7. Avienda Village - revised application information 10-26-2017 COE 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 Memorandum Date: October 26, 2017 To: Ryan Malterud, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Cc: Ben Meyer, BWSR Aaron Finke, Carver County SWCD Andi Moffatt, for City of Chanhassen From: Melissa Barrett, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Mark Nordland, Level 7 Development Darren Lazan & Steve Sabraski, Landform Professional Services Peder Larson, Larkin Hoffman Jim McComb, McComb Group From: Melissa Barrett, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Re: Revised Joint Application Form Revised USACE Jurisdictional Impacts AVIENDA VILLAGE, CHANHASSEN, MN (MVP-2015-03075-RMM) This memo provides a revised project grading plan and an updated summary of proposed wetland impacts along with the jurisdictional status of impacted wetlands. The revised joint application form is attached. This memo also provides an avoidance and minimization discussion for proposed impacts to Wetland 6. Project Description Level 7 Development, LLC is proposing to develop a 119.88-acre site in the City of Chanhassen as Avienda Village, a mixed use Regional/Lifestyle Center Planned Unit Development (PUD) that will include a retail hub of specialty shops and restaurants, anchor retail, local supporting retail, hospitality, medical and professional offices, and townhomes and apartments to service an existing trade area population of more than 400,000 residents within and surrounding the City of Chanhassen. A wetland permit application was submitted to the USACE on January 12, 2017, and supplemental supporting information was provided to the USACE on June 5, 2017. Those materials contain all requested information regarding the project purpose and need, a detailed project description, and proposed compensatory mitigation. On September 1, 2017 the USACE issued a joint Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination and Approved Jurisdictional Determination for onsite water resources. According to the approval, Wetlands 1, 1/2, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9 as well as the north tributary were determined to be isolated and not regulated under Section 404. Wetlands 4, 6, and 10 and the south tributary were determined to be non-isolated and regulated under Section 404. Revised Avienda Project Plan A revised project layout is shown on Figure A. A close-up of the only USACE regulated wetland impact is shown on Figure B. The revised grading plan is provided on Sheet C3.3. Proposed wetland impacts and jurisdictional status for each impacted wetland is provided in Table 1 below. Former proposed impact to Wetland 4 has been eliminated, and the entire area of Wetland 4 will now be avoided. Impact to Wetland 6 has been significantly (nearly 50%) reduced by removing the previously proposed stormwater pond and incorporating its treatment function within other stormwater BMPs in the updated Draft Stormwater management Plan. Impact reduction for Wetland 6 was feasible because it is located along the periphery of the project limits and within a natural low spot that was originally proposed to be used entirely for stormwater treatment purposes. This situation does not apply for the remaining wetlands proposed for impact (Wetlands 1, 1/2, 2, 5, 7, 8, and 9). The reduced impact to Wetland 6 has resulted in significant modification to the previously submitted Draft Stormwater Management Plan. A revised Draft Stormwater Management Plan has been submitted to the LGU. Table 1. Revised Wetland Impact Summary for USACE Regulated Impacts Wetland Revised Proposed Impact (ac) Impact Type USACE Regulated USACE Regulated Impact (ac) Wetlands 1 1.1001 Fill No 0 Wetland 1/2 0.1860 Fill No 0 Wetland 2 2.2569 Fill No 0 Wetland 4 -- -- Yes 0 Wetland 5 0.3483 Fill No 0 Wetland 6 0.4986 Fill Yes 0.4986 Wetland 7 0.0150 Fill No 0 Wetland 8 0.0844 Fill No 0 Wetland 9 0.0985 Excavate No 0 Total 0.4986 With the revised project plan, total proposed USACE jurisdiction wetland impacts total 0.4986 acres for fill for site grading reconciliation within the east half of Wetland 6. Wetland 6 Avoidance & Minimization Discussion Impacts to Wetland 6 could be completely avoided by moving the alignment of Aveinda Parkway to the southeast, and eliminating development in the northwest one-fourth of the site. Wetland 6 is a sloping/swale wetland. Its eastern boundary elevation is 896-ft, and its western boundary elevation is 886-ft. The elevation of Avienda Parkway will sit at or close to 921-ft (25 feet higher than the east wetland boundary). Therefore, in order to completely avoid impact to Wetland 6 and tie into the elevation of Avienda Parkway, a large area upslope of Wetland 6 would also need to be avoided to allow space for this extensive grading transition zone. Relocating Avienda Parkway to the southeast would eliminate the “ring-road” alignment and compromise the circulating traffic system. Elimination of office/housing/retail in the northwest one-fourth of the site would not meet the project purpose and need as described in previous submittals. Compete avoidance of Wetland 6 would therefore not meet the project purpose, and was therefore rejected. Impact to Wetland 6 has been minimized to the extent practicable by constructing 4:1 to 5:1 grade (approx. 25%) side slopes outside of the footprint of developed area. This is the steepest slope possible that will allow the slope to be maintained and provide vehicle access to the base of the slope for periodic maintenance of culverts, etc. A wetland buffer of 40-feet width surrounding Wetland 6 is required by the Watershed District. Fill within this buffer area is included in the 0.4986-acre of wetland impact number, even though fill within portions of wetland “converted” to buffer may not actually occur. The remaining portion of Wetland 6 sits at the base of topography. According to the engineer’s stormwater calculations, the remaining portion of Wetland 6 will receive equal or increased discharge runoff volumes post development. Because Wetland 6 is a flow-through wetland, and because the wetland’s outlet will not be altered, no changes to the remaining portion of Wetland 6 post-development are predicted. Compensatory Mitigation To mitigate for USACE regulated wetland impacts (0.4986-ac), the applicant will purchase 0.9972 acres of credit from a USACE certified wetland bank within the same Bank Service Area as the project (i.e., BSA9). The wetland banks and credit types listed Attachment D of the joint application form are the only banks and credit types available for purchase in BSA9. With submission of the revised grading plan and joint application form, we are requesting that the USACE review this project for qualification for a nationwide permit. Thank you.  Table 1. Revised Wetland Impact Summary for USACE Regulated Impacts Wetland Revised Proposed Impact (ac) Impact Type USACE Regulated USACE Regulated Impact (ac) Wetlands 1 1.1001 Fill No 0Wetland 1/2 0.1860 Fill No 0Wetland 2 2.2569 Fill No 0Wetland 4 -- -- Yes 0Wetland 5 0.3483 Fill No 0Wetland 6 0.4986 Fill Yes 0.4986Wetland 7 0.0150 Fill No 0Wetland 8 0.0844 Fill No 0Wetland 9 0.0985 Excavate No 0Total 0.4986 Lyman Boulvevard Degler Circle OFFICE RETAIL 25,000 S.F. x 2 STORIES 25,000 S.F. Avienda Park w a y River Rock Drive NLegend Wetland Impact Area: 0.4986 Ac. Chanhassen, MN 08.17.2017 ACOE Wetland Impacts Landform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.R R in collaboration with: LEVEL 7 DEVELOPMENT xRSP ARCHITECTS WELSH AND COLLIERS NORTH 0 100 Wetland Buffer C.S.A.H.NO.18 LYMAN BOULEVARD POWERSBOULEVARDSUNSETTRAI LC.S.A.H.NO.17TRUNKHIGHWAYNO.212BLUFFCREEKBLVD.MILLS DR. B-3 B-2B-1 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-12B-11 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21B-22B-23B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 XXXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIII>IEDGE OF PLOWED FIELD EDGE OF PLOWED FIELD EDGE OF PLOWED FIELD EDGE OF PLOWED FIELD EDGE OF PLOWED FIELD EDGE OF PLOWED FIELD XXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X B-3 B-2B-1 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-12B-11 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 WETLAND#6 WETLAND #3 WETLAND#4 WETLAND #10 30' WETLAND BUFFER BUFFER SETBACK (TYP) NORTH LINE OF THE SW1/4 OF SEC.23,T 116,R 23 10028NE COR. OF THE SW1/4, SEC. 23, T 116, R 23 VARIESVARIES3340B L O C K 5 B L O C K 1 B L O C K 3 B L O C K 4 B L O C K 2 OUTLOT B LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 3LOT 5 OUTLOT A OUTLOT C LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 4 30'BUILDINGSETBACK30'BUILDINGSETBACK30'BUILDING SETBACK 30'BUILDING SETBACK 30'BUILDINGSETBACK20'PARKINGSETBACK10'PARKINGSETBACK10'PARKINGSETBACK20'PARKING SETBACK 10'PARKING SETBACK T/W=932.0 B/W=916.7 T/W=920.3 B/W=918.5 T/W=927.8 B/W=922.1 T/W=922.4 B/W=921.5 T/W=920.7 B/W=920.5 T/W=927.6 B/W=920.5 T/W=930.0 B/W=920.5 T/W=921.0 B/W=920.8 T/W=898.3 B/W=877.5 T/W=899.0 B/W=885.7 T/W=900.5 B/W=900.0 WALL HT: 1 FT T/W=922.4 B/W=921.5 T/W=932.0 B/W=916.7 T/W=920.3 B/W=918.5 T/W=927.8 B/W=922.1 T/W=920.7 B/W=920.5 T/W=927.6 B/W=920.5 T/W=930.0 B/W=920.5 T/W=921.0 B/W=920.8 T/W=898.3 B/W=877.5 T/W=899.0 B/W=885.7 T/W=900.5 B/W=900.0 WALL HT: 1 FT WALL HT: 1 FT WALL HT: 7 FT WALL HT: 12 FT WALL HT: 17 FT WALL HT: 22 FT WALL HT: 2 FT WALL HT: 1 FT WALL HT: 14 FT WALL HT: 15 FT WETLAND 3 WETLAND 4 EASTPONDNWL=904.0100-YRHWL=908.7POND NWL=910.0 WETLAND 10 R E T A I L A N C H O R RESTOFFICE RETAIL RETAIL OFFICERETAILDAYCARE RETAIL RESTRETAIL RETAILRETAIL OFFICE PARKING RAMP BROWNSTONES RETAILRETAIL RESTRETAILRETAIL RESTRETAILRESTFLATS BROWNSTONES RETAIL FFE=915.5 FFE=915.5FFE=915.5 FFE=915.5 FFE=915.5 FFE=915.5 FFE=915.5FFE=915.5FFE=915.5 FFE=920.0 FFE=918.5 F F E =9 0 3 .2 5 FFE=920.0 FFE=920.0 FFE=920.0 FFE=908.25FFE=913.5FFE=913.5FFE=913.5FFE=915.5FFE=921.5FFE=922.0 RETAIL FFE=903.25 RETAIL FFE=903.25 HOTELFFE=909.25 FFE=916.0 FFE=925.0 FFE=922.0 RETAIL SUNSETTRAIL0 .6 0.30 .4 0.753.81.75 1 .2 5 8315 CASCADE DRIVE SUITE 165 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 CIVIL & LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT TREE PRESERVATION TREE INVENTORY OVERALL SITE PLAN TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS PHASE 1 MASS GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL SWPPP NOTES ULTIMATE GRADING, PAVING, & DRAINAGE PHASE 1 OVERALL UTILITIES PHASE 1 UTILITY STRUCTURE DATA ULTIMATE UTILITIES TREE PLANTING PLAN UNDERSTORY AND SEEDING PLAN LANDSCAPE DETAILS C0.1 C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C1.4 C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 C4.1 C4.2 C4.3 L2.1 L2.2 L7.1 CITY SUBMITTAL CITY SUBMITTAL CLIENT REVIEW USACE SUBMITTAL SES SES SES SES 14 APR 2017 14JUNE2017 30 JUNE 2017 23 OCT 2017 PROJECT NO. FILE NAME IF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOT VISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDED READABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. BY DATE DATE ISSUE / REVISION REVIEW CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORY TITLESHEET PROJECT SHEET INDEX ISSUE / REVISION HISTORY CERTIFICATION PROJECT MANAGER REVIEW LANDFORMcLandform®and Site to Finish®are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC. OWNER MUNICIPALITY SES 10.23.2017 10.23.2017 SCD14001 2017I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA. Signature shown is a digital reproduction of original. Wet signed copy of this plan on file at Landform Professional Services, LLC office and is available upon request. Steven E. Sabraski License No:Date: NORTH 0 100 200 C303SCD001.DWG ULTIMATE GRADING, PAVING, & DRAINAGEC3.3 T/W XXX.XX :TOP OF WALL B/W XXX.XX :BOTTOM OF WALL PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 114.84 ACRES 0.68 ACRES 115.52 ACRES 44.34 ACRES 71.18 ACRES EXISTING PROPOSED CONTACT UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR FIELD LOCATION OF SERVICES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING. REFER TO THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BY BRAUN INTERTEC, DATED APRIL 12, 2017, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON BACKFILL MATERIAL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS. REMOVE TOPSOIL FROM GRADING AREAS AND STOCKPILE SUFFICIENT QUANTITY FOR REUSE. EXCESS TOPSOIL SHALL BE EXPORTED FROM SITE. REMOVE SURFACE AND GROUND WATER FROM EXCAVATIONS. PROVIDE INITIAL LIFTS OF STABLE FOUNDATION MATERIAL IF EXPOSED SOILS ARE WET AND UNSTABLE. ROUGH GRADE BUILDING PADS TO 12 INCHES BELOW FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE). AN INDEPENDENT TESTING FIRM SHALL VERIFY THE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC AND UNSUITABLE SOILS, SOIL CORRECTION, AND COMPACTION AND PROVIDE PERIODIC REPORTS TO THE OWNER. PLACE AND COMPACT FILL USING LIFT THICKNESSES MATCHED TO SOIL TYPE AND COMPACTION EQUIPMENT TO OBTAIN SPECIFIED COMPACTION THROUGHOUT THE LIFT. COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL FOR BUILDING STOOP LOCATIONS. SLOPES SHOWN ON ADJACENT WALKS AND PAVEMENTS SHOULD CONTINUE OVER STOOPS. AVOID SOIL COMPACTION OF INFILTRATION PRACTICES. ANY EQUIPMENT USED IN INFILTRATION AREAS SHOULD BE SMALL SCALED AND TRACKED. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND MAINTAIN FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. REMOVE CONTROLS AFTER AREAS CONTRIBUTING RUNOFF ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE. LIMIT SOIL DISTURBANCE TO THE GRADING LIMITS SHOWN. SCHEDULE OPERATIONS TO MINIMIZE LENGTH OF EXPOSURE OF DISTURBED AREAS. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHOWN ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ADDITIONAL CONTROLS AS WORK PROCEEDS TO PREVENT EROSION AND CONTROL SEDIMENT CARRIED BY WIND OR WATER. REFER TO SWPPP NOTES ON SHEET C3.2 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. EXCAVATE PONDS EARLY IN THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM PONDS PERIODICALLY AND AFTER AREAS CONTRIBUTING RUNOFF ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT SEDIMENT LADEN WATER FROM ENTERING THE INFILTRATION SYSTEM UNTIL THE SITE IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED. ALL EXPOSED SOILS AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. SEED, SOD, MULCH AND FERTILIZER SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS, AS MODIFIED. ITEM SPECIFICATION NUMBER SOD MNDOT 3878 SEED MNDOT 3876 MN TYPE 22-111 @ 30.5 LB/AC - TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MN TYPE 25-151 @ 120 LB/AC - PERMANENT TURF MULCH MNDOT 3882 (MNDOT TYPE 1 @ 2 TON/AC, DISC ANCHORED) FERTILIZER MNDOT 3881 GENERAL PLACEMENT MNDOT 2575 SEE LANDSCAPE SHEETS FOR PERMANENT TURF AND LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT. SCRAPE ADJACENT STREETS CLEAN DAILY AND SWEEP CLEAN WEEKLY. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. PROVIDE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF RETAINING WALLS. PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OF WALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED DESIGN. CONFIRM ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WALL UNITS WITH OWNER. SUBMIT DESIGN TO CITY FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. PROVIDE COORDINATION AND ASSURANCE THAT RELATED WORK CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE REINFORCED EARTH ZONE; INCLUDING FENCES, UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GUARD RAILS, ETC.; IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED DESIGN AND DOES NO DAMAGE TO REINFORCING ELEMENTS OF THE RETAINING WALL. 25. 26. 27. 28. SPOT ELEVATIONS AT CURBLINES INDICATE FLOWLINES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE SHEET C4.1 FOR RIM ELEVATIONS OF CATCH BASINS. GRADES BETWEEN PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND NONVARIABLE. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHALL GOVERN OVER CONTOUR LINES. MEET AND MATCH EXISTING CURB. PROVIDE 10 FOOT TRANSITION. PAVING SECTIONS a. BITUMINOUS PAVING REFER TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN DETAIL PLATE NO. 5201 b. CONCRETE WALKWAYS REFER TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN DETAIL PLATE NO. 5214 c. CONCRETE DRIVES, APRONS, AND EXTERIOR SLABS REFER TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN DETAIL PLATE NO. 5207 c. BITUMINOUS WALKWAYS REFER TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN DETAIL PLATE NO. 5216 21. 23. 23. 24. GRADING NOTES PAVING NOTES GENERAL NOTES RETAINING WALL NOTES NPDES AREA SUMMARY LEGEND :INLET PROTECTION :TIP OUT CURB„„:SILT FENCE :PAVEMENT SAWCUT :CONSTRUCTION LIMITS :VEHICLE TRACKING PAD ESTIMATED QUANTITY 146 EACH 2 EACH 13,144 FEET SYMBOL DESCRIPTION EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEYING SERVICES CONTACT LANDFORM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT 612.252.9070. 1. 115.52 ACRES MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page3of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 PARTONE:ApplicantInformation Ifapplicantisanentity(company,governmententity,partnership,etc.),anauthorizedcontactpersonmustbeidentified.If the applicantisusinganagent(consultant,lawyer,or otherthirdparty)andhasauthorize dthemtoactontheirbehalf,theagen t’s contactinformationmustalsobeprovided. Applicant/LandownerName:Level7Development,LLC(contactMarkNordland) MailingAddress:8315CascadeDrive,Suite 165,EdenPrairie,MN55344 Phone:(612)8127020 EmailAddress:mnordland@launchproperties.com AuthorizedContact(donotcompleteifsameasabove):DarrenLazan,LandformProfessionalServices MailingAddress:1055thAveS,Minneapolis,MN55401 Phone:(612)2529070 EmailAddress:dlazan@landform.net AgentName:MelissaBarrett,KjolhaugEnvironmental MailingAddress:2500ShadywoodRoad,Su ite130,Orono,MN55331 Phone:(952)4018757 EmailAddress:melissa@kjolhaugenv.com PARTTWO:SiteLocationInformation County: Carver City/Township: Chanhassen ParcelIDand/orAddress: 250230500,250230 420,250230430,25 0230410,250230300 LegalDescription(Section,Township,Range): Sec23,T116,R23 Lat/Long(decimaldegrees): 44°50’15”N:93°33’27”W Attachamapshowingthelocation ofthesiteinrelationto localstreets,roads,highways. Approximatesizeofsite(acres)orifa linearproject,length(feet): 119.88acres IfyouknowthatyourproposalwillrequireanindividualPermit fromtheU.S.ArmyCorpsofEn gineers,youmustprovidethe namesandaddressesofallpropertyownersadja centtotheprojectsite.Thisinformation maybeprovidedbyattachingalist to yourapplicationorbyusingblock25ofth eApplicationforDepartmentoftheArmy permitwhichcanbeobtainedat: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Portals/57/docs/regulatory/RegulatoryDocs/engform_4345_2012oct.pdf PARTTHREE:GeneralProject/SiteInformation Ifthisapplicationisrelatedto adelineationapproval,exemptiondetermination,jurisdictionaldetermination,orother correspondencesubmitted priorto thisapplicationthendescribethathereandprovide theCorpsofEngi neersprojectnumber. Describetheprojectthatisbein gproposed,theprojectpurpose andneed,andschedulefor implementationandcompletion.The projectdescriptionmustfullydescribethe natureandscopeoftheproposedactivityincludingadescriptionofallprojectel ements thateffectaquaticresources(wetland,lake,tributary,etc.)andmustalsoincludepla nsandcrosssectionorprofiledrawing s showingthelocation,character,and dimensionsofallproposedactivities andaquaticresourceimpacts. SeesubmittedAviendaWetlandPermitApplicationanda dditionalsupplementalsu bmittedinformation. MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page4of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 PARTFOUR:AquaticResourceImpact 1Summary Ifyourproposedprojectinvolvesadirectorindirect impacttoanaquaticresource(wetland,lake,tributary,etc.)identify each impactinthetablebelow.Includeallanticipatedimpacts,includingthoseexpectedtobetemporary.Attachanoverheadviewm ap, aerialphoto,and/ordrawingshowingalloftheaquaticresourcesi ntheprojectareaandthelocation(s)oftheproposedimpac ts. Labeleachaquaticresourceonthemap withareferencenumberorletterandidentifythe impactsinthefollowingtable. AquaticResource ID(asnotedon overheadview) Aquatic ResourceType (wetland,lake, tributaryetc.) TypeofImpact (fill,excavate, drain,or remove vegetation) Durationof Impact Permanent(P) orTemporary (T)1 SizeofImpact 2 OverallSizeof Aquatic Resource 3 ExistingPlant Community Type(s)in ImpactArea 4 County,Major Watershed#, andBank ServiceArea# ofImpactArea 5 Wetland1(Non Jurisdictional(JD)) Wetland Fill P 1.1001 1.1001 Shallowmarsh/ wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland1/2(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland Fill P 0.1860 0.1860 Wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland2(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland Fill P 2.2569 2.2569 Openwater/ shallowmarsh/ wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland3(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland NA NA 0 0.6696 Wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland4 (USACEJD) Wetland NA NA 0 0.1253 Wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland5 Wetland Fill P 0.3483 0.3483 Seasflbasin Carver,33,9 Wetland6 (USACEJD) Wetland Fill P 0.4986 0.7816 Wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland7(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland Fill P 0.0150 0.0150 Wetmeadow Carver,33,7 Wetland8(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland Fill P 0.0844 0.0844 Wetmeadow Carver,33,9 Wetland9(Non Jurisdictional) Wetland Excavate P 0.0985 0.0985 Seasflbasin Carver,33,9 Wetland10 (USACEJD) Wetland NA NA 0 0.0740 Seasflbasin Carver,33,9 NorthWaterway (NonJurisdictional) Waterway Fill P 383.5ft(767 sf) 383.5ft(767 sf) NA Carver,33,9 SouthWaterway (USACEJD) Waterway NA NA 0 331ft(662sf)NA Carver,33,9 1Ifimpactsaretemporary;enterthedurationoftheimpactsin daysnexttothe“T”.Forexample,aprojectwithatemporarya ccessfillthat wouldberemovedafter220dayswouldbeentered“T(220)”. 2Impactslessthan0.01acreshouldbereportedinsquarefeet.Im pacts0.01acreorgreatershouldbereportedasacresandro undedtothe nearest0.01acre.Tributaryimpactsmustbereportedinlinearfeet ofimpactandanareaofimpactbyindicatingfirstthel inearfeetofimpact alongtheflowlineofthestreamfollowedby theareaimpactinparentheses).Forexample,aprojectthatimpacts50feetofa streamthatis6 feetwidewouldbereportedas50ft(300squarefeet). 3Thisisgenerallyonlyapplicablei fyouareapplyingforademinimisexemption underMNRules8420.0420Subp.8,otherwiseen ter“N/A”. 4Use WetlandPlantsandPlantCommunityTypesofMinnesotaandWisconsin 3 rdEd.asmodifiedinMNRules8420.0405Subp.2. 5RefertoMajorWatershedandBankService AreamapsinMNRules8420.0522Subp.7. Ifanyoftheaboveidentifiedimpactshavealreadyoccurred,identifywhichimpactsthey areandthecircumstancesassociated witheach: 1Theterm“impact”asusedinthis jointapplicationformisagenerictermused fordisclosurepurposestoidentify activitiesthatmayrequireapproval fromoneormoreregulatoryagencies.For purposesofthisform itisnotmeantto indicatewhetherornotthoseactivities mayrequiremitigation/replacement. MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page5of12 PARTFIVE:ApplicantSignature Checkhereifyouarerequestingapre applicationconsultationwiththeCorpsand LGUbasedontheinformationyouhave provided.Regulatoryentitieswillnotinitiateaformal applicationreviewifthisboxischecked. Bysignaturebelow,Iattestthat theinformationinthisapplicationisco mpleteandaccurate.I furtherattestthatIposses sthe authoritytoundertaketheworkdescribedherein. Signature:Date: Iherebyauthorize toactonmybehalfasmyagentinthe processingofthisapplication andtofurnish,uponrequest, supplementalinformationinsupportofthisapplication. MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page6of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 AttachmentA RequestforDelineationReview,WetlandTypeDetermination,or JurisdictionalDetermination Bysubmissionoftheenclosedwetland delineationreport,IamrequestingthattheU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineers,St.PaulDistr ict (Corps)and/ortheWetlandConservation ActLocalGovernmentUnit(LGU)provideme withthefollowing(checkallthatapply): WetlandTypeConfirmation DelineationConcurrence .Concurrencewithadelineationisawrittennotificationfro mtheCorpsandadecisionfromtheLGU concurring,notconcurring,orcommentingontheboundaries oftheaquaticresourcesdelineatedo ntheproperty.Delineation concurrencesaregenerallyvalid forfiveyearsunlesssiteconditionschange.U nderthisrequestalone,theCorpswillnotadd ress thejurisdictionalstatusoftheaquaticresourcesontheproperty ,onlytheboundariesofthe resourceswithinthereviewarea (includingwetlands,tributaries,lakes,etc.). PreliminaryJurisdictionalDetermination .Apreliminaryjurisdictionaldetermination(PJD)is anonbindingwrittenindication fromtheCorpsthatwaters,i ncludingwetlands,identifiedonaparcelmaybewaterso ftheUnitedStates.Forpurposesof computationofimpactsandcompensatorymitigation requirements,apermitdecisionmadeonthe basisofaPJDwilltreatall watersandwetlandsinthereviewareaasiftheyarejurisdictional watersoftheU.S.PJDsaread visoryinnatureandmayno tbe appealed. ApprovedJurisdictionalDetermination .Anapprovedjurisdictionaldetermination(AJD)i sanofficialCorpsdeterminationthat jurisdictionalwatersoftheUnitedStatesareeither presentorabsentontheproperty.A JDscangenerallyberelieduponbyt he affectedpartyforfiveyears.AnAJD maybeappealedthrough theCorpsadministrativeappealprocess. InorderfortheCorpsandLGUtoproc essyourrequest,thewetlanddelineationmustbe preparedinaccordancewiththe1987 CorpsofEngineersWetlandDelineationManual,anyapprovedRegionalSupplementst othe1987Manual,andthe Guidelinesfor SubmittingWetlandDelineationsinMinnesota (2013). http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/DelineationJDGuidance.aspx MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page7of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 AttachmentB SupportingInformationforApplicationsInvolvingExemptions,NoLoss Determinations,andActivitiesNotRequiringMitigation Completethispart ifyoumaintainthattheidentifiedaquaticresource impactsinPartFourdonotrequirewetland replacement/compensatorymitigationOR ifyouareseekingverificationthatthepropo sedwaterresourceimpactsareeither exemptfromreplacementorare notunderCWA/WCAjurisdiction. Identifythespecificexemptionorno lossprovisionforwhichyoubelieve yourprojectorsitequalifies: Provideadetailedexplanationofhowyourprojectorsitequalifies fortheabove.Bespecificand provideandrefertoattach ments andexhibitsthatsupportyourcontention.Applicantsshouldreferto rules(e.g.WCArules),guidancedocuments(e.g.BWSR guidance,Corpsguidanceletters/publicnotices),andpermit conditions(e.g.CorpsGeneralPermitconditions)todeterminethe necessaryinformationtosupporttheapplication.Applicants arestronglyencouragedtocontact theWCALGUandCorpsProject Managerpriortosubmittinganapplicationi ftheyareunsureofwhattypeofinformationto provide: MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page8of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 AttachmentC AvoidanceandMinimization ProjectPurpose,Need,andRequirements .Clearlystatethepurposeofyourproject andneedforyourproject.Alsoincludea descriptionofanyspecificrequirementsof theprojectastheyrelateto projectlocation,projectfootprint,watermanagement , andanyotherapplicablerequirements.Attachan overheadplansheetshowingall relevantfeaturesoftheproject(buildings, roads,etc.),aquaticresource features(impactareasnoted)andconstructiondetails(gradingplans,stormwatermanagement plans,etc.),referencingtheseasnecessary: SeesubmittedAviendaWetlandPermitApplicationanda dditionalsupplementalsu bmittedinformation. Avoidance.BoththeCWAandtheWCArequirethatimpactsto aquaticresourcesbeavoidedi fpracticablealternativesexist. Clearlydescribeallonsitemeasuresconsideredtoavoidimpactst oaquaticresourcesanddiscussatleasttwoprojectalterna tives thatavoidallimpactstoaquaticresourcesonthe site.Thesealternativesmayincludealternativesiteplans,alternatesites ,and/or notdoing theproject.Alternativesshouldbefeasibleand prudent(seeMNRules8420.0520Sub p.2C).Applicantsareencouraged toattachdrawingsandplanstosupporttheiranalysis: SeesubmittedAviendaWetlandPermitApplicationandadditionalsu pplementalsubmittedinformatio n.Additionally,see Wetland6avoidanceandmi nimizationmemodated1 0/24/2017submittedbyKjolhaug Environmental. Minimization.BoththeCWAandtheWCAre quirethatallunavoidableimpactstoaq uaticresourcesbeminimizedtothegreatest extentpracticable.Discussallfeaturesoftheproposedproject thathavebeenmodifiedtominimizetheimpactstowater resources(seeMNRules8420 .0520Subp.4): SeesubmittedAviendaWetlandPermitApplicationandadditionalsu pplementalsubmittedinformatio n.Additionally,see Wetland6avoidanceandminimization memodated10/24/2017submitted byKjolhaugEnvironmental. OffSiteAlternatives .Anoffsitealternativesanalysisisnotrequiredfor allpermitapplications.Ifyouknowthatyourproposal willrequireanindividualpermit(standardpermit orletterofpermission)fromtheU.S .ArmyCorpsofEngineers,youmaybe requiredtoprovideanoffsitealternativesanalysis.Thealterna tivesanalysisisnotrequired foracompleteapplicationbu tmust beprovidedduringthereviewprocessinorder fortheCorpstocompletetheevaluation ofyourapplicationandreachafinal decision.Applicantswithquestionsabout whenanoffsitealternativesanalysisisrequired shouldcontacttheirCorpsProjec t Manager. SeesubmittedAviendaWetlandPermitApplicationanda dditionalsupplementalsu bmittedinformation. MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page9of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 AttachmentD Replacement/CompensatoryMitigation Completethispart ifyourapplicationinvolveswetlandreplacement/compensatory mitigationnotassociatedwiththelocalroad wetlandreplacementprogram.ApplicantsshouldconsultCorps mitigationguidelinesandWCArulesforrequirements. Replacement/CompensatoryMitigatio nviaWetlandBanking .Completethissectionifyouareproposi ngtousecreditsfroman existingwetlandbank(withanaccountnumberintheState wetlandbankingsystem)forallorpartofyour replacement/compensatorymitigationrequirements. WetlandBank Account#County Major Watershed# Bank Service Area# CreditType (ifapplicable)NumberofCredits 1494 BlueEarth 32 9 5 4.9341 1605 Stevens 23 9 4 2.5 174 Rice 33 9 4 0.0257 174 Rice 33 9 Upl 1.7158 Applicantsshouldattachdocumentationindicatingthattheyhavecont actedthewetlandbankaccountownerandreachedat leastatentativeagreementtoutilizetheidentifiedcreditsforthe project.Thisdocumentationcouldbeasignedpurchase agreement,signedapplicationfor withdrawalofcreditsorsomeotherc orrespondenceindicatinganagreementbetween the applicantandthebankowner.However,applicantsareadvisednott oenterintoabindingagreement topurchasecreditsuntilthe mitigationplanisapproved bytheCorpsandLGU. ProjectSpecificReplacement/PermitteeResponsibleMitigation .Completethissectionifyouareproposingtopursueactions (restoration,creation,preservation,etc.)togeneratewetlandreplaceme nt/compensatorymitigationcreditsforthisproposed project. WCAAction Eligible forCredit 1 CorpsMitigation Compensation Technique2 Acres Credit% Requested Credits Anticipated3 County Major Watershed# Bank Service Area# 1RefertothenameandsubpartnumberinMNRule8420.0526. 2Refertothetechniquelistedin St.PaulDistrictPolicyfor WetlandCompensatoryMitigationinMinnesota . 3IfWCAandCorpscreditingdiffers,thenenterboth numbersanddistinguishwhichisCorpsandwhichisWCA. Explainhoweachproposedactionortechniquewillbecompleted (e.g.wetlandhydrologywillb erestoredbybreakingthetile……) andhowtheproposalmeets thecreditingcriteriaassociatedwith it.ApplicantsshouldrefertotheCorpsmitigationpolicy language,WCArulelanguage,andall associatedCorpsandWCAguidancerelate dtotheactionortechnique: Attachasitelocationmap,soilsmap,recentaerialphotograph,andany othermapstoshowthelocationandotherrelevant featuresofeachwetlandreplacement/mitigationsite.Discussindetail existingvegetation,existing landscapefeatures,land use (onandsurroundingthesite),existingsoils,drainage systems(ifpresent),andwater sourcesandmovement.Includea topographicmapshowingkeyfeaturesrelatedt ohydrologyandwaterflow(inlets,outl ets,ditches,pumps,etc.): MinnesotaInteragencyWaterResour ceApplicationFormFebruary 2014 Page10of12 ProjectNameand/orNumber:Avienda,Chanhassen,MNKES#2015130 Attachamapoftheexistingaquaticresources,associateddelineationr eport,andanydocumentatio nofregulatoryreviewor approval.Discussasnecessary: Foractionsinvolvingconstructionactivities,attachconstr uctionplansandspecificationswith allrelevantdetails.Discuss and providedocumentationofahydrologicandhydraulicanalysisofthesiteto defineexistingconditions,predictprojectoutcomes, identifyspecificprojectperformancestandards andavoidadverseoffsiteimpacts.Plans andspecificationsshouldbeprepared by alicensedengineerfollowingstandardengineeringpractices.Discussanticipatedconstructionsequenceandtiming: Forprojectsinvolvingvegetationrestoration,provideavegetation establishmentplanthatincludesinformationonsite preparation,seedmixesandplantmaterials,seeding/plantingplan(attach seeding/plantingzone map),planting/seeding methods,vegetationmaintenance,andananticipatedscheduleofactivities: Forprojectsinvolvingconstructionorvegetation restoration,identifyanddiscussgoalsand specificoutcomesthatcanbe determinedforcreditallocation.Provideaproposed creditallocationtabletiedtooutcomes: Provideafiveyearmonitoringplantoaddr essprojectoutcomesandcreditallocation: Discussandprovideevidenceofownershiporrightst oconductwetlandreplacement /mitigationoneachsite: Quantifyallproposedwetlandcredits andcomparetowetlandimpactstoidentify aproposedwetlandreplacementratio.Discuss howthisreplacementratiois consistentwithCorpsandWCArequirements: Bysignaturebelow,theapplicantatteststothefollowing (onlyrequiredifapplicationinvolvesprojectspecific/permittee responsiblereplacement): Allproposedreplacementwetlandswerenot: Previouslyrestoredorcreatedunderapriorapprovedreplacementplanorpermit Drainedorfilledunderanexemption duringtheprevious10years Restoredwithfinancialassistancefrom publicconservationprograms Restoredusingprivatefunds,otherthan landownerfunds,unlessthefundsare paidbackwithinteresttotheindividual ororganizationthatfundedtherestoration andtheindividualororganizationno tifiesthelocalgovernmentunitin writingthattherestoredwetland maybeconsideredforreplacement. Thewetlandwillbereplacedbeforeorconcurrentwith theactualdrainingorfillingofawetland. Anirrevocablebankletterofcredit,performance bond,orotheraccep tablesecuritywillbeprovidedtoguaranteesuccessful completionofthewetlandreplacement. Within30daysofeitherreceivingapprovalo fthisapplicationorbeginningworkon theproject,IwillrecordtheDeclaration of RestrictionsandCovenantsonthedeedforthepropertyonwhich thereplacementwetland(s)willbelocatedandsubmitproof ofsuchrecordingtoth eLGUandtheCorps. ApplicantorRepresentative:Title: Signature:Date: