Chanhassen1 xcel CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION w Ex and Apends 180504 (002)CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION City of Chanhassen Date: May 4, 2018 Applicant: Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation (“Xcel Energy”) Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct and operate a 115kV transmission line approximately 1.5-mile long and consisting of approximately 18 transmission structures between the cities of Chanhassen and Chaska, in Carver County, Minnesota (Exhibits 1-0 through 1-8). It will begin by connecting to an existing transmission line in the southeast quadrant of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road in Chanhassen. It will end at the Lake Hazeltine substation on the west side of Columbia Court North in Chaska. Two structures, numbers one and two, will be constructed in the city of Chanhassen and sixteen will be constructed in the city of Chaska. Site Location: The project is located in Carver County, Minnesota. Commencing in Chanhassen, in the southeast quadrant of the Lyman Blvd and Audubon Road intersection, it will follow the southwesterly side of Lyman Boulevard to the south side of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad. The transmission route will turn westerly and parallel the railroad until it reaches the north shore of Lake Hazeltine, where it will turn north on the west side of Columbia Court North, and end at the Lake Hazeltine electric substation in Chaska. It is located in the west half of Section 22, Township 116N, Range 23W and the north half of Section 21, Township 116N, Range 23W. Contact: Brian Sullivan Gene Kotz Xcel Energy Xcel Energy 414 Nicollet Mall – 414-06 414 Nicollet Mall – 141-05 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Email address: Brian.E.Sullivan@xcelenergy.com Eugene.Kotz@xcelenergy.com Telephone: 612-330-5925 612-330-5625 Page 2 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 Attached Exhibits: Exhibits 1-0 through 1-8 Existing Conditions Exhibits 2-0 Proposed Transmission Line and Right-of-Way Exhibits 2-1 through 2-8 Proposed Conditions Exhibits 3-0 through 3-8 Wetlands and Proposed Transmission Line and Right-of-Way Exhibit 4-0 Example of Typical Weathered Steel Transmission Structure Exhibits 4-1 - 4-3 Structure Elevation View Exhibits 4-4 Photographic Rendering of Post Construction Conditions of Structures 1-3 Exhibit A Landowners Within 500 Feet of Proposed ROW Exhibit B Alternate Routes N/A Landscape Plan N/A Sign Plan Tables: Table 1: Proposed Structure Specifications Table 2: Project Modeled EMF output values Table 3: Sources and Values of EMF Table 4: Decibel Levels of Common Noise Sources Table 5: Minnesota Statutory Limits by Noise Area Classification (dBA) Appendices: Appendix 1 Letter from City of Chanhassen to City of Chaska Appendix 2 Landowners within 500 feet of Proposed Route Right of Way Page 3 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 PERMITTING & REGULATORY PROCESS Xcel Energy has elected to follow the local permit review process set forth in Minn. Stat. §216E.05 Minn. R. 7850.5300 to permit the proposed transmission line and structures. This process provides that applicants for applicable projects may seek approval from the local unit of government (LGU) that has jurisdiction over the site or route in lieu of applying to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for a Route Permit. In addition to noticing requirements, the local review process requires that the LGU: (1) prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project and give the public an opportunity to participate in the development of the scope of the EA, (This will be completed by the City of Chaska), (2) provide a project notice for publication in the EQB Monitor upon completion of the EA and take public comments, (This will be completed by the City of Chaska) and, (3) make a decision on the permit after at least 10 working days after the project notice appears in the EQB Monitor. (This will be completed by the City of Chaska). Since a larger portion of the transmission project is located within the City of Chaska and a smaller portion in the City of Chanhassen, staff from both cities met to determine which city would serve as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for preparation of the EA for the PUC process. The City Council of Chanhassen provided the attached letter dated September 26, 2017 agreeing that Chaska will serve as the RGU for preparation of the EA for this project (Appendix 1). Pursuant to Chanhassen Code of Ordinances Chapter 20, Zoning Article XXIII, Division 1, Section Sec. 20-901. - Overhead transmission lines: Installation of overhead transmission lines in excess of 69 kilovolts sha ll require the issuance of a conditional use permit through any district located in the city. The city council, in addition to the standards established in article IV, may also impose other conditions as deemed necessary to protect the public health, safet y and welfare. Therefore, Xcel Energy is hereby applying for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from the City of Chanhassen for the proposed project in accordance with Chanhassen Code; and Minn. Stat. §216E.05 and Minn. R. 78505300 described above. In addition, Xcel Energy has applied for a CUP from the City of Chaska for this project. BACKGROUND The proposed 1.5-mile 115 kV double circuit transmission line project is needed to power the Lake Hazeltine Substation in Chaska. This will meet the increasing demand for electricity in the City of Chaska. It will draw electricity from the existing transmission line located in Chanhassen along the eastern side of Audubon Road at Lyman Boulevard, approximately 700 feet southeast of the Bluff Creek Substation. This project is the subject of this CUP application and is described below. PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed transmission line project consist of constructing an approximately 1.5-mile-long, double circuit, 115 kV transmission line suspended on 18 overhead structures (Exhibits 2-0 through 2-8). The Page 4 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 proposed transmission line will begin in the City of Chanhassen with the first structure and connection to the existing transmission line located on the southeast side of the intersection of Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard on land owned by the City of Chanhassen. It will cross Audubon Road to the west with one more structure in Chanhassen on the east side of Lake Hazeltine Drive. The remainder of the project will be located in the City of Chaska. It will continue northwesterly for approximately 3,500 feet along the west side of Lyman Boulevard to the south side of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad tracks. The transmission route will turn to the southwest and parallel the railroad tracks for approximately 3,000 feet. The transmission route will then cross the railroad tracks in a northwesterly direction for about 850 feet ending with a connection at the Lake Hazeltine Substation. The proposed transmission line will consist of conductors attached to weathered steel monopole structures with davit arms on a drilled pier concrete foundation; a typical photograph is shown in Exhibit 4-0. Each of the structures will range in height from 80-110 feet and have span lengths of approximately 350 feet. Specialty structures will be used at road and railroad crossings and where the transmission route makes a significant direction change. Structures will be erected on a reinforced concrete pier foundation approximately 6 to 8-feet in diameter. Table 1 provides a summary of the proposed transmission structure details. Elevations of proposed structures are shown in Exhibits 4-1 through 4-3. Table 1: Proposed Structure Specifications Line Type Structure Type Structure Material Right- of-Way Width (ft.) Structure Height (ft.) Foundation Foundation Diameter Span Between Structures (ft.) 115kV double circuit Single pole; Specialty pole Weathered steel 25 to 77.8 80-110 Reinforced concrete drilled pier foundation and self-supporting structures. Directed embedded or 6 to 8 feet for specialty structures. Approximately 350 New right-of-way (ROW) acquisition is needed for areas currently outside of the public road ROW and railroad ROW. Anticipated easement width to be acquired is a nominal 25 to a maximum of 77.8 feet. Existing ROW will be used where available and the transmission line will be centered over the ROW. The first two structures will be located in Chanhassen, with the first structure being constructed on a parcel of land owned by the City of Chanhassen. The remaining 16 structures will be constructed in Chaska (Exhibits 2-0 through 2-8). An Xcel Energy land agent has been in contact with all landowners in the project corridor. The land agent will continue working with landowners to acquire new ROW and/or modify existing ROW easements as necessary. The land agent will work with landowners to address any construction needs, impacts, damages or restoration issues. Exhibit A shows landowner parcels within 500 feet of the proposed ROW and Appendix 2 has a spreadsheet of the landowners from the Carver County Parcel dataset. Vegetation management will include general vegetation clearing where structures are proposed and tree removal within the project ROW. Post construction vegetation management will include replanting graded areas and continued vegetation maintenance as necessary to comply with erosion control and operation and safety standards. Page 5 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 The project requires unavoidable crossings of wetlands in Chaska. Temporary and permanent impacts to wetlands will result. Unavoidable temporary wetland impacts will occur in order to access and build proposed structures and for stringing conductors. Mats will be used as an access road across wetlands to structures located in wetlands. Access roads will be up to approximately 28 feet wide, within a permanent easement that is up to 77.8 feet wide. Staging areas on mats around structures in wetlands will be up to 65 feet in circumference around each structure. In some cases staging this may be reduced to 50 feet around of each structure. Work in wetlands may start in late spring or summer 2018 and continue through the fall of 2018 as access allows. Temporary wetland impacts will be minimized by requiring all work to be performed on mats in a 100- foot by 65-foot area. Additionally only essential equipment will be allowed in wetlands. Unavoidable permanent wetland impact will result from constructing foundations for eight structures in wetlands: Structures 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 (Exhibit 3-0 through 3-8). Permanent wetland impact for each of these eight structure foundations will be an area of eight feet in diameter or less. The permanent wetland impact for each of the eight structures will be 51 square feet or less. Permanent wetland impacts will occur from excavating soil at each structure foundation location. The excavated soil will be loaded into a truck and disposed in an upland area off-site. A structure foundation form will be used along with rebar and concrete to create the reinforced structure foundation. After the foundation concrete is cured, the structures will be erected upon the foundations and the conductors will be connected. The mats used to access the structures in wetlands will be typically removed from the wetlands 60 days following construction activities. ALTERNATIVE ROUTES An alternative route assessment was considered prior to deciding on the proposed route (See Exhibit B Alternate Routes). Xcel energy worked with staff from the cities of Chaska and Chanhassen, design engineers and environmental consultants to select the route. The following factors were considered in the establishment of the transmission route and structure placement: 1. Source and destination of the route 2. Engineering constraints 3. Environmental impacts 4. Safety 5. Existing electric corridor 6. Cost Alternate Route A would begin by connecting to the existing transmission line on the northeast side of Lyman Blvd. near the Bluff Creek Substation. It would proceed westerly along the northeast side of Lyman for several hundred feet where it would cross to the southwest side of Lyman and proceed northwest to the railroad where it would turn to the southwest. The route would parallel the railroad southwest to Lake Hazeltine where it would turn west-northwest and connect the Lake Hazeltine Substation. Route D started in the same location as Route A but would continue on the northeast side of Lyman to the railroad. These two alternatives were not selected for the following reasons: They were not preferred by the cities of Chaska and Chanhassen. They required additional specialty structures. There were engineering problems with the school entry drive and elevation drop. The connection to the existing transmission line Page 6 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 would occur in a wetland and floodplain which could be avoided by selecting another route. Future maintenance logistics and permit issues were greater for these alternative routes. Alternate route B was investigated which would use the existing transmission corridor east of the Bluff Creek Substation and extend north approximately 3,000 feet to the railroad and then follow the south side of the railroad southwest for approximately 5,200 feet to Lake Hazeltine then cross the railroad track and connect to the Lake Hazeltine Substation. This alternative was not selected because it was considerably longer, had greater wetland impact and was closer to the high school play fields and several houses located north of the railroad track. Route C was a modified alternative of Routes A, B, and D that would follow the north side of the railroad tracks. This alternative was not selected because it had greater tree cutting, did not use an existing electric corridor and would cause impact to a bald eagle nest. The preferred route was selected because it best met the route decision factors above. It connected best from the source and destination and was preferred by both the cities of Chaska and Chanhassen. It had the fewest engineering design problems such as clearance, specialty structures, ground elevation issues, structure placement and challenges with existing easements. It had the less environmental impact than the other routes. The safety elements were similar to other routes. It fit better with the existing electric corridor than other routes. It cost less than other routes. CUP FILING REQUIRMENTS Pursuant to Chanhassen Code of Ordinances Sec. 20-232. - General issuance standards. The planning commission shall recommend a conditional use permit and the council shall issue such conditional use permits only if it finds that such use at the proposed location: (1) Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. To achieve general issuance Standards 1, the project was designed by engineers registered in the State of Minnesota and will be constructed by craftsmen trained and certified following industry standards and specifications for mechanical, structural and electrical equipment using standards in place by Xcel Energy to provide safe, long lasting, reliable and affordable electric service for the area users. Comprehensive Plan certain uses, including “essential services,” are permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The project constitutes a “privately owned and operated essential service” as defined by Sections 2.3 and 15 of the ordinance. Section 2.3 of the City Zoning Ordinance also provides that above ground structures for private essential services shall be classified as a conditional use in all zoning districts. Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) have been modeled at the proposed transmission line between structures 1 and 2 in Chanhassen (Table 2). The nearest dwelling will be 350 feet from the transmission line. The applicant modeled EMF at 0, 30, 100, and 150 foot offsets from the proposed transmission line Page 7 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 centerline with the results below. The values depict the intensity of EMF, measured in MilliGauss (mG) and are based on peak summer loading provided by Xcel Planning. Under the transmission right-of-way, the EMF values produced from the proposed project be similar compared to other common EMF sources people encounter on a regular basis as shown in Table 3. Outside of the transmission right-of-way, the EMF values encountered will be similar or lower. Table 2: Project Modeled EMF output values 1 EMF @ 0’ offset (T-line centerline) ≈ 26 mG 2 EMF @ 30’ offset (edge of ROW) ≈ 21 mG 3 EMF @ 100’ offset ≈ 7 mG (based on no other contributions at location) 4 EMF @ 150’ offset ≈ 4 mG (based on no other contributions at location) Table 3: Sources and Values of EMF (2) Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. The project is consistent with the comprehensive plan and this chapter’s objectives. Section 1.1 the Community Vision Section of the Comprehensive plan states, “The City of Chanhassen prides itself in providing sound infrastructure. The City’s Pavement Management System ensures that upgrades occur when needed and are prioritized based on the condition of pavement. Page 8 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 Municipal services such as water and sewer, and private utilities such as electrical and high-speed internet are readily available, of high quality, and affordable.” The proposed transmission line project is being constructed to both modernize and expand reliable electric service infrastructure. (3) Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. The proposed transmission line structure appearance was taken into consideration during the design. An example of a proposed weather ed steel structure is shown in exhibit 4-0. A post construction photographic rendition of the structures proposed for the project in Chanhassen are shown from a viewpoint looking south across the Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road intersection (Exhibit 4-4). Similar structures are currently used in the area. The proposed structure is designed to last for decades and weather naturally; it requires no painting and infrequent maintenance. (4) Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The proposed transmission line was designed and centered within a right-of-way corridor up to 77.8 feet wide and it utilizes portions of existing electrical utility corridors. It was designed so it will have no adverse effects to existing or planned neighborhood uses. (5) Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage st ructures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The proposed transmission line is part of the utility system. (6) Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. The proposed transmission line will be owned and maintained by Xcel Energy and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Page 9 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 (7) Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare due to excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents or trash. The proposed transmission line will be constructed, operated and maintained following its permitted use and conditions. General mechanized land clearing is not proposed for this project. Clearing is required and limited to the immediate area of the structures. Trees will be cut from the transmission corridor to provide a safety zone around the transmission conductors. Equipment used for the project includes flat-bed semi-trucks for delivery of structure components and equipment, excavators, loaders and dump trucks for boring the foundation hole and removal of excess soil, cement trucks for constructing the reinforced concrete structure foundations and boom trucks for structure erection and conductor stringing. This equipment will comply with state and federal regulations for noise and emissions. Equipment will be operated in a safe manner by trained personne l. The project will be constructed so it will not produce excessive traffic. Xcel Energy will work with the City staff to coordinate construction schedules to minimize disruption of traffic. Sound will be produced during construction and operation of the transmission line. Table 4 shows average decibel levels (dBA) or pressure levels of common noise sources. Minnesota noise standards, which are summarized in Table 2 will not be exceeded during construction or operation of the project . All construction work will be completed during daylight hours using equipment designed and maintained to operate using sound abating mufflers. During transmission line operation, noise levels produced are low and they will be below the state threshold. Table 4: Decibel Levels of Common Noise Sources Source: (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 2015. A Guide to Noise Control in Minnesota) Page 10 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 Table 5: Minnesota Statutory Limits by Noise Area Classification (dBA) Noise Area Classification Daytime Nighttime L10 L50 L10 L50 1 65 60 55 50 2 70 65 70 65 3 80 75 80 75 Source: (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 2015. A Guide to Noise Control in Minnesota) In Minnesota, statistical sound levels (L Level Descriptors) are used to evaluate noise levels and identify noise impacts. The L5 is defined as the noise level exceeded 5% of the time, or for three minutes in an hour. The L10 is defined as the noise level exceeded 10% of the time, or for six minutes in an hour. The L50 is defined as the noise level exceeded 50% of the time, or 30 minutes in an hour. Regulations differ in Minnesota based on daytime noise and nighttime noise and are further separated into land use or Nose Area Classification (NAC) of the noise receiver. NAC 1 is for land use activities such as: residential housing, religious activities, camping and picnicking areas, health services, hotels, educational services. NAC 2 is for: retail, business and government services, recreational activities, transit passenger terminals. NAC 3 is for: manufacturing, fairgrounds and amusement parks, agricultural and forestry activities. NAC 4 is for: undeveloped and unused land. The NAC is found in Minnesota Rule 7030.0050. During construction, noise will occur from structure foundation installation equipment and structure erection equipment . Typical equipment will include semi-trucks for equipment and supply delivery, track excavators, foundation drilling rigs, dump trucks, cement trucks and boom trucks. Noise generated during t he transmission line construction will occur in phases over a few months. Most tasks take a few days to a few weeks to complete with waiting times between them for example, concrete curing and inspection. During transmission line operation, audible noise generated by a 115kV transmission line was modeled by Xcel Energy using software produced by Bonneville Power Administration. Results show noise generated under the worst case wet conditions scenario that the audible L5 and L50 noise levels modeled at the edge of a 75-foot-wide right-of-way (37.5 feet from centerline) would be at 22.2dBA and 18.7 dBA, respectively. Th ese levels are below the state noise thresholds reported in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency nighttime L50 limit of 50 dBA which is also shown in Table 5. Smoke, fumes and odors will be produced during construction but quantities and duration will not be excessive . Sources of smoke, fumes and odors will come from equipment and fabricating the proposed structures in Chanhassen and Chaska. Sources of smoke, fumes and odors may include welding or cutting steel for transmission structure foundations, concrete, operation of diesel powered equipment, chain saws used to cut trees and use of construction tools and equipment. Activities generating smoke, fumes and odors may last a few days or weeks. Operation of the transmission line will not produce smoke, fumes or odors. Page 11 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 Glare may occur from reflecting light off equipment windows in insignificant amounts and for short periods and occasionally as the operating transmission line conductors may reflect light. It will be similar to existing conditions in the area of the proposed transmission line. The structures will be weather ed steel and will have a low reflective surface. The project will not produce or support habitat for rodents. Trash generated by the project will not support rodent habitat as it will be limited to construction waste. Trash will be promptly contained, collected and disposed or recycled at a licensed waste facili ty following Xcel Energy construction standards. (8) Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. During construction, vehicular and equipment access to t he construction corridor and structure locations will be coordinated with the C ity staff to minimize disturbance, congestion and interfere with traffic. There will be construction equipment moving to and from the site and it will be managed and directed in a safe and orderly process following Xcel Energy’s construction and operation standards. During transmission line operations there will be no interference with vehicular approaches or traffic congestion or interference. The transmission conductor was designed to span over Audubon Road at a minimum height of approximately 45 feet. This is higher than existing wires or traffic signals at this road (Exhibit 4-5 through 4-7). (9) Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natur al, scenic or historic features of major significance. Construction and operation of this project will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. (10) Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Construction and operation of this project will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Construction disturbance will cover a small area. A post construction photographic rendition of the structures proposed for the project in Chanhassen is shown from a viewpoint looking south across the Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road intersection (Exhibit 4-4). The selection of the weather ed steel structure is aesthetically compatible to the area and similar to structures currently used in the area. Page 12 Chanhassen CUP for Xcel 115kV Transmission Line to Lake Hazeltine Substation May 4, 2018 (11) Will not depreciate surrounding property values. Construction and operation of this project will not depreciate surrounding property values. Landowners affected by the project will be compensated for the use. The location of the project was selected to meet the area residence and industrial customer’s electric demand and for high quality, reliable and modern electrical transmission infrastructure . The proposed transmission line would be located primarily in an industrial developed area in Chaska and adjacent to agricultural lands in Chanhassen. The nearest dwelling is located 350 feet from the proposed transmission line in Chanhassen. The proposed use will not injure or detract from the use of the neighboring property or from the character of the neighborhood because the proposed transmission line is planned to be located in a disturbed corridor adjacent in an existing electric line corridor, thus minimizing proliferation. It will utilize portions of existing essential service corridors and easements. This will reduce impacts to the character of the area as compared to adding a new corridor. Over a portion of the route, the project will consolidate essential service use by co-locating an existing electrical line onto the new structures. (12) Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. Xcel Energy will continue to meet with and comply with prescribed standards set forth by the City of Chanhassen to build and operate a successful and sustainable electrical transmission project. Exhibit 4-4 Photographic Rendering of Post Construction Conditions of Structures 1-3 South View From the NW Quadrant of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road Exhibit 4-5 Exhibit 4-6 Exhibit 4-7 Chanhassen Chanhassen Chaska Chaska Lake Hazeltine Substation Bluff Creek Substation Start: Connection point to existing tranmsision line End: Connection point to Lake Hazeltine Substation 019-250210100HOLASEK FARMS LP 019-250220800LOIS R DEGLER REV TRUST 019-250220100IND SCHOOL DIST 112 019-250220700IND SCHOOL DIST 112 019-305190030ROLAND A STINSKI 019-251250210CHANHASSEN CITY 019-305330030CHASKA CITY 019-250220710CHASKA CITY 019-305390020 019-305210050BECKMAN COULTER INC 019-305290010SCHUMER LLC 019-258250020CHANHASSEN CITY 019-300220100LOIS R DEGLER REV TRUST019-305390010 019-251790040IND SCHOOL DIST 112 019-305190050CHASKA HAZELTINE INVESTORS LLC 019-303100060LAKE REGION MFG INC 019-302160020ARROW HAZELTINE SHORES LLC 019-303100051LAKE REGION MFG INC 019-305210030 019-305190090CARDBECK CHASKA TRUST 019-305180101SUPER RADIATOR COILS LP 019-305500020141 JONATHAN BLVD LLC 019-251640030CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 019-303100030LUCRUM PROPERTIES LLC 019-305190070CARDBECK CHASKA TRUST 019-304850030W W FISH ENTERPRISES LLC 019-302800020FLUOROWARE INC 019-305330020QUALI-TECH PRODUCTS INC 019-258080040CHRIS B & LESLIE J ERICKSON 019-258110240MERLE & JANE VOLK 019-305430010BULLER FAMILY LTD PTRSHP 019-305210020QUALI-TECH PRODUCTS INC 019-258080050DANIEL K & ROBIN L EDMUNDS 019-302800030CARVER COUNTY 019-305180010PALEN INVESTMENTS LLC 019-305180080HAMLET GREEN LLC 019-309990200TWIN CITIES & W ESTER N RAILR OAD 019-305330010ACORN MINI-STORAGE VIII LLC 019-305180030WATERTOWER ASSOCIATES 019-309990200TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD 019-305120090CHASKA INVESTMENT LP 019-305190021AMERICAN BLUE RIBBON HOLDINGS 019-305190130CHASKA CITY 019-305330011VR INVESTMENTS LLC 019-305140010CORNERSTONE INVESTORS LLC 019-305180020NFK PROPERTIES 019-305190080CHASKA CITY 019-305190010CHASKA CITY 019-305160020EDEN INTERNATIONAL INC 019-302160040ARROW HAZELTINE SHORES LLC 019-302800040RICHARD ANDREW WESTIN 019-305220010CHASKA CITY 019-305180070M K KIRSCH LTD PTRSHP 019-305180060HAMLET GREEN LLC 019-305190040CHASKA CITY 019-258080051DARYL W & CATHERINE M HARTSEL 019-305190100CARDBECK CHASKA TRUST 019-305180090JONATHAN DEV CORP ETAL 019-305190060CHASKA CITY 019-305180090JONATHAN DEV CORP ETAL 019-305190120CHASKA CITY 019-305270020STEVEN J & PAMELA ANDERSON 019-300210300CHASKA CITY 019-305180011CHASKA CITY 019-305390030LAKE REGION MFG INC 019-258120130GARY L FELDICK 019-305210040KEVIN L ANDVIK 019-305500010STEEL PEAK LLC 019-305160010CHASKA CITY 019-258120160DAVID HESTER 019-258110060KENNETH B BAKER 019-251280080NICHOLAS R FRIANT 019-258110070RORY D & AMY J LEA 019-250221500CHANHASSEN CITY 019-251280010STEVE D BARKER 019-305220020CHASKA CITY 019-251290010PHILIP J WILLIAMS 019-251290060TODD M & JONI J NELSON 019-258120150JAYSON R NELSON 019-305390040LAKE REGION MFG INC 019-258120100SCOTT A HANSON 019-251280110ANDREW J KAYATI III 019-251290050ERIC & MELISSA NOYES 019-251280090PAMELA K KERBER 019-258110120NEVIN A SEQUEIRA 019-251290040PAUL S & LAURA E GRAVES 019-258110210MICHAEL D & BETTY WRIGHT 019-258120140DENICE JEAN HOUWMAN 019-251280050CHARLES B DODSON 019-300160200FLUOROWARE INC 019-258110100MATTHEW SCHILLERSTROM 019-251280070PHILIP D & MARGARET STANDAFER 019-258120020RICHARD J & CHERYL A HARTMAN 019-251280060MICHAEL C & JENNIFER ANDERSON 019-258110090MICHAEL & JACQUELINE R MROSKO 019-251280120ABDALLAH A EL-SANJAK 019-258120190MARDI SUZANNE MILLER 019-251290020LYNDELL F & MARY F FREY 019-258120170CHAD K & ROCHELLE E CURTIS 019-258110080GERHARD & HELENE A SCHOCK 019-251280040ALVARO J & NANCY A GOMEZ 019-258120110DANIEL J & NANCY R LYNCH 019-251280020STEPHEN B & SANDRA L MEYER 019-300220300CHANHASSEN CITY 019-300210300CHASKA CITY 019-250221500CHANHASSEN CITY 019-305290020JAMES CARL MACDONALD 019-305210010CHASKA HAZELTINE INVESTORS LLC 019-305290030JAMES CARL MACDONALD 019-305210010CHASKA HAZELTINE INVESTORS LLC 019-300160300CARVER COUNTY C o R d 1 8 Lyman Blvd Peavey RdState Hwy 41Hazeltine BlvdCo Rd 17N Jonathan Blvd Lake Hazeltine Dr Columbia Ct N Lakeshore DrW Columbia CtPeavy CirLakeview Dr Lake Shore Dr Lake Shore CoveCarver Co. Parcels W/I 500 ft Buffer of Proposed Transmission ROW±115kV Transmission line to Lake Hazeltine SubChaska/Chanhassen, MN0500Feet Map Document: \\westwoodps.local\GFS\Global Projects\0008258.00\GIS\BC 500ft Buffer Carver Co Parcels from Proposed Transmission lineand Right of Way 180129_.mxd 5/2/2018 2:25:25 PM TRBramanData Source(s ): W estwood (2018); .LegendProposed Transmission-CL Proposed Transmission-ROW Proposed Structure1 DAKOTA ANOKA HENNEPIN SCOTT CARVER WASHINGTONRAMSEY Exhibit A500 ft. ROW Buffer Chanhassen Chanhassen Chaska Chaska Lake Hazeltine Substation Bluff Creek Substation Start: Connection point to existing tranmsision line End: C onnection point to Lake Hazeltine Substation Co Rd 18 Lyman Blvd Peavey RdState Hwy 41Hazeltine BlvdBoulder Dr Boulder RdS to n e C re e k D rHwy 41Norex DrN Jonathan Blvd Co Rd 117Lake Hazeltine Dr Columbia Ct N Gal pi n Ct W Columbia CtGalpin Lake RdPeavy CirLakeshore DrPreferredRoute CRoute BR o u t e D Route A Transmission Routes Considered±115kV Tran smissio n line to Lake Hazeltine SubChaska/Chanhassen, MN0500Feet Map Document: N:\0008258.00\GIS\BC Routes Exhibit Proposed Transmission 180504_.mxd 5/4/2018 11:24:03 AM trbramanData Source(s): W estwood (2018); . DAKOTA ANOKA HENNEPIN SCOTT CARVER WASHINGTONRAMSEY Exhibit B Alternate Routes Legend Proposed Transmission-C L Routes Considered Route A Route B Route C Route D Appendix A Appendix B FID OBJECTID PARCELID COUNTY_ID PIN BLDG_NUM PREFIX_DIR PREFIXTYPE STREETNAME STREETTYPE SUFFIX_DIR UNIT_INFO CITY CITY_USPS ZIP ZIP4 PLAT_NAME BLOCK LOT ACRES_POLY ACRES_DEED USE1_DESC USE2_DESC USE3_DESC USE4_DESC MULTI_USES LANDMARK OWNER_NAME OWNER_MORE OWN_ADD_L1 OWN_ADD_L2 OWN_ADD_L3 TAX_NAME TAX_ADD_L1 TAX_ADD_L2 TAX_ADD_L3 Homestead EMV_LAND EMV_BLDG EMV_TOTAL TAX_CAPAC TAX_EXEMPT XUSE1_DESC XUSE2_DESC XUSE3_DESC XUSE4_DESC DWELL_TYPE HOME_STYLE FIN_SQ_FT Garage GARAGESQFT BASEMENT HEATING COOLING YEAR_BUILT NUM_UNITS SALE_DATE SALE_VALUE SCHOOL_DST WSHD_DIST GREEN_ACRE OPEN_SPACE AG_PRESERV AGPRE_ENRD AGPRE_EXPD PARC_CODE_ TOTAL_TAX SPEC_ASSES Shapearea Shapelen0 8104356 0 0 4.710556 14.0553033 8131407 0 0 740.032421 1075.75047113 8132854 250220800 019 019-250220800 9111 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN 55317 9412 64.31 67.300000 Agricultural N LOIS R DEGLER REV TRUST 9111 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9412 Y 5834200 153200 5987400 3388 N 1 3/4 STORY 1568 N HOT WATER N/A 1959 2013-08-05T00:00:00.000Z 693160 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK Y N 1 3390 25 260049.8596 2796.66596414 8121984 250210100 019 019-250210100 8610 GALPIN BLVD CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN 55317 9413 49.75 50.290000 Agricultural N HOLASEK FARMS LP 4080 CREEK RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9225 N 3392500 256100 3648600 9210 N 1 STORY 1724 Y FORCED AIR 1 AC UNIT 1960 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO Y N 1 10836 50 201189.2474 1902.74634315 8121987 258110100 019 019-258110100 2301 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN 55317 7401 STONE CREEK FIRST ADDITION 001 010 0.44 Res 1 unit N MATTHEW SCHILLERSTROM 2301 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 Y 106400 258800 365200 3608 N 2 STORY 2320 Y AIR DUCTED 1 AC UNIT 1995 2011-05-23T00:00:00.000Z 376750 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 4772 25 1785.10622 200.58397216 8121988 258110090 019 019-258110090 2305 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN 55317 7401 STONE CREEK FIRST ADDITION 001 009 0.51 Res 1 unit N MICHAEL & JACQUELINE R MROSKO 2305 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 Y 106600 215400 322000 3113 N SPLIT ENTRY 1644 Y AIR DUCTED N/A 1994 1996-07-30T00:00:00.000Z 184000 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 4130 25 2079.212947 199.04764417 8122000 258110240 019 019-258110240 2290 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN 55317 5317 STONE CREEK FIRST ADDITION 3.32 Commercial N MERLE & JANE VOLK PO BOX 2549 ADDISON, TX 75001-2549 N 246900 50000 296900 3239 N 640 N FORCED AIR CEN.EVAP 1990 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 10014 100 13432.88516 509.38909129 8122042 250220700 019 019-250220700 CHANHASSEN 39.37 41.460000 Schools-Public N IND SCHOOL DIST 112 11 PEAVEY RD CHASKA, MN 55318-2321 N 3746100 0 3746100 0 Y Schools-Public N 1987-06-01T00:00:00.000Z 300000 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 159211.7159 2166.3221934 8122058 250220710 019 019-250220710 CHANHASSEN 9.96 10.600000 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 644200 0 644200 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 40308.69229 781.71394240 8137009 250220100 019 019-250220100 CHANHASSEN 47.61 48.48 Schools-Public N IND SCHOOL DIST 112 11 PEAVEY RD CHASKA, MN 55318-2321 N 4530100 59559400 64089500 0 Y Schools-Public 60208 N N/A N/A 2007 2004-05-20T00:00:00.000Z 9165000 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 192544.9073 1738.89297441 8137020 259990400 019 019-259990400 CHANHASSEN 18.8 Pub Util RR N TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD 2925 12TH ST E GLENCOE, MN 55336-3368 N 83300 0 83300 1088 N N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 3304 0 76034.83026 3664.02650543 8140711 250221500 019 019-250221500 CHANHASSEN 0.61 1.690000 Muni Srvc Ent N CHANHASSEN CITY PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0147 N 52100 0 52100 0 Y Muni Srvc Ent N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 2483.134597 319.1517041 8104448 305180011 019 019-305180011 CHASKA RLS 48 0.55 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 20400 0 20400 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 2263.836235 196.9394212 8131085 305190120 019 019-305190120 CHASKA RLS 51 0.68 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 50700 0 50700 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 2788.89502 240.2073124 8132067 305210020 019 019-305210020 318 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA CHASKA 55318 1093 RLS 56 4.15 Industrial N QUALI-TECH PRODUCTS INC 318 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1093 N 522500 1172000 1694500 21462 N 1820 N N/A N/A 1973 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 62106 150 16804.00572 919.4726165 8132071 305190040 019 019-305190040 CHASKA RLS 51 1.15 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 42700 0 42700 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 4680.632074 443.2886696 8132082 305210010 019 019-305210010 CHASKA RLS 56 1.17 Industrial N CHASKA HAZELTINE INVESTORS LLC 47 W DIVISION ST STE 389 CHICAGO, IL 60610-2220 N 2200 0 2200 29 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 84 0 4767.149978 858.3512667 8132280 305220010 019 019-305220010 CHASKA RLS 57 1.54 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 5700 0 5700 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 6234.566798 669.2842048 8132281 305180080 019 019-305180080 CHASKA RLS 48 4.63 Industrial N HAMLET GREEN LLC 134 COLUMBIA CT S CHASKA, MN 55318-2304 N 291500 0 291500 3829 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 11040 0 18761.09043 791.0330669 8132282 305180070 019 019-305180070 CHASKA RLS 48 2.32 Industrial N M K KIRSCH LTD PTRSHP 1220 WACONIA PKWY N WACONIA, MN 55387-9242 N 385800 1757700 2143500 26792 N 45600 N FORCED AIR CEN.EVAP 1992 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 77476 150 9411.609804 477.98471810 8132284 305120090 019 019-305120090 CHASKA RLS 37 3.75 T E Misc Co D 3 N CHASKA INVESTMENT LP 9531 W 78TH ST #350 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-8009 N 0 0 0 0 N T E Misc Co D 3 N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 15168.27531 1036.78738411 8132696 300220300 019 019-300220300 CHASKA 0.15 0.140000 Muni Srvc Ent N CHANHASSEN CITY PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0147 N 11200 0 11200 0 Y Muni Srvc Ent N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 608.880136 112.00816512 8132853 300220100 019 019-300220100 9111 AUDUBON RD CHASKA CHANHASSEN 55317 9412 11.53 12.670000 Agricultural N LOIS R DEGLER REV TRUST 9111 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9412 Y 578400 0 578400 293 N N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK Y N 1 330 0 46642.09702 1047.15460818 8122009 305180090 019 019-305180090 CHASKA RLS 48 2.93 T E Misc Co D 3 N JONATHAN DEV CORP ETAL UNKNOWN CHASKA, MN 55318- N 0 0 0 0 N T E Misc Co D 3 N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 11857.47306 1127.09856119 8122014 305330030 019 019-305330030 CHASKA RLS 74 10.5 10.750000 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 389600 0 389600 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 42479.04906 1136.93290320 8122015 305190010 019 019-305190010 CHASKA RLS 51 1.68 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 62300 0 62300 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 0 0 6830.426393 1296.95442321 8122016 305190030 019 019-305190030 312 LAKE HAZELTINE BLVD CHASKA CHASKA 55318 1034 RLS 51 30.55 Industrial N ROLAND A STINSKI 3647 MCKINLEY ST NE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55418-1599 N 2911400 3954200 6865600 88421 N 45000 N N/A N/A 1972 1995-03-31T00:00:00.000Z 7000000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 264324 9291.88 123555.0809 1430.1669922 8122020 305270020 019 019-305270020 CHASKA RLS 64 1.43 Industrial N STEVEN J & PAMELA ANDERSON 123 COLUMBIA CT CHASKA, MN 55318-2303 N 237800 645400 883200 10832 N 4608 N SPACE-FAN N/A 1973 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 31456 150 5786.707929 360.29437223 8122024 305210040 019 019-305210040 CHASKA RLS 56 0.5 Res V Land N KEVIN L ANDVIK 6606 MULBERRY CIR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8408 N 600 0 600 8 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 10 0 2027.683449 219.02741124 8122028 305180010 019 019-305180010 124 COLUMBIA CT W CHASKA CHASKA 55318 2304 RLS 48 6.16 Industrial N PALEN INVESTMENTS LLC 134 COLUMBIA CT CHASKA, MN 55318-2304 N 891400 1225300 2116700 26814 N 58664 N SPACE-FAN N/A 1972 2005-08-25T00:00:00.000Z 2600000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 77540 150 24929.37761 706.30071925 8122029 305210050 019 019-305210050 316 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA CHASKA 55318 5318 RLS 56 12.89 Industrial N BECKMAN COULTER INC 250 S KRAEMER BLVD BREA, CA 92822-6232 N 676100 1974100 2650200 23712 N 60542 N N/A N/A 1984 2013-06-14T00:00:00.000Z 2650000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 68594 150 52145.02249 948.85118226 8122033 305180020 019 019-305180020 125 COLUMBIA CT W CHASKA CHASKA 55318 2348 RLS 48 2.14 Industrial N NFK PROPERTIES 6109 BLUE CIRCLE DR N STE 2100 MINNETONKA, MN 55343-9185 N 355900 716600 1072500 13195 N 26082 N SPACE-FAN N/A 1972 1995-05-01T00:00:00.000Z 0 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 38270 150 8681.485014 379.80315927 8122040 305180030 019 019-305180030 131 COLUMBIA CT W CHASKA CHASKA 55318 2303 RLS 48 4.93 Industrial N WATERTOWER ASSOCIATES 134 COLUMBIA CT CHASKA, MN 55318-2304 N 713400 1689100 2402500 30724 N 81496 N SPACE-FAN N/A 1968 2006-08-07T00:00:00.000Z 2369285 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 88814 150 19947.51972 723.20883728 8122041 305180050 019 019-305180050 CHASKA RLS 48 0.24 T E Misc Co D 3 N MACCABEES MUTUAL LIFE INS 1 APPLETREE SQUARE BLVD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420-1608 N 0 0 0 0 N T E Misc Co D 3 N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 993.166083 235.60975230 8122045 305180060 019 019-305180060 134 COLUMBIA CT S CHASKA CHASKA 55318 2304 RLS 48 1.81 Industrial N HAMLET GREEN LLC 134 COLUMBIA CT S CHASKA, MN 55318-2304 N 227900 886300 1114200 14062 N 13024 N N/A N/A 1979 2000-10-10T00:00:00.000Z 1800000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 40770 150 7327.147515 363.98562631 8122051 305210030 019 019-305210030 CHASKA RLS 56 3.43 Industrial N 318 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1093 N 345500 0 345500 4538 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 13084 0 13870.78587 479.35841132 8122053 305190021 019 019-305190021 300 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA CHASKA 55318 1034 RLS 51 4.99 Industrial N AMERICAN BLUE RIBBON HOLDINGS 400 48TH AVE W DENVER, CO 80216-1806 N 722100 1874300 2596400 32763 N 3720 N N/A N/A 1987 2009-03-27T00:00:00.000Z 2200000 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 96602 1772.94 20217.15207 582.08963133 8122056 305190050 019 019-305190050 322 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA CHASKA 55318 5318 RLS 51 10.67 Industrial N CHASKA HAZELTINE INVESTORS LLC 47 W DIVISION ST STE 389 CHICAGO, IL 60610-2220 N 1343400 4955400 6298800 80256 N 20000 N N/A N/A 1981 2007-01-25T00:00:00.000Z 8650000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 231636 150 43166.4661 806.09711135 8122060 019 302 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA CHASKA 55318 1034 ROME DEVELOPMENT ADDITION 001 003 2.61 Industrial N 302 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1034 N 434000 563200 997200 12344 N 16104 N N/A N/A 1988 2008-03-11T00:00:00.000Z 1100000 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 35924 150 10593.97941 437.93670636 8122077 305390020 019 019-305390020 CHASKA RLS 85 8.77 Industrial N 340 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1029 N 1002400 0 1002400 13166 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 37964 0 35502.09857 997.08735437 8122085 303100060 019 019-303100060 CHASKA LAKEVIEW INDUSTRIAL PARK 6.16 6.120000 Industrial N LAKE REGION MFG INC 340 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1029 N 674500 0 674500 8859 N N 0112 WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK N N 1 25622 0 24917.81547 762.22568938 8135515 305180101 019 019-305180101 104 PEAVEY RD CHASKA CHASKA 55318 2324 RLS 48 6.22 Industrial N SUPER RADIATOR COILS LP 104 PEAVEY RD CHASKA, MN 55318-2324 N 900000 2272200 3172200 32350 N 844 N N/A N/A 1971 1998-06-19T00:00:00.000Z 1750000 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 93504 150 25181.79768 689.08216939 8136405 305220020 019 019-305220020 CHASKA RLS 57 0.35 9.119999999999999 Muni Srvc Other N CHASKA CITY 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 N 34100 0 34100 0 Y Muni Srvc Other N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 0 0 1454.057234 298.99182742 8137025 309990200 019 019-309990200 CHASKA 12.41 Pub Util RR N TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD 2925 12TH ST E GLENCOE, MN 55336-3368 N 28300 0 28300 416 N N 0112 WS 067 CARVER CO WMO N N 1 1200 0 50209.13954 3413.95664