SWCD Inspection Report 7-25-05 ~ ()t..J-~ Stormwater Permit Program for Construction Activity Carver County Soil and Water Conservation District doing inspections for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Construction Stormwater Program under a Joint Powers Agreement Stormwater Inspection In Cooperation With Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Project Name Pinehurst - CSW Location NW of the int of Galpin and Lake Lucy Rd Chanhassen Site Identification COOO 14897 _2005_07 _25 _14 _09 Inspection Date 07/25/05 Weather Conditions Partly Cloudy Site Conditions Semi-Saturated Requirement Inspection Results Corrective Action Status MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.B.2: Erosion Control Practices During Construction: Pond side slopes have required temporary protection or permanent cover within 200' of surface water. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.B.3: Erosion Control Practices During Construction: Normal wetted perimeter of temporary or permanent (connected) ditch that drains water is stabilized within 24 hours (200' back from surface water). Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section, IV.B.2: Erosion Control Practices During Construction: Other exposed, erodable soils with positive slopes have stabilization BMPs that are installed appropriately and functional. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.B.4: Erosion Control Practices During Construction: Temporary or permanent energy dissipation present at outlets connected to surface water within 24 hours. Not Applicable MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.C.1: Sediment Control: Adequate control (or minimizing) of sediment discharges (no additional up gradient controls required). Non-Compliant [localized] SE corner of project is exposed with steep slopes to a silt fence and established landscaped yards border the project. Sediment is leaving the site from the last rain event. Establish additional upslope controls. Additional sediment controls or temporary stabilization needed on the exposed slopes within 5 days. 1Of3 Requirement Inspection Results Corrective Action Status MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.B: Sediment Control: Temporary sedimentation basins (disturbance>10 acres, or >5 acres near special water areas) present. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.C.4: Sediment Control: Inlet control BMP(s) present and functional. Not Applicable MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.C.2: Sediment Control: Perimeter controls present down gradient prior to land disturbing activities. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.D: SWPPP:Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan available on-site. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.A: SWPPP:The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan adequately addresses who is responsible on-site, the process for adding BMP(s) when necessary, installation timing or phasing, the potential for discharge to all water resources, dewatering and basin drawdown, and final stabilization. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section 1I1.A: SWPPP:The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan addresses temporary sediment basins and includes adequate sizing, design to prevent short-circuiting, removal of floating debris, drawdown allowance, energy dissipation, and emergency spillways. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.A: SWPPP:The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes a permanent stormwater system(s), the system meets the requirements for treatment for wet sediment basins, infiltration/filtration, regional ponds, and combination of practices, and the method has MPCA approval. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub. 3, Permit section III.A: SWPPP:The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan meets all other requirements not identified as specific inspection items. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit Section IV E. 1: Inspections: Performed required inspections/maintenance (1 per 7 days or 24 hours of 0.5 precipitation). Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV E. 1: Inspections: Inspections/maintenance documentation met all requirements (date, name findings, corrective actions, rainfall, changes to SWPPP). Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.E.4: Maintenance: Erosion and sediment control BMP(s) functional (needs no repair, replacement or enhancement). Non-Compliant [localized] Silt fence maintenance needed in the ravine area; silt fence has been undermined and has needed maintenance for weeks. Enhance / maintain silt fence with a rock weeper immediately. 2 Of 3 . ' . Requirement Inspection Results Corrective Action Status MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.EA.b: Maintenance: Temporary sedimentation basin maintenance performed (removed sediment>half basin volume). Non-Compliant Temporary sediment basin along the south area of site has been graded to take the temporary outlet off line. Re-establish temporary outlet for the basin within 48 hours. An EOF is needed for the basin within 48 hours as well. MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.EA.c: Maintenance: Sediment deposits in ditches or surface waters removed. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.EA.d: Maintenance: No sediment tracking on paved surfaces at exits. Non-Compliant Both site exits have sediment tracking from them onto Galpin and residential street. Scrap and sweep streets by the end of the work day (within 4 hours) and re-establish rock exits within 24 hours. MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.C: Stormwater Management: Required to have stormwater management method and method is in place. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III.C: Stormwater Management: Pretreatment required and in place. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section IV.D.2: Stormwater Management (site hydrology): Discharging (dewatering) activity is compliant. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III C, Minn. R 7050.0210, subp.2: Stormwater Management (site hydrology): No turbid discharges to surface waters or discharges causing erosion off site. Compliant MN Rule 7090.2010, sub.3, Permit section III C & IV.D.2: Stormwater Management (site hydrology): No wetland impacts or surface water impacts. Non-Compliant [localized]Water undermining SF and impacting waterway off site Enhance SF WI rock weeper within 24 hours General Comments 3 Of 3