May 22 Variance Narrative 18-10VARIANCE REQUEST SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE RED CEDAR POINT CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA May 22, 2018 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: That part of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 8; thence North 89 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East along the North line of said Section a distance of 670.0 feet; thence South 7 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 720.0 feet to the centerline of Red Cedar Point Road; thence South 66 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East along said centerline a distance of 222.0 feet to a point distant 576.4 feet Northwesterly of the East Line of said Government Lot 1, as measured along the centerline of said Red Cedar Point Road, said point being the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be described, and which point is also the Northeasterly corner of that tract of land described in the first description appearing in Book 51 of Deeds, Page 884, office of the Register of Deeds, Carver County, Minnesota; thence continuing South 66 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East along said centerline of Red Cedar Point Road a distance of 197.0 feet; thence South 13 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 254.25 feet; thence North 77 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 211.69 feet more or less to the Easterly Line of said tract as described in said Book 51 of Deeds, page 884; thence North 16 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds East along said Easterly Line a distance of 292.17 feet more or less to the actual point of beginning and there terminating. Excepting therefrom that part taken for Red Cedar Point Road. Except all that part of the above described land lying Easterly of the West line of the tract of land described in Certificate of Title No. 5187, Files of Registrar of Titles, Carver County, Minnesota, which tract of land is described as follows: All that part of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 8; thence east on the North Line of said Section a distance of 670 feet to the center line of Glencoe Road; thence South 8 degrees 56 minutes West along the center of Glencoe Road for a distance of 713.4 feet to the intersection of the center line of said Glencoe Road with the center line of Red Cedar Point Road; thence South 65 degrees 56 minutes east along the center line of said Red Cedar Point Road a distance of 619 feet to the initial point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 33 degrees 25 minutes west for a distance of 210 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes west 166.90 feet to a point; thence northeasterly on a line having a bearing of North 16 degrees 10 minutes east a distance of 273.77 feet; more or less, to the center line of said Red Cedar Point Road; thence southeasterly on the center line of said Red Cedar Point Road a distance of 224.17 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, all in Carver County, State of Minnesota, excepting therefrom that part taken for said Red Cedar Point Road. Torrens Property Torrens Certificate No. 37556.0 Address: 3861 Red Cedar Point Road, Chanhassen, MN. 55331 PID & Acreage: 250080700, 1.023 acres Variance Request May 22 2018 Red Cedar Point — Chanhassen, MN Page 1 of 3 DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST The proposed request for variance from City Code is for permission to allow for a proposed subdivision that includes 1 single family residential lot with a minimum lot right of way frontage of 79.96 feet. The City's Zoning Ordinance for RSF — Single Family Residential identifies a minimum lot frontage width of 90' for standard lots. Design Alternatives The applicant has explored site design alternatives to investigate if there is an option that would not require a variance to subdivide the existing parcel into 2 lots. A total of 3 alternative were developed, see attached concept plans and following descriptions: Concept A: Site option would expand/dedicate additional right of way along Red Cedar Point Road. The additional right of way would be provided with an arc into the project resulting in 90 lineal feet of right of way frontage each lot. Both lots would meet all criteria for RSF zoning standards. Concept B: Site option would expand/dedicate additional right of way along Red Cedar Point Road and create a partial cul-de-sac. The additional right of way would be provided in an `eyebrow' shape or partial cul-de-sac bulb. The resultant lot configuration would result in 90+ lineal feet of frontage for each lot and the lots would have 90 feet in width at the 30' front setback. Both lots would meet all criteria for RSF zoning standards. Concept C: Site option uses the City zoning code definition of flag lot to define 2 new parcels. As conceptualized the existing home would be situated in a flag lot that is designed with a 100' width at the flag start including a 30' setback to the existing home. The second lot would meet the 90' right of way frontage and 90' lot width at the front setback. Both lots would meet all criteria for RSF zoning standards. Alternate Summary Concepts A, B and C show that there are RSF zoning code compliant alternatives to the submitted plan but they would result in less desirable plat options for the City and Applicant. The additional dedication of public right of way in Concept A and B would result in a reduction the taxable land for the City of Chanhassen and lower development fee receipt. The additional right of way either in arch or bulb shape would create the right of way frontage length and minimum lot width at the front setback that the City identifies in the City Code. The Concept B creation of a partial cul-de- sac "eyebrow" would require additional impervious surface in the Shoreland District that could be avoided with granting the variance. Concept C does provide a RSF code compliant flag lot line configuration but the plan creates unconventional lots that could present coordination issues between the future lot owners. Preferred Option Summary Variance Request May 22, 2018 Red Cedar Point — Chanhassen, MN Page 2 of 3 The proposed variance request plan does contain one lot (new home) that will meet all RSF zoning criteria. The other lot with the existing home would need a variance for reduced lot width but it would still maintain a width of 80 lineal feet right of way frontage and be 80+ feet in width at the 30' front setback. Both lots would meet or exceed the desired 60' wide x 60' deep building pads or buildable area. The proposed variance would result in lots that do not require additional right of way dedication, and provides a new lot line that is parallel to the existing west parcel boundary creating a typical lot line that is clearly defined for future owners. VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION Check to City findings for granting a variance (pursuant to City Subdivision Code Section 18-22): 1. The requested variance is not being requested as a matter of convenience, but necessary because of the dimension of the existing development parcel. 2. The plight of the current landowner is due to the parcel being subdivided to its width prior to current RSF zoning standards and not at any fault of the landowner. The existing parcel width along Red Cedar Point Road right of way creates a hardship to subdivide the parcel by strict RSF zoning standards for the required 90' of right of way frontage. Non -typical design alternatives do exist to technically create an RSF zoning complaint plan, however, they would have other detriments that are less beneficial to the City nor are as marketable for future lot/home owners. There are existing lots near the proposed subdivision that also do not meet RSF zoning standards for lot width and thus the proposed variance request is reasonable. 3. The condition upon the basis of this variance request is unique to this property. The variance is only needed because of the slight shortage of available right of way frontage for this parcel along Red Cedar Point Road. 4. The requested variance results in a subdivision that would be in harmony with RSF zoning standards and is not being requested for the property owner to use the property in a manner not permitted by RSF zoning standards. The proposed subdivision and requested variance is in substantial conformance to RSF zoning with only one minor exception. The two lots would be consistent with the surrounding residential properties, of which, some are smaller than 90' wide themselves, including the property directly abutting the development site to the west. The variance request also creates a plan that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and results in a land use density just under the City's estimate average demand within low density residential land use. CONCLUSION The applicant respectfully concludes that the request for variance and subdivision will allow for a development consistent with adjacent single family residential lots and the City Goals and Objectives for this area. Variance Request May 22, 2018 Red Cedar Point — Chanhassen, MN Page 3 of 3 rt —9 '�Yry b I 1 Design File: Checked By: RedCedwPropeq MPR Alliant Engineering, Inc. RED CEDAR POINT ROAD PROPERTY 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Dwg Name: Drawn By:Minneapolis, MN 55415 ConceptA.OWG Jr, MPR BOUNDARY AND TOPO W/ LOT SPLIT CONCEPT A "R/W ADD." ( ►i 6127583080 MAIN 6 2'758.3099 FAX Date: sce e: CHANHASSEN, MN 1 www,alliant-inc.com 05/15118 1°=aa Design File: Checked By: RedCedwPropeny MPR Alliant Engineering, Inc. Owg Nsme: Drawn RED CEDAR POINT ROAD PROPERTY I` 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 By: 55415 Concept B.DWG JT, MPR BOUNDARY AND TOPO W/ LOT SPLIT CONCEPT B "R/W BULB" Minneapolis, MN MN 612.758.3080 MAIN Dare: scae: CHANHASSEN, 612.756.3099 FAX 05116118 7°=40' www.alliant-inc.com �;�< ani;., t '• v r :l a � :1 1 Design File: Checked By: RedC,-darProperty MPR Alliant Engineering, Inc. RED CEDAR POINT ROAD PROPERTY 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Dwg Nage: Drawn By:Minneapolis, MN 55415 Concept C.DING JT, MPR BOUNDARY AND TOPO W/ LOT SPLIT CONCEPT C "FLAG" , 612.758.3080 MAIN Date: scare: CHANHASSEN, MN 612.759.3099 FAX www.elliant-inc.com 05115118 T'=4a