D. Local Water Management Plan UpdateCity of Chanhassen Local Stormwater Management Plan Update Planning Commission April 3, 2018 What is it? A document that sets forth the City's goals, policies, and actions to manage stormwater and protect and improve water resources in the city. Your role? The Planning Commission has already reviewed and provided input into the draft Goals at the October 3, 2017 Meeting. Current role to review and provide input to the Draft Plan. The Draft Plan can also be found on the front page of the City website under City News. http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=402 Why do this? The update is required by State Statute, completed every 10 years or completed within two years following the update of a watershed management plan. In addition, it is good and responsible infrastructure and resource management and stewardship. The current Plan expired in 2016. What is in it? Contains three major sections: an Inventory, Goals and Policies, and an Implementation Plan. if Inventory • Inventory of physical environment and water resources • Updated stormwater modeling • Condition assessment: water quality, stream conditions, pond inventory, wetland data • Information from other studies or reports o TMDLs, Use Attainability Analyses o Watershed District requirements o NPDES - stormwater permit requirements o Wetland inventory o Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan o Wellhead protection plan o Other agency requirements 2) Goals and Policies • Holistic water management—stormwater, lakes and streams, wetlands, groundwater City of Chanhassen Local Water Management Plan Update April 3, 2018 3) Implementation Plan • Programs, including education and outreach program • Capital projects • Maintenance actions • Ordinance revisions • Assessment of adequacy of funding What is the timeline? Feb 1 = Begin 60 day comment period for the four Watershed Management Organizations (WMO's) and 45 day comment period Met Council and two Counties March 19 = End 45 day comment period for Met Council W'e are here March 15 = Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District requests comment period extension May 4 = End comment period for WMO (extension granted) ???? = Comment response and negotiation period with WMO's. The WMO comment response/negotiation period is undefined in State statute. It ends when WMO's are willing to approve LWMP ???? = Begin 120 day adoption and implementation period of LWMP by City. Date dependent on WMO Plan approval. ???? = Begin 180 day standards and ordinances amendment period. Date dependent on WMO Plan approval. City of Chanhassen Local Water Management Plan Update April 3, 2018