Build • PM 2019 Build • Mitigated AM 2019 Build • Mitigated PM 2019 Build Traffic Impact Study 20 Chanhassen Panora Development Site CONSULTING m LEGEND / '�a,a u C a NORTH /✓ *m°a"x� A 0 20 40 f ° �°su TisOr / \Wiaw , OOOC 6, air. ov—s- \ S D9t\py isa�' '' ''/ / ' N ,ken, `.q \ \ *§h{/ / } \ rice .ems J _ it \ m ccs hire ^,aiu n ey 0v�% y'6o'R esw '*:M A / /: ,• �c"s ;� pm// 1 e' 10 a r \ o J It,I/ vp0aP0.�.seba i. \\ / N fl a ' Si e v \ a \ to oy t j 3 S \ 4WD e-° /�l• .i=. �/ \\ as \t .� s \ e/ N' V / v� /"4 k`o ��cFti¢ „eir 1 I /s �� ° 4 vos� °'v✓ 1 / v i /a .ia 4� 4 1 � 1 / r .. PA _ s � _t\v °Is aws- EgSo<9o`' sX tE IPS 4 tV w I\ asx tV�i, ewa rx\o s N \\ anY .. 'I g 11 .we19 vr ' V ' *v'z«vt m p q it GO vas 1 1 ffi \ K 7 s '� 11 110"Qe'in 1r; "k oces m lllh' 1 111 II�e`K5m It 11 I & 0�8°;\«oak' a•/� aeA at"/1 .ties sbir\«« xaa, 1 II g Vi/ 6a a , e �� •FwSF yob o gtPe xGnyg._6yR ° limits Baa / / ap.6r aa'"" ens W :IB&B 'c' e „�sa cess, 1wi �EaPI%, try e Oy n ` - `� .'. N�GNW Py 5 S� PSE n UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES' THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES AN GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NO SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE ARFA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOB NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOE CERTIFY THAT THEr.Y ARE LOCATED q5 ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE ON THIS SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED ^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The follow ng Legal Description is as shown on Old Till. Insurance Company Title Commitment No..,Republ c National .,Republic dated January 12 2012. Lot 3. Block 1 ZAMOR ADDITION according to the recorded plat Immf, and situate in Carver County. Minnesota EXCEPTING therefrom Pam,[ 208A condemned by the State of Minnesota as evidenced by Final Capillary fled October 27, 1993 as Document No. 152032 and as depicted On MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RICHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-3 filed March 14 1991 as Document No 122284 (Abstract) AREA i TOTAL AREA - 62,027 SQ,FT, EASEMENT NOTES The following exceptions are as shown On Old Republic Nation.] Title Insurance Company Title Commitment No. ORTE743786 dated January I2 2017 LR II 8, Storm Sewer and drainage easement per Book 126 or Deeds Page 3-4. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 9` 9. Dranage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of Fronter Development which underlies Zamor Addition. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 10 Drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of Zamor ryjJ� Addition. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 11 Terms and conditions of Cartel, for Private Redevelopment per Doc No. 123421 (NOT SHOWN AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL) Of 1. iy 2� 12 Doc. Not 62032sandasState Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-3 per Doc. No 122284 (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 13 Terms and condition, of Cm,, Easement for Parking per Doc. No. 198692 (NOT SHOWN AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL AND PARCEL ADJACENT TO EAST) 19 Terms and contl'Uon,cfRaummcal Access Easement Agreement per Document No 633291. AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL AND ADJACENT PARCEL TO THE FAST. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE PROTECTED DRIVE AREA SHOWN GRAPHICALLY PER SKETCH IN OOCUMENTI SURVEY NOTES: I. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE CARVER COUNT' SURVEYORS OFFICE. 2. UNDERGTIE ROUND UTILITIES SHOWN PER GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATES AND AS-BUILTS FLANS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. 3. THERE MAY HE SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES; GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 4. RECONSTRUCTED DRIVE AND ADJACENT RESTAURANT PARKING RESURVEYED OCTOBER 2017, FLOOD INFORMATION: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE UNSHADED ZONE C, AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING, AS SHOWN ON FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 220051 00058 HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OFJULY 2, 1979. 2 E STING PARKING: THERE ARE 63 VISIBLE PARKING STALLS DESIGNATED ON THIS PARCEL INCLUDING 1 HANDICAP STALL. BENCHMARKS: ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDO WEBSITE T GEODETIC SURVEY DISK 1002 W WITH AN ELEVATION OF E MNDOASUSEDTIC ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 881 CERTIFICATION To, Chanhassen Inn Inc.,Old Republic National Title Insurance rompnay Ethel, succes,iomandausign,: Thimi ce"Ify that this map or plat and the surveyor, which it based were made In accordance with the 2015 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Title Surveys Jointly established and adopted anALTA and NSPS, and d 19 of Table A thereof. ( The geld work was completedon 9, arch 13 2012 and On 52017. CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dated: 4-05-17 Revised: 10-19-17 By: Canrel L Thurm Minnesota License No. 25718 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Title Commitment No. ORTE743786 dared January 12, 2017 as listed On this survey was relied upon for matters of cord. Other easements may exist That wee not shown in this commitmem and are not shown on this survey, gla Gopher State One Call TptLra� 1-a ,,,-alas' 531 W 79TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA CONTACT: CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Alan Catchpool, PE 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd Suite 210 Mendota Heights, AN 55120 P1551-452-8960 ,COUNTY/CITY: —C=ARVER COUNTY C QTY p F "ASS a" EN CIiY-,.vNAsSEN cXrms,Va1 ,, MINNesom REVISIONS. DATE REVISION 04-05-17 INITWL ISSUE 10-19-12 ADD DRIVE TOPO PROJECT LOCATION: 5 3 7 W. 79TH STREET PID#258900030 suite it 6250 Stillwater Blvd N Stillwater MN 55082 P\51 2 5tiry5.8969 Fax 651.275 8976 aan® s net CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC FILE NAME SURVCE86 PROJECT NO. CE17086 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY se o" � s %Ere ce .c pN 1-4 �EaPI%, try e Oy n ` - `� .'. N�GNW Py 5 S� PSE n UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES' THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES AN GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NO SHOWN COMPRISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE ARFA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE SURVEYOR FURTHER DOB NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOE CERTIFY THAT THEr.Y ARE LOCATED q5 ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE ON THIS SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED ^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The follow ng Legal Description is as shown on Old Till. Insurance Company Title Commitment No..,Republ c National .,Republic dated January 12 2012. Lot 3. Block 1 ZAMOR ADDITION according to the recorded plat Immf, and situate in Carver County. Minnesota EXCEPTING therefrom Pam,[ 208A condemned by the State of Minnesota as evidenced by Final Capillary fled October 27, 1993 as Document No. 152032 and as depicted On MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RICHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-3 filed March 14 1991 as Document No 122284 (Abstract) AREA i TOTAL AREA - 62,027 SQ,FT, EASEMENT NOTES The following exceptions are as shown On Old Republic Nation.] Title Insurance Company Title Commitment No. ORTE743786 dated January I2 2017 LR II 8, Storm Sewer and drainage easement per Book 126 or Deeds Page 3-4. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 9` 9. Dranage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of Fronter Development which underlies Zamor Addition. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 10 Drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of Zamor ryjJ� Addition. (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 11 Terms and conditions of Cartel, for Private Redevelopment per Doc No. 123421 (NOT SHOWN AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL) Of 1. iy 2� 12 Doc. Not 62032sandasState Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-3 per Doc. No 122284 (SHOWN GRAPHICALLY) 13 Terms and condition, of Cm,, Easement for Parking per Doc. No. 198692 (NOT SHOWN AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL AND PARCEL ADJACENT TO EAST) 19 Terms and contl'Uon,cfRaummcal Access Easement Agreement per Document No 633291. AFFECTS ENTIRE PARCEL AND ADJACENT PARCEL TO THE FAST. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE PROTECTED DRIVE AREA SHOWN GRAPHICALLY PER SKETCH IN OOCUMENTI SURVEY NOTES: I. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE CARVER COUNT' SURVEYORS OFFICE. 2. UNDERGTIE ROUND UTILITIES SHOWN PER GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATES AND AS-BUILTS FLANS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. 3. THERE MAY HE SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES; GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 4. RECONSTRUCTED DRIVE AND ADJACENT RESTAURANT PARKING RESURVEYED OCTOBER 2017, FLOOD INFORMATION: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE UNSHADED ZONE C, AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOODING, AS SHOWN ON FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 220051 00058 HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OFJULY 2, 1979. 2 E STING PARKING: THERE ARE 63 VISIBLE PARKING STALLS DESIGNATED ON THIS PARCEL INCLUDING 1 HANDICAP STALL. BENCHMARKS: ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDO WEBSITE T GEODETIC SURVEY DISK 1002 W WITH AN ELEVATION OF E MNDOASUSEDTIC ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 881 CERTIFICATION To, Chanhassen Inn Inc.,Old Republic National Title Insurance rompnay Ethel, succes,iomandausign,: Thimi ce"Ify that this map or plat and the surveyor, which it based were made In accordance with the 2015 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/AGSM Land Title Surveys Jointly established and adopted anALTA and NSPS, and d 19 of Table A thereof. ( The geld work was completedon 9, arch 13 2012 and On 52017. CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. Dated: 4-05-17 Revised: 10-19-17 By: Canrel L Thurm Minnesota License No. 25718 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Title Commitment No. ORTE743786 dared January 12, 2017 as listed On this survey was relied upon for matters of cord. Other easements may exist That wee not shown in this commitmem and are not shown on this survey, gla Gopher State One Call TptLra� 1-a ,,,-alas' 531 W 79TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA CONTACT: CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Alan Catchpool, PE 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd Suite 210 Mendota Heights, AN 55120 P1551-452-8960 ,COUNTY/CITY: —C=ARVER COUNTY C QTY p F "ASS a" EN CIiY-,.vNAsSEN cXrms,Va1 ,, MINNesom REVISIONS. DATE REVISION 04-05-17 INITWL ISSUE 10-19-12 ADD DRIVE TOPO PROJECT LOCATION: 5 3 7 W. 79TH STREET PID#258900030 suite it 6250 Stillwater Blvd N Stillwater MN 55082 P\51 2 5tiry5.8969 Fax 651.275 8976 aan® s net CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC FILE NAME SURVCE86 PROJECT NO. CE17086 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY WIFE DEVELOPMENT PL ASIS 53V Wr, 79 h STh7EET GENERAL NOTES: TOVWvrrxlcwuxounsuRLa,wnDDwG vpaPERMUSES, IEwLDEwpmID». MEN, 1. roPoGMEM IT SPGE SENATORS, 0UmONOIRN InrSNAL FEATURES ART EAiTING STMCMNE ISFAUGNI MI IRGNOED BY ME ESRUCAMING OTMEAXY, "SA CONTRACTOR i0 ME BUTER/OWHER WRA'. NFENI. CORXEASiONE UNT GAGEMGII mW 5"LLWAiEN GCVO X., NTE MH SSW3 IMES 6511)58969 GAS MEMIXG MD IR AStlCIMFS GYU EST BE NUT AEUMNGSR ME nIFnrt"I" WITHEESU�AYEY OEM R.ANEN ERRORS OA dYEACHI FRIORTNG iXOM IT. INHASSEUES A . —OF SNE WI FOR TNI" PROIER SHALL MEET O A REEB TH E OW HE TOO LOIERSNEWORRIDECIEIGnONS. G. OA SHAUBSREWOMII FORT EREMO OFMONG RUCNRIN,REuIID MITTEN, GAMES, UNDERGROUND AMEARGI AND ANY OTHER ESSnxG MNMAGER RASNONO. SFESNEWNASIEOFRAPONS FRONFLUO. CaMMRO0.6TORENI AND OI5Po5EOf ALLOEBRLS,AUBB6xNS DISSEGU ATERULi AUGGGNG FROM IRAU "' AHONR "'IFWNDNREGUAT NS. GINOW w^.II 9E IN AEEDRDANSEwrm nu Lara, nArzAxopAEEDERunEGuunoxs GahRxlxC. aNcx E THE GENERALCDMR9LTW MUSE HEM SAES RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHNLTAxt All. FEE CONSTRUCTION HUNG OF THIS REFERAR.OMIPGETO AMYFMPROPEMIE3 GVRIUG F . WMRANhMM THF.UIRM5 REPRESENTED INTHESE PLANS ARE INAtt'axonx[E F CML ENGINEERING EDRTHEOSIGXNNTFOR µDUSFS INTENDEDRYTFOCANYTHERATTFAIRSE HGWEVERNENHERTHFEXGINEERNOMIS NNELUNM W WARRAMMFSEOSIGNSORPWISASCOXSTRUCNDExcEF1 N, THESPEDfICOGEEWHERE MF ENGINEER INSFECRANOCONTROSMFPHYNGU CONSTRUrnMd AMNTEME MNEOUSBA95ATMELTE. G MMCF FINGUESHEREUVASSEPTED XNGROZ. NLL9EOGGIAAHo MEIENT, RESPOPUBBERE ORGI. HIS Of THE ME ME, I N¢WING SAFETY OF AIL EERSC.NS ANO NESSNARTY W RING IERFGR MANCE DE THE WGR THIS REOUMEMEM ASS. .11 WMXUOUAY AND NOT BE UMITEO TO NORMAL MAGMNG HOURS ANY CONSTRUCTION RW SEnIXIGY THE EE ADEQUACY OF THE R I TO CONMRORS ISAFETY MEASURES,IN. ON OR RESUME X FM THE U. SHE X. RAL CMSTRUCROHIH. HIGHWAY DEPMIMGHTU. O. LWL GE W�TUANRbFDSFPFA ANY EREMITISM EST u OR ENTMESIGI AJOG WEMxOSEETU1RTOIOGESEAN45 TATERDEAND TMEYS.RSENUMMPLYWNH.ULPERMIi REOUIREMENRAX0Y0X RFSTRICnONs,WDM'YVIOYNON WILLBESULFRTOfEOERALPENALA.n1E GOYEPX XG AGMGOESXMMIESSA NX isGW NgANOX INEEXM'OMF IIXAt 11 PEL ER UP XENTENGINEEW RESSANCES'. WHEN REONESROBYMEMOWNER IAUGUST INGTHAU PROVI GM BE THE GSIS)MGE GGFU i05THE XG II RE FOR MPPEATMENRUB TO UC WARAEMMNS,O sPUATIONA RANDOMETHEMATME SOMPIETOXOf CONSTAURION.7UENGIXEG sISHX011 G:NTEYMECORRROCIICW TOAMx A"NEUAKKE NTMMEMx5AM0 N AU BBEMo M6wW CEILNGTTRI ZERINMEIVO.,PE 0lERlPGEEAxO ww rzDwmlcEl EXGIXEEAIXGAwoATEs, Ixc.rt WUBEME IRMM A5MICN51BUl oNM FERENMMDFNG BLOWN SmurnaxYconsmurnoxrrnFMGazMoaxv vupucwxnRucrwxx< HWxS PAIGTGSYDACTDN. FLOOD CERTIFICATION: BYTHEEQiEoiwEMERGMUST UGGY EAGNA GMEW ASSAY, woo INSTANTS On NO FOR THE OFF GHANH��NLY3,19AA WMMUXITY GAXEL NUMBER 27SOST=5I CHANHaSSEN5 mm THIS N0 EDZONEC. MSHTY I YTHEF.- SOILS MAP Iwllo Sralr. PLAN INDEX: CO CGVEA IN. CI THAI RON Q SIZE PIPX - S. NO PWI IN ERGEMAGGM.N. 6 ::.IIOXC..R XOTHEI SH ER.1. CONTROL A.F C7 MLITI GA G9 mupsxEm r,F DETUREIESIB Engineering Associates, inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd., suite 210 Ph: (651) 452-8960 Mendota Heights, MN55120 (651) 452-1149 VICINITY MAP Arkansas * California * Minnesota * Pennsylvania * Texas APPROVED DATE cm OF CHIANTI RILEY PURGATORY BLUEE CREEKWATERLI RESOURCE LIST: G/IPAFFIUJIATER 8 SURENESS SMIMIF EXGINEEAIN�DPMWA", WASSAITIONG MMARTBLUO [MAXHASSEX. AN .11 G'1111 TOM MUwy@tl.WnM1assen.mI UA mx1XG 'a`x"ANS NTN ARSE IFFAI HI[OO ,,SNGUAR.A.AAM IT, LM➢ Yamern@N.IUBI aNAT-I GANGING DEPARTMENT EIIVbFS�INASF� TARF 1®Br$9QSURS BB MENING, AM 9555] BEF-HNORHA INANNA mIA, wAPIR9F0AAmXY BWFFGEE% ORR450JEMMTNOANEFORTS 5L0 KES EMX.111, MX I'. dkuT@XAMMING DEVELOPER: ARCHITECT MUSIOU36NSOUMGEYERNOAD.SUITEUT USEGUUWG 11 GWAUIUMBEHO LOSS _ IWIS, MT"'. TOOF OMNI... uM0 H3 MATMMERNUO"T SETU.I.I.EIRPAwUT MANAGE, MNmurcuFFE@Pxw.mM CIVIL ENGINEER O.GGB."NINU „ASE WPTEE.INO20Gi CENTS MFHWfA HEIGMry MN 5x1,1IHE wNEGUGHI.''Si 11 UNIT Wl`1JT 0 CHq piNq $SAN I�A NNI Nu D EP r REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SjRE� M3'26'9B"d766.88 uxDEwxouxD uxDEwRLERANEN: w mmxGRmmxG �"Rw mwrnmE yF w. bARi / �EB y6 VNOW➢IxG � M yNMmDRSURF= RiOnRI IURFAR : xEERE.UD Mxnf I NRBNID i 5S W a AWVLT d6BR66'2d'd 93.19 STATE HIGHWAY 5 wRFwlD eu.EuwlCARmnra W EXISTING LEGEND FARE GENERAL DEMOLMON NOTES WE LTE WDRK MMIS RNER SX HEEi OR EXQmWE VN MfiANDMD SITE MaRCAlII R RERF.Vp .. FIR RS OF WE ENESINGSIRVLTTRFS. NFUIFO NNSIE, RNXG. ..WDRDI1x0 ADMGFiRMT INDAW GRERFESTXGIWTPhMENI5 A5ND1FD.SkF9R WVIT 9EOFNAn [. mISRKRR x m REMRE AND. S OF Aff DERRE, RIIWp AX00DIfRMAThRWSRBU.N. RFNOLL{ AND gIMEMpF .. p4M1pX{ DRAI NML RE IN CE AIDE AU Ofµ SSAR DOWN fEtfALLREWTAlK1LL FFlYERWXGSYW pfPAngli D. .E E.I.GOXTMRM .. L. ALL MEUV IIDT6 Xf¢SNY FO AW D iROPERM1.1 TO ADYRR NRI ON. WEfpI51PL. RNSESOF m6... WE WLL Y MTDE(MEI, RY "0"'DO0.0M ANIM WE""'OFROrERN6 O"ORENG DURING WE MNOFREODV MASES e fN.L.O.NOilfFroWLIRIIIM THEMMMCfORtlSROFIGVL—.11EDWROTHET 104 M'DroR EIEVAMON OF DOING ODMESK SxO1VN�mESEwxiIE WFOp RECORM OSmE VARIOUS Mfm fWrANIES, AND W ERE V35IME. xn iNEN IN THE ROD. iNE INFGRMAnoN IS NOT TO RE RELIED ON AS HOW DAR OR FOMPT ME WMR E ROMOVLn1FARP6MAR MM(ORNIAN/Ai IEARAR XOURS BEFORE. EYGVAiION DO wWEO IXAR BE. fW.MNI OF MMEi F.. mE R..EEMOFTNE ..R.NIXARNLDRII NO MM5WNIOI2Nf110EVATMmf FwFMFDIMROY MENrsEHOWNIXimE WMS. Q DEMOLMON NOTES W DD 'T ORERFMDhD. LOB, FA1'T Giaw ROOGEFG EIB N...IAAW ARDPAVE.. PEMOYAL SID rMRRFEAINGEIRU "E AFRORPFROUMNGLEMDMMM'D 2NSiRURIOHFNASIs U O DEEMOUTIIN DETAILS N96'06,2" 99.19 STATE HIGHWAY 5 0 SITE BENCHMARK Q ❑ SITE DETAILS oM rmExmnaEEEMMsxxDGurrtR mrvpGJEM6Ewux GSM wxEMgdn Mxylx MOLVJUX oM GugGPon TA TmCIWCDNYAWWTPRNX6 Wfi NMW NIryASpr iMNp6 ..,'�..DID NMWWPIEMTERMNXS END Rf6S5NIEENW n2LSVMEpNJ0XGspx DID x�1GRV PMNMGSYMPoL TMwLNDWNnnaW E. vEDEsmLw aossgGx6x JOE vmEMDwp MMplxsavENgvmmvpnaM f&- Kno ,�T rsbelow. Call betas you ag lk N XpfE: yEµOlxF[NMLpWIEEM gRCE1K 11GXnµpgMX4glEGf VIInIMEN11VH21C(AIgXEµp pn[m[ NNLdX6�G�RgHG EXISTING LEGEND PROPOSED GENERAL SITE NOTES w ML gMFE6FMEx0N11 gREiDMEru E.I..H.DTHERWENTE0. R.VLp.AnNDEIIRx0.WIEMlIREa•MLI'.ISsxovml N,C,C Nm6 pLw EN"'. lxa'MYxDRp. C. ux165oMEXW4EEfpNN. aLEpglippymxEG xEREIXIM WTInx IxE VEaEIGTM{;NLp1p Np ¢urrtnrnlPmrtrox»uu.rxNx¢slwEeElxnNLEDrmmuLou MVENMisxuLulxsruuDlx I#MORNQKIINMEMX.nLLpMHXG WJE1pA%XGIXpUtlNGNR@&EµGVµ K6 NEy063 9WLNEpAMIfOrFRMFNµ. 0. NLMRXMGIOEy6NM5E WMiMIELNLLpFNEipDED RR0FJYLlli. E µK ME PMXIXGSi.WRydLMVEE15xi6E IX. RRDEtNI DEC, F EMNX¢NMMLIgI MINI 6 T. pxNNS.Nt, VTIIENE VIIGEWEµpIMIWT0XPoX11N11M6R1E1W pE yEEVWG 1XEiN1EGPRIDRiD G NLp1VIXG W[GMLE pREPEMIpX µp EµIxWDM'opfMTOXGyWLLgIEGRM TD El RMMNEXMTgIEIN1XE6ETfpXKILpFPonlppGilDFGry WVHIXfgR[fMPoM1KKE. rMNER Maaz]W3s5MrtDIVNEE2 MIJ. O SITE NOTES 06 RN ..IEPµ VEEENG (6µGAnMCN.gAVE1, mE iMw..p EdmsYREMEE....I. M 41NCHi NCWL1Dw LN,C rEIyEIExGMNpIURDxrrIMWL1. G I INCH WIDE PANEED 11pV51FIpES 3pfppi gCB6LEGRE[S IyE9E NDxARDni mARDtI. IEF PL..ISEESUINfNINEATAIEMN1E0 TE11gV51NPQ]OEWEDL 06 ceGREEs ¢EE SUIxi SNmq. iu EyEX NRBIp M..'..EN EDNIWCN vB JUGImMMw WxagroDlxwgwElErtn sM MduRD.NDIMRxnw.Nuul TIB MdYGWpWIPERNblPVM1 TIL PRENFW pµp OERMDI.PVM. Tq OFANGIRMg1pEA MD1.PW61. Tn DRM-TIRYSKx QER.UCII.PVM. TF DIME-MRIIMYEMEMMMgnG10.0.µl I.pVMA TIG OEIFTORIGGrVgµIXpLNEI TN RµGxIXLPEIGXVMµDL P16V54 Tu YGMXNEIPd MCH, PIM'EI cpxaMEaMxnD¢uETEnsy gruLNa WILDINI5.1. 91M Op PRVTmruMDwyxRS I YRVROfAgWN6µG WNaftEIPMNSflEN Wva.Puxsl GENERAL SITE NOTES w ML gMFE6FMEx0N11 gREiDMEru E.I..H.DTHERWENTE0. R.VLp.AnNDEIIRx0.WIEMlIREa•MLI'.ISsxovml N,C,C Nm6 pLw EN"'. lxa'MYxDRp. C. ux165oMEXW4EEfpNN. aLEpglippymxEG xEREIXIM WTInx IxE VEaEIGTM{;NLp1p Np ¢urrtnrnlPmrtrox»uu.rxNx¢slwEeElxnNLEDrmmuLou MVENMisxuLulxsruuDlx I#MORNQKIINMEMX.nLLpMHXG WJE1pA%XGIXpUtlNGNR@&EµGVµ K6 NEy063 9WLNEpAMIfOrFRMFNµ. 0. NLMRXMGIOEy6NM5E WMiMIELNLLpFNEipDED RR0FJYLlli. E µK ME PMXIXGSi.WRydLMVEE15xi6E IX. RRDEtNI DEC, F EMNX¢NMMLIgI MINI 6 T. pxNNS.Nt, VTIIENE VIIGEWEµpIMIWT0XPoX11N11M6R1E1W pE yEEVWG 1XEiN1EGPRIDRiD G NLp1VIXG W[GMLE pREPEMIpX µp EµIxWDM'opfMTOXGyWLLgIEGRM TD El RMMNEXMTgIEIN1XE6ETfpXKILpFPonlppGilDFGry WVHIXfgR[fMPoM1KKE. rMNER Maaz]W3s5MrtDIVNEE2 MIJ. O SITE NOTES 06 RN ..IEPµ VEEENG (6µGAnMCN.gAVE1, mE iMw..p EdmsYREMEE....I. M 41NCHi NCWL1Dw LN,C rEIyEIExGMNpIURDxrrIMWL1. G I INCH WIDE PANEED 11pV51FIpES 3pfppi gCB6LEGRE[S IyE9E NDxARDni mARDtI. IEF PL..ISEESUINfNINEATAIEMN1E0 TE11gV51NPQ]OEWEDL 06 ceGREEs ¢EE SUIxi SNmq. iu EyEX NRBIp M..'..EN EDNIWCN vB JUGImMMw WxagroDlxwgwElErtn sM MduRD.NDIMRxnw.Nuul TIB MdYGWpWIPERNblPVM1 TIL PRENFW pµp OERMDI.PVM. Tq OFANGIRMg1pEA MD1.PW61. Tn DRM-TIRYSKx QER.UCII.PVM. TF DIME-MRIIMYEMEMMMgnG10.0.µl I.pVMA TIG OEIFTORIGGrVgµIXpLNEI TN RµGxIXLPEIGXVMµDL P16V54 Tu YGMXNEIPd MCH, PIM'EI STATE HIGHWAY 5 0 SITE BENCHMARK w STORMWATER SUMMARY mm.lw sF RE. nBEWENmAREM.1 BIB ABOD I AB ACIIEe> 111EREipE A., FEPMI! MLL BE RFp11gEP. PNEIBMtlI1 ..B. 13. ARE INPEMI W B NEA. 1. AD FREAK AWG....AL PmT WRA10U9NE .P0.1C REM M1X6E FARES IGFM 9.m lYll A39 LFM J39 D.L 1D1YR >2,A9 3.93 ]DMYSXDWMELT 03] p.11 $X WII NAYM16ilEYH.&&B$ MOMMNLER IEKI-MJ.sI GRADING NDTEB WD MADDENDYrnaM . 01 RIFYIERREFTERMgWNMAFROEDRIXIET. BAR FYISTNGVAYEMFMNEV . B OMINEETEIYVEMB VAP ".MMMT' 3P CONNERiOIMFXXNPO]ipMNMJEMIDBNPIN60GRM1.PWlp J3B MPMGXOTEN¢Fp JXAWEINAXYdMEMXI GRADING DETAILS D MIN PM 3. SRI EMI.... 1 D BIORETENIIpXBMN UNDER N.QN. TXN flDR T3E BIORERMIOXLSIN NIIX UXOFRdWN. QIMMI f&- Knowwwsbelow. Call before you dig. 4* N R, BE 3W£INFEET A. 4EMINxEET.MLI.. WRLWMMSMDDIMEXLONSOE MR KNRMAPS. VEEIIMNE.sgpFO BAMNG.AVa WIXS,BOILDBIG MNYEMMNR IDB READ AND IPEEM WHIMING DIM EN9g15. EXISTING LEGEND AF AA— NAR -NA MY ANY PROPOSED LEGEND ANNEYEBROUNEAGOOFINFAVIDNE MAREBAEM p[y� COMOUREIEVAT]R SRERNME MN XR'j'J( SAREIA'AE'LX4 RE.76Cf CURB G•6N1FR iR•HXdIMWRELLVAIKKI R-NxNNfpwMAEE GENERAL GRADING NOTES A%LbRThINEr.EW11OXMBIMMORYNR.M'4WF0.r11EEANIXIDEADF WLEVAWIBIRRE M G1(]IIARNt ggyM'dµp IXfgIMREOMIGMpnIE fNGdFER 6 NNCp611CIS R WAttI (IXISIRVCIYJH.nIEEXGM4R WNBFMpp NMWF.S5d1NEElk'MTIEFNpIXEG1ENOr XO11FR0[RpEBIGX mlfaLlE. AND NW5 DI NBFRO BY BLHEIRu[rIONMWL BE GMOEO EMWix AND r OF TOI MPUEp.IF AERMATE TOMOU G NOT ANNVHE ON NI RNE ME..1 FARM. rP901L. NFWVEp AN RN CAINE,EEDED THE FNI A BRNEM BE SEELED. ARI MOL<xm, N.ET .ARD ANAI U. , M M MIND Gl.. 11 Esr] "I. d AU MEM M LW EME RAN FBI NEED MN AND PREFER AMIMnDX MTEI.ANYMETS ELLnIRBED EER ANY REAWN PRIED N ANNE NIIPTMOD 0E FINE INI s RE BgREDDO BVMECIXLIPACICR ArxEAEEmOXNCOEiroIXEOANE0. CTOROPEaRDLLY GU NONE. THAT REE BfGnOX ANNA AREARRON ME WSnxO MMESM .. ON TN EEE FWIS IB BAEw ON""BRIRE VANDAL n CEMPMIRE AND WNEM P�IBM MM9JPFMENR TMEN IN THE RETE.n' I N DEMEANOR NOT DD M ..ED ON M MII EMCT ON THE CONTRACTOR MOP DLL ME MMO FE.. WMFANY AT WET M ROU. BVOM ANYFIIAVAMIXRI MDUFPE%KTEIFW LEGTWNEf MUTFS D UN. BAN ERNABE.".EWEDqRM4mHEOlEREENORVTHINR1E94OHUTCNR.VLETORMBMN GSIWLMMHPALLED MR BEI JK ALL GTOMI OWN XPES ME MEMU.D REMRXIFR BE RRUMM AND EA.OE gMED END yCnq{S L A6EBBRMOB WILL NEED TO BE MNMNMEO R.➢ETOw1PoN ME NEIDM OE EMENGENCY VENDEE WNXG AumxSTRu. F- OR AND E6MEM IRDUW. ADO B PLETELY AWM ROM INRLTMTNMR XFM UNNL UMI.AM EMAREE.L. AFFOM.I.IIURP G. 1XflLTMMW MEMEHWIp.OFNLLYMMRk➢ DO[fFI faNPRVLTpX',NBEM AWAY WRIXG NSINKIIOX. INFLTMnm ARGEENONOMVIGMgNLYROFtT EMEMEREDON.RMMEM.ANORUXORWTIN AMWATEBM.. I. ONLYIOW IMFARIMIXFWIPMFMRHW W BE VEEO WIIHMMEIXFLTMnQY MtAE. _,M.eR^R,RTR STATE HIGHWAY 5 SITE BENCHMARK GENERAL EROSION NOTES µfMPXFGb MA 9lB2NIMC(CASIXSMNO NEMSttNM WRRPPOLLVIIpI ="B"'MESfMKN4WLr..NBI [DW AiTXESFORMWRrERMUUFICXMAF - STAR6MIXHF9FA XA]IVNIppWFN1Cp5ONeGEWMIXµOX ASIEM 4XERRLPERMrt X�FgSRFMRI µp EBONB RWILLN WT11 rXEA CGIRNR B. TXEhNARRI NpNG µp ENERN3EIREA... BEIBEE.THE SCORIA. ialIXAIIMG PLRFnM£iM11511E OFfICEIIWLLMMµ�IF.I. MQ.. INFMq ICFICF x11116 ENNOL BE WOWINNTEDNTNmEGWlIER5C0NEMLCIXIH G µWAW WMFRICMGFTFAUC6.VENXEECIFAR.,"FRONT MMHG, ETC) sxuL az pff GEG m re A Mwxq rxAr PREVEFErs Loxton RETwxEx TxEu MATER W S ANI sT1Fu WATER TxM X o W LMGEO qDM TIR 511E D. MNINNER. TNENEGX\VERgDRYAVNMMEwSPCExrMLµDGRFASE AffiDPBMGFMTENA1.5AxDFIDEATKN Wp.ESro..N.D OEW UP WRG ..RI OR..D LE.VX E OFOOM mESOE WnLL U OENTROL. TINNORG WATER ON Gr.OFTNE GTE TXE UEE OF MOTOR DILS Rrvp Omq RETMNEUM MEED p rogL Lpx m iLq MUTEUPM...PENTONS G .1.. F. nO�WMGw TMSX,GMBRGFOnomq GlCX RurMMUWPUMMwwREDIWD HADEDR[X60R WARGSOfmE4ATE. G. A BREMIWMq PoOMOXRREVg110XME "FEREF OEFF ITI6gM',µD .'..RPoLLNIONPPMmICHpW1,WµryIXIM1F0M5MIC PMCICRME. X. MAUYFDFOnN U'THEIREMTIgi EEN,EB IgNMMTYWXLET,.. IFMr]] MK,S W LBERMPoMPl4Y5FEpEpNTIXIX )M1E. L pGTURBED gROMjEFFF"KNFAEmXSFRUOpXILTVIry XMRERMµEXRY SID W FO G W L BE PDINPNEXRY SEFMD. mE4 Mq5 9lNL SF SFfLf D XD GIER TMX]pMS PFTE0. WE IFETm161MKTC11MIMryDFMNNGIHl11EY MEAS. PEfgTOmF WIMCWN6PVN I. If TME ACTONOFYEXIOESTMWUNGMRWFGM LfD16gUC110x ENIMXn5 ROME Oi SUFNROMRIpEMpVEMEM.V]ROYW dRTO0.MUO,mENMEIIREEMUSi PFRONSIMONE MUST BE MEppELOIMERCETTIEWMX µAhnµOIXTMPTIE sEgMEm WRFO6GARIEDOPFmEEML mEE%SCIU%A Illiµ BE. OR01NATE0 WONiXEGMIER5CML5@URIOX MOHIGER. Y. µWhRML14111Eq pPCPREO, WAWEDOTPRCEEp iROMYEXIC16 CMp RMD'NA]SMIAOS]MM pMIxs MV.Sr MREMOLhOIMMEOIATEn. L OEFNINFRE ETE BEM. EM ipGE15PDX AFTEErxEMSTW UENTOx OF TXE OFN 0N, MA1MffwMEnT MINIM INI MTNRT M. NAVEcauE[IE B I x mF naRM. pWXM£MIFMz M. IFmXETPyMUN20 EMPIORD OB TBI EOE, III FEN351. eF USEDro NOR CTNFMXTXEEE.M. X. BMES GWL BE MST IN A R➢JGXgSD CON UNION BOB. THE ... .1 Mdli RUROMNEU%m¢µD... O. MMMENIPASRMFMIMN-ORE. 9lpppµO WIBFEEW ANO E11US.IXµ MSES.U]V1CPOdW6SµDRFWG1pHLREGNWXG MF44Ol ANO SRFEIYMUSi MADxmDm. r. AurFMPQ'LMYFM6RM "D BERIBERI CONTROL MMNRq nWL eE OBI'MID OF MrixMb MYSAFEREBNG XUUTIOX.XMLSTOONDAUNXRDNRRENI MNENµSgLpGOpMXGN1MOE5 APFF➢MRIEIFOMDAUXIfMM RgWNIM .00NERVIONADEBRORTYCIF N.IEFIANOfmEASSEEN UNPRHDIPEKµO MgGXm[OhPFCrypSRMVIEXi STXU[NR6XRBMN EN%DYED. I DEETOmE.E.EFEµSgpMMGmEOFYO ..0fT1l...,TIE MaxlWtIM E.......ENGmEEREMOREE lnpt MMMgISCTfkN�,51MW RVgETcIroxMPPRuaSPrgoslDxMpsTmM WARRPoIWIIM. 0. µCFb11EtlXI51WIC11CN51WLMST .ATrNEEXDm.BBERRMNGMY, [ON g Wp IARMFM OFGMNFI...B.. PANXG FOR RDA mXSm C f&- Knowwwsbelow. Cal I belbre you dig. N SwEIx FEET xDTE MEManMWMLPGxs FDR gAnLMATIDxSAWDMMExapxsM PgKXq,RMIW,VEiIIWIE,SLCPEp PRNXG.IMKXCGp3, WYDIX6 MM'FM0.Wg1OGM'MSµGPeFgSE WILdXGpINEN5bX5. EXISTING LEGEND PROPOSED BE BEEF Blill BE IMNM OF OG Fe E 4— SLT... �X(K— 6 N MEI mXrG4NkVAllG6 SrWM OWH S_ IXIEr RRDTECIIOX GENERAL 3. µ4EROLBE m "NOBNO FGiD REGUTARLYT114E i TA ROOO SrµIE D MAWINXEDM EHOOW BE fgUU4OAND REYEDFDAE HEEDED. 3. GLr RNQSSRNED NEEIAIREDThTMRgBGINY IOIpOIDXNITHIN .¢gMEM 91MLYMFNNro ONMMEGLTRNLES WMEX OREAp6 WIFIXIPORIpNFIWF MEXFGXfKMEGtTfgq. iR&EWEIRRUCIF I NONNO OR RM R MWCMO WBOC RIGNMSOFW1Y. 11. I.IRE PERIODICTOP DRMNG OF TF1 fpMBURIOX EXEMNRSM COEIDIEI. IMAND. 5, mE hMP00.MYPMMNG MD M...11 M MITIN 1000.0 01V MOM. FOR PARRIXG Mp51O0.Y 1. ThYSMAYREOOIRERMCOKTOPGFSyHGM OiE hMIOMAYPMMNGM CON pE. MMMD. E. OMETEIMIENRF51N.10.M. MGxS<uuluuu�nwm�u T. TXEEMVHPMEx5m TE.MFMATIXIMSw PWLBEOMM6LMGUMf, INiUXFTNrIFG s1RVC11111NLr50JnDNS NKxm MEx OMNLFp G(gmMl OR fMSIPUCIpN EOMPMEM. ❑ EROSION DETAILS ]M Mxm MswgrRwMMw ."BnGNEF RRASPRL ) A[ NLiiMMIPFPmYM}MLYd) RD EOCE O 51PVCTMIEM0.WLEflgmYOMYLS3p4 RE GIMIGSIH&dMFMTMPIPgUryMTAILSNM.O MF FINE ., 1MKE I.. BFM,F)N NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS 1A PExMMAN RMIMWWR A mENMMN Ml AN 0.MEpEC110XµpAA.ON'SOiRESf ANXP4EMEMNKN[ESIPMSL AS ILfXIIfIm IX]XEMPGfAWKKFµDSFOMFMATW mMdGMPNUK A, rgl XKFIsxUMANNI RMRREgIIPEMENI$tXEPRNER-EFEOHLSTCPM WAIEPPOVIIIIDYPREYEXdW Pre4 WrpEAi LFMWEYMIFGMMaOFMm FIpICGxPILMI NMI'ME TILE N W96FE PEMDEATT MEM FIEDNW WrsµpIM INS AXOXMMESWFPP.MAmN ERM6ONPRTEAR gFMDN MMdNpUKmCGFWRIXSpECDLNµpME.MlNQMKE PIOAUMµN.IA,AMg CA WRIXAaK. ,A,A, WIRWEXRCf MEPEPMR. EYIpFXRpF(FNI1EIGrpH6Ng11MMYVyKHWLBENRN198OMME CONIpMTW AiIISIAEmNSIPVCTOX MFElI1Xv D. WHMw61H¢FMWfi,GM-U`--GWYIAFIHVaWX6dMLLYN�A60.GM ,AA LOYEP YNXL µAVG W E RPMM MYF Mµ OBTKXm. PoLAIH CgI51RV CIIdF MF. PEpMIr W MEMKA E,0 PEMBNMWATTBPmIERNFµIDMTIRNNIMESVMrANDAINFOREADERSHFUNTAIL, pMEMLWwEMDWP M1 LERMIW,rONmIUHEIX4 MDOFFEIR WN AMAE, 0. ANDTOMINIMAA5CLCWPATMMANDDCAMlATW. RWmWKBMMEMYYSFACE Mm To FRECARRABON. MPFRMRLWFpµ[EMMEPppNLWEOf MN PKrt, WHIW SXKLYiARHMtM LOST xlN61ARE.P WPs1DFMlxsDMMESWnPvpIORrDOLSnIR&Woof suRFARLaWRAMO A MEMFPMOPRArbx DttVY PoLLWVFROIER%IALNGIxMGALMEAR WPM. 0. �MRMME. MKMKX MMm0.M' PgN➢RM M W Vq6 UHIIL HRMV NIFr F6xllpµ MYE ESIAELLSHmiD9J16. PEWRiFPµMIpX MAYBEREWESR0.4TERJq{K6ETMNELOEER PGOXMEESSA-MgIEREARS. . ERµLNNEO. rFMPoMPYSEgMENIGSMSAVOIN➢5. MMEMMTVd1WMXMRYKMMEMAMNI MLm a wILLBEVSwMRMUIRED.f ENAUATMAAPAM :PAFMLYWDXMES ,,SDH AAMU TNG KIIMIC. gMRSrORMWATFPMIXOfFfPMALIXKMD WAMr6NF1DINmMEb14µ MIROL METSURMUMESF•MLERGNgDEsmnSOFMFBALKAS YI]N6mLLeIE, dRwIMIx Ss¢An 6 COX'.ipVCgW USEYEHKC EMMAEUT. rPlP ip BfGMNIX6 MtlRX,Iµr.SLLRMpOBAM dl5rnurnMEYRRIn EAOI mImwxMEYExIg6FmMECOWTRYLTpIFyTE VSEAMa DMM CTCOFXRRFENAV.SFORDETMLL e.PRIDpm YGIXXMD WORN. WMPIFFEME iOILpWIXG l EONIROLMWXKEANDNOMOX OXMEmF,µDMMRMOMFAW6EMYXMRMFASpXnR ME Wrm YgNUPEAO. R.EMV Wx MELCGIpx MM'YPOnrAMERX1ET,wNMRREM1YW Rlr wunpx,CaKAER xMgRMFAxWgpWE MARPVLMµgM6AxI, VrIm CONflALOFN[EARF45TµIXG AxA61MPI C.µD PA E SWAM UDING L Ft MACH 4C`AA NOWKWPARFAM,IN¢VDIIGMVLM. ..I .5p10mUpMN(( 1PACgX6.6WFAR4 .µDmrP6FPYE MTKµD WNING WGRAnOH. E MµXTAMAXOMMM.LM MµNYEMMS DELI NURpWMFswrrrttlP.SUNNMVARED LWT... µ®WµpsEDMS U., ES MYMIIMAR. WA.AW... XIH0 AND IN µO6WBYNG IN. PARE CMAMMT AMEARE..G LE,p poop 1. TMEAS µMMMFERFACP MFDIILIIXG ARMALEACHRSPET.TONGMFM404mi1MV11XnRN MEM,IIX6RRESSAMONANDSMA go' MF/54iM CALL , AMUN MAmEHw. 11 NERFIHG PPAfFL1Ep FARM. MULINAS OF pFWRXEM FORMIWATFR BMKM B NECESSARY, µp SMOm BEREARES EMPLARACCED To FROUNTKN OFSI6N GERMIIM AT MNERMMMVE0. F. MMS.IIYOONETIEw11➢Wix60xuXFflI�X GIERNIMNG µ�IWIEMFLImAnW FWXR)CAUNTMLµ WANE NJX MAGE µD Xffl A.1ALMPA LARECTANDW OXSRE. MEM SWME OF ME WFAMER. 1. ME SWPPP MATEMAD, WMHER PERIODIC ABSORBED STIMMUREARS' MYEWOµ M IMN11Hm BY ME PFREAT MINDY NATURE NNERWXS µp PRECWTATCN CENTS), PICOSECOND SENLLmMWUE PEARgCKUPONLY UH TFREAR.OFpERMi AS.AOSBYPARAP"U,. MxMKNI1NECCARS FBAREBEEµp AmMMASPECd1E5RD, N. MVFmmECMEKfIO16 TOfIXdXGSOFrEMOOKIXyERIg4MNLHMMiFIm ONPEpIOgL EW�MM�H fMAO EdIVE KTCHPEmPp5IX511EMpmpRNBOf�.V P£pUµRpry PEGNPIEPYMMN[E. 1. YEAR SNAP M OETEX M HENN m Mf LFLr RFK -TME NE CON.. µD GMM N RRMAY IH PECO VPoENSSOGESTECEwUD WKR COMAMFAS,pX311ENNX6INp CONIAER WAWIHG BCOXMr WLEUE NRMUNGEMEUpMEEDSYRPPSMMLBEMMEpMMEpRWER NFEµO MMEMNGUIEVMX nFWFsriORFWGRIR6TRFE. J. SrWMWMFRRVIIDEEmMRMIH[RGN B WA NXOFF WEmdmIRRAMNN NR CPFEP p V E iO CdSIpVClldl KIMIIC FW I nµ ppplELr. L MEVFMAIMGEIMOpnNERAxDApVRMETgIMMDSKIRAMNWERRKRMS, IxaVOwG MMfNrD1VR6dmOX, WFIIOINEVEP 61144FKNK Wp1Yq AAMVXTALONm BYAVMWN6 OLAN RFrKXMAMWAI OIROMFNPEgMISmRNp MFA5MV A,,ALYMEEOESWMEMµDWLY WARP MVSrBEMMIEprPIdiODGCMM6E M®CSWA6ES MPMpm E.U.S. ISZ.lr (,lm9WPDETNM) 3. IIN.RBEWRIWKMWEOIXA000m EWTMMENRMRPAMEPLX.WHI lARAETY KIXSNIfOKmDN ASKKRIFMMP LgXRVxW OFMf fYEXrIXGGTNGRFMP/K MWRRRµ00MGdYMMCKCMMEXEEMK XMBELWIAMEOIISMEYNRAM seNRR K FgMON pF511E: MIXIMMMHO, WANDAM, IgHMFMApXMSdL W MNERSIIE WETO WNSTPurnW KmTnq NPMdxaFR. oYnICEMNLDTBFN NMMPKMRMMANMMEWpEFIEUx.E EKdA ,. MRAs BURT.AI.AAMI6NRARES LPopwIMEWPLPMYWrsrvMFwppFME W9M Upv MsxlFT WMMwxlmrtwM WMEa B. Vxl¢EINEEnMDOp GUAV NPROIFREFFDRmTCPyJIL9wLMPP6AMpFAsnF RESmMAS MONS. nW PYPPNQANOSMALLYPMm[RDMW WMOA WARP N 1MdKMM OF I DED0SITION M45pPiEpOEE6NFRWLMEOYEKpro MKEMMxp EPO51W µDgiSITE pEPWEMW. J. CEPAXWmOXLGMOMIWMPoRAMNO W[MNPpAAMAH. CAAMW6NGrROMWIN PKWMOLRUWIEMgNSTANEmmA EµD EADARCULARNMESS. m EDANNA&10MFRSMIENRIO WmO. A.M .TAG NMRMgMILYCFAEEp OP ENDEDMO WILLFMfM51Ra M4pi IFASi Ld WENOU AM. IFEROEID{LCMpSRIONAGWGETATOXOCN WEm MUFfpIPJµN WmInIESE p.... 4 p6TNlE IMAPaIE.IFAS AT ND COs M UNNE0. L FWNAaN9R: KENMuaxpn DF WALMUmAMAAYMMEMAamdPRONWd GL4DM WARRAIDILI W WXGMEMNERSIrE WEm[g61pULT10NIOMm6M0.MR rmMCT. MMFNEDPREAD EFLFROMIFAYINGMENWFRSM,.. T "ISCHAFFYIENWLY E MNx roPWMDOENGSX KCMMpFSAmA.KIN'ITMwAM MSEMA. WIgNG,DIRIMµO BGETXGENllY [W W[IFDINAMMXERSpµmMINIMW MxM. WMMpm MIXIMm KCUMUUTKKIOX mICTOM WfSiARgµOARF/6mfGOJRBaxW1E1 TNTMMYp WXpVROf SIWMWALG J SS'PPMFIRIFlm... 11 PAT, .11.1. TTUo".A.., ..... PREY. MGWME MILTHEIREAMPAUFFTEDATMOOMETTONECREENER. REWEGMV, Nrt MOIXMNtYRFMPrt PLLSDILMpsfmMFM1MWOAomEpwpF DEN DONPUWCMPMAMPAWOMWWAOVLYMEIS OMMED .M.M AEMNW R5D5 FACT, WLwMED M WET MEM�,TRRRPRCED P. NEVEM MUD MD SEDIMENT FROM ROWING SMO PICASSO AN D rAVFMENR E. MAXMGES ARMS A FRIM ME MIFCT 915 µNL MER ME FGmMXG MWIMMERR a. WARP DGO1MI40 MOM ME FROIFLT MM NUET M .... .1NSmW WAMR ANDY N9 U oY FACE M SEDIMENT MAN FICAnM XUDS,OPEN O6CNMG6 MCANDIC UR PMMNGAUTHAST. WIESINFEMWEWEmG OFKRWWEANGEEARDOM DUFiCNWLMMMETO W GETATFD MGN µD W ml AUMEMY dSFrATA IH PIMF N MEVEXT gpElA. p W IM6EE NT PE ARTIER 91EmMEGXRM'/$EWER MOVIPE PAIOPAM' WALMMESFNENM m c ."ADMISdMGm MVYXMORD OPMETWON. FMSAINMRMX6DIAFMpEA OwrvYOPFPPMGnRA WUNMnW MwEnANA FFSM IMPKTSCFVR WEm HgFARI[WW3 W6MMFSE pEWWMUR; RENgIEIMPKTED APFAS AiWCmimgVXE0. NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) M SWMFMAT .FWn&WAY41NdmF;7AR N 6YgSUP M NCREMMCTUEm WAEERWRK W.NEMOFi41E.IX¢VgN6RxgE{ERFIMS,G[6,IV1^6, CfEXOPMINGE WAYi SrON.15EWEP$ SpM1rIMG'SFWaq. I . pR01ELFARFµ.NVQi1FmOPpOW1X6dRFLRY]OWNFRE6MESrME MYEP00mOXN PPNRAEpI}MDMVIIGEMflIrSrµMRG, NpxNIX(WGEYRK6.EXNµap W3. µD M4VMMFNRNRMPOSM WTn41MEMOM¢Y6VLTMEAOFP PYMO FIEDWMMN n f W WIDµtXFixDIKTAR xnEFNG]N.W µOMNNmlVAE0F5W➢PRIDEMIFIFp0M3GXGF S FNfMTONMMYMNFMAXOX,µpmgl4FPENNIMMPPGIECTh MFASME55HKLRF MmRDATxpvmroraoxxG J. If XDIMFMATOXCFpIn, MSFNLm WMERppEWMMMFAVIPFSIMMEDNMEY Ai Xp [Dim AGVNERCAMEfMFKVMSMaURRFMO..M AMYRpSEg PNWWARµ OFME STR.pNOgm R fMpIKRSFgMFM MOM WARRWMFNNUPPWK µDANIXE6SMRY RRMIIs:mMPLY WRX REOUMEMENRCFAVIICR111F6MNN61VPI5dCNgl. i IFEACK.S DNAMq¢MEVYDKSSAME. pIESEXICrEMFASVRµ NAfl MY MD MµNFRPC61fFL ¢llIMEMKEERF.EGSrpW. A GEVVAG6MRMINMdORIMERYFR5M9WLMEETME WYWWX6µWIPEMENR i. WA.UIXMµ6NfPOMMEµNFLTSNEMI CAND.BPRCIARMA NNI NEREASOE AA IYOYIMpCM5E01MEMµpFLp5nXG5dM. 01XgpIYNN66RFWlµ S@MAR MRMVEIM A` MANDC NFEpLYE WEi0 UIXMnRNd6MN5RAlFOMGDIfpIMG69WL0EMMLm TMRARD.AFFOWTECRAP4NTREAR A.MARnSNGVEHFEM61Mg5pVJ. .E MNERgTEDM YNRAM5EWUMWIn PRNAAppRWKNn.6EVh AMAIN, a. WMG MOW6f lE,ORHNUM XVIµXQEWglpl6, q(YpX MgEmk1N4(XNMMSpR mwu W rt MIMERuf z Po IxuxwTlw OF wfnANm 5. IMd1dIlEGARSAT DGEDO OFdI WFm Xg4mMPWWG WEMMFSEµOgMMfNRµSrOgE µRDAPFA5KH0 [OTmONX0. Al CRN WAMR: PPMMftµdHG WMd1MTFWIp BE(pMESFi.GNNIF. O. PoWFNpx MEVEMMNR5A511Ms:PµYEMLqlrM11MMMOFsnIRNNNFR MITA d1f11EMNFNus µD WASMI KlM51CPLN A4E AYFMiARMMgrµIN411NCRGVX[IICM WmIMEMLfL! NYERm ME PgOND W S IX M INTHIS IS PAR. ]. MIUMMW RIES PPIMMEm MMMLMFAMIxM SBEM MAMU5T MAREAlµW M N MDIN S NER51GMmIMEAS gILYNEMSMVMBESrORm IXALmS.ON CON. TpIXAMNFXMIN MEVEMPdG:SMmUGNNACruMDj6 R';A MHFM OMEMI6E M1bM[WOEp IN MV FPM6IOX MOUOE, WIISXM WpFpRk NNpH61MlEPMC, FARM MBrµAMIMDR [MNWXE6.UWSµDPYUSK RE6;UORANDE W gSBABLEId$gHqEiuµROW10BNEMS, EMPMDUDMERREzmgK E. UIIFRANDSgID BA.AT]xESREMWBEmNIPdLEDµµFhMRfVAYiPp PMERME ANDMCCVWFp, pQMMNEWFUNG MARINATED WANE UIRRµp WA516EMYROTM WMm MpMfAWECONOSDMNEpmI WE CAUDWASR MUNMCWFCRDAND.DMidEE IxAMpNNq LgE5 BUTERAANDA.µO...WµF.,.WAAE.E Launpxsswu K xduRo ATMswxP,ANp YuroAROM MLEszPrvro KNmTSM dMdnPoz A MFNRNEIIM6µ.1LLMCWpULIro IXSWPPp C6MXREFOMFAt dILY,µONWLM5E0ECgId511Y CdIrNIMEEMMPIp6roMD2µ NFLR6FA5Fz IHNM1Kµ WMRµ MWµEMmXfNXMEMES ipiiP/yME.MIBMAPoO WIriWFµSURAMEmPVYIddRitlppMfM WPINGNFUX6 WMpIIDVEUMIDCµM. NWNOUIGIWXSSIWIMIXgG1FDpXMEMWP,NOBf UFd.MO ASNttFYMIµ RFFIERSM fM1xEIINE l pE%LLMLWIrAMIXG MAIN WSppppWWRroppNER.YFOXLPDIWMNRµpp1µ111F$ sNN1MmuRDCNMf vPO1ECT5W.AND IRICCNCNpMLLdIMtlGIFp Ox MfsMm B MRMMiOILLMMUR IMamAwmMArM%AAENNMANpwaxor BEnvPEDOnpmafD G4KUMD YWAf1ETU Hlm SPRIWMATWEPMEUE Wrp11MALµpSTl.UE6 G WNKMµDARES E, Nr WASMIXGOPPWWNFDMMEPPOIERNTE MCLIgHG UGIT N0i VMVFDm Mf zrA61W MFA ]. COXGFR WAyWIR W.MTESIWLEN1ERµ CWFLVEDM'DMµKmOFFxFEOp MµFLm o"I NASSWMQ9GM1FpmXGFIF WISIgRMG M\RMNSINOR DESnMDNPME WAH.- MGBMFEMFF[WTTURP AUNa1KR5xMLWATC ED UW -U INAAGENINA ME mMIN�MEATSTRUMPE. WgETEsmUECTEp MVSTM DISWEE�fMOM�x1EIX AMWHFP OUNIµDOEYPDINTIVETH ROMNE2 TORRLERUw MND I , .ABNEEKNd. L4 m PTMEPPOIERSIR. ING5E5 WXMEµ DXim MttN Wry@EIEOPMPHKL I.RIU FILAPLAN MµMENEMOEN6mNOYSTSTIXC%VHG.SBMIAMP,SpUp Wp51E,NW[1XIFR4 lMAnoxMMDWPxMIC# Pg MnONEsxWBEBEmAMITEED. �MM 6 NXgXGCUmHSj MIWXX6[ANPD�OIME9MUMNO SCWARCMOM O.UFI6 CF mOR.D. NM OFFAwIDN9IAMBIC WMERmXVFYµMMRMS.INf1VYIXG MIEIS,MOIFSAVONµ 6. A U4MMEMOµNnIMWTOEILgICCEmpCMRLPPYEMCWOIErt DVSI, PRMI[V$mXGEii ERNEWGR MMWRWDIRW69WMTWxGAnRmIIST:YAHa•DESMEMSINCWDING GOP INIEl6, dldCµpgWHFltlNllp6 UYMEIMW6µ00PEM1MWJ MW WPESMA}MEWM YW AR RMMpNRNNIN4 WACIA JNaUDIN AWNNLMEMOARRUCCULKIS, DFPOMEXRgMG firORMTION OMhVµLEAIMCCUM DUETO IpROXPl.OFLWPR. In IFmW-X2AOM TABSCOpCRIXNPpUETONpN4'MNMa MINMENRFOVIPFMEXR,R6lF6 IKrmY6MMNOCOETm WAC. r. prMEGxxxALn:P6TWEMEIFNER 611EmrEWx4aMRN W4MATDEmxGllDµ D MNMR PEPPER T.I.I RPMT WMM P0.pCCi mMPRTEmuDRMMxGpermnYANDKftdWsnfmpuxAmW puAMALVmYATMwu MM A pf XEM GE TNI, aR MXY Ep11VNFM MFASURq ro MEW M sdE iumµ uxgA EAl6xS Wxpmaxz 1. MMMNEM WrssMLLYmur INftMLEn ANorEMFEoro BEAw.MaM WNsnFp. urrmxs AGMCC ACURAU.IOAMONS. MHMMYIMrs WMX6MEmI6iRVCng1pMN,ml6r MUFM'ED A KCW UMIEONdMEM. A xGRUETOMPUMCEINYFCIIWEINMwXA WIMMEPPWI51UX5MMEPEPWEMU3! rD Y cVLLMo pxm ME Adxrt MMMR R W MTD. S GXOA9NG SFMOXS. WMMEN(EMEMOf MCPXINKGTOMHMTO6POWIX65FA5OXSM0iIXRL rwMp?g Nei E oAI`XmOp EEMFGa MmiEs�M D/fuLXmPMrx ns"iu i0n PxuXsuEBuuiNMT,'°uX'ED W4pfIAYMEIBIUFTO (FMEN614CIgNEµO/W IEPMIMRME PERM R. ES wWIITIIE A NEAtLAEYfAWWmKPRCCFWRES AL COMPOSE :MILLdRTIfMRLAND..HCEERRV AL,ANGMATFpWLMpFKFAYSEM. CWPLY IA�IIYN LIFM IxIM�MAWWMGEPNLLVON�IOfMIFCfIN1 WIPD.LIWAFIfAIOFKKAN,,,X0MY,,,,0.R MR MduR C STCNAWpTEPmLLVNOX MEVEMW qµ ISNfP1.MYRREUMSKafIw MWF. L EWWxcE OFaFXXGnax AIMXNPI.VSYEDFImrvrAMEAIR M.LLLYm0.xlsxmMME ComMdUR AT ME MECONNMKIKKI RRmNG 3. REARTURAMPON QXrIMLTMFOPMPLEI6AMWDCO%YEPMFIATIFMIYAAµIPUCTW SmPMWMFPMRMR F. INYELIIgF KKR15.IµKRKK6 SHV L Y mNREIFp, µp SxLLL BE NNMKX m pX91F, m M PPNpm iO MGUGTIMY ANFµ REW BRD NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) N. $mpMWAIEPPgMrtrRNMATMFPIXFWRE WMm MEmWILYEE OF PMr LEIpINRfIXKSrpIYGTOX x. BFHIMEr FMO.A:MERVL KAAASNINS TH ENESSA cATE: ]. 6MMROPCA,A`A nSp AA, yEpy.MMEMALAMM MRRMIMTW FdIMIHFRIAWIW.ITRRKE.W ASMLGMP/iGWUR1FMEMXW LMID•]SYIµpwWIREW RENEW AAO- --SPERM IX19}EAYIV1TOPmNGER M1d IOµrMNMGEMFMpLW. µMMGRDIXpApr]MOLJLwWRA PLWEdinlfMµpDWEMOENMFM.D5T,.UFASAWµ1EWATFA ECo ADMAESSIB ,rMm4 IIX/GICX AxpOCXERHMCO. IAXyC..TgXSMISAM W OFAMT HOUFAM MDPASFEMLTpIIM 1. P. it MRTfgR15 A MJIOI: RRMHmiSPELIfMTW SELTIW 3ARRPF3. R GM4EfE6iMTM.IMRµIQNE0.'SEMRAYEOESIPPPOPNARm[1pIME%AMPILSFAWX,µO Md.®ERPF. IFGVAEARA WELGRPY PWREOµM nRMµFM K6ETALIW,pONTVSEYEad MFgVXm RG'RVMIr CMPEnnYEOR PPW EmVGUX1EEPINLKSEpUfMSFAYM. MNLOTMEDMd nm ANDDPoSNWNW muxuMR. LRE£M3EAWLpq MIMFYmFGXO D. ON3Y5N0.1NSTARE MRpINEwRpMXGW 6Xd L GINE. S ALSE 1PYNNREExRMXmALLowONECIIww MxDmEIµDMM D. GEMFDIOCAPERMNWFSEPNRANWSlIIMMA35.MEV. PMIpXNMROLpVNMR:pfp MXD]TSPEOFGTKKI EELInN10 GTmMYA.."oMOUSSE <lppGMAiGµO WNXIN FMIPEYp$WpIEMMµp GlmdXiSIMW }SFgIKL5L0H 6'L pgGPGR0. ANCIS.TpBIIWTW Int RRMXWRYEOixARg1YLTW YgnVE3mfl LINE61GlER1XW l:1 F µp DMNINIMES A. SipM pMHIXIET MOTECTGN: FIRFPBI6IHSERFMOFPMJrE6 FpWVKpR. xLTfFXR WRAFOOM NR""uA°M" r`MEµi aMArru�reEl�REpwn�MwnwFmr�mTE�rnxq°i MANwuRGNWNIr Wr Nwwm X. FLMRIGG:IGMXWFSMOPGMMEKIOX3bJME21PAW,W0.TppmLiDiCIC6, 5TMWIIXUAR, ARRAN, mMMMgMMLY EFFKIM,µp.YE gILYm YI15E0,If1TN1,IX VfµLOWiltlM, ww.SEOM ARMS PRENTS-EARTUDDE AL NOMINATION A, dAMIHESNEµDIRH1IfYpp'IIX6iGMPESTINT CCMNWRroEMWWXEMETµLFMMICMH4g1 IME N. fGNP6m6MAi6Tf%IDETPmyBLF. AAmVMISNM SmEWMMpIR50TMTmIL YFfNiSME MM WGSEDFMME MINIMUM MXXIMIXTWE. 1 COMMUL ACTANrMmAxMXrs F gM WAT N mLLNKM M4ENX IMNW A SrME MRMMEERI MUNMRWEMTHESWPPP AND ME RMVWWENISMME MAPS MEOMrs IDENTIFIED IN ME EWPMµD M Md MEET MEET BEYIFCRD, NSTMLED, AND MMMNNEO IN AN ... µN NXLfKIMLMµNgMATG IX KGOBMXM ARM RE.SNW UfKNMp ..I..µpKd . MFNXEFWXG PRKMSER HRMM E(FYExndIFMCIRE 1.iME PYMDTE RNAMMRAREM DIMXEMEMANPWM.SR Wn5....TRVCIIMMOODG YEGETAXVE WRERSWNMgGpMKEIDPE60.mING, IXyECIMMµp MMXRXµW OFpNRNL KN p116PmµMDLMXPMETRf nMTMIXIMIIEKLOXA5HEa5SµYTOmMNY WIMM6MPMRµp ARM' WARMMnE MEFENM IDX EEIGHMTOBEC6TUP0m BEGrDWNNGRDIEO, MIMMMI, K NEOFNLTFFXCEfRI LOMEPROIERSGEMEMIEWTKX IIZMEPmµ Ng MpSTMMIM M XEECHMUgUDI .IF,gldISMMEPPNERMRTMAVE.R 51pEAD M WMEDARFA ONMVMMDBIGNED,MEEP EYIMUSTLLPEDNINGMDUµ %VNXGMfiMEYIMnOX PgMTCCOCI6Xm FC0.9FM5wpCRi�YDPE pW XIXGµpMRRN]XGI. I. iXEPEIRIA.IRIMUNN TGKNTANT 01LMEASUNDDpIMSpp91M.N.N,WIWMW MAST M INIM1Ep IMMFGIV6Ym WRmDfMHON WAµMPMN WµM11LnpN/MMIYXAS MMIEHRYMRMmRM14YCEMM W MrypLRTCMpiME5mµ6 WLLHpFpFSMEFIW AMNCO FOR G Y W plpM NYS, SrI&NMCN MART RE MAYIEIEp XO GRq Mµ U W EICM MK iAT WYTpMIYIXTMi MMKK1NTE51FFHMRMPoRWLVMPEPAFµEXHY RAND wAm6 EMT EMAIMME RATER RiNE SPELFlEmv pAAg W EM M MMAL PFmVR� NG P W IAOLGAMD'RIMY IN SRIRIpNS WNXG9m F6X51gMMH6TIME SAI FNpEEpSNLMW MRLNF mFERRME WAR0.'IwGEµ00PdFNmMEEE WATERMVST WMIIEIEME SrµILWNNI /L1MIE5 WnXIXM WUM WAINLMFPFSIPKFIpHFERIpGRMPWµY51'pspIIES WGNOIIfMGXIfIFAM EM1i,aMADP4µK[OMKHENRIEG. CLFAXPGGPEWRSRX.pIMSDEMWIIOX WXGE}EE}O:.IflLE§ YNpSEDdXlµlµp MF mXSRDRm BAK [CMPD1D11EW ROVq IAMXG1pF5MDNMIIMXM.YM¢ AMERMMFPW MRPwgpEMENTBm MusTY wcaANAITrtMrx vAMMcs. 3.IFMNGSEMMMAMRCCXNEr MK HEIS,MEPEpWTEEmn MNTDADXMEw.nF TONNE WARNMWMO V.LBA DREW ONMESMMproPFOISCEEpOSKKLWIESS wFEALBIEME MAMRTMRIMUiT Ug EM9WCCXm AAC,Ag,,,AsMMTDMYNGRNCxASOIEGWN, NGMOSPARS,pIPMP,OR GM DRIWATWTIETs WIMINAMDN GMEUMTM CONSTRUCTED MWWAWRWXYEI0.YLEmANNEEMDATANY...ro PRMKAMDXWis . Wm]CI,roSIAND NEDSMMRE.N.. EAEMMXµHMIzdMFR, ADNCENISTPFIM WE2.SIORSµD W WNSTPFAM WAn0.5 WPIX6 dSLXAMEgNIpllgYs 3.n1EMMRRGFTCHOA MAATOACNMK WERmIFMMEMROFAMTEMMTMpYAPERMAHEM dWXIGEdrAASWMEMRT PWXS WARgIgOMAµ PoRTMX FME(ORM,ILINMFMR.MONgR WM FROMTNEwE,ECIACmWWREi FRLMMF EMFEGIMERAA1RpAMgMW gwtixC£MO/M'wMKE WARP.STMNU.nW NMEIAtENOtWdLFERMUfTM WA%flEp Wl11RN]I M.AI' MAFGAXNEmMmASUPFAM WMq AMAEpry FWE MMPMmEUMMALLCwNMEftnBllvnnAMMEYMAWAM WMIOMOf AMRMMwvA M Wars AswuFswMlxuwMnM MRAmRcpxxErnMroAwMi¢wARnA PPUPEXIYFCGFMOCONRPULTMX IXMAiPoglgl Of MEdLO1MMRMNMMLYAMRMMFMLY apup. 1EMWMPYApNIMAXEMmpCORSWY6MpiME BqW I6FDKANMMEMAMNXMM EMNWNMNfi ANSMUAd11W11N EW 111 MIXYRU.EW,WDRdCNLT BERG MNKDTOMNRxLRpgRYGMERMPFLMYPGIOD W IRUNMAEFDIMFMmMMHMEM SRaM. MEN MMS Mlm M STANUMp M1MM N MOGM MRR NO LOADER BUNG IXw M A NOMEM mXCNXNEMMIEM. RPHYM6 MUICX, MAFAU U15 iIOIFIEq, mLYKPNAVIG m MMIIM FML51D1 FXEKXd}I pgKMFS M IDFRCRMRYf $TAYmATW IHNNMPTMARMmMMAMPMµxfFpRVNAGEdf[XORfiNNE 5. PIPE WIIEISMUNYPNIIWD WMIIEMMPMYORPERMMEMFXEPGgCIPAMAV WnMXNXWµ 6. LXIEE NFWWMDUEMMIX Pd 'R'WGRAR .,MEPERMRMERIMUETOIMR DiS GCEWMWµmVEGETMDMWpFME5IE1MaUMMAII.MBUMEMIINPo RTO IN�WEMUMMRMMDMMIMGENAMWRMRMEILTMTION. MFAERMIE AAAFMNTNE IYDISUAAIpHpkNR51FNECF.SSMYTOApGTMERWOH WNEX pIKNN65MYWARgm YEGErMFp AMAi NODES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (COM.) G SEMdANT.LMPCnCES 1.� MEEMCDXF0.DLPM MMUSTMINIMMSMMWWMEN MNGSURFPRWARKWWDINGa1RBµ0GMFRR53F MD W SAB ITR. TMIMAREFFECTINPMMpHEMMWXIGE MFG16µp6LOIMEMY61MMpiME WI6XEp KPMFOFPIPFA]MEMMFEMMWME EM COMPOL PPACMoA ONHFMARXCPMAEE FMXIE CW MUMS. ]MF mWXGPeMEMMG]MFMMF(IA 60VE11LOKEp,p➢pmplMLUmgApIEMSfpMEMCWFIPOLPPKT65MLL5rM SIfO RMNMIMNET FVERV MINIMA ME5MD/LL$GB U,I gOmIWISIFYTXFSEACNR PEUNC W. AIH MCC MNMNXSHFR AGW MINIMm GLLFPHp/m GVW6,MEFESII4LOEX0 YXYOXFXSwPE NH6FXM6PGlEP Mµ AfFEi FOP5mPE5 WIINA6RYE CP 3'.ipPSRFPE0. . AA FRE WALL WWXGRPWEMRMMENGYfOMAMUWMDIEMLµppmLWXMG ACNNXrs BGM. MCF MILnaS 51V1LPWKXIXMAR UMILMtFL wAYUGMXXASxENE51µU•NN. 6. MEPMMG OR Ii RINMATMM E MENTI M PRAMCCW nPDIUM MK W0WRSNMRifMAKDUMDAD UE µ[IFMIXGOPLAINBIXG. pRpA .FOFYEMI[IFS AHYSHOPT-MpMK1MIYMLLST GF (MAp1E1mµ WNnYµPWIBMµpME YgMFMmNNGHMKMADGE ALME}p115p IMMNMRLYKR0.MFFL11MYxfflAPlfTF¢IptYE0.YMMEM CCNdpL I0.KTCCMµiYM9M RROMMENIXr MOPATONMPSDUMXIFME.LLIMFIISNJCCpANEIE. ]. DTIX p0.NHIXMRMI6TY ENO lO ED MOINAR6MPSpUMXREDN". CnfMLWIILNLYMIMEµ1XPpFFXOKfLP XGmMEIMETMHNEXSrµINEN EOR OTHER IXYKNM AMBIENT CWpLLRa 1EM RM UDI l0.'IIG6MUSTMYESILr FENCE OR MCUEfFEOSE SEMCOXFmISµDLVNpFKPWF MANE ARM AxauDlMSTaMR wARICOMRYMWswmpscuMANpsIRRR svREMx AcaxWlrs ANpmAK sTmvMsxM MOCRELNIq'MV0.FP MAY. MCEP NSI E NOM5yy1LMA0M110NPLLre[cO SIPLL.EnYMI MCPMpMuuBE 6rpM1®ATMA 9WM51¢EE IXGWSEDIMFMFPWMEMNSMUCMn MEMMSCMINIMVEDRMWM MSRNEM6,COM0]MMEL A OI NUNNEXC 55MMI STREfl2 M LAC M S W EPr DNLY, D. DOWERINGANOPwNgwxxn 1pLWA1MMBWNOWNMGIEG.,WMPNRSOIMGC,]MNp MMCYRNPOMINKE)MWEDmMEC016rRUMON KTMFY L4YMUEMNIDDRXMMEMGOENpSCNAKEWATM MURIEDldM EDTOARMMRAWMPGMM'EM YMMFMA]bN NONMED ERYRWHENMRFW[BY IF FWARPGNNO EDGE EDMA5mIMEMAMNOIIX Mµ ENRFRRMEMCDVIXGWA MORD N5]IFKALWm LiEWMMCfCp MUSTENs PEMTTDIYMRGEMg ME µNAV.RLYMORLRDFIIDMYDSM MDS000R.MEDIXHMMMN]MI6pEPSFOGYENM ROCXRIPM,,y DMR{ FMd Vd GORMH TQ MDME TIDO ONMEASNRC IMA MMMM MMMMOIMEASUNESMEMWIRM 1,MLWPMMNOMDEWATgMGGNWNDRMNINOM] ESMUSTMDIS WEOIHAMANMg WESXT NUI Wa OCAROMSE"ENCESION IN ASSUMED OMNNEIS DI W TAWNELICK d4PIR5, M INUNMTW IN WE]MMq CWNX6 y6NIFIGNC PfNERMMIWARro ME WFnµp. E INYEmW5µ0MNNTENµa E SMEWiMR ORMUNR=NFLYIXYERTMCDIESTpUCTMN OMMMWEDhNMR l¢KYryEmNNRI NMO Ou0.E Nnx p 0.NMNL ESFM ¢PFATEB MAV ps INGES M v Mn BE I.MUST BE MMENEURROU THI MRAPPRIW KTMMR[A Wam WMN6 CM6TM1CInHMUNMRE06Fpµp TREY M(LPrs' 3. WMMESCAM, go, �LIY'16MME STµIURDApOWMi.YYREWMDroM RP ROBERTSLWIWWW[ NM BNNW#K¢DP OYEM MASON GmONDPoUOPPN41µPECPONS MAYALSO M wYENRp OWL MF.W ATME BOB OBSCURE, A EPIMAMMXIW µANUG MEM [CDMA BMMMUNBEINYECSmmEµOM UFFINGERS' ANDEMCIM1EFIEC ALLMWNNCMXEK COMPS MOST BE OPKRm, REPLACED, OR SUPPIFMENMOMMl1 FUNCTIONAL YAPS ME WNIMtrGM16TIMS1WpR IND COMPLY Wmm ME FOILOWIXG INORICUM ANDMHNMXpxCE BENDRAMEND R,ULMLSEMOM MUSLIMABOARD. MPGRDwM , O0.PPIEMEED WNEHMY N BECOME MWNCTIONK OR ME MM OENT REAOIH LAMME MEMNTMMC STB ME FENCE MEXPNMUE MADE WIMIN MXWM OF OGWMM,, W "AD MMP mxOMWSNLOM AcaSS DTFMMWYAND PEWµEMNgMEMRnON MAINE MUSLIM DRNNSDANDMENpIMEMMMWmYMEN ME YPINT W NgMEM61EfLRp INMEMNN REACHES MMFSTCPAGE ROSTI MURDER AND A.. MV5TY0JgERp WRNIN]i XWµOiOmOVEM.ORASfCOHASgFW mXpxMiLS.WOVI KCES. YM4�wMKEwARµ IDEM G gWNRGE pMNESANp LpryFIAJII MTEME. MUErMIISFECIEO FM FERTILE MYpwENT PoMWRDMFIIG9ax. ME(OFIMdq MVC'NA-S pLLpaTAS AYDYOMEMpEM'GmlxwMeR wpl0.{ a d W xKf wAY( ul[N RRLK. FNp MET q W TIKE sKRM; Axp RESTABIVME APFAS wxERE YDIMNTMM W AL 0 DESIR ADICEINELUETAY, M pX9CULA(OM NmE61MMlE. ME WNIMRWS MUSTIMSEE WE NEI USE ALLREASOXµR EROATE ORFIXKR{S IF OEa REMWKµDMANMAMIX MVMTNF nK IMSTUN SEVER WEHIAN MYS OF OUTLINES ACCESS MF 2MNMTDp A AE51gNDURIE MRCOMAGTNIALL IOGI, REGIONAL RAR AND ENERK AVMOSTOAND MMFA AMMNGME KAMM, d CONSTRUCTIONS NO MM rOCMVurnI6AMwnKK SURFACES TRAINED SEdMENTM�BE NMOVEO FROM PAT EALL DISEASE NTSIIPFA6.5, MATTER N HEWµCF EXVDhNOTHEOMENT MACRAE D CORMETOR IS MAINFRAME FAME MENTON AND MASTERMINDMMpY µp MPMMEMWATER WRM' MANAGEMENT ARM W Mp EI NKMMAON.DSmIMFMMNMMWK.MP WMTMNMMEVMAIIL W ATME APPI MOSTR7 W X1ML'!A 6 RfIPF6Nl£ Mf O W HEP�EMMP. XN KXIMGp mMRpL AC<OPN NG nl PhR KL AgG3 M ME A MW NMBMFIFMALLYMM=ORMESMHMUNRMONEFMMNAMIWTFIµOANOFRMMMNWNFNN MENTI'GIH.K6MM'a'MIIIMFMCFgIpEIpFHggw INPAMLEIm ..x NDIMEMEE04E5MROx MWsM,gF.EIIEKNMUMTI WUDMWMUNBEMMOVm IXAM MMO MAMEWEXGWPROEMTOMINIMGEOf IMPK MR..NGRNESEDIMMIHMREERCWLOBEWAENRMOSTMM EWEREIY ME NMwNMm/aRa EAm w row DENMKMn ) S . ALLINIE AMEASMUNMINYELTEOMEMMETMTNONMMEMFRFAOWOMGCA6TNCWNAPNNIEBG0. INGME iuLTMTOHRLLTMMNESFMEASMEMJIECI®MBNA mMPKTW WEm WNsiPVRIOx EDWPMEMpM91G ASMEIxfuTMnFIAREA,MW NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) PANERA BREAD DEVELOPMENT -SITE INTRO. F. PoLLUMYIPpFVyrtlWMµµEMFMM m PDRUSE. TBD XNp ]MEtgIIRKFpRSXALLIMPMMEMMEigI6M1X6MLLVpON PPLVFXIIgiMµWEMEMMFASVRgCxmEx1F: PROBA CT SpIIp11W 3. AgVIEHNIW XG, µppIFPFMLOFCOXSrRIK11W MOpVCIj MMEPLUS,µp W/GIES:mEfgNIMLTppyVLL(CMpLY'MINIXE 30bMUMGC/q MM, WN RM W LIIYMXGSiµpMGFTOMIXIMMmEtlbDJRETO STpV.IWARARµvOFmEPPOpVC15, WiFIVN;G WA516 MbpLCEBM .ENTER NId NpFASNRRG6HlRMIM1KK11451UMNArt0.0PANOgWXEpIp EE FFTGG40 RI ErdIMWARRMF mE MLPoSEOANEUAOENTIN PUDES WVSABO UN NPSH6 Y111IINCi TNEEN55MACH AN, dWHMOlELM RSL W. ry1x51RERW gµM4Ery, MWNSHAN ED FWFGFSORYNXGSE-hNMT AUNAMxr WI1gXB,pIOfG WIM.t6�,f]EpSVPFA(E PA46YGIpF. TINEIFHW XBFMELpNODUCTS UPEMEM: CONCRETEMASAN5AAN65WME OOSIINdXCRFEENRBMp GU1TEM µD OTHER ASSOCIATED MOST ME ANN UER PARNIN ME UNSHADED ANNE C, MEM Oi MINIMLL FLGOgNG a. BUILDING PRODUCTS LfR MVSTWUXCEPCOYFq IE.G.,PVG]CSXg11MIDE, MWPOIXLfiFRMA SCHARGEMRXMLro F NCIEDa RWNI iOPNWNFmEgXXMGEOFPoUYLµNORPWFEC1Ep WAyMXOXLYEFFE[IIVEMMVSp(y6VEO TOMWIMUEWMAC} WRXSTORMWARP. WE PAC. BEE WES XM INCOE YRS G MU]ORK CR MCHEgpCICLL SN.B 3 µD N61MF.. EXpNY. R mRGRNEDYD, E, NSnOORXRPIONRINSERIC DRFEMIURij1RFMMprt(IEMI µp WI COhpIE.G, gppE "WMNXpIRC01WLLL WA]FMIPp NRIWG RNA MN' WRRRMWL CgIN1 WN MEMO wrX1ERNG MEN M NOLOU FICMRIRpS. .1 PUNCHED IN N.N.Xpq RMEENTSMTE TXGORRMPoPMI0.WFMi0 PPEVFNFMEg5dM4FGFPOLLMµ15pP PPprt[IEp OIBMIERFG]MA.R. OF NWARPPoNENNFEEPERNOWN KIIIImE mBA CELGNF'TOMNIREAL MMMTWON1' ..Eft NDAL6NFAM1µOMNMSONANMNNNN ,ANNANNOUµµrLLpPLNM]XERN@RCWpµpgyNEP FWgA T(INWGSgLEP0Y0NµOMIgMRKLLIrtµRIHMESfpRM WRhp WMX6[pNRVCRLHpf TRSpE c HA]MLOUEMARPIFEREWATMAEANNES,IN.COESELWq GUAIND.1 Yp0.µ TI FEE, 1Pl.lEF,PNMEWVFMS,pElNJ1FUµM5E0 TRADN'OWLOOPPF.1VTHERDH EM'gNPoX6fO. T BE OMDWSWEp[OMNN m WE STXRM WA]FA PgLmpX PR`WWA Nµ µELL ODINF ME pMMRpHEX.S OF ME SITE AND ME I OFL<N61gVRpH M pqW; INCLUDE A BR 0..W WDBUDTNLl ANVEMSPIVS ""AOWMpGd R NAHANMCRpNQ651pMGENRMMVApE MOYEpWRIMEVFNNVµGWSM. SigAC STORIENREAS; µ0C6Po5ALOXALPWW WMRpXMAppgRMMFN.LLSMIRrNNCCM%IWGNITXYINN.0.d.NI51X1VgNG =EE ME CONSgIKNON,FCH`UI SAME WETRE MM NAL K -TO CONTROL EpOyCx µD IME RUSFAZ OF ADDENDS INT ME STMM WARN IXOGTE AEDWARD TO N ED ENSURE WET ME PMgEZRNABR FG ASF IMPIEMENRO µO TO MPP EVNUAR ME EFFECTMEAND W TH, NUTCBW SFECfSSRYWMNNMEMMMpUGME. µo'N'MONOX µ-POLLYLANTS gEOV%W PAR. WE SHN AND RI pKGgR THE N.IIMWq.MpI HUDSONpWUIND ro XEV.,I. EPINCfF 6 XUD NMN.0. SLBES]MEGWELEC]EDMDg45ROOPAI}NLD INCOIP.1 MRMWARRIMPA AMRWNTMKEIM. e TONSTSATE CA55. TONSTS NUST THATNITH mEYMEONBECLAS FIRED, ON LNLLXOF6FTPoEppgNROpXR.yNRMYWASRMVSi NORMWATEPPOWITON MEVEXIIdIFGHIWDMEMMIOI HE CAPD gWSAgHDPWLYINR IN ACCORDANCE NA AN. HID, PVH (pGOIHAMx,. 1 fIkVXGµOMMMEXM[E OFMXRWTM ENICU EREIN VEXICIE MydTg THE WEOI FEOP CID ORLEADMXTOXµp PROAMAG5T5 ENEF � NU. CAVIOAWS INCLUpING TH01 E UPA OF pNpFANS.1 �ASREHIS UPRORS WEADIFRYIX BUSH MONSWMFEE I EARLDNTEITHISM EKEAND MWRGl6]NESTONM W NPOLLUTION PANEMCx PVx pVppEpPoCOLLERUWOR. TXWW M6UG gNNERANmEMNMNVNCF PFRV. . COENNMEMIx HIM FEMg1E BURETS® CCMNNENSURMIE FOR USE UNDER MMpMEM DURING ENDING OFMTgN.K4pF/fIE.TMWAMMEEIFT MUSTECI MUSS IN ACOENXED ARCA TWIFAIMGUDEE ME PERENTMEM OF mE M3TMTME NMNUNMEP MWgEIWEWONSµDMONRWK Dmf ANNINMN,ANF CLXRN}MTOgOdGSIN1NESMMWARq PoLLMON P0.MNpgl plµ,µp MERMEN MATAR'Y O4WGESTOME CONSTS NNIEG AN MCHANDry AATEAAWACNNN WIIONANYEXTIM MUD NEVE RgOGTEWPPUKMEAVNTANEATAUTIMq TO DEAN UP DISCHMGEDIMTfPI.LLS MOnATM ANROMWR A,,KDENI, AVApMIEMRNfAXERWSNDEp MAThWANERES PIRN. AHEI5 EPCHERMTMREPMTµpLIFMNVPSx1101MMfOARLY BYMNN.NNA}SORM L UON6p%gFµ UPMO3Mq WMEXE E EER MOTE RIHWpM,SMNF S AND VFXNAEµOEWIWEM WASXIHGNEYEXqFORAD11 WEXi WpDMG GIllGWEOAT IROIKTBEy INDUWIfiRW XCLUMTROro CHAM, SrAGIXGOPEM yTELCGTON: 4. CONAN AND OTHER BIOND EWA5R: ME AFp1AITTFEM MUST PNMq g3EgM WMNNMEM FOR MR UEND AND SWD WASTES GM.AA.. BY WAWCAUF MIIOM(WXGflE.sNOO, p.SIM,MpMRELEA5fdKWMNGCOMFWNNµDOOq CO6ERWDW TNf PURI ME X MPMOMARY I.SS ACRE, ANW ADN.AY AND BURNERS yRNW OS]NOTAT SSE W NIX STREET, CHAMBERS, MINNESOTA IN GRVERCWXIY, AmXOUTWPENIpµIH 1XECOMNHMEMMYSTN06 XEOdSpOX P�URMFfAYL1mE WRE.59OYIOPfNT1p16pp ARFM.MN%YpO AVp sWDµASTESMDS]N=MW =CH CYAvuAx[E wIm MCO.RIIIRASIGx MU$]REIXSTNIEOAOIMFDroEV:I wAVTourfMgrcTMTREWNEssnEPN6WxELA uTIMRmE PRGGiMU1lgfG g9YL4LacpxGERMoorxuwABwvr WERASTFS.WGSg SIRD.A AVNFCp TINNAM EMfDpFFU4EMg5T. AH%ON&IEUICXmx]IN qLM TLNMN OosuxG,wMLEWRTERMuowASR,xmsE,TPAM[ Louiwx NNOOTMR vxAgEmxpoEMnaxsslwLaF W WETEOMR ovH. A.Of mE MNI AIRE PAD E", 1. NXNAMI. S"...OAKAFlq WN�MWRFONGWMNE]E.IXECOORACTOREMLULMLIGWTNEpPOEVRFLBWMpMPMi SgpN WMFpNW.WWEM WXEROS I. ALLSpRDDNWMGKTM11q M1XEEIEE MRYE BEEN WNpEIfpNNp ALLmIISMII5fBE5]MII00ryAVNIfCPM NPFHNVL X GETNWECOVERMNTSCHO6MOf TOPEPCRXSECONOEENMFPFWAUSygfIRMRMpTXMAWMhO MVNMEMMEAXS RMPOWAYµORRMµFM [pWOX[WIROMFAWRFE: OS4pYTO PREVEM50RFNOMF UXWPEpW'h CMWpW5IN0; I. MW EpNMNOR6TRUgEpApROMWA FROMMESIRMRRCOISRVCTONSO PS MLLSTNSLANVRDA REDUCE ERWIW; AIEf W WIBUpMyW MGSURq IB50FEN ]NYBRD6pOW µDTIEIOGTOGOTIfy MFAWRgMESMpNx OXTEAnAfXMEACGS1 CCMppplµ, m6 PRWERSLLIISEA WMBEpOMY5 T5T MDM fpNIpOEA61MµD5WIRZM.1Xp5F HAS NO T. ALLRMPCPMY SYNWEM,MDSEN11DVpMg NMfV MMOSWMEMC LBMNMMKMMWEOMpMI E EMfINALSTAMNATON. JM PWOBAGINUTPPdECTOX ON BMOONS.MORMNOSRODAAL c mfWMPMORMUS}OFA gEDLgpMEMFROMCpNVO.WCFsµOMGARMPOAPY 4gMFMATW GSIXsmpTMETON U%DMPSMMEMWA]FROWNYMAN®.EEDMLXSNLLMEMMWPFST =DMFN%EMEFM UN WASXM BIT. PAD RpONNSiRUClIO1EMpµ¢IpFROrypETMl53%1 IMO]NEGSIN, WXSEWXgSGdI.VXME WAKdbANINGLKy1FENRIMRF/R µMFR Rf OFANODOf FFPMAXED M9MEONENSVfFlC .CHUNTMM9XTOONNNWMEY. ]Y UlCN M51XSE01MENi1pMM0.DryCETF85M]M DE TENMRANSIIIENIEN.PMROTgN AS CIEMIW NETAA PCL THEA, CAN N FOU MOFmEDEBIANDR A NFMPh TWva0.MrMEAPIRNAFTm PEM1µEMMFAAIRNMW NM LKT.WEo. H1EiWIGWTAMFMMDESAS MMMGSEAM DMMDMEASMNG[ORgUCIpX: R ONN WI RAPo0.MYSEpIMEM(pMIMESNUMRESTUT MF ]OREMUXMFFRMMFMMNGUpES MEAOMRMGRWFNDSVRFACCESE, AES WOUWtMK D9DYp5O45WEBJRfARi5TMI2fEPfMEEGMpEMOyHIW RI p{SIURNDARG µ9NOKGKAAMIIR 3TGFAI531 CF NFEFFS M1i .FBI ..11.1 Tan BEETRWNMWxMOF WEIR EGY WBETE SMT ANI NEWAR EGY 1fMMNENNUS FNTMt'NMOIPIM HAS STNLEIglgllfS ]GK IIETNE VxDELWFPMNIGNMLNIHIMONMCOAALENOIFSTTEIi IPPI1GBLE. RRMMEM RqM W AEFA MANAGFME NT SYSRM MEPFXNES E DOOF"IAUDE Txf vXWERmTUT ALLsrORMwMu oISOIMG[4FRq.1mEPBOIEGFWNXDINOMIFR WXRMIETIW KThB.ORON F.ANOYMAY Of -WATER NEAT STMDMN,INDUONG NGWXCE 0.Wg110X; ERON. N. .H W OS/LABOR PXWERFR OR A BMNGNT ASSERSE IMlACTTO WETAXO WRM BY INUXGTW ON DESFAA CEfLgV/. AENWXTEEED. EURI APEMMVFMMOGWRNR MXIMER@E SNFE. MEERNGFS MWNEMENR OF THIS PML G lv THE NWEETA WGROIN A3VNM%TON YWEOA A HAWAII MUXXWLLiFPRMR STCRMEEWEA M)TEM NN)PGM R MO THAT PERMRMNESGWBIW NMAXEMIRGIMER NWIRWENRFNT INDOl 1.ME PMUOpM WE PERM MEEIM Cµ WMPEY AN WE PE..TRAI NWWWEXNEA.WINEp UNDER THE NB VERDE IN TIED O ME PgMMENT MEAN EM REQUIREMENTS OTM6PEWX MXSTWCTW ME: s11EBARBARA AND UFITIYCC161NKTOX 6 NMOPARD A BFGIX IN WE sppM4O WY RANMMNRION CF ME DE I NfAU MSB. COMMONERANNERMUSLEEPROWD, AGCNFOWIOLENGWMWMPWfWMp MDBYBUVNINRXRCCGvgUTpN Pp3LCTXUMORBRTNESECANDFWEN,iDE]. RIE WTDECODROLMEAWRN APRLVEMEPMXIXSFgNiXRfRGN MANXG%WRIXEPoLLOWK WNNiLLNU40. %LiRME/EROSKrylgii)pMMIg11XEd BWpIXANIFpNIXIGNENNER)GOMWIDMWOMgM+EGRROXENNM DMUALMUME1GMNgOLS NANN NKAUECFN WNNNNPgMK9AENT.A. NOXOMWIONLLMG[NCEN ONE FRGHTER� GMM NINSCANNDg16A RAHENB WIIMRM-HATY%' WN gEXf.3dMEMNMJVAL NpNRFp WNq NO'MFMSpFMII/B}XEXDGMOTIE WR. YAPB W RFRkMO/M N)IEHV WRATW KP flNMSTMYO/DCNMERRXMEDUARd6rNW5NFp1]DM1 )ENI EY.NMDMFAS'IIX EW ME, GwsfOFASUM.VF WAEEAMUSTNNRYL®Ep 4RP1NW)GKMRRmECO15AWTd1.EdMryINTBi POPdMIDf TIEOIEXIS MMMRnrGPBNIMfxpr o M)MNEMWMERMLG0.AIID.TXE"WEMEOINLRENEOEDMp HHEMASO BDpq WTXGRAND.N RR)X.W3)DLGWMENMRLEXRARp0.p , O RXIWSCONMOLWNNMOPMRIDGS%FNLBEINNNIFDiBMUM9 NGNf . NA AEKNWTIESIMMWNq WWEEWS=o.BAU A NL NLE MEEEgUCNRES.LNINSTNIFP GTd OWNYMEMBEOEWUMINsrNLDUE SVAEMYMDIERIX PV¢UNIItmEMdFRISMMPIElED.4LMEMRR WLNPWpVEpSO W[OEpO WMd%ThE WAOM1dREIOIFA iCIE01LNPYAINNLL0f5EI&L®WRXhBIXIMgY NF0.MULOTµONp)IIIRR WRMIX)MKiPLMMEBR WMNUCTSNThTYTAi OFARUMFSIDOPN. g MLLNMRNODEDWW RYUCATWMpMpBAEd MNEEDEP `hNTAAE WRFI6MLLBEMNMNXEOATTIEMYMERRNmEEI1E. MADDINGMWOMSXOUWIKMUW.RXORODMMNGPETRNXMGWNEN6L MMEIPNWGERWNX, WXNMINWEXSRNiCF W11N3'EdN¢MGMWR WERGEDFABL[FMMC N1MyIDµ05WpWAST36ENEM1MBYdMgE}E W45HWTORMTg6MIGT NWMNNWINALEVFPpppFCOENNMFMiM ORIMPERMWRUNE0.A W PKRp WYUXMTWiOLq ENA NDFM WA9IDIEDWIMTp EMW GdWO WAThp NUNNdRpµ IMNPA¢RBDYXER. mEMRRM NM MU MMBEGMEbMT EIRMLLLLWIMMUNIILMEWENBMXGWARRSMDISRABNQFD. ALLNWi RO WMRWRNNEMLLBEC6ROEDMDNCREDIXASENPELLY...N PAROABLYAWOMBMRNWMpSTMA EM00LGLd GY. NRTRAW A3AWXRRUCTONDEFURED WN pEPGMEDIXmEWMPSRRATmEE.ID .SdGYMDWUMEMRIEOMNMDOE, XCDWNRULTRAIWRNNSyWRO WNMO}NIE. AVCENNDyNRpM WANE W MWAGEMEM[CMpNW WILL WLLERNLSONRMY WANE NOM W WADE VXRS GCNpYNNENXGMDSNLLCCMML ppACRRBNICUDNPoIlONE01OMIXIMIIINCMM WARp6HfWIMTLN. MAINTENANCE ALM&9JXLSSTAT DgImGEWFIpVµpSPPMpr(GNIpptPW1, N611XTXE33LRM WATEp PGW11PV ppgtMlglplON.yWLMMNMNHPoIX NLLY WNC)gXN CON.pMxFMNSTAYVMTONpf Mf 511E.NLERWKxµpSEpNEMA3pXC4MRIXNEAWpg9WLpfdEOipMpGWIFFOpEfKM Ri1F/5}pNfEgERYffYFN WENCM GKpMNE3NINMXWMg3XEFNDOfAPAIXFNLLVFM,µp9NXIMMpfµEpµOREI.LNMINMLpMXR W3q TiE fGLWNXG: L WIET FApIFC11g1 GtY[NµpypRIF1G9WLBEMPNM00PMPL0®If MkYSMOLV9GMOf VNCERMIXIXE,0R9ULLMpFPd4plf TlgygW5NH5pf pE1FP10M1RAV. L NRSE bMFKSMMLBEpEOFDRMUW6M-MATAGDg -S GMNMNNEL.MG55MWWMiEp3MDMDRE MDMNEOM 3. SILTRN MS UR6NkTMO RMIGINOLCOM11110NSppMSRGED..MLMSMNRBERFMWEOFRWmENL RNLESWHMRREN]pSWETUMMOXEMNf RF MFGNf Of ME SILT fEXCf. l ME(plslpVLgNEXgMg5L1NLN WURNINp WA(pIg110X WXIp WILLPRftEM10.5IXNGOPiWNOi MVDgfIO WRIICMLNRIX-WAY.IMX1MY Mg11M NNOgf RP pR®NG pF TS [0.Y5Tp V LTIOX FMPRH.25 M LOMg11pN5 CEMNIP S TFTMRp3XNMFpMNX6MO51Dp3(ERR OM MNPIIXGWpCWONICH ISVITMIEfW P0.WXGµDSM0.WEADiL5 M9YREWIREpMIA'LfiM Op®NGpimE MPDMRY pMMX6M[OTg11CM5pfMMP 0 ECgpMF WTSIDTHEILrypg INmESFPMEMMRMYMSHMyWLMMUMNHEp IXMFMLCWLCgVppKl6 ATMLTMq.SEWMfMINMESDNMFMATOf MSHX55MRLLXOr SFOMEDMCN UE W ERR ICV ¢. ). MEWWWWOFmES MEMATMMyX51W "-o PFGVIMLYtt11XWREUM RU53MNTWRYY MDXMHWMEMWAWE....WM .U. FWINAFM. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SEdfENCEOFCONSmUNOH 1. INRNLS ABILWD CONSIRU EMON ENTMNCO. 3. SEPMETEMPORSRY PARMNG AND SrORAGE AREA. 3. CCNSIRURmE SNTFEN[fSONNEAIE. a AWARD. NIST PROTECTION "CESS ON EtiSTNG fllE S. CIFMANDGRUBTNE SDE G BTAURFE R UCWDNOF Y. STANCONSTRUCTRN BURIMPING AND SIRUrnRR. a TEMAUD.UN SEEOECNUOEOME/S 9. INS PERRUP(VNOER01WME,"FR SEWERS, ERRSAND GUrFEN. ]0. PRIAM SIRMMANING. 11ET$rpUCNRFS. 11. PREpAAESITE FORMNNG. 13. PAVESIIF. 13. ®AIPI£IF GRAOXGRXDIKST011 PERMµEM5EE01NGANOPLpX11X6. M. REMOVERLLTEMPDRAEry RO510NNID5EgMEMMN111M WMRB�CNLYIFSIIFgMANILID BMP QUANTITIES 1M p.W IEIATELTKN NW(WHEpGw . aTFdglMlvnN N INST GmoxMBETIp ERQYpETM SAII 3FA GlO1BMIN4gMED10.V IPG[IIYpfTM S'fII.M EG NAPoMNISILLRXq INIETFpO1ECTgF CONTACTS OALEARDFAXDAWLOARgIXL. MNI G1p1CO1 PDRUSE. TBD XNp Md O]MErVINfENW. NLgKEGMprppgERMWME BURNSO 30bMUMGC/q MM, WN RM NFRSDANDgEO,MNGSTA Br.DEVX.MOMUT 3M9N RAD REANDIZNW OOH®olnP.mm M3 28'38"8 166.83 X68'08'22"8 93.19 K STATE HIGHWAY 5 MEN 0 SMIREN HMARK Nu 0 C) UTILf1Y NOTES ]u wmmDEmxrxcDDX-wMfASMVNLpFP LDutmofsA G 9G[EGPFEMJ.RHINIMMMIpTMWIXG(6EEE661M6x1EEEI. EEIC]]d/tCE6pFMl.BEHD'Mi11TIpWT&GIXIryG pRFs�}XIGS]IEETL SPPIXMEp EHMPERMp1, pWyIyEEGEilX65NEE11. MEIFPEDMM6nC W<RpSEPNCEENMPERMd, p1MFIgESRSMDEXEE¶. Jv ImEgypw4TEpmfrwl%q WcuwDRl. Y IMERIW GCC]LpW ppEVEXRgIpFp iWMBINGPWIp. E SWRMYEEWMSERNRfMRI IFEPRVN&NG PLW51. ppGPllgIGPFASEINP WIM NFOlLWE1PERPLVMBING WRi1. 31 CDHXECFIOD]SIIK W1RMYskWEpMMXdE. ] RFOUIPEMEMSN'LIpN WpEIERIUV1pEpN¢IPEAEIFCIM[fOMPANY ]60 P I. ODaXHEE'IIBXNFVNBE GIbVHDiF1EPXWE1PEAlF1EPp11EfA1PNlI MEk pEOUIPFMExi64 l]p POMOFEpXHE[IIDH{M GASEEPYIRIPfPICGyGMCpMpRW RDVIpEMFNiEI. ]� GMSERN[EPEp1OGLGpS [pMPMY. PpppazfncMMfm 314 ]CGIA'M FCpTXI6MIT'PSENOWH IEFMCMVAMMIpR1EE5BXM. COXIMwM FM4LLYENMME IXRRIM TM IN pIEV]ppKP TOMFILMIW'1Kw0FMf PpgNEEDMI WEMSCMNNECED.fMRMLfDpbW.pxgdl FXGIXEBUXG IF TIE DFSKX M DgWN IE XGE MIIEVMIE. IG FIPFMPAflMEM fLYpFC11MIPEp0.VMMMPLW54 ❑ UTILITYDETAILS ea .Mrtyvuxm DF.v]aur 6B T%GLIIIBRR TII6EMG1pHDEPUIYLET4L]Wf? ® N rnow. whars below. Call before you dig. GMW� NDT: sEE nna IrtEcrvpu %plu wP Evcr Eounwrs MD wMvwDru a V�IINYEHigMOilOGllwtl MppPE(I6E BYIEYI 6 NFSNSbXII➢MG EXISTING LEGEND AZ PROPOSED A pLL WRRRSPMRUXE55N.VLN[VS55idlEn]ilgpl %PEMGi@1gMOTh0. R NL W1rtMYYWFApXEE 51wLLY5MEryL WRHF'MX. Wt0. C [OHIR.1Cipp5XMLlNRDHRR MN pImMR W uxE,wGxrDFw4ruxE D.X —l('G— GysERNGE —x^ss— sMRM.M•xTpsfRM¢ —UGE— uxCEnDAWxDE1EwPICygNR —UGEBT— UNDg NDEEFCENCymiNFPIXI..E —UGT— 1MB 6RWXDl¢EPX]IIEEFMECE —11 i�/— WPRRSFANR U.1T. MVIYEFAN65 VT111MM¢Mpp6Epry WRIER. D FIFCIPI4RIEpHVXFµpGpt IXFFNSILNFIXCWDIXGYRNQ UNE6EIWIMCIX61pY[IFGttIME MUU ATEDMUFV fOMpP IM 65PEOFIGIICIG. RLLMU%p6yXHECibMyWLBFF6PdXq]ED WIININE F. fR6EPUEMNI E1WLFgFSiµiDXN]IFUBI]EMfWMTEM YNry.NM1EXNRROVHIUSBFFIRL¢ryFD pYRI NGINEERFROMTNENTW GW MIKNEFXPAryANpwXRpJG HIIENNMIE mm MGINEN. RiPCPttITIFGMSiPYRIgIRLP[WHECIIDXiO MYSTORMOWN.YNRMIEEWE0. WATfgM MMY µMEpNMIRIE;IXECOXIMCTCq.4µLEXGV/dE. WNfYMDfM%IMIEpLLPgXRM(pXX[QIW D Pu YNEnv rnpaMGs.wB INFMM cFI fxGIxFEMxG MD m dy] WDA90Py DF Axr cprsln M P�IAFOOEWATIOMEFPOMTIF RM.NOniN4TW N1.1LLpE1MDEAMIXIMDMMy N0.1E %Gq TD CT W. CEI f NGIHEEgING MO Rs (YEAR dML pE MDO XMMESS IX T{ AFNFRMTIXE CONEMCRP FNLSTOMANEHYN FDRFICpTOX. 6, UNUE OMFRWSEMONX. WIFllCYTOgE%OFIEOMgFg1M]MXIXYFLFNATWF:,IY WARpUNf IRIMGSSN4L8EIXSTp11Ep'MIXT1gU5TgMyX6PFRpETMR(GALL WARRUNEPoPFRFGdNGSMNLRE MTNEED PFP MLM yAILL EMGM1' 4 W ER %PE MppIXG ENAY PF IMTNIFO P@ IEiMU]& ME[NUIIATOM MmB— W MEA Y,Y3M�IMM NuMK` NVMXERRREGVIMI.RN ISLC y NJWPOfN IEPMXRM SiN15:3 TIi4 PMl]X655N15: s5 KEY MSL.IXEYmBEERFwIYFO: B Or EkSi.Mfsm NPEMOYEY: R W1]PYlPF6,AUNYRST]R/T:ffi IFOFM`M` pMIpXGXSW6- MRMRVIAD'B'-1 MRUWIm WiFFRVYN'[�3 VAOPF1RHs,6UXCERSmRIlRE6,95XPUBLlDOV0i N4FERYMpIwMGW {! DUNE -N?) MArzwM WRMED vRrnRW uxavrnMa s WARPMAo6m6nunMUMEmowWMrtRSMEASFMFMM Wp 9MU6 MmFE6 I .FIR.R0YTIYMIMES WEm OWRNfif)UIIIIry FyEMF11fYM51M 35 I31MwgEMSPILEFg1 RI MB NIHF.V/ME6 6 6 sxmmdnmEEs v v W86 U tl MEMM WIFE mMIVENII UY MFAS La�ll FRM ]M SpVMEfFEi.M WtRMI INEPFPf,MYNIQIVALLZMFAaSpYMF{F£iM M! FO MF SIWLfiEpgdAgp. AMHWUMOf 11REEHYLLYREpUIRFOfMEAO13595pIMF{EEi,MFRKTgITEREEf,Of RF��pVWIEp WgS[MEMFR. j5965lMIS]RPIOq LWU11A MMppM1EF6.C6s1�a�3]SiMINMRMM VRIKG;MEA pLGUWEY ]y]SMINIEAIMIgNp5L4LMFA / 3Y = SI MFFSREWIRF➢ MAiEwAL RFWIW IRT1 MNDANI MDIa3HMwxUN65 A AMINIMUMMSTrEE b .M3RAM{ROHEIGE6REW W.M. �M / 30.65.6 TU£SREp11W MRERILL MFMIW---------------- 5RDa5 STATE HIGHWAY 5 0 SDEB NCHMARK RXrtn dam � M� x�rlxR¢� a MI IN �uloma�favRNMR ¢. a SHRUB PLANTING ❑ a TREE LIST i&- Knowwhg,sbelow. Call, min a you dig. N ®y SFAIEMRE} HUR YEMGr1m(URµpVMiq pgRLOGIgXS W OIMEYA(IgISq XR.WR LLY TOxSµTp MPE(!SE WII➢IH6� pXWM EXISTING LEGEND J bNNUB UST SYB KEY M COMMON NAME/ Or COMMON NAME/ BDTANICALNAME ROOT WE REMARKS ROOT HW ] NOAEXM3RED OM ak M Y [ML fOEPSTq� Durrpl rvya MB 3'ML PWIIMwOA4 M ] RWRNN 1WL NMISMSIWAH a Y 35 nI YB 1'GL NUMMI O AMR 3 AVmfMXMMM RWIMmrtE' E PermsSo Nµtlltlu Cg35. IfiLL /IµFMSNOWX ® M1c:vN MR, i'Vl YJNIMMVAN U ]3 'sPR NGw�NM E MyraryoW�Irta CONS. 16Y pMH3M91pAH YR ]5'VL PNXFysXpRN ® yR y 'AUIUMXRwUMXMMgNEFR PPV F rpayulW e,::RlaRa.,MY3mm W Is•ru. nAvrMsxYMI O. 6R I bWEMRDHIIIXIPERTME V wpnWun'buearrpY pW 6'MDGX! PWrtMSNOWN wmMEwAH 52 3 SMUQ-EyCMdI 6'W GWMFfiYXNIX6M6X pRa D,FpmMnc CXEYHI PLWIASwdAN J bNNUB UST 5—J Le TREE PLANTING -0 3X PROPOSED LEGEND MNIIN1lY gilEdll 6UD9W OKRPCIEMITlr6GIL ". MCDIYEILVy PBDYCffiAI fFWg6YML[fO NLLG OYfli W9sWEFHiC GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES A ICGtEAIL UFL1116 MA 911EUD1111Xp C0W.IRB BEFgE IMM(M4' mRIIIIIDIIM RWYtl. 0. NOT{Y VHpsGMEwgIIEFCFMGE51pNiFD MP1E6YxFAlIYEM .wr uvo6r NxlaMd®mIGX ro wry NMrtlw. D NIuxE6cMEMA]wuR'WLWNGRI¢uMNEY1NTIEWNMg AVD T.W pW M PDR IMMIry gpHI6 MG & W L EDXPpM T) Mr1Ar MCtlfIWTd$ E MTMEM d6MYlDFM w3Y MA4G]NEORiDNHKMSFM@Cf SNE giplEGi 9' VLL M COMEV IFD By ilE OVSNAOFM AL Ip A W MIONII Cggi i0 TIE OMhT F. MU MNG'YIX, XDRIZ T&WrNMTMMMM,MSMEPIMTIINISMD NL VIIVilE6. D A uv DEMcxPn IWIWrIMRVRSNI MMIIMDERIMEn MD IN6r. W ED BY IflNGaIIDX CgISMCSgI, INMMrNyI CFgIGXFP SNnLL BE PfffiM91NE FM 9ZING MD MECEYM3 BIbDSgy pREyEIIIER IX fll7iOMM Mm Ince 000PR. M. IAXPoW XFMSXOFTIFHIHTIFFX6TNGPM3NGF05LWVp5,PEiIMF MXEFMD SOR MN..NG. U LANDSCAPE DETAILS SYB �. Or COMMON NAME/ BOTANICAL NAME ROOT SM REMARKS ak M Y [ML fOEPSTq� Ubmaym(xvYMYNM6m�'PVIEMSDM• (Yll, 1WL NMISMSIWAH a Y 35 gUS51AN WiI PermsSo Nµtlltlu Cg35. IfiLL /IµFMSNOWX ® 0 VpMUmd MyraryoW�Irta CONS. 16Y pMH3M91pAH 0 Mf y MMI anrMus FAME. rpayulW CCM. 3GIL IWSSYSXgVX /1 W RVIXEYFD 3IISV1 V wemrla Mlu MM. 56u wmMEwAH A W M, GWMFfiYXNIX6M6X J [n5musalabv Ymgpyu' KM. SWI IMMASwOMX O 6NB T GYIreaWiloWxnb qY wM RNC ]W FLWSy31bAN 5—J Le TREE PLANTING -0 3X PROPOSED LEGEND MNIIN1lY gilEdll 6UD9W OKRPCIEMITlr6GIL ". MCDIYEILVy PBDYCffiAI fFWg6YML[fO NLLG OYfli W9sWEFHiC GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES A ICGtEAIL UFL1116 MA 911EUD1111Xp C0W.IRB BEFgE IMM(M4' mRIIIIIDIIM RWYtl. 0. NOT{Y VHpsGMEwgIIEFCFMGE51pNiFD MP1E6YxFAlIYEM .wr uvo6r NxlaMd®mIGX ro wry NMrtlw. D NIuxE6cMEMA]wuR'WLWNGRI¢uMNEY1NTIEWNMg AVD T.W pW M PDR IMMIry gpHI6 MG & W L EDXPpM T) Mr1Ar MCtlfIWTd$ E MTMEM d6MYlDFM w3Y MA4G]NEORiDNHKMSFM@Cf SNE giplEGi 9' VLL M COMEV IFD By ilE OVSNAOFM AL Ip A W MIONII Cggi i0 TIE OMhT F. MU MNG'YIX, XDRIZ T&WrNMTMMMM,MSMEPIMTIINISMD NL VIIVilE6. D A uv DEMcxPn IWIWrIMRVRSNI MMIIMDERIMEn MD IN6r. W ED BY IflNGaIIDX CgISMCSgI, INMMrNyI CFgIGXFP SNnLL BE PfffiM91NE FM 9ZING MD MECEYM3 BIbDSgy pREyEIIIER IX fll7iOMM Mm Ince 000PR. M. IAXPoW XFMSXOFTIFHIHTIFFX6TNGPM3NGF05LWVp5,PEiIMF MXEFMD SOR MN..NG. U LANDSCAPE DETAILS 90° VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE STRIPING w RIGIDFIPE nA FLEXIBLE PIPE —❑ STORM SEWER TRENCH AND BEDDING WATER LINE & MER MAIN SANITARY :SEWER -0 SANITARY SEWER AND WATER LINE TRENCHING AND BEDDING 90' PARKING SPACESFACESTRIPING — s x mNW,aaX% PIAN S M OiRMEv oMrE i•(m1 =OPE3MM cmuwoam,. —DIME RWXRD 1 W,� `1• 03i%MpY nMµ ERPI SECTION A -A WNE'EQ E t. PR% 6 4'd9X aXgEIE WHEELCHAIR RAMP IN SIDEWAU( AT DRIVEWAY SECTION OFSIGEWAIK $FCTGN B -B CURB RETURN WITH SIDE NRB WHEN WRNRING PAVEMENT L PFpNRFOMIXIUYEMFM WXLpEHa3 WCS Z1'0.L EbIW1Y Mp% •@E'OCMI%.mgplgMRUFp ..TS NLLOERXpF SANITARYSEWER CLEAN-OUT N•❑ R apu PRp1ErnW x0aF5: v. AUMFEsgowx CNMXPWIm MRETMMpMINaeEr%Thrnp WXNGMLrxuuaF �W OCmgKCµRRUgOX'MM 1fMPGMpY FEXDXG. rt 51MLL PF T:{ 6mpM XmMTORREwxAxuhrof OdRhwmm LMRDsrAPEcpmRrnaR a. MEEPRDrtrnOx FExvssxweElrmwmPMDRroMEmMMwEEMwro Mrslrt I�MMATON WORxILZFMING.4RVBBIKpGWLXGI.pEMIXGEMMLROIYEBY o. 3. iENV55xULCpAPLLREY WRRWXp1RQppySaME CiipE6:5lyaBElOG1F0 E' FROM ME OVRRM07 YMRE OFMEIRFE OSAXgglpplP UNER µDEXNCBE MMMMNw MROVGIWFME[MRTWLTVEBY CpXryh ggpyE[ld CRtgm F%EVEMMEFgI(IMxO; A Y,pE[CMPMTIXEIXTERWIIDXEMFp REG1LTXGIWIMYFHINVpaMfDCW Sad VbE OF EgryFMEYf M A4hp.LL , B.—MEEdSad .WFmGIOEgMg51VFRhRTMH6WOlEt urtMWd CRa ENG. C WdINMMMMEDRGTS.MRCRURIKEERCENHIVL.,R , P pxEXKIMDEECEINMEMNmRk6EWIMd1EMXIL`MRRE, CEMFMIRU[[pGIIWG,µDEER, I. M6IfId6roIXSLWIXGFFM65SipW TIEEO.pIPUXES Mi.YYpFRMRh01NME FWU)IMNG WFS: A S\1GREF ERUEMVRC6 MR IXEdllFO:EREClMEFENCE.., pTERM FAUMMOPNEPEMIEP RRE, 0. wWNFREaDEFSMFppSEmMElLQw. WXgNG FRFRMFMXh XO CIOSN T WI6 FBim ME l VNXG. S WXEMAWDFMEIMhdREW4RIEE ATINRMMd RdGppERMµIRETmA EREE vxKERDRRaxETwxxMa111 EERMpEpW rLWMNGm RxEGNTp MARDR AME VMIROFIONFq XpµpF.QINMWryW mMERFWCm RXOXG RGIRp. G WMEMMIYOFMEMOVEIXRPIIWSpt{VCTIXMFMEX VNPRpaECIFppW}gxM Im MWMUEEOIELEmMPP[TOEMSNW VIBENhAm WmIIM1EStf pgyxy MUU]I a MaGPAodGwnxlxwroaEc.En ImDnOFEEeusssxMEazooxE prxpwogmFxsMw R�NOXGEM RA RMXpµlI1E RADE R,roWp�RWREbrAh�PRpIF. R WLLBFgIi. e..YEY Xoo12pXYEo Er Cd61pVCnox/GRYTYyWagpRVrym DLI A¢GHMFw91 wnx MEsoIL6gOI1uRgFMLas wTFN4dApVVaryTW salllYdEWmr.x ExP6FORWTMEns MEHOFMGf WIDwnMxaDRYS,fOiFRMEM WRXdIGµlc DUE.IXpMµXgYMxNMpV65 A%I aFMPFµTMEµpMIXIM@S WMERLOSS E TOFVP[pATW. A MpXIOpGVpTOXAGRRpEM1IXG WRNIXT1EEpXIPW6. MMEAdFA M BfaNEq MEpMURREpµp gIMEEwpppfmHES`MINAWZEpW gAMIW IIIPMEM m MMMR pgµiME TI MMMXIHG RCa15. UE MREM HEAVRYIMPIG,w BYCOx51pUCTpiPCihnlg LQXEWAIEREDDEEPIY ONEFAWRX "E` DmpEDEULRE LME0.iMEMDA .UDEEYMhp W,M WMFRLgIDwE MRQUQE EUE NUWUTONDNME°GYEE, a1.X0(IXEpVROR MIRIESGHBEIMTAUEp WRNIX1RFE pPOfECXpNAMAS,µY tlCNIND REQUIPEpfOR1HEIXEiMGnpNDf lµ.EIMBEDDD ILLRE q.ECFO M flbM E%DING ERFf 1RYX6 K wSKIE Ea NOLIxpSC MP.WLORRRDEEROPFATiRnGMIIXgEE9WLXEwRW ..p , DERUWEDEMEES XOEDILSPEpMIiEFp CN MEMpi XApEpfpfry ryFE (iMp,Y ERfOT]3 M01 [1R. Za. 9.MFq.EQEEE0REEEEEQRwMQELRERWHICAAR�...,PMFM d. MLPPYXwOMUE,HE0pIF0u(MdNGiDRECWXpEp, IpppOy[pSiµygpS q, ME �DUBmYIR@Mp1'SMENRTWMMBDPISTASSp[wMxPwxwpsiNEEEDEEDE Y —ER REFREEEMAM OR PRgER V.,, R,R PWmµp WRPNYpry 15.pWYiEmipf6UIRNYNAEVRLLPE50VPR WEmEANIMCIpRS NEGVCEN¢W9NG E(OE6ERUQDO%1A5ERMCRFpPMIy,EOBYMEgVXERERRR6FM1m£µp CNDEREOREPMM%-F MD,DECd%PEMihp. TREE PR_ N.�CTION SI !ASE CONCRETE. SIDEWALK aA aEsn6run TDMRRD Y/Aw MM RRTI ]r�E oMrE i•(m1 =OPE3MM A 6 swspn a'TPI A 6 W,� .aware PUINA W ERPI iW[0%XM (IYPI WNE'EQ E t. PR% 6 4'd9X aXgEIE SECTION OFSIGEWAIK $FCTGN B -B NORS WHEN WRNRING PAVEMENT L PFpNRFOMIXIUYEMFM WXLpEHa3 WCS Z1'0.L EbIW1Y Mp% •@E'OCMI%.mgplgMRUFp SIADXk W fip R� WlA%W4WWF. a. nmMisA•mMMRxiwMnuhwMATMruwuEPRODMD NLLOERXpF DE WM%Pwr�s ms W c smEw.EIX apM, ANo op sapunuvL smEwMX WIMMRTL1pMFETM1MD33l CR WZSL :. .. ... •. 3. MLSIpFM.MR WIMIX(mpGMLRWAYSMALLOEHOXREINfORMO. I•MEMWTEYEELWgE(0.yPMT09UNEm, x PRDRDV fMlm DWRQjM1ED E'0 u. SI !ASE CONCRETE. SIDEWALK aA ACCESSIBLE /VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING��-0 m ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL MRXNi s.m, GUARD POST -0 w XOIE: fiUIIFRYpPEaDMA}q /ry,EdXi PA�WHFM,iMVx6Eµp RIIgNLL TYPE "A° CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER x.Ts w STANDARD DUTY ASPHAL:.,PAVING w HEAVY DUTY _ASPHALTPAVING oe HEAVY DUTY CONCR�TE REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET 1 I rsn wEr ACCESSIBLE /VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING��-0 m ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL MRXNi s.m, GUARD POST -0 w XOIE: fiUIIFRYpPEaDMA}q /ry,EdXi PA�WHFM,iMVx6Eµp RIIgNLL TYPE "A° CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER x.Ts w STANDARD DUTY ASPHAL:.,PAVING w HEAVY DUTY _ASPHALTPAVING oe HEAVY DUTY CONCR�TE REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET 1 I rsn GRADE OW FINISHED PAVEMENT OR GROUND LINE MP AST SECTIONS W ATER TIGHT G SKETS AT ALL JOINTS STEEL REINFORCED PLASTIC OR ALUMINUM STEPS DIMENSIONS MANHOLE TYPE B C G P 48" 60" MR 02" K 5' 8' 9'T 8' 8" V8496-, 10"W 58" 72" 119'H 27" 27" 27" ®7URjjETauw.mre..rZ NM(A TYPICAL DETAIL ® mM.%x« :ml PLAN VIEW CROSS-SECTION VIEW osz uu ursnu,was mxme,va R.T,� verso Q A 3 4' STORM MANHOLE SOLID LID 16" BARREL SECTION USE REDUCTION SECTION FOR MANHOLES 60" DIAMETER OR LARGER WHERE DEPTH ALLOYS COMPONENT VIEW u: RATEMI NO.R L lH 44V/10I®STFPLUu.Eli'YIERI uawan uuwreRn un MRasaAss m.Ea rxs6reL... Ev 1Twcs.R .—. .E - SP IFI ATION MNWFOLIIREO BY , L STEEL MURK CED. =pDR SE"M HOXhRH60NKAETESIFIK'NRE(40y I. OOKRETESW4L HAW AMM MUM [OMfPEANFSIRENGTH D 4.0)0 MAT ffi OAK. NNEpETE NR EMRRMEO H%TOB%BI W WAu l MUIIFMIWEOAMDOL MEDTOMS O% 1. THREE1 WK MmG RKE%ED UMW GDOSfS WIm A SEAIIDNN HIXM, S. SOA UgpF0.GK i0 DE WXP/LIEO GRME( T5U1 KRd.TOR. 6. TNVOR04I . LVIIY WLVAXQED 4GTE(36S LBi/NKUEO0.5.31A(DXCpiRATFO TMD qi ]p3Lb5'J fT INDORNt HM J. M9gFf£XFgVI WfY GLLVINQ[D ERATEIns L¢/PIE,,F]0.I,X%IB WN®IIMTED IOOD OR 1,giLbSO F! IX FPMSIW DOM MON & LLSE FXIIIXI WITEWK9fiWFEN TypgET YO gORETFXilIXi 1HIFT NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN WITH DOME GRATE r wu��auJOi`+o DRAIN BASIN � ww ¢w �nsm«,snwew¢wow,..nxwiwsrwwa �vm •wn,«v wn wrumnrwrtause�su v �urpar�"v¢xvnwrta�¢ar¢aoe�umuaosn.wrt,r,mmw�w,�wsmminvnauw¢o,.mramswmi. BIORETENTION BASIN WITH UNDERDRAIN REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET2 1`Z, 1 GID o Ax... x�F xmxxuExm. .w,x.rn+xwwx¢rwo..�r¢a¢.,omupm,.,xrz.»<xom.awxx�o.�rawx�wx...o.�.,. MR MNDIwLMRTER.tEBMBxEMVMTtl1 �•••, wrtA '�'�.�•. x.exxxx,mww..+ex � xa,�' urceuxm nx�w�R�� cxw¢'mxnxvwxc,vnx`x® HOODSPEOFMnON FOR CATCH BASINS AND anxxsmm.a..+oim WATEROUALRVSTRUCTURES w.n ¢wwaa¢um r:xoxxwx ML.oEnax000 R�WRrwRrov ua OFUDBIOp NONE V6Xmx. R,y,R SPSN � ww ¢w �nsm«,snwew¢wow,..nxwiwsrwwa �vm •wn,«v wn wrumnrwrtause�su v �urpar�"v¢xvnwrta�¢ar¢aoe�umuaosn.wrt,r,mmw�w,�wsmminvnauw¢o,.mramswmi. BIORETENTION BASIN WITH UNDERDRAIN REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET2 1`Z, 1 GID w xmxxuExm. .w,x.rn+xwwx¢rwo..�r¢a¢.,omupm,.,xrz.»<xom.awxx�o.�rawx�wx...o.�.,. BIORETENTION BASIN WITH UNDERDRAIN � ww ¢w �nsm«,snwew¢wow,..nxwiwsrwwa �vm •wn,«v wn wrumnrwrtause�su v �urpar�"v¢xvnwrta�¢ar¢aoe�umuaosn.wrt,r,mmw�w,�wsmminvnauw¢o,.mramswmi. BIORETENTION BASIN WITH UNDERDRAIN REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET2 1`Z, 1 GID swP-Ci "Big Red" Curb Inlet Protector By ASP Enterprises and Storm Water ProductsEatranPwsas.we- Tumpm9rybad RarsabcSolWiolu far Sedimwn Castrola:.I,mm e, • Reusable Curb Inlet Protection • Environmentally Friendly • DMPS out sediment by dissipating the Water energy "Big Red" Filter Advantages: •EnrMMLW' • slnsMa,fora whet* curb lNeU _ • 14ANRobauIDA and Ex11 g cosy td Gaan • Mtle flaln 90Y. IIRm Rwr[IM NatMNs ENO SWP-Cl -HIS RedFiaer ix a musABE[ iOM,pFRBM, that Mcc, au vedim-nL ffNu,MBH Due RFEw[axvvnion ,I n_ m pxchY m fill, m v[Iwo Mgs, m HEMOubly cru. St"Ity pIRRH IS fiom pftla inleE make sure it Irys in IhcuomaM, and yoM art GONE! -Ac •relnarn/MNSUlB."ISAR iNosimpl[:Lnnval, elmnup wart' J n McnutproIF pNax. MaimemmefR dmPle ae Adl by Ii% ch,wit ham ale min, Wall, Eh. mw aaofiy relwvillg lNe eeJ4 . OUT then ye."A PI.Ffi, ale wit buck. If Ir 11 eN[rely raw md, Ydiaar.. wwA I: out Ina VCgem¢d.. BUMS 11 is .,ARM.c 0". All uflhee AR. end bcufiIe Lxxnbinc ro TmkP TM SWP,ZI -ft BOB "earl, mkl "MOV wale murnut naw for w curb ink, W 'I! Or vM 101' IBra hs fnrdouble curb ince, • High Flow Rate • Made of Durable HighrStlength Geotexthe • Fully Reusable • Made of Recycled Materials 5 FT. MIN, AK SP 8NG PGS! AT 8 AFITl MAK SPApnE R. - 94105 /iealliv"oE`c FmRlc .oiA+ib m Ta a• / nxE C[MPACnOX ZgJE i iW iLeW i3 b a cxl12 wDEPTH xSILT FENCE MACHINE SLCEDW POUT STFB F 11 OUS Aic .1.HM.. SFAUNG UDA�/ MR I. U, mSLE) [[YXXrywFUMpiC IOI.emCnFLLOU ttDM TW e' IF tl BYUH.mw. i e11 va SILT FENCE HEAVY W 1Y 1 $ POUT STFB I. Infill Material: shredded recycled rubber dreS Rµ MLENGTH SPACIAL eE0 MTILE FAST OE 3. Diameter. approx. 8" IF Georextile fabric nmde of durable high Row fabric with the fallowing prop enies: IYmem hunt..,,.. RAIXML NI TH UWM_ SOL E ELFLUB �MMEs till - (rNRSHM b ASTMn05]J Ib xyn ba TO OE PU20 SLL OFT m a—, ASFMOI MY 6' IN. cN CMTWR 4T SLOPE/ER48E O TROTH ONTERSIA Al. SILT FENCE, PREASSEMBLED(i Y3) SLO?E "IDABIE SUCH D"AffAA M1. LESSµ FEETM -10x 50 FEET 5L�1N E. PER MHa3i PECB. SOURCE EW a CHEATER TU0XA3aF �SFEETT SPECS. NS II]898. l] o ,mea w mm nov LOCATION OF SILT FENCE A— 1 mc,.—rz Ma.CmlMAna' g uun CORSE VAR01A" RA OPE LO E SEEOUT NEM TOE E DE CwSTRUC PE ON LIMITS LOCATION OF SILT FENCE FOR PEREM TF QRQ I SILT (� FENCE RLsma 3-u ENGINEERING DEPARRAENT x� M0a FSE was R 5300 SWP-CI "Big Red" Curb Inlet Protector By ASP Enterprises and Storm Water Products • a P RxTERPmsBB. Mc NC. speCnlcatiom: I. Infill Material: shredded recycled rubber dreS 2. Weight: app.. 10Ibs per linear foot 3. Diameter. approx. 8" Georextile fabric nmde of durable high Row fabric with the fallowing prop enies: IYmem hunt..,,.. Welral ASTMnJ361 " )d 9J Gn16 Temile Shen®L ASrMD1fi]1 fn x.yp +1p till SW (rNRSHM b ASTMn05]J Ib xyn ba fill Sp a—, ASFMOI MY Ap cnw ue,<meec W 4tlamine flIw awdbefbiu entld[dnll wpvilkanflbeblu,S Nuip,mltl �NWIm n,u .u,l me vP ` vm rvm n uu Y m,nSvnLrmynu lm.NN M.v.,i6 tp A.winuawWva �n,.Ium:e'.�r�YM.,:cM n"e CMOpe pVD� 1•-2• CLEAN CRUSHED ROCK 3MfN.DEPTH FOR ROCK IC"MINDEPTH FOR WOODCHIPS N,,W Mxlw 18' MINIMUM CUT OFF BERM 100 TO MINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITE FILTER FABRIC NOTF: FlLTER PgeRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNOEp ROCK TO STOP MUD MICRgTIpa THROUGH RCp(. off I ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �R t ENGINEERING DEPARFIleir I Nan'MOU 5301 QI DANDY CURB SACK Q oPEMNG STORM L GRATE PLSTRAP5 +III,.I CURB ., I I VY fILTEA I I �ICORN IS I O I I I I I I I mr TEMPORARY DANDY BAG INLETPROTECTION H SEDIMENT TRAP MANUFACTURED BY WIMCO.LLC.SHAKOPEE, MN.. ESS BROS., CORCORAN. MN, OR EQUAL ,4Pf[Y IWNS f,. 5/AM1'� /u,ICu/a6^p aem.ue-mu.—`w0v+-a manrurnl m, m•n .nn MODEL CG23 A'RCC/pt M![ OIRAN. I - DAILY OF R/ER ASSwl ,-OURCOM S - IW N OND Po 0-21 HCH -now MGH-RPw berm, OMER 1. CLEAN FILTER MEDIA AFTER MIT RAIN EVENT AND REPLACE If FILTER IS CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT 2. REMOVE DOHS/SEDIMENT FROM RECEPTACLE AFTER MIT RAN MARY �r CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT TRAP 13 E J EP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT "Ba"M ane 5302A ' rmnoipixmrN `\ .`rxix "Rxvwn �"IDipnp mwvvttammBE IuxAN xr"''m�tlmlYv��RM�x gtir. SILT FENCEun� INLET PR, T�ECDON HwIn�,PIMI HYDRANTS SHALL BE CLOW MEOALUON OR WATEROUS WH -67-250 ALL HYDRANTS MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY MRM'T MMXFR DULL RE A SCS. YBMURD �MOUNR!A^NRCGXTW, U9arAUL USHU PEi1tA rTrrr 71,11, MRAPwxc DNH ME Fau {ExaM OF 1X[ Rw. MOTNG CR N HYDRANT NTH CRTGUTIFR I r VALVE BOX WN. Y 1 D 2 YAC M —� OPTE VALVE ` DUE 1 1/T W AND 1 UtEg9 6 M ADAPTER p0.J£Mll£NE (l ML.) O KIB•XS' $CUO CONmETE BLOCH CIEAR a. HOLES . ALL HITIWNTS SHALL HAVE ACE HOLES . MINM"A N 35'COVER OLER YNN ]. All PAINTED SURFACBS g1ALl PE AaEF1 TO TNV YEAR WAMEHTY FFRIOO AS NOTED W SE"ON 109 OF THE WATEAMANI SFECtrlGTp19. 5 H�LpN1EY"LJ➢iT VLI15SLL BRESRNNEO NA YEGAMECHANICAL .qNi .ffSTRAry i. 8. ALL HYDRANT TO 9E PWMB TO WAI Act ..MUM AUTARMHLE TO BE :/R' PEO FOCI M MDRANT. T HF WiNMTO£EpB WpE AL TRELY WqM RNX YLOO AC xgAP OR RAA TO cuGrc THAT IT It OR TYPICAL pmm�splDN HYDRANT �w�WLll INSTALLATION REY$IXS-1A PUIE NO.: nIE ww:c � Troll ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1004 REVIEW SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Engineering Associates, Inc. DETAIL SHEET 3' Standard Electric Luminaire Schedule 0.920 B4 -U2 -G2 25' 0.920 Symbol Qty Label ArrangementManula4durar B2 -U2 -G2 Desalpdon Total Lumens Total N �Q 1 S1 2 @ 180 DEG ( LlOwnia Lighting DSX1 LED 30C 1000 40K T5W MVOLT 23622 210 6 S2 SINGLE Lithonla Lighting DSX1 LED 30C 1000 40K T3M MVCLT MA 10201 104.66 Q 3 EXT2-LED SINGLE Ltihonia Lighting KAXW LED P3 40K R3 MVOLT 9446 79 Q 15 EXT13 SINGLE Amedux, LLC ACCS27K-60 548 9 Q 5 OF14 SINGLE Green Creative lid 4906302 889 8.8 LLF BUG Rating I Mo 0.920 B4 -U2 -G2 25' 0.920 82 -U3 -G2 25' 0.880 B2 -U2 -G2 25' 0.880 N.A. 10' 0.720 BO -U3 -G1 6' Calwlation Summary LW , CalcType Avg Max MinAvglMln MmdMin Units Drive Thru Illuminance 19.59 23.8 15.9 1.23 1.50 Fc Panera Site Illuminance 1.46 23.5 0.0 N.A. N.A. 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AI 1 r r uavi�� 1 r s_ t�p-.,o' #6038 Z o Q zN_ MIMI EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVE VIEWS K;- ;r..A.� ADOO ABGV u, rv� BB1�L owc ,are To P„RkPET T.O. MA I 1N-aara� r� ala I ,e• -r xw � 10 � li W llV 15 Lei � LAS � � �i , I IRIWP 4I-0L�U] eo Eq vtl am atl am 1P1 xW aW am }W N }12 OSu W ^ AW O aw n '•. `Cj! `JIILLL�yyyryllllll � lm as dW tl W �. SD W 01tl 161 N � 0.M 1 n FIRST FLOOR FLOORR — P au ay xw W °}0 1 EAST ELEVATION va• = iw• KEYED NOTES 0.]0 M1N)RVLMO BY PNI9N.COLOR: CIWMgKREFBiTOSy001AeY ENN f 0.31 M1q BILEWNI(N6M86YPMIEM IEFFAT9TENPHiR63ECfF➢ I�RN-Q P� IOR Fl�fJl� NFOleln�hX3., (((� &01 RWERNnlLYl111pSaTE91FDCIWINFL1ETlEA8.8111N RIW'OW SNO QYMSN1f09V8NiXN3lWRUNOEA BMNUTE FFAMq G.C.TO PRONCEBLOCXIN6IN WNLFOR BIGNNO PROVIOEACIZ96 pNl6pN I INCI W CE GF vnRaxT FGR access na ReoulRRn. ARalm BEPNUTe sWwwe MRMm SOR %ESINIeI®A£1rLLC0%H61 FlNIBX:OME(eRON$E G F � D.5 � � B.5 B A aha wLLLMWNImuGMFIXRFEPD:NRES BNNLIN: MonomN�o IN8fN1ID BVGG. GLTOPRONCEPOwFR Ag1EWlP®.REFERIO REAECI®GFAING %AN FOR AOg11 W nL INFIXLWIICH. aW MYN FNDUXOENSrt R6WlT0 b81 NlONI1 FORMpI1pXY 1W a05 aECONpMYEIRRNICFSENTIRWiTOn MDMIIFOR �vv�wvwv�^�r. IDORNNULINFOR1MipN. T.O. PARAPET aae nuMlNwsr6ReFRDXrsrslENvnm rlrvsuuTmouaxo.min: --21 p• D]AI(WSONTE IEFH1iO WIF2T 1611 FOR FVRIXER YIFOgl1TN1N. 11 xGB BRFN(NEFK ASREWIR®.fNISHTOMAT[XMUC@II GI9R91gM EO 18' -Nell' 8Y31EM. a10 CONIRq..IONi(61 WXFAEINgCATEDMWIDE PFNNIFTO IMTGI P_ — D � n r-ro SIR 6N F1CNR � nWNINGRONCED NOINs LEOB �iJ�l\� ���ii/^"i�F\iii 81GN VEIIOORUNOERBFPNNTE FERMrt.6C 8H.LLLMONOE 11B 110 }IS MPROMIRTEBLOCNINO MREDUIREDDYSIDNVFNDOR.RgP11TO >m BHOPO WNMUFOR=M"L INF0RMn110N. SECIIPIIYCALIEMIN8Tn11FD BYTENIM COO.WIMTERdIGXq BW W) � V IAIa"TgN161 N81 X9DHi8 W1lH PNIFAACONSIRUCIION Mn11MM O >m V DW MNCMISATION. G.GTORUNGOl8111RlleDX W SH $ CONCREIEBOtIANDIFMI8t1: PNNiGNRLWLI REFERTO af! O Aw FS O Sw W 118 0`OIA fgINORETEBOUAF®IN FlNISH:�PNNSP,WIREPERTOBNEGT 9W 11a NNIPMFU 811NFWMn 112 4 a'J a18 XOSEBIRRIPECF68E08TNNLF63ST131BDXREFEATOPWMBING �T g Wws FOR LOLATgNIND6WIROXKIKORANTpN.INSTNIID F' ,2}I fl RY,EN„NT. /Jj)1 8RI BVILCNDK01E58510N YeRIFY3�,la1GT10N, NlOBMF'MIN IDGLFlftli DFPNTfMFM YW � W Stl xW � }W � 91S SFNIgNGBEW MEFX IR10f1NG. 14`SPnCMG. CDIAR:ONIN RRCl� 880 INIEIWNLY LLUMXnTEOfID 9WVETHIV BNiN@l1BINlF.COLOR: 081 O OI W 01 WAGIIGVNH6 WIIX REYH18E pMLO)IIWIINn1NYl INON}IIIE IFTRMS..41810N IN UNDERBEPNU.SEPWY{F. G.OalW1 ", lW FPAV IE WNL WEQ$&NIOMWIOEACG98P.1Na IX1 �tF.-T '(W���.. Ltd a RN1 SRIGKMASONRYSYSIFM YENEOITOSE PAIMm,NODUVAB� }{� MFR: ENWRNMf([lAYSNp(IGOI-pt;6f-161W9NMNYJRAI FIRST FLOOR - - - - FIRST FLOOR. _FnMlcnwNlrvol oPEx Exom svel GDl.aeslmeReu-naMN.p O• X41M NPANE�LM_R1�Em9kl., 1!-etp p 1 Ot WWR: MBTOREMOM YxefRPR[i11EIT11FAMKOREN(I CALOR:DNfl(MONEE 1'CLEMWWUTm GLLRM: M080lIABN1 � x+e 1 al >�D`��nLll�mex�T,wlFonnomloxa .,+....�........�.. mn 9Fs eretEM lTsxuRe r9 rumxonwrruMceroxE FwaNI 21 NORTH ELEVATION 1N••P-0' aawR.e WNMGwaEMseE�wxnE, , #6038 �T- my.NTmeCOCCUcc C - ti M T M N Z �L C �mLo U 1 e EeWf[gPMlagoMW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RyyN•N# 94Nnic ,A91i �I A301 eon.W Nlt dt fAY IRWNIy ow9 =NC. OO C W W #6038 �T- my.NTmeCOCCUcc C - ti M T M N Z �L C �mLo U 1 e EeWf[gPMlagoMW EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS RyyN•N# 94Nnic ,A91i �I A301 eon.W Nlt dt fAY IRWNIy ow9 =NC. 1 I SOUTH ELEVATION 9Ai I I I I I I Sll 8 PARAPET V 2,'. p — n 2IWEST ELEVATION H' = Jr' m❑ ❑® D M ISLR1 O a,: GENERAL NOTES: A NL GTOMG, IWF88Mp]EOOTIEWM9EPoRGTpEFNOMF( N11GOWE A�AN1. KEYED NOTES AM P OMUNGWPANFA1LOIpi:pIMLOALME TOIMM4,W M 0.91 PAT090EWA11(IHdITS 9V PANFM gEFERTpTEN.WfpffLLnFO ,., Lj3l1HGRNI FG11fUHIHFA INFLRMAnpN ySM INIkPoiMLYILLUMIIUTEDIIDLHNINELI£T19@MOM FIgALED A40 1 NSFAMED GVBpN YIIiMR UIOERSFPNNTEP9NF O.GM NWNCE &LINWALLFgISpNµ0PRg10E IL PANE1ON Mp61OEOFPYNPEfFIXiALfE88I3REW®1i1F1F11BFPARATE . 8M9NMMEPEMI� - SO] PRE-FlNIBHEDMETK OORHG I RNMII:YVlLB110!@ A0H WNLMWR%]URE.FIXMEB&WLBEPRQ•,OEOMIO INTTANID BV ww.GL. GC GLTO RIONLEPO'AERM REWNEO.RHFRTD RoR M CFRNG%PN FORAIYM]IpTo INFgi4ATION. A08 HFOOW FAL9FANLE WOR. REFER TOMOI FORAOMIONAL INFORMAM PNM MM.MHKUACEOWALLWL00. SO] ORMSTIRU W,NOpN MM.MOM MODEL FAMII I WLORTO FM5Tp1EFA NS]NIID9YLL I. NLWMINUMSTpREFAoM bY81EA1 VT111'IXRUTAlE00UNJQ LOIA: DOANNIM!]EREffliTa p,EETM11 FOOFUiMERNFpWnCN. &10 C.ON,POLJOIMIN WXEAENpGTEU1 RWNLE 8FA1/yTTO W.TG1 AWACEM WNL WTERVL S11 FRENIJIUFALAMEOFNYULANNWOPRONpDAIIDNSTN1fD GY N(W UYMGYBiWRUNpEASEPMUtEPENMNNLPIgNOE A W A�PV.IE BIDFAXG A6 RE W IRED DN YTl®W. REFER TO SNOP W.WNG9 FORAOLGIIXIN.NFpNATNIN. 818 BELURIIYLM.6NNSTNIEOBY TENNIT WORpNA]F ROUGHIN IDLATIONp) NIO IfflOH1S lMH PIHEM LONSIRUCIION MNUGEII Rtl TONBTNIATxJN.Oc]OINN PAW aJWN. 814 f pAM4MRMWAMJIRNIBH:PNMGWtt'bLL REFFATO 811 E] FDIAFOR NRMERIN MNMV 1IN 119 AAMM LREMNG Rp FlN191:PNMP10] REFERTOp1EET RM FOR FURMFA 4iORMI.nOX 118 FlIIE OEPM]MFNTAR••E9L W%INSFNIFONUACFHT6ERNl£ WOR.COORpNNELNNA WRH IOLILRREOEPIRIMFM. St] WNNELWNbOLF NREM M,MEM 819 NILNFL9Rg1II XpZ8EMN/OLgiFILW pRNNnNU ROpF,1AN.1Y 819 ABW ORALE 6EE OED ST34A,G4 NSTNLEORVLL HOSEeIW RECFA4E06TNN1E15SMI W%REFEfl TO RU6N(i pNWINDS FOR LOGnpi ]Jp AO W pNK INFORMITILN. INSINIID B IENA rt. 8W MTEEN0.p5UREAT CTAT WRRALMFR:IRE%LWP0911EF1/H( RXOR:SAORE INeTNl13)BYLL &18 6FANONGBMH IE]ALROOWN3.IS SPMJNO. I LOIOR:Mq{ QASWSN M4 ME1Bi-IIFEIITOPWM&NO CMWNW Fp1NRMEA . .. WR: PR1 FF88Y3]FIA T.O. PARAPET — — 2T.0- V #6038 Z M. . EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1ypNmY: WYMnCr � Fo T L`! "Al , ^I �1! W CD ETIG NENNL CDCc J G 1� VJ i C V vn w M55 cn cz - cc 'o mLO U w.A.nLmrFONR�e. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1ypNmY: WYMnCr ,TpIT W A302 "Al pM pk MW4 MNL ETIG NENNL T.O. PARAPET 0.— — T.O. PARAPET � 21'-Pv x+n 1r -r x+o O sm i P A H k [BRIE A Il 1r.r v �♦ R Slx Ap]\ R Su '1m O ].13 � O ifx xm S1x `� O a1x P1 ■J �/ Sm I.. ]m; am GI GI a% n FlRS_T FLOOR •+I, �P I BOOR lCl flY+ itx g\I m 11 EAST ELEVATION Realistic 1/4 1-0 T.O. PARAPET % N' -077P pG1r CLAQ oG A �/. am s@ xm 10 3° am O ]m am xlx Q � � vx is x@ R 1" nm x% O ]m \am' ]m smam am im 0 FIRST FLOOR FI—` FIRST FLOOR +s clm p n"� a1e @+ nu 21 NORTH ELEVATION Realistic ,,Rra #6038 ELEVATIONS - REALISTIC nWearw�er %..w-•. Zm 0� A304 IFY: Wk o� o�= Q ZNu n.le.i.w].rc ELEVATIONS - REALISTIC nWearw�er %..w-•. 1M 17 A304 IFY: Wk dV: 1 SOUTH ELEVATION Realistic "-T— Z° O �= <oo _ RWl B. D WN C. °. 6�? �O V� Q Zn PYIoiYNY lafnl4 co m�,, R� T (a _ Z Cc co Vrn � cz W ccL mLn U ELEVATIONS - REALISTIC, CONT. A305 RWl B. D WN C. %i 6038ElevationConcepts02121517.pdf _ s i; Download 41 View frau EM Drive 51 Vow from 9&h & Broadway 61 View from HvVee 4 Comments Write a comment i Post a comment to start a discussion. @Mention someone to notify them. 40"*' 6038_ElevationConcepts 02 121517.pdf A B I MIN FIRST FLOOR ������_ 7 I SOUTH ELEVATION ,x 1'O F G I I I I I 1 t v GENERAL NOTES: A MIGLVFVGIGBF GI LYd£%MIF➢OINWM16E Fp nGR NROPV Et EVAII[NEBEE6NEEil81r. KEYED NOTES .n,n rwrwa+w+F+a GxGR:cR.aauREFERiozr.n.. Goa fExaxr 19,tlE,Nu,I lfifb R. C.eEw Rn EP,O,EU.I„ YFlFnt ' 6tlNePLLY 4GtFIM,KAIXEWN,EE1 ]Or M,FRJY. YYABWR.FOI]➢LMNfltEilE16.9dIP11CMF3 ub1.Wf0BYbW Vf+SMUMFABfPYnEMMe1.6C10 YLYLf � BMYPEi Fdr Y.Ef50 Y PEpY%0. NUMM EEPu sw.,+E xnaO mx W¢1fi61i➢Ff\u LCPM IiCW1: bJK WYR I_ _ _ _ T.O. PARAP£�F \.w W.uudtYlFnufM inllPEfttMFE 6!uuBE AVieED.n 19 -Q -V r�.t]IDEYGC. 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DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION December 2151, 2017 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Chanhassen Panera Bread MnDOT Review # STUDYI7-006 North of Highway 5 and West of Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1002 Dear Mr. Generous, Metropolitan District Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 Thank you for the opportunity to review the Chanhassen Panera Bread Traffic Impact study and plans. Before any development can occur please address the following issues. Traffic: MnDOT concurs with the study analysis and most of the conclusions. Restricting the access on W 791 Street and Great Plains Boulevard to a % intersection and accessing W 79`^ Street via Market Boulevard from MN 5 would be beneficial. However, it should not be expected that signal timing at MN 5 and Great Plains Boulevard will be reevaluated to give more priority to the side street. For questions concerning these comments please contact Almin Ramic at almin.ramic(d).state.mn.us or (651) 234- 7824. Water Resources: A drainage permit is required. The applicant didn't include Appendices F and G in the drainage report. Existing runoff and discharge rates must not increase. The proposed drainage is graded to MN 5. For questions concerning these comments please contact Martin Kors at martin.korsna state.mn.us or (651) 234- 7537. Design: The hedge does not show up on either the demolition or landscape plans. Please show the hedge location and note whether it will remain. There is a limited amount of grading on the MN 5 right-of-way where the Panera sidewalk meets the public sidewalk. A limited use permit (LUP) may be required for where the Panera sidewalk meets the public sidewalk. For questions concerning LUP's, please contact Dan Phelps (651-234-7585 or dan.nhelpsna.state mn us). Permits Any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at htto://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/maintenance/Hermits html. An equal opportunity employer MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 Please include one set of plans formatted to 11X17 with each permit application. Please submit/send all permit applications and I IX17plan sets to: metropermitapps.dotAstate mn us. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651-234-7911) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Review Submittal Options. MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days. Submittals sent in electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options. Please submit either: 1. One (1) electronic pdf version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevreviews.dot(a state mn us provided that each separate e-mail is under 20 megabytes. 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process. Plans can be sent to: MnDOT —Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 3. One (1) compact disc. 4. Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site. Please send files to: ftp•//ftp2 dot state mn us/nub/incomina/MetroWatersEdggllannine Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer (My Computer). Also, please send a note to metrodevreviews.dot(astate.mn us indicating that the plans have been submitted on the FTP site. If you have any questions concerning this review please feel free to contact me at (651) 234-7788. Sincerely, 4--kl Jennifer Wiltgen Principal Planner Copy sent via E -Mail: Nancy Jacobson, Design Hailu Shekur, Water Resources Almin Ramic, Traffic Clare Lackey, Traffic Doug Nelson, Right -of -Way Dan Phelps, Right -of -Way Buck Craig, Permits Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer Sulmaan Khan, Area Engineer Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on December 21, 2017 the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of request for a Site Plan Review with variances to build a Panera Bread located at 531 West 79« Street and zoned Highway and Business District (BH) Applicant: Panera, LLC. Owner: Chanhassen Inn to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -�ZL day of -DU 6y, 4-c..— 2017 Lary Public Kim T. ssen, Deput Clerk JCNatary ,A^,FER AN Pubfc-minnesotassion r*fts Jan 31, 2020 2 O7 C d 2 d 0 «. L N w d m o m o pt w Ca L d a N so N N L d > 7 Cc w dL Y F' L R a �w Eo vm q.`mow m ovo`o'A a -O CO N Odd U O O r ai r6dC�a) r� C d c�.n "EE ` o�� 2'E.NE- oeC-C- 7 t5 R O)= d N R O C O E C O O R °�W.aE`m -Eo.d a baE' E M 7 .� ?� .o . :p d d a E R N d O a O) o tiE _ iE 0 2 56- 2 2 mm E me C C N o -0 O O C_ o. N C R N:� T O> N C'C L.O U O- C O wE a. 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