PC Minutes 18-06 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2018 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, John Tietz, Nancy Madsen, and Steve Weick MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Undestad and Mark Randall STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and Bob Generous, Senior Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: Rob Martinson 8679 Flamingo Drive Matt Englund 160 Choctaw Circle Greg Hawks 1806 Colonial Lane Sid Levin 2841 Tanagers Lane Bethany Collins 8465 Mission Hills Lane Jennifer Chou 1471 Camden Ridge Matt Eklo 3360 Bavaria Road Mike McGonagill 2451 Hunter Drive PUBLIC HEARING: ARBOR GLEN: CONSIDER A PUD AMENDMENT REGARDING PERMISSIBLE LOT COVERAGE AND DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS. Generous: Thank you Chairman, commissioners. Planning Case 2018-03 is a public hearing for an amendment to an existing planned unit development. The property’s located, the applicant is Golf Lakes Condos Limited Liability Company and it’s to amend the PUD standards to permit additional coverage on the individual lots and also to assign a smaller side yard setback for driveways in this district. The site is located at the southwest corner of Lyman Boulevard and Great Plains Boulevard. It was, it’s total site is 8.49 acres. The development permits villa style homes which are sort of like a detached townhouse development. Total hard cover within the entire project is limited to 25 percent. The final plat was approved on July 24, 2017. At that time the City approved an 18 lot subdivision and the plans and specifications and development contract for that. This reduced the number of lots that were approved from 21 to 18. Outlot D was created as part of the final plat to accommodate a storm water pond on the property outside of the Bluff Creek corridor and outside of any of the wetland buffer. And then Outlot E was enlarged to include all the wetland buffer that was being required by the watershed district to meet their storm water requirements. As part of the preliminary plat, which was approved on July 11, 2016, 21 lots were approved. As you can see from the design this roadway, while still Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 20, 2018 being private was a little bit longer and extending down to the south and it had two smaller forks that were approved. Preliminary approved with that. The 21 lots also had a variance for Lots 1 and 2 on the west side to permit a smaller perimeter setback. As part of the preliminary plat it was pointed out that there was storm water issues that needed to be resolved prior to the final plat approval. Additionally the wetland buffer issues had to be resolved because the wetland buffers were extending up into the lots on the south side of the development. The proposed amendment accounts for the reduction from 21 to 18 lots and reapportions the hard cover within the development. It goes, increases by 350 square feet for individual lot. While these will be higher than 25 percent on the individual lot basis the overall development still remains under the 25 percent hard cover. Additionally this has a 6 foot side yard setback. However our ordinance requires a 10 foot setback for driveways and so it was impractical for them to meet those standards with the house design given that they only had a 25 foot setback from the street to where the house could be built so we’re reducing that side yard setback. And because of the redesign the loss of the 3 of the lots. The 2 lots on the west side no longer require a variance so that element is removed from the PUD standards completely. Those are all the changes in the PUD. Otherwise everything else remains the same. Staff is recommending approval of the amendment to the Arbor Glen PUD design standards and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Aller: Any questions of staff at this time? Commissioner Weick. Weick: Page 3. Section B. The setbacks. Does the driveway side yard setback at, sorry, at 5 feet replace the side lot line setback at 6 feet? And how are those different? Generous: Just for the driveway. Weick: How come we wouldn’t make it 6 feet? Why doesn’t 6 feet work? I guess it’s, because we must have amended the side lot line from 10 to 6 originally. Generous: Yeah as part of the original PUD. Weick: And then we’re saying even from the 6 we need another. Generous: They want to go down the 1 foot more for their driveway on the front. Weick: Just on the driveway. Generous: Just on the driveway. The house is. Weick: That’s why we have two separate lines. Aanenson: Correct. 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 20, 2018 Weick: Okay. That’s it. Aller: Commissioner Madsen. Madsen: So with this redrawing are the lots now totally outside of the wetland buffer? Generous: Yes they are. Madsen: Okay, thank you. Aller: Any questions? Thank you. At this point in time we’ll allow the applicant to come forward and make it’s presentation. Welcome sir, if you could state your name and address and representational capacity that would be great. Matt Eklo: My name is Matt Eklo. I’m representing the owner tonight. I don’t really have a whole lot I guess you know. Again just kind of what Bob…basically what Bob said. You know we had to reduce our lots from 21 down to 18 and then with some of our house designs on the driveways because they’re offset to the one side and they aren’t centered on the houses it, our roof lines will still be at the 6 foot but the driveways will encroach a little bit and so that’s why we’re asking for the 5 foot variance on the driveways. Aller: As a result of the reduction and numbers are the homes themselves larger in square foot? Matt Eklo: No. No. Our plans are, floor plans and designs stay the same. Aller: So your modification is strictly to the driveway and the location of the driveway? Matt Eklo: Yep. Yep. Aller: Any additional questions? Tietz: I just have one. It looks like a better site solution than you had the first time with the reduction of 3 lots. Matt Eklo: Yeah. Tietz: It seems to flow better and. Matt Eklo: Yeah, yeah. Tietz: It looks like your site drainage is going to work better even between the units and how the site lays out. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 20, 2018 Matt Eklo: Yeah. It did. Tietz: It was a tough solution with 21. Matt Eklo: Yeah. Tietz: And pushing out towards 101 so. Matt Eklo: Yeah. Yeah those Lots 1 and 2 there on that west side of the street would have just been. Tietz: By those little dead head roads on the other end off that, that was difficult so yeah this is a better solution for that site. Now have you begun to rip some frost already? Matt Eklo: No we haven’t. Tietz: But there’s a Cat on site isn’t there? Matt Eklo: Yeah that’s the earth working company’s equipment they left there last fall because they. Tietz: So that’s been there for. Matt Eklo: Yep it’s been there since end of November, first part of December whenever they. Tietz: Okay. I should be more observant. Aller: At least we know you went and visited. Tietz: I did. Aller: Great. Matt Eklo: Thank you very much. Aller: Okay with that we’ll open up the public hearing portion of this item. Again this an opportunity for any individual here to go ahead and come forward and state their name and address and any comments, concerns, questions they might have regarding the project before us. Seeing no one come forward I will close the public hearing. Open it up for commission discussion. I love the fact that it goes to Commissioner Madsen’s question about the setbacks and whether or not they’re in the bluff district and the fact that they’re entirely out was something that I’m very encouraged by and the fact that there is less density in the number of units is again encouraging and the fact that they, when they modified this it was to a small degree 4 Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 20, 2018 it was really a design situation and not something where they were just trying to increase the hard cover which could have caused additional problems so I think all in all is a better design and better project and I’ll be voting for it. Any other comments? Then I’ll entertain a motion. Madsen: I can make a motion. Aller: Commissioner Madsen. Madsen: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the amendment, the ordinance amending the Arbor Glen Planned Unit Development Residential District regulations and approves the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Weick: Second. Aller: I have a valid motion and a second. Any further discussion? Madsen moved, Weick seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approves the ordinance amending the Arbor Glen Planned Unit Development-Residential District regulations and approves the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Aller: Motion carries unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Weick noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 16, 2018. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. ANNUAL REPORT. Aanenson: Thank you. Mr. Generous is going to go through our annual report and then take a couple items after that. Aller: So the city code requires us to provide this report for those of us that are present, or at home and we have the benefit of staff creating a report that we can utilize because they have all the information before them and then we can adopt it or make modifications as are necessary so thanks for doing that. 5