2018-04-20 Notice of Filing of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and...10-CV-18-73Electronically Served 4/20/2018 10:03 AM Carver County, MN 10-CV-18-73 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Northern States Power Company (d/b/a Xcel Energy), a Minnesota corporation, by its Board of Directors, Petitioner, vs. Chaska Hazeltine Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; City of Chaska; Beckman Coulter, Inc., a Delaware corporation; RBS Financial Products, Inc., a Delaware corporation, f/k/a Greenwich Capital Financial Products, Inc.; Midcountry Bank, a Federal Savings Bank; State of Minnesota; RAS Properties Chaska, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, f/k/a Williams Brothers Pipe Line Company; OSM-LOR, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Cheryl Stinski as Personal Representative of the Estate of Roland Audley Stinski a/k/a Roland A. Stinski; Cheryl L. Stinski a/k/a Cheryl Stinski; First Farmers & Merchants National Bank, a national bank; RAS Properties McKinley, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Lois R. Degler, as Trustee of the Lois R. Degler Trust; Gayle O. Degler and Lois J. Degler, as Trustees of the Gayle O. Degler Revocable Trust, u/a/d April 11, 1997, as amended; City of Chanhassen; and Carver County, Respondents. Case Type: Condemnation Court File No. 10-CV-18-73 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER GRANTING PETITION, QUICK-TAKE MOTION, AND REGARDING COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS IN CARVER COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA, FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE PURPOSES       2 INTRODUCTION The above-captioned action came on for hearing before the Honorable Michael D. Wentzell, on April 17, 2018, on Petitioner s Petition, its Motion for an Order Granting Petition, and its Motion for an Order Transferring Title and Possession pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042. Petitioner appeared by its attorney, Patrick D.J. Mahlberg, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-1425. Respondent Chaska Hazeltine Investors, LLC appeared by its attorney, Christopher S. Hayhoe, Felhaber Larson, 220 South Sixth Street, Suite 2200, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Respondent CHI is the fee owner of the land designated as Parcel 3 in this action. No objections were received prior to the hearing and no other appearances were made at the hearing. Certain stipulations and/or agreements were reached prior to the hearing with non-fee interest holders in each of the parcels at issue, which stipulations and/or agreements are reflected herein. Consequently, no objection or appearance was made on behalf of the fee owners or any other party owning an interest in the lands designated as Parcel 6 or Parcel 10 in this action. Prior to the hearing, Petitioner submitted a proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Granting Petition, Quick-Take Motion, and Regarding Commissioners, an amended proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Granting Petition,     3 Quick- Supporting Authority for the Exercise of Eminent Domain. Petitioner, through its counsel, appeared at the hearing prepared to offer testimony through company witnesses Benjamin Gallay and Brian Sullivan, as well as through Andrew Romine from the City of Chaska. In lieu of offering that testimony, the parties, of its Petition and Quick-Take Motion, referencing facts as alleged in the Petition or that would be elicited through testimony. Respondent would offer argument as agreed that, if there were any dispute about the facts offered by Petitioner, that counsel would raise them and then testimony could then be obtained. With this stipulation made, the parties also stipulated to the admission of four exhibits offered by Petitioner, as follows: Exhibit 1 Aerial Map Depicting the Project and certain other information; Exhibit 2 Survey Sketch Depicting and Describing the Easement Area across Parcel 3; Exhibit 3 Survey Sketch Depicting and Describing the Easement Area across Parcel 6; and Exhibit 4 Survey Sketch Depicting and Describing the Easement Area across Parcel 10. Petitioner and Respondent CHI then proceeded to make their arguments -Take Motion. No request for additional testimony was made by Respondent CHI. material dispute as to the facts as recited in the hearing or set forth in the Petition. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Court directed Petitioner and Respondent CHI to submit     4 proposed findings, conclusions of law, and order(s) on April 18, 2018. On April 18, 2018, the Court received those proposed findings, conclusions of law, and order(s) from Petitioner and Respondent CHI, respectively. Having heard the evidence adduced at the hearing and the arguments of counsel, and based on all the files and records herein, the Court makes the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Granting Petition, Quick-Take Motion, and Regarding Commissioners: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Petitioner Northern States Power Company (d/b/a Xcel Energy) is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of Minnesota. This its governing body. 2. Petitioner is a public utility and public service corporation duly organized, created, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Minnesota, having its principal place of business at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, for the purposes, among others, of generating, transmitting, and supplying electric power and energy for public use. 3. In the conduct of its business, Petitioner maintains and operates numerous generating plants, electric substation facilities, and an extensive transmission and distribution system for the generation, transmission, and supply of electric power and energy for public use.     5 4. In furtherance of its business of generating, transmitting, and supplying electric power and energy to the public, Petitioner seeks to acquire certain real property rights for use in connection with the construction of approximately 1.5 miles of new 115 (Line #5570) and associated facilities (collectively, the in Carver Coun The Project is generally depicted on Exhibit 1 and the particular Easement Areas are set forth in Exhibits 2, 3, and 4, respectively. 5. The Project is required in order to serve a new substation, which is needed to provide increased reliability of electric service in the City of Chaska and will reduce overloads on neighboring lines and transformers. The City of Chaska provides electric distribution service, but does not have its own transmission facilities. As a result, the City of Chaska needs an electric transmission provider to deliver adequate power to its 115 kV substation. As shown on Exhibit 1, the City of Chaska selected a location for its d west of an existing railroad corridor. 6. The City of Chaska and Petitioner engaged in discussions and reached an agreement whereby Petitioner would provide adequate electricity to the City of 7. In order to provide that electricity, Petitioner examined ways to connect new substation and an interconnection point near the intersection of Lyman Boulevard     6 and County Road 15 was reasonably necessary and convenient to accomplish its goals and obligations. The location of that interconnection point is shown on Exhibit 1. 8. Petitioner then considered options for routing the new transmission line considered multiple factors in determining its route, ultimately settling on the route that is generally depicted on Exhibit 1. In somewhat general terms, this route travels west from follows that corridor in a northeasterly direction to the southerly border of Lyman Boulevard, than travels along the south side of Lyman Boulevard to the designated interconnection point. 9. Respondent CHI owns property that is east of the railroad corridor at the point where the Project crosses over that corridor. Respondent CHI did not file written objections prior to or at the hearing. At the hearing, Respondent CHI did not object to the domain to acquire easements necessary for construction of the Project, but rather asserted that the transmission line should be routed along the west side of the railroad corridor or Respondent CHI did not present any additional evidence. 10. The Project and the Facilities are necessary and serve a public purpose, including the transmission of electric power and energy to the public.     7 11. Minn. Stat. §§ 216E.12, 222.36, and 301B.02 grant Petitioner the right to acquire real property for the purposes stated herein by exercise of the power of eminent domain, in the manner prescribed by Minn. Stat. Ch. 117. 12. On January 22, 2018, Petitioner initiated the above-captioned action by filing its Petition with the Carver County Court Administrator. 13. To accomplish the foregoing public use and purpose of constructing the Project and the Facilities, it is reasonably necessary and convenient for Petitioner to acquire by exercise of the power of eminent domain perpetual easements and rights-of- way to survey, construct, operate, maintain, use, upgrade, rebuild, relocate and/or remove a transmission line facility with one or more circuits, with all towers, structures, poles, foundations, crossarms, cables, wires, guys, supports, counterpoises, fixtures, and equipment related to said transmission line facility, together with communication equipment relating to the operation of such transmission line facility through, over, under, and across the real property described in Exhibit A to the Petition. The easement rights to be acquired by Petitioner are specifically described in Exhibit B to the Petition. 14. The owners and occupants of the property described in Exhibit A to the Petition shall have the full use and enjoyment of the easement areas and rights-of-way, so long as said use and enjoyment is consistent with Petitioner s rights as set forth in Exhibit B to the Petition, which, in addition to describing the easement rights to be areas and rights-of-way.     8 15. Petitioner has complied with all applicable requirements of Minn. Stat. Ch.117. 16. The legal description of the property affected by the taking and the names of those appearing of record or known to Petitioner to be the owners of said Property or interested therein, including all whom Petitioner has, by investigation and inquiry, been able to discover, together with the nature of the ownership of each, as ascertained by Petitioner, are set forth in Exhibit A to the Petition. 17. Petitioner, by resolution of its governing body, has authorized the acquisition of the Property described in said Exhibit A to the Petition by the exercise of its rights of - § 117.042. 18. Notice of the objects of the Petition and the Quick -Take Motion, as well as of the time and place of presenting the same, was duly and timely served on Respondents, as indicated in the proof of service that has been filed in the office of the Carver County Court Administrator. 19. Notice of Petitioner s intent to take title to and possession of the Property described in Exhibit A to the Petition pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, was duly and timely served on Respondents, as indicated in the proof of service that has been filed in the office of the Carver County Court Administrator. 20. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, Petitioner needs to acquire title to and possession of the Property prior to the time the Court-appointed condemnation commissioners can reasonably be expected to have filed their award.     9 21. The Property to be acquired through this proceeding is located in Carver County, Minnesota. 22. As to Parcel 3, prior to the hearing on Petition, the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources, confirmed its rights in all that portion of the land lying below the natural ordinary high watermark of Hazeltine Lake as the same affects Parcel 3. Petitioner will acquire its easement interest through, over, and across Parcel 3, subject to the proprietary and sovereign rights of the State of Minnesota in all that portion of the easement area lying below the natural ordinary high watermark of Hazeltine Lake; not intending, however, to deprive the fee owners of the usual riparian rights that attach to the land riparian to a navigable public body of water incident to the ownership thereof. 23. As to Parcel 6, Petitioner and Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. their respective easement rights and obligations and the terms and conditions under -of-way of Magellan, including determination of appropriate mitigative measures. 24. To provide Petitioner and Magellan with additional time to negotiate an pipeline, the hearing on the Petition and quick- interests, including interest in Parcel 6 (PID No. 30.5190030), is continued until a date to be determined by the Court if the parties are unable to reach an agreement.     10 25. The Court excludes from this Order any finding or ruling as to the public interest and necessity of Petitioner taking with respect to the property rights of Magellan. In the event that Petitioner and Magellan are unable to reach agreement and notify the Court accordingly, the Court will schedule a date for a continued hearing, during which Petitioner and Magellan shall be permitted to present evidence regarding described in the Petition, and Magellan shall be allowed to make any objection to the Petition and quick-take motion that could have been made at the hearing originally scheduled for April 17, 2018. 26. Counsel for Petitioner and Magellan shall notify the Court promptly if an agreement is reached. 27. As to Parcel 10, Petitioner and the City of Chanhassen have agreed that t to the road right-of-way interests held by the City of Chanhassen. In other words, this Order does not subordinate the City of CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Court has jurisdiction and authority to hear the matters Petitioner has brought herein pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ch. 117. 2. Petitioner is a public service corporation, Minn. Stat. § 117.025, subd. 10, and possesses the right of eminent domain and has properly exercised the same herein. Among other enabling statutes, the Minnesota legislature has provided that, public service corporation shall have the right to obtain by condemnation, under the     11 power of eminent domain, any land, or any right over, through, or across the same, or any easement therein, necessary for the convenient prosecution of its enterprise. §222.36 (emphasis added).1 3. While a condemning authority must show necessity. It is enough to find that the proposed taking is reasonably necessary or City of Duluth v. State, 390 N.W.2d 757, 764 65 (Minn. 1986). Id. at 764. review s decision to be overturned if it were arbitrary, unreasonable, or capricious, or [if] the evidence against the necessity or public use is overwhelming Id. at 764 (quotation omitted) (emphasis in original). In reviewing a condemnation petition, great weight is given to the Great weight must be given to the determination of the condemning authority, and the scope of review is narrowly limited. If it appears that the record contains some evidence, however informal, that the taking serves a public purpose, there is nothing left for the courts to pass upon. Courts may arbitrary or unreasonable. 1 As set forth above, Respondent CHI concedes that Petitioner has the power of eminent domain and that the Project is for a public purpose and necessity.     12 Hous. & Redevelopment Auth. in & for City of Minneapolis v. Minneapolis Metro. Co., 104 N.W.2d 864, 874 (Minn. 1960) Itasca Cnty. v. Carpenter, 602 N.W.2d 887, 889 (Minn. Ct. App. 1999) (quotation omitted). 4. T the determination of the particular property or property rights to be acquired. See Metropolitan Sewer Board v.Thiss, 200 N.W.2d 396, 397 (Minn. 1972). As the Thiss Court stated: Th[e Minnesota Supreme C]ourt has always held that the propriety of the exercise of eminent domain is a legislative question. The judicial issue is whether the condemning authority acted arbitrarily and in disregard of the best interests of the public, or upon an erroneous theory of the law, or whether the evidence is practically conclusive against the authority. There need be no showing of absolute necessity, and the mere suggestion of possible alternatives does not, in itself, support a finding of arbitrariness. Id.; see also, e.g., Kettleson, 801 N.W.2d 160, 164 (Minn. 2011) see also Housing & Redev. Auth., 104 N.W.2d at [condemning authority] as to what may be necessary and proper to carry out the purpose of the plan. We do not understand that it is the function of the court to decide between conflicting opinions of the parties as to the advisability of a discretionary n, 707 N.W.2d 376, 382 (Minn. 2006) (noting the particular rights necessary to facilitate its electric transmission system).     13 5. The takings described in the Petition are for a public use and purpose, are necessary, and are authorized by law. See Minn. Stat. §§ 117.025, subds. 10 and 11, 222.36, 301B.01, and 301B.02. 6. Petitioner has demonstrated that it is reasonably necessary and convenient for it to take the rights sought in the Petition and build the Project along the route generally depicted on Exhibit 1. As set fort the Project, as proposed by Petitioner, is a well- of eminent domain. Considering the great deference the Court must pay to the in seeking to condemn the rights described in the Petition for the Project, Petitioner has met its burdens. 7. It is reasonably necessary and convenient for Petitioner to acquire, for the purpose of constructing the Project and the Facilities, perpetual easements and rights-of- way to survey, construct, operate, maintain, use, upgrade, rebuild, relocate and/or remove a transmission line facility with one or more circuits, with all towers, structures, poles, foundations, crossarms, cables, wires, guys, supports, counterpoises, fixtures, and equipment related to said transmission line facility, together with communication equipment relating to the operation of such transmission line facility through, over, under, and across the property described in Exhibit A to the Petition. The easement rights to be acquired by Petitioner are specifically described in Exhibit B to the Petition. 8. The owners and occupants of the property described in Exhibit A to the Petition shall have the full use and enjoyment of the easement areas and rights-of-way, so     14 Exhibit B to the Petition. 9. respectfully denied. is not to the public purpose or necessity of the Project in general, but to the necessity of routing the Project as opposed to the west side of the existing railroad corridor. Under Minnesota law, the mere suggestion by a landowner that a different route would be preferable for that landowner is not enough to defeat a condemnation Petition. Thiss, 200 N.W.2d at 397; see also Kettleson, 801 N.W.2d at 164; Housing & Redev. Auth., 104 N.W.2d at 874; Lundell, 707 N.W.2d at 382. Moreover, as set out at the hearing, the Petitioner considered different routes and factors, and exercised its discretion to select a route that crosses Parcel 3. Among other things, Petitioner considered that routing the Project to the west of the railroad corridor, as Respondent CHI would prefer, would require removal of a tree that contains a bald The deferential standard of review this Court must apply does not support this Court substituting its judgment for the reasoned consideration of Petitioner in selecting its preferred route. 10. The facts, particularly in light of the narrow standard of review, do not allow a conclusion that the Project, as described in the Petition including across Parcel 3, is a . 11. proprietary and sovereign rights of the State of Minnesota in all that portion of the easement area lying below the natural ordinary high watermark of Hazeltine Lake; not     15 intending, however, to deprive the fee owners of the usual riparian rights that attach to the land riparian to a navigable public body of water incident to the ownership thereof. The foregoing shall be reflected in any Final Certificate filed in this action. 12. As to Parcel 6, as set forth in the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Court excludes from this Order any finding or ruling as to the public interest and necessity of 13. the City of -of-way interests therein. The foregoing shall be reflected in any Final Certificate filed in this action. 14. Petitioner possesses - Stat. § 117.042, and has properly exercised the same herein. 15. Petitioner has demonstrated a need to acquire title to and possession of the property necessary to construct the Project and the Facilities prior to the time the Court- appointed condemnation commissioners can reasonably be expected to have filed their award. Specifically, the Project is scheduled to be in-service before commissioners are -take motion is granted. 16. As set out above, the actions of the Petitioner herein are not arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion. ORDER GRANTING PETITION IT IS ORDERED THAT the Petition in the above-captioned action is GRANTED.     16 ORDER GRANTING QUICK-TAKE MOTION IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Petitioner s Quick-Take Motion is GRANTED. Therefore, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 117.042, title to and possession of the easements described in the Petition shall vest in Petitioner on April 23, 2018, or the date on which Petitioner deposits with the Carver County Court Administrator, or pays to the owners, an amount equal to Petitioner s approved appraisal of value for the Property, whichever date is later. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Petitioner may pay directly to the Respondents or deposit with the Carver County Court Administrator, and the Carver County Court Administrator shall accept the deposit of, an amount equal to Petitioner s approved appraisal of value for the Property. The Carver County Court Administrator shall place the deposit in an interest-bearing account, in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 117.042. ORDER REGARDING COMMISSIONERS IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that commissioners shall be appointed by separate order. The parties shall promptly confer regarding the appointment of Commissioners and provide the Court with a Stipulation regarding the same. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement regarding Commissioners, then by May 8, 2018, each party may BY THE COURT: Dated: _______________, 2018 Judge of District Court        