appeal emailWalters, MacKenzie From: DEBBIE LOCKHART <debbielockhart@earthlink.net> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 1:12 PM To: Walters, MacKenzie Subject: re:variances for 3617 Red Cedar Point After attending the Planning Commission Meeting on January 2nd for Planning Case 2018-01 1 must voice my concerns. In the background section of the City of Chanhassen report, it stated that "numerous inquiries from interested parties about 3617 Red Cedar Point Road. Staff informed individuals interested in the property that a variance would be likely be required to rebuild on the property. Staff indicated that any variance request should maintaining the existing shoreline setback and reduce the amount of lot coverage present on the parcel. Staff indicated that it would consider supporting a front yard variance in the interest of maintain the existing lake setback, but expressed concerns about the ability of a shortened driveway to provide onsite parking. Additionally, staff expressed reservations about the propertys ability to accommodate a three -car garage, recommending that a tuck under or side loading configuration be used." These were the staff recommendations, yet a three car garage, shortened driveway and 36% coverage (The coverage now is 36.3%. In 1928 when the house was built as a summer house, the area next to the road was graveled and allowed for family gathering parking. There were no constraints on hard cover usage at that time. The proposed plans do reduce the gravel area by about half according to page 6 of the report. The present house is a two bedroom one bath home. ) Why is the staff now recommending an increase from the 25% now allowed to 36% This makes no sense. Later in the report under Findings of Facts and Decision 413 under variance filings states,"However, the requested variances significantly exceed the minimum variances needed for the construction of a reasonably sized home. Under 4E Findings: "The proposed home is larger than those located on the surrounding properties, and deviates for the general lake home aesthetic proposed in the community." Please consider the background staff recommendations and the findings statements and send this back to the planning commission. Creative building plans could be designed to fit the neighborhood. Thank you. Deborah Lockhart 3618 Red Cedar Point