D-2. Approval of Planning Commission Work Session minutes dated April 3, 2018CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISS] REGULAR MEETING/WORKSESSION SUMMARY MINUTES April 3, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, John Tietz, Nancy Madsen, Michael McGonagill and Mark Randall MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Undestad and Steve Weick STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner, MacKenzie Walters, Assistant Planner and Vanessa Strong, Water Resources Coordinator PUBLIC PRESENT: None A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Oaths of Office: Oath of office administered to Mark Randall and Michael McGonagill. 0nJAI.IA:I01yQmlf�1 1. Adoption of Bylaws Bylaws adopted (John Tietz motioned, Mark Randall seconded, unanimous vote to adopt) 2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair John Tietz made a motion and Mark Randall seconded a motion to elect Andrew Aller chair (unanimous vote to approval) John Tietz made a motion and Nancy Madsen seconded to elect Steven Weick vice chair (nominated by unanimous) Bob Generous discussed perspective agenda items for the year. Noted April 17' meeting was cancelled due to lack of items, and deadline for May 1st meeting had passed on March 30, 2018. The next deadline is April 13 for a May 15th Planning Commission meeting. John Tietz asked for status of Avienda project. Vanessa Strong responded that they were working on stromwater plan and that watershed had significant concerns with the submitted materials. Explained that they would need to meet both City and Watershed requirements. John Tietz expressed concern that evolving plan may lead to something very different than initially envisioned. Bob Generous clarified that those concerns can be addressed when they come in for a PUD amendment and right not they are just working on getting a grading permit. Nancy Madsen asked for confirmation that the city had found a potential project for Avienda's stormwater dedication. Vanessa Strong indicated that City was looking to use those funds along with several other funding sources to acquire properties along pioneer trail and restore the function of wetland near the intersection of Pioneer Trail and Great Plains. Mark Randall asked what the time line would be and Vanessa Strong indicated it would likely be over a 2 to 3 -year period. Nancy Madsen asked staff to clarify what the upcoming brewery ordinance referred to. MacKenzie Walters indicated that staff had met with multiple entities interested in opening a brewery/distillery in the City, but the current ordinance does not allow them to locate in commercial areas and does not allow for tap/cocktail rooms. Staff has been directed to draft an ordinance permitting them, in the hopes that it will lower the perceived barriers to opening a craft alcohol producer in the City. Nancy Madsen moved to adjourn meeting, Mark Randall seconded, all voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5-0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. C. 2040 Comprehensive Plan — Review jurisdictional and public comments and responses Bob Generous explained proposed timeline for adoption and noted that most of the comments staff received were fairly minor. Referred Planning Commission to spreadsheet of comments received and staff's response. MacKenzie Walters presented on Chapters 1-5. Noted that biggest changes were clarifying nature, location, and likely sequence of development in land use section, and listing policy/tools for addressing existing and projected housing needs. John Tietz expressed concern that forecasts did not show significant drop in number of septic properties, and concern about cost effectiveness of extending water and sewer to southern portions of the City. He requested staff clarify language addressing sewer and water services for large lot subdivisions. Bob Generous presented on Chapters 6-10. Noted that biggest change was to revise TAZ table to align with Metropolitan Council forecasts, adding discussion of railroad and airport to transportation section, and expanding Subsurface Sewage Treatment System discussion. D. Local Water Management Plan Update Vanessa Strong present on the City Local Water Management Plan. She discussed possible timeline and explained that it largely came down to how quickly the city could negotiate with the watershed districts for approval. The commissioners asked her to expand upon the City's efforts to create a uniform regulatory scheme for all properties in the City. She discussed the need to adopt the most restrictive standard and how variances could potentially work in that situation. Michael McGonagill asked her to state the strengths and weaknesses of the City's surface water management system. She highlighted ongoing maintenance and non -conforming treatment systems as significant concerns, and engaged and knowledgeable staff and residents as a significant asset. MacKenzie Walters provided an update on the Target project, explaining that they were updating the fagade, signage, and adding a liquor section. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. G:\MINUTES\PC\2018\Summary\April 3 Work Session Notes.docx